Journals starting with vi02

VI02 * *Vision Interface
* 3D Head Models Retrieval Based on Hierarchical Facial Region Similarity
* Adaptive-Sampling Algorithm for Object Representation, An
* Affordable 3D Face Tracking Using Projective Vision
* Algorithme Génétique et Critère de la Trace pour l'Optimisation du Vecteur Attribut: Application à la Classification Supervisée des Images de Textures
* Anisotropic Diffusion by a Recursive Linear Convolving Method: Application to Space-time Segmentation and Pattern Recognition
* Automated Visual Surveillance Using Hidden Markov Models
* Bayesian Real-Time Optical Flow
* Camera Calibration with a Viewfinder
* Combination of Decisions by Multiple Document Object Locators
* Detection and Tracking of Eyes for Gaze-camera Control
* Detection of Obstacles Using Features by the Horizon View Camera, The
* Empirical Study of Some Feature Matching Strategies, An
* Estimating Expansion Rates from Range Data Sequences
* Extraction of Hand Features for Recognition of Sign Language Words
* Face Reconstruction From Shading Using Smooth Projected Polygon NN
* Fast Area-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm, A
* Generation of Arm-gesture and Facial Expression for Intelligent Avatar Communications in the Internet
* Generation of Images of Historical Documents by Composition of their Components
* Geometrical and Topological Informations for Image Segmentation with Monte Carlo Markov Chain Implementation
* Geometry and Statistics of Visual Space-Time
* Granulometry Using Transformation Based Techniques
* Hand Shape Estimation Using Sequence of Multi-Ocular Images Based on Transition Network
* Hierarchical Indexing Images Using Weighted Low Dimensional Texture Features
* Histogram Characterization of Colored textures Using One-Dimensional Moments and Chromaticity Diagram
* Hybrid System for Recognition of Handwritten Symbols on the Base of Structural Methods and Neural Networks
* Improved Method of Handwritten Digit Recognition Tested on MNIST Database
* Intrinsic Filtering of Range Images Using a Physically Based Noise Model
* Iterative Method for Improving Bas-relief Ambiguity, An
* Limiting the Search Range of Correlation Stereo Using Silhouettes
* Motion Segmentation and Tracking
* Multi-object Motion Pattern Classification for Visual Surveillance and Sports Video Retrieval
* N-Feature Neural Network Human Face Recognition
* New Fast and Robust Circle Extraction Algorithm, A
* Nouse Use Your Nose as a Mouse: A New Technology for Hands-free Games and Interfaces
* Novel Probability Model for Background Maintenance and Subtraction, A
* OpenCV: Examples of Use and New Applications in Stereo, Recognition and Tracking
* Person Identification Technique Using Human Iris Recognition
* Pose Error Effects on Range Sensing
* Real-Time Motion Estimation by Object-Matching for High-Level Video Representation
* Real-Time Tracking for Visual Interface Applications in Cluttered and Occluding Situations
* Reconnaissance en-Ligne de Caractères Arabes Manuscrits par un Réseau de Kohonen
* Reconstructing Depth from Spatiotemporal Curves
* Region-Based Image Retrieval using Wavelet Transform
* Retrieval of the Calibration Matrix from the 3-D Projective Camera Model
* Road Sign Recognition by Single Positioning of Space-Variant Sensor Window
* Robot Navigation Using Panoramic Landmark Tracking
* Robust Corner Tracking for Real-time Augmented Reality
* Robust Face Detection and Japanese Sign Language Hand Posture Recognition for Human-Computer Interaction in an Intelligent Room
* Semantics Retrieval by Content and Context of Image Regions
* Simple Distances Between Handwritten Signatures
* Simulating Eye Movement in Reading using Short-term Memory
* Simultaneous Computation of Defocus Blur and Apparent Shifts in Spatial Domain
* Stable Recovery of Shape and Motion from Partially Tracked Feature Points with Fast Nonlinear Optimization
* Stereo Confidence Metric Using Single View Imagery, A
* Thin Lens Based Camera Model for Depth Estimation from Blur and Translation by Zooming, A
* Three-dimensional Structure Calculation: Achieving Accuracy without Calibration
* TLA Based Face Tracking
* Towards a Fast and Reliable Dense Matching Algorithm
* Visual Abstraction of Wildlife Footage using Gaussian Mixture Models
* Wavelet Based Resolution Enhancement of Omnidirectional Image
61 for VI02

Index for "v"

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