Index for khar

Kharade, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gindi, S.: Edge based segmentation for pedestrian detection using NIR ...
     with: Kancharla, T.: Edge based segmentation for pedestrian detection using ...
     with: Kutty, K.: Edge based segmentation for pedestrian detection using NIR ...
     with: Vaidya, V.G.: Edge based segmentation for pedestrian detection using N...

Kharakhashyan, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Maltseva, O.: Comparison of the Forecast Accuracy of Total Electron Co...

Kharate, G.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ghatol, A.A.: Image Compression Using Wavelet Packet Tree
     with: Rege, P.P.: Image Compression Using Wavelet Packet Tree

Kharatichvili, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kauff, P.: Concealment techniques for data-reduced HDTV recording

Kharazishvili, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gurevich, I.: Information Technology for the Morphological Analysis of...
     with: Gurevich, I.: Technology for Automated Morphologic Analysis of Cytolog...
     with: Jernova, I.: Information Technology for the Morphological Analysis of ...
     with: Khilkov, A.: Information Technology for the Morphological Analysis of ...
     with: Murashov, D.: Technology for Automated Morphologic Analysis of Cytolog...
     with: Nefyodov, A.V.: Information Technology for the Morphological Analysis ...
     with: Salvetti, O.: Technology for Automated Morphologic Analysis of Cytolog...
     with: Vorobjev, I.: Information Technology for the Morphological Analysis of...
     with: Vorobjev, I.: Technology for Automated Morphologic Analysis of Cytolog...
9 for Kharazishvili, D.

Kharbanda, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arora, S.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segmentat...
     with: Bai, S.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segmentatio...
     with: Chakravarthy, A.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Se...
     with: Gupta, D.: CLIPTrans: Transferring Visual Knowledge with Pre-trained M...
     with: Jain, N.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segmentati...
     with: Jang, W.D.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segmenta...
     with: Kemkar, A.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segmenta...
     with: Li, W.: CLIPTrans: Transferring Visual Knowledge with Pre-trained Mode...
     with: Lin, Z.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segmentatio...
     with: Mathur, R.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segmenta...
     with: Mathur, S.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segmenta...
     with: Palrecha, A.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segmen...
     with: Pfister, H.: CLIPTrans: Transferring Visual Knowledge with Pre-trained...
     with: Pfister, H.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segment...
     with: Roy, R.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segmentatio...
     with: Shah, T.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segmentati...
     with: Tang, Y.S.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segmenta...
     with: Tompkin, J.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segment...
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segmen...
     with: Wei, D.L.: CLIPTrans: Transferring Visual Knowledge with Pre-trained M...
     with: Wei, D.L.: YouMVOS: An Actor-centric Multi-shot Video Object Segmentat...
     with: Zhou, J.W.: CLIPTrans: Transferring Visual Knowledge with Pre-trained ...
22 for Kharbanda, S.

Kharbat, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aouf, N.: Dense optical flow via robust data fusion
     with: Aouf, N.: Robust Brightness Description for Computing Optical Flow
     with: Aouf, N.: Sphere detection and tracking for a space capturing operation
     with: Tsourdos, A.: Robust Brightness Description for Computing Optical Flow
     with: Tsourdos, A.: Sphere detection and tracking for a space capturing oper...
     with: White, B.: Robust Brightness Description for Computing Optical Flow
     with: White, B.: Sphere detection and tracking for a space capturing operation
7 for Kharbat, M.

Kharbeche, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Khalifa, K.N.: Safe Route Mapping of Roadways Using Multiple Source...
     with: Jafari, M.: Data-Driven Optimization for Dynamic Shortest Path Problem...
     with: Jafari, M.: Safe Route Mapping of Roadways Using Multiple Sourced Data
     with: Jalayer, M.: Safe Route Mapping of Roadways Using Multiple Sourced Data
     with: Jiang, S.: Data-Driven Optimization for Dynamic Shortest Path Problem ...
     with: Jiang, S.: Safe Route Mapping of Roadways Using Multiple Sourced Data
     with: Liu, R.: Data-Driven Optimization for Dynamic Shortest Path Problem Co...
     with: Zhang, Y.L.: Data-Driven Optimization for Dynamic Shortest Path Proble...
8 for Kharbeche, M.

Kharbou, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ammann, J.: Development of a Lightweight Inertial Gravimeter for Use o...
     with: Bouhier, M.E.: Development of a Lightweight Inertial Gravimeter for Us...
     with: Cali, J.: Development of a Lightweight Inertial Gravimeter for Use on ...
     with: d'Eu, J.F.: Development of a Lightweight Inertial Gravimeter for Use o...
     with: Durand, F.: Development of a Lightweight Inertial Gravimeter for Use o...
     with: Maia, M.: Development of a Lightweight Inertial Gravimeter for Use on ...
     with: Poitou, C.: Development of a Lightweight Inertial Gravimeter for Use o...
     with: Roussel, C.: Development of a Lightweight Inertial Gravimeter for Use ...
     with: Verdun, J.: Development of a Lightweight Inertial Gravimeter for Use o...
9 for Kharbou, O.

