Index for rica

Rica, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alvarez, S.: Learning Distances Between Graph Nodes and Edges
     with: Alvarez, S.: On-line learning the graph edit distance costs
     with: Alvarez, S.: Tarragona Graph Database for Machine Learning Based on Gr...
     with: Alvarez, S.: Zero-Error Digitisation and Contextualisation of Piping a...
     with: Moreno Garcia, C.F.: Zero-Error Digitisation and Contextualisation of ...
     with: Serratosa, F.: Learning Distances Between Graph Nodes and Edges
     with: Serratosa, F.: On-line learning the graph edit distance costs
     with: Serratosa, F.: Tarragona Graph Database for Machine Learning Based on ...
     with: Serratosa, F.: Zero-Error Digitisation and Contextualisation of Piping...
9 for Rica, E.

Ricalde, L.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alanis, A.Y.: Bio-inspired Aging Model Particle Swarm Optimization Neu...
     with: Arana Daniel, N.: Bio-inspired Aging Model Particle Swarm Optimization...
     with: Lopez Franco, C.: Bio-inspired Aging Model Particle Swarm Optimization...
     with: Rangel, E.: Bio-inspired Aging Model Particle Swarm Optimization Neura...

Ricamato, M.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Marrocco, C.: Exploring Margin Maximization for Biometric Score Fusion
     with: Marrocco, C.: MCS-based balancing techniques for skewed classes: An em...
     with: Marrocco, C.: Towards a Linear Combination of Dichotomizers by Margin ...
     with: Molinara, M.: Facing Imbalanced Classes through Aggregation of Classif...
     with: Molinara, M.: Towards a Linear Combination of Dichotomizers by Margin ...
     with: Tortorella, F.: AUC-based Combination of Dichotomizers: Is Whole Maxim...
     with: Tortorella, F.: Exploring Margin Maximization for Biometric Score Fusion
     with: Tortorella, F.: Facing Imbalanced Classes through Aggregation of Class...
     with: Tortorella, F.: MCS-based balancing techniques for skewed classes: An ...
     with: Tortorella, F.: Partial AUC maximization in a linear combination of di...
     with: Tortorella, F.: Towards a Linear Combination of Dichotomizers by Margi...
11 for Ricamato, M.T.

