Sivic, J.
Standard Author Listing
with: Agrawal, N.: Learning from Narrated Instruction Videos
with: Agrawal, N.: Unsupervised Learning from Narrated Instruction Videos
with: Alahari, K.: Pose Estimation and Segmentation of Multiple People in St...
with: Alahari, K.: Pose Estimation and Segmentation of People in 3D Movies
with: Alayrac, J.: End-to-End Learning of Visual Representations From Uncura...
with: Alayrac, J.B.: Cross-Task Weakly Supervised Learning From Instructiona...
with: Alayrac, J.B.: Joint Discovery of Object States and Manipulation Actions
with: Alayrac, J.B.: Learning Actionness via Long-range Temporal Order Verif...
with: Alayrac, J.B.: Learning from Narrated Instruction Videos
with: Alayrac, J.B.: Learning from Video and Text via Large-Scale Discrimina...
with: Alayrac, J.B.: Look for the Change: Learning Object States and State-M...
with: Alayrac, J.B.: Multi-Task Learning of Object States and State-Modifyin...
with: Alayrac, J.B.: Thinking Fast and Slow: Efficient Text-to-Visual Retrie...
with: Alayrac, J.B.: Unsupervised Learning from Narrated Instruction Videos
with: Arandjelovic, R.: 24/7 Place Recognition by View Synthesis
with: Arandjelovic, R.: Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Geomet...
with: Arandjelovic, R.: Efficient Neighbourhood Consensus Networks via Subma...
with: Arandjelovic, R.: End-to-End Weakly-Supervised Semantic Alignment
with: Arandjelovic, R.: NCNet: Neighbourhood Consensus Networks for Estimati...
with: Arandjelovic, R.: NetVLAD: CNN Architecture for Weakly Supervised Plac...
with: Aubry, M.: Bilinear Image Translation for Temporal Analysis of Photo C...
with: Aubry, M.: CosyPose: Consistent Multi-view Multi-object 6d Pose Estima...
with: Aubry, M.: Focal Length and Object Pose Estimation via Render and Comp...
with: Aubry, M.: Seeing 3D Chairs: Exemplar Part-Based 2D-3D Alignment Using...
with: Aubry, M.: Single-view robot pose and joint angle estimation via rende...
with: Audibert, J.Y.: Data-driven crowd analysis in videos
with: Audibert, J.Y.: Density-aware person detection and tracking in crowds
with: Avidan, S.: Creating and exploring a large photorealistic virtual space
with: Avidan, S.: Infinite Images: Creating and Exploring a Large Photoreali...
with: Bach, F.: Automatic Annotation of Human Actions in Video
with: Bach, F.: Finding Actors and Actions in Movies
with: Bach, F.: Weakly Supervised Action Labeling in Videos under Ordering C...
with: Bojanowski, P.: Finding Actors and Actions in Movies
with: Bojanowski, P.: Learning from Narrated Instruction Videos
with: Bojanowski, P.: Learning from Video and Text via Large-Scale Discrimin...
with: Bojanowski, P.: Unsupervised Learning from Narrated Instruction Videos
with: Bojanowski, P.: Weakly Supervised Action Labeling in Videos under Orde...
with: Bottou, L.: Is object localization for free? - Weakly-supervised learn...
with: Bottou, L.: Learning and Transferring Mid-level Image Representations ...
with: Bursuc, A.: Drive&Segment: Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation of U...
with: Carpentier, J.: CosyPose: Consistent Multi-view Multi-object 6d Pose E...
with: Carpentier, J.: Estimating 3D Motion and Forces of Human-Object Intera...
with: Carpentier, J.: Estimating 3D Motion and Forces of Person-Object Inter...
with: Carpentier, J.: Single-view robot pose and joint angle estimation via ...
with: Chari, V.: On pairwise costs for network flow multi-object tracking
with: Chum, O.: Lost in quantization: Improving particular object retrieval ...
with: Chum, O.: Object retrieval with large vocabularies and fast spatial ma...
