Update Dates 0102

0102 * 3D Model Accuracy and Gauge Fixing
* Accuracy of velocity estimation by Reichardt correlators
* Adaptive Change Detection for Real-Time Surveillance Applications
* Adaptive skin-color filter
* Addressing the Correspondence Problem: A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach
* Annealed chaotic neural network with nonlinear self-feedback and its application to clustering problem
* Application of the Self-Organizing Map to Trajectory Classification
* approach to use linguistic and model-based fuzzy expert knowledge for the analysis of MRT images, An
* Associated image retrieving apparatus and method
* Autofocus for inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging
* Bayesian similarity measure for deformable image matching, A
* Beam blocking method for optical characterization of surfaces
* Bootstrapping for efficient handwritten digit recognition
* Calibrating a camera network using a domino grid
* Cellular Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence in Medical Image Processing
* Classification and Change Detection Using Landsat TM Data. When and How to Correct Atmospheric Effects?
* CMU Pose, Illumination, and Expression (PIE) Database of Human Faces, The
* Color constancy at a pixel
* Combining Multiple Classifiers. An Application Using Spatial and Remotely Sensed Information for Land Cover Type Mapping
* Comparison of Parametric Classification Procedures of Remotely Sensed Data Applied on Different Landscape Units, A
* Computational Model for Repeated Pattern Perception using Frieze and Wallpaper Groups, A
* Computational Symmetry
* Cone-Beam Reconstruction Using Filtered Backprojection
* Conversions between Parametric and Implicit Forms Using Polar/Spherical Coordinate Representations
* Correspondence with Cumulative Similarity Transforms
* Defect detection in X-ray images using fuzzy reasoning
* Deformed trademark retrieval based on 2D pseudo-hidden Markov model
* Detecting the Fingerprint Minutiae by Adaptive Tracing the Gray-Level Ridge
* Detecting the Nature of Change in an Urban Environment: A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms
* Downhill Simplex Algorithm for Estimating Morphological Degradation Model Parameters, A
* Effects of Digital Elevation Model Accuracy on Hydrologic Predictions
* Efficient Implementation of the Forward and Inverse MDCT in MPEG Audio Coding, An
* Efficient Linear Solution of Exterior Orientation
* Empirical Bayesian Motion Segmentation
* Encoding Visual Information Using Anisotropic Transformations
* energy of asymmetry for accurate detection of global reflection axes, An
* Evaluating the Accuracy of Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (DOQ) in the Context of Parcel-Based GIS
* Evaluating the Effects of Subpixel Heterogeneity on Pixel Average Fluxes
* Evaluation of an Off-the-Shelf Digital Close-Range Photogrammetric Software Package, An
* Evaluation of Fuzzy Partitions
* Extending Superquadrics with Exponent Functions: Modeling and Reconstruction
* Face Detection and Pose Alignment using Color, Shape and Texture Information
* Facial Modeling from an Uncalibrated Face Image Using a Coarse-to-Fine Genetic Algorithm
* Fast computation of Legendre moments of polyhedra
* fast recursive algorithm to compute local axial moments, A
* First-Order Tree-Type Dependence between Variables and Classification Performance
* Framework for Reconstruction based Recognition of Partially Occluded Repeated Objects, A
* Frequency Domain Technique Based on Energy Radial Projections for Robust Estimation of Global 2D Affine Transformations, A
* Fuzzy expert system for foot CT image segmentation
* Fuzzy Image Classification for Continental-Scale Multitemporal NDVI Series Images Using Invariant Pixels and an Image Stratification Method
* Generality-Based Conceptual Clustering with Probabilistic Concepts
* Geometry and Matching of Lines and Curves Over Multiple Views, The
* Handwritten Farsi (Arabic) Word Recognition: A Holistic Approach Using Discrete HMM
* Image stabilizing device operable responsively to a state of optical apparatus using the same
* Image-Based Multiresolution Modeling by Surface Deformation
* Images and Benford's Law
* Imaging device orientation information through analysis of test images
* Improved DCT-DST prime factor algorithms
* Knowledge-based enhancement of megavoltage images in radiation therapy using a hybrid neuro-fuzzy system
* Layer-Based Morphing
* Learning Reduced-Dimension Models of Human Actions
* Level Set Model for Image Classification, A
