Index for kian

Kian, A.R. * 2012: Distributed maximum likelihood estimation for flow and speed density prediction in distributed traffic detectors with gaussian mixture model assumption
* 2014: Real time adaptive non-linear estimator/predictor design for traffic systems with inadequate detectors

Kiana, E. * 2019: Comparison of Decomposition Methods Over Agricultural Fields Using The Uavsar Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

Kianfar, J. * 2010: Optimizing Freeway Traffic Sensor Locations by Clustering Global-Positioning-System-Derived Speed Patterns

Kianfar, N. * 2019: Applicability of Dual Polarized Sentinel-1 SAR Data for Detection Of Flooded Areas in Pol-e Dokhtar, Lorestan, Iran, The

Kianfar, R. * 2012: Design and Experimental Validation of a Cooperative Driving System in the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge

Kiang, J. * 2019: Brightness Temperatures From Very Lossy Medium With Near-Field Bistatic Transmission Coefficients
* 2019: Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Storage Change Characteristics (2003-2016) over Major Surface Basins and Principal Aquifers in the Conterminous United States
Includes: Kiang, J. Kiang, J.[Julie]

Kiang, J.F. * 2009: Reconstruction of Ionospheric Perturbation Induced by 2004 Sumatra Tsunami Using a Computerized Tomography Technique
* 2010: Estimation on Location, Velocity, and Acceleration With High Precision for Collision Avoidance
* 2022: Multi-Channel SAR Imaging on Cruising Ships with Sub-Orbital Spaceplane
Includes: Kiang, J.F. Kiang, J.F.[Jean-Fu]

Kiang, N.Y.[Nancy Y.] * 2016: Inexact MDL for linear manifold clusters

Kiang, R.[Richard] * 2014: Use of the NASA Giovanni Data System for Geospatial Public Health Research: Example of Weather-Influenza Connection

Kiang, R.K. * 2012: Mapping The Risks of Malaria, Dengue and Influenza Using Satellite Data

Kiang, S.M. * 1987: Triangulation Errors in Stereo Algorithms

Kiang, S.Z. * 1992: Recursive optimal pruning with applications to tree structured vector quantizers

Kiani, A. * 2015: Edge detection based on the Shannon Entropy by piecewise thresholding on remote sensing images
* 2019: Development of an Object-Based Interpretive System Based on Weighted Scoring Method in a Multi-Scale Manner
* 2020: Adaptive robust control of a four-cable-driven parallel robot
* 2022: Smart Traffic Monitoring System Using Computer Vision and Edge Computing
Includes: Kiani, A. Kiani, A.[Abbas] Kiani, A.[Arash]

Kiani, H.[Hamed] * 2014: Multi-channel correlation filters for human action recognition
* 2015: comparison of crowd commotion measures from generative models, A
* 2015: Crowd motion monitoring using tracklet-based commotion measure
* 2015: Sparse representation classification with manifold constraints transfer
* 2015: Violence detection in crowded scenes using substantial derivative
* 2016: Angry Crowds: Detecting Violent Events in Videos
* 2016: Person re-identification using sparse representation with manifold constraints
* 2016: Structure from Category: A Generic and Prior-Less Approach
Includes: Kiani, H.[Hamed] Kiani, H.
8 for Kiani, H.

Kiani, K. * 2012: Acceleration of fractal image compression using fuzzy clustering and discrete-cosine-transform-based metric
* 2021: Sign Language Production: A Review
Includes: Kiani, K. Kiani, K.[Kourosh]

Kiani, K.A. * 2017: Solving Robust Regularization Problems Using Iteratively Re-weighted Least Squares

Kiani, S. * 2009: Fractal Based Image Watermarking for Authentication and Verification, A
* 2010: image contrast enhancement method based on genetic algorithm, An
* 2015: Improved Poisson Surface Reconstruction with Various Passive Visual Cues from Multiple Camera Views
* 2016: Heart Rate Tracking using Wrist-Type Photoplethysmographic (PPG) Signals during Physical Exercise with Simultaneous Accelerometry
Includes: Kiani, S. Kiani, S.[Soheila] Kiani, S.[Sohaib]

Kiani, V.[Vahid] * 2016: Iterative Wedgelet Transform: An efficient algorithm for computing wedgelet representation and approximation of images
* 2016: relaxation approach to computation of second-order wedgelet transform with application to image compression, A
* 2017: Planelets: A Piecewise Linear Fractional Model for Preserving Scene Geometry in Intra-Coding of Indoor Depth Images
Includes: Kiani, V.[Vahid] Kiani, V.

Kianian, B.[Behzad] * 2021: Imputing Satellite-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth Using a Multi-Resolution Spatial Model and Random Forest for PM2.5 Prediction

Kianisarkaleh, A.[Azadeh] * 2016: Nonparametric feature extraction for classification of hyperspectral images with limited training samples

Kianoush, S. * 2016: Device-Free Radio Vision for Assisted Living: Leveraging wireless channel quality information for human sensing

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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