with: Chum, O.: Total Recall: Automatic Query Expansion with a Generative Fe...
with: Cimpoi, M.: InLoc: Indoor Visual Localization with Dense Matching and ...
with: Cimpoi, M.: NCNet: Neighbourhood Consensus Networks for Estimating Ima...
with: Cinbis, R.G.: Cross-Task Weakly Supervised Learning From Instructional...
with: Crandall, D.J.: Linking Past to Present: Discovering Style in Two Cent...
with: Dalens, T.: Bilinear Image Translation for Temporal Analysis of Photo ...
with: Damen, D.: GenHowTo: Learning to Generate Actions and State Transforma...
with: Darrell, T.J.: Localizing Moments in Video with Natural Language
with: Davis, L.S.: Guest Editorial: Large Scale Visual Media Geo-Localization
with: Delaitre, V.: People Watching: Human Actions as a Cue for Single View ...
with: Delaitre, V.: Recognizing human actions in still images: A study of ba...
with: Delaitre, V.: Scene Semantics from Long-Term Observation of People
with: Dessales, H.: Automatic alignment of paintings and photographs depicti...
with: Doersch, C.: What Makes Paris Look Like Paris?
with: Du, Y.L.: Weakly Supervised Human-Object Interaction Detection in Vide...
with: Duchenne, O.: Automatic Annotation of Human Actions in Video
with: Dusmanu, M.: D2-Net: A Trainable CNN for Joint Description and Detecti...
with: Efros, A.A.: Discovering Objects and their Localization in Images
with: Efros, A.A.: Linking Past to Present: Discovering Style in Two Centuri...
with: Efros, A.A.: People Watching: Human Actions as a Cue for Single View G...
with: Efros, A.A.: Scene Semantics from Long-Term Observation of People
with: Efros, A.A.: Seeing 3D Chairs: Exemplar Part-Based 2D-3D Alignment Usi...
with: Efros, A.A.: Unsupervised discovery of visual object class hierarchies
with: Efros, A.A.: Using Multiple Segmentations to Discover Objects and thei...
with: Efros, A.A.: What Makes Paris Look Like Paris?
with: Everingham, M.R.: Hello! My name is Buffy: Automatic Naming of Charact...
with: Everingham, M.R.: Person Spotting: Video Shot Retrieval for Face Sets
with: Everingham, M.R.: Taking the bite out of automated naming of character...
with: Everingham, M.R.: Who are you? - Learning person specific classifiers ...
with: Fouhey, D.: Cross-Task Weakly Supervised Learning From Instructional V...
with: Fouhey, D.F.: People Watching: Human Actions as a Cue for Single View ...
with: Fouhey, D.F.: Scene Semantics from Long-Term Observation of People
with: Freeman, W.T.: Creating and exploring a large photorealistic virtual s...
with: Freeman, W.T.: Discovering Objects and their Localization in Images
with: Freeman, W.T.: Infinite Images: Creating and Exploring a Large Photore...
with: Freeman, W.T.: SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Different Scenes
with: Freeman, W.T.: Unsupervised discovery of visual object class hierarchies
with: Freeman, W.T.: Using Multiple Segmentations to Discover Objects and th...
with: Gidaris, S.: Drive&Segment: Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation of ...
with: Girdhar, R.: ActionVLAD: Learning Spatio-Temporal Aggregation for Acti...
with: Gronat, P.: Learning and Calibrating Per-Location Classifiers for Visu...
with: Gronat, P.: NetVLAD: CNN Architecture for Weakly Supervised Place Reco...
with: Gupta, A.: ActionVLAD: Learning Spatio-Temporal Aggregation for Action...
with: Gupta, A.: People Watching: Human Actions as a Cue for Single View Geo...
with: Gupta, A.: Scene Semantics from Long-Term Observation of People
with: Gupta, A.: What Makes Paris Look Like Paris?
with: Hammarstrand, L.: Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Cha...
