Update Dates 0802

0802 * 1.5D sieve algorithm, The
* 2-D Locally Regularized Tissue Strain Estimation From Radio-Frequency Ultrasound Images: Theoretical Developments and Results on Experimental Data
* 3D Human Motion Analysis in Monocular Video Techniques and Challenges
* 3D Person Tracking with a Color-Based Particle Filter
* Accurate Image Matching in Scenes Including Repetitive Patterns
* active feedback framework for image retrieval, An
* Adaptive Flattening for Multidimensional Image Restoration
* Adaptive lossless steganographic scheme with centralized difference expansion
* Adaptive Nonseparable Interpolation for Image Compression With Directional Wavelet Transform
* Aggregation of classifiers based on image transformations in biometric face recognition
* Aliasing Reduction via Frequency Roll-Off for Scalable Image/Video Coding
* Analytical Expression for Impulse Response Between Two Nodes in 2-D Rectangular Digital Waveguide Mesh
* AND/OR search spaces for graphical models
* Application of Advanced Spatio-Temporal Formalisms to Behavioural Ecology, An
* Approximate Algorithm for Solving the Watchman Route Problem, An
* Approximating the Visible Region of a Point on a Terrain
* Area Processing Unit of Caroline: Finding the Way through DARPA's Urban Challenge, The
* Automated insect identification through concatenated histograms of local appearance features: feature vector generation and region detection for deformable objects
* Automatic kernel clustering with a Multi-Elitist Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
* Automatic scoring of short handwritten essays in reading comprehension tests
* BaTex3: Bit Allocation for Progressive Transmission of Textured 3-D Models
* Behavior Based Robot Localisation Using Stereo Vision
* Belief-Propagation on Edge Images for Stereo Analysis of Image Sequences
* Bird's-Eye View Vision System for Vehicle Surrounding Monitoring
* Blind Separation of Superimposed Shifted Images Using Parameterized Joint Diagonalization
* Camera Self-calibration under the Constraint of Distant Plane
* Cancellable biometrics and annotations on BioHash
* Change Detection in Multisensor SAR Images Using Bivariate Gamma Distributions
* Color Constancy Based on Image Similarity
* Combining Discrete and Continuous 3D Trackers
* Comments on An analytical algorithm for generalized low-rank approximations of matrices
* Compact representation of contours using directional grid chain code
* Computationally Efficient DFT Scheme for Applications With a Subset of Nonzero Inputs, A
* Consensus unsupervised feature ranking from multiple views
* Contours, Optic Flow, and Prior Knowledge: Cues for Capturing 3D Human Motion in Videos
* Control Structure and Multi-Resolution Techniques for Virtual Human Representation
* convergence theorem for the fuzzy subspace clustering (FSC) algorithm, A
* Detection and Tracking of Humans in Single View Sequences Using 2D Articulated Model
* differential geometric approach to representing the human actions, A
* Differential Geometry of Monogenic Signal Representations
* Direct Pose Estimation with a Monocular Camera
* Domain density description for multiclass pattern classification with reduced computational load
* Dynamic Multiresolution Optical Flow Computation
* Efficient and accurate computation of geometric moments on gray-scale images
* efficient approach to texture-based image retrieval, An
* Efficient Architecture Design of Motion-Compensated Temporal Filtering/Motion Compensated Prediction Engine
* efficient conserved region detection method for multiple protein sequences using principal component analysis and wavelet transform, An
* Efficient Image Deblocking Based on Postfiltering in Shifted Windows
* Efficient mode selection for H.264 complexity reduction in a Bayesian framework
* Enhancing 3D mesh topological skeletons with discrete contour constrictions
* Enhancing Poisson's Equation-Based Approach for DCT Prediction
* Face Authentication for Banking
* Face collation apparatus and biometrics data collation apparatus
* Face detection
* Facial Expression Recognition by Supervised Independent Component Analysis Using MAP Estimation
* Facial Expression Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction: A Prototype
* Fast Line-Segment Extraction for Semi-dense Stereo Matching
* Fast Nonrigid Image Registration With Constraints on the Jacobian Using Large Scale Constrained Optimization, A
* Fast Selective Intra-Mode Search Algorithm Based on Adaptive Thresholding Scheme for H.264/AVC Encoding
* Feature Identification System for Electron Magnetic Resonance Tomography: Fusion of Principal Components Transform, Color Quantization and Boundary Information, A
* fractal-based relaxation algorithm for shape from terrain image, A
* From Visualization to Visual Mining: Application to Environmental Data
* Fusion of visual and infra-red face scores by weighted power series
* Gait Components and Their Application to Gender Recognition
* Generalized Flooding and Multicue PDE-Based Image Segmentation
* Generic Object Recognition Using Boosted Combined Features
