Index for aziz

Aziz, A. * 2004: Knowledge-driven segmentation of the central sulcus from human brain MR images
* 2005: Geometric Modeling of the Human Normal Cerebral Arterial System
* 2014: Linearized Robust Beamforming for Two-Way Relay Systems
* 2015: Age-invariant face recognition system using combined shape and texture features
* 2016: Proposed face recognition system after plastic surgery
* 2017: Bact-3D: A level set segmentation approach for dense multi-layered 3D bacterial biofilms
* 2018: Improved Extraction of Objects from Urine Microscopy Images with Unsupervised Thresholding and Supervised U-net Techniques
* 2018: new rectangular window based image cropping method for generalization of brain neoplasm classification systems, A
* 2019: efficient and compact row buffer architecture on FPGA for real-time neighbourhood image processing, An
* 2019: Lcuts: Linear Clustering of Bacteria Using Recursive Graph Cuts
* 2022: Sea Situational Awareness (SeaSAw) Dataset
Includes: Aziz, A. Aziz, A.[Arshad] Aziz, A.[Arslan]
11 for Aziz, A.

Aziz, A.A.[Azlan Abdul] * 2017: Evaluation of Player Enjoyment in Game-Based Learning Arithmetic Drills via Racing Game, An
* 2018: Documentation Strategy for Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in Cultural Heritage Institutions: Mak Yong Performing Art Collection
* 2021: Application of Optical Remote Sensing in Rubber Plantations: A Systematic Review
* 2021: Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data to Analyse Phenological Responses of Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) to Climatic Variations in South Sumatra, Indonesia
Includes: Aziz, A.A.[Azlan Abdul] Aziz, A.A.[Andika Abdul] Aziz, A.A.[Ammar Abdul]

Aziz, F.[Faisal] * 2008: Robust facial expression recognition based on 3-d supported feature extraction and SVM classification
* 2011: Kernelising the Ihara Zeta Function
* 2012: Shape Analysis Using the Edge-Based Laplacian
* 2013: Analysis of Wave Packet Signature of a Graph
* 2014: Commute Time for a Gaussian Wave Packet on a Graph
* 2014: Graph Characterization Using Wave Kernel Trace
* 2016: Color-metric tensor for catadioptric systems
* 2016: Graph Entropy from Closed Walk and Cycle Functionals
* 2018: Generic spatial-color metric for scale-space processing of catadioptric images
* 2018: Local Binary Patterns for Graph Characterization
* 2020: Feature selection and learning for graphlet kernel
* 2020: Riemannian approach for free-space extraction and path planning using catadioptric omnidirectional vision, A
* 2021: Graph characterisation using graphlet-based entropies
* 2022: Flood Management, Characterization and Vulnerability Analysis Using an Integrated RS-GIS and 2D Hydrodynamic Modelling Approach: The Case of Deg Nullah, Pakistan
Includes: Aziz, F.[Faisal] Aziz, F.[Furqan] Aziz, F.[Fatima] Aziz, F. Aziz, F.[Farhan]
14 for Aziz, F.

Aziz, H.A. * 2016: Spatial Data Mining Toolbox for Mapping Suitability of Landfill Sites Using Neural Networks

Aziz, H.M.A.[H. M. Abdul] * 2022: Modeling and Control Using Stochastic Distribution Control Theory for Intersection Traffic Flow

Aziz, K.[Kheireddine] * 2018: Multimodal Deep Learning for Robust Recognizing Maritime Imagery in the Visible and Infrared Spectrums
* 2022: Epoch-Based Height Reference System for Sea Level Rise Impact Assessment on the Coast of Peninsular Malaysia
Includes: Aziz, K.[Kheireddine] Aziz, K.[Kenidi]

Aziz, K.E.[Kheir Eddine] * 2010: Fast People Counting Using Head Detection From Skeleton Graph
* 2010: Fast People Counting Using Head Detection From Skeleton Graph
* 2011: People re-identification across multiple non-overlapping cameras system by appearance classification and silhouette part segmentation
* 2011: Person Re-identification Using Appearance Classification
* 2016: Tracking multiple persons under partial and global occlusions: Application to customers' behavior analysis
Includes: Aziz, K.E.[Kheir Eddine] Aziz, K.E. Aziz, K.E.[Kheir-Eddine]

