Index for kose

Kose, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Foh, C.H.: Multi-Agent Context Learning Strategy for Interference-Awar...
     with: Lee, H.Y.: Multi-Agent Context Learning Strategy for Interference-Awar...
     with: Shojafar, M.: Multi-Agent Context Learning Strategy for Interference-A...

Kose, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agahian, S.: Improving bag-of-poses with semi-temporal pose descriptor...
     with: Gangal, A.: surface-based method for detection of coronary vessel boun...
     with: Hatipoglu, B.: signal-to-image transformation approach for EEG and MEG...
     with: Kayikcioglu, T.: surface-based method for detection of coronary vessel...
     with: Negin, F.: Improving bag-of-poses with semi-temporal pose descriptors ...
     with: Sankur, B.: Generalized distance based matching of nonbinary images
     with: Starovoitov, V.V.: Generalized distance based matching of nonbinary im...
     with: Turhal, M.: surface-based method for detection of coronary vessel boun...
     with: Yilmaz, C.M.: signal-to-image transformation approach for EEG and MEG ...
9 for Kose, C.

Kose, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arica, N.: Contrastive learning based facial action unit detection in ...
     with: Baglayici, E.: New Facial Expression Processing System for an Affectiv...
     with: Bicer, E.: Contrastive learning based facial action unit detection in ...
     with: Bicer, E.: LITE-FER: A Lightweight Facial Expression Recognition Frame...
     with: Boluk, N.: Evaluating Gaze Detection for Children with Autism Using th...
     with: Gurpinar, C.: Contrastive learning based facial action unit detection ...
     with: Gurpinar, C.: New Facial Expression Processing System for an Affective...
     with: Takir, S.: Contrastive learning based facial action unit detection in ...
     with: Uluer, P.: Contrastive learning based facial action unit detection in ...
     with: Uluer, P.: New Facial Expression Processing System for an Affectively ...
10 for Kose, H.

Kose, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alessi Fox, C.: Delineation of Skin Strata in Reflectance Confocal Mic...
     with: Bozkurt, A.: Delineation of Skin Strata in Reflectance Confocal Micros...
     with: Brooks, D.H.: Delineation of Skin Strata in Reflectance Confocal Micro...
     with: Brooks, D.H.: Marked Poisson Process Driven Latent Shape Model for 3D ...
     with: Cetin Atalay, R.: Special issue on microscopic image processing
     with: Cetin, A.E.: 3D Forest Fire Propagation Simulation
     with: Cetin, A.E.: 3D Model compression using Connectivity-Guided Adaptive W...
     with: Cetin, A.E.: Connectivity-Guided Adaptive Lifting Transform for Image ...
     with: Cetin, A.E.: Content-adaptive color transform for image compression
     with: Cetin, A.E.: Denoising images corrupted by impulsive noise using proje...
     with: Cetin, A.E.: Denoising using projections onto the epigraph set of conv...
     with: Cetin, A.E.: Entropy-Functional-Based Online Adaptive Decision Fusion ...
     with: Cetin, A.E.: Special issue on microscopic image processing
     with: Dy, J.G.: Delineation of Skin Strata in Reflectance Confocal Microscop...
     with: Dy, J.G.: Marked Poisson Process Driven Latent Shape Model for 3D Segm...
     with: Gale, T.: Delineation of Skin Strata in Reflectance Confocal Microscop...
     with: Ghanta, S.: Marked Poisson Process Driven Latent Shape Model for 3D Se...
     with: Grammalidis, N.: 3D Forest Fire Propagation Simulation
     with: Gudukbay, U.: 3D Model compression using Connectivity-Guided Adaptive ...
     with: Gudukbay, U.: Connectivity-Guided Adaptive Lifting Transform for Image...
     with: Gunay, O.: Entropy-Functional-Based Online Adaptive Decision Fusion Fr...
     with: Gurcan, M.N.: Content-adaptive color transform for image compression
     with: Jordan, M.I.: Marked Poisson Process Driven Latent Shape Model for 3D ...
     with: Onural, L.: 3D Model compression using Connectivity-Guided Adaptive Wa...
     with: Onural, L.: Connectivity-Guided Adaptive Lifting Transform for Image L...
     with: Rajadhyaksha, M.: Delineation of Skin Strata in Reflectance Confocal M...
     with: Rajadhyaksha, M.: Marked Poisson Process Driven Latent Shape Model for...
     with: Suhre, A.: Content-adaptive color transform for image compression
     with: Tamada, D.: Two-Dimensional Compressed Sensing Using the Cross-samplin...
     with: Tofighi, M.: Denoising images corrupted by impulsive noise using proje...
     with: Tofighi, M.: Denoising using projections onto the epigraph set of conv...
     with: Toreyin, B.U.: Entropy-Functional-Based Online Adaptive Decision Fusio...
     with: Yilmaz, E.: 3D Forest Fire Propagation Simulation
33 for Kose, K.

