Index for kass

Kass, D.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cohen, M.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image variabili...
     with: Fetics, B.J.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image variab...
     with: Murabayashi, T.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image var...
     with: Nelson, G.S.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image variab...
     with: Nevo, E.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image variabilit...
     with: Rochitte, C.E.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image vari...
     with: Weiss, J.L.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image variabi...
     with: Wong, E.Y.: Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image variabil...
8 for Kass, D.A.

Kass, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fleischer, K.W.: Physically Based Modeling for Vision And Graphics
     with: Terzopoulos, D.: Constraints on Deformable Models: Recovering 3D Shape...
     with: Terzopoulos, D.: Energy Constraints on Deformable Models: Recovering S...
     with: Terzopoulos, D.: Physically Based Modeling for Vision And Graphics
     with: Terzopoulos, D.: Signal Matching Through Scale Space
     with: Terzopoulos, D.: Snakes: Active Contour Models
     with: Terzopoulos, D.: Stereo Matching as Constrained Optimization Using Sca...
     with: Terzopoulos, D.: Symmetry-Seeking Models and 3D Object Reconstruction
     with: Witkin, A.P.: Analyzing Oriented Patterns
     with: Witkin, A.P.: Constraints on Deformable Models: Recovering 3D Shape an...
     with: Witkin, A.P.: Energy Constraints on Deformable Models: Recovering Shap...
     with: Witkin, A.P.: Physically Based Modeling for Vision And Graphics
     with: Witkin, A.P.: Signal Matching Through Scale Space
     with: Witkin, A.P.: Snakes: Active Contour Models
     with: Witkin, A.P.: Spacetime constraints
     with: Witkin, A.P.: Stereo Matching as Constrained Optimization Using Scale ...
     with: Witkin, A.P.: Symmetry-Seeking Models and 3D Object Reconstruction
23 for Kass, M.

Kass, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Auken, E.: Efficient Reduction of Powerline Signals in Magnetic Data A...
     with: Christiansen, A.V.: Efficient Reduction of Powerline Signals in Magnet...
     with: Larsen, J.J.: Efficient Reduction of Powerline Signals in Magnetic Dat...

Kass, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bauer Gottwein, P.: Enabling the Use of Earth Observation Data for Int...
     with: Doubkova, M.: Enabling the Use of Earth Observation Data for Integrate...
     with: Guzinski, R.: Enabling the Use of Earth Observation Data for Integrate...
     with: Huber, S.: Enabling the Use of Earth Observation Data for Integrated W...
     with: Jensen, I.H.: Enabling the Use of Earth Observation Data for Integrate...
     with: Naeimi, V.: Enabling the Use of Earth Observation Data for Integrated ...
     with: Notarnicola, C.: Object-Based Approach to Map Semi-Natural Areas in Mo...
     with: Tottrup, C.: Enabling the Use of Earth Observation Data for Integrated...
     with: Walli, A.: Enabling the Use of Earth Observation Data for Integrated W...
     with: Zebisch, M.: Object-Based Approach to Map Semi-Natural Areas in Mounta...
10 for Kass, S.

Kassab, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adams, H.: On the Nonlinear Statistics of Optical Flow
     with: Adams, H.: torus model for optical flow, A
     with: Bush, J.: On the Nonlinear Statistics of Optical Flow
     with: Bush, J.: torus model for optical flow, A
     with: Carr, B.: On the Nonlinear Statistics of Optical Flow
     with: Carr, B.: torus model for optical flow, A
     with: Mirth, J.: On the Nonlinear Statistics of Optical Flow
     with: Mirth, J.: torus model for optical flow, A
8 for Kassab, L.

Kassab, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Berbineau, M.: New Analytical Approach to Evaluate the Critical-Event ...
     with: Beugin, J.: New Analytical Approach to Evaluate the Critical-Event Pro...
     with: Nguyen, K.T.P.: New Analytical Approach to Evaluate the Critical-Event...

Kassah Laouar, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agaian, S.: Automatic COVID-19 lung infected region segmentation and m...
     with: Oulefki, A.: Automatic COVID-19 lung infected region segmentation and ...
     with: Trongtirakul, T.: Automatic COVID-19 lung infected region segmentation...

Kassam, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: el Kaliouby, R.: Acume: A new visualization tool for understanding fa...
     with: el Kaliouby, R.: Affect valence inference from facial action unit spec...
     with: McDuff, D.J.: Acume: A new visualization tool for understanding facia...
     with: McDuff, D.J.: Affect valence inference from facial action unit spectro...
     with: Picard, R.W.: Acume: A new visualization tool for understanding facia...
     with: Picard, R.W.: Affect valence inference from facial action unit spectro...

