Index for weic

Weichel, F.[Frederic] Co Author Listing * 3D-Guided Face Manipulation of 2D Images for the Prediction of Post-Operative Outcome After Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Weichelt, H.[Horst] Co Author Listing * Editorial, Issue Introduction
* Optimised Near-Real Time Data Acquisition and Preprocessing of Satellite Data for Disaster Related Rapid Mapping
* SNR Evaluation of the RapidEye Space-borne Cameras

Weichert, F.[Frank] Co Author Listing * Multi-Objective Optimisation Based Planning of Power-Line Grid Expansions
* Signal/Background Classification of Time Series for Biological Virus Detection
* SplineCNN: Fast Geometric Deep Learning with Continuous B-Spline Kernels
Includes: Weichert, F.[Frank] Weichert, F.

Weichert, W. Co Author Listing * Multi-Scale Investigation of Human Renal Tissue in Three Dimensions
* Revealing the Microscopic Structure of Human Renal Cell Carcinoma in Three Dimensions

Weichman, P.B. Co Author Listing * Validation of Advanced EM Models for UXO Discrimination

Weichsel, J.[Julian] Co Author Listing * Synthetic Optical Coherence Tomography Angiographs for Detailed Retinal Vessel Segmentation Without Human Annotations

Weichselbaum, J.[Juergen] Co Author Listing * LACO-Wiki: A New Online Land Cover Validation Tool Demonstrated Using GlobeLand30 for Kenya
* Off-road Terrain Mapping Based on Dense Hierarchical Real-time Stereo Vision
* Photogrammetric 3D mobile mapping of rail tracks
Includes: Weichselbaum, J.[Juergen] Weichselbaum, J.[Johann] Weichselbaum, J.

Weichselbraun, A. Co Author Listing * Aspect-Based Extraction and Analysis of Affective Knowledge from Social Media Streams

