Duff, D.J.
Co Author Listing * New Distributional Ranking Loss With Uncertainty: Illustrated in Relative Depth Estimation, A
Duff, G.
Co Author Listing * Distortion in the ISAR (inverse synthetic aperture radar) images from moving targets
Duff, M.J.B.[Michael J. B.]
Co Author Listing * email: Duff, M.J.B.[Michael J. B.]: mjbduff AT aol com
* Algorithm design for image processing in the context of cellular logic
* Basics of Cellular Logic with Some Applications in Medical Image Processing
* Cellular Logic Array for Image Processing, A
* CLIP 4: A Large Scale Integrated Circuit Array Parallel Processor
* CLIP7A Image Processor, The
* Computing Structures for Image Processing
* Enhancing the two-dimensional mesh
* How not to Benchmark Image Processors
* Languages and Architectures for Image Processing
* Parallel Computer for Array Processing, A
* Thresholding: A Challenge for Parallel Processing
Includes: Duff, M.J.B.[Michael J. B.] Duff, M.J.B.
12 for Duff, M.J.B.
Duff, T.[Tom]
Co Author Listing * Approximations for the distribution of microflake normals
* Efficient Solution of Point-Line Absolute Pose
* Four-view Geometry with Unknown Radial Distortion
* Learning to Solve Hard Minimal Problems
* Minimal Perspective Autocalibration
* PLMP: Point-Line Minimal Problems in Complete Multi-View Visibility
* PL_1P: Point-Line Minimal Problems under Partial Visibility in Three Views
* Trifocal Relative Pose From Lines at Points
* TRPLP: Trifocal Relative Pose From Lines at Points
Includes: Duff, T.[Tom] Duff, T.[Timothy]
9 for Duff, T.
Duffau, H.[Hugues]
Co Author Listing * Graph-based detection, segmentation and characterization of brain tumors
* Parametric recurrence quantification analysis of autoregressive processes for pattern recognition in multichannel electroencephalographic data
* Uncertainty-Driven Efficiently-Sampled Sparse Graphical Models for Concurrent Tumor Segmentation and Atlas Registration
Duffe, J.[Jason]
Co Author Listing * Assessing the Potential to Operationalize Shoreline Sensitivity Mapping: Classifying Multiple Wide Fine Quadrature Polarized RADARSAT-2 and Landsat 5 Scenes with a Single Random Forest Model
* Assessment of Convolution Neural Networks for Wetland Mapping with Landsat in the Central Canadian Boreal Forest Region
* Assessment of Landsat Based Deep-Learning Membership Analysis for Development of from-to Change Time Series in the Prairie Region of Canada from 1984 to 2018
* Comparison of Empirical and Physical Modelling for Estimation of Biochemical and Biophysical Vegetation Properties: Field Scale Analysis across an Arctic Bioclimatic Gradient
* Contributions of Actual and Simulated Satellite SAR Data for Substrate Type Differentiation and Shoreline Mapping in the Canadian Arctic
* InSAR Monitoring of Arctic Landfast Sea Ice Deformation Using L-Band ALOS-2, C-Band Radarsat-2 and Sentinel-1
* Investigating the Potential Use of RADARSAT-2 and UAS imagery for Monitoring the Restoration of Peatlands
* Land Cover Characterization and Classification of Arctic Tundra Environments by Means of Polarized Synthetic Aperture X- and C-Band Radar (PolSAR) and Landsat 8 Multispectral Imagery: Richards Island, Canada
* Landsat Super-Resolution Enhancement Using Convolution Neural Networks and Sentinel-2 for Training
* Moving to the RADARSAT Constellation Mission: Comparing Synthesized Compact Polarimetry and Dual Polarimetry Data with Fully Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Data for Image Classification of Peatlands
* Retrieval of Arctic Vegetation Biophysical and Biochemical Properties from CHRIS/PROBA Multi-Angle Imagery Using Empirical and Physical Modelling
* Semi-Automated Surface Water Detection with Synthetic Aperture Radar Data: A Wetland Case Study
* State of Science Assessment of Remote Sensing of Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands: Responding to an Operational Requirement
* Wetland Classification with Multi-Angle/Temporal SAR Using Random Forests
14 for Duffe, J.
