Index for bati

Baticz, M.[Milan] * 2014: Model-Based Approach for Fast Vehicle Detection in Continuously Streamed Urban LIDAR Point Clouds, A
Includes: Baticz, M.[Milan] Baticz, M.[Milán]

Batikoff, A. * 2011: Supervised Framework for the Registration and Segmentation of White Matter Fiber Tracts, A

Batini, C. * 1997: Visual Query Systems for Databases: A Survey

Batioua, I.[Imad] * 2017: 3D image analysis by separable discrete orthogonal moments based on Krawtchouk and Tchebichef polynomials
* 2018: Efficient image classification by using improved dual Hahn Moment Invariants
* 2019: Fast and accurate computation of Racah moment invariants for image classification
* 2019: Fractional-order orthogonal Chebyshev Moments and Moment Invariants for image representation and pattern recognition
* 2019: New Set of Generalized Legendre Moment Invariants for Pattern Recognition
* 2021: Fractional-order generalized Laguerre moments and moment invariants for grey-scale image analysis
Includes: Batioua, I.[Imad] Batioua, I.

Batista da Silva, H.[Henrique] * 2010: Unified Transition Detection Based on Bipartite Graph Matching Approach, An

Batista, A.C.[Antonio Carlos] * 2023: Estimating the Surface Fuel Load of the Plant Physiognomy of the Cerrado Grassland Using Landsat 8 OLI Products

Batista, G.[Gustavo] * 2022: Update Compression for Deep Neural Networks on the Edge

Batista, G.E.A.P.A.[Gustavo E.A.P.A.] * 2014: Extracting Texture Features for Time Series Classification
* 2014: Time Series Transductive Classification on Imbalanced Data Sets: An Experimental Study
* 2016: Constrained Local and Global Consistency for semi-supervised learning
* 2019: Fast Similarity Matrix Profile for Music Analysis and Exploration
* 2021: Algorithm Recommendation for Data Streams
Includes: Batista, G.E.A.P.A.[Gustavo E.A.P.A.] Batista, G.E.A.P.A. Batista, G.E.A.P.A.[Gustavo E. A. P. A.]

Batista, G.T. * 2010: Increase of Artificial Lakes as a Result of Sand Mining Activities, in the Paraíba do Sul River Valley Basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, The

Batista, I.J. * 2018: Simultaneous Cascaded Regression

Batista, J.[Joao] * 1995: Extraction of tumours from MR images of the brain by texture and clustering
* 2004: Morse operators for digital planar surfaces and their application to image segmentation
* 2008: Topological triangle characterization with application to object detection from images
* 2020: Cascaded Nonlinear Shape Model Regression
* 2020: Exploring Workout Repetition Counting and Validation Through Deep Learning
* 2021: Deep learning approaches for workout repetition counting and validation
* 2022: Neuromorphic Event-based Face Identity Recognition
* 2022: Transformers for Workout Video Segmentation
Includes: Batista, J.[Joao] Batista, J.[João] Batista, J. Batista, J.[Jorge]
8 for Batista, J.

Batista, J.C. * 2017: AUMPNet: Simultaneous Action Units Detection and Intensity Estimation on Multipose Facial Images Using a Single Convolutional Neural Network

Batista, J.E.[Joao E.] * 2021: Improving Land Cover Classification Using Genetic Programming for Feature Construction
Includes: Batista, J.E.[Joao E.] Batista, J.E.[João E.]