Weickert, J.[Joachim] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Weickert, J.[Joachim]: weickert AT mia uni-saarland de
* Adaptive Continuous-Scale Morphology for Matrix Fields
* AFSI: Adaptive Restart for Fast Semi-Iterative Schemes for Convex Optimisation
* Anisotropic Continuous-Scale Morphology
* Anisotropic Diffusion Filters for Image Processing Based Quality Control
* Anisotropic Diffusion in Image Processing
* Anisotropic Range Image Integration
* Beating the Quality of JPEG 2000 with Anisotropic Diffusion
* Beauty with Variational Methods: An Optic Flow Approach to Hairstyle Simulation
* Beyond pure quality: Progressive modes, region of interest coding, and real time video decoding for PDE-based image compression
* Can Variational Models for Correspondence Problems Benefit from Upwind Discretisations?
* Coherence-Enhancing Diffusion Filtering
* Coherence-Enhancing Diffusion of Colour Images
* Coherence-Enhancing Shock Filters
* Colour image compression with anisotropic diffusion
* Colour, texture, and motion in level set based segmentation and tracking
* Combined Registration Methods for Pose Estimation
* Combining Curvature Motion and Edge-Preserving Denoising
* Combining the Advantages of Local and Global Optic Flow Methods
* Complementary Optic Flow
* Complete Rank Transform: A Tool for Accurate and Morphologically Invariant Matching of Structures, The
* Compressing Audio Signals with Inpainting-Based Sparsification
* Compressing Images with Diffusion- and Exemplar-Based Inpainting
* Compression of Depth Maps with Segment-Based Homogeneous Diffusion
* Conservative Image Transformations with Restoration and Scale-Space Properties
* Correspondences between Wavelet Shrinkage and Nonlinear Diffusion
* Cross Anisotropic Cost Volume Filtering for Segmentation
* Curvature-Driven PDE Methods for Matrix-Valued Images
* Cyclic Schemes for PDE-Based Image Analysis
* Dealing with Self-occlusion in Region Based Motion Capture by Means of Internal Regions
* Denoising by Inpainting
* Denoising of Audio Data by Nonlinear Diffusion
* Dense Disparity Map Estimation Respecting Image Discontinuities: A PDE and Scale-Space Based Approach
* Dense Pipeline for 3D Reconstruction from Image Sequences, A
* Dense versus Sparse Approaches for Estimating the Fundamental Matrix
* Designing 3-D Nonlinear Diffusion Filters for High Performance Cluster Computing
* Differential Geometry of Monogenic Signal Representations
* Diffusion Snakes: Introducing Statistical Shape Knowledge into the Mumford-Shah Functional
* Diffusion-based Image Compression in Steganography
* Diffusion-Inspired Shrinkage Functions and Stability Results for Wavelet Denoising
* Diffusion-shock Inpainting
* Direct Shape-from-Shading with Adaptive Higher Order Regularisation
* Directional Rouy-Tourin Scheme for Adaptive Matrix-Valued Morphology, A
* Discontinuity-Preserving Computation of Variational Optic Flow in Real-Time
* Discrete Green's Functions for Harmonic and Biharmonic Inpainting with Sparse Atoms
* Discrete Theory and Efficient Algorithms for Forward-and-Backward Diffusion Filtering, A
* Dithering By Differences Of Convex Functions
* Domain Decomposition for Parallel Variational Optical Flow Computation
* Domain Decomposition for Variational Optical-Flow Computation
* Edge-based compression of cartoon-like images with homogeneous diffusion
* Edge-Based Image Compression with Homogeneous Diffusion
* Efficient and Reliable Schemes for Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Efficient and Stable Two-Pixel Scheme for 2D Forward-and-Backward Diffusion, An
* Efficient Data Optimisation for Harmonic Inpainting with Finite Elements
* Efficient image segmentation using partial differential equations and morphology
* Efficient Neural Generation of 4k Masks for Homogeneous Diffusion Inpainting
* Enhancing Patch-Based Methods with Inter-Frame Connectivity for Denoising Multi-Frame Images
* Equivalence Results for TV Diffusion and TV Regularisation
* Evaluating a General Class of Filters for Image Denoising
* Evaluating Data Terms for Variational Multi-frame Super-Resolution
* Evaluating the true potential of diffusion-based inpainting in a compression context
* Explanation for the Logarithmic Connection between Linear and Morphological System Theory, An
* Explanation for the Logarithmic Connection between Linear and Morphological Systems, An
* Fast electrostatic halftoning
* Fast Implicit Active Contour Models
* Fast Parallel Algorithms for a Broad Class of Nonlinear Variational Diffusion Approaches
* Fast PDE-Based Image Analysis in Your Pocket
* Fast retinal vessel analysis
* Fast Shape from Shading for Phong-Type Surfaces
* focus fusion framework with anisotropic depth map smoothing, A
* Focus Fusion with Anisotropic Depth Map Smoothing
* Foundations and Applications of Anisotropic Diffusion Filtering
* Four-Pixel Scheme for Singular Differential Equations, A
* From Adaptive Averaging to Accelerated Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* From Box Filtering to Fast Explicit Diffusion
