Index for gane

Ganea, D.A.[Dan Andrei] * 2021: Incremental Few-Shot Instance Segmentation

Ganea, E.[Eugen] * 2009: New Method for Segmentation of Images Represented in a HSV Color Space, A
* 2010: Adaptive Method for Efficient Detection of Salient Visual Object from Color Images, An
* 2011: Evaluation of Image Segmentation Algorithms from the Perspective of Salient Region Detection
* 2011: New Algorithm for Segmentation of Images Represented as Hypergraph Hexagonal-Grid

Ganea, O.[Octavian] * 2020: Hierarchical Image Classification using Entailment Cone Embeddings

Ganebnykh, S. * 2004: Tree-like data structures for effective recognition of 2-D solids
* 2007: Moment-Based Pattern Representation Using Shape and Grayscale Features
Includes: Ganebnykh, S. Ganebnykh, S.[Sergey]

Ganel, T. * 2018: Human-Centered Transparency of Grasping via a Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery System

Ganelin, I. * 2018: Virtual View Color Estimation for Free Viewpoint TV Applications Using Gaussian Mixture Model

Ganem, K.A.[Khalil Ali] * 2022: Mapping South America's Drylands through Remote Sensing: A Review of the Methodological Trends and Current Challenges

Ganerod, A.J.[Alexandra Jarna] * 2023: Globally vs. Locally Trained Machine Learning Models for Landslide Detection: A Case Study of a Glacial Landscape
Includes: Ganerod, A.J.[Alexandra Jarna] Ganerød, A.J.[Alexandra Jarna]

Ganesalingam, S. * 1980: Error rate estimation on the basis of posterior probabilities

Ganesan, A. * 2016: Quantitative-Electrogram-Based Methods for Guiding Catheter Ablation in Atrial Fibrillation
* 2023: Numerical Strategies for Mixed-Integer Optimization of Power-Split and Gear Selection in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Includes: Ganesan, A. Ganesan, A.[Anand]

Ganesan, B.[Brammya] * 2018: Grey Wolf optimisation-based feature selection and classification for facial emotion recognition

Ganesan, G. * 2002: Differential modulation using space-time block codes

Ganesan, K.[Karthick] * 2016: Earlier detection of cancer regions from MR image features and SVM classifiers
* 2022: Data imputation in deep neural network to enhance breast cancer detection
* 2022: Multiplicative Long Short-Term Memory with Improved Mayfly Optimization for LULC Classification
* 2023: Energy-aware automatic video annotation tool for autonomous vehicle
* 2023: Energy-aware vehicle/pedestrian detection and close movement alert at nighttime in dense slow traffic on Indian urban roads using a depth camera
Includes: Ganesan, K.[Karthick] Ganesan, K.[Kanimozhi] Ganesan, K.[Kavithaa] Ganesan, K.

Ganesan, L. * 1995: New Statistical Approach for Micro Texture Description, A
* 1995: statistical design of experiments approach for texture description, A
* 1997: Orthogonal Polynomials Based Framework for Edge-Detection in 2-D Monochrome Images, An
* 2000: BIONET: an artificial neural network model for diagnosis of diseases
* 2003: Texture classification using wavelet transform
* 2003: Texture segmentation using wavelet transform
* 2005: Texture classification with combined rotation and scale invariant wavelet features
* 2006: Fault segmentation in fabric images using Gabor wavelet transform
* 2006: Texture classification using Curvelet Statistical and Co-occurrence Features
* 2006: Texture classification using Gabor wavelets based rotation invariant features
* 2006: Texture classification using ridgelet transform
* 2006: Texture image segmentation using combined features from spatial and spectral distribution
* 2007: Analysis of skin images using texture descriptor by a combined statistical and structural approach
* 2008: Orthogonal moments based texture analysis of CT liver images
* 2009: Efficient Approach To Color Image Segmentation Using Intermediate Features Of Maximum Overlap Wavelet Transform In Peak Finding Algorithm, An
* 2009: modified statistical approach for image fusion using wavelet transform, A
* 2009: Texture Characterization Using Wsfs And Wcfs
17 for Ganesan, L.

Ganesan, P.[Prema] * 2020: Infrared and visible image fusion using multi-scale NSCT and rolling-guidance filter

Ganesan, R. * 2018: Generating Hard to Comprehend Fake Documents for Defensive Cyber Deception

Ganesan, R.A.[Ramakrishnan Angarai] * 2020: DeepInterpolation: fusion of multiple interpolations and CNN to obtain super-resolution

Ganesan, S.[Subramaniam] * 1998: Complete Description of Multiple Line Segments Using the Hough Transform
* 1998: robust Hough transform technique for description of multiple line segments in an image, A
* 2016: Thermal Imaging Based Elderly Fall Detection
Includes: Ganesan, S.[Subramaniam] Ganesan, S.[Sudakshin]

Ganesan, S.I.[Saravana Ilango] * 2021: Decentralized Emergency Service Vehicle Pre-Emption System Using RF Communication and GNSS-Based Geo-Fencing