Kassam, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Zhang, Q.: Hybrid ARQ with Selective Combining for Video Transmission ...

Kassam, S.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmad, F.: new approach to aperture synthesis using frequency diversit...
     with: Anandakumar, K.: Nonlinear filtering using generalized subband decompo...
     with: Anandakumar, K.: Nonlinear Multiresolution Decomposition with Applicat...
     with: Cha, I.: Nonlinear image restoration by radial basis function networks
     with: Cha, I.: RBFN Restoration of Nonlinearly Degraded Images
     with: Himayat, N.: Median and robust polynomial filters for multivariate ima...
     with: Himayat, N.: Multivariate MTM filters-analysis and design options
     with: Himayat, N.: Nonlinear Filtering Techniques for Multivariate Images: D...
     with: Himayat, N.: Structure for Adaptive Order Statistics Filtering, A
     with: Hoctor, R.T.: Array Redundancy for Active Line Arrays
     with: Hoctor, R.T.: High resolution coherent source location using transmit/...
     with: Koivunen, V.: Covariance estimation in multivariate OS-filtering
     with: Koivunen, V.: Median and robust polynomial filters for multivariate im...
     with: Koivunen, V.: Multivariate MTM filters-analysis and design options
     with: Koivunen, V.: Nonlinear Filtering Techniques for Multivariate Images: ...
     with: Kozick, R.J.: Coarray synthesis with circular and elliptical boundary ...
     with: Kozick, R.J.: Synthetic aperture pulse-echo imaging with rectangular b...
     with: Lee, Y.H.: Generalized Median Filtering and Related Nonlinear Filterin...
     with: Song, I.: New Noiseless Coding Technique for Binary Images, A
19 for Kassam, S.A.

Kassamakov, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Haeggstrom, E.: Subsurface metrology using scanning white light interf...
     with: Nolvi, A.: Subsurface metrology using scanning white light interferome...

Kassani, P.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, Y.: Multi-Hypergraph Learning-Based Brain Functional Connectivity...
     with: Calhoun, V.D.: Causality-Based Feature Fusion for Brain Neuro-Developm...
     with: Calhoun, V.D.: Multi-Hypergraph Learning-Based Brain Functional Connec...
     with: Stephen, J.M.: Causality-Based Feature Fusion for Brain Neuro-Developm...
     with: Stephen, J.M.: Multi-Hypergraph Learning-Based Brain Functional Connec...
     with: Wang, J.: Multi-Hypergraph Learning-Based Brain Functional Connectivit...
     with: Wang, Y.: Multi-Hypergraph Learning-Based Brain Functional Connectivit...
     with: Wang, Y.P.: Causality-Based Feature Fusion for Brain Neuro-Development...
     with: Wilson, T.W.: Causality-Based Feature Fusion for Brain Neuro-Developme...
     with: Wilson, T.W.: Multi-Hypergraph Learning-Based Brain Functional Connect...
     with: Xiao, L.: Causality-Based Feature Fusion for Brain Neuro-Developmental...
     with: Xiao, L.: Multi-Hypergraph Learning-Based Brain Functional Connectivit...
     with: Zhang, G.: Causality-Based Feature Fusion for Brain Neuro-Developmenta...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Multi-Hypergraph Learning-Based Brain Functional Connectivi...
14 for Kassani, P.H.

Kassapis, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dikov, G.: Calibrated Adversarial Refinement for Stochastic Semantic S...
     with: Gupta, D.K.: Calibrated Adversarial Refinement for Stochastic Semantic...
     with: Nugteren, C.: Calibrated Adversarial Refinement for Stochastic Semanti...

Kassarian, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bowman, D.C.: Aerial Seismology Using Balloon-Based Barometers
     with: Cadu, A.: Aerial Seismology Using Balloon-Based Barometers
     with: Cutts, J.A.: Aerial Seismology Using Balloon-Based Barometers
     with: Garcia, R.F.: Aerial Seismology Using Balloon-Based Barometers
     with: Jackson, J.M.: Aerial Seismology Using Balloon-Based Barometers
     with: Komjathy, A.: Aerial Seismology Using Balloon-Based Barometers
     with: Krishnamoorthy, S.: Aerial Seismology Using Balloon-Based Barometers
     with: Lai, V.H.: Aerial Seismology Using Balloon-Based Barometers
     with: Martire, L.: Aerial Seismology Using Balloon-Based Barometers
     with: Mimoun, D.: Aerial Seismology Using Balloon-Based Barometers
     with: Pauken, M.T.: Aerial Seismology Using Balloon-Based Barometers
     with: Sournac, A.: Aerial Seismology Using Balloon-Based Barometers
12 for Kassarian, E.