Kose, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Apvrille, L.: Facial makeup detection technique based on texture and s...
     with: Dhamasia, A.: Reliable Multimodal Trajectory Prediction via Error Alig...
     with: Dugelay, J.L.: Countermeasure for the protection of face recognition s...
     with: Dugelay, J.L.: Facial makeup detection technique based on texture and ...
     with: Dugelay, J.L.: KinectFaceDB: A Kinect Database for Face Recognition
     with: Dugelay, J.L.: Mask spoofing in face recognition and countermeasures
     with: Dugelay, J.L.: Shape and Texture Based Countermeasure to Protect Face ...
     with: Gunduz, A.: Resource Efficient 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
     with: Kopuklu, O.: DriverMHG: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Dynamic Recognition ...
     with: Kopuklu, O.: Motion Fused Frames: Data Level Fusion Strategy for Hand ...
     with: Kopuklu, O.: Resource Efficient 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
     with: Krishnan, R.: Reliable Multimodal Trajectory Prediction via Error Alig...
     with: Ledwon, T.: DriverMHG: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Dynamic Recognition o...
     with: Min, R.: KinectFaceDB: A Kinect Database for Face Recognition
     with: Paulitsch, M.: Reliable Multimodal Trajectory Prediction via Error Ali...
     with: Rigoll, G.: DriverMHG: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Dynamic Recognition o...
     with: Rigoll, G.: Motion Fused Frames: Data Level Fusion Strategy for Hand G...
     with: Rigoll, G.: Resource Efficient 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
     with: Rong, Y.: DriverMHG: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Dynamic Recognition of ...
     with: Tickoo, O.: Reliable Multimodal Trajectory Prediction via Error Aligne...
20 for Kose, N.

