Index for saye

Sayed Mouchaweh, M.[Moamar] * 2012: clustering-based approach for the identification of a class of temporally switched linear systems, A
Includes: Sayed Mouchaweh, M.[Moamar] Sayed-Mouchaweh, M.[Moamar]

Sayed, A.[Ashraf] * 2002: Assessment of Two Cheap Close-Range Feature Extraction Systems
* 2016: Combinations of Adaptive Filters: Performance and convergence properties
* 2023: Exploiting Remote Sensing Imagery for Vehicle Detection and Classification Using an Artificial Intelligence Technique
Includes: Sayed, A.[Ashraf] Sayed, A. Sayed, A.[Ahmed]

Sayed, A.H.[Ali H.] * 2001: Adaptive Filters with Error Nonlinearities: Mean-Square Analysis and Optimum Design
* 2011: Adaptive Diffusion Augmented CLMS Algorithm for Distributed Filtering of Noncircular Complex Signals, An
* 2013: Distributed Spectrum Estimation for Small Cell Networks Based on Sparse Diffusion Adaptation
* 2019: Regularization Framework for Learning Over Multitask Graphs, A
* 2020: Diffusion LMS With Communication Delays: Stability and Performance Analysis
* 2020: Tracking Performance of Online Stochastic Learners
Includes: Sayed, A.H.[Ali H.] Sayed, A.H.

Sayed, A.M. * 2021: Correcting Higher Order Aberrations Using Image Processing

Sayed, H.E.[Hesham El] * 2023: Level-5 Autonomous Driving: Are We There Yet? A Review of Research Literature

Sayed, M. * 2006: Affine-Based Algorithm and SIMD Architecture for Video Compression With Low Bit-Rate Applications, An
* 2009: Low-complexity algorithm for fractional-pixel motion estimation
* 2019: Fast computation of 2D and 3D Legendre moments using multi-core CPUs and GPU parallel architectures
* 2021: Improved Handling of Motion Blur in Online Object Detection
* 2022: SimpleRecon: 3D Reconstruction Without 3D Convolutions
* 2023: Virtual Occlusions Through Implicit Depth
Includes: Sayed, M. Sayed, M.[Mohammed] Sayed, M.[Mahmoud] Sayed, M.[Mohamed]

Sayed, M.A.[Mohamed A.] * 2015: Bridge Performance Assessment Based on an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System with Wavelet Filter for the GPS Measurements
* 2019: Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation: A Semi-supervised Approach
* 2021: Assessing the Vertical Displacement of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam during Its Filling Using DInSAR Technology and Its Potential Acute Consequences on the Downstream Countries
* 2021: Assessment of the Filling Process of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and Its Impact on the Downstream Countries, An
* 2021: innovate approach for retinal blood vessel segmentation using mixture of supervised and unsupervised methods, An
Includes: Sayed, M.A.[Mohamed A.] Sayed, M.A.[Md. Abu] Sayed, M.A.[Mohamed Abdelaty]

Sayed, M.R. * 2019: Which Body Is Mine?

Sayed, M.S. * 2011: Efficient Intensity Correction Algorithm for High Definition Video Surveillance Applications, An
* 2015: efficient algorithm for Arabic optical font recognition using scale-invariant detector, An
* 2015: Fast parameter estimation algorithm for sample adaptive offset in HEVC encoder
* 2016: Adaptive low-complexity motion estimation algorithm for high efficiency video coding encoder
* 2017: Diagonal-based fast intra-mode decision algorithm for HEVC
Includes: Sayed, M.S. Sayed, M.S.[Mohammed S.]

