* *Machine Vision Applications, Architectures, and Systems Integration VI
* *Mobile Robots XII
* 3-D Heart Border Delineation and Motion Estimation Using Ultrasound Transthoracic Images for Assisted Heart Diseases Diagnoses
* 8x8-Block Based Motion Estimation Using Kalman Filter, An
* Curvature, Corners, Dominant Points, Salient Points, Junctions (H3)
* Active Object Recognition Integrating Attention and Viewpoint Control
* adaptive contrast method for segmentation of drusen, An
* Adaptive Motion-Vector Resampling for Compressed Video Downscaling
* Adaptive Order Statistic Noise Filter for Gamma Corrected Image Sequences, An
* Adaptive Pattern Recognition
* Adaptive Pattern Recognition Correlators
* Adaptive, global-motion compensated deinterlacing of sequential video fields with post processing
* Affective Intelligence: The Missing Link
* Aided and Automatic Target Recognition Based upon Sensory Inputs from Image Forming Systems
* Airborne Synthetic-Aperture Acoustic Imaging
* Algorithms for Hierarchical Spatial Reasoning
* Alignment by Maximization of Mutual Information
* Analysis and Synthesis of Deformed Patterns Based on Structural Models
* APIC: Adaptive Perceptual Image Coding Based on Sub-Band Decomposition with Locally Adaptive Perceptual Weighting
* Apparatus for encoding/decoding an image signal having a still object
* Application of Non-Linear Image Processing: Digital Video Archive Restoration
* Assessment of the Geometric Accuracy of Remotely-Sensed Images, An
* Automatic and Robust Aerial Road Detection Based on Multihypothesis Generalized Kalman Filter Using Fully and Partially Occluded Models
* Automatic Road-Distress Classification and Identification Using a Combination of Hierarchical Classifiers and Expert Systems-Object Processing
* Automatic Watershed Segmentation of Randomly Textured Color Images
* Bayesian Target Location in Images
* Beatrix: A Self-Learning System for Off-Line Recognition of Handwritten Texts
* Binary Markov Model for the Quantized Wavelet Coefficients of Images and Its Rate/Distortion Optimization, A
* Blocking Artifact Free Video Coding Based on a Bilinear Forward Image Warping Model
* Brownian Strings: Segmenting Images with Stochastically Deformable Contours
* Building the Estimation Model of Digitizing Error
* CARAT-ARC: A Scaleable and Reliable Digital Media Archiving System
* Cascaded Hough Transform, The
* Characterizing the Uncertainty of the Fundamental Matrix
* Circular Arcs Fitted on a Riemann Sphere
* Circular Arcs Fitted on a Riemann Sphere: Reply
* Circular Arcs Fitted on a Riemann Sphere: Reply
* Classification Using Adaptive Wavelets for Feature-Extraction
* Coding Artifacts Removal Using Biased Anisotropic Diffusion
* Coding of Arbitrarily Shaped Video Objects in MPEG-4
* Color Component Transformations for Optical Pattern Recognition
* Color Spaces for Inspection of Natural Objects
* Colour Plane Synchronization in Colour Error Diffusion
* Comparison of Block Matching Algorithms Mapped to Systolic Array Implementation, A
* Comparison of Different Methods of Classification in Subband Coding of Images
* Comparison of Projective Reconstruction Methods for Pairs of Views, A
* Complete Automatic Target Cuer/Recognition System for Tactical Forward-Looking Infrared Images
* Composite Fourier Plane Nonlinear Filter for Distortion Invariant Pattern Recognition
* Computing and Simplifying 2D and 3D Continuous Skeletons
* Content-Matched Geometric Filtering of Image Subbands for Edge-Preserving Noise Reduction
* Context-Based Arithmetic Encoding of 2D Shape Sequences
* Contrast Pyramid Based Image Code, The
* Converting Discrete Images to Partitioning Trees
* Correcting the Geometry and Color of Digital Images
* COSMOS: A Representation Scheme for 3D Free-Form Objects
* Curvature of Characteristic Curves on Surfaces, The
* Data Compression Issues in Automatic Target Recognition and the Measuring of Distortion
* Data Driven and Model Driven Selection Using Parallel Line Groups
* Data Induced Metric and Fuzzy Clustering of Nonconvex Patterns of Arbitrary Shape
* Deformable Template Recognition of Multiple Occluded Objects