Kosecka, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alimoor, R.: Labeling Indoor Scenes with Fusion of Out-of-the-Box Perc...
     with: Ammirato, P.: Active Vision Dataset Benchmark
     with: Ammirato, P.: Fast Single Shot Detection and Pose Estimation
     with: Anguelov, D.: 3D Bounding Box Estimation Using Deep Learning and Geome...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Cooperation of visually guided behaviors
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Discrete-Event Modeling of Visually Guided Behaviors
     with: Barber, P.: Qualitative image based localization in indoors environments
     with: Berg, A.C.: Active Vision Dataset Benchmark
     with: Berg, A.C.: Fast Single Shot Detection and Pose Estimation
     with: Borriello, G.: Visual Navigation for Mobile Devices
     with: Boyadzhiev, I.: Graph-CoVis: GNN-Based Multi-View Panorama Global Pose...
     with: Boyadzhiev, I.: U2RLE: Uncertainty-Guided 2-Stage Room Layout Estimation
     with: Chaudhry, R.: Recognizing manipulation actions in arts and crafts show...
     with: Chen, T.: Hierarchical Kinematic Human Mesh Recovery
     with: Christensen, H.I.: Discrete-Event Modeling of Visually Guided Behaviors
     with: Dellaert, F.: Special issue on Virtual Representations and Modeling of...
     with: Diebel, J.: Multi-view image and ToF sensor fusion for dense 3D recons...
     with: Duric, Z.: Qualitative image based localization in indoors environments
     with: Ernst, J.: End-to-End Learning of Keypoint Detector and Descriptor for...
     with: Farid, H.: Estimating Planar Surface Orientation Using Bispectral Anal...
     with: Fayyazsanavi, P.: Fingerspelling PoseNet: Enhancing Fingerspelling Tra...
     with: Fayyazsanavi, P.: U2RLE: Uncertainty-Guided 2-Stage Room Layout Estima...
     with: Ferraro, F.: Recognizing manipulation actions in arts and crafts shows...
     with: Flynn, J.: 3D Bounding Box Estimation Using Deep Learning and Geometry
     with: Frahm, J.M.: Special issue on Virtual Representations and Modeling of ...
     with: Fu, C.Y.: Fast Single Shot Detection and Pose Estimation
     with: Georgakis, G.: End-to-End Learning of Keypoint Detector and Descriptor...
     with: Georgakis, G.: Hierarchical Kinematic Human Mesh Recovery
     with: Georgakis, G.: Learning Local RGB-to-CAD Correspondences for Object Po...
     with: Grzeszczuk, R.: Creating compact architectural models by geo-registeri...
     with: Grzeszczuk, R.: Visual Navigation for Mobile Devices
     with: Guerrero, J.J.: Weakly supervised labeling of dominant image regions i...
     with: Hile, H.: Creating compact architectural models by geo-registering ima...
     with: Hile, H.: Visual Navigation for Mobile Devices
     with: Hosain, A.A.: FineHand: Learning Hand Shapes for American Sign Languag...
     with: Hosain, A.A.: Hand Pose Guided 3D Pooling for Word-level Sign Language...
     with: Huang, K.: Rank Conditions on the Multiple-View Matrix
     with: Hutchcroft, W.: Graph-CoVis: GNN-Based Multi-View Panorama Global Pose...
     with: Hutchcroft, W.: U2RLE: Uncertainty-Guided 2-Stage Room Layout Estimation
     with: Kang, S.B.: Graph-CoVis: GNN-Based Multi-View Panorama Global Pose Est...
     with: Kang, S.B.: U2RLE: Uncertainty-Guided 2-Stage Room Layout Estimation
     with: Karanam, S.: End-to-End Learning of Keypoint Detector and Descriptor f...
     with: Karanam, S.: Hierarchical Kinematic Human Mesh Recovery
     with: Karanam, S.: Learning Local RGB-to-CAD Correspondences for Object Pose...
     with: Khosravan, N.: Graph-CoVis: GNN-Based Multi-View Panorama Global Pose ...
     with: Kim, Y.M.: Multi-view image and ToF sensor fusion for dense 3D reconst...
     with: Li, F.Y.: Mosaic construction from a sparse set of views
     with: Li, R.: Hierarchical Kinematic Human Mesh Recovery
     with: Li, Y.G.: Graph-CoVis: GNN-Based Multi-View Panorama Global Pose Estim...
     with: Li, Y.G.: U2RLE: Uncertainty-Guided 2-Stage Room Layout Estimation
     with: Li, Y.M.: Labeling Indoor Scenes with Fusion of Out-of-the-Box Percept...
     with: Li, Y.M.: Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Semantic Segmentation in an...
     with: Li, Y.M.: Uncertainty Aware Proposal Segmentation for Unknown Object D...
     with: Liu, A.: Visual Navigation for Mobile Devices
     with: Liu, W.: Fast Single Shot Detection and Pose Estimation
     with: Ma, Y.: Euclidean Reconstruction and Reprojection Up to Subgroups
     with: Ma, Y.: Invitation to 3-D Vision: From Images to Geometric Models, An
     with: Ma, Y.: Kruppa Equation Revisited: its Renormalization and Degeneracy
     with: Ma, Y.: Linear Differential Algorithm for Motion Recovery: A Geometric...
     with: Ma, Y.: Motion Recovery from Image Sequences: Discrete Viewpoint vs. D...
     with: Ma, Y.: Optimization Criteria and Geometric Algorithms for Motion and ...
     with: Ma, Y.: Rank Conditions on the Multiple-View Matrix
     with: Micusik, B.: Detection and matching of rectilinear structures
     with: Micusik, B.: Multi-view Superpixel Stereo in Urban Environments