* From Optimised Inpainting with Linear PDEs Towards Competitive Image Compression Codecs
* From Tensor-Driven Diffusion to Anisotropic Wavelet Shrinkage
* From two-dimensional nonlinear diffusion to coupled Haar wavelet shrinkage
* FSI Schemes: Fast Semi-Iterative Solvers for PDEs and Optimisation Methods
* Fully automated segmentation and morphometrical analysis of muscle fibre images
* Fully Discrete Theory for Linear Osmosis Filtering, A
* Generalised Nonlocal Image Smoothing
* Generic Approach to the Filtering of Matrix Fields with Singular PDEs, A
* Generic Neighbourhood Filtering Framework for Matrix Fields, A
* Geometric Properties for Incomplete Data
* Gradients versus Grey Values for Sparse Image Reconstruction and Inpainting-Based Compression
* Growth and motion in three-dimensional medical images
* High Accuracy Optical Flow Estimation Based on a Theory for Warping
* High performance cluster computing with 3-D nonlinear diffusion filters
* Highly Accurate Optic Flow Computation with Theoretically Justified Warping
* Highly Accurate PDE-Based Morphology for General Structuring Elements
* Highly Accurate Schemes for PDE-Based Morphology with General Convex Structuring Elements
* Hough Based Evolutions for Enhancing Structures in 3D Electron Microscopy
* Hyperbolic Numerics for Variational Approaches to Correspondence Problems
* Illumination-Robust Variational Optical Flow with Photometric Invariants
* Image Blending with Osmosis
* Image Compression with Anisotropic Diffusion
* Inpainting Ideas for Image Compression
* Inpainting-based Video Compression in FullHD
* Introducing Maximal Anisotropy into Second Order Coupling Models
* Introducing More Physics into Variational Depth-from-Defocus
* Is Dense Optic Flow Useful to Compute the Fundamental Matrix?
* JMIV Special Issue: Mathematics and Image Analysis
* Joint Estimation of Motion, Structure and Geometry from Stereo Sequences
* Justifying Tensor-Driven Diffusion from Structure-Adaptive Statistics of Natural Images
* Lattice Boltzmann Model for Rotationally Invariant Dithering, A
* Learning Brightness Transfer Functions for the Joint Recovery of Illumination Changes and Optical Flow
* Learning Sparse Masks for Diffusion-Based Image Inpainting
* Level Set Based Image Segmentation with Multiple Regions
* Level Set Methods for Watershed Image Segmentation
* Level Set Segmentation With Multiple Regions
* Linear Scale-Space has First been Proposed in Japan
* Linear Scale-Space Theory for Continuous Nonlocal Evolutions, A
* Localised Mixture Models in Region-Based Tracking
* Lucas/Kanade Meets Horn/Schunck: Combining Local and Global Optic Flow Methods
* L_2-Stable Nonstandard Finite Differences for Anisotropic Diffusion
* Making Shape from Shading Work for Real-World Images
* Markerless motion capture of man-machine interaction
* Mathematical Foundations and Generalisations of the Census Transform for Robust Optic Flow Computation
* Matrix-Valued Filters as Convex Programs
* Median Filtering of Tensor-Valued Images
* Model for the Cloudiness of Fabrics, A
* Modelling Stable Backward Diffusion and Repulsive Swarms with Convex Energies and Range Constraints
* Morphological Counterparts of Linear Shift-Invariant Scale-Spaces
* Morphological Equivalents of Relativistic and Alpha-Scale-Spaces, The
* Morphological Operations on Matrix-Valued Images
* Morphologically Invariant Matching of Structures with the Complete Rank Transform
* Morphology for matrix data: Ordering versus PDE-based approach
* Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation with a Symmetric Optical Flow Constraint
* Multi-frame Super-resolution from Noisy Data
* Multigrid Platform for Real-Time Motion Computation with Discontinuity-Preserving Variational Methods, A
* Multiscale texture enhancement
* Multiview Depth Parameterisation with Second Order Regularisation
* Nonlinear Diffusion Scale-Spaces
* Nonlinear Matrix Diffusion for Optic Flow Estimation
* Nonlinear structure tensors
* Note on Differential Corner Measures, A
* Novel Schemes for Hyperbolic PDEs Using Osmosis Filters from Visual Computing
* Object Segmentation Tracking from Generic Video Cues
* Occlusion Modeling by Tracking Multiple Objects
* On Improving the Efficiency of Tensor Voting
* On the History of Gaussian Scale-Space Axiomatics
* Optic Flow Goes Stereo: A Variational Method for Estimating Discontinuity-Preserving Dense Disparity Maps
* Optic Flow in Harmony
* Optic Flow Scale Space
* Optimising Data for Exemplar-Based Inpainting
* Optimising Spatial and Tonal Data for Homogeneous Diffusion Inpainting
* Parallel Implementations of AOS Schemes: A Fast Way of Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Parallel Variational Motion Estimation by Domain Decomposition and Cluster Computing
* PDE Evolutions for M-Smoothers: From Common Myths to Robust Numerics
* PDE-Based Deconvolution with Forward-Backward Diffusivities and Diffusion Tensors
* PDE-Driven Adaptive Morphology for Matrix Fields
* Perspective Shape from Shading with Non-Lambertian Reflectance