* Derailment-Free Finite State Vector Quantization Using Conditional Histogram. Optimization and Application to Image Compression
* Design of Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Hardware Consideration
* Design of Optimal Stack Filter Under MAF Criterion
* Detectability, Uniqueness, and Reliability of Eigen Windows for Stable Verification of Partially Occluded Objects
* Determining the Egomotion of an Uncalibrated Camera from Instantaneous Optical Flow
* Development and Comparison of Robust Methods for Estimating the Fundamental Matrix, The
* Digital Method for Measuring the Focus Error
* Discrete Voronoi Diagrams and the Skiz Operator: A Dynamic Algorithm
* Dynamic Addressing Scheme for Vector Quantization of Images
* Dynamic Free Form Deformations for Animation Synthesis
* Dynamics of Nonlinear Relaxation Labeling Processes, The
* Efficient ATR Using Compression
* Efficient DCT Domain Implementation of Picture Masking and Compositing
* Efficient Decentralized Multiradar Multitarget Tracker for Air Surveillance, An
* Efficient Handling of Large Digital Images in Geographic Information Systems
* Efficiently Locating Objects Using The Hausdorff Distance
* Egomotion Estimation of a Multicamera System Through Line Correspondences
* Embedded Wavelet Coder with Multistage Vector Quantization
* Entropy Constrained Half Toning Using Multipath Tree Coding
* Establishing the Correspondence Between Control Points in Pairs of Mammographic Images
* Estimation of Generalized Mixtures and Its Application in Image Segmentation
* Estimation of Pose and Illuminant Direction for Face Processing
* Estimation of the Mouth Features Using Deformable Templates
* Evaluation of Automated Biometrics-Based Identification and Verification Systems
* Exploring Image Functionalities in WWW Applications: Development of Image/Video Search and Editing Engines
* Face Recognition: Eigenface, Elastic Matching, and Neural Nets
* Facial Expressions Recognition Using Discrete Hopfield Neural Networks
* Fast Algorithm for 1-Norm Vector Median Filtering, A
* Fast Computation of Moving Average and Related Filters in Octagonal Windows
* Fast Image Database Search Using Tree-Structured VQ
* Fast Index Assignment Method for Robust Vector Quantization of Image Data, A
* Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on the Block Sum Pyramid, A
* Faster Fractal Image Compression Using Quadtree Recomposition
* Fingerprint Features: Statistical-Analysis and System Performance Estimates
* Fingerprint matching using transformation parameter clustering
* Formulation of Multitarget Tracking as an Incomplete Data Problem, A
* Fully Bayesian Image Segmentation: An Engineering Perspective
* Fusion of Color and Edge Information for Improved Segmentation and Edge Linking
* Fuzzy Logic Based Handwritten Character Recognition 2
* Fuzzy Rule Based Image Processing
* Generalized Method for Image Coding Using Fractal Based Techniques, A
* Geometric Hashing: An Overview
* Geometrical Shape-Recognition Using a Cellular Automaton Architecture and Its VLSI Implementation
* Global Motion Parameters Estimation Using a Fast and Robust Algorithm
* Graph Indexes of 2D-Thinned Images for Rapid Content Based Image Retrieval
* Hidden Markov Models vs. Syntactic Modeling in Object Recognition
* High Performance Fast Search Algorithm for Block Matching Motion Estimation, A
* High Resolution Image Reconstruction from Digital Video with Global and Non-Global Scene Motion
* High-Order Correlation Technique for Imaging Through Turbulence
* High-Speed Tomographic Reconstruction Employing Fourier Methods
* Hybrid BMC/ OBMC Motion Compensation Scheme, A
* Hybrid Compressed-Uncompressed Framework for Wireless Image Transmission, A
* Hypergeometric Filters for Optical Flow and Affine Matching
* Identity-Authentication System Using Fingerprints, An
* Illumination-Invariant Matching of Deterministic Local Structure in Color Images, The
* Image coding by matching pursuit and perceptual pruning
* Image Compression and Indexing System Using Neural Networks, An
* Image Compression Using Zerotree and Multi-Stage Vector Quantization
