Update Dates 8100

8100 * *Computer Vision
* *Image Sequence Analysis
* *Pattern Recognition
* 3D Object Representation and Matching with B-Splines and Surface Patches
* Adaptive DPCM Algorithm for Predicting Contours in NTSC Composite Video Signals, An
* Adaptive Transform Image Data Compression Scheme Incorporating Pattern Recognition Procedures, An
* Algorithm for Line Intersection Identification, An
* Algorithm for Recognition and Localization of Roatated and Scaled Objects, An
* Algorithm for Segmenting Juxtaposed Objects, An
* Analyzing Dynamic Scenes Containing Moving Objects
* Application of Parallel Projections to Three-Dimensional Object Location in Industrial Assembly, The
* Automated Tracking of Filmed Radar Echoes
* Automatic Recognition of Printed Farsi Texts
* Comments on Algorithms for Reporting and Counting Geometric Intersections
* Comparing Orthonormal Matrices for Two-Dimensional Image Transform Coding by Means of the Gain Distortion Function
* Computational Models for Texture Analysis and Synthesis
* Computer Implementation of a Theory of Human Stereo Vision, A
* Computer Recognition of Handwritten Hebrew Characters
* Computer Vision and Human Perception: An Essay on the Discovery of Constraints
* Computing the N-Dimensional Delaunay Tessellation with Application to Voronoi Polytopes
* Constraints on Optical Flow Computation
* Contextual Classification in PASM
* Contextual Classification of Multipsectral Image Data
* Cortical Anatomy, Size Invariance, and Spatial Frequency Analysis
* Cubic Convolution Interpolation for Digital Image Processing
* Database Support for Automated Photo-Interpretation
* Depth from Edge and Intensity Based Stereo
* Detecting Object Orientation from Surface Normals
* Detection and Segmentation of Blobs in Infrared Images, The
* Determination of Displacement Vector Fields for General Camera Motions
* Determination of Vanishing Point in Outdoor Scene
* Digital Edge, The
* Directional Selectivity and its Use in Early Visual Processing
* Discretization Errors in the Hough Transform
* Displacement Measurement and Its Application in Interframe Image Coding
* Display Techniques for Octree-Encoded Objects
* Dynamically Quantized Pyramids
* Dynamically Quantized Spaces for Focusing the Hough Transform
* economical Class of Digital Filters for Decimation and Interpolation, An
* Edge Detection Using Sequential Methods for Change in Level - Part I: A Sequential Edge Detection Algorithm
* Edge Detection Using Sequential Methods for Change in Level - Part II: Sequential Detection of Change in Mean
* Efficient Algorithm for Decomposing a Polygon into Star-Shaped Polygons, An
* Experiments in Knowledge-Driven Interpretation of Natural Scenes
* Extraction of Line-Structured Data from Engineering Drawings, The
* FASTRAK Automatic Digitising System, The
* Feature-Based Scene Matcher, A
* Fitting Ellipses and General Second-Order Curves
* Framework for the Investigation of a Spatial Data Base, A
* From Images to Surfaces: A Computational Study of the Human Early Visual System
* General Scheme for Signal Restoration with Application to Picture Processing, A
* General-Purpose Follower for Line-Structured Data, A
* Generalization of Template Matching for Recognition of Real Objects, A
* Generalizing the Hough Transform to Detect Arbitrary Shapes
* Geometric Constraints for Interpreting Images of Common Structural Elements: Orthogonal Trihedral Vertices
* Gradient Magnitude as an Aid in Color Pixel Classification
* Hierarchical Constraint Processes for Shape Analysis
* Hierarchical Description of Textures
* Hierarchical Models and Analysis of Shape
* Image Data compression with the Laplacian Pyramid
* Image Deblurring with Computer Generated double Phase Holograms
* Image Region Extraction of Moving Objects
* Image Segmentation by Pixel Classification
* Image Segmentation Schema for Low-Level Computer Vision
* Image Sequence Analysis, Introduction
* Image Sequence Analysis: What Can We Learn from Applications?
* Image Sequence Coding
* Image Sequence Enhancement
* Inference Technique for Integrating Knowledge for Disparate Sources, An
* Information Content of Texture Gradients, The
* Inquiry Driven Vision System Based on Visual and Conceptual Hierarchies, An
* Intensity Discontinuity Location to Subpixel Precision
* Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision, An
* Languages and Architectures for Image Processing
* Level Building Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm for Connected Word Recognition, A
* Lower Bound to Finding Convex Hulls, A