     with: Micusik, B.: Piecewise planar city 3D modeling from street view panora...
     with: Micusik, B.: Semantic segmentation of street scenes by superpixel co-o...
     with: Micusik, B.: Weakly supervised labeling of dominant image regions in i...
     with: Miscusik, B.: Multi-view image and ToF sensor fusion for dense 3D reco...
     with: Mousavian, A.: 3D Bounding Box Estimation Using Deep Learning and Geom...
     with: Murillo, A.C.: Weakly supervised labeling of dominant image regions in...
     with: Narayana, M.: Graph-CoVis: GNN-Based Multi-View Panorama Global Pose E...
     with: Nejatishahidin, N.: Fingerspelling PoseNet: Enhancing Fingerspelling T...
     with: Nejatishahidin, N.: Graph-CoVis: GNN-Based Multi-View Panorama Global ...
     with: Neumann, J.: Recognizing manipulation actions in arts and crafts shows...
     with: Pathak, P.: FineHand: Learning Hand Shapes for American Sign Language ...
     with: Pathak, P.: Hand Pose Guided 3D Pooling for Word-level Sign Language R...
     with: Paton, M.: Adaptive RGB-D Localization
     with: Perera, I.: Recognizing manipulation actions in arts and crafts shows ...
     with: Poirson, P.: Fast Single Shot Detection and Pose Estimation
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Special issue on Virtual Representations and Modeling o...
     with: Rajabi, N.: Labeling Indoor Scenes with Fusion of Out-of-the-Box Perce...
     with: Rangwala, H.: FineHand: Learning Hand Shapes for American Sign Languag...
     with: Rangwala, H.: Hand Pose Guided 3D Pooling for Word-level Sign Language...
     with: Sagues, C.: Weakly supervised labeling of dominant image regions in in...
     with: Santhalingam, P.S.: FineHand: Learning Hand Shapes for American Sign L...
     with: Santhalingam, P.S.: Hand Pose Guided 3D Pooling for Word-level Sign La...
     with: Sapp, B.: Recognizing manipulation actions in arts and crafts shows us...
     with: Sastry, S.: Euclidean Reconstruction and Reprojection Up to Subgroups
     with: Sastry, S.: Kruppa Equation Revisited: its Renormalization and Degener...
     with: Sastry, S.: Linear Differential Algorithm for Motion Recovery: A Geome...
     with: Sastry, S.: Motion Recovery from Image Sequences: Discrete Viewpoint v...
     with: Sastry, S.: Optimization Criteria and Geometric Algorithms for Motion ...
     with: Sastry, S.: Rank Conditions on the Multiple-View Matrix
     with: Sastry, S.S.: Invitation to 3-D Vision: From Images to Geometric Model...
     with: Shrestha, S.: Labeling Indoor Scenes with Fusion of Out-of-the-Box Per...
     with: Shrestha, S.: Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Semantic Segmentation i...
     with: Singh, G.: Introspective semantic segmentation
     with: Singh, G.: Nonparametric Scene Parsing with Adaptive Feature Relevance...
     with: Singh, G.: Recognizing manipulation actions in arts and crafts shows u...
     with: Soatto, S.: Euclidean Reconstruction and Reprojection Up to Subgroups
     with: Soatto, S.: Invitation to 3-D Vision: From Images to Geometric Models,...
     with: Theobalt, C.: Multi-view image and ToF sensor fusion for dense 3D reco...
     with: Thrun, S.: Multi-view image and ToF sensor fusion for dense 3D reconst...
     with: Tzoukermann, E.: Recognizing manipulation actions in arts and crafts s...
     with: Vedantham, R.: Creating compact architectural models by geo-registerin...
     with: Vedantham, R.: Visual Navigation for Mobile Devices
     with: Vidal, R.: Kruppa Equation Revisited: its Renormalization and Degeneracy
     with: Vidal, R.: Rank Conditions on the Multiple-View Matrix
     with: Wan, Z.Q.: U2RLE: Uncertainty-Guided 2-Stage Room Layout Estimation
     with: Wildenauer, H.: Detection and matching of rectilinear structures
     with: Wu, Z.: End-to-End Learning of Keypoint Detector and Descriptor for Po...
     with: Wu, Z.: Learning Local RGB-to-CAD Correspondences for Object Pose Esti...
     with: Wu, Z.Y.: Hierarchical Kinematic Human Mesh Recovery
     with: Yang, X.L.: Global localization and relative pose estimation based on ...
     with: Yu, X.D.: Recognizing manipulation actions in arts and crafts shows us...
     with: Zhang, W.: Ensemble Method for Robust Motion Estimation
     with: Zhang, W.: Extraction, matching, and pose recovery based on dominant r...
     with: Zhang, W.: Generalized RANSAC Framework for Relaxed Correspondence Pro...
     with: Zhang, W.: Hierarchical building recognition
     with: Zhang, W.: Image Based Localization in Urban Environments
     with: Zhang, W.: Localization Based on Building Recognition
     with: Zhang, W.: Mosaic construction from a sparse set of views
     with: Zhang, W.: Nonparametric Estimation of Multiple Structures with Outliers
     with: Zhang, W.: Video Compass
     with: Zhou, L.: Qualitative image based localization in indoors environments
     with: Zucchelli, M.: Motion bias and structure distortion induced by calibra...
     with: Zucchelli, M.: Motion bias and structure distortion induced by intrins...
131 for Kosecka, J.