Kassas, Z.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdallah, A.: Exploiting On-Demand 5G Downlink Signals for Opportunist...
     with: Duede, J.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radio S...
     with: Hoeffner, Z.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radi...
     with: Hulsey, T.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radio ...
     with: Humphreys, T.E.: Observability Analysis of Collaborative Opportunistic...
     with: Jia, M.: Performance Analysis of Opportunistic ARAIM for Navigation Wi...
     with: Jurado, J.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radio ...
     with: Khairallah, N.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Ra...
     with: Khalife, J.: Aerial Vehicle Protection Level Reduction by Fusing GNSS ...
     with: Khalife, J.: Exploiting On-Demand 5G Downlink Signals for Opportunisti...
     with: Khalife, J.: Performance Analysis of Opportunistic ARAIM for Navigatio...
     with: Khalife, J.J.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Rad...
     with: Khalife, J.J.: Information Fusion Strategies for Collaborative Inertia...
     with: Lee, C.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radio SLA...
     with: Maaref, M.: Aerial Vehicle Protection Level Reduction by Fusing GNSS a...
     with: Maaref, M.: Autonomous Integrity Monitoring for Vehicular Navigation W...
     with: Maaref, M.: Ground Vehicle Navigation in GNSS-Challenged Environments ...
     with: Morales, J.J.: Information Fusion Strategies for Collaborative Inertia...
     with: Ozguner, U.: Nonlinear Filter Coupled With Hospitability and Synthetic...
     with: Quirarte, R.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radi...
     with: Saab, S.M.: Power Matching Approach for GPS Coverage Extension
     with: Shahcheraghi, S.: Computationally Efficient Approach for Acquisition a...
     with: Tay, R.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radio SLA...
     with: Wachtel, S.: Aircraft Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments via Radio...
24 for Kassas, Z.M.

Kassas, Z.Z.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Khalife, J.: I Hear, Therefore I Know Where I Am: Compensating for GNS...
     with: Morales, J.: I Hear, Therefore I Know Where I Am: Compensating for GNS...
     with: Shamaei, K.: I Hear, Therefore I Know Where I Am: Compensating for GNS...

Kassaw, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bradbury, K.: Segment anything, from space?
     with: Collins, L.M.: Segment anything, from space?
     with: Lahrichi, S.: Segment anything, from space?
     with: Luzi, F.: Segment anything, from space?
     with: Malof, J.M.: Segment anything, from space?
     with: Ren, S.: Segment anything, from space?

Kassebaum, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bulusu, N.: 3-D Target-Based Distributed Smart Camera Network Localiza...
     with: Feng, W.C.: 3-D Target-Based Distributed Smart Camera Network Localiza...

Kassell, N.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brookeman, J.R.: Model-Based Boundary Estimation of Complex Objects Us...
     with: Goble, J.C.: Model-Based Boundary Estimation of Complex Objects Using ...
     with: Merickel, M.B.: Model-Based Boundary Estimation of Complex Objects Usi...
     with: Ortega, J.M.: Model-Based Boundary Estimation of Complex Objects Using...
     with: Snell, J.W.: Model-Based Boundary Estimation of Complex Objects Using ...

Kassem, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blumenstein, J.: On the capacity of fractional frequency reuse with th...
     with: Marsalek, R.: On the capacity of fractional frequency reuse with three...

Kassem, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alapatt, D.: Federated Cycling (FedCy): Semi-Supervised Federated Lear...
     with: Karargyris, A.: Federated Cycling (FedCy): Semi-Supervised Federated L...
     with: Mascagni, P.: Federated Cycling (FedCy): Semi-Supervised Federated Lea...
     with: Padoy, N.: Federated Cycling (FedCy): Semi-Supervised Federated Learni...

Kasser, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Khan, N.: View-Consistent 4D Light Field Superpixel Segmentation
     with: Kim, M.H.: View-Consistent 4D Light Field Superpixel Segmentation
     with: Stone, H.: View-Consistent 4D Light Field Superpixel Segmentation
     with: Tompkin, J.: View-Consistent 4D Light Field Superpixel Segmentation
     with: Zhang, Q.: View-Consistent 4D Light Field Superpixel Segmentation

Kassianou, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dimitros, K.: Narration: Integrated System for Management and Curation...
     with: Farazis, G.: Narration: Integrated System for Management and Curation ...
     with: Mitsigkola, S.: Narration: Integrated System for Management and Curati...
     with: Panou, K.: Narration: Integrated System for Management and Curation of...
     with: Thomopoulos, S.C.A.: Narration: Integrated System for Management and C...