Kharbouch, A.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kragh, T.J.: Monotonic Iterative Algorithms for SAR Image Restoration

Kharbouche, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arriga, N.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled To...
     with: Banks, A.C.: Assessment of Satellite-Derived Surface Reflectances by N...
     with: Banks, A.C.: In-Situ and Aircraft Reflectance Measurement Effectivenes...
     with: Bonal, D.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled Tow...
     with: Bruegge, C.: In-Situ and Aircraft Reflectance Measurement Effectivenes...
     with: Burban, B.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled To...
     with: Buysse, P.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled To...
     with: Cappucci, F.: In-Situ and Aircraft Reflectance Measurement Effectivene...
     with: Disney, M.: New Global fAPAR and LAI Dataset Derived from Optimal Albe...
     with: Gatebe, C.: In-Situ and Aircraft Reflectance Measurement Effectiveness...
     with: Gatebe, C.K.: Assessment of Satellite-Derived Surface Reflectances by ...
     with: Gobron, N.: In-Situ and Aircraft Reflectance Measurement Effectiveness...
     with: Gobron, N.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled To...
     with: Kaminski, T.: New Global fAPAR and LAI Dataset Derived from Optimal Al...
     with: Kitchen, M.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled T...
     with: Knohl, A.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled Tow...
     with: Koerber, G.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled T...
     with: Lanconelli, C.: In-Situ and Aircraft Reflectance Measurement Effective...
     with: Lecomte, C.: Automatic Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval Using Bel...
     with: Leonardo, M.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled ...
     with: Lerebourg, C.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled...
     with: Lewis, P.: New Global fAPAR and LAI Dataset Derived from Optimal Albed...
     with: Loubet, B.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled To...
     with: Meyer, W.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled Tow...
     with: Miche, P.: Automatic Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval Using Belie...
     with: Morgan, O.: In-Situ and Aircraft Reflectance Measurement Effectiveness...
     with: Mota, B.: In-Situ and Aircraft Reflectance Measurement Effectiveness f...
     with: Muller, J.P.: Assessment of Satellite-Derived Surface Reflectances by ...
     with: Muller, J.P.: Evaluation of the Main CEOS Pseudo Calibration Sites Usi...
     with: Muller, J.P.: In-Situ and Aircraft Reflectance Measurement Effectivene...
     with: Muller, J.P.: Intercomparison of Surface Albedo Retrievals from MISR, ...
     with: Muller, J.P.: New Global fAPAR and LAI Dataset Derived from Optimal Al...
     with: Muller, J.P.: Sea Ice Albedo from MISR and MODIS: Production, Validati...
     with: Muller, J.P.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled ...
     with: Pinty, B.: New Global fAPAR and LAI Dataset Derived from Optimal Albed...
     with: Roland, M.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled To...
     with: Scanlon, T.: Assessment of Satellite-Derived Surface Reflectances by N...
     with: Siebicke, L.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled ...
     with: Song, R.: Intercomparison of Surface Albedo Retrievals from MISR, MODI...
     with: Song, R.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled Towe...
     with: Vannorenberghe, P.: Automatic Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval Us...
     with: Voßbeck, M.: New Global fAPAR and LAI Dataset Derived from Optimal Alb...
     with: Woodgate, W.: Intercomparison of Surface Albedo Retrievals from MISR, ...
     with: Woodgate, W.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled ...
     with: Yin, F.: Validation of Space-Based Albedo Products from Upscaled Tower...
45 for Kharbouche, S.

Kharche, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Garratt, C.J.: Scroll Waves in 3D Virtual Human Atria: A Computational...
     with: Holden, A.V.: Scroll Waves in 3D Virtual Human Atria: A Computational ...
     with: Leng, J.: Scroll Waves in 3D Virtual Human Atria: A Computational Study
     with: Seemann, G.: Scroll Waves in 3D Virtual Human Atria: A Computational S...
     with: Zhang, H.: Scroll Waves in 3D Virtual Human Atria: A Computational Study