* Linear and Bilinear Subspace Methods for Structure from Motion
* Locating regions-of-interest for the Mars Rover expedition
* Lossless image compression by LMS adaptive filter banks
* Measure of Quality for Evaluating Methods of Segmentation and Edge Detection, A
* Method and apparatus for image classification and halftone detection
* Method and apparatus for personnel detection and tracking
* Method and apparatus for three-dimensional scene processing using parallax geometry of pairs of points
* Method for content-based temporal segmentation of video
* Method for Obtaining Neural Network Training Sets in Video Sequences, A
* Method of displaying moving object for enabling identification of its moving route, display system using the same, and program recording medium therefor
* Method of providing background patterns for camera tracking
* minimum-cost thresholding technique for unsupervised change detection, A
* Model-Based Recognition of 3D Objects from Single Images
* Model-Based Tracking of Complex Articulated Objects
* Moving object and transient event detection using rotation strip aperture image measurements
* Moving object segmentation in video sequences by user interaction and automatic object tracking
* Multi-Camera Multi-Person Tracking for EasyLiving
* Multi-cues eye detection on gray intensity image
* Multi-scale free-form 3D object recognition using 3D models
* Multiple Criteria for Evaluating Machine Learning Algorithms for Land Cover Classification from Satellite Data
* Multiresolution Analysis for Optimal Binary Filters
* Navigation system for handheld scanner
* neural network approach to microwave imaging, A
* New interleaved hierarchical interpolation with median-based interpolators for progressive image transmission
* Non-integer scaling of raster images with image quality enhancement
* Numerically Invariant Signature Curves
* On the computation of the affine skeletons of planar curves and the detection of skew symmetry
* On vision systems identification with application to fixed-camera robotic systems
* Optimal Conjunctive Granulometric Bandpass Filters
* Optimal Gabor filter design for texture segmentation using stochastic optimization
* PCA versus LDA
* Progressive Linear Search for Stereo Matching and Its Application to Interframe Interpolation
* Quantification and Classification of Locomotion Patterns by Spatio-Temporal Morphable Models
* Quantization effects on digital watermarks
* Quotient Image: Class-Based Re-Rendering and Recognition with Varying Illuminations, The
* Rationalising the Renormalisation Method of Kanatani
* Recognizing Action Units for Facial Expression Analysis
* Recognizing Facial Actions by Combining Geometric Features and Regional Appearance Patterns
* Reconstruction and segmentation of underwater acoustic images combining confidence information in MRF models
* Reconstruction and Simplification of Surfaces from Contours
* Relationship between profile length and roughness variables for natural surfaces
* Robust Detection and Tracking of Human Faces with an Active Camera
* Robust Point Correspondence Applied to Two- and Three-Dimensional Image Registration
* Role of Holistic Paradigms in Handwritten Word Recognition, The
* Self-Organization of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators with Application to Clustering
* Simultaneous Registration of Multiple Corresponding Point Sets
* Smoothing Filter-based Intensity Modulation: a spectral preserve image fusion technique for improving spatial details
* Solar Based Navigation for Robotic Explorers
* Special Issue on Pacific Graphics '99 in Graphical Models
* Statistical Approach to 3D Object Detection Applied to Faces and Cars, A
* System and method for matching image information to object model information
* System for Video Surveillance and Monitoring, A
* Test of a new lacunarity estimation method for image texture analysis
* Towards a Real-time Framework for Visual Monitoring Tasks
* Tracking Deformable Templates Using a Shortest Path Algorithm
* Transformation Invariance in Pattern Recognition: Tangent Distance and Propagation
* Two-Way Ambiguity in 2D Projective Reconstruction from Three Uncalibrated 1D Images
* Video indexing and similarity retrieval by largest common subgraph detection using decision trees
* Video Sequence Interpretation for Visual Surveillance
* Volume-Quantization-Based Neural Network Approach to 3D MR Angiography Image Segmentation
* Volumetry and topography of the human brain by magnetic resonance imaging
123 for 0102

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.