* Image data compression method and apparatus with pre-processing to compensate for the blocky effect
* Image Decomposition and Representation in Large Image Database Systems
* Image Processing for Planetary Limb/Terminator Extraction
* Image Representation Using Curvature Information in Intensity Profiles
* Image Segmentation and Discriminant-Analysis for the Identification of Land-Cover Units in Ecology
* Image Segmentation Based on Combination of the Global and Local Information
* Image Segmentation from Consensus Information
* Image Segmentation Using Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis and Expectation-Maximization (EM) Algorithm for Digital Mammography
* Improved Accuracy in Gradient Based Optical Flow Estimation
* INFOTREE: A Contextual Tree Approach to Supervised Pattern Recognition
* Inhomogeneous Surface Diffusion for Image Filtering
* Instantiating Deformable Models with a Neural Net
* Interpolation Method for Grid-Based Terrain Modeling, An
* Iris Recognition: An Emerging Biometric Technology
* Iterative Blind Deconvolution of Extended Objects
* Jerk Model for Tracking Highly Maneuvering Targets, A
* Kalman Filtering Method for 3-D Camera Motion Estimation from Image Sequences, A
* Large-Scale Simulation Studies in Image Pattern Recognition
* Least-Squares-Based 2D Filtering for Disparity Estimation, A
* Linear Pushbroom Cameras
* Local Cosine Bases in Two Dimensions
* Locating Boundaries of Textured Regions
* Location of Target with Random Gray Levels in Correlated Background with Optimal Processors and Preprocessings
* Logarithmic Image Processing Model: Connections with Human Brightness Perception and Contrast Estimators, The
* Lossless Coding of Still Images with Four Channel Prediction
* Lossless Image Compression Using Integer to Integer Wavelet Transforms
* Low Bit Rate Image Coding with Shift Orthogonal Filter Banks
* Machine Interpretation of CAD Data for Manufacturing Applications
* Matching Sets of 3D Line Segments with Application to Polygonal Arc Matching
* Medial Axis Transform on Mesh Connected Computers with Hyperbus Broadcasting
* Medical image registration using geometric hashing
* Method and apparatus employing erosion-based filter pairs for image mapping
* Method of encoding an image at full resolution for storing in a reduced image buffer
* MMAP: Modified Maximum a Posteriori Algorithm for Image Segmentation in Large Image/Video Databases
* Model-Based Detection and Localization of Circular Landmarks in Aerial Images
* Morphologic Field Morphing: Contour Model-Guided Image Interpolation
* Motion Based Grouping of Optical Flow Fields: The Extrapolation and Subtraction Technique
* Motion Compensation of Wavelet Coefficients for Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Motion Estimation Based on Global and Local Uncompensability Analysis
* Motion Field Modeling for Video Sequences
* Motion Segmentation by Multistage Affine Classification
* MPEG-4 Video Verification Model: Status and Directions
* Multilevel Shape Representation Using Global Deformations and Locally Adaptive Finite-Elements
* Multiresolution Approach to Discrimination in SAR Imagery, A
* Multiscale Blur Estimation and Edge Type Classification for Scene Analysis
* Multiscale Characterization of Texture Anistropy
* Multispectral Code Excited Linear Prediction Coding and Its Application in Magnetic-Resonance Images
* Multispectral Image Restoration with Multisensors
* Neighbor insentive pixel deletion method for printing high resolution image
* New Algorithm on MPEG-2 Target Bit Number Allocation at Scene Changes, A
* New Method of Robust Image Compression Based on the Embedded Zerotree Wavelet Algorithm, A
* New MRF Model for Robust Estimate of Occlusion and Motion Vector Fields, A
* New Technique for Region of Interest Tomographic Image Reconstruction and a Comparison of the Related Algorithms, A
* Non-Embedded Wavelet Image Coding Scheme
* Non-Iterative Rate-Constrained Motion Estimation for OBMC*
* Nonlinear Vector Prediction Using Feedforward Neural Networks
* Numerically Efficient Angle, Width, Offset, and Discontinuity Determination of Straight Lines by the Discrete Fourier Bilinear Transformation Algorithm