KoseckZa, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Georgakis, G.: Multiview RGB-D Dataset for Object Instance Detection
     with: Le, P.H.: Multiview RGB-D Dataset for Object Instance Detection
     with: Mousavian, A.: Joint Semantic Segmentation and Depth Estimation with D...
     with: Mousavian, A.: Multiview RGB-D Dataset for Object Instance Detection
     with: Pirsiavash, H.: Joint Semantic Segmentation and Depth Estimation with ...
     with: Reza, M.A.: Multiview RGB-D Dataset for Object Instance Detection

Koseki, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Doan, V.: Allocation of Wireless Power Transfer System From Viewpoint ...
     with: Fujimoto, H.: Allocation of Wireless Power Transfer System From Viewpo...
     with: Fujita, T.: Allocation of Wireless Power Transfer System From Viewpoin...
     with: Kishi, H.: Allocation of Wireless Power Transfer System From Viewpoint...
     with: Yasuda, T.: Allocation of Wireless Power Transfer System From Viewpoin...

Kosel, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Petrisic, J.: Digital Curve Length Calculation by Using B-spline
     with: Petrisic, J.: Numerical calculation of digital curve length by using a...
     with: Suhadolnik, A.: Digital Curve Length Calculation by Using B-spline
     with: Suhadolnik, A.: Numerical calculation of digital curve length by using...

Kosemehmetoglu, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aksoy, S.: Self-Supervised Learning with Graph Neural Networks for Reg...
     with: Onder, S.: Self-Supervised Learning with Graph Neural Networks for Reg...
     with: Ozen, Y.: Self-Supervised Learning with Graph Neural Networks for Regi...
     with: Uner, A.: Self-Supervised Learning with Graph Neural Networks for Regi...

