Update Dates 0104

0104 * *artificial eye on your driving, An
* 3D Synthetic Environment Reconstruction
* Active contour model with gradient directional information: Directional snake
* adaptive irregular sampling algorithm and its application to image coding, An
* Adaptive workload-dependent scheduling for large-scale content delivery systems
* advanced contrast enhancement using partially overlapped sub-block histogram equalization, An
* Analysis of topographic decorrelation in SAR interferometry using ratio coherence imagery
* Apparatus and method for removing blank areas from real-time stabilized images by inserting background information
* Approximate orientation steerability based on angular Gaussians
* Blur Identification from Vector Quantizer Encoder Distortion of the PSF from Vector Quantizer Encoder Distortion
* Buffer management and dimensioning for a pull-based parallel video server
* buyer-seller watermarking protocol, A
* Camera calibration with genetic algorithms
* Colorimetric restoration of digital images
* Combined wide angle and narrow angle imaging system and method for surveillance and monitoring
* Comparability Graphs and Digital Topology
* Compression ratio boundaries for predictive signal compression
* computationally efficient superresolution image reconstruction algorithm, A
* Computing Line Intersections
* Content-based video parsing and indexing based on audio-visual interaction
* Context-based lossless image coding using EZW framework
* digital TV filter and nonlinear denoising, The
* Document retrieval using fuzzy-valued concept networks
* Efficient and Simple Quad Edge Conversion of Polygonal Mainfold Objects, An
* Efficient Architecture for Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform, An
* Efficient detection in hyperspectral imagery
* efficient fractal image-coding method using interblock correlation search, An
* Efficient optical camera tracking in virtual sets
* Encoding stored video for streaming applications
* entropic criterion for minimum uncertainty sensing in recognition and localization - part I: theoretical and conceptual aspects, An
* entropic criterion for minimum uncertainty sensing in recognition and localization part II: A Case Study on Directional Distance Measurements, An
* Entropy-threshold method for best basis selection
* Error Propagation in two-sensor 3D position estimation
* Evaluating Kube and Pentland's fractal imaging model
* Fast algorithm for pyramid vector quantization
* Fast full-search block matching
* fast globally optimal algorithm for template matching using low-resolution pruning, A
* Fast image recovery using dynamic load balancing in parallel architectures, by means of incomplete projections
* Fast Rendering Water Surface For Outdoor Scenes
* fast scheme for image size change in the compressed domain, A
* Focusing attention on objects of interest using multiple matched filters
* Frame-level pipelined motion estimation array processor
* framework for efficient progressive fine granularity scalable video coding, A
* Frequency Domain Technique Based on Energy Radial Projections for Robust Estimation of Global 2D Affine Transformations, A
* Fully constrained least squares linear spectral mixture analysis method for material quantification in hyperspectral imagery
* Fuzzy Image Processing and Recognition: Uncertainty Handling and Applications
* Gauss-Markov Measure Field Models for Low-Level Vision
* generic postprocessing technique for image compression, A
* Geometric Approach To Data Mining
* guidecane-applying mobile robot technologies to assist the visually impaired, The
* Hierarchical block matching method for fast rotation of binary images
* Human Face Image Processing Techniques
* hybrid temporal-SNR fine-granular scalability for internet video, A
* Identification of metallic mine-like objects using low frequency magnetic fields
* Image capture: Simulation of sensor responses from hyperspectral images
* Image processing methods and apparatus for separable, general affine transformation of an image
* Image reconstruction and enhanced resolution imaging from irregular samples
* Image restoration using recursive Markov random field models driven by Cauchy distributed noise
* Images similarity estimation by processing compressed data
* Implementation of vision-based planar grasp planning
* importance of the Bi-directionally predicted pictures in video streaming, The
* improved H.263 video coder relying on weighted median filtering of motion vectors, An
* Information Theoretic Measure for Visual Target Distinctness
* Inner products and orthogonality in color recording filter design
* Integer wavelet transform for embedded lossy to lossless image compression
* Intelligent control for near-autonomous aircraft missions
* Interactive 3D model extraction from a single image
* Interactive Navigation Of Virtual Vessel Tracking With 3d Intelligent Scissors
* Introduction to the special issue on streaming video
* Labeled bunch graphs for image analysis
* Level of Detail and Multi-Resolution Modeling for Virtual Prototyping
* Linear Fitting with Missing Data for Structure-from-Motion
* LOT coding for arbitrarily shaped object regions
* Marginal Maximum Entropy Partitioning Yields Asymptotically Consistent Probability Density Functions
* Markov Process In Pattern Recognition
* Memory conserving and compression technique-compatible image rotation system
* Method and apparatus for performing global image alignment using any local match measure
* Method for detecting camera-motion induced scene changes
