Index for kala

Kala, J.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Moodley, D.: Leaf Classification Using Convexity Measure of Polygons
     with: Moodley, D.: Leaf Classification Using Convexity Moments of Polygons
     with: Tapamo, J.R.: Leaf Classification Using Convexity Measure of Polygons
     with: Viriri, S.: Leaf Classification Using Convexity Measure of Polygons
     with: Viriri, S.: Leaf Classification Using Convexity Moments of Polygons

Kala, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Shukla, A.: Evolving robotic path with genetically optimised fuzzy pla...
     with: Tiwari, R.: Evolving robotic path with genetically optimised fuzzy pla...
     with: Warwick, K.: Computing journey start times with recurrent traffic cond...
     with: Warwick, K.: Planning Autonomous Vehicles in the Absence of Speed Lane...

Kalaani, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Q.: Spatial Pyramid Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Netw...
     with: Fu, S.: Spatial Pyramid Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
     with: Guo, J.: Spatial Pyramid Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Netwo...
     with: Ma, X.: Spatial Pyramid Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
     with: McGuire, M.: Spatial Pyramid Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural N...
     with: Sansom, A.: Spatial Pyramid Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Ne...
     with: Tang, S.: Spatial Pyramid Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Netw...
     with: Yang, Q.: Spatial Pyramid Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Netw...
8 for Kalaani, A.

Kalabokas, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Badeka, E.: Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Using Loc...
     with: Mavridou, E.: Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Using L...
     with: Nicolaou, A.: Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Using L...
     with: Pachidis, T.: Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Using L...
     with: Papakostas, G.A.: Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Usi...
     with: Tziridis, K.: Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Using L...
     with: Vrochidou, E.: Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Using ...
7 for Kalabokas, T.

Kalabokidis, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ager, A.A.: Modelling Fire Behavior to Assess Community Exposure in Eu...
     with: Arapostathis, S.G.: Developing Seismic Intensity Maps From Twitter Dat...
     with: Athanasis, N.: Emergence of Social Media for Natural Disasters Managem...
     with: Day, M.A.: Modelling Fire Behavior to Assess Community Exposure in Eur...
     with: Drakatos, G.: Developing Seismic Intensity Maps From Twitter Data; the...
     with: Galatsidas, S.: Modelling Fire Behavior to Assess Community Exposure i...
     with: Kalogeras, I.: Developing Seismic Intensity Maps From Twitter Data; th...
     with: Lekkas, E.: Developing Seismic Intensity Maps From Twitter Data; the C...
     with: Palaiologou, P.: Emergence of Social Media for Natural Disasters Manag...
     with: Palaiologou, P.: Modelling Fire Behavior to Assess Community Exposure ...
     with: Palaiologou, P.: Neural-Network Time-Series Analysis of MODIS EVI for ...
     with: Papakonstantinou, A.: Emergence of Social Media for Natural Disasters ...
     with: Papalampros, L.: Modelling Fire Behavior to Assess Community Exposure ...
     with: Soulakellis, N.: Emergence of Social Media for Natural Disasters Manag...
     with: Spirou, N.: Developing Seismic Intensity Maps From Twitter Data; the C...
     with: Themistocleous, M.: Emergence of Social Media for Natural Disasters Ma...
     with: Tsekouras, G.E.: Neural-Network Time-Series Analysis of MODIS EVI for ...
     with: Vasilakos, C.: Neural-Network Time-Series Analysis of MODIS EVI for Po...
     with: Xanthopoulos, G.: Developing Seismic Intensity Maps From Twitter Data;...
19 for Kalabokidis, K.

Kalacska, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arroyo Mora, J.P.: Airborne Hyperspectral Evaluation of Maximum Gross ...
     with: Arroyo Mora, J.P.: Characterizing and Mitigating Sensor Generated Spat...
     with: Arroyo Mora, J.P.: Estimating Peatland Water Table Depth and Net Ecosy...
     with: Arroyo Mora, J.P.: Freshwater Fish Habitat Complexity Mapping Using Ab...
     with: Arroyo Mora, J.P.: Land Cover, Land Use, and Climate Change Impacts on...
     with: Arroyo Mora, J.P.: Limitations of a Multispectral UAV Sensor for Satel...
     with: Arroyo Mora, J.P.: Spectral Complexity of Hyperspectral Images: A New ...
     with: Arroyo Mora, J.P.: Videographic Analysis of Eriophorum Vaginatum Spati...
     with: Carteron, A.: Foliar Spectra and Traits of Bog Plants across Nitrogen ...
     with: Cheriet, M.: Constrained Energy Maximization and Self-Referencing Meth...
     with: Cheriet, M.: ICDAR 2015 contest on MultiSpectral Text Extraction (MS-T...
     with: Cheriet, M.: Influence of Color-to-Gray Conversion on the Performance ...
     with: Cheriet, M.: Iterative Classifiers Combination Model for Change Detect...
     with: Cottrell, B.: Limitations of a Multispectral UAV Sensor for Satellite ...
     with: Darko, P.O.: Spectral Complexity of Hyperspectral Images: A New Approa...
     with: de Gea, J.: Spectral Reflectance of Polar Bear and Other Large Arctic ...
     with: de Gea, J.: Videographic Analysis of Eriophorum Vaginatum Spatial Cove...
     with: Fagan, M.E.: Spectral Complexity of Hyperspectral Images: A New Approa...
     with: Francis, C.M.: Spectral Reflectance of Polar Bear and Other Large Arct...
     with: Girard, A.: Foliar Spectra and Traits of Bog Plants across Nitrogen De...
     with: Hedjam, R.: Constrained Energy Maximization and Self-Referencing Metho...
     with: Hedjam, R.: ICDAR 2015 contest on MultiSpectral Text Extraction (MS-TE...
     with: Hedjam, R.: Influence of Color-to-Gray Conversion on the Performance o...
     with: Hedjam, R.: Iterative Classifiers Combination Model for Change Detecti...
     with: Herzog, C.: Videographic Analysis of Eriophorum Vaginatum Spatial Cove...
     with: Humphreys, E.: Estimating Peatland Water Table Depth and Net Ecosystem...
     with: Ifimov, G.: Airborne Hyperspectral Evaluation of Maximum Gross Photosy...
     with: Inamdar, D.: Airborne Hyperspectral Evaluation of Maximum Gross Photos...
     with: Inamdar, D.: Characterizing and Mitigating Sensor Generated Spatial Co...
     with: Inamdar, D.: Correlation Coefficient as a Simple Tool for the Localiza...
     with: Inamdar, D.: Estimating Peatland Water Table Depth and Net Ecosystem E...
     with: Inamdar, D.: Limitations of a Multispectral UAV Sensor for Satellite V...
     with: Juutinen, S.: Airborne Hyperspectral Evaluation of Maximum Gross Photo...
     with: Kishe Machumu, M.A.: Land Cover, Land Use, and Climate Change Impacts ...
     with: Laliberte, E.: Foliar Spectra and Traits of Bog Plants across Nitrogen...
     with: Le Blanc, G.: Correlation Coefficient as a Simple Tool for the Localiz...
     with: Le Blanc, G.: Spectral Reflectance of Polar Bear and Other Large Arcti...
     with: Leblanc, G.: Airborne Hyperspectral Evaluation of Maximum Gross Photos...
     with: Leblanc, G.: Characterizing and Mitigating Sensor Generated Spatial Co...
     with: Leblanc, G.: Estimating Peatland Water Table Depth and Net Ecosystem E...
     with: Loke, T.: Limitations of a Multispectral UAV Sensor for Satellite Vali...
     with: Lucanus, O.: Estimating Peatland Water Table Depth and Net Ecosystem E...
     with: Lucanus, O.: Freshwater Fish Habitat Complexity Mapping Using Above an...
     with: Lucanus, O.: Land Cover, Land Use, and Climate Change Impacts on Endem...
     with: Lucanus, O.: Limitations of a Multispectral UAV Sensor for Satellite V...
     with: Mignotte, M.: Iterative Classifiers Combination Model for Change Detec...
     with: Moghaddam, R.F.: ICDAR 2015 contest on MultiSpectral Text Extraction (...
     with: Moore, T.R.: Airborne Hyperspectral Evaluation of Maximum Gross Photos...
     with: Moore, T.R.: Estimating Peatland Water Table Depth and Net Ecosystem E...
     with: Moore, T.R.: Videographic Analysis of Eriophorum Vaginatum Spatial Cov...
     with: Nafchi, H.Z.: ICDAR 2015 contest on MultiSpectral Text Extraction (MS-...
     with: Nafchi, H.Z.: Influence of Color-to-Gray Conversion on the Performance...
     with: Roulet, N.T.: Airborne Hyperspectral Evaluation of Maximum Gross Photo...
     with: Roulet, N.T.: Estimating Peatland Water Table Depth and Net Ecosystem ...
     with: Rowan, G.S.L.: Review of Remote Sensing of Submerged Aquatic Vegetatio...
     with: Schweiger, A.K.: Foliar Spectra and Traits of Bog Plants across Nitrog...
     with: Snirer, E.: Videographic Analysis of Eriophorum Vaginatum Spatial Cove...
     with: Soffer, R.: Spectral Reflectance of Polar Bear and Other Large Arctic ...
     with: Soffer, R.J.: Airborne Hyperspectral Evaluation of Maximum Gross Photo...
     with: Soffer, R.J.: Correlation Coefficient as a Simple Tool for the Localiz...
     with: Soffer, R.J.: Estimating Peatland Water Table Depth and Net Ecosystem ...
     with: Soffer, R.J.: Limitations of a Multispectral UAV Sensor for Satellite ...
     with: Sousa, L.: Freshwater Fish Habitat Complexity Mapping Using Above and ...
     with: Vieira, T.: Freshwater Fish Habitat Complexity Mapping Using Above and...
     with: Ziaei Nafchi, H.: Iterative Classifiers Combination Model for Change D...
65 for Kalacska, M.