Ricanek, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Albert, M.: Aspects of Age Variation in Facial Morphology Affecting Bi...
     with: Atwal, H.: Age, Gender, and Fine-Grained Ethnicity Prediction Using Co...
     with: Atwal, H.: Exploring Automatic Face Recognition on Match Performance a...
     with: Barbour, B.: DASM: An open source active shape model for automatic reg...
     with: Barbour, B.: What Are Soft Biometrics and How Can They Be Used?
     with: Bhatta, A.: Facial Hair Area in Face Recognition Across Demographics: ...
     with: Bingham, F.: Improvements in Active Appearance Model based synthetic a...
     with: Boehnen, C.: Facial Analytics: From Big Data to Law Enforcement
     with: Boehnen, C.: Facial Landmarking: Comparing Automatic Landmarking Metho...
     with: Bolme, D.S.: Age, Gender, and Fine-Grained Ethnicity Prediction Using ...
     with: Bowyer, K.W.: Facial Hair Area in Face Recognition Across Demographics...
     with: Bui, T.D.: Age estimation using Active Appearance Models and Support V...
     with: Bui, T.D.: Spectral Regression based age determination
     with: Chang, Y.: Face age estimation using model selection
     with: Chen, C.X.: Face age estimation using model selection
     with: Chen, C.X.: Facial feature fusion and model selection for age estimation
     with: Chen, C.X.: Generalized multi-ethnic face age-estimation
     with: Dozier, G.: Unconstrained Biometric Identification: Emerging Technolog...
     with: Gay, K.: Exploring Automatic Face Recognition on Match Performance and...
     with: Gay, K.M.: PCB-METAL: A PCB Image Dataset for Advanced Computer Vision...
     with: Guo, G.D.: Cross-Age Face Recognition on a Very Large Database: The Pe...
     with: Hill, T.: Examination of Bias of Facial Analysis based BMI Prediction ...
     with: Hivner, M.: Exploring Automatic Face Recognition on Match Performance ...
     with: King, M.: Aspects of Age Variation in Facial Morphology Affecting Biom...
     with: King, M.: Exploring Automatic Face Recognition on Match Performance an...
     with: Luu, K.: Age estimation using Active Appearance Models and Support Vec...
     with: Luu, K.: Facial feature fusion and model selection for age estimation
     with: Luu, K.: Spectral Regression based age determination
     with: Macurak, D.: DASM: An open source active shape model for automatic reg...
     with: Mahalingam, G.: Age, Gender, and Fine-Grained Ethnicity Prediction Usi...
     with: Mahalingam, G.: Investigating the effects of gender and age group base...
     with: Mahalingam, G.: LBP-based periocular recognition on challenging face d...
     with: Mahalingam, G.: PCB-METAL: A PCB Image Dataset for Advanced Computer V...
     with: Mu, G.W.: Cross-Age Face Recognition on a Very Large Database: The Per...
     with: Ozturk, K.: Facial Hair Area in Face Recognition Across Demographics: ...
     with: Patterson, E.: Aspects of Age Variation in Facial Morphology Affecting...
     with: Patterson, E.: comparative study of active appearance model annotation...
     with: Patterson, E.: hierarchical approach to facial aging, A
     with: Patterson, E.: Improvements and Performance Evaluation Concerning Synt...
     with: Patterson, E.: Improvements in Active Appearance Model based synthetic...
     with: Rattani, A.: Examination of Bias of Facial Analysis based BMI Predicti...
     with: Rawls, A.: Improvements and Performance Evaluation Concerning Syntheti...
     with: Rose, D.C.: Age, Gender, and Fine-Grained Ethnicity Prediction Using C...
     with: Saragih, J.: Facial Landmarking: Comparing Automatic Landmarking Metho...
     with: Savvides, M.: Unconstrained Biometric Identification: Emerging Technol...
     with: Sethuram, A.: Aspects of Age Variation in Facial Morphology Affecting ...
     with: Sethuram, A.: comparative study of active appearance model annotation ...
     with: Sethuram, A.: DASM: An open source active shape model for automatic re...
     with: Sethuram, A.: Facial Landmarking: Comparing Automatic Landmarking Meth...
     with: Sethuram, A.: hierarchical approach to facial aging, A
     with: Sethuram, A.: Improvements and Performance Evaluation Concerning Synth...
     with: Sethuram, A.: Improvements in Active Appearance Model based synthetic ...
     with: Siddiqui, H.: Examination of Bias of Facial Analysis based BMI Predict...
     with: Simmons, S.J.: Generalized multi-ethnic face age-estimation
     with: Smith, P.: Mitigating Algorithmic Bias: Evolving an Augmentation Polic...
     with: Srinivas, N.: Age, Gender, and Fine-Grained Ethnicity Prediction Using...
     with: Srinivas, N.: Exploring Automatic Face Recognition on Match Performanc...
     with: Suen, C.Y.: Age estimation using Active Appearance Models and Support ...
     with: Suen, C.Y.: Spectral Regression based age determination
     with: Tesafaye, T.: MORPH: A Longitudinal Image Database of Normal Adult Age...
     with: Tian, S.: Facial Hair Area in Face Recognition Across Demographics: Sm...
     with: Wang, Y.S.: Face age estimation using model selection
     with: Wang, Y.S.: Facial feature fusion and model selection for age estimation
     with: Wang, Y.S.: Generalized multi-ethnic face age-estimation
     with: Woodard, D.L.: Unconstrained Biometric Identification: Emerging Techno...
     with: Wu, H.: Facial Hair Area in Face Recognition Across Demographics: Smal...
     with: Yang, W.K.: Facial feature fusion and model selection for age estimation
67 for Ricanek, K.

Ricard, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fournier, J.: Mapping and Exploration of Complex Environments Using Pe...
     with: Laurendeau, D.: Mapping and Exploration of Complex Environments Using ...

Ricard, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Audiffren, J.: Local Assessment of Statokinesigram Dynamics in Time: A...
     with: Bargiotas, I.: Local Assessment of Statokinesigram Dynamics in Time: A...
     with: Barrois Muller, R.: Data Set for the Study of Human Locomotion with In...
     with: Buffat, S.: Data Set for the Study of Human Locomotion with Inertial M...
     with: de l'Escalopier, N.: Reference Data Set for the Study of Healthy Subje...
     with: Moreau, A.: Data Set for the Study of Human Locomotion with Inertial M...
     with: Moreau, A.: Reference Data Set for the Study of Healthy Subject Gait w...
     with: Moreau, T.: Data Set for the Study of Human Locomotion with Inertial M...
     with: Oudre, L.: Data Set for the Study of Human Locomotion with Inertial Me...
     with: Oudre, L.: Reference Data Set for the Study of Healthy Subject Gait wi...
     with: Provost, C.: Data Set for the Study of Human Locomotion with Inertial ...
     with: Truong, C.: Data Set for the Study of Human Locomotion with Inertial M...
     with: Vayatis, N.: Data Set for the Study of Human Locomotion with Inertial ...
     with: Vayatis, N.: Local Assessment of Statokinesigram Dynamics in Time: An ...
     with: Vidal, P.P.: Data Set for the Study of Human Locomotion with Inertial ...
     with: Vidal, P.P.: Local Assessment of Statokinesigram Dynamics in Time: An ...
     with: Vienne Jumeau, A.: Data Set for the Study of Human Locomotion with Ine...
     with: Vienne Jumeau, A.: Reference Data Set for the Study of Healthy Subject...
     with: Voisard, C.: Reference Data Set for the Study of Healthy Subject Gait ...
     with: Yelnik, A.: Data Set for the Study of Human Locomotion with Inertial M...
     with: Yelnik, A.P.: Local Assessment of Statokinesigram Dynamics in Time: An...
21 for Ricard, D.

