Index for lepe

Lepelaars, C.[Carlo] * 2021: FamSearch: Visual Analysis of Genealogical Data

Lepere, G. * 2010: Analysis and Improvement of Laser Terrestrial Mobile Mapping Systems Configurations
Includes: Lepere, G. Lepčre, G.

Lepeska, T.[Tomas] * 2021: Altitude on Cartographic Materials and Its Correction According to New Measurement Techniques
Includes: Lepeska, T.[Tomas] Lepeška, T.[Tomáš]

Lepetit, J.P.[Jean Pierre] * 2022: Combining Citizen Science Data and Satellite Descriptors of Ecosystem Functioning to Monitor the Abundance of a Migratory Bird during the Non-Breeding Season
Includes: Lepetit, J.P.[Jean Pierre] Lepetit, J.P.[Jean-Pierre]

Lepetit, O. * 1994: Recursive Wavelet Transform for 2D Signals
* 2007: Robust GrayScale Distribution Estimation for Contactless Palmprint Recognition
* 2009: Fusion of IR and visible light modalities for face recognition

Lepetit, P.[Pierre] * 2022: Using Deep Learning for Restoration of Precipitation Echoes in Radar Data

Lepetit, V. * 2003: Fusing online and offline information for stable 3D tracking in real-time
* 2003: Robust data association for online applications
* 2003: Stable real-time interaction between virtual humans and real scenes
* 2003: Visual Golf Club Tracking for Enhanced Swing Analysis
* 2004: Markov-based Silhouette Extraction for Three-Dimensional Body Tracking in Presence of Cluttered Background
* 2004: Point matching as a classification problem for fast and robust object pose estimation
* 2005: Monocular Model-Based 3D Tracking of Rigid Objects: A Survey
* 2005: Randomized Trees for Real-Time Keypoint Recognition
* 2005: Real-Time Non-Rigid Surface Detection
* 2006: Human body pose detection using Bayesian spatio-temporal templates
* 2006: Keypoint Recognition Using Randomized Trees
* 2007: Accurate Non-Iterative O(n) Solution to the PnP Problem
* 2007: Bridging the Gap between Detection and Tracking for 3D Monocular Video-Based Motion Capture
* 2007: Deformable Surface Tracking Ambiguities
* 2007: Fast Keypoint Recognition in Ten Lines of Code
* 2007: Linear and Quadratic Subsets for Template-Based Tracking
* 2008: 3D pose refinement from reflections
* 2008: Closed-Form Solution to Non-rigid 3D Surface Registration
* 2008: fast local descriptor for dense matching, A
* 2008: Fast Non-Rigid Surface Detection, Registration and Realistic Augmentation
* 2008: General constraints for batch Multiple-Target Tracking applied to large-scale videomicroscopy
* 2008: Keypoint Signatures for Fast Learning and Recognition
* 2008: Online learning of patch perspective rectification for efficient object detection
* 2008: Pose Priors for Simultaneously Solving Alignment and Correspondence
* 2008: Simultaneous Recognition and Homography Extraction of Local Patches with a Simple Linear Classifier
* 2009: Appearance-based keypoint clustering
* 2009: Capturing 3D stretchable surfaces from single images in closed form
* 2009: Compact signatures for high-speed interest point description and matching
* 2009: EP n P: An Accurate O(n) Solution to the P n P Problem
* 2009: Fast Ray features for learning irregular shapes
* 2009: Pose estimation for category specific multiview object localization
* 2009: Real-time learning of accurate patch rectification
* 2009: Revisiting the PnP Problem with a GPS
* 2010: BRIEF: Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features
* 2010: Combining Geometric and Appearance Priors for Robust Homography Estimation
* 2010: DAISY: An Efficient Dense Descriptor Applied to Wide-Baseline Stereo
* 2010: Dominant orientation templates for real-time detection of texture-less objects
* 2010: Fast Keypoint Recognition Using Random Ferns
* 2010: From Canonical Poses to 3D Motion Capture Using a Single Camera
* 2010: Pareto-optimal dictionaries for signatures
* 2011: Are sparse representations really relevant for image classification?
* 2011: Learning Real-Time Perspective Patch Rectification
