Update Dates 9601

9601 * *Image and Video Processing IV
* *Nonlinear Image Processing VII
* *Still-Image Compression II
* 3D Free-Form Surface Registration and Object Recognition
* Accuracy Analysis For Facial Feature Detection
* Active Camera Calibration for a Head-Eye Platform Using the Variable State-Dimension Filter
* Active Testing Model for Tracking Roads in Satellite Images, An
* Adaptive Neural-Network: Application to Character-Recognition on X-Ray-Films, An
* Affine Reconstruction from Perspective Image Pairs with a Relative Object-Camera Translation in Between
* Analyzing Nonconvex 2D and 3D Patterns
* Approach to Detect Lofar Lines, An
* approach to fast transform coding in software, An
* Arbitrarily Tight Upper and Lower Bounds on the Bayesian Probability of Error
* Automatic Relative Orientation of Aerial Images
* Biological and Cognitive Foundations of Intelligent Sensor Fusion
* Blind Restoration of Degraded Binary Markov Random-Field Images
* Brick-wall structured segmentation for interpolative vector quantization of images
* Cellular-Automata for Elementary Image-Enhancement
* Character Segmentation in Handwritten Words: An Overview
* Classification of Relational Patterns as a Decomposition Problem
* Comments on: Efficiently Computing and Representing Aspect Graphs of Polyhedral Objects
* Comparative Study of Texture Measures with Classification Based on Feature Distributions, A
* Compression of Personal Identification Pictures Using Vector Quantization with Facial Feature Correction
* Computational Approach to Zero-Crossing-Based Two-Dimensional Edge-Detection
* Context Driven Text Segmentation and Recognition
* Contour Tracking by Enhancing Corners and Junctions
* Cooperative Fusion of Stereo and Motion
* Data- and Model-Driven Multiresolution Processing
* Delineating Buildings by Grouping Lines with MRFs
* Design of 2-Dimensional Gradient Estimators Based on One-Dimensional Operators, The
* Detection and Location of Multicharacter Sequences in Lines of Imaged Text
* Determining Pose of 3D Objects with Curved Surfaces
* Dynamic Updating of Planar Structure and Motion: The Case of Constant Motion
* Dynamic-Programming-Based Handwritten Word Recognition Using the Choquet Fuzzy Integral as the Match Function
* Efficient Morphological Shape Representation
* Extraction of Rules from Natural Objects for Automated Mechanical Processing
* Extraction of Text Words in Document Images Based on a Statistical Characterization
* Eye tracking apparatus and method employing grayscale threshold values
* Face Recognition Using A Hybrid Supervised Unsupervised Neural-Network
* Fast Coding of Arbitrarily-Shaped Image Segments Using Weakly Separable Bases
* Fast Linear Transformation For Tiled Images
* Feature-Based Classification of Aerospace Radar Targets Using Neural Networks
* Finding Lines under Bounded Error
* Font and Function Word Identification in Document Recognition
* Functional Analytic Method to Derive Displacement Vector-Fields from Satellite Image Sequences, A
* Fundamental Matrix: Theory, Algorithms, and Stability Analysis, The
* Global Feature-Extraction Operations For Near-Sensor Image-Processing
* Gridless Half-Toning: A Reincarnation of the Old Method
* Handwritten Signature Retrieval and Identification
* Hierarchical Markov Random-Field Model and Multitemperature Annealing for Parallel Image Classification, A
* Hierarchical Motion Estimation with Smoothness Constraints and Postprocessing
* Image Compression by Texture Modeling in the Wavelet Domain
* Image Compression Using Wavelet Transform and Multiresolution Decomposition
* Image Interpretation Using Bayesian Networks
* Image Segmentation To Inspect 3-D Object Sizes
* Information Combination Operators for Data Fusion: A Comparative Review with Classification
* Initial Approximations for the 3-Dimensional Conformal Coordinate Transformation
* Integration Scheme for Image Segmentation and Labeling Based on Markov Random-Field Model, An
* Interactive Visualization for Rapid Noninvasive Cardiac Assessment
* Invariant Pattern-Recognition: A Review
* Joint 3-Dimensional Motion/Disparity Segmentation for Object-Based Stereo Image Sequence Coding
* Knowledge-Based Interpretation of Utility Maps
* Learning and Example Selection for Object and Pattern Detection
* low complexity H.261-compatible software video decoder, A
* Mapping Parameter-Estimation Using Integral Projections and Segmented Moving-Objects in Object-Oriented Analysis-Synthesis Coding
* Markov Random-Field Model for Classification of Multisource Satellite Imagery, A
* Markov Source Model for Printed Music Decoding