Koser, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Angst, R.: Radial Distortion Self-Calibration
     with: Angst, R.: Unknown Radial Distortion Centers in Multiple View Geometry...
     with: Baatz, G.: City-scale landmark identification on mobile devices
     with: Baatz, G.: Handling Urban Location Recognition as a 2D Homothetic Prob...
     with: Baatz, G.: Image Based Geo-localization in the Alps
     with: Baatz, G.: Large Scale Visual Geo-Localization of Images in Mountainou...
     with: Baatz, G.: Leveraging 3D City Models for Rotation Invariant Place-of-I...
     with: Baatz, G.: Leveraging Topographic Maps for Image to Terrain Alignment
     with: Bach, J.: City-scale landmark identification on mobile devices
     with: Bartczak, B.: MixIn3D: 3D Mixed Reality with ToF-Camera
     with: Bouguet, J.Y.: Rolling Shutter Stereo
     with: Branco, P.: Unknown Radial Distortion Centers in Multiple View Geometr...
     with: Brito, J.H.: Radial Distortion Self-Calibration
     with: Brito, J.H.: Unknown Radial Distortion Centers in Multiple View Geomet...
     with: Chen, D.M.: City-scale landmark identification on mobile devices
     with: Chen, D.M.: Handling Urban Location Recognition as a 2D Homothetic Pro...
     with: Chen, D.M.: Leveraging 3D City Models for Rotation Invariant Place-of-...
     with: Chen, X.: City-scale landmark identification on mobile devices
     with: Elibol, F.: Deep Sea Robotic Imaging Simulator
     with: Frahm, J.M.: Pose Estimation for Multi-camera Systems
     with: Girod, B.: City-scale landmark identification on mobile devices
     with: Greinert, J.: Marine bubble flow quantification using wide-baseline st...
     with: Grzeszczuk, R.: City-scale landmark identification on mobile devices
     with: Grzeszczuk, R.: Handling Urban Location Recognition as a 2D Homothetic...
     with: Grzeszczuk, R.: Leveraging 3D City Models for Rotation Invariant Place...
     with: Hane, C.: Real-World Normal Map Capture for Nearly Flat Reflective Sur...
     with: Herrmann, P.: Robust Human-Identifiable Markers for Absolute Relocaliz...
     with: Jacquet, B.: Real-World Normal Map Capture for Nearly Flat Reflective ...
     with: Kellner, F.: MixIn3D: 3D Mixed Reality with ToF-Camera
     with: Koch, R.: Differential Spatial Resection: Pose Estimation Using a Sing...
     with: Koch, R.: Iterative Refinement for Underwater 3D Reconstruction: Appli...
     with: Koch, R.: MixIn3D: 3D Mixed Reality with ToF-Camera
     with: Koch, R.: Optimization of Multi-led Setups for Underwater Robotic Visi...
     with: Koch, R.: Pose Estimation for Multi-camera Systems
     with: Kwasnitschka, T.: Iterative Refinement for Underwater 3D Reconstructio...
     with: Kwasnitschka, T.: Learning Visual Free Space Detection for Deep-diving...
     with: Ladicky, L.: Image Based Geo-localization in the Alps
     with: Ladicky, L.: Large Scale Visual Geo-Localization of Images in Mountain...
     with: Ladicky, L.: Leveraging Topographic Maps for Image to Terrain Alignment
     with: Mohrmann, J.: Adjustment and Calibration of Dome Port Camera Systems f...
     with: Nakath, D.: Deep Sea Robotic Imaging Simulator
     with: Nakath, D.: In-Situ Joint Light and Medium Estimation for Underwater C...
     with: Nakath, D.: MaCal - Macro Lens Calibration and the Focus Stack Camera ...
     with: Nakath, D.: Optimization of Multi-led Setups for Underwater Robotic Vi...
     with: Nakath, D.: Refractive geometry for underwater domes
     with: Nakath, D.: Towards Cross Domain Transfer Learning for Underwater Corr...
     with: Nakath, D.: Visual Tomography: Physically Faithful Volumetric Models o...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Automatic Registration of RGB-D Scans via Salient Direc...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: City-scale landmark identification on mobile devices
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Dense 3D Reconstruction of Symmetric Scenes from a Sing...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Handling Urban Location Recognition as a 2D Homothetic ...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Image Based Geo-localization in the Alps
