Index for goya

Goya, J. * 2018: Methodology and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Railway On-Board Positioning Systems

Goyal, A. * 2003: Cascaded attention and grouping for object recognition from video
* 2009: Improved Accuracy in Shape Based Image Retrieval with Complex Zernike Moments Using Wavelets
* 2012: On the fast computation of orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments with improved numerical stability
* 2012: Understanding and predicting importance in images
* 2013: Gabor Wavelet Enabled Zernike Moments for Effective Content Based Image Retrieval
* 2013: Model-Based Vasculature Extraction From Optical Fluorescence Cryomicrotome Images
* 2013: Spectral approach to find number of clusters of short-text documents
* 2014: Variants of dense descriptors and Zernike moments as features for accurate shape-based image retrieval
* 2014: Zernike moments and LDP-weighted patches for content-based image retrieval
* 2016: Large Scale Retrieval and Generation of Image Descriptions
* 2021: Patch-Based Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform for Kinship Recognition
* 2022: Coupled Iterative Refinement for 6D Multi-Object Pose Estimation
* 2022: Detecting, Tracking and Counting Motorcycle Rider Traffic Violations on Unconstrained Roads
* 2022: FuseKin: Weighted image fusion based kinship verification under unconstrained age group
* 2022: IFOR: Iterative Flow Minimization for Robotic Object Rearrangement
* 2022: Uniform Priors for Data-Efficient Learning
* 2023: Infinite Photorealistic Worlds Using Procedural Generation
* 2023: Kinship verification using multi-level dictionary pair learning for multiple resolution images
Includes: Goyal, A. Goyal, A.[Anjali] Goyal, A.[Amit] Goyal, A.[Ankit] Goyal, A.[Aman] Goyal, A.[Aarti] Goyal, A.[Anirudh]
18 for Goyal, A.

Goyal, B.[Bhawna] * 2017: Dual Way Residue Noise Thresholding along with feature preservation
* 2017: Efficient fusion of osseous and vascular details in wavelet domain
* 2018: Attention-Based Ensemble for Deep Metric Learning
* 2020: From pyramids to state-of-the-art: a study and comprehensive comparison of visible-infrared image fusion techniques
* 2021: Photon-Starved Scene Inference using Single Photon Cameras
* 2023: Image Matting: A Comprehensive Survey on Techniques, Comparative Analysis, Applications and Future Scope
Includes: Goyal, B.[Bhawna] Goyal, B.[Bhavya]

Goyal, D.[Dushyant] * 2013: Kitchen activity recognition based on scene context
* 2021: Adaptive comprehensive particle swarm optimisation-based functional-link neural network filtre model for denoising ultrasound images
Includes: Goyal, D.[Dushyant] Goyal, D.[Dinesh]

Goyal, G.[Gaurvi] * 2017: Investigating the Use of Space-Time Primitives to Understand Human Movements
* 2019: Effects of Data Sources: A Baseline Evaluation of the MoCA Dataset, The
* 2020: Identifying biometrics in the wild: A time, erosion and neural inspired framework for gait identification
* 2021: Single View Learning in Action Recognition
* 2022: Cross-view action recognition with small-scale datasets
* 2023: MoveEnet: Online High-Frequency Human Pose Estimation with an Event Camera
Includes: Goyal, G.[Gaurvi] Goyal, G.[Gaurav]

Goyal, K. * 2015: Twin Support Vector Machine based Regression

Goyal, L.M.[Lalit Mohan] * 2020: Gastrointestinal diseases segmentation and classification based on duo-deep architectures

Goyal, M. * 2002: effect of large training set sizes on online japanese kanji and english cursive recognizers, The
* 2017: Facial Skin Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2021: novel machine learning-based analytical framework for automatic detection of COVID-19 using chest X-ray images, A
* 2021: On-Device Text Image Super Resolution
* 2022: Human Hands as Probes for Interactive Object Understanding
Includes: Goyal, M. Goyal, M.[Manu] Goyal, M.[Mehendi] Goyal, M.[Manoi] Goyal, M.[Mohit]

Goyal, N.[Nitin] * 2023: Smart Cloud and IoVT-Based Kernel Adaptive Filtering Framework for Parking Prediction, A
* 2024: Privacy preserved collaborative transfer learning model with heterogeneous distributed data for brain tumor classification

Goyal, N.C. * 1983: Raised Cosine Function for Image Restoration
* 1984: Restoration of Noisy Images Using a Raised Cosine Function Approximation

Goyal, P. * 1988: Linear Time Algorithms for an Image Labelling Machine
* 2010: Fast and Enhanced Algorithm for Exemplar Based Image Inpainting
* 2011: Electro-photographic model based stochastic clustered-dot halftoning with direct binary search
* 2013: Clustered-Dot Halftoning With Direct Binary Search
* 2017: Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection
* 2017: Nonparametric Variational Auto-Encoders for Hierarchical Representation Learning
* 2017: sigma-lognormal model-based approach to generating large synthetic online handwriting sample databases, A
* 2019: Scaling and Benchmarking Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning
* 2020: Enhancing the Quality of Image Tagging Using a Visio-Textual Knowledge Base
* 2020: Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection
* 2022: Multispectral Image Demosaicking Based on Novel Spectrally Localized Average Images
* 2022: Self-Supervised Descriptor for Image Copy Detection, A
* 2023: Generic multispectral demosaicking using spectral correlation between spectral bands and pseudo-panchromatic image
* 2023: SNRCN2: Steganalysis noise residuals based CNN for source social network identification of digital images
Includes: Goyal, P. Goyal, P.[Puneet] Goyal, P.[Priya] Goyal, P.[Pankaj]
14 for Goyal, P.

