Index for lyon

Lyon, D.A.[Doublas A.] * 1999: Image Processing in Java

Lyon, D.E. * 1996: Utilization of the MV Spectrum for Diagnosis and Estimation of Harmonic Fields

Lyon, J. * 2005: Segmentation of the Breast Region in Mammograms Using a Rule-Based Fuzzy Reasoning Algorithm

Lyon, O.A.S. * 2020: Novel Technique Combining Image Processing, Plant Development Properties, and the Hungarian Algorithm, to Improve Leaf Detection in Maize, A

Lyon, R.[Richard] * 2010: Google Street View: Capturing the World at Street Level

Lyon, R.F. * 1998: Combining Neural Networks and Context-Driven Search for Online, Printed Handwriting Recognition in the Newton
* 2018: Ultrasonic Communication Using Consumer Hardware

Lyon, R.J. * 2014: Hellinger Distance Trees for Imbalanced Streams

Lyon, S.L.[Susan L.] * 2021: Automated Training Data Generation from Spectral Indexes for Mapping Surface Water Extent with Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery at 10 m and 20 m Resolutions
* 2024: Automated Built-Up Infrastructure Land Cover Extraction Using Index Ensembles with Machine Learning, Automated Training Data, and Red Band Texture Layers

Lyon, S.W.[Steve W.] * 2014: Temporal Behavior of Lake Size-Distribution in a Thawing Permafrost Landscape in Northwestern Siberia
* 2019: Comparing Remotely-Sensed Surface Energy Balance Evapotranspiration Estimates in Heterogeneous and Data-Limited Regions: A Case Study of Tanzania's Kilombero Valley
* 2019: Synergy of Satellite, In Situ and Modelled Data for Addressing the Scarcity of Water Quality Information for Eutrophication Assessment and Monitoring of Swedish Coastal Waters
* 2021: Drone-Based Hyperspectral and Thermal Imagery for Quantifying Upland Rice Productivity and Water Use Efficiency after Biochar Application

Lyonnet, P. * 2009: Heuristic Kalman Algorithm for Solving Optimization Problems

Lyons, A.[Andy] * 2020: Application of UAV Imagery to Detect and Quantify Submerged Filamentous Algae and Rooted Macrophytes in a Non-Wadeable River
* 2020: Prostate MRI Registration Using Siamese Metric Learning
Includes: Lyons, A.[Andy] Lyons, A.[Alexander]

Lyons, A.R.[Alexander Ralph] * 2003: Image processing apparatus

Lyons, D.F. * 1998: Reduced Storage VQ via Secondary Quantization

Lyons, D.M.[Damian M.] * 1999: Line-Scan Computer Vision Algorithm for Identifying Human Body Features, A
* 2001: Background Model Initialization Algorithm for Video Surveillance, A
* 2001: Computer Vision System for On-Screen Item Selection by Finger Pointing, A
* 2002: Automated camera handoff system for figure tracking in a multiple camera system
* 2003: Discrete event modeling of misrecognition in PTZ tracking
* 2003: Experimental results from using a rank and fuse approach for multi-target tracking in CCTV surveillance
* 2004: Method and apparatus to distinguish deposit and removal in surveillance video
* 2004: Method and apparatus to reduce false alarms in exit/entrance situations for residential security monitoring
* 2005: Rank-based multisensory fusion in multitarget video tracking
* 2007: Method for assisting an automated video tracking system in reaquiring a target
Includes: Lyons, D.M.[Damian M.] Lyons, D.M.
10 for Lyons, D.M.