with: Hammarstrand, L.: Long-Term Visual Localization Revisited
with: Hammoud, R.I.: Guest Editorial: Large Scale Visual Media Geo-Localizat...
with: Heilbron, F.C.: Meta-Personalizing Vision-Language Models to Find Name...
with: Hendricks, L.A.: Localizing Moments in Video with Natural Language
with: Hurych, D.: Drive&Segment: Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation of U...
with: Ikeuchi, K.: Guest Editorial: Best Papers from ICCV 2015
with: Isard, M.: Descriptor Learning for Efficient Retrieval
with: Isard, M.: Lost in quantization: Improving particular object retrieval...
with: Isard, M.: Object retrieval with large vocabularies and fast spatial m...
with: Isard, M.: Total Recall: Automatic Query Expansion with a Generative F...
with: Jenni, S.: Meta-Personalizing Vision-Language Models to Find Named Ins...
with: Kahl, F.: Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changing Co...
with: Kahl, F.: Long-Term Visual Localization Revisited
with: Kaneva, B.: Creating and exploring a large photorealistic virtual space
with: Kaneva, B.: Infinite Images: Creating and Exploring a Large Photoreali...
with: Knopp, J.: Avoiding Confusing Features in Place Recognition
with: Labbe, Y.: CosyPose: Consistent Multi-view Multi-object 6d Pose Estima...
with: Labbe, Y.: Focal Length and Object Pose Estimation via Render and Comp...
with: Labbe, Y.: Single-view robot pose and joint angle estimation via rende...
with: Lacoste Julien, S.: Joint Discovery of Object States and Manipulation ...
with: Lacoste Julien, S.: Learning from Narrated Instruction Videos
with: Lacoste Julien, S.: On pairwise costs for network flow multi-object tr...
with: Lacoste Julien, S.: Unsupervised Learning from Narrated Instruction Vi...
with: Lajugie, R.: Weakly Supervised Action Labeling in Videos under Orderin...
with: Laptev, I.: Automatic Annotation of Human Actions in Video
with: Laptev, I.: Cross-Task Weakly Supervised Learning From Instructional V...
with: Laptev, I.: Data-driven crowd analysis in videos
with: Laptev, I.: Density-aware person detection and tracking in crowds
with: Laptev, I.: Detecting Unseen Visual Relations Using Analogies
with: Laptev, I.: End-to-End Learning of Visual Representations From Uncurat...
with: Laptev, I.: Estimating 3D Motion and Forces of Human-Object Interactio...
with: Laptev, I.: Estimating 3D Motion and Forces of Person-Object Interacti...
with: Laptev, I.: Finding Actors and Actions in Movies
with: Laptev, I.: GenHowTo: Learning to Generate Actions and State Transform...
with: Laptev, I.: Guest Editorial: Video Recognition
with: Laptev, I.: Is object localization for free? - Weakly-supervised learn...
with: Laptev, I.: Joint Discovery of Object States and Manipulation Actions
with: Laptev, I.: Just Ask: Learning to Answer Questions from Millions of Na...
with: Laptev, I.: Learning Actionness via Long-range Temporal Order Verifica...
with: Laptev, I.: Learning and Transferring Mid-level Image Representations ...
with: Laptev, I.: Learning from Narrated Instruction Videos
with: Laptev, I.: Learning from Video and Text via Large-Scale Discriminativ...
with: Laptev, I.: Look for the Change: Learning Object States and State-Modi...
with: Laptev, I.: Multi-Task Learning of Object States and State-Modifying A...
with: Laptev, I.: On pairwise costs for network flow multi-object tracking
with: Laptev, I.: People Watching: Human Actions as a Cue for Single View Ge...
with: Laptev, I.: Pose Estimation and Segmentation of Multiple People in Ste...
with: Laptev, I.: Pose Estimation and Segmentation of People in 3D Movies
with: Laptev, I.: Predicting Actions from Static Scenes
with: Laptev, I.: Recognizing human actions in still images: A study of bag-...
