Journals starting with fg23

FG23 * *FG
* Acceptability and Trustworthiness of Virtual Agents by Effects of Theory of Mind and Social Skills Training
* Activation Template Matching Loss for Explainable Face Recognition
* Adversarial 3D Face Disentanglement of Identity and Expression
* Adversarial Deep Multi-Task Learning Using Semantically Orthogonal Spaces and Application to Facial Attributes Prediction
* AFFDEX 2.0: A Real-Time Facial Expression Analysis Toolkit
* Analyzing Interactions in Paired Egocentric Videos
* Analyzing the Impact of Shape & Context on the Face Recognition Performance of Deep Networks
* ArabSign: A Multi-modality Dataset and Benchmark for Continuous Arabic Sign Language Recognition
* Are Face Detection Models Biased?
* Are we in sync during turn switch?
* Assessing the Efficacy of a Self-Stigma Reduction Mental Health Program with Mobile Biometrics: Work-in-Progress
* Automatic Assessment of Infant Face and Upper-Body Symmetry as Early Signs of Torticollis
* Camera Self-Calibration Using Human Faces
* Casual chatter or speaking up? Adjusting articulatory effort in generation of speech and animation for conversational characters
* CoNFies: Controllable Neural Face Avatars
* Controllable Facial Micro-Element Synthesis using Segmentation Maps
* DisVAE: Disentangled Variational Autoencoder for High-Quality Facial Expression Features
* Dynamic face imaging: a novel analysis framework for 4D social face perception and expression
* efficient approach for real-time abnormal human behavior recognition on surveillance cameras, An
* Examining Subject-Dependent and Subject-Independent Human Affect Inference from Limited Video Data
* Exploring Mental Prototypes by an Efficient Interdisciplinary Approach: Interactive Microbial Genetic Algorithm
* Face-to-Face Contrastive Learning for Social Intelligence Question-Answering
* FaceGuard: A Self-Supervised Defense Against Adversarial Face Images
* Facial Geometric Detail Recovery via Implicit Representation
* FLAME-in-NeRF: Neural control of Radiance Fields for Free View Face Animation
* Florence 4D Facial Expression Dataset, The
* Generalized Face Anti-Spoofing via Multi-Task Learning and One-Side Meta Triplet Loss
* Graph Transformer for Physical Rehabilitation Evaluation
* Hierarchically Organized Computer Vision in Support of Multi-Faceted Search for Missing Persons
* Human Pose Estimation with Shape Aware Loss
* Improving Performance of Facial Biometrics With Quality-Driven Dataset Filtering
* Intrinsic Imaging Model Enhanced Contrastive Face Representation Learning
* Investigating Visual Features for Cognitive Impairment Detection Using In-the-wild Data
* Laplacian ICP for Progressive Registration of 3D Human Head Meshes
* Latent Generative Replay for Resource-Efficient Continual Learning of Facial Expressions
* Learning Continuous Mesh Representation with Spherical Implicit Surface
* Learning Effective Global Receptive Field for Facial Expression Recognition
* Learning from What is Already Out There: Few-shot Sign Language Recognition with Online Dictionaries
* Learning to focus on region-of-interests for pain intensity estimation
* LipNeRF: What is the right feature space to lip-sync a NeRF?
* Localization using Multi-Focal Spatial Attention for Masked Face Recognition
* Low-Resolution Face Recognition Enhanced by High-Resolution Facial Images
* Mobile Keystroke Biometrics Using Transformers
* Modelling Culturally Diverse Smiles Using Data-Driven Methods
* Multi-Modal Human Authentication Using Silhouettes, Gait and RGB
* Multi-Zone Transformer Based on Self-Distillation for Facial Attribute Recognition
* Multimodal Feature Selection for Detecting Mothers' Depression in Dyadic Interactions with their Adolescent Offspring
* New Insights on Weight Estimation from Face Images
* Non-Contact Based Modeling of Enervation
* Octuplet Loss: Make Face Recognition Robust to Image Resolution
* Pain Detection in Masked Faces during Procedural Sedation
* Part-aware Prototypical Graph Network for One-shot Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* PhygitalNet: Unified Face Presentation Attack Detection via One-Class Isolation Learning
* Practical Parametric Synthesis of Realistic Pseudo-Random Face Shapes
* RavenGaze: A Dataset for Gaze Estimation Leveraging Psychological Experiment Through Eye Tracker
* Relation-aware Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Role of Vocal Persona in Natural and Synthesized Speech, The
* RULe: Relocalization-Uniformization-Landmark Estimation Network for Real-Time Face Alignment in Degraded Conditions
* S2F2: Self-Supervised High Fidelity Face Reconstruction from Monocular Image
* Segmentation-Reconstruction-Guided Facial Image De-Occlusion
* Self-Supervised Face Presentation Attack Detection with Dynamic Grayscale Snippets
* Self-supervised Learning for Fine-grained Ethnicity Classification under Limited Labeled Data
* Signing Avatars: Multimodal Challenges for Text-to-sign Generation
* SignNet: Single Channel Sign Generation using Metric Embedded Learning
* SS-VAERR: Self-Supervised Apparent Emotional Reaction Recognition from Video
* STr-GCN: Dual Spatial Graph Convolutional Network and Transformer Graph Encoder for 3D Hand Gesture Recognition
* StyleMask: Disentangling the Style Space of StyleGAN2 for Neural Face Reenactment
* T2V-DDPM: Thermal to Visible Face Translation using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
* Toward a Scoping Review of Social Intelligence in Virtual Humans
* Towards Intercultural Affect Recognition: Audio-Visual Affect Recognition in the Wild Across Six Cultures
* TransFS: Face Swapping Using Transformer
* Unified Detection of Digital and Physical Face Attacks
* Unsupervised 3D Animal Canonical Pose Estimation with Geometric Self-Supervision
* Unsupervised Face Recognition using Unlabeled Synthetic Data
* Video Inference for Human Mesh Recovery with Vision Transformer
* Weakly-Supervised Photo-realistic Texture Generation for 3D Face Reconstruction
* Zero-Shot Style Transfer for Multimodal Data-Driven Gesture Synthesis
78 for FG23

Index for "f"

Last update:10-Apr-24 10:46:22
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