Kassim, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ak, K.: Attribute Manipulation Generative Adversarial Networks for Fas...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: 3D-Assisted Coarse-to-Fine Extreme-Pose Facial Landmark De...
     with: Cheng, Z.L.: Focal length self-calibration based on degenerated kruppa...
     with: Cheng, Z.L.: linear self-calibration approach for camera focal length ...
     with: Feng, J.S.: 3D-Assisted Coarse-to-Fine Extreme-Pose Facial Landmark De...
     with: Feng, J.S.: Recurrent 3D-2D Dual Learning for Large-Pose Facial Landma...
     with: Feng, J.S.: Robust Facial Landmark Detection via Recurrent Attentive-R...
     with: Kam, A.H.: Focal length self-calibration based on degenerated kruppa's...
     with: Kam, A.L.: linear self-calibration approach for camera focal length es...
     with: Lai, H.J.: Robust Facial Landmark Detection via Recurrent Attentive-Re...
     with: Lao, W.: Focal length self-calibration based on degenerated kruppa's e...
     with: Lao, W.L.: linear self-calibration approach for camera focal length es...
     with: Li, J.S.: 3D-Assisted Coarse-to-Fine Extreme-Pose Facial Landmark Dete...
     with: Lim, J.: Attribute Manipulation Generative Adversarial Networks for Fa...
     with: Liu, L.: Recurrent 3D-2D Dual Learning for Large-Pose Facial Landmark ...
     with: Lu, Z.K.: Complexity-based Rate Distortion Optimization with Perceptua...
     with: Nie, X.: Recurrent 3D-2D Dual Learning for Large-Pose Facial Landmark ...
     with: Pan, F.: Complexity-based Rate Distortion Optimization with Perceptual...
     with: Sun, Y.: Complexity-based Rate Distortion Optimization with Perceptual...
     with: Tan, T.L.: Focal length self-calibration based on degenerated kruppa's...
     with: Tham, J.Y.: Attribute Manipulation Generative Adversarial Networks for...
     with: Umai, C.: Detection and Interpretation of Text Information in Noisy Vi...
     with: Wang, W.: Recurrent 3D-2D Dual Learning for Large-Pose Facial Landmark...
     with: Wang, Z.C.: 3D-Assisted Coarse-to-Fine Extreme-Pose Facial Landmark De...
     with: Xiao, S.T.: 3D-Assisted Coarse-to-Fine Extreme-Pose Facial Landmark De...
     with: Xiao, S.T.: Recurrent 3D-2D Dual Learning for Large-Pose Facial Landma...
     with: Xiao, S.T.: Robust Facial Landmark Detection via Recurrent Attentive-R...
     with: Xing, J.L.: Robust Facial Landmark Detection via Recurrent Attentive-R...
     with: Yan, S.: Recurrent 3D-2D Dual Learning for Large-Pose Facial Landmark ...
     with: Yan, S.C.: 3D-Assisted Coarse-to-Fine Extreme-Pose Facial Landmark Det...
     with: Yan, S.C.: Robust Facial Landmark Detection via Recurrent Attentive-Re...
     with: Yue, C.L.: Detection and Interpretation of Text Information in Noisy V...
32 for Kassim, A.