* Physically inspired depth-from-defocus
* Priors for Stereo Vision under Adverse Weather Conditions
* Properties of Higher Order Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Pseudodifferential Inpainting: The Missing Link Between PDE- and RBF-Based Interpolation
* Real-Time Algorithm for Assessing Inhomogeneities in Fabrics, A
* Real-Time Optic Flow Computation with Variational Methods
* Recursive Separable Schemes for Nonlinear Diffusion Filters
* Region-Based Pose Tracking
* Region-based pose tracking with occlusions using 3D models
* Regularity and Scale-Space Properties of Fractional High Order Linear Filtering
* Relations Between Regularization and Diffusion Filtering
* Relations between Soft Wavelet Shrinkage and Total Variation Denoising
* Relativistic Scale-Spaces
* Reliable Estimation of Dense Optical Flow Fields with Large Displacements
* review of Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering, A
* Robust Interactive Multi-label Segmentation with an Advanced Edge Detector
* Robust Variational Reconstruction from Multiple Views
* Rotationally invariant similarity measures for nonlocal image denoising
* Rotationally Invariant Wavelet Shrinkage
* Scale-Space Approach to Nonlocal Optical Flow Calculations, A
* Scale-Space Properties of Nonstationary Iterative Regularization Methods
* Scale-Space Properties of Regularization Methods
* Scheme for Coherence-Enhancing Diffusion Filtering with Optimized Rotation Invariance, A
* Semidiscrete Nonlinear Scale-Space Theory and Its Relation to the Perona-Malik Paradox, A
* Shock-Capturing Algorithm for the Differential Equations of Dilation and Erosion, A
* Simultaneous HDR and Optic Flow Computation
* Simultaneous Interpolation and Deconvolution Model for the 3-D Reconstruction of Cell Images
* Smoothing images creates corners
* Sparse Inpainting with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
* Sparsification Scale-Spaces
* Special issue for the 5th International Conference on Scale-Space and PDE Methods in Computer Vision
* Stabilised Nonlinear Inverse Diffusion for Approximating Hyperbolic PDEs
* Stability and Local Feature Enhancement of Higher Order Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Stable Backward Diffusion Models that Minimise Convex Energies
* Staying Well Grounded in Markerless Motion Capture
* systematic evaluation of coding strategies for sparse binary images, A
* Tensor-driven Active Contour Model for Moving Object Segmentation, A
* Theoretical Foundations for Discrete Forward-and-Backward Diffusion Filtering
* Theoretical foundations for spatially discrete 1-D shock filtering
* Theoretical Foundations of Anisotropic Diffusion in Image Processing
* Theoretical Foundations of Gaussian Convolution by Extended Box Filtering
* Theoretical Framework for Convex Regularizers in PDE-Based Computation of Image Motion, A
* Three-Dimensional Shape Knowledge for Joint Image Segmentation and Pose Estimation
* Three-Dimensional Shape Knowledge for Joint Image Segmentation and Pose Tracking
* Towards Ultimate Motion Estimation: Combining Highest Accuracy with Real-Time Performance
* Translating Numerical Concepts for PDEs into Neural Architectures
* Turning Diffusion-Based Image Colorization Into Efficient Color Compression
* TV flow based local scale estimate and its application to texture discrimination, A
* TV Flow Based Local Scale Measure for Texture Discrimination, A
* Understanding, Optimising, and Extending Data Compression with Anisotropic Diffusion
* Unsupervised Segmentation Incorporating Colour, Texture, and Motion
* Variational Deblurring of Images with Uncertain and Spatially Variant Blurs
* Variational Exposure Fusion with Optimal Local Contrast
* Variational Model for the Joint Recovery of the Fundamental Matrix and the Optical Flow, A
* Variational Motion Segmentation with Level Sets
* Variational Optic Flow Computation with a Spatio-Temporal Smoothness Constraint
* Variational optic flow on the Sony PlayStation 3: Accurate dense flow fields for real-time applications
* Variational Optical Flow Computation in Real Time
* Variational registration of tensor-valued images
* Video Compression with 3-D Pose Tracking, PDE-Based Image Coding, and Electrostatic Halftoning
* Why Does Non-binary Mask Optimisation Work for Diffusion-Based Image Compression?
* Why Is the Census Transform Good for Robust Optic Flow Computation?
Includes: Weickert, J.[Joachim] Weickert, J.
216 for Weickert, J.

Weickert, J.A.[Joachim A.] Co Author Listing * Flexible Segmentation and Smoothing of DT-MRI Fields Through a Customizable Structure Tensor
* Information Measures in Scale-Spaces
* Multiscale Segmentation of Three-Dimensional MR Brain Images
* Nonlinear Multiscale Representations for Image Segmentation
* On Generalized Entropies and Scale-Space
* Three Dimensional MR Brain Segmentation
Includes: Weickert, J.A.[Joachim A.] Weickert, J.A.

Index for "w"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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