Duffhauss, F.[Fabian]
Co Author Listing * FusionVAE: A Deep Hierarchical Variational Autoencoder for RGB Image Fusion
Duffie, N.A.
Co Author Listing * On-Line Compensation of Mobile Robot Docking Errors
Duffield, N.[Nick]
Co Author Listing * Cotton Yield Prediction via UAV-Based Cotton Boll Image Segmentation Using YOLO Model and Segment Anything Model (SAM)
* Mining Spatiotemporal Mobility Patterns Using Improved Deep Time Series Clustering
Duffin, K.L.
Co Author Listing * Fast Focal Length Solution in Partial Panoramic Image Stitching
Duffkova, R.[Renata]
Co Author Listing * Effect of Controlled Tile Drainage on Growth and Grain Yield of Spring Barley as Detected by UAV Images, Yield Map and Soil Moisture Content, The
* Identification of Infiltration Features and Hydraulic Properties of Soils Based on Crop Water Stress Derived from Remotely Sensed Data
Includes: Duffkova, R.[Renata] Duffková, R.[Renata]
Duffner, S.[Stefan]
Co Author Listing * 2D Wasserstein loss for robust facial landmark detection
* Classifying Global Scene Context for On-line Multiple Tracker Selection
* Deep and low-level feature based attribute learning for person re-identification
* Dynamic Partitioned Sampling For Tracking With Discriminative Features
* Efficient One-Shot Sports Field Image Registration with Arbitrary Keypoint Segmentation
* Exploiting Contextual Motion Cues for Visual Object Tracking
* Exploiting long-term observations for track creation and deletion in online multi-face tracking
* Exploiting Visual Context to Identify People in TV Programs
* Face recognition using non-linear image reconstruction
* Fast Pixelwise Adaptive Visual Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects
* FG 2015 Kinship Verification in the Wild Evaluation, The
* Fine-grained facial landmark detection exploiting intermediate feature representations
* GROCO: Ground Constraint for Metric Self-supervised Monocular Depth
* Learning Sparse Filters in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with a L1/l2 Pseudo-norm
* Leveraging colour segmentation for upper-body detection
* Multimodal Cue Detection Engine for Orchestrated Entertainment
* Pairwise Identity Verification via Linear Concentrative Metric Learning
* Periodicity counting in videos with unsupervised learning of cyclic embeddings
* Person Re-identification Using Group Context
* Person Re-Identification with a Body Orientation-Specific Convolutional Neural Network
* PixelTrack: A Fast Adaptive Algorithm for Tracking Non-rigid Objects
* Segmentation of Vectorial Image Features Using Shape Gradients and Information Measures
* Shape gradient for multi-modal image segmentation using mutual information
* Siamese neural network based similarity metric for inertial gesture classification and rejection
* Similarity Learning with Listwise Ranking for Person Re-Identification
* Track Creation and Deletion Framework for Long-Term Online Multiface Tracking
* Triangular similarity metric learning for face verification
* Triplet CNN and pedestrian attribute recognition for improved person re-identification
* Two-stage human hair segmentation in the wild using deep shape prior
* Unsupervised online learning of visual focus of attention
* Using Discriminative Motion Context for Online Visual Object Tracking
* Visual Focus of Attention Estimation With Unsupervised Incremental Learning
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
Includes: Duffner, S.[Stefan] Duffner, S.
33 for Duffner, S.
Duffo, N.