* MDL-Based Segmentation and Motion Modeling in a Long Image Sequence of Scene with Multiple Independently Moving-Objects
* Method and apparatus for encoding video signals in 3-D blocks without detecting image motion
* Method and apparatus for spatially variant filtering
* Minimum Cross-Entropy Threshold Selection
* Motion compensated video signal processing by interpolation of correlation surfaces and apparatus for doing the same
* Motion from Three Weak Perspective Images Using Image Rotation
* Motion Of Points And Lines In The Uncalibrated Case
* Multichannel Techniques in Color Image-Enhancement and Modeling
* Multiresolution Motion Estimation Techniques for Video Compression
* Multiresolution Surface Modeling Based on Hierarchical Triangulation
* Multisensor Tracking System with an Image-Based Maneuver Detector, A
* net work of chaotic elements for information processing, A
* New Definition of Neighborhood of a Point in Multidimensional Space, A
* Novel Parallel Approach to Character-Recognition and Its VLSI Implementation, A
* On the Registration of an Object Translating on a Static Background
* Online Recognition Of Cursive Korean Characters Using A Set Of Extended Primitive Strokes And Fuzzy Functions
* Optical Navigator for Brain Surgery, An
* Parallel Euclidean Distance Transformation Algorithm, A
* Parameterized Feasible Boundaries in Gradient Vector-Fields
* performance comparison of three software video codecs for IBM RISC System/6000 workstations, A
* Periodic Quasi-Orthogonal Spline Bases and Applications to Least-Squares Curve-Fitting of Digital Images
* Precision Rectification of SPOT Imagery Using the Direct Linear Transformation Model
* Probabilistic Approach To Geometric Hashing Using Line Features, A
* Progressive Vector Quantization on a Massively-Parallel SIMD Machine with Application to Multispectral Image Data
* Projection-Based Rank Reduction Algorithms for Multichannel Modeling and Image Compression
* Properties and Performance of Extended Target Motion Analysis
* Pyramids That Bound Surface Patches
* Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Using Orientation, Distance, and Path Knowledge
* Realization of Membership Queries in Character-Recognition
* Recursive Approach to Space Resection Using Straight-Lines, A
* Regions Growing with the Stochastic Pyramid: Application in Landscape Ecology
* Relative Accuracy of Rectifications Using Coordinates Determined from Maps and the Global Positioning System
* Representing 3-D Objects in Range Images Using Geons
* Resolution enhancement for video display using multi-line interpolation
* Restoration of Images Scanned in the Presence of Vibrations
* Robust and Efficient Detection of Salient Convex Groups
* Robust Estimation of Multiple Motions: Parametric and Piecewise-Smooth Flow-Fields, The
* Robustizing Robust M-Estimation Using Deterministic Annealing
* Run-Based Algorithms for Binary Image-Analysis and Processing
* Scale-Invariant Image Recognition Based on Higher-Order Autocorrelation Features
* Scale-Space Properties of the Multiscale Morphological Dilation Erosion
* Sequence Comparison Techniques for Multisensor Data Fusion and Target Recognition
* Simulated Annealing Clustering of Chinese Words for Contextual Text Recognition
* Single Linkage Region Growing Algorithms Based on the Vector Degree of Match
* Stabilizing estimate of location of target region inferred from tracked multiple landmark regions of a video image
* Structure-from-Motion: Determining the Range and Orientation of Surfaces by Image Interpolation
* Subband Finite-State Scalar Quantization
* Super efficient decoding of color JPEG images on RISC machines
* Target Recognition in a Cluttered Scene Using Mathematical Morphology
* Top Ten lessons Learned in Automated Cartography
* Tracking Maneuvering Targets with Multiple Sensors: Does More Data Always Mean Better Estimates?
* Tractable Constraints on Ordered Domains
* Transfer-Function Estimation, Film Fusion and Image Restoration
* Using Range Profiles for Data Association in Multiple-Target Tracking
* Using Spatial Information as an Aid to Maximum-Entropy Image Threshold Selection
* Video Coding: The Second Generation Approach
* Video database indexing and method of presenting video database index to a user
* Vision Based Tactical Driving
* Vision-Based 3-D Mouse, A
* VOIR, A Volumetric Image-Reconstruction Algorithm-Based on Fourier Techniques for Inversion of the 3-D Radon-Transform
* Wavelet Descriptor of Planar Curves: Theory and Applications
128 for 9601

Index for "9"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:30:26
Use price@usc.edu for comments.