Batista, J.P.[Jorge P.] * 1993: Monoplanar Camera Calibration: Iterative Multistep Approach
* 1996: Pose View Stability Analysis for Camera Calibration Look Angles Computation
* 1996: Pursuit Control in a Binocular Active Vision System Using Optical Flow
* 1997: Optical Normal Flow Estimation on Log-Polar Images: A Solution for Real-Time Binocular Vision
* 1998: Iterative Multi-Step Explicit Camera Calibration
* 1998: Real-Time Active Visual Surveillance by Integrating Peripheral Motion Detection With Foveated Tracking
* 1998: Surveillance System Combining Peripheral and Foveated Motion Tracking, A
* 1999: Improving 3D Active Visual Tracking
* 2000: Binocular Tracking and Accommodation Controlled by Retinal Motion Flow
* 2000: Model Predictive Control to Improve Visual Control of Motion: Applications in Active Tracking of Moving Targets
* 2000: Surveillance System Integrating Visual Telepresence, A
* 2001: Maintaining the relative positions and orientations of multiple robots using vision
* 2004: Tracking Pedestrians Under Occlusion Using Multiple Cameras
* 2005: Real-Time Driver Visual Attention Monitoring System, A
* 2007: Framework for Wrong Way Driver Detection Using Optical Flow, A
* 2007: Locating Facial Features Using an Anthropometric Face Model for Determining the Gaze of Faces in Image Sequences
* 2007: Wrongway Drivers Detection Based on Optical Flow
* 2008: Accurate single view model-based head pose estimation
* 2008: Estimation of vehicle velocity and traffic intensity using rectified images
* 2008: Monocular Head Pose Estimation
* 2008: Multi-object tracking using an adaptive transition model particle filter with region covariance data association
* 2008: region covariance embedded in a particle filter for multi-objects tracking, A
* 2008: Robust segmentation for outdoor traffic surveillance
* 2008: Robust Segmentation Process to Detect Incidents on Highways
* 2008: Single view head pose estimation
* 2009: Estimating traffic intensity using profile images on rectified images
* 2009: Estimating Vehicle Velocity Using Image Profiles on Rectified Images
* 2009: Identity and expression recognition on low dimensional manifolds
* 2009: Kernel Based Multi-object Tracking Using Gabor Functions Embedded in a Region Covariance Matrix
* 2009: kernel particle filter multi-object tracking using gabor-based region covariance matrices, A
* 2009: Simultaneous Identity and Expression Recognition Using Face Geometry on Low Dimensional Manifolds
* 2010: Background Modelling on Tensor Field for Foreground Segmentation
* 2010: Face Alignment Through 2.5d Active Appearance Models
* 2010: Foreground Segmentation via Background Modeling on Riemannian Manifolds
* 2010: Towards generic fitting using multiple features Discriminative Active Appearance Models
* 2010: Tracking in streamed video by updating globally optimal matchings
* 2010: Using directional statistics to learn cast shadows from a multi-spectral light sources physical model
* 2011: Globally optimal solution to multi-object tracking with merged measurements
* 2011: nonparametric Riemannian framework on tensor field with application to foreground segmentation, A
* 2012: Discriminative Bayesian Active Shape Models
* 2012: Exploiting the Circulant Structure of Tracking-by-Detection with Kernels
* 2012: Let the Shape Speak: Discriminative Face Alignment using Conjugate Priors
* 2012: nonparametric Riemannian framework on tensor field with application to foreground segmentation, A
* 2012: Semantic Segmentation with Second-Order Pooling
* 2012: Semi-intrinsic Mean Shift on Riemannian Manifolds
* 2013: Beyond Hard Negative Mining: Efficient Detector Learning via Block-Circulant Decomposition
* 2013: Generative face alignment through 2.5D active appearance models
* 2013: Rolling Riemannian Manifolds to Solve the Multi-class Classification Problem
* 2014: Likelihood-enhanced Bayesian constrained local models
* 2014: Non-parametric Bayesian Constrained Local Models
* 2014: Reconstructing PASCAL VOC
* 2014: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
* 2015: Beyond the shortest path: Unsupervised domain adaptation by Sampling Subspaces along the Spline Flow
* 2015: Free-Form Region Description with Second-Order Pooling
* 2015: High-Speed Tracking with Kernelized Correlation Filters
* 2016: Bayesian Constrained Local Models Revisited
* 2016: Bayesian constrained local models with depth data
* 2016: Lifting Object Detection Datasets into 3D
* 2020: Gradient Shape Model
Includes: Batista, J.P.[Jorge P.] Batista, J.P.
59 for Batista, J.P.