* Generic Shape/Texture Descriptor Over Multiscale Edge Field: 2-D Walking Ant Histogram, A
* Gesture spotting with body-worn inertial sensors to detect user activities
* Global parametric image alignment via high-order approximation
* GOP-level transmission distortion modeling for mobile streaming video
* GPU persistent grid mapping for terrain rendering, A
* Graphical Models for Human Motion Modeling
* Head gestures for perceptual interfaces: The role of context in improving recognition
* Hierarchical Fuzzy State Controller for Robot Vision
* High Resolution Stereo in Real Time
* Identification of Reflected, Scaled, Translated, and Rotated Objects From Their Radon Projections
* Identifying elephant photos by multi-curve matching
* Image Feature Localization by Multiple Hypothesis Testing of Gabor Features
* Image Restoration for Quantifying TFT-LCD Defect Levels
* Improved upsampling filter design for spatially scalable video coding
* Information Distance-Based Subvector Clustering for ASR Parameter Quantization
* Innovations in Individual Feature History Management: The Significance of Feature-based Temporal Model
* integrated rate control scheme for TCP-friendly MPEG-4 video transmission, An
* Integrating Concept Ontology and Multitask Learning to Achieve More Effective Classifier Training for Multilevel Image Annotation
* Integrating Disparity Images by Incorporating Disparity Rate
* Intelligent Camera Interface (ICI): A Challenging HMI for Disabled People
* Intraoperative Magnetic Tracker Calibration Using a Magneto-Optic Hybrid Tracker for 3-D Ultrasound-Based Navigation in Laparoscopic Surgery
* Iterative Low Complexity Factorization for Projective Reconstruction
* Learning Grammatical Models for Object Recognition
* Learning how to combine sensory-motor functions into a robust behavior
* Learning, detection and representation of multi-agent events in videos
* Local Features for Enhancement and Minutiae Extraction in Fingerprints
* Markerless Augmented Reality for Robotic Helicoptor Applications
* Maximizing the area under the ROC curve by pairwise feature combination
* Mean shift spectral clustering
* Measuring and modelling sewer pipes from video
* Method and apparatus for detection of drowsiness and quantitative control of biological processes
* Method of motion estimation in mobile device
* Metric learning by discriminant neighborhood embedding
* MFC: A Modular Line Camera for 3D World Modelling
* MICA: A Multilinear ICA Decomposition for Natural Scene Modeling
* Modeling and Tracking Line-Constrained Mechanical Systems
* Modified Deterministic Annealing Algorithm for Robust Image Segmentation, A
* Modified Embedded Zerotree Wavelet (MEZW) Algorithm for Image Compression, A
* Morphological Representations of Scalar Fields
* Morphological Representations of Vector Fields
* Motif-based defect detection for patterned fabric
* Multi-parameter Approach to Automated Building Grouping and Generalization, A
* Multi-resolution Analysis
* NASA's Earth Science Use of Commercially Available Remote Sensing Datasets
* Network Flow Algorithm for Reconstructing Binary Images from Continuous X-rays, A
* Neural disparity computation for dense two-frame stereo correspondence
* New Camera Calibration Algorithm Based on Rotating Object, A
* New Design of Robust H-inf Filters for 2-D Systems
* novel approach to feature extraction from classification models based on information gene pairs, A
* novel local on-line signature verification system, A
* Novel Vessel Segmentation Algorithm for Pathological Retina Images Based on the Divergence of Vector Fields, A
* Obstacle Avoidance Path Planning for Mobile Robot Based on Multi Colony Ant Algorithm
* offline/real-time artifact rejection strategy to improve the classification of multi-channel evoked potentials, An
* Old and new straight-line detectors: Description and comparison
* On the Construction of Invertible Filter Banks on the 2-Sphere
* On the pretreatment process for the object extraction in color image of wear debris
* On-line handwritten digit recognition based on trajectory and velocity modeling
* Optimizing the data-dependent kernel under a unified kernel optimization framework
* Optimum Gabor filter design and local binary patterns for texture segmentation
* Orthogonal neighborhood preserving discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Orthogonal Rotation-Invariant Moments for Digital Image Processing
* Parameter Estimation in TV Image Restoration Using Variational Distribution Approximation
* Particle-Based Belief Propagation for Structure from Motion and Dense Stereo Vision with Unknown Camera Constraints
* Perceptually inspired HDR images tone mapping with color correction
* Performance Analysis of Three-Class Classifiers: Properties of a 3-D ROC Surface and the Normalized Volume Under the Surface for the Ideal Observer
* Performance characterization in computer vision: A guide to best practices
* Perspective Geometry Based Single Image Camera Calibration
* Perturbative Refinement of the Geometric Calibration in Pinhole SPECT
* PickPocket: A computer billiards shark
* pictorial dictionary for printed Farsi subwords, A
