Update Dates 9609

9609 * *Remote Sensing for Geography, Geology, Land Planning, and Cultural Heritage
* 3-D Real-Time Gesture Recognition Using Proximity Spaces
* 3D Shape and Reflectance Morphing
* 3L Fitting of Higher Degree Implicit Polynomials
* Active Shape Models And The Shape Approximation Problem
* Active Stereo Vision and Direct Surface Parameter-Estimation: Curve-to-Curve Image Plane Mappings
* Adaptive Method and System for Real Time Verification of Dynamic Human Signatures
* Adaptive Quantization of Color Space for Recognition of Finished Wooden Components
* Algorithm-Independent Stability Analysis of Structure from Motion
* Analysis of Moire Patterns in Non-Uniformly Sampled Halftones
* Apparatus and method for arbitrary binary resolution conversion
* Application of the Fuzzy Artmap Neural-Network Model to Medical Pattern-Classification Tasks
* Applying Algebraic and Differential Invariants for Logo Recognition
* Artifact Reduction in Low Bit-rate DCT-Based Image Compression
* Automated Solder Joint Inspection System Using Optical 3D Image Detector
* Automated Visual Inspection of Solder Joints Using 2D and 3D Features, An
* Automatic Aircraft Landing Using Interferometric Inverse Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imaging
* Automatic-Measurement of Vertebral Shape Using Active Shape Models
* Automating Image-Processing for Scientific-Data Analysis of a Large Image Database
* Block position dithering in DCT-coded sequences
* Building a Quadtree and Its Applications on a Reconfigurable Mesh
* Candidate Functions For A Parallel Multilevel Thresholding Technique
* Canonical Representations for the Geometries of Multiple Projective Views
* Cartographic Indexing into a Database of Remotely Sensed Images
* Cartographic Matching onto Millimetre Radar Images
* Choreographed Scope Maneuvering in Robotically-Assisted Laparoscopy with Active Vision Guidance
* Classification of Remote Sensing Images Having High Spectral Resolution
* Classified Vector Quantizer Technique for Image-Coding Employing the Linear-Phase Paraunitary M-Band Filter Bank
* Classifier Performance and MAP Accuracy
* Color and Texture Fusion: Application to Aerial Image Segmentation and GIS Updating
* Comment on Using the Uniformity Measure for Performance-Measure in Image Segmentation
* Compact Representations of Videos Through Dominant and Multiple Motion Estimation
* Comparison Between the Morphological Skeleton and Morphological Shape Decomposition
* Comparison of Video Shot Boundary Detection Techniques
* Compressed Video Segmentation
* Computer Vision System to Detect 3-D Rectangular Solids, A
* Connectivity Preservation of 3D 6-Subiteration Thinning Algorithms
* Control of Scene Reconstruction Using Explicit Knowledge
* Convex Hulls, Occluding Contours, Aspect Graphs and the Hough Transform
* Data-Driven Registration for Local Deformations
* DCBAM: A Discrete Chainable Bidirectional Associative Memory
* Depth Extraction Using a Single Moving Camera: An Integration of Depth from Motion and Depth from Stereo
* Design and Development Issues for Multimedia Information-Systems
* Detecting Suspicious Background Changes in Video Surveillance of Busy Scenes
* Detection and Localization of Objects in Time-varying Imagery Using Attention, Representation and Memory Pyramids
* Detection and Tracking of Independent Motion
* Detection of Courtesy Amount Block on Bank Checks
* Detection of Obstacles on Runway Using Ego-Motion Compensation and Tracking of Significant Features
* Diagnostic Reasoning Based on a Genetic Algorithm Operating in a Bayesian Belief Network
* Differential Block Coding of Bilevel Images
* Digital Document Imaging
* Direct Solution of Orientation-from-Color Problem Using a Modification of Pentland's Light-Source Direction Estimator
* Distributed Raid Style Video Server
* Document Image Decoding by Heuristic Search
* Document Layout Structure Extraction Using Bounding Boxes of Different Entities
* Efficient 3D Deformable Model with a Self-Optimizing Mesh, An
* Efficient Image Warping and Super-Resolution
* Encoding of A-Priori Information in Active Contour Models
* Epipolar Geometry in Stereo, Motion, and Object Recognition: A Unified Approach
* Evolutive OCR System Based on Continuous Learning, An
* Exploiting the JPEG Compression Scheme for Image Retrieval
* Extending the Point Distribution Model Using Polar Coordinates
* Extremal Mesh and the Understanding of 3D Surfaces, The
* Fast Noise Variance-Estimation
* Fast Range Image Segmentation Using High-Level Segmentation Primitives
* Fast Structure-Adaptive Evaluation of Local Features in Images, A
* Fast, Simple Active Contour Algorithm for Biomedical Images, A
* Faster Neighbor Finding on Images Represented By Bincodes
