* 3-D analysis of projective textures using structural approaches
* 3D object identification with color and curvature signatures
* Active Character: Dynamic Reaction to the User
* Analysis of Trunk and Upper Limb Synergies
* Application of the Enhanced Hoshen-Kopelman Algorithm for Processing Unbounded Images, The
* Automated speech alignment for image synthesis
* Automatic location and tracking of the facial region in color video sequences
* Axiomatic Approach to Feature Subset Selection Based on Relevance
* Binocular Stereo from Grey-Scale Images
* Blind Image Restoration by Anisotropic Regularization
* Caching Strategies for Spatial Joins
* Camera Motion Estimation Using Monocular Image Sequences and Inertial Data
* Camera tracking system
* Character recognition using statistical moments
* Coding of Dynamic Texture for Mapping on 3-D Scenes
* Coherence-Enhancing Diffusion of Colour Images
* Color-based object recognition
* Communicative Rhythm in Gesture and Speech
* Comparison of Gaussian and Pearson Mixture Modeling for Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Applications, A
* Complete System for the Specification and the Generation of Sign Language Gestures, A
* Compression of MPEG-4 Facial Animation Parameters for Transmission of Talking Heads
* Compression of Synthetic Aperture Radar Video Phase History Data Using Trellis-Coded Quantization Techniques
* Computation of instantaneous optical flow using the phase of Fourier components
* Computer Animation of Remote Sensing-Based Time Series Data Sets
* Computer Modeling, Analysis, and Synthesis of Dressed Humans
* Computing the Medial Axis Transform in Parallel with Eight Scan Operations
* Computing the visual hull of solids of revolution
* Constrained Hough Transforms for Curve Detection
* Construction of partitioning paths for touching handwritten characters
* Control of In-vehicle Systems by Gestures
* Convexity Rule for Shape Decomposition Based on Discrete Contour Evolution
* Correction of geometric distortion in spotlight synthetic aperture radar imagery
* Data-Driven Multichannel Superresolution with Application to Video Sequences
* Decomposition of Chinese character into strokes using mathematical morphology
* Demonstration of Improved Automatic Target-Recognition Performance by Moment Analysis of Correlation Peaks
* Designing Optimal Sequential Experiments for a Bayesian Classifier
* Detection of motion fields under spatio-temporal non-uniform illumination
* Detection of Moving Cast Shadows for Object Segmentation
* detection of ship trail clouds by artificial neural network, The
* Detection of the open/closed state of eyes based on analysis of relation between eye and eyebrow images in input face images
* Developing GIS Applications with Objects: A Design Patterns Approach
* Digital geometric methods in document image analysis
* Digitizations preserving shape
* Ecological Approach to Multimodal System Design, The
* Embedded SNR scalable MPEG-2 video encoder and its associated error resilience decoding procedures
* Emotional Avatar: Non-verbal Communication Between Inhabitants of Collaborative Virtual Environments, The
* Estimation of fractal dimension of images using a fixed mass approach
* Euclidean Ordering via Chamfer Distance Calculations
* Expressive Power of Gestures: Capturing Scent in a Spatial Shape, The
* Facial Animation Engine: Toward a High-Level Interface for the Design of MPEG-4 Compliant Animated Faces, The
* Faithful cross-media color matching using neural networks
* Fast Algorithms for the Estimation of Motion Vectors
* Fractal image approximation and orthogonal bases
* French Sign Language: Proposition of a Structural Explanation by Iconicity
* Geometric Interpretation of Weak-Perspective Motion, A
* Gesture Recognition for Visually Mediated Interaction
* Gradient space analysis of surface defects using a photometric stereo derived bump map
* GREFIT: Visual Recognition of Hand Postures
* Hand Posture Recognition in a Body-Face Centered Space
* Handwritten Character Recognition System Using Directional Element Feature and Asymmetric Mahalanobis Distance
* Hierarchical 2-D Mesh Representation, Tracking, and Compression for Object-Based Video
* HMM-Based Continuous Sign Language Recognition Using Stochastic Grammars
* Human Motion Analysis: A Review
* Hybrid Estimation of Navigation Parameters from Aerial Image Sequence
* Identifying the neuroretinal rim boundary using dynamic contours
* Image coding from wavelet transform maxima and projection onto convex sets
* Image fusion with additive multiresolution wavelet decomposition. Applications to SPOT and Landsat images
* Image retrieval by shape and texture
* improvement of the NEC criterion for assessing the number of clusters in a mixture model, An
* Incomplete 3-D Multiview Representation of Video Objects
* Integration of Structural and Statistical Information for Unconstrained Handwritten Numeral Recognition
* Interactively Matching Hand-Drawings Using Induction
* Interpretation of Pointing Gesture: The PoG System
* Intrinsic Multiscale Representation Using Optical Flow in the Scale-Space
* Introducing Focus in the Generalized Symmetry Operator
* Least-Squares-Filter Vector Hybrid Approach to Hyperspectral Subpixel Demixing
* Line-Scan Computer Vision Algorithm for Identifying Human Body Features, A
* Linear-time algorithms for testing the realisability of line drawings of curved objects
* Lossless compression of pre-press images using a novel colour decorrelation technique
* Low-Complexity Region-Based Video Coder Using Backward Morphological Motion Field Segmentation
* Method and apparatus for adaptively coding a contour of an object
* Method and apparatus for adaptively switching on and off advanced prediction mode in an H.263 video coder
* Method and apparatus for detecting running text in an image
* Method and apparatus for moving object detection
* Method and apparatus for synthetic speech in facial animation
* Method for Analyzing Spatial Relationships Between Words in Sign Language Recognition, A
* Method of Target Detection in Images by Moment Analysis of Correlation Peaks
* Model-Based Recognition of 3D Curves from One View
* Modeling Arbitrary Objects Based on Geometric Surface Conformity
