Journals starting with visu

Visual Cognition(12) * Quantifying the contribution of low-level saliency to human eye movements in dynamic scenes

Visual Neuroscience(21) * Information limits on neural identification of coloured surfaces in natural scenes

Visual07 * *International Conference on Visual Information Systems
* 3D Model Retrieval Based on Multi-Shell Extended Gaussian Image
* Adaptive Video Presentation for Small Display While Maximize Visual Information
* Applying Local Cooccurring Patterns for Object Detection from Aerial Images
* Approach Based on Multiple Representations and Multiple Queries for Invariant Image Retrieval, An
* Approximation-Based Keypoints in Colour Images: A Tool for Building and Searching Visual Databases
* Auto-generation of Geographic Cognitive Maps for Browsing Personal Multimedia
* Automatic Detection and Recognition of Players in Soccer Videos
* Automatic Image Annotation for Semantic Image Retrieval
* Clustering and Visualizing Audio-Visual Dataset on Mobile Devices in a Topic-Oriented Manner
* Collaterally Cued Labelling Framework Underpinning Semantic-Level Visual Content Descriptor
* Compound Geospatial Object Detection in an Aerial Image
* Cumulative Global Distance for Dimension Reduction in Handwritten Digits Database
* Denoising Saliency Map for Region of Interest Extraction
* Efficient Compression Technique for a Multi-dimensional Index in Main Memory, An
* Empirical Investigations on Benchmark Tasks for Automatic Image Annotation
* Enhanced Visual Separation of Clusters by M-Mapping to Facilitate Cluster Analysis
* Enticing Sociability in an Intelligent Coffee Corner
* Evolutionary Approach to Inverse Gray Level Quantization, An
* Face Image Retrieval System Using TFV and Combination of Subimages
* Fast Algorithm for License Plate Detection, A
* Feature Selection for Identifying Critical Variables of Principal Components Based on K-Nearest Neighbor Rule
* Finding Lips in Unconstrained Imagery for Improved Automatic Speech Recognition
* Geometric and Haptic Modelling of Textile Artefacts
* GIS-Based Lunar Exploration Information System in China
* Image Classification and Indexing by EM Based Multiple-Instance Learning
* Image Similarity: From Fuzzy Sets to Color Image Applications
* Influence of Perceived Quality by Adjusting Frames Per Second and Bits Per Frame Under the Limited Bandwidth, The
* Investigating Automatic Semantic Processing Effects in Selective Attention for Just-in-Time Information Retrieval Systems
* Knowledge Synthesizing Approach for Classification of Visual Information, A
* Mining Large-Scale News Video Database Via Knowledge Visualization
* Multimedia Data Mining and Searching Through Dynamic Index Evolution
* Near-Duplicate Detection Using a New Framework of Constructing Accurate Affine Invariant Regions
* Neurovision with Resilient Neural Networks
* New Video Compression Algorithm for Very Low Bandwidth Using Curve Fitting Method, A
* News Video Retrieval by Learning Multimodal Semantic Information
* Novel SVM-Based Method for Moving Video Objects Recognition, A
* Palm Vein Extraction and Matching for Personal Authentication
* Palmprint Identification Using Pairwise Relative Angle and EMD
* Potentialities of Chorems as Visual Summaries of Geographic Databases Contents
* Predicate Tree: A Metaphor for Visually Describing Complex Boolean Queries, The
* Region Based Image Retrieval Incorporated with Camera Metadata
* RELT: Visualizing Trees on Mobile Devices
* Salient Region Filtering for Background Subtraction
* Semantic 3D CAD and Its Applications in Construction Industry: An Outlook of Construction Data Visualization
* Semi-automatic Feature Selecting Method for Sports Video Highlight Annotation, A
* SVM Face Recognition Method Based on Optimized Gabor Features, A
* Temporal and Visual Analysis-Based Approach to Commercial Detection in News Video, A
* Texture Representation and Retrieval Using the Causal Autoregressive Model
* Toolkit to Support Dynamic Social Network Visualization, A
* Visual Information for Firearm Identification by Digital Holography
* Visual Information Retrieval: Future Directions and Grand Challenges
* Visualization of Relational Structure Among Scientific Articles
* Visualization of the Critical Patterns of Missing Values in Classification Data
* Visualizing Unstructured Text Sequences Using Iterative Visual Clustering
* Where Are Focused Places of a Photo?
56 for Visual07