Kalafatic, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Klindzic, R.S.: Multiscale and Multitemporal Remote Sensing for Neolit...
     with: Siljeg, B.: Multiscale and Multitemporal Remote Sensing for Neolithic ...

Kalafatic, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brkic, K.: De-identifying people in videos using neural art
     with: Brkic, K.: Exploiting temporal and spatial constraints in traffic sign...
     with: Brkic, K.: Generative modeling of spatio-temporal traffic sign traject...
     with: Brkic, K.: Histogram-Based Description of Local Space-Time Appearance
     with: Brkic, K.: I Know That Person: Generative Full Body and Face De-identi...
     with: Brkic, K.: Towards Space-Time Semantics in Two Frames
     with: Budimir, L.A.: Scalable Hypersphere Embedding for Semantic Metric Lear...
     with: Hrkac, T.: De-identifying people in videos using neural art
     with: Hrkac, T.: I Know That Person: Generative Full Body and Face De-identi...
     with: Hrkac, T.: Infrared-Visual Image Registration Based on Corners and Hau...
     with: Krapac, J.: Infrared-Visual Image Registration Based on Corners and Ha...
     with: Loncaric, S.: Enhancing Retail Product Recognition: Fine-Grained Bottl...
     with: Loncaric, S.: Scalable Hypersphere Embedding for Semantic Metric Learn...
     with: Pinz, A.: Exploiting temporal and spatial constraints in traffic sign ...
     with: Pinz, A.: Generative modeling of spatio-temporal traffic sign trajecto...
     with: Pinz, A.: Histogram-Based Description of Local Space-Time Appearance
     with: Pinz, A.: Towards Space-Time Semantics in Two Frames
     with: Ribaric, S.: system for tracking laboratory animals based on optical f...
     with: Segvic, S.: Exploiting temporal and spatial constraints in traffic sig...
     with: Segvic, S.: Generative modeling of spatio-temporal traffic sign trajec...
     with: Segvic, S.: Histogram-Based Description of Local Space-Time Appearance
     with: Segvic, S.: Towards Space-Time Semantics in Two Frames
     with: Sikiric, I.: De-identifying people in videos using neural art
     with: Sikiric, I.: Generative modeling of spatio-temporal traffic sign traje...
     with: Sikiric, I.: I Know That Person: Generative Full Body and Face De-iden...
     with: Stanisavljevic, V.: system for tracking laboratory animals based on op...
     with: Subasic, M.: Enhancing Retail Product Recognition: Fine-Grained Bottle...
     with: Subasic, M.: Scalable Hypersphere Embedding for Semantic Metric Learning
     with: Tolja, K.: Enhancing Retail Product Recognition: Fine-Grained Bottle S...
29 for Kalafatic, Z.

Kalafatis, I.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dendris, N.D.: Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Geometrically Characte...
     with: Kirousis, L.M.: Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Geometrically Charact...

Kalafatis, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhandari, M.: Testing the Performance of LSTM and ARIMA Models for In-...
     with: Braga Neto, U.: Testing the Performance of LSTM and ARIMA Models for I...
     with: Dhal, S.B.: Testing the Performance of LSTM and ARIMA Models for In-Se...
     with: Gadepally, K.C.: Testing the Performance of LSTM and ARIMA Models for ...
     with: Landivar Scott, J.L.: Testing the Performance of LSTM and ARIMA Models...
     with: Landivar, J.: Testing the Performance of LSTM and ARIMA Models for In-...
     with: Nowka, K.: Testing the Performance of LSTM and ARIMA Models for In-Sea...
     with: Pal, P.: Testing the Performance of LSTM and ARIMA Models for In-Seaso...
     with: Zhao, L.: Testing the Performance of LSTM and ARIMA Models for In-Seas...
9 for Kalafatis, S.

Kalafatlar, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Yemez, Y.: 3D Articulated Shape Segmentation Using Motion Information

Kalaganis, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chatzilari, E.: Computer Vision System Supporting Blind People: The Su...
     with: Georgiadis, K.: Computer Vision System Supporting Blind People: The Su...
     with: Kompatsiaris, I.: Computer Vision System Supporting Blind People: The ...
     with: Migkotzidis, P.: Computer Vision System Supporting Blind People: The S...
     with: Nikolopoulos, S.: Computer Vision System Supporting Blind People: The ...

Kalai, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Seitz, S.M.: Omnivergent Stereo
     with: Shum, H.Y.: Omnivergent Stereo

Kalaiah, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Capin, T.K.: Unified Graphics Rendering Pipeline for Autostereoscopic ...

Kalaichelvi, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Das, S.K.: Path planning of mobile manipulator for navigation and obje...
     with: Rout, B.K.: Path planning of mobile manipulator for navigation and obj...
     with: Saraiya, A.A.: Path planning of mobile manipulator for navigation and ...

Kalaidzidis, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jug, F.: DeepContrast: Deep Tissue Contrast Enhancement using Syntheti...
     with: Martins, N.P.: DeepContrast: Deep Tissue Contrast Enhancement using Sy...
     with: Morales Navarrete, H.: Prediction of Multiple 3D Tissue Structures Bas...
     with: Segovia Miranda, F.: Prediction of Multiple 3D Tissue Structures Based...
     with: Zerial, M.: DeepContrast: Deep Tissue Contrast Enhancement using Synth...
     with: Zerial, M.: Prediction of Multiple 3D Tissue Structures Based on Singl...

Kalaiselvam, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Muthuchidambaranathan, P.: Performance analysis of multiuser MIMO syst...
     with: Raja, M.: Performance analysis of multiuser MIMO systems using non-ite...

