Index for lew_

Lew, B.G.[Byoung Gyu] * 2023: Gradient Estimation for Unseen Domain Risk Minimization with Pre-Trained Models
Includes: Lew, B.G.[Byoung Gyu] Lew, B.G.[Byoung-Gyu]

Lew, C. * 2019: Learned Video Compression

Lew, E.[Eileen] * 2007: Non-invasive Brain-Actuated Interaction

Lew, H.M. * 2021: Forward-Looking Multimodal Endoscopic System Based on Optical Multispectral and High-Frequency Ultrasound Imaging Techniques for Tumor Detection
* 2022: CSS-Net: Classification and Substitution for Segmentation of Rotator Cuff Tear
Includes: Lew, H.M. Lew, H.M.[Hah Min]

Lew, J.[Jaihyun] * 2023: Frequency-Based Motion Representation for Video Generative Adversarial Networks

Lew, J.M.H.[Joseph Mun Hung] * 2021: RONELD: Robust Neural Network Output Enhancement for Active Lane Detection

Lew, J.S. * 1983: Improved Regional Correlation Algorithm for Signature Verification which Permits Small Speed Changes Between Handwriting Segments, An

Lew, J.Y. * 2011: Parameter and State Estimation in Vehicle Roll Dynamics

Lew, L.[Lukasz] * 2021: Pareto-Optimal Quantized ResNet Is Mostly 4-bit
* 2022: PokeBNN: A Binary Pursuit of Lightweight Accuracy

Lew, L.F.C. * 2002: Crack defect detection and localization using genetic-based inverse voting Hough transform

Lew, M. * 1991: Three-Dimensional Gauging with Stereo Computer Vision
* 1998: Decimation of Visible Surfaces
* 2020: survey of traditional and deep learning-based feature descriptors for high dimensional data in computer vision, A
* 2021: Comparison of deep learning and hand crafted features for mining simulation data
* 2021: Norm Loss: An efficient yet effective regularization method for deep neural networks
Includes: Lew, M. Lew, M.[Michael]

