Index for sest

Sester, M.[Monika] * 1998: Linking Objects of Different Spatial Data Sets by Integration and Aggregation
* 2005: Dense DTM generalization aided by roads extracted from LiDAR data
* 2006: 3D-Symbolization Using Adaptive Templates
* 2007: Integration of heterogeneous geospatial data in a federated database
* 2008: Area Collapse and Road Centerlines based on Straight Skeletons
* 2008: Building Reconstruction Using a Structural Description Based on a Formal Grammar
* 2009: Generalization of 3D City Models as a Service
* 2009: Terrain-dependent aggregation of 3D city models
* 2010: Augmented paper maps: Exploring the design space of a mixed reality system
* 2011: Aggregation of LoD 1 building models as an optimization problem
* 2011: Theme issue 'Quality, scale and analysis aspects of urban city models'
* 2012: Accuracy Analysis of a Low-Cost Platform for Positioning and Navigation
* 2012: Geometrical Adjustment Towards The Alignment of Vector Databases
* 2012: Qtrajectories: Improving the Quality of Object Tracking Using Self-Organizing Camera Networks
* 2013: generative statistical approach to automatic 3D building roof reconstruction from laser scanning data, A
* 2013: Rainfall Estimation with a Geosensor Network of Cars: Theoretical Considerations and First Results
* 2015: Algorithm to Generate a Simplified Railway Network through Generalization, An
* 2015: GPS-Aided Video Tracking
* 2016: Field Motion Estimation with a Geosensor Network
* 2016: Geospatial big data handling theory and methods: A review and research challenges
* 2016: Information from imagery: ISPRS scientific vision and research agenda
* 2016: Intersection Detection Based On Qualitative Spatial Reasoning On Stopping Point Clusters
* 2018: Extraction of Pluvial Flood Relevant Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) by Deep Learning from User Generated Texts and Photos
* 2019: Joint Classification of ALS and DIM Point Clouds
* 2019: Learning Cartographic Building Generalization with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2019: Object Instance Segmentation in Digital Terrain Models
* 2019: Traffic Regulator Detection and Identification from Crowdsourced Data: A Systematic Literature Review
* 2019: Trajectory Extraction for Analysis of Unsafe Driving Behaviour
* 2020: Behaviour Control with Augmented Reality Systems for Shared Spaces
* 2020: Feature-Extraction from All-scale Neighborhoods with Applications To Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds
* 2020: Flood severity mapping from Volunteered Geographic Information by interpreting water level from images containing people: A case study of Hurricane Harvey
* 2020: Learning the 3d Pose of Vehicles From 2d Vehicle Patches
* 2020: Multi-scale Building Maps From Aerial Imagery
* 2020: Spatio-Temporal Research Data Infrastructure in the Context of Autonomous Driving
* 2020: Traffic Control Recognition with Speed-Profiles: A Deep Learning Approach
* 2021: AMENet: Attentive Maps Encoder Network for trajectory prediction
* 2021: Comap: a Synthetic Dataset for Collective Multi-agent Perception of Autonomous Driving
* 2021: Determination of Parking Space and Its Concurrent Usage Over Time Using Semantically Segmented Mobile Mapping Data
* 2021: Exploratory Study on the Use of Augmentation for Behavioural Control in Shared Spaces
* 2021: Impact Analysis of Accidents on the Traffic Flow Based on Massive Floating Car Data
* 2021: Incremental Map Refinement of Building Information Using LiDAR Point Clouds
* 2021: Semantics-guided reconstruction of indoor navigation elements from 3D colorized points
* 2023: GATraj: A graph- and attention-based multi-agent trajectory prediction model
* 2023: Generating evidential BEV maps in continuous driving space
* 2023: Recognition of Intersection Traffic Regulations from Crowdsourced Data
Includes: Sester, M.[Monika] Sester, M.
45 for Sester, M.

Sestras, P.[Paul] * 2021: Geodetic and UAV Monitoring in the Sustainable Management of Shallow Landslides and Erosion of a Susceptible Urban Environment
* 2021: Utilizing the Available Open-Source Remotely Sensed Data in Assessing the Wildfire Ignition and Spread Capacities of Vegetated Surfaces in Romania
* 2022: Flash Flood Risk Assessment and Mitigation in Digital-Era Governance Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and GIS Spatial Analyses Case Study: Small River Basins
* 2022: Multi-Instrumental Approach to Slope Failure Monitoring in a Landslide Susceptible Newly Built-Up Area: Topo-Geodetic Survey, UAV 3D Modelling and Ground-Penetrating Radar
* 2024: Enhancing LiDAR-UAS Derived Digital Terrain Models with Hierarchic Robust and Volume-Based Filtering Approaches for Precision Topographic Mapping

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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