Kalaiselvi, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kalaividya, P.A.: Edge detection using Chebyshev's orthogonal polynomi...
     with: Krishnamoorthy, R.: Edge detection using Chebyshev's orthogonal polyno...
     with: Nagaraja, P.: rapid automatic brain tumor detection method for MRI ima...
     with: Padmapriya, T.: Development of automatic glioma brain tumor detection ...
     with: Padmapriya, T.: Multimodal covid network: Multimodal bespoke convoluti...
     with: Praveenkumar, S.: Edge detection using Chebyshev's orthogonal polynomi...
     with: Priyadharshini, V.: Development of automatic glioma brain tumor detect...
     with: Priyadharshini, V.: Multimodal covid network: Multimodal bespoke convo...
     with: Rajeswaran, R.: rapid knowledge-based partial supervision fuzzy c-mean...
     with: Somasundaram, K.: Edge detection using Chebyshev's orthogonal polynomi...
     with: Somasundaram, K.: rapid knowledge-based partial supervision fuzzy c-me...
     with: Sriramakrishnan, P.: Development of automatic glioma brain tumor detec...
     with: Sriramakrishnan, P.: Rapid brain tissue segmentation process by modifi...
     with: Sriramakrishnan, P.: rapid knowledge-based partial supervision fuzzy c...
14 for Kalaiselvi, T.

Kalaitzakis, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kastrinaki, V.: survey of video processing techniques for traffic appl...
     with: Zervakis, M.: survey of video processing techniques for traffic applic...

Kalaitzi, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boesch, H.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Cai, Z.N.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Che, K.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Chen, H.L.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: di Noia, A.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Feng, L.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Hakkarainen, J.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Ialongo, I.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Karppinen, T.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Kivi, R.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Kivimaki, E.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Lindqvist, H.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Liu, Y.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Palmer, P.I.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Parker, R.J.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Preval, S.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Tamminen, J.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Wang, J.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Webb, A.J.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Yang, D.X.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
     with: Yao, L.: Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
21 for Kalaitzi, N.

Kalaitzidis, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gitas, I.Z.: Estimating Rice Agronomic Traits Using Drone-Collected Mu...
     with: Kadoglidou, K.: Estimating Rice Agronomic Traits Using Drone-Collected...
     with: Katsantonis, D.: Estimating Rice Agronomic Traits Using Drone-Collecte...
     with: Stavrakoudis, D.: Estimating Rice Agronomic Traits Using Drone-Collect...

Kalaitzidis, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boschetti, L.: Mapping Arable Land and Permanent Agriculture Extent an...
     with: Bouhamed, I.: Mapping Arable Land and Permanent Agriculture Extent and...
     with: Farhat, L.: Modified Version of the Direct Sampling Method for Filling...
     with: Gitas, I.Z.: Mapping Arable Land and Permanent Agriculture Extent and ...
     with: Manakos, I.: Modified Version of the Direct Sampling Method for Fillin...
     with: Sparks, A.M.: Mapping Arable Land and Permanent Agriculture Extent and...
     with: Sylaios, G.: Modified Version of the Direct Sampling Method for Fillin...
7 for Kalaitzidis, C.

Kalaitzis, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arefin, M.R.: Multi-Image Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing using De...
     with: Bengio, Y.: Multi-Image Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing using Deep...
     with: Kahou, S.E.: Multi-Image Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing using Dee...
     with: Kim, S.: Multi-Image Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing using Deep Re...
     with: Michalski, V.: Multi-Image Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing using D...
     with: St Charles, P.: Multi-Image Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing using ...

Kalaitzis, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Pitas, I.: Performance Analysis of a Morphological Voronoi Tessellatio...

Kalaitzis, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aloise, D.: On Transfer Learning for Building Damage Assessment from S...
     with: Bayaraa, M.: Entity Embeddings in Remote Sensing: Application to Defor...
     with: Bouchard, I.: On Transfer Learning for Building Damage Assessment from...
     with: Gal, Y.: Multi-spectral multi-image super-resolution of Sentinel-2 wit...
     with: Gomez Chova, L.: Multi-spectral multi-image super-resolution of Sentin...
     with: Lecuyer, G.: Multi-spectral multi-image super-resolution of Sentinel-2...
     with: Mateo Garcia, G.: Multi-spectral multi-image super-resolution of Senti...
     with: Rancourt, M.E.: On Transfer Learning for Building Damage Assessment fr...
     with: Razzak, M.T.: Multi-spectral multi-image super-resolution of Sentinel-...
     with: Rossi, C.: Entity Embeddings in Remote Sensing: Application to Deforma...
     with: Sheil, B.: Entity Embeddings in Remote Sensing: Application to Deforma...
11 for Kalaitzis, F.

Kalaitzis, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ampatzidis, D.: Production, Validation and Morphometric Analysis of a ...
     with: Batsaris, M.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Data ...
     with: Bobori, D.: Production, Validation and Morphometric Analysis of a Digi...
     with: Chaidas, K.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Data C...
     with: Chaidas, K.: Fusion of TLS and UAV Photogrammetry Data for Post-earthq...
     with: Chaidas, K.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods for Po...
     with: Chatzistamatis, S.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial...
     with: Chatzistamatis, S.: Fusion of TLS and UAV Photogrammetry Data for Post...
     with: Chatzistamatis, S.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods...
     with: Chatzitheodorou, C.: Fusion of TLS and UAV Photogrammetry Data for Pos...
     with: Foumelis, M.: Interactive Web Mapping Applications for 2D and 3D Geo-V...
     with: Foumelis, M.: Multiscale Visualization of Surface Motion Point Measure...
     with: Frouzova, J.: Production, Validation and Morphometric Analysis of a Di...
     with: Kalloniatis, C.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Da...
     with: Kalloniatis, C.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods fo...
     with: Kavroudakis, D.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Da...
     with: Kavroudakis, D.: Multiscale Visualization of Surface Motion Point Meas...
     with: Kavroudakis, D.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods fo...
     with: Mouratidis, A.: Interactive Web Mapping Applications for 2D and 3D Geo...
     with: Mouratidis, A.: Multiscale Visualization of Surface Motion Point Measu...
     with: Mouratidis, A.: Production, Validation and Morphometric Analysis of a ...
     with: Papadopoulou, E.E.: Fusion of TLS and UAV Photogrammetry Data for Post...
     with: Papadopoulou, E.E.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods...
     with: Papakonstantinou, A.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Metho...
     with: Papakostantinou, A.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatia...
     with: Perivolioti, T.M.: Production, Validation and Morphometric Analysis of...
     with: Rousou, O.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Data Co...
     with: Roussou, O.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods for Po...
     with: Soulakellis, N.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Da...
     with: Soulakellis, N.: Fusion of TLS and UAV Photogrammetry Data for Post-ea...
     with: Soulakellis, N.: Interactive Web Mapping Applications for 2D and 3D Ge...
     with: Soulakellis, N.: Multiscale Visualization of Surface Motion Point Meas...
     with: Soulakellis, N.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods fo...
     with: Tataris, G.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Data C...
     with: Tataris, G.: Fusion of TLS and UAV Photogrammetry Data for Post-earthq...
     with: Tataris, G.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods for Po...
     with: Terzopoulos, D.: Production, Validation and Morphometric Analysis of a...
     with: Topouzelis, K.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Dat...
     with: Topouzelis, K.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods for...
     with: Tuser, M.: Production, Validation and Morphometric Analysis of a Digit...
     with: Vasilakos, C.: Efficiency And Effectiveness Approaches in Spatial Data...
     with: Vasilakos, C.: Interactive Web Mapping Applications for 2D and 3D Geo-...
     with: Vasilakos, C.: Synergistic Exploitation of Geoinformation Methods for ...
43 for Kalaitzis, P.

