Index for lear

Lear, A.C. * 1997: Digital Orthophotography: Mapping with Pictures

Leard, M. * 1993: AR Models and Bidimensional Discrete Moments Applied to Texture Modelling and Recognition
* 1996: Modeling of Rigid Objects by Bidimensional Moments: Applications to the Estimation of 3D Rotations
* 1999: Local blur formulation for depth from defocus

Learn, S.[Stacy] * 2018: Freeway speed harmonisation experiment using connected and automated vehicles

Learned Miller, E.[Erik] * 2023: DCVNet: Dilated Cost Volume Networks for Fast Optical Flow
* 2023: Mod-Squad: Designing Mixtures of Experts As Modular Multi-Task Learners
* 2023: Robust Frame-to-Frame Camera Rotation Estimation in Crowded Scenes
* 2024: Right Spin: Learning Object Motion from Rotation-Compensated Flow Fields, The
Includes: Learned Miller, E.[Erik] Learned-Miller, E.[Erik]

Learned Miller, E.G.[Erik G.] * 2004: Names and faces in the news
* 2005: Building a Classification Cascade for Visual Identification from One Example
* 2005: Combining Local and Global Image Features for Object Class Recognition
* 2005: Efficient Population Registration of 3D Data
* 2005: Sign Classification using Local and Meta-Features
* 2006: Data Driven Image Models through Continuous Joint Alignment
* 2006: Discriminative Training of Hyper-feature Models for Object Identification
* 2006: Improving Recognition of Novel Input with Similarity
* 2007: Context-Sensitive Error Correction: Using Topic Models to Improve OCR
* 2007: Cryptogram Decoding for OCR Using Numerization Strings
* 2007: Fast Lexicon-Based Scene Text Recognition with Sparse Belief Propagation
* 2007: Labeled faces in the wild: A database for studying face recognition in unconstrained environments
* 2007: People-LDA: Anchoring Topics to People using Face Recognition
* 2007: Unsupervised Joint Alignment of Complex Images
* 2008: discriminative semi-Markov model for robust scene text recognition, A
* 2008: Learning to Locate Informative Features for Visual Identification
* 2008: LFW Results Using a Combined Nowak Plus MERL Recognizer
* 2008: Towards unconstrained face recognition
* 2009: Learning on the Fly: Font-Free Approaches to Difficult OCR Problems
* 2009: Multiphase geometric couplings for the segmentation of neural processes
* 2009: Scene Text Recognition Using Similarity and a Lexicon with Sparse Belief Propagation
* 2010: FDDB: Face Detection Data Set and Benchmark
* 2010: Improving state-of-the-art OCR through high-precision document-specific modeling
* 2010: Learning class-specific image transformations with higher-order Boltzmann machines
* 2010: Multiple Hypothesis Video Segmentation from Superpixel Flows
* 2011: Enforcing similarity constraints with integer programming for better scene text recognition
* 2011: Introduction to the Special Section on Real-World Face Recognition
* 2011: Learning on the Fly: A Font-Free Approach Toward Multilingual OCR
* 2011: Online domain adaptation of a pre-trained cascade of classifiers
* 2011: Parametric Level Set Methods for Inverse Problems
* 2011: Segmentation fusion for connectomics
* 2012: Background modeling using adaptive pixelwise kernel variances in a hybrid feature space
* 2012: Distribution fields for tracking
* 2012: Improvements in Joint Domain-Range Modeling for Background Subtraction
* 2012: Learning hierarchical representations for face verification with convolutional deep belief networks
* 2013: Augmenting CRFs with Boltzmann Machine Shape Priors for Image Labeling
* 2013: Coherent Motion Segmentation in Moving Camera Videos Using Optical Flow Orientations
* 2013: Distribution Fields with Adaptive Kernels for Large Displacement Image Alignment
* 2013: Improving Open-Vocabulary Scene Text Recognition
* 2013: Scene Text Segmentation via Inverse Rendering
* 2013: Using a Probabilistic Syllable Model to Improve Scene Text Recognition
* 2014: Aspect Transition Graph: An Affordance-Based Model, The
* 2014: Background subtraction: separating the modeling and the inference
* 2014: Optical Flow Estimation with Channel Constancy
* 2014: Shape-Time Random Field for Semantic Video Labeling, The
* 2015: Multi-view Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Shape Recognition
* 2016: Distinguishing Weather Phenomena from Bird Migration Patterns in Radar Imagery
* 2016: It's Moving! A Probabilistic Model for Causal Motion Segmentation in Moving Camera Videos
* 2016: One-to-many face recognition with bilinear CNNs
* 2017: End-to-End Face Detection and Cast Grouping in Movies Using Erdos-Renyi Clustering
* 2017: Face Detection with the Faster R-CNN
* 2017: Guest Editorial: Best of CVPR 2015
* 2018: Best of Both Worlds: Combining CNNs and Geometric Constraints for Hierarchical Motion Segmentation, The
* 2018: MoA-Net: Self-supervised Motion Segmentation
* 2018: Self-Supervised Relative Depth Learning for Urban Scene Understanding
* 2018: Super SloMo: High Quality Estimation of Multiple Intermediate Frames for Video Interpolation
* 2018: Unsupervised Hard Example Mining from Videos for Improved Object Detection
* 2019: Automatic Adaptation of Object Detectors to New Domains Using Self-Training
* 2019: Pixel-Adaptive Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2019: SENSE: A Shared Encoder Network for Scene-Flow Estimation
* 2020: Improving Face Recognition by Clustering Unlabeled Faces in the Wild
* 2020: In Defense of Grid Features for Visual Question Answering
* 2020: Label-efficient Learning on Point Clouds Using Approximate Convex Decompositions
* 2020: Zero-Shot Learning in the Presence of Hierarchically Coarsened Labels
* 2021: Shot in the Dark: Few-Shot Learning with No Base-Class Labels
* 2021: Spatio-Temporal Poisson Point Process: A Simple Model for the Alignment of Event Camera Data, The
* 2022: Self-Supervised Learning to Guide Scientifically Relevant Categorization of Martian Terrain Images
* 2023: EVAL: Explainable Video Anomaly Localization
Includes: Learned Miller, E.G.[Erik G.] Learned-Miller, E.G.[Erik G.] Learned-Miller, E.G. Learned-Miller, E.G.[Erick G.]
68 for Learned Miller, E.G.

Leary, C. * 2014: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom Using a Prototype Proton CT Scanner

Leary, J.[James] * 2021: Comparing Interpretation of High-Resolution Aerial Imagery by Humans and Artificial Intelligence to Detect an Invasive Tree Species

Leary, S.[Stephen] * 2011: Constrained UAV mission planning: A comparison of approaches
* 2020: Apricot: A Dataset of Physical Adversarial Attacks on Object Detection
Includes: Leary, S.[Stephen] Leary, S.[Sara]

Index for "l"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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