Journals starting with fcv1

FCV11 * *Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision
* 3D object reconstruction using multiple linear light sources in image scanner
* Adaptive template method for early recognition of gestures
* amount of Alaria praelonga Kjellmans analysis method from laminaria bed images for fishery investigation, The
* analysis of the effect of different image preprocessing techniques on the performance of SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features, An
* Autodetection of barnacle larvae at power plants
* Bag-of-features signature using invariant region descriptor for object retrieval
* Beading design diagram reading system for visually impaired persons
* Building a mobile platform for spatiotemporal integration of 3D outdoor world models
* Color uniformity evaluation of electronic displays based on visual sensitivity
* Comparison of SIFT and Harris conner features for correspondence points matching, A
* Comparison of Tensor Voting based clustering and EM based clustering
* comparison with covariance features on player uniform number recognition, A
* consideration of effective feature extraction method for Nail Camera System, A
* deliciousness information extraction method by controlling of image information, A
* Dense scene 3D reconstruction using color based sampling with fusion of image and sparse laser
* Design and implementation of an interactive HMD for wearable AR system
* Development of a consistent color reproduction software for digital cinema
* Development of a human-tracking robot using QR code recognition
* Development of interactive image editing operations for texture design
* Estimation of subjective age based on facial images of others: Comparative studies of the Americans and the Japanese
* evaluation on robustness and brittleness of HOG features of human detection, An
* Face recognition using LBP for personal image management system and its analysis
* Facial features-based method for human tracking
* Fast generating of a digital hologram using general-purpose computation on graphics processing units
* Football players and ball trajectories projection from single camera's image
* Gait features extraction method using image processing
* Hierarchical on-line boosting based background subtraction
* Human face security system using alternative linear discriminant analysis based classifier
* Image matching with SIFT descriptor on affine normalized MSERs
* Improving mobility for blind persons using video sunglasses
* Markerless augmented reality system based on planar object tracking
* method for age estimation based on Co-occurrence histogram, A
* method for counting passersby using time-space image, A
* method to Improve metric index VP-tree for multimedia databases, A
* Mobile care robot accepting requests through nonverbal interaction
* Multi-camera calibration using multi-view constraints
* Multiple straight line detection based on labeling of pixels by Genetic Algorithm
* Mutiswarm particle filter for robust tracking under observation ambiguity
* Nano-level 3-D shape measurement system using 3-wavelength LED light interference fringes
* Non-contact measurement system for swallowing time using Fiber grating vision sensor
* Object identification by Hough data verification
* Optimal illumination spectrum for endoscope
* Pedestrian detection system based on stereo vision for mobile robot
* Pictorial structures-based upper body tracking and gesture recognition
* Pixel Correlation-based Impulse Noise Reduction
* proposal of The Rareness Measure of pixel blocks and its application to region extraction, A
* Protecting GIS vector map using the k-means clustering algorithm and odd-even coding
* Real-time multi-scale Retinex to enhance night scene of vehicular camera
* Recognition of a person's state using FG Vision Sensor
* Robust and high accurate pattern matching using eigen decomposed templates
* robust real velocity sensing for agrimotors by Orientation Code Matching, A
* robust road marking detection method with pseudo-top-view images for creating database, A
* satellite image watermarkig scheme based on perspective distance, A
* Shape recognition of flexible cables by Outer Edge FCM clustering
* Situation-driven control of a robotic wheelchair to follow a caregiver
* Spatially coherent tile mosaic method
* Spectrum measurement and its visualization
* Stairway tracking based on automatic target selection using directional filters
* Super-resolution in gray value based on OK quantization theory
* Tailor-made engineering in image processing industry
* Text line segmentation in Chinese handwritten text images
* Using video technology for reducing TV energy
* Virtual playing ground interface using upper-body gesture recognition
* Visualizing precise vivo motion of bones
65 for FCV11