Co Author Listing * Denormalization of Visibilities for In-Orbit Calibration of Interferometric Radiometers
* Deriving VTEC Maps from SMOS Radiometric Data
* Improved Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Aperture Synthesis Radiometers
* Review of the CALIMAS Team Contributions to European Space Agency's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity Mission Calibration and Validation
* Wide Field of View Microwave Interferometric Radiometer Imaging
Includes: Duffo, N. Duffo, N.[Nuria]
Duffuaa, S.O.
Co Author Listing * Linear Programming Approach fo the Weighted Graph Matching Problem, A
Duffy, A.[Alexander]
Co Author Listing * Extensibility of U-Net Neural Network Model for Hydrographic Feature Extraction and Implications for Hydrologic Modeling
Duffy, B.[Ben]
Co Author Listing * One Model to Synthesize Them All: Multi-Contrast Multi-Scale Transformer for Missing Data Imputation
Duffy, B.M.[Brendan M.]
Co Author Listing * Data Mining in Systematic Reviews: A Bibliometric Analysis of Game-Based Learning and Distance Learning
Duffy, C.
Co Author Listing * Computational model of cortical neuronal receptive fields for self-motion perception
Duffy, C.E.[C. Elizabeth]
Co Author Listing * Surface Subsidence in Urbanized Coastal Areas: PSI Methods Based on Sentinel-1 for Ho Chi Minh City
Duffy, D.Q.[Daniel Q.]
Co Author Listing * Daytime Rainy Cloud Detection and Convective Precipitation Delineation Based on a Deep Neural Network Method Using GOES-16 ABI Images
* Evaluating the Open Source Data Containers for Handling Big Geospatial Raster Data
* PreciPatch: A Dictionary-based Precipitation Downscaling Method
Duffy, F.H.
Co Author Listing * Dynamic Electrical Source Imaging (DESI) of Seizures and Interictal Epileptic Discharges Without Ensemble Averaging
Duffy, J.P.[James P.]
Co Author Listing * Global Trends in Exposure to Light Pollution in Natural Terrestrial Ecosystems
* Tracking Fine-Scale Structural Changes in Coastal Dune Morphology Using Kite Aerial Photography and Uncertainty-Assessed Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry
Duffy, K.[Katharyn]
Co Author Listing * Georeferencing oblique PhenoCam imagery
* Multi-Scale Association between Vegetation Growth and Climate in India: A Wavelet Analysis Approach
Includes: Duffy, K.[Katharyn] Duffy, K.[Kate]
Duffy, K.J.[Kevin Jan]
Co Author Listing * local ternary pattern encoder-decoder neural network for dental image segmentation, The
Duffy, N.
Co Author Listing * Colour Profiling Using Multiple Colour Spaces
* Industrial inspection using Gaussian functions in a colour space
* Laser-Video Scanner Calibration without the Use of Frame Store
* Object Detection Using Colour
Includes: Duffy, N. Duffy, N.[Nicola]
Duffy, N.D.
Co Author Listing * Facial Image Reconstruction and Manipulation from Measurements Obtained Using a Structured Lighting Technique
Duffy, N.P.[Nigel P]
Co Author Listing * End-to-End Unsupervised Document Image Blind Denoising
Duffy, P.[Paul]
Co Author Listing * Long-Term Impacts of Selective Logging on Amazon Forest Dynamics from Multi-Temporal Airborne LiDAR
Duffy, S.
Co Author Listing * Polynomial Texture Mapping At Roughting Linn Rock Art Site
Duffy, S.W.[Stephen W.]
Co Author Listing * Volumetric High-Resolution X-Ray Phase-Contrast Virtual Histology of Breast Specimens With a Compact Laboratory System
Duffy, V.G.[Vincent G.]
Co Author Listing * Data Mining in Systematic Reviews: A Bibliometric Analysis of Game-Based Learning and Distance Learning
* Study on the Display Positions for the Haptic Rotary Device-Based Integrated In-Vehicle Infotainment Interface
* Systematic Review of the Importance of Human Factors in Incorporating Healthcare Automation
Includes: Duffy, V.G.[Vincent G.] Duffy, V.G.