* Machine Identification of Human Faces
* Mechanisms of Human Facial Recognition
* Method for Detecting Structure in Polygons, A
* Model-Based Computer Vision
* Mosaic Models for Images - I: Geometric Properties of Components in Cell-Structure Mosaics
* Mosaic Models for Images - II: Geometric Properties of Components in Coverage Mosaics
* Mosaic Models for Images - III: Spatial Correlation in Mosaics
* Motion and Image Differencing
* Motion Detection Using Hough Techniques
* Multi-Resolution Pixel Linking for Image Smoothing and Segmentation
* Multilevel Approach to Pattern Processing, A
* Multiple Level Representations for Texture Description
* Multispectral Image Smoothing by Local Use of Global Information
* Multistage Fuzzy Classifier for Recognition of Handprinted Characters, A
* New Approach to the Problem of Acquiring Randomly Oriented Workpieces out of a Bin, A
* Note on Collinearity Merit, A
* Note on Invariant moments in Image Processing, A
* Note on Lee and Schachter's Algorithms for Delaunay Triangulation, A
* Note on Linear Expected Time Algorithms for Finding Convex Hulls, A
* Numerical Stereo Camera, The
* O(N) Algorithm to Find a Near-Optimum Partition of a Convex Polygon, An
* Obtaining Surface Orientation from Texels Under Perspective Projection
* Occluding Contours in Dynamic Scenes
* Occlusion Analysis in Time-Varying Imagery
* On 3-D Reconstruction from Two Perspective Views
* On an Extended Fischer Criterion for Feature Selection
* On Classifying Time-Varying Events
* On the Accuracy of Pixel Relaxation
* On the Correlation Structure of Random Field Models of Images and Textures
* On the Derivation of 3-D Rigid Point Configurations from Image Sequences
* On-Line Algorithm for Fitting Straight Lines Between Data Ranges, An
* Online Chinese Character Recognition System, An
* Optic Flow Field Structure and Processing Image Motion
* Optimal Distance Measure for Nearest Neighbor Classification, The
* Parameter Networks: Towards a Theory of Low-Level Vision
* PASM: A Partitionable SIMD/MIMD System for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
* Pattern Recognition as a Quest for Minimum Entropy
* Pattern Recognition with Fuzzy Objective Function Algorithms
* Perceptual Problems in Analyzing Industrial Radiographs
* Postal Automation: It Can Be Done
* Printed Circuit Board inspection
* Procedure for Camera Calibration with Image Sequences, A
* Processing of Medical Image Sequences
* Radon Transform on a Family of Curves in the Plane, The
* Real-Time Digitizer for Stereo Image Processing, A
* Real-Time Natural Scene Analysis for a Blind Prosthesis
* Reasoning About Images: Using Meta-Knowledge in Aerial Image Understanding
* Recognition in Noisy Environments: System Structure and Strategies
* Recognition of 3-D Objects Using the Extended Gaussian Image
* Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Motions from Image Sequences
* Relative Effectiveness of Selected Texture Primitive Statistics for Texture Discrimination
* Relaxation Labeling Using Staged Updating
* Relaxation Matching Applied to Aerial Images
* Robot Rover Visual Navigation
* Robust Statistics
* Rover Visual Obstacle Avoidance
* Segmentation of Chromatic Images
* Shape Analysis of Segmented Objects Using Moments
* Shape from Shading and Bounding Contour
* Size Invariance: Reply to Schwartz
* Spatial Statistics
* String Matching in Real Time
* Subgraph Isomorphism Algorithm Using Resolution, A
* Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Digital Images
* survey on Image Segmentation, A
* Synthetic Generation and Estimation in Random Field Models of Images
* Textons, The Elements of Texture Perception, and Their Interactions
* Texture Discrimination Using Region Based Primitives
* Texture Simulation Using a Best-Fit Model
* Theory of Preattentive Texture Discrimination Based on First-Order Statistics of Textons, A
* Thinning Algorithm Based on Prominence Detection, A
* Thinning Algorithms: A Critique and a New Methodology
* Thinning Transform for Digital Images, A
* Three-Dimensional Digital Topology
* Three-Dimensional Segmentation Using the Gaussian Image and Spatial Information
* Towards a Real Time Implementation of the Marr and Poggio Stereo Matcher
* Triangulation of 3-D Objects
* TV Image Processing to Determine the Position of a Robot Vehicle
* Two-Stage Method of Fitting Conic Arcs and Straight Line Segments to Digitized Contours, A
* Visual Perception, Theory and Practice
155 for 8100

Index for "8"

Last update:28-Sep-24 19:15:41
Use price@usc.edu for comments.