Kalaivani, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Sridhar, S.: Performance Analysis of Two-Stage Iterative Ensemble Meth...
     with: Swetha, K.: Enhanced Bidirectional Insertion Sort Over Classical Inser...

Kalaivani, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: George, M.M.: diffusion-based compensation approach for intensity inho...
     with: Wahidabanu, R.S.D.: Condensed anisotropic diffusion for speckle reduct...

Kalaividya, P.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kalaiselvi, T.: Edge detection using Chebyshev's orthogonal polynomial...
     with: Krishnamoorthy, R.: Edge detection using Chebyshev's orthogonal polyno...
     with: Praveenkumar, S.: Edge detection using Chebyshev's orthogonal polynomi...
     with: Somasundaram, K.: Edge detection using Chebyshev's orthogonal polynomi...

Kalaiyarasi, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abhainaya, J.G.: Edge Preserving SAR Image Despeckling
     with: Bhavana, C.: Edge Preserving SAR Image Despeckling
     with: Mansoor Roomi, S.M.: Semantic modeling of natural scenes by local bina...
     with: Raja, R.: Semantic modeling of natural scenes by local binary pattern
     with: Roomi, S.M.M.: Edge Preserving SAR Image Despeckling

Kalajdjieski, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Corizzo, R.: Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and Deep N...
     with: Garcia, N.M.: Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and Deep ...
     with: Kalajdziski, S.: Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and De...
     with: Lameski, P.: Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and Deep N...
     with: Pires, I.M.: Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and Deep N...
     with: Trajkovik, V.: Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and Deep...
     with: Zdravevski, E.: Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and Dee...
7 for Kalajdjieski, J.

Kalajdziski, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Corizzo, R.: Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and Deep N...
     with: Garcia, N.M.: Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and Deep ...
     with: Kalajdjieski, J.: Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and D...
     with: Lameski, P.: Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and Deep N...
     with: Pires, I.M.: Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and Deep N...
     with: Trajkovik, V.: Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and Deep...
     with: Zdravevski, E.: Air Pollution Prediction with Multi-Modal Data and Dee...
7 for Kalajdziski, S.

Kalakanti, A.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Rao, S.: Computational Challenges and Approaches for Electric Vehicles
     with: Rao, S.: Hybrid Cooperative Method With Lévy Flights for Electric Vehi...

Kalakech, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Biela, P.: Constraint scores for semi-supervised feature selection: A ...
     with: Hamad, D.: Constraint scores for semi-supervised feature selection: A ...
     with: Macaire, L.: Constraint scores for semi-supervised feature selection: ...

Kalakonda, S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gupta, D.: DSAG: A Scalable Deep Framework for Action-Conditioned Mult...
     with: Maheshwari, S.: DSAG: A Scalable Deep Framework for Action-Conditioned...
     with: Sarvadevabhatla, R.K.: DSAG: A Scalable Deep Framework for Action-Cond...
     with: Vaidyula, M.: DSAG: A Scalable Deep Framework for Action-Conditioned M...

Kalakrishnan, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agrawal, P.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Founda...
     with: Ajay, A.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundatio...
     with: Arnaud, S.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundat...
     with: Batra, D.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundati...
     with: Berges, V.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundat...
     with: Bisk, Y.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundatio...
     with: Bousmalis, K.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic Gras...
     with: Hadsell, R.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic Graspi...
     with: Henaff, M.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundat...
     with: Ibarz, J.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic Grasping...
     with: Irpan, A.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic Grasping...
     with: James, S.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic Grasping...
     with: Kalashnikov, D.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic Gr...
     with: Levine, S.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic Graspin...
     with: Li, Q.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundation ...
     with: Majumdar, A.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Found...
     with: Maksymets, O.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foun...
     with: Mcvay, P.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundati...
     with: Meier, F.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundati...
     with: Newman, B.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundat...
     with: Paxton, C.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundat...
     with: Putta, P.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundati...
     with: Rajeswaran, A.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Fou...
     with: Sax, A.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundation...
     with: Sharma, M.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundat...
     with: Silwal, S.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundat...
     with: Wohlhart, P.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic Grasp...
     with: Yadav, K.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Foundati...
     with: Yenamandra, S.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Fou...
     with: Zhang, S.Q.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Founda...
     with: Zhang, X.H.: OpenEQA: Embodied Question Answering in the Era of Founda...
31 for Kalakrishnan, M.

Kalal, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Matas, J.G.: Face-TLD: Tracking-Learning-Detection applied to faces
     with: Matas, J.G.: Forward-Backward Error: Automatic Detection of Tracking F...
     with: Matas, J.G.: Online learning of robust object detectors during unstabl...
     with: Matas, J.G.: P-N learning: Bootstrapping binary classifiers by structu...
     with: Matas, J.G.: Tracking-Learning-Detection
     with: Matas, J.G.: Weighted Sampling for Large-Scale Boosting
     with: Mikolajczyk, K.: Face-TLD: Tracking-Learning-Detection applied to faces
     with: Mikolajczyk, K.: Forward-Backward Error: Automatic Detection of Tracki...
     with: Mikolajczyk, K.: Online learning of robust object detectors during uns...
     with: Mikolajczyk, K.: P-N learning: Bootstrapping binary classifiers by str...
     with: Mikolajczyk, K.: Tracking-Learning-Detection
     with: Mikolajczyk, K.: Weighted Sampling for Large-Scale Boosting
12 for Kalal, Z.

Kalali, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adibelli, Y.: low energy intra prediction hardware for high efficiency...
     with: Hamzaoglu, I.: FPGA implementations of HEVC Inverse DCT using high-lev...
     with: Hamzaoglu, I.: low energy HEVC sub-pixel interpolation hardware, A
     with: Hamzaoglu, I.: low energy intra prediction hardware for high efficienc...

Kalamandeen, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chan, A.H.Y.: Reconstructing 34 Years of Fire History in the Wet, Subt...
     with: Coomes, D.A.: Reconstructing 34 Years of Fire History in the Wet, Subt...
     with: Guizar Coutino, A.: Reconstructing 34 Years of Fire History in the Wet...

Kalamara, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baika, K.: Multidisciplinary Approach for the Mapping, Automatic Detec...
     with: Christodoulou, D.: Multidisciplinary Approach for the Mapping, Automat...
     with: Dimas, X.: Multidisciplinary Approach for the Mapping, Automatic Detec...
     with: Fakiris, E.: Multidisciplinary Approach for the Mapping, Automatic Det...
     with: Ferentinos, G.: Multidisciplinary Approach for the Mapping, Automatic ...
     with: Georgiou, N.: Multidisciplinary Approach for the Mapping, Automatic De...
     with: Geraga, M.: Multidisciplinary Approach for the Mapping, Automatic Dete...
     with: Koutsoumpa, D.: Multidisciplinary Approach for the Mapping, Automatic ...
     with: Papatheodorou, G.: Multidisciplinary Approach for the Mapping, Automat...
9 for Kalamara, P.

Kalamaras, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Drosou, A.: Interactive Visual Analytics Platform for Smart Intelligen...
     with: Drosou, A.: Multi-Objective Optimization for Multimodal Visualization
     with: Kehagias, D.D.: Interactive Visual Analytics Platform for Smart Intell...
     with: Mademlis, A.: novel framework for retrieval and interactive visualizat...
     with: Malassiotis, S.: novel framework for retrieval and interactive visuali...
     with: Margaritis, G.: Interactive Visual Analytics Platform for Smart Intell...
     with: Papadopoulos, S.: Interactive Visual Analytics Platform for Smart Inte...
     with: Salamanis, A.: Interactive Visual Analytics Platform for Smart Intelli...
     with: Tzovaras, D.: Interactive Visual Analytics Platform for Smart Intellig...
     with: Tzovaras, D.: Multi-Objective Optimization for Multimodal Visualization
     with: Tzovaras, D.: novel framework for retrieval and interactive visualizat...
     with: Zamichos, A.: Interactive Visual Analytics Platform for Smart Intellig...
12 for Kalamaras, I.