* Object-Oriented System Architecture for General Image Processing Systems, An
* Off-Line Signature Verification by Local Granulometric Size Distributions
* On Classification of Multispectral Infrared Image Data
* On Resolving Rightful Ownerships of Digital Images by Invisible Watermarks
* On Testing Trained Vector Quantizer Codebooks
* On the Application of Multimedia Processing to Telecommunications
* On the Coding Performance of DCT Based Subband Decomposition for Low Contrast Images
* On the Detection of Edges in Vector Images
* On the Topological Representation of Line Drawings
* Optimal Approximation of Discrete Probability Distribution with Kth-Order Dependency and Its Application to Combining Multiple Classifiers
* Optimal Matching of Closed Contours with Line Segments and Arcs
* Optimal Registration of Object Views Using Range Data
* Optimal Schemes for Motion Estimation on Colour Image Sequences
* Optimal Subband Decoding
* Optimality of the Maximum Average Correlation Height Filter for Detection of Targets in Noise
* Optimum Receivers for Pattern Recognition Problems with Nonoverlapping Target and Background Noise
* Outliers in Statistical Pattern Recognition and an Application to Automatic Chromosome Classification
* Overlapping Tree Approach to Multiscale Stochastic Modeling and Estimation, An
* Parallel Computation of the Euclidean Distance transform on the Mesh of Trees and the Hypercube Computer
* Parallel Feature Tracker for Extended Image Sequences, A
* Partial Radon Transforms
* Partial Surface and Volume Matching in Three Dimensions
* Point Signatures: A New Representation for 3D Object Recognition
* Probabilistic Approach for Concurrent Map Acquisition and Localization for Mobile Robots, A
* Progressive Transmission in Trellis Coded Quantization-Based Image Coders
* Prolog to an Identity-Authentication System Using Fingerprints
* Prolog to Evaluation of Automated Biometrics-Based Identification and Verification Systems
* Prolog To Face Recognition: Eigenface, Elastic Matching, and Neural Nets
* Prolog to Fingerprint Features: Statistical-Analysis and System Performance Estimates
* Prolog to Iris Recognition: An Emerging Biometric Technology
* Prototype Selection for the Nearest-Neighbor Rule Through Proximity Graphs
* Qualitative Spatial Representation and Reasoning with the Region Connection Calculus
* Rate-Distortion Optimal Parameter Choice in a Wavelet Image Communication System
* Real-Time Morphology Processing Using Highly Parallel 2-D Cellular Automata CAM^2
* Real-Time MPEG Video on the Web Using Dynamic Rate Shaping
* Recognition and Integration of Dimension Sets in Vectorized Engineering Drawings
* Recognition of Map Using the Geometric Relations Between Lines and the Structural Information of Objects, A
* Recognizing Facial Expressions in Image Sequences Using Local Parameterized Models of Image Motion
* Reconstruction Error in Transform Subband Coding
* Reconstruction from Image Sequences by Means of Relative Depths
* Recovering 3D Motion Of Multiple Objects Using Adaptive Hough Transform
* Region-Activity-Based Pyramidal Image Coder Using Generalized Rank-Ordered Prediction Filter
* Regularization, Scale-Space, and Edge-Detection Filters
* Relaxation Methods for Supervised Image Segmentation
* Resolution Limits for Band-Limited and Positivity-Constrained 1-D Signals
* Retrieval and Browsing of Images Using Image Thumbnails
* Retrieving Similar Pictures from Iconic Databases Using G-Tree
* Review of Image and Video Indexing Techniques
* Robust and Efficient Transform Domain Video Sequence-Analysis: An Approach from the Generalized Color Ratio Model
* Robust Digital Image Watermarking Scheme Using Wavelet Based Fusion, A
* Robust Egomotion Estimation from the Normal Flow Using Search Subspaces
* Robust, Object Based High Resolution Image Reconstruction from Low Resolution Video
* Role of Retinal Bipolar Cell in Early Vision: An Implication with Analog Networks and Regularization Theory, The
* Rotation, scale and translation invariant digital image watermarking
* Scalable Coding of Very High Resolution Video Using the Virtual Zerotree