Sayed, N.[Nawid] * 2018: Cross and Learn: Cross-Modal Self-supervision

Sayed, S.[Saif] * 2017: Using deep autoencoders to learn robust domain-invariant representations for still-to-video face recognition
* 2021: Action Duration Prediction for Segment-Level Alignment of Weakly-Labeled Videos
* 2021: Cross Your Body: a Cognitive Assessment System for Children
* 2022: Hierarchical Modeling for Task Recognition and Action Segmentation in Weakly-Labeled Instructional Videos
* 2023: New Dataset and Approach for Timestamp Supervised Action Segmentation Using Human Object Interaction, A

Sayed, S.A.F.[Safinaz Abd_El Fattah] * 2016: binary clonal flower pollination algorithm for feature selection, A
Includes: Sayed, S.A.F.[Safinaz Abd_El Fattah] Sayed, S.A.F.[Safinaz Abd_El-Fattah]

Sayed, T. * 2006: feature-based tracking algorithm for vehicles in intersections, A
* 2010: Max-Margin Offline Pedestrian Tracking with Multiple Cues
* 2012: large margin framework for single camera offline tracking with hybrid cues, A
* 2016: Automated cyclist data collection under high density conditions
* 2016: Exploring walking gait features for the automated recognition of distracted pedestrians
* 2017: Automated analysis of pedestrian walking behaviour at a signalised intersection in China
* 2017: Examining pedestrian evasive actions as a potential indicator for traffic conflicts
* 2018: Automated Analysis of Pedestrian Group Behavior in Urban Settings
* 2018: Automated class identification of modes of travel in shared spaces: A case study from India
Includes: Sayed, T. Sayed, T.[Tarek]
9 for Sayed, T.

Sayed, U.[Usama] * 2009: Cubic-splines neural network- based system for Image Retrieval
* 2009: Robust Neural System for Objectionable Image Recognition, A
* 2010: Human Activity Recognition: A Scheme Using Multiple Cues
* 2010: Real-Time Automatic Traffic Accident Recognition Using HFG
* 2010: Toward Robust Action Retrieval in Video
* 2012: Human action recognition via affine moment invariants
* 2012: SVM approach for activity recognition based on chord-length-function shape features, An
7 for Sayed, U.

Sayedain, S.A. * 2013: Exploration of Oil Seepages Using Target Detection Algorithms in Hyperspectral Images

Sayedelahl, A. * 2005: study of seismic inverse methods for radar signal processing, A

Sayeed, A.M. * 2010: Compressed Channel Sensing: A New Approach to Estimating Sparse Multipath Channels

Sayeed, F.[Farrukh] * 2015: Online signature verification using the entropy function
* 2016: Three information set-based feature types for the recognition of faces

Sayeed, S.[Shohel] * 2008: Glove-Based Approach to Online Signature Verification

Sayeed, T. * 2017: Segment based co-factor detection and elimination for effective gait recognition

Sayegh, A.M.A.[Amer Mohammad Al] * 2019: Sensitivity of the Gravity Model and Orbital Frame for On-board Real-Time Orbit Determination: Operational Results of GPS-12 GPS Receiver

Sayegh, S.I. * 1983: Image Design: Generation of a Prescribed Image at the Output of a Band-Limited System
* 1985: Image Design: Generation of a Prescribed Image Through a Diffraction-Limited System with High-Contrast Recording
* 1987: Algorithm to Find Two-Dimensional Signals with Specified Zero-Crossings, An

Sayeh, M. * 2018: Image Compression: Sparse Coding vs. Bottleneck Autoencoders

Sayeh, M.R.[Mohammad R.] * 1990: Neural Network Approach to Robust Shape Classification, A
* 1994: Operation of an associative memory
Includes: Sayeh, M.R.[Mohammad R.] Sayeh, M.R.

Sayers, M.[Mike] * 2019: Coastal Ecosystem Investigations with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and Bottom Reflectance: Lake Superior Reef Threatened by Migrating Tailings
* 2022: Classification of Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) Using Drone-Enabled Multispectral Imagery Analysis
Includes: Sayers, M.[Mike] Sayers, M.[Michael]

Sayez, N.[Niels] * 2022: Accelerating the creation of instance segmentation training sets through bounding box annotation

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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