* Method for identifying marking stripes of road lanes
* Microwave Imaging
* Minimum description length criterion and segmentation map coding for region-based video compression
* Modeling People Toward Vision-Based Understanding of a Person's Shape, Appearance, and Movement
* Moments and Moment Invariants in Pattern Recognition
* Motion Estimation of Opaque or Transparent Objects Using Triads of Gabor Filters
* MPEG video streaming with VCR functionality
* Multi-aspect target detection for SAR imagery using hidden Markov models
* Multicast with cache (Mcache): An adaptive zero-delay video-on-demand service
* Multidimensional orthogonal FM transforms
* Multiframe video coding for improved performance over wireless channels
* Multimedia processor-based implementation of an error-diffusion halftoning algorithm exploiting subword parallelism
* Multiscale bayesian segmentation using a trainable context model
* Mutual Information Theory for Adaptive Mixture Models
* near-surface current velocity determined from image sequences of the sea surface, The
* Nested auto-regressive processes for MPEG-encoded video traffic modeling
* Neural networks for classification: a survey
* new approach for the morphological segmentation of high-resolution satellite imagery, A
* new approach of group-based VLC codec system with full table programmability, A
* New image compression techniques using multiwavelets and multiwavelet packets
* new image flux conduction model and its application to selective image smoothing, A
* Noise adaptive soft-switching median filter
* novel code excited pel-recursive motion compensation algorithm, A
* novel two-pass VBR coding algorithm for fixed-size storage application, A
* Object detection using high resolution near-field array processing
* Object-based transcoding for adaptable video content delivery
* Object-level change detection in spectral imagery
* Olfactory Classification via Interpoint Distance Analysis
* On optimal entropy-constrained deadzone quantization
* On-Board Selection of Relevant Images: An Application to Linear Feature Recognition
* Optimal focusing for low resolution scan SAR
* Optimizing motion-vector accuracy in block-based video coding
* Overview of fine granularity scalability in MPEG-4 video standard
* Page Segmentation And Classification Utilizing Bottom-up Approach
* Panoramic imaging arrangement I
* Parametric estimation of the orientation of textured planar surfaces
* parametric solution for optimal overlapped block motion compensation, A
* Peer group image enhancement
* Polarimetric processing of coherent random noise radar data for buried object detection
* Probabilistic partial-distance fast matching algorithms for motion estimation
* Probability Models for Clutter in Natural Images
* Providing synthetic views for teleoperation using visual pose tracking in multiple cameras
* Quadratic Gabor filters for object detection
* Quantitative image quality analysis of a nonlinear spatio-temporal filter
* quasi-orthogonal space-time block code, A
* Radar Remote Sensing of Urban Areas
* Rate-distortion optimized layered coding with unequal error protection for robust internet video
* Recovery of the metric structure of a pattern of points using minimal information
* Region-based image coding with multiple algorithms
* Resolution enhancement of monochrome and color video using motion compensation
* robust image authentication method distinguishing JPEG compression from malicious manipulation, A
* SAR image data compression using a tree-structured wavelet transform
* self stabilizing robust region finder applied to color and optical flow pictures, A
* Shape from Recognition: A Novel Approach for 3-D Face Shape Recovery
* Shape- and Texture-Based Enhanced Fisher Classifier for Face Recognition, A
* simple recursive method for converting a chain code into a quadtree with a lookup table, A
* snake for CT image segmentation integrating region and edge information, A
* Some classification algorithms integrating Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence with the rank nearest neighbor rules
* Statistical Learning and Pattern Analysis for Image and Video Processing
* Stereoscopic Video Coding Using A Fast And Robust Affine Motion Search
* Stochastic model-based processing for detection of small targets in non-gaussian natural imagery
* Streaming video over the internet: Approaches and directions
* Strongly Normal Sets of Tiles in N Dimensions
* Summary frames in video
* technique for the identification and localization of SAR targets using encoding transponders, A
* Three-dimensional effects in the remote sensing of surface albedo
* Three-dimensional ISAR imaging of maneuvering targets using three receivers
* Three-dimensional wavelet transform video coding using symmetric codebook vector quantization
* Transform-based image enhancement algorithms with performance measure
* Two-Dimensional Object Alignment Based on the Robust Oriented Hausdorff Similarity Measure
* Vector processing of wavelet coefficients for robust image denoising
* Video coding for streaming media delivery on the internet
* Video encoder and decoder using motion-based segmentation and merging
* Video encoding motion estimation employing partitioned and reassembled search window
* Video multicast using layered FEC and scalable compression
* Vision pointer method and apparatus
* Visual Servoing via Advanced Numerical Methods
* weighted least squares solution for space intersection of spaceborne stereo SAR data, A
156 for 0104

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.