Kharche, S.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anazodo, U.: Computational Modelling of the Role of Atrial Fibrillatio...
     with: Biktashev, V.N.: Computational Modelling of Low Voltage Resonant Drift...
     with: Biktasheva, I.V.: Computational Modelling of Low Voltage Resonant Drif...
     with: Goldman, D.: Computational Modelling of the Role of Atrial Fibrillatio...
     with: Goldman, D.: Role of Extra-Coronary Vascular Conditions that Affect Co...
     with: Goldman, D.: Sensitivity Analysis of a Smooth Muscle Cell Electrophysi...
     with: Hunter, T.J.: Computational Modelling of the Role of Atrial Fibrillati...
     with: Joseph, J.J.: Computational Modelling of the Role of Atrial Fibrillati...
     with: Joseph, J.J.: Role of Extra-Coronary Vascular Conditions that Affect C...
     with: Lee, T.Y.: Role of Extra-Coronary Vascular Conditions that Affect Coro...
     with: McIntyre, C.W.: Computational Modelling of the Role of Atrial Fibrilla...
     with: McIntyre, C.W.: Role of Extra-Coronary Vascular Conditions that Affect...
     with: McIntyre, C.W.: Sensitivity Analysis of a Smooth Muscle Cell Electroph...
     with: Mironova, G.Y.: Sensitivity Analysis of a Smooth Muscle Cell Electroph...
     with: Seemann, G.: Computational Modelling of Low Voltage Resonant Drift of ...
     with: Welsh, D.G.: Sensitivity Analysis of a Smooth Muscle Cell Electrophysi...
     with: Zhang, H.G.: Computational Modelling of Low Voltage Resonant Drift of ...
     with: Zhao, J.: Computational Modelling of Low Voltage Resonant Drift of Scr...
18 for Kharche, S.R.

Kharchenko, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dekhkanova, K.: Evaluation of Leaf Chlorophyll Content from Acousto-Op...
     with: Fomin, D.: Evaluation of Leaf Chlorophyll Content from Acousto-Optic H...
     with: Gresis, V.: Evaluation of Leaf Chlorophyll Content from Acousto-Optic ...
     with: Guryleva, A.: Evaluation of Leaf Chlorophyll Content from Acousto-Opti...
     with: Machikhin, A.: Evaluation of Leaf Chlorophyll Content from Acousto-Opt...
     with: Nesterov, G.: Evaluation of Leaf Chlorophyll Content from Acousto-Opti...
     with: Polyakova, S.: Evaluation of Leaf Chlorophyll Content from Acousto-Opt...
     with: Pozhar, V.: Evaluation of Leaf Chlorophyll Content from Acousto-Optic ...
     with: Zolotukhina, A.: Evaluation of Leaf Chlorophyll Content from Acousto-O...
9 for Kharchenko, A.

Kharchenko, O.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dolgii, S.I.: Intercomparison of Ozone Vertical Profile Measurements b...
     with: Nevzorov, A.A.: Intercomparison of Ozone Vertical Profile Measurements...
     with: Nevzorov, A.V.: Intercomparison of Ozone Vertical Profile Measurements...
     with: Romanovskii, O.A.: Intercomparison of Ozone Vertical Profile Measureme...

Kharchevskii, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bobrovs, V.: Universal Software Only Radar with All Waveforms Simultan...
     with: Ginzburg, P.: Universal Software Only Radar with All Waveforms Simulta...
     with: Kozlov, V.: Universal Software Only Radar with All Waveforms Simultane...
     with: Rebenshtok, E.: Universal Software Only Radar with All Waveforms Simul...
     with: Salgals, T.: Universal Software Only Radar with All Waveforms Simultan...