Lyons, E.A.[Evan A.] * 2018: LakeTime: Automated Seasonal Scene Selection for Global Lake Mapping Using Landsat ETM+ and OLI

Lyons, J.[Joseph] * 2016: Effects of Automation Error Types on Operators' Trust and Reliance, The

Lyons, J.B.[Joseph B.] * 2018: Cyber Vulnerability: An Attentional Dilemma
* 2019: Autonomous Agent Teammate-Likeness: Scale Development and Validation
* 2023: Detecting Swarm Degradation: Measuring Human and Machine Performance

Lyons, M. * 2011: Integrating Quickbird Multi-Spectral Satellite and Field Data: Mapping Bathymetry, Seagrass Cover, Seagrass Species and Change in Moreton Bay, Australia in 2004 and 2007
* 2013: Mapping Coral Reef Resilience Indicators Using Field and Remotely Sensed Data
* 2016: Show Me the Data!: Structuring Archaeological Data to Deliver Interactive, Transparent 3D Reconstructions in a 3D WebGIS
* 2021: Automated Global Shallow Water Bathymetry Mapping Using Google Earth Engine
* 2022: Cloud Processing for Simultaneous Mapping of Seagrass Meadows in Optically Complex and Varied Water
Includes: Lyons, M. Lyons, M.[Mike] Lyons, M.[Mitchell]

Lyons, M.B.[Mitchell B.] * 2012: Long term land cover and seagrass mapping using Landsat and object-based image analysis from 1972 to 2010 in the coastal environment of South East Queensland, Australia
* 2019: Trends in Remote Sensing Accuracy Assessment Approaches in the Context of Natural Resources
* 2020: Automated Inundation Mapping Over Large Areas Using Landsat Data and Google Earth Engine
* 2020: Counting Mixed Breeding Aggregations of Animal Species Using Drones: Lessons from Waterbirds on Semi-Automation
* 2021: Colourimetric Approach to Ecological Remote Sensing: Case Study for the Rainforests of South-Eastern Australia, A
* 2021: How Much Shallow Coral Habitat Is There on the Great Barrier Reef?
* 2022: coastTrain: A Global Reference Library for Coastal Ecosystems
* 2023: High Resolution Forest Masking for Seasonal Monitoring with a Regionalized and Colourimetrically Assisted Chorologic Typology
* 2023: Holistic Reduction to Compare and Create New Indices for Global Inter-Seasonal Monitoring: Case Study for High Resolution Surface Water Mapping
9 for Lyons, M.B.

Lyons, M.J. * 1998: Coding Facial Expressions with Gabor Wavelets
* 1998: Comparison Between Geometry-Based and Gabor-Wavelets-Based Facial Expression Recognition Using Multi-Layer Perceptron
* 1999: Automatic Classification of Single Facial Images
* 2000: Classifying Facial Attributes using 2-D Gabor Wavelets and Discriminant Analysis
Includes: Lyons, M.J. Lyons, M.J.[Michael J.]

Lyons, N.[Nicolas] * 2020: Spatial and Temporal Pasture Biomass Estimation Integrating Electronic Plate Meter, Planet CubeSats and Sentinel-2 Satellite Data
* 2022: Robust Representations for Keyword Spotting Systems
Includes: Lyons, N.[Nicolas] Lyons, N.[Niall]

Lyons, N.A.[Nicolas A.] * 2023: Comparison of Ground-Based, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Satellite Remote Sensing Technologies for Monitoring Pasture Biomass on Dairy Farms

Lyons, P.W. * 1987: Adaptive Median Filtering for Impulse Noise Elimination in Real-Time TV Signals

Lyons, R. * 2011: Reducing FFT Scalloping Loss Errors Without Multiplication
* 2021: Improvements to the Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform Algorithm
* 2021: Improving Student Learning Satisfaction by Using an Innovative DASH-Based Multiple Sensorial Media Delivery Solution
Includes: Lyons, R. Lyons, R.[Richard] Lyons, R.[Roisin]

Lyons, T. * 2016: Rotation-free online handwritten character recognition using dyadic path signature features, hanging normalization, and deep neural network
* 2018: Learning Spatial-Semantic Context with Fully Convolutional Recurrent Network for Online Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition
* 2022: ImageSig: A signature transform for ultra-lightweight image recognition
Includes: Lyons, T. Lyons, T.[Terry]

Lyons, T.J.[Terence J.] * 2021: Signature features with the visibility transformation

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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