Index for gott

Gotta, A.[Alberto] * 2023: E-Navigation: A Distributed Decision Support System With Extended Reality for Bridge and Ashore Seafarers
* 2023: Learning-Based Traffic Scheduling in Non-Stationary Multipath 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks

Gotta, D.[Danilo] * 2015: Smart Maintenance to Support Digital Life

Gotta, J.[Jennifer] * 2024: Unmasking pancreatic cancer: Advanced biomedical imaging for its detection in native versus arterial dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) scans

Gottardi, A.[Alberto] * 2022: Shared Control in Robot Teleoperation With Improved Potential Fields

Gottardi, C. * 2013: Survey Methods for Earthquake Damages in the Camera Degli Sposi of Mantegna (Mantova)
* 2015: 3D Integrated Methodologies for the Documentation and the Virtual Reconstruction of an Archaeological Site
* 2019: Geomatics Techniques for The Enhancement and Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Gottardi, M. * 2003: Optimized position sensors for flying-spot active triangulation systems
* 2006: System and method of light spot position and color detection
* 2010: Ultra-Low-Power Contrast-Based Integrated Camera Node and its Application as a People Counter, An
* 2015: Retrieving gray-level information from a Binary Sensor and its application to gesture detection
Includes: Gottardi, M. Gottardi, M.[Massimo]

Gottbehuet, T.[Thomas] * 2007: Integration of Multiple Temporal and Spatial Scales for Robust Optic Flow Estimation in a Biologically Inspired Algorithm

Gottel, B. * 2017: Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
Includes: Gottel, B. Göttel, B. (Maybe also Goettel, B.)

Gottemukkula, V. * 2016: ICIP 2016 competition on mobile ocular biometric recognition
* 2016: Method for using visible ocular vasculature for mobile biometrics

Gottert, L.[Leonard] * 2022: Using Machine-Learning for the Damage Detection of Harbour Structures
Includes: Gottert, L.[Leonard] Göttert, L.[Leonard] (Maybe also Goettert, L.)

Gottfried, B.[Bjorn] * 2006: Querying for silhouettes by qualitative feature schemes
* 2006: Retrieving Shapes Efficiently by a Qualitative Shape Descriptor: The Scope Histogram
* 2008: Qualitative similarity measures: The case of two-dimensional outlines
* 2011: Interpreting motion events of pairs of moving objects
* 2015: Towards the interactive transcription of handwritings: Anytime anywhere document analysis
Includes: Gottfried, B.[Bjorn] Gottfried, B. Gottfried, B.[Björn]

Gottfried, J.M.[Jens Malte] * 2011: Computing Range Flow from Multi-modal Kinect Data
* 2014: Time of flight motion compensation revisited
Includes: Gottfried, J.M.[Jens Malte] Gottfried, J.M.[Jens-Malte] Gottfried, J.M.

Gottl, F.[Franziska] * 2016: Lake Level Estimation Based on CryoSat-2 SAR Altimetry and Multi-Looked Waveform Classification
Includes: Gottl, F.[Franziska] Göttl, F.[Franziska] (Maybe also Goettl, F.)

Gottleib, D. * 2000: On the direct Fourier method for computer tomography

Gottlieb, L. * 2014: Creating Experts From the Crowd: Techniques for Finding Workers for Difficult Tasks

Gottlieb, L.A.[Lee Ad] * 2022: Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) with GPS Ionospheric TEC Estimations to Potentially Predict Earthquake Events
* 2023: Predicting Eastern Mediterranean Flash Floods Using Support Vector Machines with Precipitable Water Vapor, Pressure, and Lightning Data
Includes: Gottlieb, L.A.[Lee Ad] Gottlieb, L.A.[Lee-Ad]

Gottlieb, M. * 1997: Multi-Spectral Imaging Filters
* 1998: Imaging Through Scattering Media

Gottlieb, N.[Noam] * 2022: Decisionet: A Binary-tree Structured Neural Network

Gottlieb, P.[Paul] * 2014: Using a Topological Descriptor to Investigate Structures of Virus Particles

Gottlob, I.[Irene] * 2015: Optical coherence tomography image segmentation
* 2017: Automated segmentation of retinal layers from optical coherence tomography images using geodesic distance

Gotts, N.[Nick] * 2019: Using agent-based modelling to simulate social-ecological systems across scales

Gotts, N.M. * 1995: Logical Approach to Representing and Reasoning about Space, A
* 1997: Qualitative Spatial Representation and Reasoning with the Region Connection Calculus
Includes: Gotts, N.M. Gotts, N.M.[Nicholas Mark]

Gottschalk, H.[Hanno] * 2021: Entropy Maximization and Meta Classification for Out-of-Distribution Detection in Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: Two Video Data Sets for Tracking and Retrieval of Out of Distribution Objects
* 2023: Gradient-Based Quantification of Epistemic Uncertainty for Deep Object Detectors
* 2024: Have We Ever Encountered This Before? Retrieving Out-of-Distribution Road Obstacles from Driving Scenes
Includes: Gottschalk, H.[Hanno] Gottschalk, H.