Kalamaras, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Koutsogiannis, I.: Multifractal Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis o...
     with: Philippopoulos, K.: Multifractal Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis ...
     with: Tzanis, C.G.: Multifractal Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis of Glo...

Kalamo, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ihalainen, H.: Predictive Median Threshold Filter with Robust Predicti...
     with: Jokinen, H.: Predictive Median Threshold Filter with Robust Prediction...

Kalampogia, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Koutsakis, P.: H.264 and H.265 Video Bandwidth Prediction

Kalampokis, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Antoine, D.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Oce...
     with: Banks, A.C.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Oce...
     with: Bardey, P.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Ocea...
     with: Bialek, A.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Ocea...
     with: Bretagnon, M.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus O...
     with: Bruniquel, V.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus O...
     with: Crozel, D.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Ocea...
     with: d'Andon, O.H.F.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus...
     with: Deru, A.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Ocean ...
     with: Fox, N.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Ocean C...
     with: Golbol, M.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Ocea...
     with: Hunt, S.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Ocean ...
     with: Kanakidou, M.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus O...
     with: Karageorgis, A.P.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernic...
     with: Kuusk, J.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Ocean...
     with: Laizans, K.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Oce...
     with: Lerebourg, C.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus O...
     with: Leymarie, E.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Oc...
     with: Mangin, A.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Ocea...
     with: Petihakis, G.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus O...
     with: Psarra, S.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Ocea...
     with: Vellucci, V.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Oc...
     with: Victori, S.: ROSACE: A Proposed European Design for the Copernicus Oce...
23 for Kalampokis, A.

Kalantar Nayestanaki, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Babai, M.: efficient attribute-space connected filter on graphs to rec...
     with: Babai, M.: Tracking Sub-atomic Particles Through the Attribute Space
     with: Messchendorp, J.G.: efficient attribute-space connected filter on grap...
     with: Messchendorp, J.G.: Tracking Sub-atomic Particles Through the Attribut...
     with: Wilkinson, M.H.F.: efficient attribute-space connected filter on graph...
     with: Wilkinson, M.H.F.: Tracking Sub-atomic Particles Through the Attribute...

Kalantar, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdul Halin, A.: Multiple Moving Object Detection From UAV Videos Usin...
     with: Ahmadi, K.: Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Mapping the Sta...
     with: Ahmadi, K.: Deep Neural Network Utilizing Remote Sensing Datasets for ...
     with: Ahmadi, K.: Forest Fire Susceptibility Prediction Based on Machine Lea...
     with: Ahmadi, K.: Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: Machine and Ensemble Lea...
     with: Al Haddad, S.A.R.: Single image dehazing using second-generation wavel...
     with: Al Najjar, H.A.H.: Assessment of Convolutional Neural Network Architec...
     with: Al Najjar, H.A.H.: Land Cover Classification from fused DSM and UAV Im...
     with: Al Najjar, H.A.H.: Landslide Susceptibility Modeling: An Integrated No...
     with: Al Najjar, H.A.H.: UAV and Lidar Image Registration: a Surf-based Appr...
     with: Al Ruzouq, R.: Mapping Heterogeneous Urban Landscapes from the Fusion ...
     with: Alamri, A.: Landslide Susceptibility Modeling: An Integrated Novel Met...
     with: Ameen, M.H.: Zab River (IRAQ) Sinuosity and Meandering Analysis Based ...
     with: Anuar, M.M.: Aerial Imagery Paddy Seedlings Inspection Using Deep Lear...
     with: Batur, M.: Comprehensive Review of Geospatial Technology Applications ...
     with: Gibril, M.B.A.: Mapping Heterogeneous Urban Landscapes from the Fusion...
     with: Halin, A.A.: Aerial Imagery Paddy Seedlings Inspection Using Deep Lear...
     with: Halin, A.A.: Assessment of Convolutional Neural Network Architectures ...
     with: Halin, A.A.: BDD-Net: An End-to-End Multiscale Residual CNN for Earthq...
     with: Halin, A.A.: Land Cover Classification from fused DSM and UAV Images U...
     with: Halin, A.A.: Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: Machine and Ensemble Le...
     with: Halin, A.A.: UAV and Lidar Image Registration: a Surf-based Approach f...
     with: Halin, A.A.: Unboxing the Black Box of Attention Mechanisms in Remote ...
     with: Halin, A.A.: Zab River (IRAQ) Sinuosity and Meandering Analysis Based ...
     with: Harandi, E.K.G.: Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Mapping th...
     with: Idrees, M.O.: Forest Fire Susceptibility Prediction Based on Machine L...
     with: Janizadeh, S.: Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Mapping the ...
     with: Janizadeh, S.: Deep Neural Network Utilizing Remote Sensing Datasets f...
     with: Janizadeh, S.: Forest Fire Susceptibility Prediction Based on Machine ...
     with: Jumaah, H.J.: Zab River (IRAQ) Sinuosity and Meandering Analysis Based...
     with: Jumaah, S.J.: Zab River (IRAQ) Sinuosity and Meandering Analysis Based...
     with: Khmag, A.: Single image dehazing using second-generation wavelet trans...
     with: Khuzaimah, Z.B.: Automated Building Detection from Airborne LiDAR and ...
     with: Mansor, S.: Automated Building Detection from Airborne LiDAR and Very ...
     with: Mansor, S.: Land Cover Classification from fused DSM and UAV Images Us...
     with: Mansor, S.: Mapping Heterogeneous Urban Landscapes from the Fusion of ...
     with: Mansor, S.: UAV and Lidar Image Registration: a Surf-based Approach fo...
     with: Mansor, S.B.: Multiple Moving Object Detection From UAV Videos Using T...
     with: Moayedi, H.: UAV and Lidar Image Registration: a Surf-based Approach f...
     with: Moradi, L.: Unboxing the Black Box of Attention Mechanisms in Remote S...
     with: Ojogbane, S.S.: Automated Building Detection from Airborne LiDAR and V...
     with: Ozener, H.: Comprehensive Review of Geospatial Technology Applications...
     with: Perumal, T.: Aerial Imagery Paddy Seedlings Inspection Using Deep Lear...
     with: Pradhan, B.: Comprehensive Review of Geospatial Technology Application...
     with: Pradhan, B.: Land Cover Classification from fused DSM and UAV Images U...
     with: Pradhan, B.: Landslide Susceptibility Modeling: An Integrated Novel Me...
     with: Ramli, A.R.: Single image dehazing using second-generation wavelet tra...
     with: Rastiveis, H.: BDD-Net: An End-to-End Multiscale Residual CNN for Eart...
     with: Saeidi, V.: Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Mapping the Sta...
     with: Saeidi, V.: Deep Neural Network Utilizing Remote Sensing Datasets for ...
     with: Saeidi, V.: Land Cover Classification from fused DSM and UAV Images Us...
     with: Saeidi, V.: Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: Machine and Ensemble Lea...
     with: Saeidi, V.: Mapping Heterogeneous Urban Landscapes from the Fusion of ...
     with: Sameen, M.I.: Landslide Susceptibility Modeling: An Integrated Novel M...
     with: Santosh, M.: Landslide Susceptibility Modeling: An Integrated Novel Me...
     with: Seydi, S.T.: BDD-Net: An End-to-End Multiscale Residual CNN for Earthq...
     with: Shabani, F.: Comprehensive Review of Geospatial Technology Application...
     with: Shabani, F.: Deep Neural Network Utilizing Remote Sensing Datasets for...
     with: Shabani, F.: Forest Fire Susceptibility Prediction Based on Machine Le...
     with: Shabani, F.: Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: Machine and Ensemble Le...
     with: Shafapourtehrany, M.: Comprehensive Review of Geospatial Technology Ap...
     with: Shafri, H.Z.M.: Automated Building Detection from Airborne LiDAR and V...
     with: Shafri, H.Z.M.: Mapping Heterogeneous Urban Landscapes from the Fusion...
     with: Shafri, H.Z.M.: Multiple Moving Object Detection From UAV Videos Using...
     with: Shanableh, A.: Mapping Heterogeneous Urban Landscapes from the Fusion ...
     with: Ueda, N.: Assessment of Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for...
     with: Ueda, N.: Automated Building Detection from Airborne LiDAR and Very Hi...
     with: Ueda, N.: BDD-Net: An End-to-End Multiscale Residual CNN for Earthquak...
     with: Ueda, N.: Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Mapping the Stand...
     with: Ueda, N.: Deep Neural Network Utilizing Remote Sensing Datasets for Fl...
     with: Ueda, N.: Forest Fire Susceptibility Prediction Based on Machine Learn...
     with: Ueda, N.: Land Cover Classification from fused DSM and UAV Images Usin...
     with: Ueda, N.: Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: Machine and Ensemble Learn...
     with: Ueda, N.: Mapping Heterogeneous Urban Landscapes from the Fusion of Di...
     with: Ueda, N.: UAV and Lidar Image Registration: a Surf-based Approach for ...
     with: Ueda, N.: Unboxing the Black Box of Attention Mechanisms in Remote Sen...
     with: Zand, M.: Multiple Moving Object Detection From UAV Videos Using Traje...
     with: Zaryabi, E.H.: Unboxing the Black Box of Attention Mechanisms in Remot...
79 for Kalantar, B.