with: Laptev, I.: Scene Semantics from Long-Term Observation of People
with: Laptev, I.: Thinking Fast and Slow: Efficient Text-to-Visual Retrieval...
with: Laptev, I.: TubeDETR: Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding with Transformers
with: Laptev, I.: Unsupervised Learning from Narrated Instruction Videos
with: Laptev, I.: Vid2Seq: Large-Scale Pretraining of a Visual Language Mode...
with: Laptev, I.: Weakly Supervised Action Labeling in Videos under Ordering...
with: Laptev, I.: Weakly-Supervised Learning of Visual Relations
with: Lee, S.: Linking Past to Present: Discovering Style in Two Centuries o...
with: Li, S.: Weakly Supervised Human-Object Interaction Detection in Video ...
with: Li, Z.M.: Estimating 3D Motion and Forces of Human-Object Interactions...
with: Li, Z.M.: Estimating 3D Motion and Forces of Person-Object Interaction...
with: Liu, C.: SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Different Scenes
with: Maddern, W.: Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changing...
with: Maddern, W.: Long-Term Visual Localization Revisited
with: Maisonneuve, N.: Linking Past to Present: Discovering Style in Two Cen...
with: Mansard, N.: Estimating 3D Motion and Forces of Human-Object Interacti...
with: Mansard, N.: Estimating 3D Motion and Forces of Person-Object Interact...
with: Maturana, D.: Seeing 3D Chairs: Exemplar Part-Based 2D-3D Alignment Us...
with: McKee, D.: Language-Guided Music Recommendation for Video via Prompt A...
with: Miech, A.: End-to-End Learning of Visual Representations From Uncurate...
with: Miech, A.: Just Ask: Learning to Answer Questions from Millions of Nar...
with: Miech, A.: Learning from Video and Text via Large-Scale Discriminative...
with: Miech, A.: Look for the Change: Learning Object States and State-Modif...
with: Miech, A.: Multi-Task Learning of Object States and State-Modifying Ac...
with: Miech, A.: Thinking Fast and Slow: Efficient Text-to-Visual Retrieval ...
with: Miech, A.: TubeDETR: Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding with Transformers
with: Miech, A.: Vid2Seq: Large-Scale Pretraining of a Visual Language Model...
with: Nagrani, A.: Vid2Seq: Large-Scale Pretraining of a Visual Language Mod...
with: Obozinski, G.: Learning and Calibrating Per-Location Classifiers for V...
with: Okutomi, M.: 24/7 Place Recognition by View Synthesis
with: Okutomi, M.: Are Large-Scale 3D Models Really Necessary for Accurate V...
with: Okutomi, M.: Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changing...
with: Okutomi, M.: InLoc: Indoor Visual Localization with Dense Matching and...
with: Okutomi, M.: Is This the Right Place? Geometric-Semantic Pose Verifica...
with: Okutomi, M.: Long-Term Visual Localization Revisited
with: Okutomi, M.: Visual Place Recognition with Repetitive Structures
with: Oliva, A.: Predicting Actions from Static Scenes
with: Olsson, C.: Predicting Actions from Static Scenes
with: Oquab, M.: Is object localization for free? - Weakly-supervised learni...
with: Oquab, M.: Learning and Transferring Mid-level Image Representations U...
with: Pajdla, T.: 24/7 Place Recognition by View Synthesis
with: Pajdla, T.: Are Large-Scale 3D Models Really Necessary for Accurate Vi...
with: Pajdla, T.: Avoiding Confusing Features in Place Recognition
with: Pajdla, T.: Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changing ...
with: Pajdla, T.: D2-Net: A Trainable CNN for Joint Description and Detectio...
with: Pajdla, T.: InLoc: Indoor Visual Localization with Dense Matching and ...
with: Pajdla, T.: Is This the Right Place? Geometric-Semantic Pose Verificat...
with: Pajdla, T.: Learning and Calibrating Per-Location Classifiers for Visu...