* 2011: Multimodal templates for real-time detection of texture-less objects in heavily cluttered scenes
* 2011: Video-Based In Situ Tagging on Mobile Phones
* 2012: 3-D Head Tracking via Invariant Keypoint Learning
* 2012: BRIEF: Computing a Local Binary Descriptor Very Fast
* 2012: Efficient Discriminative Projections for Compact Binary Descriptors
* 2012: Gradient Response Maps for Real-Time Detection of Textureless Objects
* 2012: Model Based Training, Detection and Pose Estimation of Texture-Less 3D Objects in Heavily Cluttered Scenes
* 2012: Technical Demonstration on Model Based Training, Detection and Pose Estimation of Texture-Less 3D Objects in Heavily Cluttered Scenes
* 2012: Thick boundaries in binary space and their influence on nearest-neighbor search
* 2013: Boosting Binary Keypoint Descriptors
* 2013: Learning Separable Filters
* 2014: Approximated Relative Pose Solvers for Efficient Camera Motion Estimation
* 2014: Multiscale Centerline Detection by Learning a Scale-Space Distance Transform
* 2014: On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
* 2014: Real-time landing place assessment in man-made environments
* 2014: Robust 3D Tracking with Descriptor Fields
* 2015: Efficient Minimal Solution for Multi-camera Motion, An
* 2015: Flying objects detection from a single moving camera
* 2015: Hashmod: A Hashing Method for Scalable 3D Object Detection
* 2015: Instant Outdoor Localization and SLAM Initialization from 2.5D Maps
* 2015: Introduction to the CVIU special issue on 'Parts and Attributes: Mid-level representation for object recognition, scene classification and object detection'
* 2015: Leaf Segmentation under Loosely Controlled Conditions
* 2015: Learning descriptors for object recognition and 3D pose estimation
* 2015: Learning Image Descriptors with Boosting
* 2015: Learning Separable Filters
* 2015: Novel Representation of Parts for Accurate 3D Object Detection and Tracking in Monocular Images, A
* 2015: On rendering synthetic images for training an object detector
* 2015: Projection onto the Manifold of Elongated Structures for Accurate Extraction
* 2015: TILDE: A Temporally Invariant Learned DEtector
* 2015: Training a Feedback Loop for Hand Pose Estimation
* 2016: Direct Prediction of 3D Body Poses from Motion Compensated Sequences
* 2016: Efficiently Creating 3D Training Data for Fine Hand Pose Estimation
* 2016: Going Further with Point Pair Features
* 2016: Learning to Assign Orientations to Feature Points
* 2016: LIFT: Learned Invariant Feature Transform
* 2016: Multiscale Centerline Detection
* 2016: Structured Prediction of 3D Human Pose with Deep Neural Networks
* 2017: BB8: A Scalable, Accurate, Robust to Partial Occlusion Method for Predicting the 3D Poses of Challenging Objects without Using Depth
* 2017: DeepPrior++: Improving Fast and Accurate 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* 2017: Detecting Flying Objects Using a Single Moving Camera
* 2017: Learning to Align Semantic Segmentation and 2.5D Maps for Geolocalization
* 2017: Pose-specific non-linear mappings in feature space towards multiview facial expression recognition
* 2018: 3D Pose Estimation and 3D Model Retrieval for Objects in the Wild
* 2018: Domain Transfer for 3D Pose Estimation from Color Images Without Manual Annotations
* 2018: Editorial for ACCV'16 award papers
* 2018: Feature Mapping for Learning Fast and Accurate 3D Pose Inference from Synthetic Images
* 2018: Geometry-Aware Network for Non-rigid Shape Prediction from a Single View
* 2018: HANDS18: Methods, Techniques and Applications for Hand Observation
* 2018: Learning Latent Representations of 3D Human Pose with Deep Neural Networks
* 2018: Learning to Find Good Correspondences
* 2018: Making Deep Heatmaps Robust to Partial Occlusions for 3D Object Pose Estimation
* 2018: On Pre-trained Image Features and Synthetic Images for Deep Learning