Lew, M.S. * 1992: Multi-Scale Stereo Matching
* 1993: Learning and Feature Selection in Stereo Matching
* 1994: Image compression and matching
* 1994: Learning and Feature Selection in Stereo Matching
* 1995: Intermediate views for face recognition
* 1996: Efficient Content-Based Image Retrieval in Digital Picture Collections Using Projections: (Near)-Copy Location
* 1996: Face detection using local maxima
* 1996: Information theoretic view-based and modular face detection
* 1996: Information Theory and Face Detection
* 1997: Convergence of model based shape from shading
* 1997: Information Theoretic Image Database Indexing
* 1997: Optimal keys for image database indexing
* 1997: Quality measures for interactive image retrieval with a performance evaluation of two 3X3 texel-based methods
* 1998: Which Ranking Metric is Optimal? With Applications in Image Retrieval and Stereo Matching
* 1999: Optimal Multi-Scale Matching
* 2000: Color Based Retrieval and Recognition
* 2000: Color indexing using wavelet-based salient points
* 2000: Improving Visual Matching
* 2000: Maximum Likelihood Stereo Matching
* 2000: Next-Generation Web Searches from Visual Content
* 2000: Toward Improved Ranking Metrics
* 2000: Visual websearching using iconic queries
* 2000: Wavelet Based Texture Classification
* 2001: Color-based retrieval
* 2001: Fisher keys for content based retrieval
* 2001: Principles of Visual Information Retrieval
* 2001: Salient Points for Content Based Retrieval
* 2001: Salient Points for Content Based Retrieval
* 2002: AtomsNet: Multimedia Peer2Peer File Sharing
* 2002: Challenges of Image and Video Retrieval
* 2002: Detecting automobiles and people for semantic video retrieval
* 2002: Emotion recognition using a cauchy naive bayes classifier
* 2002: Evaluation of Salient Point Techniques
* 2002: Learning Visual Concepts for Content Based Retrieval
* 2002: Robust Shape Matching
* 2002: Semantic Video Retrieval Using Audio Analysis
* 2003: Comparing salient point detectors
* 2003: Evaluation of Salient Point Techniques
* 2003: Robust Computer Vision Theory and Applications
* 2003: Video retrieval and summarization
* 2004: Authentic Emotion Detection in Real-Time Video
* 2004: Authentic facial expression analysis
* 2004: State-of-the-Art in Human-Computer Interaction, The
* 2006: Content-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval: State-of-the-Art and Challenges
* 2007: age of human computer interaction, The
* 2007: Artificial Imagination for Interactive Search, An
* 2007: Authentic facial expression analysis
* 2007: Human-Computer Intelligent Interaction: A Survey
* 2007: Real-time object tracking with relevance feedback
* 2007: Visual information retrieval using synthesized imagery
* 2007: Visual Information Retrieval: Future Directions and Grand Challenges
* 2008: Performance evaluation of relevance feedback methods
* 2008: Similarity Matching in Computer Vision and Multimedia
* 2008: Using an artificial imagination for texture retrieval
* 2011: RetrievalLab: a programming tool for content based retrieval
* 2012: Cost-sensitive learning in social image tagging: Review, New Ideas and Evaluation
* 2012: Interactive search in image retrieval: a survey
* 2012: Leiden Augmented Reality System (LARS), The
* 2013: Best papers in multimedia information retrieval
* 2013: Special issue on visual concept detection in the MIRFLICKR/ImageCLEF benchmark
* 2013: Very large scale nearest neighbor search: Ideas, strategies and challenges
* 2014: ACM ICMR 2014 best papers in image retrieval
* 2014: Multimedia information retrieval: best papers and expanding frontiers
* 2015: Special issue on concept detection with big data
* 2015: Special issue on video retrieval
* 2016: Bag of Surrogate Parts: one inherent feature of deep CNNs
* 2016: Image Correspondences Matching Using Multiple Features Fusion
* 2016: Learning Relaxed Deep Supervision for Better Edge Detection
* 2016: Special issue on visual information retrieval
* 2017: comprehensive evaluation of local detectors and descriptors, A
* 2017: Improving the discrimination between foreground and background for semantic segmentation
* 2017: Learning a Recurrent Residual Fusion Network for Multimodal Matching
* 2017: On the Exploration of Convolutional Fusion Networks for Visual Recognition
* 2017: What Convnets Make for Image Captioning?
* 2018: Bag of Surrogate Parts Feature for Visual Recognition
* 2018: Editorial for the ICMR 2017 special issue
* 2018: Extensive Study of Cycle-Consistent Generative Networks for Image-to-Image Translation, An
* 2018: Learning visual and textual representations for multimodal matching and classification
* 2018: review of semantic segmentation using deep neural networks, A
* 2019: CycleMatch: A cycle-consistent embedding network for image-text matching
* 2019: SwapGAN: A Multistage Generative Approach for Person-to-Person Fashion Style Transfer
* 2020: Special issue on deep learning in image and video retrieval
* 2021: Integrating information theory and adversarial learning for cross-modal retrieval
* 2021: Lifelong Person Re-Identification via Adaptive Knowledge Accumulation
* 2022: Feature Estimations Based Correlation Distillation for Incremental Image Retrieval
* 2023: Deep Learning for Instance Retrieval: A Survey
* 2023: Memorizing and Generalizing Framework for Lifelong Person Re-Identification, A
Includes: Lew, M.S. Lew, M.S.[Michael S.]
87 for Lew, M.S.

Lew, W.C.L.[Wai Cheong Lincoln] * 2022: EEG-Video Emotion-Based Summarization: Learning With EEG Auxiliary Signals
Includes: Lew, W.C.L.[Wai Cheong Lincoln] Lew, W.C.L.[Wai-Cheong Lincoln]

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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