Aziz, L.[Lubna] * 2021: Multi-level refinement enriched feature pyramid network for object detection

Aziz, M. * 2001: 3-D vector radix algorithm for the 3-D new mersenne number transform
* 2003: High performance 2D parallel block-filtering system for real-time imaging applications using the Sharc ADSP21060
* 2003: Three-dimensional digital filtering algorithm for parallel DSP implementation
* 2022: Multi-Criteria Assessment for City-Wide Rooftop Solar PV Deployment: A Case Study of Bandung, Indonesia
Includes: Aziz, M. Aziz, M.[Muhammad]

Aziz, M.A. * 2016: Study About Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Reconstruction of Precast Concrete to Support Qlassic Assessment, A
* 2017: Understanding the Atmospheric Cues Effects on Consumer Emotions: A Case Study on Lazada Malaysia
* 2019: Practical Terrestrial Laser Scanning Field Procedure and Point Cloud Processing for BIM Application: TNB Control and Relay Room 132/22kv
* 2024: Comprehensive Survey of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning Approach: Challenges, Solutions, and Future Directions, A
Includes: Aziz, M.A. Aziz, M.A.[Maslina Abdul] Aziz, M.A.[Md Abdul]

Aziz, M.U. * 2016: Video-Rate Panorama for Free-Viewpoint TV

Aziz, M.Z.[M. Zaheer] * 2006: Evaluation of Visual Attention Models for Robots
* 2007: Attentional Approach for Perceptual Grouping of Spatially Distributed Patterns, An
* 2008: Fast and Robust Generation of Feature Maps for Region-Based Visual Attention
* 2008: Visual Search in Static and Dynamic Scenes Using Fine-Grain Top-Down Visual Attention
* 2010: Fast Depth Saliency from Stereo for Region-Based Artificial Visual Attention
* 2010: Pre-attentive detection of depth saliency using stereo vision
* 2011: Knowledge-Driven Saliency: Attention to the Unseen
* 2019: Development of GIS Database and Facility Management System: Asset and Space in UKM
Includes: Aziz, M.Z.[M. Zaheer] Aziz, M.Z.[Muhammad Zaheer] Aziz, M.Z.
8 for Aziz, M.Z.

Aziz, N.[Nurulnadwan] * 2009: Assistive Courseware for Visually-Impaired

Aziz, N.A.[Nadia A.] * 2020: Potential Water Harvesting Sites Identification Using Spatial Multi-Criteria Evaluation in Maysan Province, Iraq

Aziz, R.M.[Rabia Musheer] * 2024: Deep learning approach for brain tumor classification using metaheuristic optimization with gene expression data

Aziz, S.[Shadman] * 2015: Left Atrial Segmentation from 3D Respiratory- and ECG-gated Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Aziz, W.[Wajid] * 2022: Detecting brain tumors using deep learning convolutional neural network with transfer learning approach
* 2022: novel unsupervised ensemble framework using concept-based linguistic methods and machine learning for twitter sentiment analysis, A
* 2023: Vision DiffMask: Faithful Interpretation of Vision Transformers with Differentiable Patch Masking
Includes: Aziz, W.[Wajid] Aziz, W.[Wilker]

Aziz, Y.[Yasir] * 2023: Fast geometrical extraction of nearest neighbors from multi-dimensional data

Aziza, A. * 2017: Customer experience in a regulated telecom market from mobile service users perspective

Azizabadi, M.[Mohsen] * 2014: VLSI implementation of star detection and centroid calculation algorithms for star tracking applications

Azizah, J. * 2009: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syariah Products of Holistic Islamic Banking System (HiCORE): Virtual Banking Environment

Azizah, N.[Nur] * 2023: Potential Loss of Ecosystem Service Value Due to Vessel Activity Expansion in Indonesian Marine Protected Areas

Azizan, F.A.[Fathin Ayuni] * 2021: Application of Optical Remote Sensing in Rubber Plantations: A Systematic Review
* 2021: Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data to Analyse Phenological Responses of Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) to Climatic Variations in South Sumatra, Indonesia