Kassim, A.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abrol, V.: Fast and robust FMRI unmixing using hierarchical dictionary...
     with: Ak, K.E.: Edge-GAN: Edge Conditioned Multi-View Face Image Generation
     with: Ak, K.E.: Efficient Multi-attribute Similarity Learning Towards Attrib...
     with: Ak, K.E.: FashionSearchNet: Fashion Search with Attribute Manipulation
     with: Ak, K.E.: Learning Attribute Representations with Localization for Fle...
     with: Ak, K.E.: Semantically Consistent Hierarchical Text to Fashion Image S...
     with: Ak, K.E.: Semantically consistent text to fashion image synthesis with...
     with: Ak, K.E.: Which shirt for my first date? Towards a flexible attribute-...
     with: Aloimonos, Y.: Active Segmentation with Fixation
     with: Aloimonos, Y.: Active Visual Segmentation
     with: Cheong, L.F.: Active Segmentation with Fixation
     with: Cheong, L.F.: Active Visual Segmentation
     with: Chim, Y.C.: Character recognition using statistical moments
     with: Chim, Y.C.: Dual Classifier System for Handwritten Alphanumeric Charac...
     with: Chua, K.S.: DSP-based system for real-time video communications
     with: Ensafi, S.: Accurate HEp-2 cell classification based on Sparse Coding ...
     with: Ensafi, S.: Automatic CAD System for HEp-2 Cell Image Classification
     with: Feng, W.: scalable video codec for layered video streaming, A
     with: Fong, F.K.: DSP-based system for real-time video communications
     with: Gai, Y.L.: Perceptual impact of edge sharpness in images
     with: Gupta, S.: Compression of Dynamic 3D Geometry Data Using Iterative Clo...
     with: Huang, W.M.: Data-Driven Probability Hypothesis Density Filter for Vis...
     with: Huang, W.M.: Tracking a Variable Number of Human Groups in Video Using...
     with: Ibrahim, Y.: Character recognition using statistical moments
     with: Ibrahim, Y.: Dual Classifier System for Handwritten Alphanumeric Chara...
     with: Jaremko, J.L.: Dependent nonparametric bayesian group dictionary learn...
     with: Jaremko, J.L.: Dynamic MRI reconstruction using low rank plus sparse t...
     with: Jaremko, J.L.: Multi-dimensional low rank plus sparse decomposition fo...
     with: Jia, Y.: Estimating Just-Noticeable Distortion for Video
     with: Jing, M.: Application of image and sound analysis techniques to monito...
     with: Jing, M.: Machine tool condition monitoring using workpiece surface te...
     with: Koh, H.K.: Segmentation of Kidney Cortex in MRI Studies using a Constr...
     with: Lee, W.S.: Embedded color image coding using SPIHT with partially link...
     with: Lee, W.S.: Hierarchical Segmentation-Based Image Coding Using Hybrid Q...
     with: Lee, W.S.: Signal and Image Approximation Using Interval Wavelet Trans...
     with: Li, L.Y.: Evaluation of Descriptors and Distance Measures on Benchmark...
     with: Li, P.: Design and Implementation of Parallel Video Encoding Strategie...
     with: Lim, H.Y.: Fast Sub-pixel Motion Estimation for H.264
     with: Lim, J.H.: Efficient Multi-attribute Similarity Learning Towards Attri...
     with: Lim, J.H.: FashionSearchNet: Fashion Search with Attribute Manipulation
     with: Lim, J.H.: Learning Attribute Representations with Localization for Fl...
     with: Lim, J.H.: Semantically Consistent Hierarchical Text to Fashion Image ...
     with: Lim, J.H.: Semantically consistent text to fashion image synthesis wit...
     with: Lim, J.H.: Which shirt for my first date? Towards a flexible attribute...
     with: Lin, W.: Estimating Just-Noticeable Distortion for Video
     with: Lin, W.S.: Perceptual impact of edge sharpness in images
     with: Loke, Y.R.: Face Hallucination on Personal Photo Albums
     with: Lu, S.J.: Accurate HEp-2 cell classification based on Sparse Coding of...
     with: Lu, S.J.: Automatic CAD System for HEp-2 Cell Image Classification
     with: Mandal, B.: Evaluation of Descriptors and Distance Measures on Benchma...
     with: Mannan, M.A.: Application of image and sound analysis techniques to mo...
     with: Mannan, M.A.: Connectivity oriented fast Hough transform for tool wear...
     with: Mannan, M.A.: Machine tool condition monitoring using workpiece surfac...
     with: Mannan, M.A.: Texture analysis methods for tool condition monitoring
     with: Mannan, M.A.: Texture analysis using fractals for tool wear monitoring
     with: Mannan, M.A.: Texture Anaysis of Machined Surfaces using a new Hough T...
     with: Mannan, M.A.: Tool condition classification using Hidden Markov Model ...
     with: Mannan, M.A.: Tool wear monitoring using a fast Hough transform of ima...
     with: Mian, Z.: Connectivity oriented fast Hough transform for tool wear mon...
     with: Mian, Z.: Texture analysis methods for tool condition monitoring
     with: Mian, Z.: Texture analysis using fractals for tool wear monitoring
     with: Mian, Z.: Texture Anaysis of Machined Surfaces using a new Hough Trans...
     with: Mian, Z.: Tool condition classification using Hidden Markov Model base...
     with: Mian, Z.: Tool wear monitoring using a fast Hough transform of images ...
     with: Mishra, A.K.: Active Segmentation with Fixation
     with: Mishra, A.K.: Active Visual Segmentation
     with: Murthy, O.V.R.: novel approach to classification of facial expressions...
     with: Nguyen, T.D.: On the simultaneous recognition of identity and expressi...
     with: Ni, B.B.: Articulated Object Registration Using Simulated Physical For...
     with: Ni, B.B.: Contextualizing histogram
     with: Ni, B.B.: High-Order Local Spatial Context Modeling by Spatialized Ran...
     with: Ni, B.B.: Hybrid Framework for 3-D Human Motion Tracking, A
     with: Ni, B.B.: Recognizing human group activities with localized causalities
