Index for el_k

El Kadiri, R.[Racha] Co Author Listing * Crop-Type Classification for Long-Term Modeling: An Integrated Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Approach
* Remote Sensing and Machine Learning-Based Approach to Forecast the Onset of Harmful Algal Bloom, A

El Kaffas, A.[Ahmed] Co Author Listing * Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Modeling of an Analog to Pseudo-Diffusivity in Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Magnetic Resonance Imaging

El Kafrawy, P. Co Author Listing * Parameters Optimization of Elastic NET for High Dimensional Data using PSO Algorithm
Includes: El Kafrawy, P. El-Kafrawy, P.

El Kah, A.[Anoual] Co Author Listing * Is Arabic text categorization a solved task?

El Kaissi, M.[Muhieddine] Co Author Listing * Reaction Centric Layout for Metabolic Networks
* Visualization of Gene Regulatory Networks

El Kaitouni, S.E.I. Co Author Listing * Segmentation of medical images for the extraction of brain tumors: A comparative study between the Hidden Markov and Deep Learning approaches

el Kaliouby, R.[Rana] Co Author Listing * Acume: A new visualization tool for understanding facial expression and gesture data
* Affect valence inference from facial action unit spectrograms
* Affectiva-MIT Facial Expression Dataset (AM-FED): Naturalistic and Spontaneous Facial Expressions Collected In-the-Wild
* AM-FED+: An Extended Dataset of Naturalistic Facial Expressions Collected in Everyday Settings
* Applications of Automated Facial Coding in Media Measurement
* Automatic measurement of ad preferences from facial responses gathered over the Internet
* Crowdsourcing Facial Responses to Online Videos
* Detection of asymmetric eye action units in spontaneous videos
* Event detection: Ultra large-scale clustering of facial expressions
* Facial Action Unit Detection Using Active Learning and an Efficient Non-linear Kernel Approximation
* From dials to facial coding: Automated detection of spontaneous facial expressions for media research
* Predicting Ad Liking and Purchase Intent: Large-Scale Analysis of Facial Responses to Ads
* Predicting online media effectiveness based on smile responses gathered over the Internet
* Real-Time Inference of Complex Mental States from Facial Expressions and Head Gestures
* Real-time inference of mental states from facial expressions and upper body gestures
* Smile or smirk? Automatic detection of spontaneous asymmetric smiles to understand viewer experience
* Supervised learning approach to remote heart rate estimation from facial videos
* Towards Communicative Face Occlusions: Machine Detection of Hand-over-Face Gestures
Includes: el Kaliouby, R.[Rana] El Kaliouby, R. el Kaliouby, R. el-Kaliouby, R.[Rana]
18 for el Kaliouby, R.

El Kalti, K.[Karim] Co Author Listing * Image Segmentation Based on Adaptive Fuzzy-C-Means Clustering

El Kamel, A. Co Author Listing * V2X-Based Decentralized Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in the Vicinity of Intersections

El Kamel, F.[Fouad] Co Author Listing * Improved Lithological Map of Large Complex Semi-Arid Regions Using Spectral and Textural Datasets within Google Earth Engine and Fused Machine Learning Multi-Classifiers

El Kari, B.[Badr] Co Author Listing * puzzle questions form training for self-supervised skeleton-based action recognition, A

El Kassoumi, A.[Adil] Co Author Listing * Nonlinear Backstepping Control of a PMSG-Based Wind Energy Conversion System Connected to the Grid

El Kater, A. Co Author Listing * Presenting Cypriot Cultural Heritage in Virtual Reality: A User Evaluation

El Kati, I. Co Author Listing * Spatial Database Modeling for Speleological Inventory of The Moroccan Atlas Mountains

El Kazzi, W. Co Author Listing * Novel Technique for Distal Locking of Intramedullary Nail Based on Two Non-constrained Fluoroscopic Images and Navigation, A

El Kenawy, A.[Ahmed] Co Author Listing * Assessment of Carbon Productivity Trends and Their Resilience to Drought Disturbances in the Middle East Based on Multi-Decadal Space-Based Datasets
* Drought Variability and Land Degradation in Semiarid Regions: Assessment Using Remote Sensing Data and Drought Indices (1982-2011)