with: Pajdla, T.: Long-Term Visual Localization Revisited
with: Pajdla, T.: NCNet: Neighbourhood Consensus Networks for Estimating Ima...
with: Pajdla, T.: NetVLAD: CNN Architecture for Weakly Supervised Place Reco...
with: Pajdla, T.: Visual localization by linear combination of image descrip...
with: Pajdla, T.: Visual Place Recognition with Repetitive Structures
with: Perez, P.: Drive&Segment: Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation of Ur...
with: Peyre, J.: Detecting Unseen Visual Relations Using Analogies
with: Peyre, J.: Weakly-Supervised Learning of Visual Relations
with: Philbin, J.: Descriptor Learning for Efficient Retrieval
with: Philbin, J.: Geometric Latent Dirichlet Allocation on a Matching Graph...
with: Philbin, J.: Geometric LDA: A Generative Model for Particular Object D...
with: Philbin, J.: Lost in quantization: Improving particular object retriev...
with: Philbin, J.: Object retrieval with large vocabularies and fast spatial...
with: Philbin, J.: Total Recall: Automatic Query Expansion with a Generative...
with: Pollefeys, M.: Are Large-Scale 3D Models Really Necessary for Accurate...
with: Pollefeys, M.: Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changi...
with: Pollefeys, M.: D2-Net: A Trainable CNN for Joint Description and Detec...
with: Pollefeys, M.: Guest Editorial: Large Scale Visual Media Geo-Localizat...
with: Pollefeys, M.: InLoc: Indoor Visual Localization with Dense Matching a...
with: Pollefeys, M.: Long-Term Visual Localization Revisited
with: Ponce, J.: Automatic alignment of paintings and photographs depicting ...
with: Ponce, J.: Automatic Annotation of Human Actions in Video
with: Ponce, J.: Finding Actors and Actions in Movies
with: Ponce, J.: Non-uniform Deblurring for Shaken Images
with: Ponce, J.: Weakly Supervised Action Labeling in Videos under Ordering ...
with: Ponimatkin, G.: Focal Length and Object Pose Estimation via Render and...
with: Pont Tuset, J.: Vid2Seq: Large-Scale Pretraining of a Visual Language ...
with: Ramanan, D.: ActionVLAD: Learning Spatio-Temporal Aggregation for Acti...
with: Ramanan, D.: Guest Editorial: Video Recognition
with: Rocco, I.: Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Geometric Mat...
with: Rocco, I.: D2-Net: A Trainable CNN for Joint Description and Detection...
with: Rocco, I.: Efficient Neighbourhood Consensus Networks via Submanifold ...
with: Rocco, I.: End-to-End Weakly-Supervised Semantic Alignment
with: Rocco, I.: Is This the Right Place? Geometric-Semantic Pose Verificati...
with: Rocco, I.: NCNet: Neighbourhood Consensus Networks for Estimating Imag...
with: Rodriguez, M.D.: Data-driven crowd analysis in videos
with: Rodriguez, M.D.: Density-aware person detection and tracking in crowds
with: Russell, B.: ActionVLAD: Learning Spatio-Temporal Aggregation for Acti...
with: Russell, B.: Focal Length and Object Pose Estimation via Render and Co...
with: Russell, B.: Language-Guided Music Recommendation for Video via Prompt...
with: Russell, B.: Localizing Moments in Video with Natural Language
with: Russell, B.: Meta-Personalizing Vision-Language Models to Find Named I...
with: Russell, B.: Weakly Supervised Human-Object Interaction Detection in V...
with: Russell, B.C.: Automatic alignment of paintings and photographs depict...
with: Russell, B.C.: Discovering Objects and their Localization in Images
with: Russell, B.C.: Seeing 3D Chairs: Exemplar Part-Based 2D-3D Alignment U...
with: Russell, B.C.: Unsupervised discovery of visual object class hierarchies
with: Russell, B.C.: Using Multiple Segmentations to Discover Objects and th...