     with: Ni, B.B.: Temporal Action Localization with Pyramid of Score Distribut...
     with: Rahimi, A.: Image compression using high order wedgelets in a generali...
     with: Ramanathan, S.: Human Facial Expression Recognition using a 3D Morphab...
     with: Ramanathan, S.: Impact of vertex clustering on registration-based 3D d...
     with: Ranganath, M.: Novel Unrestricted Center-Biased Diamond Search Algorit...
     with: Ranganath, S.: Automatic IC orientation checks
     with: Ranganath, S.: DSP-based system for real-time video communications
     with: Ranganath, S.: Fast Algorithm for Detecting Die Extrusion Defects in I...
     with: Ranganath, S.: Highly Scalable Wavelet-Based Video Codec For Very-Low ...
     with: Ranganath, S.: Novel Unrestricted Center-Biased Diamond Search Algorit...
     with: Roohi, S.F.: Dependent nonparametric bayesian group dictionary learnin...
     with: Roohi, S.F.: Dynamic MRI reconstruction using low rank plus sparse ten...
     with: Roohi, S.F.: Fast and robust FMRI unmixing using hierarchical dictiona...
     with: Roohi, S.F.: Multi-dimensional low rank plus sparse decomposition for ...
     with: Sao, A.K.: Fast and robust FMRI unmixing using hierarchical dictionary...
     with: Sengupta, K.: Compression of Dynamic 3D Geometry Data Using Iterative ...
     with: Sharma, P.: Fast and robust FMRI unmixing using hierarchical dictionar...
     with: Shen, W.J.: New Scheme for Automatic Initialization of Deformable Mode...
     with: Shen, W.J.: Segmentation of Kidney Cortex in MRI Studies using a Const...
     with: Shuter, B.: Segmentation of Kidney Cortex in MRI Studies using a Const...
     with: Tan, C.L.: Accurate HEp-2 cell classification based on Sparse Coding o...
     with: Tan, C.L.: Automatic CAD System for HEp-2 Cell Image Classification
     with: Tan, K.H.: comparative study of efficient generalised Hough transform ...
     with: Tan, P.: Face Hallucination on Personal Photo Albums
     with: Tan, T.: comparative study of efficient generalised Hough transform te...
     with: Tan, T.S.: Impact of vertex clustering on registration-based 3D dynami...
     with: Tham, C.K.: scalable video codec for layered video streaming, A
     with: Tham, J.Y.: Efficient Multi-attribute Similarity Learning Towards Attr...
     with: Tham, J.Y.: FashionSearchNet: Fashion Search with Attribute Manipulation
     with: Tham, J.Y.: Highly Scalable Wavelet-Based Video Codec For Very-Low Bit...
     with: Tham, J.Y.: Learning Attribute Representations with Localization for F...
     with: Tham, J.Y.: Novel Unrestricted Center-Biased Diamond Search Algorithm ...
     with: Tham, J.Y.: Semantically Consistent Hierarchical Text to Fashion Image...
     with: Tham, J.Y.: Semantically consistent text to fashion image synthesis wi...
     with: Tham, J.Y.: Which shirt for my first date? Towards a flexible attribut...
     with: Tian, Q.: High-Order Local Spatial Context Modeling by Spatialized Ran...
     with: Veeravalli, B.: Design and Implementation of Parallel Video Encoding S...
     with: Venkatesh, Y.V.: Human Facial Expression Recognition using a 3D Morpha...
     with: Venkatesh, Y.V.: Medical image reconstruction from sparse samples usin...
     with: Venkatesh, Y.V.: novel approach to classification of facial expression...
     with: Venkatesh, Y.V.: On the simultaneous recognition of identity and expre...
     with: Wah, W.S.: Human Facial Expression Recognition using a 3D Morphable Mo...
     with: Wang, M.: High-Order Local Spatial Context Modeling by Spatialized Ran...
     with: Wang, Y.D.: Data-Driven Probability Hypothesis Density Filter for Visu...
     with: Wang, Y.D.: Tracking a Variable Number of Human Groups in Video Using ...
     with: Wang, Z.K.: Evaluation of Descriptors and Distance Measures on Benchma...
     with: Winkler, S.: Articulated Object Registration Using Simulated Physical ...
     with: Winkler, S.: Hybrid Framework for 3-D Human Motion Tracking, A
     with: Wu, J.K.: Data-Driven Probability Hypothesis Density Filter for Visual...
     with: Wu, J.K.: Tracking a Variable Number of Human Groups in Video Using Pr...
     with: Xiao, S.: Facial Landmark Detection via Progressive Initialization
     with: Yan, P.K.: Medical image segmentation with minimal path deformable mod...
     with: Yan, S.: Facial Landmark Detection via Progressive Initialization
     with: Yan, S.C.: Contextualizing histogram
     with: Yan, S.C.: High-Order Local Spatial Context Modeling by Spatialized Ra...
     with: Yan, S.C.: Recognizing human group activities with localized causalities
     with: Yang, X.K.: Temporal Action Localization with Pyramid of Score Distrib...
     with: Yuan, J.: On the simultaneous recognition of identity and expression f...
     with: Yuan, J.: sparse sampling model for 3D face recognition, A
     with: Yuan, J.: Temporal Action Localization with Pyramid of Score Distribut...
     with: Zhao, L.: Rate-Scalable Object-Based Wavelet Codec with Implicit Shape...
     with: Zhou, H.: Automatic IC orientation checks
     with: Zhou, H.: Fast Algorithm for Detecting Die Extrusion Defects in IC Pac...
     with: Zonoobi, D.: Dependent nonparametric bayesian group dictionary learnin...
     with: Zonoobi, D.: Dynamic MRI reconstruction using low rank plus sparse ten...
     with: Zonoobi, D.: Hierarchical Segmentation-Based Image Coding Using Hybrid...
     with: Zonoobi, D.: Low rank and sparse matrix reconstruction with partial su...
     with: Zonoobi, D.: Medical image reconstruction from sparse samples using Si...
     with: Zonoobi, D.: Multi-dimensional low rank plus sparse decomposition for ...
     with: Zonoobi, D.: On the reconstruction of sequences of sparse signals: The...
     with: Zou, H.: Edge-GAN: Edge Conditioned Multi-View Face Image Generation
144 for Kassim, A.A.

