Index for bale

Baleanu, D. * 2014: NIMRAD: novel technique for respiratory data treatment
* 2015: Analysis of UV spectral bands using multidimensional scaling
* 2015: Application of continuous wavelet transform to the analysis of the modulus of the fractional Fourier transform bands for resolving two component mixture
Includes: Baleanu, D. Baleanu, D.[Dumitru]

Baledent, O.[Olivier] * 2011: Kinetics Of 18f-Fluorodeoxyglucose Uptake In The Choroid Plexus, The
* 2011: Quantitative analysis of cerebrospinal fluid flow in complex regions by using phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging
Includes: Baledent, O.[Olivier] Balédent, O.[Olivier]

Baleghi, Y. * 2017: Skin lesion images classification using new color pigmented boundary descriptors
* 2021: analytical proof on suitability of Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence as the aggregation criterion in Region Growing Algorithm, An
Includes: Baleghi, Y. Baleghi, Y.[Yasser]

Baleine, E.[Erwan] * 2004: Interferometric imaging polarimeter

Balen, J.[Josip] * 2022: Machine Learning in the Analysis of Multispectral Reads in Maize Canopies Responding to Increased Temperatures and Water Deficit

Balendhran, S.[Sivacarendran] * 2023: Line Scan Hyperspectral Imaging Framework for Open Source Low-Cost Platforms

Balenovic, I.[Ivan] * 2017: Comparison of Stand-Level Volume Estimates from Image-Based Canopy Height Models of Different Spatial Resolutions, A
* 2020: Impact of UAS Image Orientation on Accuracy of Forest Inventory Attributes
* 2020: Is field-measured tree height as reliable as believed: Part II, A comparison study of tree height estimates from conventional field measurement and low-cost close-range remote sensing in a deciduous forest
* 2020: Tree Species Classification in Mixed Deciduous Forests Using Very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning Methods
* 2021: Assessment of Close-Range Remote Sensing Methods for DTM Estimation in a Lowland Deciduous Forest
* 2021: Evaluation of Pixel- and Object-Based Tree Species Classification in Mixed Deciduous Forests Using Pansharpened Very High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery, An
* 2021: Operationalization of Remote Sensing Solutions for Sustainable Forest Management
* 2022: What Is the Most Suitable Height Range of ALS Point Cloud and LiDAR Metric for Understorey Analysis? A Study Case in a Mixed Deciduous Forest, Pokupsko Basin, Croatia
8 for Balenovic, I.

Balent, G.[Gerard] * 2015: Detecting Clear-Cuts and Decreases in Forest Vitality Using MODIS NDVI Time Series
Includes: Balent, G.[Gerard] Balent, G.[Gérard]

Balenzano, A.[Anna] * 2011: Land cover classification by using multi-temporal COSMO-SkyMed data
* 2017: Time-Series Approach to Estimating Soil Moisture From Vegetated Surfaces Using L-Band Radar Backscatter, A
* 2019: Time-Series Retrieval of Soil Moisture Using CYGNSS
* 2021: Sentinel-1 Sensitivity to Soil Moisture at High Incidence Angle and the Impact on Retrieval Over Seasonal Crops
Includes: Balenzano, A.[Anna] Balenzano, A.

Bales, K.[Kevin] * 2018: Slavery from Space: Demonstrating the role for satellite remote sensing to inform evidence-based action related to UN SDG number 8

Bales, M.R.[M. Ryan] * 2008: Tracking multiple pedestrians in real-time using kinematics
* 2010: Chromatic Sensitivity of Illumination Change Compensation Techniques
* 2011: BigBackground-Based Illumination Compensation for Surveillance Video
* 2011: Illumination change compensation techniques to improve kinematic tracking

Bales, R.C.[Roger C.] * 2018: Canopy Effects on Snow Accumulation: Observations from Lidar, Canonical-View Photos, and Continuous Ground Measurements from Sensor Networks

Balestra, M.[Mattia] * 2023: Geomatic Data Fusion for 3D Tree Modeling: The Case Study of Monumental Chestnut Trees

Balestrat, M. * 2012: Object-Based Image Analysis Method for Monitoring Land Conversion by Artificial Sprawl Use of RapidEye and IRS Data, An

Balestri, M. * 1990: general architecture of video codec for real time communication at 64 kbit/s, A
* 2013: Selection of local features for visual search
Includes: Balestri, M. Balestri, M.[Massimo]

Balestriero, R.[Randall] * 2020: Universal Frame Thresholding
* 2021: Mad Max: Affine Spline Insights Into Deep Learning
* 2022: Polarity Sampling: Quality and Diversity Control of Pre-Trained Generative Networks via Singular Values
* 2023: SplineCam: Exact Visualization and Characterization of Deep Network Geometry and Decision Boundaries

Balev, B. * 1992: Image Understanding System Aiming At Analysis Of Biological Membrane Behavior, An
* 1995: Knowledge acquisition for image analysis using hypermedia interface
Includes: Balev, B. Balev, B.[Boiko]

Balewski, J.[Jan] * 2021: Atmospheric Blocking Pattern Recognition in Global Climate Model Simulation Data

Balezo, G.[Guillaume] * 2022: Automatic Grading of Cervical Biopsies by Combining Full and Self-supervision

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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