Goyal, R. * 2017: Something Something Video Database for Learning and Evaluating Visual Common Sense, The
* 2018: CSGNet: Neural Shape Parser for Constructive Solid Geometry
* 2020: Improved Few-Shot Visual Classification
* 2021: UniT: Unified Knowledge Transfer for Any-shot Object Detection and Segmentation
* 2022: Human Hands as Probes for Interactive Object Understanding
* 2022: Neural Shape Parsers for Constructive Solid Geometry
* 2023: Relational Space-Time Query in Long-Form Videos
Includes: Goyal, R. Goyal, R.[Rishabh] Goyal, R.[Raghav]
7 for Goyal, R.

Goyal, S.[Sumeer] * 2001: Fuzzy Logic Based Handwritten Character Recognition
* 2001: Markov random field processing for color demosaicing
* 2003: Unconstrained handwritten character recognition based on fuzzy logic
* 2004: Discrete contours in multiple views: approximation and recognition
* 2011: Evaluation of Voting with Form Dropout Techniques for Ballot Vote Counting
* 2019: SUGAMAN: describing floor plans for visually impaired by annotation learning and proximity-based grammar
* 2020: FPRSGF denoised non-subsampled shearlet transform-based image fusion using sparse representation
* 2023: Finetune like you pretrain: Improved finetuning of zero-shot vision models
Includes: Goyal, S.[Sumeer] Goyal, S. Goyal, S.[Saurabh] Goyal, S.[Shatakshi] Goyal, S.[Shreya] Goyal, S.[Sonal] Goyal, S.[Sachin]
8 for Goyal, S.

Goyal, S.K. * 1998: Effect of Digital Elevation Model Resolution on Topographic Correction of Airborne SAR
* 1999: Correction of Surface Roughness and Topographic Effects on Airborne SAR in Mountainous Rangeland Areas

Goyal, S.R.[Satish Raj] * 2011: efficient algorithm for 3-D object reconstruction from 2-D images, An

Goyal, T.[Tanishka] * 2023: Stiffness-Observer-Based Adaptive Control of an Intrinsically Compliant Parallel Wrist Rehabilitation Robot

Goyal, U.[Utkarsh] * 2022: Psi-NET: A Novel Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Animal Segmentation

Goyal, V.[Vikram] * 2024: Army of Thieves: Enhancing Black-Box Model Extraction via Ensemble based sample selection

Goyal, V.K.[Vivek K.] * 1996: Transform coding using adaptive bases and quantization
* 1998: Multiple description transform coding of images
* 2002: Wavelet denoising by recursive cycle spinning
* 2003: On multivariate estimation by thresholding
* 2004: Optimized filtering and reconstruction in predictive quantization with losses
* 2006: Multichannel Sampling of Parametric Signals with a Successive Approximation Property
* 2008: Sparsity-Enforced Slice-Selective MRI RF Excitation Pulse Design
* 2010: Generalized Regular Sampling of Trigonometric Polynomials and Optimal Sensor Arrangement
* 2011: Scalar Quantization With Random Thresholds
* 2012: Compressive depth map acquisition using a single photon-counting detector: Parametric signal processing meets sparsity
* 2012: Diffuse Imaging: Creating Optical Images With Unfocused Time-Resolved Illumination and Sensing
* 2013: Information in a photon: Relating entropy and maximum-likelihood range estimation using single-photon counting detectors
* 2013: Phase unwrapping and denoising for time-of-flight imaging using generalized approximate message passing
* 2013: Sparsity-Promoting Calibration for GRAPPA Accelerated Parallel MRI Reconstruction
* 2014: Computational 3D and reflectivity imaging with high photon efficiency
* 2015: Single-Photon Depth Imaging Using a Union-of-Subspaces Model
* 2016: Computational single-photon depth imaging without transverse regularization
* 2016: Performance Analysis of Low-Flux Least-Squares Single-Pixel Imaging
* 2018: Improving LIDAR Depth Resolution with Dither
* 2020: Advances in Single-Photon Lidar for Autonomous Vehicles: Working Principles, Challenges, and Recent Advances
* 2021: Edge-Resolved Transient Imaging: Performance Analyses, Optimizations, and Simulations
* 2021: Robustness of Time-Resolved Measurement to Unknown and Variable Beam Current in Particle Beam Microscopy
Includes: Goyal, V.K.[Vivek K.] Goyal, V.K. Goyal, V.K.[Vivek K]
22 for Goyal, V.K.

Goyal, Y. * 2016: Yin and Yang: Balancing and Answering Binary Visual Questions
* 2017: Making the V in VQA Matter: Elevating the Role of Image Understanding in Visual Question Answering
* 2017: Resolving vision and language ambiguities together: Joint segmentation & prepositional attachment resolution in captioned scenes
* 2019: Making the V in VQA Matter: Elevating the Role of Image Understanding in Visual Question Answering
Includes: Goyal, Y. Goyal, Y.[Yash]

Goyanes, G.[Gabriel] * 2023: Deception Island 1967-1970 Volcano Eruptions from Historical Aerial Frames and Satellite Imagery (Antarctic Peninsula)

Goyani, M.M.[Mahesh M.] * 2017: Recognition of Facial Expressions using Local Mean Binary Pattern

Goyat, Y.[Yann] * 2009: M2SIR: A multi modal sequential importance resampling algorithm for particle filters
* 2010: benchmark for Background Subtraction Algorithms in monocular vision: A comparative study, A
* 2010: Tracking of vehicle trajectory by combining a camera and a laser rangefinder
* 2022: Preliminary Numerical Study to Compare the Physical Method and Machine Learning Methods Applied to GPR Data for Underground Utility Network Characterization, A
Includes: Goyat, Y.[Yann] Goyat, Y.

Index for "g"

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