Kalantari, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Garcia Mateos, G.: Comparison of Different Classifiers and the Majorit...
     with: Hernandez Hernandez, J.L.: Comparison of Different Classifiers and the...
     with: Hernandez Hernandez, M.: Comparison of Different Classifiers and the M...
     with: Molina Martinez, J.M.: Comparison of Different Classifiers and the Maj...
     with: Pourdarbani, R.: Comparison of Different Classifiers and the Majority ...
     with: Sabzi, S.: Comparison of Different Classifiers and the Majority Voting...

Kalantari, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anderson, C.B.: Tree Species Abundance Predictions in a Tropical Agric...
     with: Asner, G.P.: Tree Species Abundance Predictions in a Tropical Agricult...
     with: Bohlman, S.A.: Tree Species Abundance Predictions in a Tropical Agricu...
     with: Colgan, M.S.: Tree Species Abundance Predictions in a Tropical Agricul...
     with: Graves, S.J.: Tree Species Abundance Predictions in a Tropical Agricul...
     with: Martin, R.E.: Tree Species Abundance Predictions in a Tropical Agricul...

Kalantari, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aflaki, M.: GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Variable Im...
     with: Agius, T.: Three-Dimensional Rule-Based City Modelling to Support Urba...
     with: Aien, A.: Developing and Testing a 3D Cadastral Data Model a Case Stud...
     with: Aien, A.: Integrating Legal and Physical Dimensions of Urban Environme...
     with: Alesheikh, A.A.: Spatial Modeling of COVID-19 Prevalence Using Adaptiv...
     with: Atazadeh, B.: Assessing Performance of Three BIM-Based Views of Buildi...
     with: Babaie, E.: Spatial Modeling of COVID-19 Prevalence Using Adaptive Neu...
     with: Chen, Y.: Multi-dimensional Analytics Platform to Support Planning and...
     with: Ebadi, M.: Face recognition using patch manifold learning across plast...
     with: Ellul, C.: 3rd BIM/GIS Integration Workshop and 15th 3dgeoinfo Confere...
     with: Guedon, J.P.: Five Points Pose Problem: A New and Accurate Solution Ad...
     with: Guedon, J.P.: New Solution to the Relative Orientation Problem Using O...
     with: Hashemi, A.: New Solution to the Relative Orientation Problem Using On...
     with: Home, R.: 3rd BIM/GIS Integration Workshop and 15th 3dgeoinfo Conferen...
     with: Hubbard, H.: Proposal for a User-Oriented Spatial Metadata Profile, A
     with: Hubbard, H.: Synchronising Spatial Metadata Records and Interfaces to ...
     with: Jung, F.: Five Points Pose Problem: A New and Accurate Solution Adapte...
     with: Jung, F.: New Solution to the Relative Orientation Problem Using Only ...
     with: Kanan, H.R.: Face recognition using patch manifold learning across pla...
     with: Khoo, V.: Multi-dimensional Analytics Platform to Support Planning and...
     with: Khoshelham, K.: Infrastructure-Independent Indoor Localization and Nav...
     with: Laylavi, F.: Multi-Element Approach to Location Inference of Twitter: ...
     with: Lim, T.K.: Multi-dimensional Analytics Platform to Support Planning an...
     with: Mansourian, A.: GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Variabl...
     with: Masoumi, Z.: GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Variable I...
     with: Mollalo, A.: Spatial Modeling of COVID-19 Prevalence Using Adaptive Ne...
     with: Morley, J.: 3rd BIM/GIS Integration Workshop and 15th 3dgeoinfo Confer...
     with: Paparoditis, N.: Five Points Pose Problem: A New and Accurate Solution...
     with: Rajabifard, A.: 3D Cadastral Database Systems: A Systematic Literature...
     with: Rajabifard, A.: Assessing Performance of Three BIM-Based Views of Buil...
     with: Rajabifard, A.: Developing and Testing a 3D Cadastral Data Model a Cas...
     with: Rajabifard, A.: Integrating Legal and Physical Dimensions of Urban Env...
     with: Rajabifard, A.: Multi-dimensional Analytics Platform to Support Planni...
     with: Rajabifard, A.: Multi-Element Approach to Location Inference of Twitte...
     with: Rajabifard, A.: Proposal for a User-Oriented Spatial Metadata Profile, A
     with: Rajabifard, A.: Synchronising Spatial Metadata Records and Interfaces ...
     with: Richter, K.F.: Infrastructure-Independent Indoor Localization and Navi...
     with: Sabri, S.: Multi-dimensional Analytics Platform to Support Planning an...
     with: Sabri, S.: Three-Dimensional Rule-Based City Modelling to Support Urba...
     with: Shahidinejad, J.: 3D Cadastral Database Systems: A Systematic Literatu...
     with: Shojaei, D.: Developing and Testing a 3D Cadastral Data Model a Case S...
     with: Shojaei, D.: Integrating Legal and Physical Dimensions of Urban Enviro...
     with: Syahrudin, S.: Proposal for a User-Oriented Spatial Metadata Profile, A
     with: Syahrudin, S.: Synchronising Spatial Metadata Records and Interfaces t...
     with: Tabasi, M.: Spatial Modeling of COVID-19 Prevalence Using Adaptive Neu...
     with: Tomko, M.: Infrastructure-Independent Indoor Localization and Navigation
     with: Vasardani, M.: Infrastructure-Independent Indoor Localization and Navi...
     with: Williamson, I.P.: Developing and Testing a 3D Cadastral Data Model a C...
     with: Winter, S.: Infrastructure-Independent Indoor Localization and Navigat...
     with: Wong, K.: 3rd BIM/GIS Integration Workshop and 15th 3dgeoinfo Conferen...
     with: Zhao, P.X.: GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Variable Im...
51 for Kalantari, M.