Khare, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agrawal, A.: DePS: Delayed-espilon-shrinking for Faster Once-for-all T...
     with: Agrawal, A.: Superfednas: Cost-efficient Federated Neural Architecture...
     with: Annavajjala, A.: DePS: Delayed-espilon-shrinking for Faster Once-for-a...
     with: Annavajjala, A.: Superfednas: Cost-efficient Federated Neural Architec...
     with: Behnam, P.: Superfednas: Cost-efficient Federated Neural Architecture ...
     with: Bommisetty, R.M.: Content-Based Video Retrieval Using Integration of C...
     with: Fedorov, I.: DePS: Delayed-espilon-shrinking for Faster Once-for-all T...
     with: Ghosh, H.: Content-based classification of graphical document images
     with: Ghosh, H.: Indexing of multilingual news telecast using audio-visual k...
     with: Gorai, A.: Indexing of multilingual news telecast using audio-visual k...
     with: Jeon, M.: Curvelet transform based moving object segmentation
     with: Jeph, P.: Content-based classification of graphical document images
     with: Khare, M.: Content-Based Video Retrieval Using Integration of Curvelet...
     with: Khare, M.: Curvelet transform based moving object segmentation
     with: Khare, M.: Dense optical flow based background subtraction technique f...
     with: Khare, M.: Human Activity Recognition Algorithm in Video Sequences Bas...
     with: Khare, M.: Moving object segmentation in Daubechies complex wavelet do...
     with: Khare, M.: Moving shadow detection and removal: A wavelet transform ba...
     with: Khare, M.: Single change detection-based moving object segmentation by...
     with: Kopparapu, S.K.: Indexing of multilingual news telecast using audio-vi...
     with: Kumar, A.: Electroencephalography-based classification of human emotio...
     with: Kushwaha, A.: Dense optical flow based background subtraction techniqu...
     with: Kushwaha, A.: Human Activity Recognition Algorithm in Video Sequences ...
     with: Latapie, H.: DePS: Delayed-espilon-shrinking for Faster Once-for-all T...
     with: Latapie, H.: Superfednas: Cost-efficient Federated Neural Architecture...
     with: Lee, M.J.: DePS: Delayed-espilon-shrinking for Faster Once-for-all Tra...
     with: Lee, M.J.: Superfednas: Cost-efficient Federated Neural Architecture S...
     with: Nguyen, T.B.: Object Tracking of Video Sequences in Curvelet Domain
     with: Nigam, S.: Curvelet transform-based technique for tracking of moving o...
     with: Palanisamy, P.: Content-Based Video Retrieval Using Integration of Cur...
     with: Pandharipande, M.: Indexing of multilingual news telecast using audio-...
     with: Prakash, O.: Dense optical flow based background subtraction technique...
     with: Prakash, O.: Local energy-based multimodal medical image fusion in cur...
     with: Prakash, O.: Medical Image Denoising Based on Soft Thresholding Using ...
     with: Siddiqui, T.J.: Chaos-based Video Steganography Method in Discrete Cos...
     with: Singh, B.K.: Electroencephalography-based classification of human emot...
     with: Singh, R.: Edge Preserving Image Fusion Based on Contourlet Transform
     with: Soni, A.K.: Electroencephalography-based classification of human emoti...
     with: Srivastava, P.: Content-based image retrieval using multiresolution sp...
     with: Srivastava, P.: Integration of wavelet transform, Local Binary Pattern...
     with: Srivastava, R.: Edge Preserving Image Fusion Based on Contourlet Trans...
     with: Srivastava, R.: Local energy-based multimodal medical image fusion in ...
     with: Srivastava, R.K.: Curvelet transform based moving object segmentation
     with: Srivastava, R.K.: Moving object segmentation in Daubechies complex wav...
     with: Srivastava, R.K.: Moving shadow detection and removal: A wavelet trans...
     with: Srivastava, R.K.: Single change detection-based moving object segmenta...
     with: Tiwary, U.S.: Daubechies Complex Wavelet Transform Based Technique For...
     with: Tumanov, A.: DePS: Delayed-espilon-shrinking for Faster Once-for-all T...
     with: Tumanov, A.: Superfednas: Cost-efficient Federated Neural Architecture...
49 for Khare, A.

Khare, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hain, C.: Projecting Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on Actual Eva...
     with: Kundu, S.: Projecting Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on Actual Ev...
     with: Lakshmi, V.: Projecting Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on Actual ...
     with: Mondal, A.: Projecting Climate and Land Use Change Impacts on Actual E...

Khare, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Butola, M.: Mean gradient descent: an optimization approach for single...
     with: Gaur, C.: Sparsity-assisted solution to the twin image problem in phas...
     with: Mohan, B.: Sparsity-assisted solution to the twin image problem in pha...
     with: Rajora, S.: Mean gradient descent: an optimization approach for single...
     with: Singh, M.: Single-shot interferogram analysis for accurate reconstruct...

Khare, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baingne, M.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Behera, M.D.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Bommisetty, R.M.: Content-Based Video Retrieval Using Integration of C...
     with: Chavan, M.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Dongre, P.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Gohel, B.: EEG/MEG source imaging in the absence of subject's brain MR...
     with: Islam, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Jeon, M.: Curvelet transform based moving object segmentation
     with: Joshi, U.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Kaginalkar, A.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the W...
     with: Kale, M.P.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Khare, A.: Content-Based Video Retrieval Using Integration of Curvelet...
     with: Khare, A.: Curvelet transform based moving object segmentation
     with: Khare, A.: Dense optical flow based background subtraction technique f...
     with: Khare, A.: Human Activity Recognition Algorithm in Video Sequences Bas...
     with: Khare, A.: Moving object segmentation in Daubechies complex wavelet do...
     with: Khare, A.: Moving shadow detection and removal: A wavelet transform ba...
     with: Khare, A.: Single change detection-based moving object segmentation by...
     with: Kharkar, N.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Kumar, N.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Kumar, V.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Kushwaha, A.: Dense optical flow based background subtraction techniqu...
     with: Kushwaha, A.: Human Activity Recognition Algorithm in Video Sequences ...
     with: Labade, M.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Limboo, N.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Luitel, B.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Meher, S.S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Mhatre, J.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Mukherjee, A.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WR...
     with: Narkhede, K.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Palanisamy, P.: Content-Based Video Retrieval Using Integration of Cur...
     with: Pardeshi, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Pokale, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Prakash, O.: Combining Zernike moment and complex wavelet transform fo...
     with: Prakash, O.: Dense optical flow based background subtraction technique...
     with: Roy, P.S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Sharma, N.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Sreshtha, D.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Srivastava, R.K.: Combining Zernike moment and complex wavelet transfo...
     with: Srivastava, R.K.: Curvelet transform based moving object segmentation
     with: Srivastava, R.K.: Moving object segmentation in Daubechies complex wav...
     with: Srivastava, R.K.: Moving shadow detection and removal: A wavelet trans...
     with: Srivastava, R.K.: Single change detection-based moving object segmenta...
     with: Sultan, M.A.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Talekar, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Thakare, G.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
46 for Khare, M.

