Index for slav

Slavakis, K. * 2010: Adaptive Kernel-Based Image Denoising Employing Semi-Parametric Regularization
* 2010: Edge Preserving Image Denoising in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
* 2013: Stochastic Analysis of Hyperslab-Based Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method Under Bounded Noise
* 2020: Bi-Linear Modeling of Data Manifolds for Dynamic-MRI Recovery
* 2020: Robust Hierarchical-Optimization RLS Against Sparse Outliers
Includes: Slavakis, K. Slavakis, K.[Konstantinos]

Slavcheva, M.[Miroslava] * 2016: SDF-2-SDF: Highly Accurate 3D Object Reconstruction
* 2016: SDF-TAR: Parallel Tracking and Refinement in RGB-D Data using Volumetric Registration
* 2017: KillingFusion: Non-rigid 3D Reconstruction without Correspondences
* 2017: Towards Implicit Correspondence in Signed Distance Field Evolution
* 2018: Patch-Based Non-rigid 3D Reconstruction from a Single Depth Stream
* 2018: SDF-2-SDF Registration for Real-Time 3D Reconstruction from RGB-D Data
* 2018: SobolevFusion: 3D Reconstruction of Scenes Undergoing Free Non-rigid Motion
* 2021: Variational Level Set Evolution for Non-Rigid 3D Reconstruction From a Single Depth Camera
* 2022: Neural 3D Video Synthesis from Multi-view Video
* 2022: Self-supervised Neural Articulated Shape and Appearance Models
Includes: Slavcheva, M.[Miroslava] Slavcheva, M. Slavcheva, M.[Mira]
10 for Slavcheva, M.

Slavey, R.J. * 1997: Image Characterization in the Sub-Diffraction-Limited Regime

Slavic, G. * 2020: Continual Learning Of Predictive Models In Video Sequences Via Variational Autoencoders
* 2021: Learning of Linear Video Prediction Models In A Multi-Modal Framework for Anomaly Detection
* 2022: Multilevel Anomaly Detection Through Variational Autoencoders and Bayesian Models for Self-Aware Embodied Agents
* 2023: Kalman Variational Autoencoder Model Assisted by Odometric Clustering for Video Frame Prediction and Anomaly Detection, A
Includes: Slavic, G. Slavic, G.[Giulia]

Slavik, M. * 2019: Crown Diameter Estimation From Fixed Wing Type of UAV Imagery, The
* 2020: UAV Laser Scans Allow Detection of Morphological Changes in Tree Canopy
* 2020: Very High Density Point Clouds from UAV Laser Scanning for Automatic Tree Stem Detection and Direct Diameter Measurement
Includes: Slavik, M. Slavík, M. Slavík, M.[Martin]

Slavik, P.[Peter] * 2000: Overview of Run-Length Encoding of Handwritten Word Images, An
* 2001: Equivalence of Different Methods for Slant and Skew Corrections in Word Recognition Applications
* 2002: Use of Lexicon Density in Evaluating Word Recognizers
* 2011: UI Generation for Data Visualisation in Heterogenous Environment
Includes: Slavik, P.[Peter] Slavík, P.[Petr] Slavik, P.[Petr] Slavik, P.[Pavel]

Slavin, O.A.[Oleg A.] * 2020: Memory Consumption and Computation Efficiency Improvements of Viola-Jones Object Detection Method for UAVS

Slavkovikj, V. * 2014: Collaborative Bike Sensing for Automatic Geographic Enrichment: Geoannotation of road/terrain type by multimodal bike sensing
* 2014: Image-Based Road Type Classification
Includes: Slavkovikj, V. Slavkovikj, V.[Viktor]

Slavotinek, J.P.[John P.] * 1999: Detection and classification of lobular and DCIS (small cell) microcalcifications in digital mammograms
* 2000: Detection and classification of lobular and DCIS (small cell) microcalcifications in digital mammograms
* 2007: Two graph theory based methods for identifying the pectoral muscle in mammograms

Slavutin, I. * 2019: OpenVINO Deep Learning Workbench: Comprehensive Analysis and Tuning of Neural Networks Inference

Index for "s"

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