Azizi, A.[Ali] * 2002: Implementation of a Single Photo Shape from Shading Method for the Automatic DTM Generation
* 2004: ANN-based visibility prediction for camera placement in vision metrology
* 2005: Automatic 3D object recognition and reconstruction based on neuro-fuzzy modelling
* 2005: Automatic Camera Placement in Vision Metrology Based On A Fuzzy Inference System
* 2005: Automatic Determination of the Optimum Generic Sensor Model Based on Genetic Algorithm Concepts
* 2008: Review of Recent Range Image Reconstruction Algorithms, A
* 2009: Comparative Evalution Of The Influence Of The Terrain Topography On The Registration Accuracy Of The Fused Multi-sensor Satellite Images (case Study: p5 And P6 Irs Satellite Images
* 2013: Evaluation and Analysis of a Parametric Approach for Simultaneous Space Resection-Intersection of High Resolution Satellite Images Without Using Ground Control Points
* 2016: Fast Region-based Active Contour Model Driven by Local Signed Pressure Force
* 2019: Band to Band Registration of Multi-spectral Aerial Imagery - Relief Displacement and Miss-registration Error
* 2022: Aquaculture Site Selection of Oncorhynchus Mykiss (Rainbow Trout) in Markazi Province Using GIS-Based MCDM
Includes: Azizi, A.[Ali] Azizi, A. Azizi, A.[Abdallah]
11 for Azizi, A.

Azizi, J.A.[J. Al] * 2006: Image-based virtual reconstruction of complex architectures using sophisticated automated procedures: The Artemis temple in Jerash, Jordan

Azizi, N.[Nabiha] * 2021: Multi source retinal fundus image classification using convolution neural networks fusion and Gabor-based texture representation
* 2022: 3D Human Pose Estimation Using Möbius Graph Convolutional Networks
Includes: Azizi, N.[Nabiha] Azizi, N.[Niloofar]

Azizi, R.[Reza] * 2018: Cross-channel regularisation for joint demosaicking and intrinsic lens deblurring

Azizi, S. * 2018: Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Prostate Cancer Detection: Analysis of Temporal Enhanced Ultrasound
* 2019: Kernelized Manifold Mapping to Diminish the Effect of Adversarial Perturbations, A
* 2020: Contextual Residual Aggregation for Ultra High-Resolution Image Inpainting
* 2021: Big Self-Supervised Models Advance Medical Image Classification
* 2023: Deep Bregman divergence for self-supervised representations learning
Includes: Azizi, S. Azizi, S.[Shekoofeh]

Azizi, T.[Tamir] * 2020: Random Forest Algorithm Improves Detection of Physiological Activity Embedded within Reflectance Spectra Using Stomatal Conductance as a Test Case

Azizi, Z. * 2012: Evaluatin Of Potential Slope Failure Of Forest Roads Using Artificial Neural Network and GIS, The
* 2020: Noise-Aware Texture-Preserving Low-Light Enhancement

Aziznejad, S.[Shayan] * 2022: Coupled Splines for Sparse Curve Fitting

Azizoglu, M. * 1999: Progressive Transmission of Images Using MAP Detection over Channels with Memory

Azizpour, H.[Hossein] * 2012: Mixture Component Identification and Learning for Visual Recognition
* 2012: Object Detection Using Strongly-Supervised Deformable Part Models
* 2013: Multi-view Body Part Recognition with Random Forests
* 2014: CNN Features Off-the-Shelf: An Astounding Baseline for Recognition
* 2015: From generic to specific deep representations for visual recognition
* 2015: Persistent Evidence of Local Image Properties in Generic ConvNets
* 2015: Spotlight the Negatives: A Generalized Discriminative Latent Model
* 2016: Factors of Transferability for a Generic ConvNet Representation
* 2019: On the Geometry of Rectifier Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2020: Explanation-based Weakly-supervised Learning of Visual Relations with Graph Networks
* 2022: In Memoriam: Jan-Olof Eklundh
* 2023: PatchDropout: Economizing Vision Transformers Using Patch Dropout
* 2023: To Adapt or Not to Adapt? Real-Time Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Azizpour, H.[Hossein] Azizpour, H.
13 for Azizpour, H.

Azizzadeh, A. * 2007: Efficient Iris Coding Based on Gauss-Laguerre Wavelets, An

Azizzadenesheli, K.[Kamyar] * 2021: EikoNet: Solving the Eikonal Equation With Deep Neural Networks
* 2022: Importance Weight Estimation and Generalization in Domain Adaptation Under Label Shift

Index for "a"

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