* Feature-Extraction Techniques for Exploratory Visualization of Vector-Valued Imagery
* Finding Neighbors on Bincode-Based Images in O(n-log-log-n) Time
* Finding the Parts of Objects in Range Images
* Fingerprint Enhancement
* Flexible 3D Models from Uncalibrated Cameras
* Foreground-Background Segmentation of Optical Character-Recognition Labels by a Single Layer Recurrent Neural-Network
* Fourier-Based Texture Measures with Application to the Analysis of the Cell Structure of Baked Products
* Fresh Look At the Hough Transform, A
* Gaussian Mixture Density Modeling, Decomposition, and Applications
* Gaussian Pyramid Wavelet Transform for Multiresolution Analysis of Images
* Generating Spatiotemporal Models From Examples
* Generation of Shading-off in Images by Extrapolation of Lipschitz Functions
* Geometric Feature Detection for Reverse Engineering Using Range Imaging
* Gray-Level Corner Detector Using Fuzzy-Logic, A
* Handprinted Character-Recognition Based on Spatial Topology Distance Measurement
* Handwritten Numeral Recognition Using Personal Handwriting Characteristics Based on Clustering Method
* Identification of Business Forms Using Relationships Between Adjacent Frames
* Identifying Nude Pictures
* Image Database System Featuring Graceful Oblivion
* Image Multiresolution Representation for Lossless and Lossy Compression, An
* Image Processing for Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Lung Cancer by CT (LSCT)
* Image Scalability Using Wavelet Vector Quantization
* Image Sequence Segmentation Based on 2D Temporal Entropic Thresholding
* Integration of Natural Language and Vision Processing
* Internet Video-on-Demand System Architecture-Mins
* Introduction to the Special Section on Digital Libraries: Representation and Retrieval
* Iterative method for estimating motion content in video signals using successively reduced block size
* Joint Motion/Disparity Map Estimation for Stereo Image Sequences
* Jointly Optimized Subband Coder, A
* Jordan Graphs
* Learning the Distribution of Object Trajectories for Event Recognition
* Line Symmetry of Convex Digital Regions
* Locating Human Faces in Photographs
* Machine Vision System for the Automated Classification and Counting of Neurons in 3-D Brain Tissue Samples, A
* Marco: Map Retrieval by Content
* Method and apparatus for a layout of a document image
* Method and apparatus for dither array generation to reduce artifacts in halftoned images
* Method and apparatus for document segmentation by background analysis
* Model-based Reconstruction of Multiple Circular and Elliptic Objects from a Limited Number of Projections
* Models and Algorithms for a Real-Time Hybrid Image-Enhancement Methodology
* Morphological Pseudo Bandpass Image Decompositions
* Mosaic Image Generation on a Flattened Gaussian Sphere
* Mosaicing of Paintings on Curved Surfaces
* Motion-Compensated Visual-Pattern Image Sequence Coding for Full-Motion Multisession Videoconferencing on Multimedia Workstations
* Multi-resolutional Gabor Filter in Texture Analysis
* Multidirectional and Multiscale Edge-detection Via M-Band Wavelet Transform
* Multimedia Systems
* Multiple shell structured hypercube feature maps for vector quantization of images
* Multiplierless PR Quadrature Mirror Filters for Subband Image-coding
* None
* None
* Nonparametric Correction of Distortion
* Novel Approach to Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Mammographic Images, A
* Novel Method for Parameter-Estimation of Digital Arc, A
* Object Recognition by Combining Paraperspective Images
* Object Recognition Using Multiple View Invariance Based on Complex Features
* OCR Accuracy: UNLV's Fifth Annual Test
* On a New Computationally Fast Image Invariant Based on Bispectral Projections
* On Compatible Priors for Bayesian Networks
* On Retrieving Textured Images from an Image Database
* On Synthesizing Discrete Fractional Brownian-Motion with Applications to Image-Processing
* On the design of a hierarchical BTC-VQ compression system
* Online Chinese Character-Recognition Using Attributed Relational Graph Matching
* Online Recognition of Handwritten Symbols
* Parallel Computing Approach to Creating Engineering Concept Spaces for Semantic Retrieval: The Illinois Digital Library Initiative Project, A
* Paraperspective = Affine
* Partitioning of Hopfield Networks and Its Application to Image Restoration
* Passive Navigation Using Focus of Expansion
* Pattern Detection in Biomolecules Using Synthesized Random Sequence
* Pattern-Classification Using a Joint Transform Correlator Based Nearest-Neighbor Classifier
* Performance Analysis for a Class of Iterative Image Thresholding Algorithms
* Performance Evaluation of People Tracking Systems