* Mosaicing a Large Number of Widely Dispersed, Noisy, and Distorted Images: A Bayesian Approach
* Motion Analysis by Random Sampling and Voting Process
* MPEG-4 Facial Animation Technology: Survey, Implementation, and Results
* Multibaseline InSAR DEM Reconstruction: The Wavelet Approach
* Multimodal Interface Framework for Using Hand Gestures and Speech in Virtual Environment Applications, A
* Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Analysis with Convex Cones
* new nearest-neighbor rule in the pattern classification problem, A
* Noise-resilient estimation of optical flow by use of overlapped basis functions
* Non-obvious Performer Gestures in Instrumental Music
* Object Matching Algorithms Using Robust Hausdorff Distance Measures
* On Degeneracy of Linear Reconstruction From Three Views: Linear Line Complex and Applications
* On Surface Approximation Using Developable Surfaces
* On the Estimation of a Convex Set with Corners
* On the Estimation of Markov Random Field Parameters
* One-dimensional frequency domain interpretation of compass roof edge and Frei-Chen line masks
* Operational Rate-Distortion Performance for Joint Source and Channel Coding of Images
* Optimal Computing the Chessboard Distance Transform on Parallel Processing Systems
* Optimal Memory Organization for Scalable Texture Codecs in MPEG-4
* overview of offset curves and surfaces, An
* Parallel Image Processing Applied to Radar Shape-from-Shading
* Parameter-Free Elastic Deformation Approach for 2D and 3D Registration Using Prescribed Displacements
* Parametric Model of the Perspective Projection of a Road with Applications to Lane Keeping and 3D Road Reconstruction
* Partially Supervised Classification Using Weighted Unsupervised Clustering
* Pel recursive motion estimation and compensation in subbands
* Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Vanishing Point Detection Techniques
* Person Localization and Posture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction
* Phase-shifted interferometry without phase unwrapping: Reconstruction of a decentered wave front
* Photogrammetric Texture Mapping onto Planar Polygons
* Probabilistic structure from camera location using straight segments
* Procedure and device for detecting the movement of a target and their applications
* Properties of Ridges and Cores for Two-Dimensional Images
* Reactiva'Motion Project: Motion Synthesis Based on a Reactive Representation
* Real-Time Estimation of Long-Term 3-D Motion Parameters for SNHC Face Animation and Model-Based Coding Applications
* Recognition of objects with skew distortion based on synergetics
* Reconstruction from Calibrated Cameras: A New Proof of the Kruppa-Demazure Theorem
* Reliable Transmission of High-Quality Video over ATM Networks
* Retinally Reconstructed Images: Digital Images Having a Resolution Match with the Human Eye
* Scalable and robust image compression using quadtrees
* Scalable Wavelet Coding for Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Images
* Search Technique for Rule Extraction from Trained Neural Networks, A
* Seeing Biological Motion: Is There a Role for Cognitive Strategies?
* Segmentation of monochrome and color textures using moving average modeling approach
* Segmentation of Satellite Imagery of Natural Scenes Using Data Mining
* Segmentation of Textured Images Using a Multiresolution Gaussian Autoregressive Model
* Selectionist relaxation: genetic algorithms applied to image segmentation
* Shape indexing by multi-scale representation
* Sign Specification and Synthesis
* Solution of the Simultaneous Pose and Correspondence Problem Using Gaussian Error Model
* Sparse Pixel Vectorization: An Algorithm and Its Performance Evaluation
* Special Issue on Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Video Coding
* statistical active contour model for SAR image segmentation, A
* Statistical Gesture Recognition Through Modelling of Parameter Trajectories
* Stimulating Research into Gestural Human Machine Interaction
* Super-resolution of images based on local correlations
* Superresolution Restoration of an Image Sequence: Adaptive Filtering Approach
* Surface roughness classification for castings
* Survey of Spatio-Temporal Databases
* Temporal Symbolic Integration Applied to a Multimodal System Using Gestures and Speech
* Testing Camera Calibration with Constraints
* Texture Analysis of SAR Sea Ice Imagery Using Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrices
* Texture analysis using feature-based pairwise interaction maps
* Texture Anisotropy in 3-D Images
* Texture frame curves and regions of attention using adaptive non-cartesian networks
* Texture segmentation through eigen-analysis of the Pseudo-Wigner distribution
* Time Delay Neural Network Algorithm for Estimating Image-Pattern Shape and Motion, A
* Topological Surgery Encoding Improvements Based on Adaptive Bit Allocation and DFSVQ
* Topologically Reliable Approximation of Trimmed Polynomial Surface Patches
* Toward Scalability in ASL Recognition: Breaking Down Signs into Phonemes
* Towards Imitation Learning of Grasping Movements by an Autonomous Robot
* Tracking colour objects using adaptive mixture models
* True Multi-Image Alignment and Its Application to Mosaicing and Lens Distortion Correction
* Two-dimensional entropic segmentation
* Two-Dimensional Matched Filtering for Motion Estimation
* Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Using a Block Least-Squares Method
* Unsupervised Multispectral Image Classification Using MRF Models and VQ Method
* Unsupervised texture segmentation using feature distributions
* Use of synthetic bands derived from mixing models in the multispectral classification of remote sensing images
* Variable-Length Constrained-Storage Tree-Structured Vector Quantization
* Velocity Snake: Deformable Contour for Tracking in Spatio-Velocity Space, The
* Verification of the Nonparametric Characteristics of Backpropagation Neural Networks for Image Classification
* Verifying edges for visual inspection purposes
* Vision-Based Gesture Recognition: A Review
* Wavelet correlation signatures for color texture characterization
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