Kassim, A.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Murthy, O.V.R.: Resampling Approach to Facial Expression Recognition U...
     with: Venkatesh, Y.V.: Resampling Approach to Facial Expression Recognition ...

Kassim, A.Y.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdullah, S.: Development of Total Knee Replacement Digital Templating...
     with: Hamid, H.A.: Development of Total Knee Replacement Digital Templating ...
     with: Omar, M.: Development of Total Knee Replacement Digital Templating Sof...
     with: Seng, L.T.: Development of Total Knee Replacement Digital Templating S...
     with: Sulaiman, R.: Development of Total Knee Replacement Digital Templating...
     with: Yusof, S.: Development of Total Knee Replacement Digital Templating So...
     with: Yusof, S.F.: Development of Total Knee Replacement Digital Templating ...
7 for Kassim, A.Y.M.

Kassim, R.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Noor, N.M.: Regression as a Tool to Measure Segmentation Quality and P...
     with: Rijal, O.M.: Regression as a Tool to Measure Segmentation Quality and ...
     with: Than, J.C.M.: Regression as a Tool to Measure Segmentation Quality and...
     with: Yunus, A.: Regression as a Tool to Measure Segmentation Quality and Pr...

Kassim, Y.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bunyak, F.: Multi-focus Image Fusion for Confocal Microscopy Using U-N...
     with: Glinskii, O.V.: Deep U-Net Regression and Hand-Crafted Feature Fusion ...
     with: Glinskii, O.V.: Microvasculature segmentation of arterioles using deep...
     with: Glinskii, O.V.: Multi-focus Image Fusion for Confocal Microscopy Using...
     with: Glinsky, V.V.: Deep U-Net Regression and Hand-Crafted Feature Fusion f...
     with: Glinsky, V.V.: Microvasculature segmentation of arterioles using deep ...
     with: Glinsky, V.V.: Multi-focus Image Fusion for Confocal Microscopy Using ...
     with: Guidoboni, G.: Deep U-Net Regression and Hand-Crafted Feature Fusion f...
     with: Guiriec, J.B.: HEp-2 cell classification and segmentation using motif ...
     with: Hafiane, A.: HEp-2 cell classification and segmentation using motif te...
     with: Huxley, V.H.: Deep U-Net Regression and Hand-Crafted Feature Fusion fo...
     with: Huxley, V.H.: Microvasculature segmentation of arterioles using deep CNN
     with: Huxley, V.H.: Multi-focus Image Fusion for Confocal Microscopy Using U...
     with: Oraibi, Z.A.: HEp-2 cell classification and segmentation using motif t...
     with: Palaniappan, K.: Deep U-Net Regression and Hand-Crafted Feature Fusion...
     with: Palaniappan, K.: HEp-2 cell classification and segmentation using moti...
     with: Palaniappan, K.: Microvasculature segmentation of arterioles using dee...
     with: Palaniappan, K.: Multi-focus Image Fusion for Confocal Microscopy Usin...
     with: Prasath, V.B.S.: HEp-2 cell classification and segmentation using moti...
     with: Prasath, V.B.S.: Microvasculature segmentation of arterioles using dee...
     with: Seetharaman, G.: HEp-2 cell classification and segmentation using moti...
     with: Shuvo, M.M.H.: Multi-focus Image Fusion for Confocal Microscopy Using ...
     with: Thakkar, M.M.: Multi-focus Image Fusion for Confocal Microscopy Using ...
     with: Xie, L.: Multi-focus Image Fusion for Confocal Microscopy Using U-Net ...
24 for Kassim, Y.M.