* Performance of Camera Translation Direction Estimators from Optical-flow: Analysis, Comparison, and Theoretical Limits, The
* Periodic Lines: Definition, Cascades, and Application to Granulometries
* Picture processing apparatus with object tracking
* Placing Observers to Cover a Polyhedral Terrain in Polynomial Time
* Pose Determination of a Cylinder Using Reprojection Transformation
* Pose Estimation of Artificial Knee Implants in Fluoroscopy Images Using a Template Matching Technique
* Position Estimation from Outdoor Visual Landmarks for Teleoperation of Lunar Rovers
* Probabilistic Feature-Labeling Schemes: Modeling Compatibility Coefficient Distributions
* Progressive Technique for Human Face Archiving and Retrieval
* Pyramid-Structured Progressive Image Transmission Using Quantization-Error Delivery in Transform Domains
* Quantizer designed by using human visual sensitivity
* Randomized Polygon Search for Planar Motion Detection
* Real time tracking of borescope tip pose
* Real-Time Face Tracker, A
* Real-Time Matching System for Large Fingerprint Databases
* Real-time Optically Processed Face Recognition System Based on Arbitrary Moire Contours
* Real-Time Recognition of Activity Using Temporal Templates
* Real-Time Vision System for Automatic Traffic Monitoring Based on 2D Spatio-Temporal Images, A
* Real-Time Vision-Based 3D Motion Estimation System for Positioning and Trajectory Following, A
* Recognition by Prototypes
* Recognition of Handprinted Thai Characters Using Loop Structures
* Recognition of Handwritten Musical Notes by a Modified Neocognitron
* Region Competition: Unifying Snakes, Region Growing, and Bayes/MDL for Multiband Image Segmentation
* Registration Techniques for Multisensor Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Relative Affine Structure: Canonical Model for 3D from 2D Geometry and Applications
* Representation of Digital Hyperbolas Y=1/X Alpha+Beta, A
* Representations That Uniquely Characterize Images Modulo Translation, Rotation, and Scaling
* Resolving View Sensitivity With Surface Locality
* Retrieving Multispectral Satellite Images Using Physics-Based Invariant Representations
* Robot Spatial Perception by Stereoscopic Vision and 3D Evidence Grids
* Robust Automatic Target Recognition in Second Generation FLIR Images
* Scanline Algorithms in the JPEG Discrete Cosine Transform Compressed Domain
* Segmentation of Plants and Weeds for a Precision Crop Protection Robot Using Infrared Images
* Self-Alignment of a Binocular Robot
* Shape-recognition by Integrating Structural Descriptions and Geometrical/Statistical Transforms
* Simplified Algorithm for Approximate Separable Decomposition of Morphological Templates, A
* Spatial-Resolution Properties of Penalized Likelihood Image Reconstruction: Space Invariant Tomographs
* Spatio-temporal segmentation of image sequences for object-oriented low bit-rate image coding
* Special Issue on Multimedia on Demand: Foreword
* Special Issue: British Machine Vision Conference 1995
* Statistical Grey-Level Models for Object Location and Identification
* Statistical Mosaics for Tracking
* Statistical-Methods to Compare the Texture Features of Machined Surfaces
* Steerable Wedge Filters for Local Orientation Analysis
* Structure Learning of Bayesian Networks By Genetic Algorithms: A Performance Analysis of Control Parameters
* Symbolic Mapping of Neurons in Feedforward Networks
* System for Detection of Internal Log Defects by Computer Analysis of Axial CT Images, A
* System for encoding image data into multiple layers representing regions of coherent motion and associated motion parameters
* Texture Analysis for Estimating Spatial Variability and Anisotropy in Planar Stochastic Structures
* Texture Coding Using a Wold Decomposition Model
* Texture Features for Browsing and Retrieval of Image Data
* Texture Synthesis-by-Analysis Method Based on a Multiscale Early-Vision Model
* Time-Efficient Computation of 3D Topological Functions
* Total Color-Difference Measure for Segmentation in Color Images, A
* Towards Effective Planar Shape Representation with Multiscale Digital Curvature Analysis Based on Signal-processing Techniques
* Tracking and Measuring Drivers Eyes
* Transcoding of MPEG bitstreams
* Translation-Invariant Optical-Pattern Recognition without Correlation
* Use Neural Networks to Determine Matching Order for Recognizing Overlapping Objects
* Using Discriminant Eigenfeatures for Image Retrieval
* Vector quantization with hierarchical classification of sub-blocks
* VeggieVision: A Produce Recognition System
* Video Indexing Through Integration of Syntactic and Semantic Features
203 for 9609

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.