* Progressive structural analysis for dynamic recognition of on-line handwritten mathematical expressions
* Radial symmetries based decomposition of cell clusters in binary and gray level images
* Rate Control of H.264/AVC Scalable Extension
* Rate-Distortion Optimization of Rate Control for H.264 With Adaptive Initial Quantization Parameter Determination
* Real-Time Hand and Eye Coordination for Flexible Impedance Control of Robot Manipulator
* Recent Advances in Remeshing of Surfaces
* Recognition of Action as a Bayesian Parameter Estimation Problem over Time
* Reconstruction and Recognition of Tensor-Based Objects With Concurrent Subspaces Analysis
* Reduced-Reference Video Quality Assessment Using Discriminative Local Harmonic Strength With Motion Consideration
* Redundant Slice Optimal Allocation for H.264 Multiple Description Coding
* Region-of-Interest Based Resource Allocation for Conversational Video Communication of H.264/AVC
* Region-of-interest video coding based on rate and distortion variations for H.263+
* Registration of surfaces minimizing error propagation for a one-shot multi-slit hand-held scanner
* Representation of occurrences for road vehicle traffic
* Road-Signs Recognition System for Intelligent Vehicles
* Robust and Accurate Two-Stage Approach for Automatic Recovery of Distal Locking Holes in Computer-Assisted Intramedullary Nailing of Femoral Shaft Fractures, A
* Robust Dominant Motion Estimation Using MPEG Information in Sport Sequences
* Robust Ellipsoidal Model Fitting of Human Heads
* Robust Shape Tracking With Multiple Models in Ultrasound Images
* Robust shape-preserving contour tracing with synchronous redundancy pruning
* Role of Manifold Learning in Human Motion Analysis, The
* Segmentation of the Left Ventricle of the Heart in 3-D+t MRI Data Using an Optimized Nonrigid Temporal Model
* Selecting and Assessing Quantitative Early Ultrasound Texture Measures for Their Association With Cerebral Palsy
* Selection of Long-Term Reference Frames in Dual-Frame Video Coding Using Simulated Annealing
* Sensor Architecture and Data Fusion for Robotic Perception in Urban Environments at the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge
* Shape from shading based on needle map and cellular automata
* Shape Interrogation
* Shape matching and registration by data-driven EM
* Simultaneous Geometric and Radiometric Adaptation to Dynamic Surfaces With a Mobile Projector-Camera System
* Simultaneous Ultrasound and MRI System for Breast Biopsy: Compatibility Assessment and Demonstration in a Dual Modality Phantom
* Situation Analysis and Atypical Event Detection with Multiple Cameras and Multi-Object Tracking
* Skeletal Structures
* Spatially and Temporally Segmenting Movement to Recognize Actions
* Stereo Vision Based Self-localization of Autonomous Mobile Robots
* Stereo Vision Local Map Alignment for Robot Environment Mapping
* Stochastically Optimal Epipole Estimation in Omnidirectional Images with Geometric Algebra
* Subdivision Surfaces and Applications
* Surface Reconstruction for Free-Space 360 deg Fluorescence Molecular Tomography and the Effects of Animal Motion
* Surface shape measuring apparatus and surface shape measuring method
* Surface-Based Approach to Quantify Local Cortical Gyrification, A
* Symbolic image indexing and retrieval by spatial similarity: An approach based on B-tree
* Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Video in Multi-robot Search
* Tailoring Model-Based Techniques to Facial Expression Interpretation
* Team AnnieWAY's Autonomous System
* Technique of Prescaled Integer Transform: Concept, Design and Applications, The
* Techniques for Computing Fitness of Use (FoU) for Time Series Datasets with Applications in the Geospatial Domain
* Terrain-Based Sensor Selection for Autonomous Trail Following
* Texture and Shape Information Fusion for Facial Action Unit Recognition
* Through-Wall Imaging With a 3-D UWB SAR Algorithm
* top-down region dividing approach for image segmentation, A
* Topological Model for 3D Image Representation: Definition and Incremental Extraction Algorithm
* Topological Repairing of 3D Digital Images
* Topologically Constrained Isometric Embedding
* Toward a tight upper bound for the error probability of the binary Gaussian classification problem
* Towards Optimal Stereo Analysis of Image Sequences
* Turbulent Luminance in Impassioned van Gogh Paintings
* Ubiquitous Home: Retrieval of Experiences in a Home Environment
* Understanding Human Motion: A Historic Review
* unified learning framework for object detection and classification using nested cascades of boosted classifiers, A
* Visual measurement of pile movements for the foundation work using a high-speed line-scan camera
* Visual Navigation of Mobile Robot Using Optical Flow and Visual Potential Field
* Watermarking in halftone images with mixed halftone techniques
* Which Components are Important for Interactive Image Searching?
* William Harvey Code: Mathematical Analysis of Optical Flow Computation for Cardiac Motion, The
200 for 0802

Index for "0"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.