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Large Scale Visual Geo-Localization of Images in Mounta...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Leveraging 3D City Models for Rotation Invariant Place-...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Leveraging Topographic Maps for Image to Terrain Alignm...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Radial Distortion Self-Calibration
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Real-World Normal Map Capture for Nearly Flat Reflectiv...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Rolling Shutter Stereo
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Viewpoint Invariant Matching via Developable Surfaces
     with: Pylvanainen, T.: City-scale landmark identification on mobile devices
     with: Reissmann, S.: Robust Human-Identifiable Markers for Absolute Relocali...
     with: Rohrl, S.: Towards Cross Domain Transfer Learning for Underwater Corre...
     with: Roimela, K.: City-scale landmark identification on mobile devices
     with: Rothenbeck, M.: Robust Human-Identifiable Markers for Absolute Relocal...
     with: Saurer, O.: Image Based Geo-localization in the Alps
     with: Saurer, O.: Large Scale Visual Geo-Localization of Images in Mountaino...
     with: Saurer, O.: Leveraging Topographic Maps for Image to Terrain Alignment
     with: Saurer, O.: Rolling Shutter Stereo
     with: Schiller, I.: MixIn3D: 3D Mixed Reality with ToF-Camera
     with: Schontag, P.: Towards Cross Domain Transfer Learning for Underwater Co...
     with: She, M.: Considering Spherical Refraction in Visual Ocean Gas Release ...
     with: She, M.: Deep Sea Robotic Imaging Simulator
     with: She, M.: In-Situ Joint Light and Medium Estimation for Underwater Colo...
     with: She, M.: MaCal - Macro Lens Calibration and the Focus Stack Camera Model
     with: She, M.: Refractive geometry for underwater domes
     with: She, M.: Visual Tomography: Physically Faithful Volumetric Models of P...
     with: She, M.K.: Adjustment and Calibration of Dome Port Camera Systems for ...
     with: She, M.K.: Marine bubble flow quantification using wide-baseline stere...
     with: Shivaswamy, N.: Learning Visual Free Space Detection for Deep-diving R...
     with: Song, Y.: Iterative Refinement for Underwater 3D Reconstruction: Appli...
     with: Song, Y.F.: Adjustment and Calibration of Dome Port Camera Systems for...
     with: Song, Y.F.: Deep Sea Robotic Imaging Simulator
     with: Song, Y.F.: In-Situ Joint Light and Medium Estimation for Underwater C...
     with: Song, Y.F.: Marine bubble flow quantification using wide-baseline ster...
     with: Song, Y.F.: Optimization of Multi-led Setups for Underwater Robotic Vi...
     with: Song, Y.F.: Refractive geometry for underwater domes
     with: Sticklus, J.: Optimization of Multi-led Setups for Underwater Robotic ...
     with: Tsai, S.S.: City-scale landmark identification on mobile devices
     with: Urban, P.: Marine bubble flow quantification using wide-baseline stere...
     with: Vedantham, R.: City-scale landmark identification on mobile devices
     with: Weiß, T.: Marine bubble flow quantification using wide-baseline stereo...
     with: Weng, X.Y.: MaCal - Macro Lens Calibration and the Focus Stack Camera ...
     with: Weng, X.Y.: Visual Tomography: Physically Faithful Volumetric Models o...
     with: Wenzlaff, E.: Optimization of Multi-led Setups for Underwater Robotic ...
     with: Woelk, F.: Robust Human-Identifiable Markers for Absolute Relocalizati...
     with: Zach, C.: Dense 3D Reconstruction of Symmetric Scenes from a Single Im...
     with: Zach, C.: Unknown Radial Distortion Centers in Multiple View Geometry ...
     with: Zeisl, B.: Automatic Registration of RGB-D Scans via Salient Directions
     with: Zeisl, B.: Viewpoint Invariant Matching via Developable Surfaces
99 for Koser, K.

Kosesoy, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Delibasoglu, I.: Motion detection in moving camera videos using backgr...
     with: Kotan, M.: Motion detection in moving camera videos using background m...
     with: Selamet, F.: Motion detection in moving camera videos using background...

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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