Ricard, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baskurt, A.: ART extension for description, indexing and retrieval of ...
     with: Baskurt, A.: Generalization of angular radial transform
     with: Baskurt, A.: Generalizations of angular radial transform for 2D and 3D...
     with: Baskurt, A.: Object of interest-based visual navigation, retrieval, an...
     with: Baskurt, A.: objective performance evaluation tool for color based ima...
     with: Coeurjolly, D.: ART extension for description, indexing and retrieval ...
     with: Coeurjolly, D.: Generalization of angular radial transform
     with: Coeurjolly, D.: Generalizations of angular radial transform for 2D and...
     with: Idrissi, K.: Object of interest-based visual navigation, retrieval, an...
     with: Idrissi, K.: objective performance evaluation tool for color based ima...
     with: Lavoue, G.: Object of interest-based visual navigation, retrieval, and...
11 for Ricard, J.

Ricard, M.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Crawford, M.M.: Fusion of Airborne Polarimetric and Interferometric SA...
     with: Gibeaut, J.C.: Fusion of Airborne Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR...
     with: Kumar, S.: Fusion of Airborne Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR for...
     with: Neuenschwander, A.: Fusion of Airborne Polarimetric and Interferometri...

Ricardez, G.A.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, F.: Multi-view Inpainting for RGB-D Sequence
     with: Ogasawara, T.: Multi-view Inpainting for RGB-D Sequence
     with: Takamatsu, J.: Multi-view Inpainting for RGB-D Sequence

Ricardini, J.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cominetti, E.L.: Privacy-Preserving Certificate Linkage/Revocation in ...
     with: Ferraz, L.T.D.: Privacy-Preserving Certificate Linkage/Revocation in V...
     with: Patil, H.K.: Privacy-Preserving Certificate Linkage/Revocation in VANE...
     with: Silva, M.V.M.: Privacy-Preserving Certificate Linkage/Revocation in VA...
     with: Simplicio, M.A.: Privacy-Preserving Certificate Linkage/Revocation in ...

Ricardo Junior, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Coelho Silva, F.: Mangan: Assisting Colorization Of Manga Characters C...
     with: Cordeiro Marujo, E.: Mangan: Assisting Colorization Of Manga Character...
     with: Lima de Castro, P.A.: Mangan: Assisting Colorization Of Manga Characte...

Ricardo, A.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Estima, J.: Web GIS Platform to Modeling, Simulate and Analyze Flood E...
     with: Ferreira, R.M.L.: Web GIS Platform to Modeling, Simulate and Analyze F...
     with: Gamito, I.: Web GIS Platform to Modeling, Simulate and Analyze Flood E...
     with: Marques, J.: Web GIS Platform to Modeling, Simulate and Analyze Flood ...
     with: Mendes, L.: Web GIS Platform to Modeling, Simulate and Analyze Flood E...
     with: Moura, L.: Web GIS Platform to Modeling, Simulate and Analyze Flood Ev...
     with: Rodrigues da Silva, A.: Web GIS Platform to Modeling, Simulate and Ana...
     with: Serra, A.: Web GIS Platform to Modeling, Simulate and Analyze Flood Ev...
8 for Ricardo, A.M.

Ricardo, J.O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arias, Y.: new focus detection criterion in holograms of planktonic or...
     with: Ascaneo, J.S.: new focus detection criterion in holograms of planktoni...
     with: de la Cruz, L.T.: new focus detection criterion in holograms of plankt...
     with: Lopes, R.M.: new focus detection criterion in holograms of planktonic ...
     with: Moreno, G.: new focus detection criterion in holograms of planktonic o...
     with: Strickler, J.R.: new focus detection criterion in holograms of plankto...

Ricaud, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Attie, J.L.: Evaluation and Global-Scale Observation of Nitrous Oxide ...
     with: Attie, J.L.: Quality Assessment of the First Measurements of Troposphe...
     with: August, T.: Quality Assessment of the First Measurements of Tropospher...
     with: Carminati, F.: Quality Assessment of the First Measurements of Troposp...
     with: Chalinel, R.: Evaluation and Global-Scale Observation of Nitrous Oxide...
     with: Courcoux, Y.: Quality Assessment of the First Measurements of Troposph...
     with: Genthon, C.: Quality Assessment of the First Measurements of Troposphe...
     with: Hauglustaine, D.: Evaluation and Global-Scale Observation of Nitrous O...
     with: Kangah, Y.: Evaluation and Global-Scale Observation of Nitrous Oxide f...
     with: Pellegrini, A.: Quality Assessment of the First Measurements of Tropos...
     with: Rose, T.: Quality Assessment of the First Measurements of Tropospheric...
     with: Thompson, R.: Evaluation and Global-Scale Observation of Nitrous Oxide...
     with: Tremblin, P.: Quality Assessment of the First Measurements of Troposph...
     with: Vidot, J.: Evaluation and Global-Scale Observation of Nitrous Oxide fr...
14 for Ricaud, P.

Index for "r"

Last update:26-Nov-24 17:09:01
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