Kalantari, N.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahadi, S.M.: Logarithmic Quantization Index Modulation for Perceptuall...
     with: Ahadi, S.M.: Robust Image Watermarking in the Ridgelet Domain Using Un...
     with: Badki, A.: Robust Radiometric Calibration for Dynamic Scenes in the Wild
     with: Bao, W.T.: 3D-aware Facial Landmark Detection via Multi-view Consisten...
     with: Chandra, V.: Coherentgs: Sparse Novel View Synthesis with Coherent 3d ...
     with: Chen, L.: 3D-aware Facial Landmark Detection via Multi-view Consistent...
     with: Darabi, S.: Improving patch-based synthesis by learning patch masks
     with: Figueiredo, P.: Frame Interpolation for Dynamic Scenes with Implicit F...
     with: Goldman, D.B.: Improving patch-based synthesis by learning patch masks
     with: Kotovenko, D.: Coherentgs: Sparse Novel View Synthesis with Coherent 3...
     with: Li, Z.: 3D-aware Facial Landmark Detection via Multi-view Consistent T...
     with: Paliwal, A.: Coherentgs: Sparse Novel View Synthesis with Coherent 3d ...
     with: Paliwal, A.: Deep Slow Motion Video Reconstruction With Hybrid Imaging...
     with: Paliwal, A.: Frame Interpolation for Dynamic Scenes with Implicit Flow...
     with: Paliwal, A.: Implicit View-Time Interpolation of Stereo Videos Using M...
     with: Ranjan, R.: Coherentgs: Sparse Novel View Synthesis with Coherent 3d G...
     with: Sen, P.: Improving patch-based synthesis by learning patch masks
     with: Sen, P.: Robust Radiometric Calibration for Dynamic Scenes in the Wild
     with: Shechtman, E.: Improving patch-based synthesis by learning patch masks
     with: Tsarov, A.: Implicit View-Time Interpolation of Stereo Videos Using Mu...
     with: Vafadust, M.: Robust Image Watermarking in the Ridgelet Domain Using U...
     with: Xiong, J.H.: Coherentgs: Sparse Novel View Synthesis with Coherent 3d ...
     with: Xu, Y.: 3D-aware Facial Landmark Detection via Multi-view Consistent T...
     with: Ye, W.: Coherentgs: Sparse Novel View Synthesis with Coherent 3d Gauss...
     with: Yuan, J.S.: 3D-aware Facial Landmark Detection via Multi-view Consiste...
     with: Zeng, L.B.: 3D-aware Facial Landmark Detection via Multi-view Consiste...
26 for Kalantari, N.K.

Kalantari, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aliabad, F.A.: Investigating the Ability to Identify New Constructions...
     with: Aliabad, F.A.: Use of Landsat 8 and UAV Images to Assess Changes in Te...
     with: Bui, D.T.: Automated Python Language-Based Tool for Creating Absence S...
     with: Bui, D.T.: Multi-Hazard Exposure Mapping Using Machine Learning Techni...
     with: Ferreira, C.S.S.: Investigating the Ability to Identify New Constructi...
     with: Ferreira, C.S.S.: Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Global Gridded Evapotr...
     with: Ferreira, C.S.S.: Use of Landsat 8 and UAV Images to Assess Changes in...
     with: Keesstra, S.: Multi-Hazard Exposure Mapping Using Machine Learning Tec...
     with: Lee, S.: Automated Python Language-Based Tool for Creating Absence Sam...
     with: Malamiri, H.R.G.: Investigating the Ability to Identify New Constructi...
     with: Moghaddam, D.D.: Automated Python Language-Based Tool for Creating Abs...
     with: Moosavi, V.: Automated Python Language-Based Tool for Creating Absence...
     with: Mortaz, M.: Use of Landsat 8 and UAV Images to Assess Changes in Tempe...
     with: Panahi, D.M.: Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Global Gridded Evapotransp...
     with: Pham, T.D.: Multi-Hazard Exposure Mapping Using Machine Learning Techn...
     with: Rahmati, O.: Automated Python Language-Based Tool for Creating Absence...
     with: Rahmati, O.: Multi-Hazard Exposure Mapping Using Machine Learning Tech...
     with: Samadi, M.: Automated Python Language-Based Tool for Creating Absence ...
     with: Sarsangi, A.: Investigating the Ability to Identify New Constructions ...
     with: Shojaei, S.: Investigating the Ability to Identify New Constructions i...
     with: Shojaei, S.: Use of Landsat 8 and UAV Images to Assess Changes in Temp...
     with: Tabas, S.S.: Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Global Gridded Evapotranspi...
     with: Teimurian, T.: Multi-Hazard Exposure Mapping Using Machine Learning Te...
     with: Uuemaa, E.: Multi-Hazard Exposure Mapping Using Machine Learning Techn...
     with: Yousefi, S.: Multi-Hazard Exposure Mapping Using Machine Learning Tech...
     with: Zahabiyoun, B.: Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Global Gridded Evapotran...
26 for Kalantari, Z.

Kalantaria, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guedon, J.P.: Robust and Automatic Vanishing Points Detection with The...
     with: Jung, F.: Robust and Automatic Vanishing Points Detection with Their U...
     with: Paparoditis, N.: Robust and Automatic Vanishing Points Detection with ...

Kalantary, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ebadi, H.: Application of UAV Photogrammetry in Displacement Measureme...
     with: Esmaeili, F.: Application of UAV Photogrammetry in Displacement Measur...
     with: Saadatseresht, M.: Application of UAV Photogrammetry in Displacement M...

Kalantarzadeh, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Haddadnia, J.: Novel dataset for fine-grained abnormal behavior unders...
     with: Mousavi, H.: Novel dataset for fine-grained abnormal behavior understa...
     with: Murino, V.: Novel dataset for fine-grained abnormal behavior understan...
     with: Nabi, M.: Novel dataset for fine-grained abnormal behavior understandi...
     with: Rabiee, H.: Novel dataset for fine-grained abnormal behavior understan...

