Index for gaud

Gaud, N.[Nicolas] * 2023: Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for V2X Managed Intersections of Connected Vehicles

Gaudart, J.[Jean] * 2020: Mapping Review on Urban Landscape Factors of Dengue Retrieved from Earth Observation Data, GIS Techniques, and Survey Questionnaires, A

Gaudeau, C. * 1983: Image Sequence Processing and Pattern Recognition of Bio-Medical Pictures

Gaudeau, Y. * 2005: New Fast Bit Allocation Procedure for Image Coding Based on Wavelet Transform and Dead Zone Lattice Vector Quantization, A
* 2008: Entropy-Coded Lattice Vector Quantization Dedicated to the Block Mixture Densities
* 2014: Compressed image quality assessment: Application to an interactive upper limb radiology atlas
* 2014: Subjective and objective quality assessment for H264 compressed medical video sequences
* 2017: Quality assessment of MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 and HEVC compressed video in a telemedicine context
* 2020: original MRI-based method to quantify the Diffuse Low-Grade Glioma brain infiltration, An
Includes: Gaudeau, Y. Gaudeau, Y.[Yann]

Gaudel Vacaresse, A.[Angelique] * 2017: Copernicus Sentinel-2A Calibration and Products Validation Status
Includes: Gaudel Vacaresse, A.[Angelique] Gaudel-Vacaresse, A.[Angélique]

Gaudel, A. * 2017: Sentinel-2 Global Reference Image Validation And Application To Multitemporal Performances And High Latitude Digital Surface Model

Gaudencio, A.S.[Andreia S.] * 2022: Texture analysis using two-dimensional permutation entropy and amplitude-aware permutation entropy
Includes: Gaudencio, A.S.[Andreia S.] Gaudêncio, A.S.[Andreia S.]

Gauderman, W.J.[W. James] * 2020: Satellite-Derived PM2.5 Composition and Its Differential Effect on Children's Lung Function

Gaudet Blavignac, C.[Christophe] * 2015: New parametric 3D snake for medical segmentation of structures with cylindrical topology
Includes: Gaudet Blavignac, C.[Christophe] Gaudet-Blavignac, C.[Christophe]

Gaudet, C.J.[Chase J.] * 2021: Removing Dimensional Restrictions on Complex/Hyper-Complex Neural Networks

Gaudet, V. * 2020: Perceptual Colour Difference Uniformity in High Dynamic Range and Wide Colour Gamut
* 2020: Variation of Perceived Colour Difference Under Different Surround Luminance
Includes: Gaudet, V. Gaudet, V.[Vincent]

Gaudiano, P. * 1995: Real-Time, Unsupervised Neural-Network for the Low-Level Control of a Mobile Robot in a Nonstationary Environment, A
* 1997: Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University
* 1997: Principal Investigator Report: Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University
* 1998: Automated Vision and Sensing Systems at Boston University (1998)
Includes: Gaudiano, P. Gaudiano, P.[Paolo]

Gaudilliere, V. * 2018: Region-Based Epipolar and Planar Geometry Estimation in Low-Textured Environments
* 2021: LSPnet: A 2D Localization-oriented Spacecraft Pose Estimation Neural Network
* 2022: CubeSat-CDT: A Cross-Domain Dataset for 6-DoF Trajectory Estimation of a Symmetric Spacecraft
* 2022: Leveraging Equivariant Features for Absolute Pose Regression
* 2023: Perspective-1-Ellipsoid: Formulation, Analysis and Solutions of the Camera Pose Estimation Problem from One Ellipse-Ellipsoid Correspondence
* 2024: Self-Supervised Learning for Place Representation Generalization across Appearance Changes
Includes: Gaudilliere, V. Gaudillière, V. Gaudilliere, V.[Vincent] Gaudillière, V.[Vincent]

Gaudin, J.M.[Jean Marc] * 2014: Improving the module recognition rate of high density QR codes (Version 40) by using centrality bias
* 2014: KaRIn on SWOT: Characteristics of Near-Nadir Ka-Band Interferometric SAR Imagery
* 2015: Rich QR Code for Multimedia Management Applications
* 2016: Centrality bias measure for high density QR code module recognition
Includes: Gaudin, J.M.[Jean Marc] Gaudin, J.M.[Jean-Marc] Gaudin, J.M.

Gaudin, T.[Thibaut] * 2023: Emotion Expression in Human Body Posture and Movement: A Survey on Intelligible Motion Factors, Quantification and Validation

Gaudino, F.[Francesco] * 2008: New Approach Toward a Modular Multimodal Interface for PDAs and Smartphones, A

Gaudio, A.[Alex] * 2019: Improving Lesion Segmentation for Diabetic Retinopathy Using Adversarial Learning
* 2019: Learned Pre-processing for Automatic Diabetic Retinopathy Detection on Eye Fundus Images
* 2020: Enhancement of Retinal Fundus Images via Pixel Color Amplification
* 2023: ZEBRA: Explaining rare cases through outlying interpretable concepts

Gaudio, F. * 2011: Integrated Strategies For The Modeling Very Large And Complex Architectures

Gaudio, M.R.S.[Mateus Ruy Soares] * 2023: Virtual Reality Solutions Employing Artificial Intelligence Methods: A Systematic Literature Review

Gaudiot, J. * 2020: Autonomous vehicles lite self-driving technologies should start small, go slow

Gaudiot, J.L. * 1992: Efficient implementation of neural networks on the DREAM machine
* 2008: Automatic object and image alignment using Fourier Descriptors
* 2017: Computer Architectures for Autonomous Driving
* 2017: Unified Cloud Platform for Autonomous Driving, A
* 2020: Autonomous Last-Mile Delivery Vehicles in Complex Traffic Environments
* 2021: ?-RT: A Runtime Framework to Enable Energy-Efficient Real-Time Robotic Vision Applications on Heterogeneous Architectures
* 2022: Autonomous Vehicles Digital Twin: A Practical Paradigm for Autonomous Driving System Development
* 2022: Rise of the Autonomous Machines
* 2023: Novel Spatial-Temporal Multi-Scale Alignment Graph Neural Network Security Model for Vehicles Prediction, A
Includes: Gaudiot, J.L. Gaudiot, J.L.[Jean-Luc]
9 for Gaudiot, J.L.

Gaudissart, V. * 2021: AI4GEO: A Data Intelligence Platform for 3d Geospatial Mapping

Gaudnek, M.A. * 2005: Geometric Reconstruction of the RAT Vascular System Imaged by MRA

Gaudou, B.[Benoit] * 2019: Building, composing and experimenting complex spatial models with the GAMA platform

Gaudreau, J.[Jonathan] * 2018: Towards Modelling Future Trends of Quebec's Boreal Birds' Species Distribution under Climate Change

Gaudrie, D. * 2017: Spatially Regularized Fusion of Multiresolution Digital Surface Models

Gaudron, I. * 1992: 2D objects recognition by graph matching

Gaudy, C. * 2015: Automatic classification of skin lesions using geometrical measurements of adaptive neighborhoods and local binary patterns

Index for "g"

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