with: Safari, D.: Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changing ...
with: Safari, D.: Long-Term Visual Localization Revisited
with: Salamon, J.: Language-Guided Music Recommendation for Video via Prompt...
with: Sattler, T.: Are Large-Scale 3D Models Really Necessary for Accurate V...
with: Sattler, T.: Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changing...
with: Sattler, T.: D2-Net: A Trainable CNN for Joint Description and Detecti...
with: Sattler, T.: InLoc: Indoor Visual Localization with Dense Matching and...
with: Sattler, T.: Is This the Right Place? Geometric-Semantic Pose Verifica...
with: Sattler, T.: Long-Term Visual Localization Revisited
with: Schaffalitzky, F.: Object Level Grouping for Video Shots
with: Schaffalitzky, F.: Video Google Demo
with: Schmid, C.: Detecting Unseen Visual Relations Using Analogies
with: Schmid, C.: Finding Actors and Actions in Movies
with: Schmid, C.: Just Ask: Learning to Answer Questions from Millions of Na...
with: Schmid, C.: TubeDETR: Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding with Transformers
with: Schmid, C.: Vid2Seq: Large-Scale Pretraining of a Visual Language Mode...
with: Schmid, C.: Weakly Supervised Action Labeling in Videos under Ordering...
with: Schmid, C.: Weakly-Supervised Learning of Visual Relations
with: Schnorr, C.: Guest Editorial: Best Papers from ICCV 2015
with: Sedlar, J.: Estimating 3D Motion and Forces of Human-Object Interactio...
with: Sedlar, J.: Estimating 3D Motion and Forces of Person-Object Interacti...
with: Sedlar, J.: Is This the Right Place? Geometric-Semantic Pose Verificat...
with: Seguin, G.: Pose Estimation and Segmentation of Multiple People in Ste...
with: Seguin, G.: Pose Estimation and Segmentation of People in 3D Movies
with: Seo, P.H.: Vid2Seq: Large-Scale Pretraining of a Visual Language Model...
with: Shechtman, E.: Localizing Moments in Video with Natural Language
with: Simeoni, O.: Drive&Segment: Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation of ...
with: Singh, S.: What Makes Paris Look Like Paris?
with: Smaira, L.: End-to-End Learning of Visual Representations From Uncurat...
with: Soucek, T.: GenHowTo: Learning to Generate Actions and State Transform...
with: Soucek, T.: Look for the Change: Learning Object States and State-Modi...
with: Soucek, T.: Multi-Task Learning of Object States and State-Modifying A...
with: Stenborg, E.: Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changin...
with: Stenborg, E.: Long-Term Visual Localization Revisited
with: Szeliski, R.S.: Finding people in repeated shots of the same scene
with: Taira, H.: Are Large-Scale 3D Models Really Necessary for Accurate Vis...
with: Taira, H.: InLoc: Indoor Visual Localization with Dense Matching and V...
with: Taira, H.: Is This the Right Place? Geometric-Semantic Pose Verificati...
with: Toft, C.: Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changing Co...
with: Toft, C.: Long-Term Visual Localization Revisited
with: Torii, A.: 24/7 Place Recognition by View Synthesis
with: Torii, A.: Are Large-Scale 3D Models Really Necessary for Accurate Vis...
with: Torii, A.: Benchmarking 6DOF Outdoor Visual Localization in Changing C...
with: Torii, A.: D2-Net: A Trainable CNN for Joint Description and Detection...
with: Torii, A.: InLoc: Indoor Visual Localization with Dense Matching and V...
with: Torii, A.: Is This the Right Place? Geometric-Semantic Pose Verificati...
with: Torii, A.: Long-Term Visual Localization Revisited
with: Torii, A.: NCNet: Neighbourhood Consensus Networks for Estimating Imag...
with: Torii, A.: NetVLAD: CNN Architecture for Weakly Supervised Place Recog...
with: Torii, A.: Visual localization by linear combination of image descript...