FCV13 * *Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision
* 3D shape, color and specular component estimation using image scanner with multiple light sources: Optimal light position estimation
* 3D world modeling using 3D laser scanner and omni-direction camera
* Application adaptation methods of gesture recognition based user interface
* Automatic object segmentation using mean shift and growcut
* Background model based on intensity change similarity among pixels
* Binary vector construction method for fast image matching in MPEG-7 CDVS framework
* Clickable real world information retrieval application based on geo-visual clustering
* combined method for realtime face tracking in smart phones, A
* Construction and inspection management system using mobile augmented reality
* Correlated topic model for image annotation
* Crosswalk and traffic light detection via integral framework
* CS-HOG: Color similarity-based HOG
* Defect detection of terminal lead by single stereo vision
* Depth map estimation based on geometric scene categorization
* Designing robot eyes for gaze communication
* Detection algorithm for road surface condition using wavelet packet transform and SVM
* Development of the hole position inspection system of pressed car parts by using laser 3-d measurement
* Efficient homography estimation method for panorama
* Estimation of subjective age based on the facial images of others: experimental verification of a younger identity caused by the effect of delusions of the accumulated memory of a known face
* Examination of regions containing color similar to that of nails
* extended method of the parametric eigenspace method by automatic background elimination, An
* Extensive analysis of feature selection for compact descriptor
* Factorization of canonic homographies for camera calibration and scene modeling
* Fast and high accuracy pattern matching using multi-stage refining eigen template
* Feature detection based on directional co-occurrence histograms
* Finite state machine for vehicle detection in highway surveillance systems
* geometry-based 3D reconstruction from a single omnidirectional image, A
* Ghost removal method for image morphing using co-occurrence frequency image
* Hand gesture based TV control system: Towards both user- and machine-friendly gesture applications
* hand tracking framework using the 3D active tracking volume, A
* High density impulse noise removal based on linear mean-median filter
* identification method using thermo-image, An
* Image analysis method for grading raw shiitake mushrooms
* Image modeling system development for robust descriptor of environmental change
* Intensity comparison based compact descriptor for mobile visual search
* Interactional promotion content using augmented reality technology
* Makeup color reproduction based on spectrum data
* Marker-less piano fingering recognition using sequential depth images
* Measuring and evaluating real service operations with human-behavior sensing: A case study in a Japanese cuisine restaurant
* method for bicycle detection using ellipse approximation, A
* method to design conspicuous region using color features, A
* Model-based gait tracking method: A review of recent development gesture interaction
* Multi pose face recognition using double stages classifications: SMLDA and fusion of scale invariant features
* Multi-spectral flash imaging using weight map
* Non-parametric single image super resolution
* Passing car identification using Hough data verification
* Pedestrian detection using labeled depth data
* proposal of voxel data interpolation method by using gradient direction of range data, A
* Rapid SLAM using simple map representation in indoor environment
* Real-time hand gesture recognition for augmented screen using average background and camshift
* robust gesture recognition based on depth data, A
* Sand image replicating sand animation process
* simulation of multilayer thin-film interference for pearl material preproduction, A
* Single image enlargement based on kernel estimation and linear weighting
* Street searching service framework for navigation
* Super-resolved 3D reconstruction for parking assistance using projective transformation
* Texton clustering for local classification using scene-context scale
* Tolerance analysis of model-based camera tracking by modeling errors
* touch based interactive realbook system with SURF algorithm, A
* Tracking a robot and visitors in a museum using sensor poles
* Traversable ground detection based on geometric-featured voxel map
* Upper-body pose recognition using cylindrical coordinate system
* Urban road extraction based on hough transform and region growing
* Using Extended Three-valued Increment Sign for a denoising model of high-frequency artifacts in JPEG images by estimation of specific frequency
* View synthesis with depth information based on graph cuts for FTV
* Wheelchair control system by using electrooculogram signal processing
67 for FCV13

FCV15 * *Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision
* Acute lymphoid leukemia classification using two-step neural network classifier
* Analysis of BRDF/BTDF for the texture representation of woven fabrics based on the impression-evaluation model
* Automatic light control system using fish-eye lens camera
* Autonomous flight system using marker recognition on drone
* Binarization of music score images using line width transform
* Centralization problem of contacting interaction in multiple object tracking
* Color palette generation for image classification by bag-of-colors
* Color saliency for object identification
* Depth extended online RPCA with spatiotemporal constraints for robust background subtraction
* Determination of 3D object pose in point cloud with CAD model
* Development of deep learning-based facial expression recognition system
* Edge detection in wavelet transform domain
* Efficient feature selection method using contribution ratio by random forest
* Ellipse detection method based on the advanced three point algorithm
* Estimating spectral reflectance of fabrics from high-resolution multi-band HDR images
* Estimation of object functions using deformable part model
* Evaluating freshness of produce using transfer learning
* Evaluation of background subtraction algorithms for video surveillance
* Evaluation of foreground detection methodology for a moving camera
* Facial features extraction by accelerated implementation of circular hough transform and appearance evaluation
* Fast and robust visual inspection system for tire surface thin defect
* fast hough transform based on C3TR using shift operation, A
* Fast text line detection by finding linear connected components on Canny edge image
* framework of augmented reality for geotagged videos, A
* gesture based TV control interface for visually impaired: Initial design and user study, A
* Hash function for 3D mesh model authentication
* Image matching by eigen template method for multi-class classification
* Impulse noise reduction using distance weighted average filter
* Layered optical tomography of multiple scattering media with combined constraint optimization
* method for character and photograph segmentation using dynamic thresholding, A
* method of ball spin estimation using seams lines, A
* Mood from painting: Estimating the mood of painting by using color image scale
* Movement direction-based approaches for pedestrian detection in road scenes
* Multi language text detection using fast stroke width transform
* Nonlinear discriminant analysis using K nearest neighbor estimation
* Object classification using CNN for video traffic detection system
* Object pose estimation using category information from a single image
* Obscene video detection using mutiple-classifier fusion
* Omni-directional 3D measurement using double fish-eye stereo vision
* Phonographic image recognition using fusion of scale invariant descriptor
* Pornographic video classification using fast motion Features
* Preliminary study on automatic printing system for film package considering distortion
* Probabilistic contour mapping using oriented gradient features and SVM-bagging
* proposal of ambient light estimation methods for skin region detection, A
* Query expansion with pairwise learning in object retrieval challenge
* Rigid and non-rigid object image matching using deformable object image discrimination
* Robust detection of mosaic masking region
* Robust object detection and adaptive background estimation based on radial reach correlation
* Rotated face recognition by manifold learning with auto-associative neural network
* Scattering tomography using ellipsoidal mirror
* Smoke detection for static cameras
* Spatially adaptive image defogging using color characteristics
* Study on performance of MPEG-7 visual descriptors for deformable object retrieval
* system architecture for real time traffic monitoring in foggy video, A
* Tumor detection on brain MR images using regional features: Method and preliminary results
* Utilization of optimally selected features for car detection in calibrated camera and LRF system
* Variation of edge detection uncertainty on fish-eye images
* Vehicle detection using PLS Hough transform
59 for FCV15

Index for "f"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:26:25
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