Ganesan, T.M.S.[T. M. Senthil] * 2021: Satellite Image Classification Using Cellular Automata

Ganesan, V. * 1992: Simple Direct Computation of the FOE with Confidence Measures

Ganesh * 2013: Dhaksha, The Unmanned Aircraft System in its New Avatar-Automated Aerial Inspection of India's Tallest Tower

Ganesh, A.[Anantharaman] * 2004: Information Retrieval System for Handwritten Documents
* 2008: Demo: Robust face recognition via sparse representation
* 2008: Mapping facial expression recognition algorithms on a low-power smart camera
* 2008: Nearest-Subspace Patch Matching for face recognition under varying pose and illumination
* 2009: Robust Face Recognition via Sparse Representation
* 2009: Towards a practical face recognition system: Robust registration and illumination by sparse representation
* 2010: Fast L1-minimization algorithms and an application in robust face recognition: A review
* 2010: RASL: Robust Alignment by Sparse and Low-Rank Decomposition for Linearly Correlated Images
* 2010: Robust Photometric Stereo via Low-Rank Matrix Completion and Recovery
* 2010: TILT: Transform Invariant Low-Rank Textures
* 2012: RASL: Robust Alignment by Sparse and Low-Rank Decomposition for Linearly Correlated Images
* 2012: TILT: Transform Invariant Low-Rank Textures
* 2012: Toward a Practical Face Recognition System: Robust Alignment and Illumination by Sparse Representation
Includes: Ganesh, A.[Anantharaman] Ganesh, A.[Arvind] Ganesh, A.
13 for Ganesh, A.

Ganesh, A.B.[A. Balaji] * 2021: ECG steganography based on tunable Q-factor wavelet transform and singular value decomposition

Ganesh, M.[Mani] * 2016: simple computational framework for defect detection system with orthogonal polynomials transcoded coefficients, A

Ganesh, M.R.[Madan Ravi] * 2021: MINT: Deep Network Compression via Mutual Information-based Neuron Trimming

Ganesh, N.[Narayanan] * 2020: Microscopic images classification for cancer diagnosis

Ganesh, P.[Prakhar] * 2022: YOLO-ReT: Towards High Accuracy Real-time Object Detection on Edge GPUs
* 2024: Empirical Investigation into Benchmarking Model Multiplicity for Trustworthy Machine Learning: A Case Study on Image Classification, An

Ganesh, S.[Sumitra] * 2008: Recognition of Human Actions using an Optimal Control Based Motor Model

Ganeshan, A.[Aditya] * 2018: Object Pose Estimation from Monocular Image Using Multi-view Keypoint Correspondence
* 2019: FDA: Feature Disruptive Attack
* 2019: Generalizable Data-Free Objective for Crafting Universal Adversarial Perturbations
* 2021: Warp-Refine Propagation: Semi-Supervised Auto-Labeling via Cycle-Consistency

Ganeshan, A.R.[Adithya Raju] * 2024: Are Natural Domain Foundation Models Useful for Medical Image Classification?

Ganeshan, B.[Balaji] * 2014: Texture Analysis for Identifying Heterogeneity in Medical Images
* 2017: Towards Detecting High-Uptake Lesions from Lung CT Scans Using Deep Learning

Ganeshan, R. * 2022: Autoregressive-Elephant Herding Optimization based Generative Adversarial Network for copy-move forgery detection with Interval type-2 fuzzy clustering

Ganeshbabu, T.R. * 2020: Fitness adaptive deer hunting-based region growing and recurrent neural network for melanoma skin cancer detection

Ganeshi, N.[Naresh] * 2021: Indian COSMOS Network (ICON): Validating L-Band Remote Sensing and Modelled Soil Moisture Data Products, The

Ganeshkumar, P. * 2017: CANFIS based glioma brain tumor classification and retrieval system for tumor diagnosis
* 2017: efficient automated methodology for detecting and segmenting the ischemic stroke in brain MRI images, An

Ganeshkumar, R. * 2023: Automated Brain Imaging Diagnosis and Classification Model using Rat Swarm Optimization with Deep Learning based Capsule Network

Ganeshsingh, T. * 2017: ACSIR: ANOVA Cosine Similarity Image Recommendation in vertical search

Ganestam, P.[Per] * 2015: Real-time multiply recursive reflections and refractions using hybrid rendering

Ganetsos, T.[Theodore] * 2016: Pigments Identification Using Raman Spectroscopy of the 16th Century Printed Book Osorio
* 2018: Application of Non-destructive Techniques (Raman Spectroscopy and XRF) into an Icon by Michael Damaskinos
* 2018: Pigments Identification in Oil Paintings of 18th-19th Century from the Museum of Post-Byzantine Art of Zakynthos Using Raman Spectroscopy and XRF

Ganeva, D.[Dessislava] * 2022: Phenotypic Traits Estimation and Preliminary Yield Assessment in Different Phenophases of Wheat Breeding Experiment Based on UAV Multispectral Images
* 2024: Preharvest Durum Wheat Yield, Protein Content, and Protein Yield Estimation Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery and Pleiades Satellite Data in Field Breeding Experiments

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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