Index for gent

Gent, C.R. * 1996: Feature Vectors for Road Vehicle Scene Classification

Gentemann, C.[Chelle] * 2019: Determining the AMSR-E SST Footprint from Co-Located MODIS SSTs
* 2019: Using Saildrones to Validate Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Salinity and Sea Surface Temperature along the California/Baja Coast
* 2021: Using Saildrones to Validate Arctic Sea-Surface Salinity from the SMAP Satellite and from Ocean Models
* 2022: Comparison of GHRSST SST Analysis in the Arctic Ocean and Alaskan Coastal Waters Using Saildrones

Gentemann, C.L.[Chelle L.] * 2018: Optimal Estimation of Sea Surface Temperature from AMSR-E
* 2020: FluxSat: Measuring the Ocean-Atmosphere Turbulent Exchange of Heat and Moisture from Space
* 2022: Validating Salinity from SMAP and HYCOM Data with Saildrone Data during EUREC4A-OA/ATOMIC

Gentet, E.[Enguerrand] * 2015: Generatinga 3D hand model from frontal color and range scans

Genthon, C. * 2013: Quality Assessment of the First Measurements of Tropospheric Water Vapor and Temperature by the HAMSTRAD Radiometer Over Concordia Station, Antarctica
* 2019: Potential of Passive Microwave around 183 GHz for Snowfall Detection in the Arctic
Includes: Genthon, C. Genthon, C.[Christophe]

Gentil, M.[Mathieu] * 2020: Glider-Based Active Acoustic Monitoring of Currents and Turbidity in the Coastal Zone

Gentile, A. * 1999: Hyper-Spectral Image Processing Applications on the SIMD Pixel Processor for the Digital Battlefield
* 2001: Impact of pixel per processor ratio on embedded SIMD architectures
* 2007: Midground object detection in real world video scenes
* 2007: Multimodal Mean Adaptive Backgrounding for Embedded Real-Time Video Surveillance
* 2008: Innovative Techniques for Survey and Communication of Cultural Heritage
* 2017: Survey and navigation in agricultural environments using robotic technologies
* 2020: Combining UAV-Based SfM-MVS Photogrammetry with Conventional Monitoring to Set Environmental Flows: Modifying Dam Flushing Flows to Improve Alpine Stream Habitat
Includes: Gentile, A. Gentile, A.[Alice]
7 for Gentile, A.

Gentile, C.[Camillo] * 2001: Segmentation for Robust Tracking in the Presence of Severe Occlusion
* 2004: Segmentation for Robust Tracking in the Presence of Severe Occlusion
* 2010: Application of Microwave Remote Sensing to Dynamic Testing of Stay-Cables
Includes: Gentile, C.[Camillo] Gentile, C.

Gentile, F.[Francesco] * 2020: Influence of Different Satellite Imagery on the Analysis of Riparian Leaf Density in a Mountain Stream

Gentile, G.[Guido] * 2020: Methodology for O-D matrix estimation using the revealed paths of floating car data on large-scale networks
* 2022: Sensing Requirements and Vision-Aided Navigation Algorithms for Vertical Landing in Good and Low Visibility UAM Scenarios
* 2022: Short-Term Forecasting of Urban Traffic Using Spatio-Temporal Markov Field
Includes: Gentile, G.[Guido] Gentile, G.[Giacomo]

Gentile, J. * 2007: Face Detection Algorithm and Feature Performance on FRGC 2.0 Imagery
* 2013: Simultaneous segmentation of prostatic zones using Active Appearance Models with multiple coupled levelsets
Includes: Gentile, J. Gentile, J.[John]

Gentile, J.E.[James E.] * 2008: Profile Face Detection: A Subset Multi-Biometric Approach
* 2009: efficient, two-stage iris recognition system, An
* 2009: SLIC: Short-length iris codes
Includes: Gentile, J.E.[James E.] Gentile, J.E.