Khare, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Rahman, M.H.: Pansharpening scheme using spatial detail injection-base...
     with: Saxena, G.: Pansharpening scheme using spatial detail injection-based ...
     with: Saxena, N.: Pansharpening scheme using spatial detail injection-based ...

Khare, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Heravi, B.R.: Where Is the News Breaking? Towards a Location-Based Eve...
     with: Marchand Maillet, S.: Where Is the News Breaking? Towards a Location-B...
     with: Morrison, D.: Where Is the News Breaking? Towards a Location-Based Eve...

Khare, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bascom, R.: Interactive CT-Video Registration for the Continuous Guida...
     with: Higgins, W.E.: Interactive CT-Video Registration for the Continuous Gu...
     with: Merritt, S.A.: Interactive CT-Video Registration for the Continuous Gu...

Khare, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Deslauriers, A.: Comparing Time-Lapse PhenoCams with Satellite Observa...
     with: Drolet, G.: Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Black Spruce Bud...
     with: Ghosh, K.: Phenology Analysis Of Forest Vegetation To Environmental Va...
     with: Hoffman, J.: SENTRY: Selective Entropy Optimization via Committee Cons...
     with: Kartik, D.: SENTRY: Selective Entropy Optimization via Committee Consi...
     with: Kaushik, B.K.: Fast and robust video stabilisation with preserved inte...
     with: Khare, S.: Vegetation Growth Analysis of UNESCO World Heritage Hyrcani...
     with: Latifi, H.: Comparing Time-Lapse PhenoCams with Satellite Observations...
     with: Latifi, H.: Phenology Analysis Of Forest Vegetation To Environmental V...
     with: Latifi, H.: Vegetation Growth Analysis of UNESCO World Heritage Hyrcan...
     with: Morin, H.: Comparing Time-Lapse PhenoCams with Satellite Observations ...
     with: Pare, M.C.: Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Black Spruce Bud...
     with: Prabhu, V.: SENTRY: Selective Entropy Optimization via Committee Consi...
     with: Rossi, S.: Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Black Spruce Bud ...
     with: Rossi, S.: Comparing Time-Lapse PhenoCams with Satellite Observations ...
     with: Singh, M.: Fast and robust video stabilisation with preserved intentio...
     with: Sylvain, J.D.: Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Black Spruce ...
19 for Khare, S.

Khare, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bharadhwaj, H.: Generative Framework for Zero-Shot Learning with Adver...
     with: Blumenstein, M.: blind deconvolution model for scene text detection an...
     with: Blumenstien, M.: quad tree based method for blurred and non-blurred vi...
     with: Chan, C.S.: quad tree based method for blurred and non-blurred video t...
     with: Dutta, A.: Rough-fuzzy based scene categorization for text detection a...
     with: Guru, D.S.: Weighted-Gradient Features for Handwritten Line Segmentation
     with: Jain, N.: Rough-fuzzy based scene categorization for text detection an...
     with: Kumar, A.: quad tree based method for blurred and non-blurred video te...
     with: Lu, T.: quad tree based method for blurred and non-blurred video text ...
     with: Lu, T.: Rough-fuzzy based scene categorization for text detection and ...
     with: Lu, T.: Weighted-Gradient Features for Handwritten Line Segmentation
     with: Mahajan, D.: Generative Framework for Zero-Shot Learning with Adversar...
     with: Navya, B.J.: Weighted-Gradient Features for Handwritten Line Segmentat...
     with: Pal, U.: Rough-fuzzy based scene categorization for text detection and...
     with: Pal, U.: Weighted-Gradient Features for Handwritten Line Segmentation
     with: Rai, P.: Generative Framework for Zero-Shot Learning with Adversarial ...
     with: Raveendran, P.: blind deconvolution model for scene text detection and...
     with: Roy, S.: Rough-fuzzy based scene categorization for text detection and...
     with: Shivakumara, P.: blind deconvolution model for scene text detection an...
     with: Shivakumara, P.: quad tree based method for blurred and non-blurred vi...
     with: Shivakumara, P.: Rough-fuzzy based scene categorization for text detec...
     with: Shivakumara, P.: Weighted-Gradient Features for Handwritten Line Segme...
     with: Swetha, G.C.: Weighted-Gradient Features for Handwritten Line Segmenta...
     with: Verma, V.K.: Generative Framework for Zero-Shot Learning with Adversar...
24 for Khare, V.