with: Torii, A.: Visual Place Recognition with Repetitive Structures
with: Torralba, A.B.: Creating and exploring a large photorealistic virtual ...
with: Torralba, A.B.: Infinite Images: Creating and Exploring a Large Photor...
with: Torralba, A.B.: SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Different Scenes
with: Torralba, A.B.: Weakly Supervised Human-Object Interaction Detection i...
with: Vida, R.: Guest Editorial: Best Papers from ICCV 2015
with: Vobecky, A.: Drive&Segment: Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation of ...
with: Vu, T.H.: Predicting Actions from Static Scenes
with: Wang, O.: Localizing Moments in Video with Natural Language
with: Whyte, O.: Deblurring Shaken and Partially Saturated Images
with: Whyte, O.: Get Out of my Picture! Internet-based Inpainting
with: Whyte, O.: Non-uniform Deblurring for Shaken Images
with: Wray, M.: GenHowTo: Learning to Generate Actions and State Transformat...
with: Yang, A.: Just Ask: Learning to Answer Questions from Millions of Narr...
with: Yang, A.: TubeDETR: Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding with Transformers
with: Yang, A.: Vid2Seq: Large-Scale Pretraining of a Visual Language Model ...
with: Yeh, C.H.: Meta-Personalizing Vision-Language Models to Find Named Ins...
with: Yuen, J.: SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Different Scenes
with: Zhukov, D.: Cross-Task Weakly Supervised Learning From Instructional V...
with: Zhukov, D.: Learning Actionness via Long-range Temporal Order Verifica...
with: Zisserman, A.: Deblurring Shaken and Partially Saturated Images
with: Zisserman, A.: Descriptor Learning for Efficient Retrieval
with: Zisserman, A.: Discovering Objects and their Localization in Images
with: Zisserman, A.: Efficient Visual Search for Objects in Videos
with: Zisserman, A.: Efficient Visual Search of Videos Cast as Text Retrieval
with: Zisserman, A.: End-to-End Learning of Visual Representations From Uncu...
with: Zisserman, A.: Geometric Latent Dirichlet Allocation on a Matching Gra...
with: Zisserman, A.: Geometric LDA: A Generative Model for Particular Object...
with: Zisserman, A.: Get Out of my Picture! Internet-based Inpainting
with: Zisserman, A.: Hello! My name is Buffy: Automatic Naming of Characters...
with: Zisserman, A.: Lost in quantization: Improving particular object retri...
with: Zisserman, A.: Non-uniform Deblurring for Shaken Images
with: Zisserman, A.: Object Level Grouping for Video Shots
with: Zisserman, A.: Object retrieval with large vocabularies and fast spati...
with: Zisserman, A.: Person Spotting: Video Shot Retrieval for Face Sets
with: Zisserman, A.: Taking the bite out of automated naming of characters i...
with: Zisserman, A.: Thinking Fast and Slow: Efficient Text-to-Visual Retrie...
with: Zisserman, A.: Total Recall: Automatic Query Expansion with a Generati...
with: Zisserman, A.: Unsupervised discovery of visual object class hierarchies
with: Zisserman, A.: Using Multiple Segmentations to Discover Objects and th...
with: Zisserman, A.: Video data mining using configurations of viewpoint inv...
with: Zisserman, A.: Video Google Demo
with: Zisserman, A.: Video google: A text retrieval approach to object match...
with: Zisserman, A.: Video Google: Efficient Visual Search of Videos
with: Zisserman, A.: Who are you? - Learning person specific classifiers fro...
with: Zitnick, C.L.: Finding people in repeated shots of the same scene
377 for Sivic, J.
Sivignon, I.
