Journals starting with onli

Online Book * *CAVIAR Test Case Scenarios
* *CV-Online: The Evolving, Distributed, Non-Proprietary, On-Line Compendium of Computer Vision
* *CVonline: Introductory Visual Psychophysics/Psychology
* *HIPR2: Free WWW-based Image Processing Teaching Materials with JAVA
* *IAPR Pattern Recognition Education Resources
* *IAPR Tutorials on Topics in 2D Image Analysis, Computer Vision
* *Iris Recognition Homepage
* 3D LAMP: Layered Representation for Image-based Rendering
* Annotated Computer Vision Bibliography
* Basics of MRI, The
* Computer Vision
* Computer Vision Handbook
* H.264/AVC Refrence Software
* Image Iterative Smoothing and PDE's
* Image Processing Fundamentals
* Introduction to Active Contours and Visual Dynamics
* S-Tools for Windows
* TABU Search Homepage
* Voronoi Web Site, The
* Wavelab
* Wavelet Tutorial, The
* Webvision: The organization of the Vertebrate Retina
22 for Online Book

Online Videos * *Computer Vision Lectures

Online * *Active Appearance Models
* *BBC Motion Gallery
* *Boat Detection
* *brain lesion segmentation
* *Challenging Unreal and Real Environments for Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition
* *CMU VASC Image Database
* *COCO: Common Objects in Context
* *CR Chisto Labeled Nuclei Dataset
* *CVL Face Database
* *DOTA: A Large-Scale Benchmark and Challenges for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* *Edison: Edge Detection and Image SegmentatiON system
* *Egocentric Live 4D Perception (Ego4D) Dataset: A large-scale first-person video dataset, supporting research in multi-modal machine perception for daily life activity
* *Event Camera Calibration
* *Face Detection Home Page
* *Face Recognition Vendor Test 2006
* *Face Recogniton Home Page
* *FacePix Database
* *Find Biometrics
* *Finite Element Models from Medical Data
* *Gamera project
* *Generic Programming for Computer Vision: The VIGRA Computer Vision Library
* *GPU4Vision
* *HMDB: a large human motion database
* *Hollywood2 Human Actions and Scenes Dataset
* *Hopkins 155
* *Human3.6M
* *HVU Dataset
* *HySCaS: Hybrid Stereoscopic Calibration Software
* *i-LIDS: Bag and vehicle detection challenge
* *Indoor pig behavior RGBD video dataset
* *Ink Markup Language: InkML
* *IrfanView
* *ISPRS Benchmarks
* *JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group
* *Kinect-Like 3D camera
* *Kinetics Human Action Video Dataset, The
* *KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite, The
* *LHI Object Datasets
* *LHI Segmentation Dataset
* *LHI Sports Activity Dataset
* *LHI Surveillance Dataset
* *libE57: software tools for managing E57 files
* *LIBSVMTL: a Support Vector Machine Template Library
* *LTI-Lib
* *Make3D
* *Mathematical Morphology
* *MIT Car Database MITC
* *MIT Face Recognition Database
* *MIT Pedestrian Database MITP
* *MoCA: Moving Camouflaged Animals dataset
* *NEC Animal Dataset
* *OpenVidia
* *Optic Flow Evaluation
* *OVIS: Occluded Video Instance Segmentation
* *PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge 2012, The
* *PEIPA Computer Vision Software
* *PETS 2001 Benchmark Data
* *PETS 2006 Benchmark Data
* *PETS Benchmark Datasets
* *Privacy-Preserving Visual Recognition PA-HMDB51
* *Racing Bicycle Detection/Tracking from UAV Footage, UAV Detection
* *Reproducible Research
* *Semantic Boundaries Dataset and Benchmark
* *Stain Normalization toolbox for histopathology image analysis
* *Super-Resolution Code
* *Swedish Trafic Signs
* *Swin-Transformer-Object-Detection
* *TGRS-HRRSD-Dataset: High Resolution Remote Sensing Detection (HRRSD)
* *Tracking Any Object, TAO, Dataset
* *TRECVID Workshop DAta
* *Tropical Coral Reef Fish Detection, Tracking And Classification
* *UCD Colour Face Image Database for Face Detection, The
* *UCF Action Recogniton Dataset 101
* *UCF Action Recogniton Dataset 50
* *UCF-iPhone
* *Unipen Project
* *UTIRIS: University of Tehran IRIS Image Repository
* *Visual Object Tracking Challenges, VOT
* *VolMorph Documentation
* *VripPack: Volumetric Range Image Processing Package
* *VXL
* *Washington Ground Truth Image Database
* *Xcavator.Net
* *Yale Face Database
* Addingham Bundle Adjustment
* Berkeley Segmentation Dataset and Benchmark, The
* Bundler: Structure from Motion for Unordered Image Collections
* Cardiac MRI dataset
* CBCL StreetScenes Challenge Framework
* COCOA: Alignment, Object Detection, Object Tracking and Indexing of Aerial Videos
* Code: Active Segmentation With Fixation
* Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications
* Copying machine learning classifiers
* Crowd Flow Segmentation and Stability Analysis
* Deep Learning-Based Human Pose Estimation
* Dynamic Vision
* Fragments Tracker
* FRVT 2002: Overview and Summary
* GPU_KLT: A GPU-based Implementation of the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Feature Tracker
* Ground Terrain Database, GTOS
* HEIV based estimation
* Implementation of Bilayer Segmentation of Live Video
* Implementation of the Self-Similarity Descriptor
* INRIA Person Dataset
* Intellegent Scissors: Interactive tool for image segmentation
* Iris Database
* KLT: An Implementation of the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Feature Tracker
* LableMe: The Open Annotation Tool
* Level-set image segmenation software
* Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares algorithms in C/C++
* LIBSVM: a library for support vector machines
* MATLAB and Octave Functions Software for Computer Vision and Image Processing
* Matlab toolbox for Level Set Methods
* Media Team Document Database II
* Middlebury stereo vision page
* mostly complete chart of Neural Networks, A
* moving image genre-form guide, The
* Normalized cut image segmenation software
* PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge 2007 (VOC2007) Results, The
* ply2vri
* PSU Near-Regular Texture Database
* Ratio Contour Code
* review of mean-shift algorithms for clustering, A
* SAMANTHA: Structure-and-Motion Pipeline on a Hierarchical Cluster Tree
* Staff Line Removal Toolkit for Gamera
* Teichmüller extremal mapping and its applications to landmark matching registration
* Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera
* Video Google Demo
* YouTube-8M: A Large-Scale Video Classification Benchmark
132 for Online

Index for "o"

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