Kharfouchi, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boulemnadjel, A.: GMM Estimation of 2D-RCA Models With Applications to...
     with: Hachouf, F.: GMM Estimation of 2D-RCA Models With Applications to Text...
     with: Hachouf, F.: Using 2D ARMA-GARCH for ultrasound images denoising
     with: Hachouf, F.: Using a generalised method of moment approach and 2D-gene...
     with: Raslain, S.: Using 2D ARMA-GARCH for ultrasound images denoising
     with: Raslain, S.: Using a generalised method of moment approach and 2D-gene...

Kharghanian, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Iosifidis, A.: Pain detection using batch normalized discriminant rest...
     with: Moradi, F.: Pain detection using batch normalized discriminant restric...
     with: Peiravi, A.: Pain detection using batch normalized discriminant restri...

Khargonekar, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fouda, M.E.: Review of State-of-the-art Mixed-Precision Neural Network...
     with: Kurdahi, F.: Review of State-of-the-art Mixed-Precision Neural Network...
     with: Rakka, M.: Review of State-of-the-art Mixed-Precision Neural Network F...

Khargonekar, P.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Faruque, M.A.A.: Scene-Graph Augmented Data-Driven Risk Assessment of ...
     with: Malawade, A.V.: Scene-Graph Augmented Data-Driven Risk Assessment of A...
     with: Muthirayan, D.: Scene-Graph Augmented Data-Driven Risk Assessment of A...
     with: Yu, S.Y.: Scene-Graph Augmented Data-Driven Risk Assessment of Autonom...

Khari, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Crespo, R.G.: Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR ...
     with: Kumar, P.: Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR Cas...
     with: Manogaran, G.: Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR...
     with: Raj, R.: Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR Casca...
     with: Rajiv, P.: Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR Cas...
     with: Verdu, E.: Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR Cas...

Kharin, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Zhuk, E.: Filtering of multivariate samples containing outliers for cl...
     with: Zhuk, E.: Robustness in statistical pattern recognition under contamin...

Kharitonenko, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, W.Q.: Prototype of Autonomous Intelligent Surveillance Cameras, A
     with: Lichman, S.: Prototype of Autonomous Intelligent Surveillance Cameras, A
     with: Twelves, S.: wavelet transform with point-symmetric extension at tile ...
     with: Weerasinghe, C.: Prototype of Autonomous Intelligent Surveillance Came...
     with: Zhang, X.: Low Complexity Wavelet Transform with Point-symmetric Exten...
     with: Zhang, X.: wavelet transform with point-symmetric extension at tile bo...

Kharitonsky, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Benayoun, S.: Local Quantitative Measurements for Cardiac Motion Analy...
     with: Peleg, S.: Local Quantitative Measurements for Cardiac Motion Analysis
     with: Zilberman, A.: Local Quantitative Measurements for Cardiac Motion Anal...

Kharkar, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baingne, M.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Behera, M.D.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Chavan, M.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Dongre, P.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Islam, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Joshi, U.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Kaginalkar, A.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the W...
     with: Kale, M.P.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Khare, M.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Kumar, N.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Kumar, V.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Labade, M.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Limboo, N.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Luitel, B.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Meher, S.S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Mhatre, J.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Mukherjee, A.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WR...
     with: Narkhede, K.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Pardeshi, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Pokale, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Roy, P.S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-SF...
     with: Sharma, N.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-S...
     with: Sreshtha, D.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Sultan, M.A.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF...
     with: Talekar, S.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
     with: Thakare, G.: Operational Forest-Fire Spread Forecasting Using the WRF-...
26 for Kharkar, N.

Kharlamov, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anokhin, I.: High-Resolution Daytime Translation Without Domain Labels
     with: Khakhulin, T.: High-Resolution Daytime Translation Without Domain Labels
     with: Korzhenkov, D.: High-Resolution Daytime Translation Without Domain Lab...
     with: Lempitsky, V.: High-Resolution Daytime Translation Without Domain Labels
     with: Nikolenko, S.: High-Resolution Daytime Translation Without Domain Labels
     with: Silvestrov, A.: High-Resolution Daytime Translation Without Domain Lab...
     with: Solovev, P.: High-Resolution Daytime Translation Without Domain Labels
     with: Sterkin, G.: High-Resolution Daytime Translation Without Domain Labels
8 for Kharlamov, A.

Kharlamov, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Giese, M.: Ontology-Based Visual Query Formulation: An Industry Experi...
     with: Horrocks, I.: Ontology-Based Visual Query Formulation: An Industry Exp...
     with: Jimenez Ruiz, E.: Ontology-Based Visual Query Formulation: An Industry...
     with: Soylu, A.: Ontology-Based Visual Query Formulation: An Industry Experi...
     with: Zheleznyakov, D.: Ontology-Based Visual Query Formulation: An Industry...