El Kenawy, A.M.[Ahmed M.] Co Author Listing * Assessment of the Accuracy of MODIS Land Surface Temperature over Egypt Using Ground-Based Measurements, An
* Nocturnal Surface Urban Heat Island over Greater Cairo: Spatial Morphology, Temporal Trends and Links to Land-Atmosphere Influences

El Kersh, A.[Asmaa] Co Author Listing * Spatiotemporal Monitoring of Urban Sprawl in a Coastal City Using GIS-Based Markov Chain and Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
Includes: El Kersh, A.[Asmaa] El-Kersh, A.[Asmaa]

El Kettani, M.E.[Mohamed El_Youssfi] Co Author Listing * Arabic Writer Identification Using Local Binary Patterns (LBP) of Handwritten Fragments

El Kettani, M.E.Y.[Mohamed El Youssfi] Co Author Listing * Improving Arabic writer identification using score-level fusion of textural descriptors
Includes: El Kettani, M.E.Y.[Mohamed El Youssfi] El-Kettani, M.E.Y.[Mohamed El-Youssfi]

El Kettani, Y. Co Author Listing * Writer Identification: the Effect of Image Resizing on Cnn Performance

El Khadiri, I. Co Author Listing * Local directional ternary pattern: A New texture descriptor for texture classification
* O3S-MTP: Oriented star sampling structure based multi-scale ternary pattern for texture classification
* Petersen Graph Multi-Orientation Based Multi-Scale Ternary Pattern (PGMO-MSTP): An Efficient Descriptor for Texture and Material Recognition
Includes: El Khadiri, I. El Khadiri, I.[Issam]

El Khadiri, K. Co Author Listing * Analysis and design of dickson charge pump for EEPROM in 180nm CMOS technology
* ASK-modulator design of RFID tag in 180nm CMOS technology
* design of a new resistor string DAC for phones applications in 130nm technology, A
* Integrated 60-V class-D power output stage with 95% efficiency in a 0.13 micro-m SOI BCD process

El Khaili, M. Co Author Listing * GPU parallel neural hierarchical multi objective solver for burst routing and wavelength assignment

El Khalfi, A. Co Author Listing * Image clustering based on hermetian positive definite matrix and radial Jacobi moments

El Khaloufi, G.[Ghizlane] Co Author Listing * Admissibility Analysis of T-S Fuzzy singular system with time varying-delay

El Khaly, F. Co Author Listing * Machine Recognition of Optically Captured Machine Printed Arabic Text
Includes: El Khaly, F. El-Khaly, F.

El Khamlichi, B.[Btissam] Co Author Listing * Refined edge detection with cascaded and high-resolution convolutional network

El Khamy, M.[Mostafa] Co Author Listing * CT-SRCNN: Cascade Trained and Trimmed Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Super Resolution
* Data-Free Network Quantization With Adversarial Knowledge Distillation
* DN-ResNet: Efficient Deep Residual Network for Image Denoising
* Domain invariant regularization by disentangling content and style Features for visual domain generalization
* Dual-Teacher Class-Incremental Learning With Data-Free Generative Replay
* Fused DNN: A Deep Neural Network Fusion Approach to Fast and Robust Pedestrian Detection
* GSANet: Semantic Segmentation With Global And Selective Attention
* HyperCon: Image-To-Video Model Transfer for Video-To-Video Translation Tasks
* Image Super Resolution Based on Fusing Multiple Convolution Neural Networks
* Joint space-time-view error concealment algorithms for 3D multi-view video
* Latent Feature Disentanglement for Visual Domain Generalization
* Multi-Task Learning of Depth from Tele and Wide Stereo Image Pairs
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real-World Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Panoptic-Deeplab-DVA: Improving Panoptic Deeplab with Dual Value Attention and Instance Boundary Aware Regression
* Real-World Super-Resolution using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Stereo Disparity Estimation via Joint Supervised, Unsupervised, and Weakly Supervised Learning
* SUW-Learn: Joint Supervised, Unsupervised, Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Towards Fair Federated Learning with Zero-Shot Data Augmentation
* Variable Rate Deep Image Compression With a Conditional Autoencoder
* Zero-Shot Learning of A Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Data-Free Network Quantization
Includes: El Khamy, M.[Mostafa] El-Khamy, M.[Mostafa] El-Khamy, M. El-khamy, M.[Mostafa]
20 for El Khamy, M.