Standard Author Listing
with: Andres, E.: Discrete analytical curve reconstruction without patches
with: Breton, R.: Discrete analytical curve reconstruction without patches
with: Broutta, A.: Hierarchical Discrete Medial Axis for Sphere-Tree Constru...
with: Chassery, J.M.: Digital geometry fundaments: application to plane reco...
with: Chassery, J.M.: Discrete Surfaces Segmentation into Discrete Planes
with: Chassery, J.M.: Optimal Covering of a Straight Line Applied to Discret...
with: Chassery, J.M.: Reversible vectorisation of 3D digital planar curves a...
with: Coeurjolly, D.: Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
with: Coeurjolly, D.: Efficient distance transformation for path-based metrics
with: Coeurjolly, D.: From Digital Plane Segmentation to Polyhedral Represen...
with: Coeurjolly, D.: Hierarchical Discrete Medial Axis for Sphere-Tree Cons...
with: Coeurjolly, D.: Measure Of Straight Lines For Digital Contour Analysis
with: Dupont, F.: Digital geometry fundaments: application to plane recognit...
with: Dupont, F.: Discrete analytical curve reconstruction without patches
with: Dupont, F.: Discrete Surfaces Segmentation into Discrete Planes
with: Dupont, F.: Reversible vectorisation of 3D digital planar curves and a...
with: Roussillon, T.: Computation of Binary Objects Sides Number using Discr...
with: Roussillon, T.: Faithful polygonal representation of the convex and co...
with: Roussillon, T.: Measure of circularity for parts of digital boundaries...
with: Roussillon, T.: On Three Constrained Versions of the Digital Circular ...
with: Roussillon, T.: Robust decomposition of a digital curve into convex an...
with: Roussillon, T.: What Does Digital Straightness Tell about Digital Conv...
with: Tougne, L.: Computation of Binary Objects Sides Number using Discrete ...
with: Tougne, L.: Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
with: Tougne, L.: Measure of circularity for parts of digital boundaries and...
with: Tougne, L.: On Three Constrained Versions of the Digital Circular Arc ...
with: Tougne, L.: Robust decomposition of a digital curve into convex and co...
with: Tougne, L.: What Does Digital Straightness Tell about Digital Convexity?
with: Vittone, J.: Digital geometry fundaments: application to plane recogni...
29 for Sivignon, I.
Siviter, D.
Standard Author Listing
with: Khadaria, M.: Real-time, multiple hot-target tracking and multi-spectr...
with: Pusateri, M.A.: Multicamera-multispectral video library: An algorithm ...
with: Pusateri, M.A.: Real-time, multiple hot-target tracking and multi-spec...
with: Williams, E.: Multicamera-multispectral video library: An algorithm de...
Siviter, J.
Standard Author Listing
with: Fry, J.: Real-time mapping and navigation by fusion of multiple electr...
with: Lesutis, D.: Real-time mapping and navigation by fusion of multiple el...
with: Pusateri, M.A.: Real-time mapping and navigation by fusion of multiple...
with: Sandoval, R.: Real-time mapping and navigation by fusion of multiple e...
Sivitskis, A.J.
Standard Author Listing
with: Al Jabri, S.: Detecting and Mapping Slag Heaps at Ancient Copper Produ...
with: Dumitru, I.A.: Detecting and Mapping Slag Heaps at Ancient Copper Prod...
with: Harrower, M.J.: Detecting and Mapping Slag Heaps at Ancient Copper Pro...
with: Helwing, B.: Detecting and Mapping Slag Heaps at Ancient Copper Produc...
with: Lehner, J.W.: Detecting and Mapping Slag Heaps at Ancient Copper Produ...
with: Moraetis, D.: Detecting and Mapping Slag Heaps at Ancient Copper Produ...
with: Nathan, S.: Detecting and Mapping Slag Heaps at Ancient Copper Product...
with: Paulsen, P.E.: Detecting and Mapping Slag Heaps at Ancient Copper Prod...
with: Pracejus, B.: Detecting and Mapping Slag Heaps at Ancient Copper Produ...
with: Viete, D.R.: Detecting and Mapping Slag Heaps at Ancient Copper Produc...
with: Wiig, F.: Detecting and Mapping Slag Heaps at Ancient Copper Productio...
11 for Sivitskis, A.J.