Gottschalk, P.G. * 1989: Efficient Recognition of Partially Visible Objects Using a Logarithmic Complexity Matching Technique

Gottschall, J.[Julia] * 2016: Inter-Comparison Study of Multi- and DBS Lidar Measurements in Complex Terrain, An
* 2017: Inter-Comparison Study of Multi- and DBS Lidar Measurements in Complex Terrain, An
* 2018: IEA Wind Task 32: Wind Lidar Identifying and Mitigating Barriers to the Adoption of Wind Lidar
* 2018: NEWA Ferry Lidar Experiment: Measuring Mesoscale Winds in the Southern Baltic Sea, The

Gottsche, F. * 2019: Method Based on Temporal Component Decomposition for Estimating 1-km All-Weather Land Surface Temperature by Merging Satellite Thermal Infrared and Passive Microwave Observations, A
* 2019: Method Based on Temporal Component Decomposition for Estimating 1-km All-Weather Land Surface Temperature by Merging Satellite Thermal Infrared and Passive Microwave Observations, A
Includes: Gottsche, F. Göttsche, F. (Maybe also Goettsche, F.)

Gottsche, F.M. * 2014: Evaluation of GOES-R Land Surface Temperature Algorithm Using SEVIRI Satellite Retrievals with in Situ Measurements
* 2014: Temperature and Emissivity Separation From MSG/SEVIRI Data
* 2015: Meteosat Land Surface Temperature Climate Data Record: Achievable Accuracy and Potential Uncertainties
* 2015: Quality Assessment of S-NPP VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Product
* 2016: Long Term Validation of Land Surface Temperature Retrieved from MSG/SEVIRI with Continuous in-Situ Measurements in Africa
* 2017: Thermal Sampling Depth Correction Method for Land Surface Temperature Estimation From Satellite Passive Microwave Observation Over Barren Land, A
* 2018: Comprehensive assessment of four-parameter diurnal land surface temperature cycle models under clear-sky
* 2018: Physical Retrieval of Land Surface Emissivity Spectra from Hyper-Spectral Infrared Observations and Validation with In Situ Measurements
* 2019: All-Weather Land Surface Temperature Product Based on MSG/SEVIRI Observations, An
* 2019: Comprehensive In Situ Validation of Five Satellite Land Surface Temperature Data Sets over Multiple Stations and Years
* 2020: Google Earth Engine Open-Source Code for Land Surface Temperature Estimation from the Landsat Series
* 2021: Validation and consistency assessment of land surface temperature from geostationary and polar orbit platforms: SEVIRI/MSG and AVHRR/Metop
* 2021: Validation of AVHRR Land Surface Temperature with MODIS and In Situ LST: A TIMELINE Thematic Processor
* 2021: Validation of Sentinel-3 SLSTR Land Surface Temperature Retrieved by the Operational Product and Comparison with Explicitly Emissivity-Dependent Algorithms
* 2023: Retrieval Consistency between LST CCI Satellite Data Products over Europe and Africa
* 2024: Mapping Changes in Fractional Vegetation Cover on the Namib Gravel Plains with Satellite-Retrieved Land Surface Emissivity Data
Includes: Gottsche, F.M. Göttsche, F.M.[Frank M.] (Maybe also Goettsche, F.M.)Göttsche, F.M.[Frank-M.] (Maybe also Goettsche, F.M.)Göttsche, F.M. (Maybe also Goettsche, F.M.)Göttsche, F.M.[Frank-Michael] (Maybe also Goettsche, F.M.)
16 for Gottsche, F.M.

Gottsche, T.[Thorsten] * 2022: First Dedicated Balloon Catheter for Magnetic Particle Imaging
Includes: Gottsche, T.[Thorsten] Göttsche, T.[Thorsten] (Maybe also Goettsche, T.)

Gottschlich, C.[Carsten] * 2009: Robust Orientation Field Estimation and Extrapolation Using Semilocal Line Sensors
* 2012: Curved-Region-Based Ridge Frequency Estimation and Curved Gabor Filters for Fingerprint Image Enhancement
* 2012: Oriented Diffusion Filtering for Enhancing Low-quality Fingerprint Images
* 2014: Separating the real from the synthetic: Minutiae histograms as fingerprints of fingerprints
* 2016: Global variational method for fingerprint segmentation by three-part decomposition
* 2017: Perfect fingerprint orientation fields by locally adaptive global models
* 2018: Möbius Moduli for Fingerprint Orientation Fields
Includes: Gottschlich, C.[Carsten] Gottschlich, C.
7 for Gottschlich, C.

Gottschlich, S. * 1989: Dynamic Approach to High-Precision Parts Mating, A
* 1990: Evidence Accumulation Using Binary Frames of Discernment for Verification Vision

Gottschlich, S.N. * 1995: IVIS: An Integrated Volumetric Inspection System
* 1995: Planning for Complete Sensor Coverage in Inspection

Gottuk, D.T.[Daniel T.] * 2007: Data fusion with a multisensor system for damage control and situational awareness

Gottumukkal, R.[Rajkiran] * 2003: Real time face detection from color video stream based on PCA method
* 2004: Illumination invariant faces
* 2004: improved face recognition technique based on modular PCA approach, An
* 2004: Learning skin distribution using a sparse map
* 2006: Multi-lane architecture for eigenface based real-time face recognition

Index for "g"

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