El Kharim, Y.[Younes] Co Author Listing * Suitability of UAV-Derived DSMs and the Impact of DEM Resolutions on Rockfall Numerical Simulations: A Case Study of the Bouanane Active Scarp, Tetouan, Northern Morocco, The

El Kharki, O. Co Author Listing * Creating Strategic Business Value From Big Data Analysis: Application Telecom Network Data and Planning Documents

El Khatib, A.[Alaa] Co Author Listing * Design of an End-to-End Dual Mode Driver Distraction Detection System
* Driver Inattention Detection in the Context of Next-Generation Autonomous Vehicles Design: A Survey
* Strategies for Improving Single-Head Continual Learning Performance
Includes: El Khatib, A.[Alaa] El Khatib, A.

El Khayat, M.M.[Mohamed Mostafa] Co Author Listing * Earth-Observation-Based Estimation and Forecasting of Particulate Matter Impact on Solar Energy in Egypt
Includes: El Khayat, M.M.[Mohamed Mostafa] El-Khayat, M.M.[Mohamed Mostafa]

El Kholy, A.[Ahmed] Co Author Listing * Uniter: Universal Image-Text Representation Learning

El Kholy, D.K.[Dina Khalil] Co Author Listing * Synthetic training in object detection

El Khoukhi, H.[Hasnae] Co Author Listing * Analysis and Classification of Skin Cancer Based on Deep Learning Approach
* Comparative study between HDLs simulation and Matlab for image processing
* Skin Cancer Diagnosis Using an Improved Ensemble Machine Learning model
Includes: El Khoukhi, H.[Hasnae] El Khoukhi, H.

El Khoury, J.[Jessica] Co Author Listing * Color Image Database for Haze Model and Dehazing Methods Evaluation, A
* Spectral Hazy Image Database, A

El Khoury, K.[Karim] Co Author Listing * Streamlined Hybrid Annotation Framework Using Scalable Codestream for Bandwidth-Restricted UAV Object Detection

El Khoury, N. Co Author Listing * Experiencing the Spirit of Place as a Design Task: The Street of Hamra in the Heart of Beirut
Includes: El Khoury, N. El-Khoury, N.

El Khoury, R.[Rachid] Co Author Listing * Indexed heat curves for 3D-model retrieval

El Kilani, W.S.[Wail S.] Co Author Listing * Fast approximate DCT with GPU implementation for image compression
Includes: El Kilani, W.S.[Wail S.] El-Kilani, W.S.[Wail S.]

El Kishky, A. Co Author Listing * Leveraging Pretrained Image Classifiers for Language-Based Segmentation
Includes: El Kishky, A. El-Kishky, A.

El Konyaly, S.H. Co Author Listing * ensemble average classifier for pattern recognition machines, An
Includes: El Konyaly, S.H. El-Konyaly, S.H.

El Korashy, A. Co Author Listing * Search Space Reduction for Holistic Ligature Recognition in Urdu Nastalique Script
Includes: El Korashy, A. El-Korashy, A.

El Kork, N.[Nayla] Co Author Listing * Possible Overestimation of Nitrogen Dioxide Outgassing during the Beirut 2020 Explosion
Includes: El Kork, N.[Nayla] El-Kork, N.[Nayla]

El Korso, M.N. Co Author Listing * Estimation Performance for the Bayesian Hierarchical Linear Model
* RFI-Aware and Low-Cost Maximum Likelihood Imaging for High-Sensitivity Radio Telescopes

El Koursi, E. Co Author Listing * 3D Objects Localization Using Fuzzy Approach and Hierarchical Belief Propagation: Application at Level Crossings
* Background subtraction and 3D localization of moving and stationary obstacles at level crossings
* Two-Half-Barrier Level Crossings Versus Four-Half-Barrier Level Crossings: A Comparative Risk Analysis Study
Includes: El Koursi, E. El-Koursi, E.

El Kwae, E.A.[Essam A.] Co Author Listing * Binary object representation and recognition using the Hilbert morphological skeleton transform
Includes: El Kwae, E.A.[Essam A.] El-Kwae, E.A.[Essam A.]

El Kwai, E.A. Co Author Listing * Shaking snakes using color edge for contour extraction
Includes: El Kwai, E.A. El-Kwai, E.A.

Index for "e"

Last update:26-Nov-24 16:52:13
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