Index for szym

Szymak, P.[Piotr] * 2020: Effectiveness of Using a Pretrained Deep Learning Neural Networks for Object Classification in Underwater Video, The

Szymanek, J. * 2012: Precise multi-level face detector for advanced analysis of facial images
* 2014: Texture Analysis for Identifying Heterogeneity in Medical Images
* 2019: Data Augmentation via Image Registration
Includes: Szymanek, J. Szymanek, J.[Janusz]

Szymanowicz, S.[Stanislaw] * 2021: X-MAN: Explaining multiple sources of anomalies in video
* 2022: Discrete neural representations for explainable anomaly detection
* 2022: Photo-realistic 360° Head Avatars in the Wild
* 2023: Viewset Diffusion: (0-)Image-Conditioned 3D Generative Models from 2D Data

Szymanowski, M.[Mariusz] * 2022: Topographic Characteristics of Drainage Divides at the Mountain-Range Scale: A Review of DTM-Based Analytical Tools

Szymanski Exner, A. * 2002: X-ray computed tomography methods for in vivo evaluation of local drug release systems
Includes: Szymanski Exner, A. Szymanski-Exner, A.

Szymanski, A.[Artur] * 2015: Fuzzy Rough Sets Theory Applied to Parameters of Eye Movements Can Help to Predict Effects of Different Treatments in Parkinson's Patients

Szymanski, B.K. * 2019: Age of Social Sensing, The

Szymanski, D.B. * 2019: Accurate 3D Cell Segmentation Using Deep Features and CRF Refinement

Szymanski, J.[Julian] * 2013: Selecting Features with SVM
* 2015: Two Stage SVM and kNN Text Documents Classifier

Szymanski, J.J. * 2002: Comparison of GENIE and conventional supervised classifiers for multispectral image feature extraction
* 2003: Optimizing Digital Hardware Perceptrons for Multi-Spectral Image Classification
* 2005: Multispectral Thermal Imager: Mission and Applications Overview
Includes: Szymanski, J.J. Szymanski, J.J.[John J.]

Szymanski, L. * 2013: Singularity resolution for dimension reduction
* 2017: CNN for historic handwritten document search
* 2017: Increasing the accuracy of convolutional neural networks with progressive reinitialisation
* 2018: Stacked Hourglass CNN for Handwritten Character Location
* 2020: Deep Sheep: kinship assignment in livestock from facial images
* 2020: Predicting Cherry Quality Using Siamese Networks
* 2021: Coarse facial feature detection in sheep
Includes: Szymanski, L. Szymanski, L.[Lech]
7 for Szymanski, L.

Szymanski, P. * 2018: Spatio-Temporal Profiling of Public Transport Delays Based on Large-Scale Vehicle Positioning Data From GPS in Wroclaw

Szymanski, Z.[Zbigniew] * 2001: Cardiac Rhythm Analysis Using Spatial ECG Parameters and SPART Method

Szymanskic, L. * 2016: Deep networks are efficient for circular manifolds

Szymczak, A.[Andrzej] * 2002: Piecewise Regular Meshes: Construction and Compression
* 2006: Element-Free Elastic Models for Volume Fitting and Capture
* 2016: Spin Contour

Szymczak, P.[Piotr] * 2015: Elastic moduli of simple mass spring models

Szymczyk, K.[Konrad] * 2014: Analysis of the Hand's Small Vessels Based on MR Angiography and Level-Set Approach

Szymczyk, S.[Sebastian] * 2024: On the Importance of Precise Positioning in Robotised Agriculture

Szymkowski, M.[Mateusz] * 2022: Benchmarking of Deep Architectures for Segmentation of Medical Images

Index for "s"

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