Update Dates 9505

9505 * *Visual Communications and Image Processing '95
* 3-D Object Recognition Using Angle View Densities
* Accuracy-Based Sampling and Reconstruction with Adaptive Meshes for Parallel Hierarchical Triangulation
* Adaptive Decision Systems with Extended Learning for Deployment in Partially Exposed Environments
* Aspect-Trees: Generation And Interpretation
* Automatic Sensor Placement For Accurate Dimensional Inspection
* Building Three-Dimensional Object Models from Image Sequences
* Color Constant Color Indexing
* Colored Object Recognition Using Invariant Spectral Features
* Combining Image Compression and Classification Using Vector Quantization
* Computational Approaches for Solving the Bas-Relief Ambiguity under Orthographic Projection
* Constructing Implicit Shape Models from Boundary Data
* Cooperative Robust Estimation Using Layers of Support
* Deformable Kernels for Early Vision
* Denoising by Soft-Thresholding
* Description of Complex Objects from Multiple Range Images Using an Inflating Balloon Model
* Distortion Tolerant Pattern-Recognition Based on Self-Organizing Feature-Extraction
* Edge Linking By Sequential Search
* Entropic Thresholding Using a Block Source Model
* Evaluation of Building Extraction from Digital Elevation Models
* Exact Match Retrieval Scheme Based Upon Principal Component Analysis, An
* Fast Algorithm for Convex-Hull Extraction in 2D Images, A
* Financial Document Processing Based on Staff Line and Description Language
* Fractals: A Fast, Accurate and Illuminating Algorithm
* General Choice of the Regularization Functional in Regularized Image-Restoration
* Golf shot tracking and analysis system
* Gray-Scale Hough Transform for Thick Line Detection in Gray-Scale Images
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation by Multidimensional Clustering and Orientation-Adaptive Boundary Refinement
* Human and Machine Recognition of Faces: A Survey
* Human and Machine Recognition of Faces: A Survey
* Industrial Inspection and Reverse Engineering
* Integrating Artificial and Psychophysical Approaches for Boundary Finding in Line Drawings
* Interactive Learning of a Multiple-Attribute Hash Table Classifier for Fast Object Recognition
* Investigation into the Use of Physical Modeling for the Prediction of Various Feature Types Visible from Different Viewpoints, An
* IVIS: An Integrated Volumetric Inspection System
* Joint Feature and Classifier Design for OCR Based on a Small Training Set
* Likelihood Calculation for a Class of Multiscale Stochastic-Models, with Application to Texture-Discrimination: Correction
* Linear and Incremental Acquisition of Invariant Shape Models from Image Sequences
* Linear-Time Euclidean Distance Transform Algorithms
* Markovian Model for Contour Grouping, A
* Medical Computer Vision, Virtual-Reality and Robotics
* Method and apparatus for classifying documents
* Method for improved energy concentration in the TF analysis of multicomponent signals using L-WD
* Multiple Target Direction of Arrival Tracking
* Multisensor Image Fusion Using the Wavelet Transform
* New Efficient and Direct Solution for Pose Estimation Using Quadrangular Targets: Algorithm and Evaluation, A
* New Method for Quadratic Curve Detection Using K-Ransac with Acceleration Techniques, A
* New Statistical Approach for Micro Texture Description, A
* Nonlinear Scale-Space
* Optimal Geometric Model-Matching under Full 3D Perspective
* Optimal O(N) Algorithm for Identifying Segments from a Sequence of Chain Codes, An
* Parallel Algorithms for Image Enhancement and Segmentation by Region Growing with an Experimental Study
* Pattern-Recognition Approach to the Detection of Complex Edges, A
* Planar Surface Orientation from Texture Spatial-Frequencies
* Planning Focus of Attention for Multifingered Hand with Consideration of Time-Varying Aspects
* Polygonal Ribbons in Two and Three Dimensions
* Practical Synthesis of Accurate Fractal Images
* Probabilistic and Nonprobabilistic Hough Transforms: Overview and Comparisons
* Probabilistic Indexing for Object Recognition
* Range Surface Characterization and Segmentation Using Neural Networks
* Recent Progress in CAD-Based Vision
* Reciprocal-Wedge Transform for Space-Variant Sensing
* Recognition system, particularly for recognising people
* Refining Image Segmentation by Integration of Edge and Region Data
* Rigid-Body Constrained Noisy Point Pattern-Matching
* Robust Method for Registration and Segmentation of Multiple Range Images, A
* Silhouette-Based Isolated Object Recognition through Curvature Scale-Space
* Solution of Inverse Problems in Image-Processing by Wavelet Expansion
* Two-Dimensional Optimal Sensor Placement
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Multichannel Decomposition and Hidden Markov-Models
* Verifying Machine Vision Systems by Digital Montage
* Vision and Lies Approach to Invariance
* Wavelet Transform and Scale-Space Filtering of Fractal Images
73 for 9505

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.