Kharlova, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Khvostikov, A.: Automatic Mucous Glands Segmentation in Histological I...
     with: Krylov, A.: Automatic Mucous Glands Segmentation in Histological Images
     with: Malkov, P.: Automatic Mucous Glands Segmentation in Histological Images
     with: Mikhailov, I.: Automatic Mucous Glands Segmentation in Histological Im...
     with: Oleynikova, N.: Automatic Mucous Glands Segmentation in Histological I...

Kharma, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abu Baker, A.: Automatic segmentation of cells from microscopic imager...
     with: Bhattacharya, P.: On Supporting Identification in a Hand-Based Biometr...
     with: Charbonneau, L.: Evolution of Programs for Segmentation of Microscopic...
     with: Cheriet, M.: Automatic segmentation of cells from microscopic imagery ...
     with: Ebne Alian, M.: Evolution of Programs for Segmentation of Microscopic ...
     with: Grogono, P.: Fast robust GA-based ellipse detection
     with: Guo, P.F.: On Supporting Identification in a Hand-Based Biometric Fram...
     with: Guo, P.F.: Palmprints: A Cooperative Co-evolutionary Algorithm For Clu...
     with: Guo, Y.P.: Automatic segmentation of cells from microscopic imagery us...
     with: Hussein, F.: Genetic algorithms for feature selection and weighting, a...
     with: Laganiere, J.: Automatic segmentation of cells from microscopic imager...
     with: Moghnieh, H.: Automatic segmentation of cells from microscopic imagery...
     with: Rouleau, G.: Automatic segmentation of cells from microscopic imagery ...
     with: Suen, C.Y.: Palmprints: A Cooperative Co-evolutionary Algorithm For Cl...
     with: Ward, R.: Genetic algorithms for feature selection and weighting, a re...
     with: Yao, J.: Automatic segmentation of cells from microscopic imagery usin...
     with: Yao, J.: Fast robust GA-based ellipse detection
17 for Kharma, N.

Kharma, N.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheriet, M.: Character Recognition Systems: A Guide for Students and P...
     with: Liu, C.L.: Character Recognition Systems: A Guide for Students and Pra...
     with: Suen, C.: Character Recognition Systems: A Guide for Students and Prac...
     with: Ward, R.K.: novel invariant mapping applied to hand-written Arabic cha...

Kharol, S.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bash, J.: Accounting for Non-Detects: Application to Satellite Ammonia...
     with: Cady Pereira, K.E.: Accounting for Non-Detects: Application to Satelli...
     with: Chow, E.: Accounting for Non-Detects: Application to Satellite Ammonia...
     with: Dammers, E.: Accounting for Non-Detects: Application to Satellite Ammo...
     with: Ford, S.: Accounting for Non-Detects: Application to Satellite Ammonia...
     with: O'Brien, J.: Accounting for Non-Detects: Application to Satellite Ammo...
     with: Quinn, G.: Accounting for Non-Detects: Application to Satellite Ammoni...
     with: Shephard, M.W.: Accounting for Non-Detects: Application to Satellite A...
     with: Thiessen, N.: Accounting for Non-Detects: Application to Satellite Amm...
     with: Tobin, D.: Accounting for Non-Detects: Application to Satellite Ammoni...
     with: White, E.: Accounting for Non-Detects: Application to Satellite Ammoni...
11 for Kharol, S.K.

Kharouf, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Halimi, A.: Estimating the Intrinsic Dimension of Hyperspectral Images...
     with: Honeine, P.: Estimating the Intrinsic Dimension of Hyperspectral Image...
     with: Richard, C.: Estimating the Intrinsic Dimension of Hyperspectral Image...
     with: Tourneret, J.Y.: Estimating the Intrinsic Dimension of Hyperspectral I...

Kharraja, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bouramtane, K.: Decision-Making System for emergency service design an...
     with: Elbeqqali, O.: Decision-Making System for emergency service design and...
     with: Riffi, J.: Decision-Making System for emergency service design and man...

Kharrat, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abid, M.: Automated Segmentation of Brain Tumor Using Optimal Texture ...
     with: Gasmi, K.: Automated Segmentation of Brain Tumor Using Optimal Texture...
     with: Messaoud, M.B.: Automated Segmentation of Brain Tumor Using Optimal Te...
     with: Oria, V.: Spatio-temporal compression of trajectories in road networks
     with: Popa, I.S.: Spatio-temporal compression of trajectories in road networks
     with: Zeitouni, K.: Spatio-temporal compression of trajectories in road netw...

Kharrati, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baradarannia, M.: Improvement of angular velocity and position estimat...
     with: Dehghani, M.: Improvement of angular velocity and position estimation ...
     with: Seyedarabi, H.: Improvement of angular velocity and position estimatio...