* 2018: Robust 3D Object Tracking from Monocular Images Using Stable Parts
* 2018: Summary of the 4th International Workshop on Recovering 6D Object Pose, A
* 2019: CorNet: Generic 3D Corners for 6D Pose Estimation of New Objects without Retraining
* 2019: GP2C: Geometric Projection Parameter Consensus for Joint 3D Pose and Focal Length Estimation in the Wild
* 2019: HandSeg: An Automatically Labeled Dataset for Hand Segmentation from Depth Images
* 2019: Location Field Descriptors: Single Image 3D Model Retrieval in the Wild
* 2019: LU-Net: An Efficient Network for 3D LiDAR Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Based on End-to-End-Learned 3D Features and U-Net
* 2019: On Object Symmetries and 6D Pose Estimation from Images
* 2019: SharpNet: Fast and Accurate Recovery of Occluding Contours in Monocular Depth Estimation
* 2019: Sparse-to-Dense Hypercolumn Matching for Long-Term Visual Localization
* 2019: Speed Invariant Time Surface for Learning to Detect Corner Points With Event-Based Cameras
* 2020: 3d Object Detection and Pose Estimation of Unseen Objects in Color Images with Local Surface Embeddings
* 2020: ALCN: Adaptive Local Contrast Normalization
* 2020: Casting Geometric Constraints in Semantic Segmentation as Semi-Supervised Learning
* 2020: Few-Shot Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation for Objects in the Wild
* 2020: General 3d Room Layout from a Single View by Render-and-compare
* 2020: Generalized Feedback Loop for Joint Hand-Object Pose Estimation
* 2020: Geometric Correspondence Fields: Learned Differentiable Rendering for 3d Pose Refinement in the Wild
* 2020: HOnnotate: A Method for 3D Annotation of Hand and Object Poses
* 2020: Measuring Generalisation to Unseen Viewpoints, Articulations, Shapes and Objects for 3d Hand Pose Estimation Under Hand-object Interaction
* 2020: Predicting Sharp and Accurate Occlusion Boundaries in Monocular Depth Estimation Using Displacement Fields
* 2020: S2DNet: Learning Image Features for Accurate Sparse-to-Dense Matching
* 2020: Smart Hypothesis Generation for Efficient and Robust Room Layout Estimation
* 2021: Back to the Feature: Learning Robust Camera Localization from Pixels to Pose
* 2021: Detecting Stable Keypoints from Events through Image Gradient Prediction
* 2021: Learning to Better Segment Objects from Unseen Classes with Unlabeled Videos
* 2021: Monte Carlo Scene Search for 3D Scene Understanding
* 2021: MonteFloor: Extending MCTS for Reconstructing Accurate Large-Scale Floor Plans
* 2021: Neural Reprojection Error: Merging Feature Learning and Camera Pose Estimation
* 2021: Single Image Depth Prediction with Wavelet Decomposition
* 2022: Keypoint Transformer: Solving Joint Identification in Challenging Hands and Object Interactions for Accurate 3D Pose Estimation
* 2022: MonteBoxFinder: Detecting and Filtering Primitives to Fit a Noisy Point Cloud
* 2022: Templates for 3D Object Pose Estimation Revisited: Generalization to New Objects and Robustness to Occlusions
* 2023: Automatically Annotating Indoor Images with CAD Models via RGB-D Scans
* 2023: Back to MLP: A Simple Baseline for Human Motion Prediction
* 2023: CNOS: A Strong Baseline for CAD-based Novel Object Segmentation
* 2023: Few-Shot Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation for Objects in the Wild
* 2023: In-Hand 3D Object Scanning from an RGB Sequence
* 2023: MACARONS: Mapping and Coverage Anticipation with RGB Online Self-Supervision
* 2023: Simple and Powerful Global Optimization for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation, A
* 2023: You Never Get a Second Chance To Make a Good First Impression: Seeding Active Learning for 3D Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Lepetit, V. Lepetit, V.[Vincent]
135 for Lepetit, V.

Lepez, T.[Trees] * 2012: Cell Nuclei Detection Using Globally Optimal Active Contours with Shape Prior

Index for "l"

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