Batista, K.[Katherine] * 2008: Estimation of vehicle velocity and traffic intensity using rectified images
* 2009: Estimating traffic intensity using profile images on rectified images
* 2009: Estimating Vehicle Velocity Using Image Profiles on Rectified Images
* 2013: Accuracy to Differentiate Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson's Disease Using Cortical Features
Includes: Batista, K.[Katherine] Batista, K.[Karla]

Batista, L.[Luana] * 2009: Multi-Hypothesis Approach for Off-Line Signature Verification with HMMs, A
* 2010: Applying Dissimilarity Representation to Off-Line Signature Verification
* 2010: Improving performance of HMM-based off-line signature verification systems through a multi-hypothesis approach
* 2012: Dynamic selection of generative-discriminative ensembles for off-line signature verification
* 2017: Novel Approach for Fingerprint Singularities Detection, A
* 2017: Novel Method for Fingerprint Image Segmentation Based on Adaptative Gabor Filters, A
Includes: Batista, L.[Luana] Batista, L.

Batista, L.V. * 2009: Author Identification Using Compression Models
* 2017: Normalization Methods Analysis Applied to Face Recognition
Includes: Batista, L.V. Batista, L.V.[Leonardo Vidal]

Batista, M.A.[Marcos A.] * 2006: Enhanced Watermarking Scheme Based on Texture Analysis
* 2007: Image restoration using digital inpainting and noise removal
* 2008: Effective Salience-Based Algorithm for Shape Matching, An
* 2008: effective salience-based algorithm for shape retrieval, An
* 2009: Multi-Dimensional Similarity Modeling and Relevance Feedback Approach for Content-Based Image Retrieval., A
* 2011: shape contour descriptor based on salience points, A
* 2022: Spectral Method for Liming Recommendation in Oxisol Based on the Prediction of Chemical Characteristics Using Interval Partial Least Squares Regression
Includes: Batista, M.A.[Marcos A.] Batista, M.A.[Marcos Aurélio] Batista, M.A. Batista, M.A.[Marcos Aurelio] Batista, M.A.[Marcelo Augusto]
7 for Batista, M.A.

Batista, P.[Pedro] * 2017: Uncertainty characterization of the orthogonal Procrustes problem with arbitrary covariance matrices

Batista, P.P.[Paulo Prado] * 2022: Gravity Wave Parameters and Their Seasonal Variations Study near 120° E China Based on Na LIDAR Observations

Batista, R.[Rafael] * 2022: Identification of Low Impedance Points Along Railway Tracks From a Railroad Inspection Vehicle

Batista, S.F.A.[Sergio F. A.] * 2022: Role of Trip Lengths Calibration in Model-Based Perimeter Control Strategies, The
Includes: Batista, S.F.A.[Sergio F. A.] Batista, S.F.A.[Sérgio F. A.]

Batistella, M.[Mateus] * 2011: Mapping impervious surfaces with the integrated use of Landsat Thematic Mapper and radar data: A case study in an urban-rural landscape in the Brazilian Amazon
* 2012: comparative analysis of ALOS PALSAR L-band and RADARSAT-2 C-band data for land-cover classification in a tropical moist region, A
* 2020: Modeling Forest Aboveground Carbon Density in the Brazilian Amazon with Integration of MODIS and Airborne LiDAR Data

Batistoti, J.[Juliana] * 2019: Estimating Pasture Biomass and Canopy Height in Brazilian Savanna Using UAV Photogrammetry
* 2021: CNN approach to simultaneously count plants and detect plantation-rows from UAV imagery, A

Batita, W.[Wided] * 2018: Ground Reflectance Retrieval on Horizontal and Inclined Terrains Using the Software Package REFLECT

Index for "b"

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