Gentile, M.M.[Mauro Mario] * 1999: Three Dimensional Wavelet Based Approach for a Scalable Video Conference System

Gentile, S.[Sabrina] * 2018: Analysis of Livorno Heavy Rainfall Event: Examples of Satellite-Based Observation Techniques in Support of Numerical Weather Prediction
* 2018: Downscaling of Satellite OPEMW Surface Rain Intensity Data
* 2018: Fog Detection Based on Meteosat Second Generation-Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager High Resolution Visible Channel
* 2018: Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using HRV/MSG Data
* 2018: MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Water Vapor Profile Estimation from ATMS Measurements Using a Random Forests Technique
* 2018: Nowcasting Surface Solar Irradiance with AMESIS via Motion Vector Fields of MSG-SEVIRI Data
* 2019: Improvement of Hourly Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using MSG Rapid Scanning Service
* 2020: 3D-VAR Data Assimilation of SEVIRI Radiances for the Prediction of Solar Irradiance in Italy Using WRF Solar Mesoscale Model: Preliminary Results
* 2020: Convective Initiation Proxies for Nowcasting Precipitation Severity Using the MSG-SEVIRI Rapid Scan
* 2021: Proximal Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy: An Effective Tool to Discern Rain from Irrigation
Includes: Gentile, S.[Sabrina] Gentile, S.[Salvatore]
10 for Gentile, S.

Gentilhomme, T.[Theophile] * 2023: Efficient Grapevine Structure Estimation in Vineyards Conditions

Gentili, B.[Bernard] * 2016: Potential of High Spatial and Temporal Ocean Color Satellite Data to Study the Dynamics of Suspended Particles in a Micro-Tidal River Plume

Gentili, C. * 2015: How the Autonomic Nervous System and Driving Style Change With Incremental Stressing Conditions During Simulated Driving

Gentili, G. * 2011: High resolution DSM and classified volumetric generation: An operational approach to the improvement of geospatial intelligence.

Gentili, R.[Rodolfo] * 2019: Spectral Diversity Successfully Estimates the a-Diversity of Biocrust-Forming Lichens

Gentili, S.[Stefania] * 1999: Autonomous underwater vehicle guidance by integrating neural networks and geometric reasoning
* 1999: Noise-Robust and Invariant Object Classification by the High-Order Statistical Pattern Spectrum
* 1999: vision system for flexible objects analysis, A
* 2001: Information Update on Neural Tree Networks
Includes: Gentili, S.[Stefania] Gentili, S.

Gentilini, S. * 2011: Post-Disaster Image Processing for Damage Analysis Using GENESI-DR, WPS and Grid Computing

Gentilucci, M.[Matteo] * 2021: Comparison of Data from Rain Gauges and the IMERG Product to Analyse Precipitation in Mountain Areas of Central Italy

Gentimis, T.[Thanos] * 2014: Multi-level scene understanding via hierarchical classification
* 2014: Persistent Homology of Delay Embeddings and its Application to Wheeze Detection
* 2015: entropy-based persistence barcode, An
Includes: Gentimis, T.[Thanos] Gentimis, T.

Gentine, P.[Pierre] * 2018: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Earth Surface Modelling: A Review
* 2019: Exploring the Potential of Satellite Solar-Induced Fluorescence to Constrain Global Transpiration Estimates
* 2019: Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Earth Surface Modelling: A Review

Genton, A. * 2018: Negotiated Decentralized Aircraft Conflict Resolution

Genton, M.G. * 2019: Interpolation of the Mean Anomalies for Cloud Filling in Land Surface Temperature and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

Gentric, P. * 1994: genetic algorithm for on-line cursive handwriting recognition, A

Gentric, S.[Stephane] * 2006: Generic Facial Encoding for Shape Alignment with Active Models
* 2006: hybrid resampling framework for facial shape alignment, A
* 2014: Large Margin Local Metric Learning
* 2014: Recursive head reconstruction from multi-view video sequences
* 2017: DeepVisage: Making Face Recognition Simple Yet With Powerful Generalization Skills
* 2018: Learning local metrics from pairwise similarity data
Includes: Gentric, S.[Stephane] Gentric, S.[Stéphane] Gentric, S.

Gentry, C.[Caleb] * 2016: Comparing Objective and Subjective Metrics Between Physical and Virtual Tasks

Index for "g"

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