* Scattered Data Interpolation with Multilevel B-Splines
* Segmentation of 3D textured images using continuous wavelet transform
* Segmentation of sputum color image for lung cancer diagnosis
* Segmenting Images Corrupted By Correlated Noise
* Selective Stabilization of Images Acquired by Unmanned Ground Vehicles
* Seven-Channel Compression in Video Coding
* Shape from Shading with Interreflections under a Proximal Light-Source: Distortion-Free Copying of an Unfolded Book
* Shape Spectrum Based View Grouping and Matching of 3D Free-Form Objects
* Signal-to-Noise Ratio in the Reconstruction of the Intensity Dependent Spread (IDS) Filter
* Significance-Linked Connected Component Analysis for Low Bit Rate Image Coding
* Similarity Measure for Stereo Feature Matching, A
* Simple Algorithm for Nearest-Neighbor Search in High Dimensions, A
* Simple Rate-Distortion Model, Parameter Estimation, and Application to Real-Time Rate Control for DCT-Based Coders, A
* Simplifications of Multilinear Forms for Sequences of Images
* Simulating Poor Visibility Conditions Using Image-Processing
* Smooth Non-Rectangular Time-Frequency Segmentation of L2(R2), A
* Smoothly Constrained Kalman Filter, A
* SNR Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm
* Space-Frequency Balance in Biorthogonal Wavelets
* Space-Variant Fourier-Analysis: The Exponential Chirp Transform
* Spatial Frequency Filtering Using Nondelineated Thin Films
* Spatiotemporal Indexing of Vector Quantized Video Sequences
* Spectral imaging method and apparatus
* Split-and-merge segmentation employing thresholding technique
* Spotlight Mode SAR Stereo Technique for Height Computation
* Stack Filter Design for Image Restoration Using Genetic Algorithms
* Stripe Mesh Based Disparity Estimation by Using 3D Hough Transform
* Stroke Extraction from Grayscale Images of Financial Documents Based on Relative Figures of Importance
* Surrounding Region Dependence Method For Detection Of Clustered Microcalcifications on Mammograms
* Synthesizing Lateral Face from Frontal Facial Image Using Anthropometric Estimation
* System and method for detecting obstacles in a road
* System and method for determining optical flow
* Textured Image Segmentation: Returning Multiple Solutions
* Theory of Multiscale, Torsion Based Shape Representation for Space Curves, A
* Theory of Specular Surface Geometry, A
* Thin Nets and Crest Lines: Application to Satellite Data and Medical Images
* Time Domain Simulation of Fourier Imaging by Summation of Isochromats
* Time-Delay and Integration Imaging for Inspection and Profilometry of Moving-Objects
* Time-Delay Neural Networks for Estimating Lip Movements from Speech Analysis: A Useful Tool in Audio Video Synchronization
* Tomographic Reconstruction Technique for Pulsed Echo Imaging
* Toward Accurate Recovery of Shape from Shading under Diffuse Lighting
* Typology of Spatial Structures of Images Having the Same Color Set
* Ultrasound Image Coding Based on Subband Decomposition and Speckle Synthesis
* Unsupervised Texture Classification Using Vector Quantization and Deterministic Relaxation Neural Network
* User Dependent Definition of the Information in Images and Its Use in Information Retrieval, A
* Using a wavelet-based fractal feature to improve texture discrimination on SAR images
* Using geometric hashing to repair CAD objects
* Variational Approach to Recovering Depth from Defocused Images, A
* Vector Valued Sigma Delta Modulators for Color Image Applications
* Video Compression Scheme with Optimal Bit Allocation Among Segmentation, Motion, and Residual Error, A
* Video Content Representation, Indexing, and Matching in Video Information Systems
* Visibility Computations on Hierarchical Triangulated Terrain Models
* Vision-Based Autonomous Land Vehicle Guidance in Outdoor Road Environments Using Combined Line and Road Following Techniques
* Visual Behaviors for Docking
* Wavelet Based Multiresolution Local Tomography
* Wavelet Transform Based Variable Tree Size Fractal Video Coding
* Wavelet Transform of SAR Images for Internal Wave Detection and Orientation
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