Kassler, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chakareski, J.: Quality of experience optimized scheduling in multi-se...
     with: Neubeck, A.: Classification and evaluation of filters for wavelet code...
     with: Neubeck, A.: Self Learning Video Filters for Wavelet Coded Video Streams
     with: Reis, A.B.: Quality of experience optimized scheduling in multi-servic...
     with: Sargento, S.: Quality of experience optimized scheduling in multi-serv...
     with: Schulthess, P.: Classification and evaluation of filters for wavelet c...
     with: Schulthess, P.: Self Learning Video Filters for Wavelet Coded Video St...
7 for Kassler, A.

Kasson, P.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brunger, A.T.: Quantitative analysis of lymphocyte membrane protein re...
     with: Davis, M.M.: Quantitative analysis of lymphocyte membrane protein redi...
     with: Huppa, J.B.: Quantitative analysis of lymphocyte membrane protein redi...

Kassouk, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ayari, E.: Cereal Crops Soil Parameters Retrieval Using L-Band ALOS-2 ...
     with: Ayari, E.: Monitoring Coastal Evolution and Geomorphological Processes...
     with: Baghdadi, N.: Cereal Crops Soil Parameters Retrieval Using L-Band ALOS...
     with: Boulet, G.: Analysis of Multispectral Drought Indices in Central Tunisia
     with: Bousbih, S.: Cereal Crops Soil Parameters Retrieval Using L-Band ALOS-...
     with: Carreau, J.: Analysis of Multispectral Drought Indices in Central Tuni...
     with: Chabaane, Z.L.: Analysis of Multispectral Drought Indices in Central T...
     with: Deffontaines, B.: Monitoring Coastal Evolution and Geomorphological Pr...
     with: Farhani, N.: Analysis of Multispectral Drought Indices in Central Tuni...
     with: Lili Chabaane, Z.: Cereal Crops Soil Parameters Retrieval Using L-Band...
     with: Ouaja, M.: Monitoring Coastal Evolution and Geomorphological Processes...
     with: Page, M.L.: Analysis of Multispectral Drought Indices in Central Tunisia
     with: Zribi, M.: Cereal Crops Soil Parameters Retrieval Using L-Band ALOS-2 ...
13 for Kassouk, Z.

Kassubeck, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alldieck, T.: Optical Flow-Based 3D Human Motion Estimation from Monoc...
     with: Bauszat, P.: Approach Toward Fast Gradient-Based Image Segmentation, An
     with: Burgel, F.: Shape from Caustics: Reconstruction of 3D-Printed Glass fr...
     with: Castillo, S.: Optical Quality Control for Adaptive Polishing Processes
     with: Castillo, S.: Shape from Caustics: Reconstruction of 3D-Printed Glass ...
     with: Dittrich, M.: Optical Quality Control for Adaptive Polishing Processes
     with: Eisemann, M.: Approach Toward Fast Gradient-Based Image Segmentation, An
     with: Hell, B.: Approach Toward Fast Gradient-Based Image Segmentation, An
     with: Kappel, M.: Optical Quality Control for Adaptive Polishing Processes
     with: Magnor, M.: Approach Toward Fast Gradient-Based Image Segmentation, An
     with: Magnor, M.: Optical Flow-Based 3D Human Motion Estimation from Monocul...
     with: Magnor, M.: Optical Quality Control for Adaptive Polishing Processes
     with: Magnor, M.: Real-Time High-Resolution Cone-Beam CT Using GPU-Based Mul...
     with: Magnor, M.: Shape from Caustics: Reconstruction of 3D-Printed Glass fr...
     with: Malek, T.: Optical Quality Control for Adaptive Polishing Processes
     with: Muhlhausen, M.: Optical Quality Control for Adaptive Polishing Processes
     with: Rosenhahn, B.: Optical Flow-Based 3D Human Motion Estimation from Mono...
     with: Stiller, S.: Shape from Caustics: Reconstruction of 3D-Printed Glass f...
     with: Wandt, B.: Optical Flow-Based 3D Human Motion Estimation from Monocula...
     with: Wedekind, M.: Real-Time High-Resolution Cone-Beam CT Using GPU-Based M...
20 for Kassubeck, M.

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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