Kharrazi, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Avtar, R.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photovo...
     with: Chapagain, S.K.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on P...
     with: Dou, J.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photovolt...
     with: Gupta, A.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photovo...
     with: Mohan, G.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photovo...
     with: Ravankar, A.A.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Ph...
     with: Sharma, V.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photov...
     with: Singh, C.K.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photo...
     with: Singh, D.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photovo...
     with: Supe, H.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photovol...
     with: Tutubalina, O.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Ph...
     with: Yunus, A.P.: Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photo...
12 for Kharrazi, A.

Kharrazi, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Avcibas, I.: Image Steganalysis with Binary Similarity Measures
     with: Chandramouli, R.: Image Steganography and Steganalysis: Concepts and P...
     with: Memon, N.: Blind source camera identification
     with: Memon, N.: Cover Selection for Steganographic Embedding
     with: Memon, N.: Image Steganalysis with Binary Similarity Measures
     with: Memon, N.: Image Steganography and Steganalysis: Concepts and Practice
     with: Sankur, B.: Image Steganalysis with Binary Similarity Measures
     with: Sencar, H.T.: Blind source camera identification
     with: Sencar, H.T.: Cover Selection for Steganographic Embedding
12 for Kharrazi, M.

Kharrou, M.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Belaqziz, S.: Optimizing the Sowing Date to Improve Water Management a...
     with: Bouras, E.: Optimizing the Sowing Date to Improve Water Management and...
     with: Chehbouni, A.: Assessing Irrigation Water Use with Remote Sensing-Base...
     with: Chehbouni, A.: Optimizing the Sowing Date to Improve Water Management ...
     with: El Moutamanni, A.: Life-Size and Near Real-Time Test of Irrigation Sch...
     with: Er Raki, S.: Assessing Irrigation Water Use with Remote Sensing-Based ...
     with: Er Raki, S.: Life-Size and Near Real-Time Test of Irrigation Schedulin...
     with: Er Raki, S.: Optimizing the Sowing Date to Improve Water Management an...
     with: Hagolle, O.: Life-Size and Near Real-Time Test of Irrigation Schedulin...
     with: Huc, M.: Life-Size and Near Real-Time Test of Irrigation Scheduling wi...
     with: Jarlan, L.: Life-Size and Near Real-Time Test of Irrigation Scheduling...
     with: Kasbani, M.: Life-Size and Near Real-Time Test of Irrigation Schedulin...
     with: Khabba, S.: Assessing Irrigation Water Use with Remote Sensing-Based S...
     with: Khabba, S.: Optimizing the Sowing Date to Improve Water Management and...
     with: Le Page, M.: Assessing Irrigation Water Use with Remote Sensing-Based ...
     with: Simonneaux, V.: Assessing Irrigation Water Use with Remote Sensing-Bas...
     with: Tavernier, A.: Life-Size and Near Real-Time Test of Irrigation Schedul...
     with: Yousfi, M.: Life-Size and Near Real-Time Test of Irrigation Scheduling...
18 for Kharrou, M.H.

Kharroubi, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ballouch, Z.: Investigating Prior-Level Fusion Approaches for Enriched...
     with: Ballouch, Z.: Prior Level Fusion Approach for the Semantic Segmentatio...
     with: Billen, R.: Classification and Integration of Massive 3d Points Clouds...
     with: Billen, R.: Extension of Cityjson to Support Point Clouds, An
     with: Billen, R.: Investigating Prior-Level Fusion Approaches for Enriched S...
     with: Billen, R.: Marker-less Mobile Augmented Reality Application for Massi...
     with: Billen, R.: Prior Level Fusion Approach for the Semantic Segmentation ...
     with: Hajji, R.: Classification and Integration of Massive 3d Points Clouds ...
     with: Hajji, R.: Investigating Prior-Level Fusion Approaches for Enriched Se...
     with: Hajji, R.: Prior Level Fusion Approach for the Semantic Segmentation o...
     with: Nys, G.A.: Extension of Cityjson to Support Point Clouds, An
     with: Poux, F.: Classification and Integration of Massive 3d Points Clouds i...
     with: Poux, F.: Extension of Cityjson to Support Point Clouds, An
     with: Poux, F.: Investigating Prior-Level Fusion Approaches for Enriched Sem...
     with: Poux, F.: Marker-less Mobile Augmented Reality Application for Massive...
     with: Poux, F.: Prior Level Fusion Approach for the Semantic Segmentation of...
16 for Kharroubi, A.

Kharuk, V.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kovacs, K.: Validation of surface height from shuttle radar topography...
     with: Ranson, K.J.: Validation of surface height from shuttle radar topograp...
     with: Sun, G.: Validation of surface height from shuttle radar topography mi...

Kharuzhyk, S.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kovalev, V.A.: Small Nodules Localization on CT Images of Lungs
     with: Snezhko, E.V.: Small Nodules Localization on CT Images of Lungs
     with: Tuzikov, A.V.: Small Nodules Localization on CT Images of Lungs

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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