Visual08 * *International Conference on Visual Information Systems
* 3D Mesh Exploration for Smart Visual Interfaces
* Analysis of Improvements for Voter Interfaces in Polling Station and Remote Electronic Voting Systems, An
* Architectural Paradigm for Collaborative Semantic Indexing of Multimedia Data Objects, An
* Architecture for Multimedia Content Publishing with GIS-Based Retrieval Facility, An
* Automatic G1 Surface Reconstruction from Serial Cross-Sectional Images
* Better Perception of 3D-Spatial Relations by Viewport Variations
* Classification-Based Color Constancy
* DINDOW: Towards an Interaction Based on Spatio-temporal Memory
* Dynamic Buffer Areas Obtained by EFCM Method in GIS Environment
* Effective Visual Scanning of Geographic Information
* Embedding Google Maps APIs into WebRatio for the Automatic Generation of Web GIS Applications
* Evaluation of Information Visualization Tools Using the NFR Approach
* Evaluation of Quality Retaining Diagnostic Credibility for Surgery Video Recordings
* Evolutionary General Purpose WebGIS to Disclose EGFR Mutations in Lung Cancer, An
* Experiments on Selection of Codebooks for Local Image Feature Histograms
* Extending KDDML with a Visual Metaphor for the KDD Process
* Flood Emergency Interaction and Visualization System
* GISTURISMO Massa-Carrara: Advanced Territory's Dynamic Fruition Service for a Conscious Tourism
* Handling of Task Hierarchies on the Nepomuk Social Semantic Desktop
* Inter-frame and Inter-layer Motion Prediction during Fast Block Motion Estimation in MCTF
* Interactive Exploration of Large Dynamic Networks
* L.U.N.A. Ads: Sustaining Wireless Access for Mobile Users
* Learning Rules for Semantic Video Event Annotation
* Locational Awareness on the Internet
* MoViSys: A Visualization System for Geo-Referenced Information on Mobile Devices
* Musimage: A System for Automatically Presenting Pictures Depending on the Music Being Played
* Navigation and Search in 3D Visualizations of Large Unstructured Photo Collections: An Empirical Study
* New Approach Toward a Modular Multimodal Interface for PDAs and Smartphones, A
* Operational Risk Visualization
* Optimized Fuzzy Based Short Term Object Motion Prediction for Real-Life Robot Navigation Environment, An
* Perception Model for People with Visual Impairments
* Reasoning about Hand-Drawn Sketches: An Approach Based on Intelligent Software Agents
* SISI Project: Developing GIS-Based Tools for Vulnerability Assessment
* Techniques for Image Classification, Object Detection and Object Segmentation
* Two Step Relevance Feedback for Semantic Disambiguation in Image Retrieval
* Virtual Spaces: From the Past to the Future
* Visual Analytics Approach to Exploration of Large Amounts of Movement Data, A
* Visual Framework for the Definition and Execution of Reverse Engineering Processes, A
39 for Visual08

Visual97 * *International Conference on Visual Information Systems
* Affine Invariant Retrieval of Binary Patterns Using Generalized Complex Moments
* Automatic Matching Tool Selection Using Relevance Feedback in MARS
* Complex Texture Classification Using Edge Information
* Content-based Query and Indexing
* Design of Distributed Hypermedia Systems based on Hypermedia-on-Demand Architecture
* Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Parallel Image Shape Indexer
* Discovering and Visualizing Narrative Themes
* Efficient Retrieval Without a Metric
* Feature Visualization and Analysis for Image Classification and Retrieval
* Gisting of Video Documents: A Key Frames Selection Algorithm Using Relative Activity Measure
* HDH Based Compressed Video Cut Detection
* Hierarchical Structure Representation for Content-Based Indexing and Retrieval, A
* Human- and System-Directed Fusion of Multimedia and Multimodal Information Using the s-Tree Data Model
* Indexing and Retrieval of Binary Images for Visual Information Systems
* Indexing Television News
* Indexing the Content of Multimedia Documents
* Information Theoretic Image Database Indexing
* Modeling Images for Content-Based Queries: The DISIMA Approach
* PICASSO: Visual Querying by Color Perceptive Regions
* Pictorial Query Specification for Browsing Through Image Databases
* PicToSeek: A Content-Based Image Search System for the World Wide Web
* Shape Similarity Retrieval Using a Height Adjustment Curvature Scale Space Image
* Tracing Images in Large Databases by Comparison of Wavelet Fingerprints
* Video: A Shot Boundary Detection Method for Video Data with Fading Effects
* Visual Navigation in Perceptual Databases
26 for Visual97

Visual99 * *International Conference on Visual Information Systems
* Blobworld: A System for Region-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval

VisualSLAM20 * *VisualSLAM: Long Term Visual Localization, Visual Odometry and Geometric and Learning-Based SLAM
* Dynamic Attention-based Visual Odometry
* Extending Absolute Pose Regression to Multiple Scenes
* Reconstruct, Rasterize and Backprop: Dense shape and pose estimation from a single image
* ViPR: Visual-Odometry-aided Pose Regression for 6DoF Camera Localization

Index for "v"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:26:25
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