Kalantidis, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alahari, K.: Concept Generalization in Visual Representation Learning
     with: Alahari, K.: Fake it Till You Make it: Learning Transferable Represent...
     with: Almazan, J.: Granularity-Aware Adaptation for Image Retrieval Over Mul...
     with: AlRegib, G.: Learning to Generate Grounded Visual Captions Without Loc...
     with: Anagnostopoulos, E.: Web-Scale Image Clustering Revisited
     with: Avrithis, Y.S.: Approximate Gaussian Mixtures for Large Scale Vocabula...
     with: Avrithis, Y.S.: Locally Optimized Product Quantization for Approximate...
     with: Avrithis, Y.S.: Scalable triangulation-based logo recognition
     with: Avrithis, Y.S.: Towards large-scale geometry indexing by feature selec...
     with: Avrithis, Y.S.: Web-Scale Image Clustering Revisited
     with: Baeza Yates, R.: Visual congruent ads for image search
     with: Baradel, F.: Leveraging MoCap Data for Human Mesh Recovery
     with: Baradel, F.: PoseBERT: A Generic Transformer Module for Temporal 3D Hu...
     with: Bernstein, M.S.: Visual Genome: Connecting Language and Vision Using C...
     with: Bregier, R.: Leveraging MoCap Data for Human Mesh Recovery
     with: Bregier, R.: PoseBERT: A Generic Transformer Module for Temporal 3D Hu...
     with: Cao, L.L.: Focal Visual-Text Attention for Memex Question Answering
     with: Cao, L.L.: Focal Visual-Text Attention for Visual Question Answering
     with: Chang, S.F.: DMC-Net: Generating Discriminative Motion Cues for Fast C...
     with: Chen, S.: Visual Genome: Connecting Language and Vision Using Crowdsou...
     with: Chen, X.L.: Grounded Video Description
     with: Chen, Y.: Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolutional...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: Graph-Based Global Reasoning Networks
     with: Chen, Y.P.: Multi-fiber Networks for Video Recognition
     with: Chun, S.: Probabilistic Embeddings for Cross-Modal Retrieval
     with: Corso, J.J.: Grounded Video Description
     with: Emiris, I.Z.: Web-Scale Image Clustering Revisited
     with: Fan, H.: Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolutional ...
     with: Farahat, A.: Visual congruent ads for image search
     with: Fei Fei, L.: Visual Genome: Connecting Language and Vision Using Crowd...
     with: Feng, J.: Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolutional...
     with: Feng, J.S.: Graph-Based Global Reasoning Networks
     with: Feng, J.S.: Multi-fiber Networks for Video Recognition
     with: Ghadiyaram, D.: Less Is More: Learning Highlight Detection From Video ...
     with: Grauman, K.: Less Is More: Learning Highlight Detection From Video Dur...
     with: Groth, O.: Visual Genome: Connecting Language and Vision Using Crowdso...
     with: Groueix, T.: Leveraging MoCap Data for Human Mesh Recovery
     with: Groueix, T.: PoseBERT: A Generic Transformer Module for Temporal 3D Hu...
     with: Gu, G.: Granularity-Aware Adaptation for Image Retrieval Over Multiple...
     with: Hata, K.: Visual Genome: Connecting Language and Vision Using Crowdsou...
     with: Hauptmann, A.G.: Focal Visual-Text Attention for Memex Question Answer...
     with: Hauptmann, A.G.: Focal Visual-Text Attention for Visual Question Answe...
     with: Jiang, L.: Focal Visual-Text Attention for Memex Question Answering
     with: Jiang, L.: Focal Visual-Text Attention for Visual Question Answering
     with: Johnson, J.: Visual Genome: Connecting Language and Vision Using Crowd...
     with: Kennedy, L.: LOH and Behold: Web-Scale Visual Search, Recommendation a...
     with: Kennedy, L.: Visual congruent ads for image search
     with: Kira, Z.: Learning to Generate Grounded Visual Captions Without Locali...
     with: Ko, B.: Granularity-Aware Adaptation for Image Retrieval Over Multiple...
     with: Kollias, S.D.: Towards large-scale geometry indexing by feature select...
     with: Kompatsiaris, Y.: Image clustering through community detection on hybr...
     with: Kravitz, J.: Visual Genome: Connecting Language and Vision Using Crowd...
     with: Krishna, R.: Visual Genome: Connecting Language and Vision Using Crowd...
     with: Larlus, D.: Concept Generalization in Visual Representation Learning
     with: Larlus, D.: Fake it Till You Make it: Learning Transferable Representa...
     with: Larlus, D.: Granularity-Aware Adaptation for Image Retrieval Over Mult...
     with: Larlus, D.: Probabilistic Embeddings for Cross-Modal Retrieval
     with: Larlus, D.: Unic: Universal Classification Models via Multi-teacher Di...
     with: Li, J.S.: Multi-fiber Networks for Video Recognition
     with: Li, L.J.: Focal Visual-Text Attention for Memex Question Answering
     with: Li, L.J.: Focal Visual-Text Attention for Visual Question Answering
     with: Li, L.J.: Visual Genome: Connecting Language and Vision Using Crowdsou...
     with: Liang, J.W.: Focal Visual-Text Attention for Memex Question Answering
     with: Liang, J.W.: Focal Visual-Text Attention for Visual Question Answering
     with: Lin, X.D.: DMC-Net: Generating Discriminative Motion Cues for Fast Com...
     with: Lucas, T.: Unic: Universal Classification Models via Multi-teacher Dis...
     with: Ma, C.Y.: Learning to Generate Grounded Visual Captions Without Locali...
     with: Mellina, C.: Cross-Dimensional Weighting for Aggregated Deep Convoluti...
     with: Mellina, C.: LOH and Behold: Web-Scale Visual Search, Recommendation a...
     with: Mylonas, P.: Image clustering through community detection on hybrid im...
     with: Nguyen, H.: LOH and Behold: Web-Scale Visual Search, Recommendation an...
     with: Oh, S.J.: Probabilistic Embeddings for Cross-Modal Retrieval
     with: Osindero, S.: Cross-Dimensional Weighting for Aggregated Deep Convolut...
     with: Papadopoulos, S.: Image clustering through community detection on hybr...
     with: Pueyo, L.G.: Scalable triangulation-based logo recognition
     with: Rogez, G.: Leveraging MoCap Data for Human Mesh Recovery
     with: Rogez, G.: PoseBERT: A Generic Transformer Module for Temporal 3D Huma...
     with: Rohrbach, M.: DMC-Net: Generating Discriminative Motion Cues for Fast ...
     with: Rohrbach, M.: Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convoluti...
     with: Rohrbach, M.: Graph-Based Global Reasoning Networks
     with: Rohrbach, M.: Grounded Video Description
     with: Rohrbach, M.: Learning to Generate Grounded Visual Captions Without Lo...
     with: Sampaio de Rezende, R.: Probabilistic Embeddings for Cross-Modal Retri...
     with: Sariyildiz, M.B.: Concept Generalization in Visual Representation Lear...
     with: Sariyildiz, M.B.: Fake it Till You Make it: Learning Transferable Repr...
     with: Sariyildiz, M.B.: Unic: Universal Classification Models via Multi-teac...
     with: Sevilla Lara, L.: DMC-Net: Generating Discriminative Motion Cues for F...
     with: Shamma, D.A.: LOH and Behold: Web-Scale Visual Search, Recommendation ...
     with: Shamma, D.A.: Visual congruent ads for image search
     with: Shamma, D.A.: Visual Genome: Connecting Language and Vision Using Crow...
     with: Shou, Z.: DMC-Net: Generating Discriminative Motion Cues for Fast Comp...
     with: Shuicheng, Y.: Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolut...
     with: Shuicheng, Y.: Graph-Based Global Reasoning Networks
     with: Stojnic, V.: Label Propagation for Zero-shot Classification with Visio...
     with: Tolias, G.: Image clustering through community detection on hybrid ima...
     with: Tolias, G.: Label Propagation for Zero-shot Classification with Vision...
     with: Tolias, G.: Towards large-scale geometry indexing by feature selection
     with: Trevisiol, M.: Scalable triangulation-based logo recognition
     with: Vajda, P.: Learning to Generate Grounded Visual Captions Without Local...
     with: Vakali, A.: Image clustering through community detection on hybrid ima...
     with: van Zwol, R.: Scalable triangulation-based logo recognition
     with: Weinzaepfel, P.: Leveraging MoCap Data for Human Mesh Recovery
     with: Weinzaepfel, P.: PoseBERT: A Generic Transformer Module for Temporal 3...
     with: Weinzaepfel, P.: Unic: Universal Classification Models via Multi-teach...
     with: Xiong, B.: Less Is More: Learning Highlight Detection From Video Durat...
     with: Xu, B.: Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolutional N...
     with: Yan, S.C.: Multi-fiber Networks for Video Recognition
     with: Yan, Z.: Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolutional ...
     with: Yan, Z.C.: DMC-Net: Generating Discriminative Motion Cues for Fast Com...
     with: Yan, Z.C.: Graph-Based Global Reasoning Networks
     with: Zhou, L.: Grounded Video Description
     with: Zhu, Y.: Visual Genome: Connecting Language and Vision Using Crowdsour...
     with: Zigkolis, C.: Image clustering through community detection on hybrid i...
113 for Kalantidis, Y.

Kalantri, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmed, W.: probabilistic model for evaluation of neural network classi...
     with: Chan, K.H.: On The Generalization Ability Of Neural Network Classifiers
     with: Chan, K.H.: probabilistic model for evaluation of neural network class...
     with: Hummels, D.M.: On The Generalization Ability Of Neural Network Classif...
     with: Hummels, D.M.: probabilistic model for evaluation of neural network cl...
     with: Musavi, M.T.: On The Generalization Ability Of Neural Network Classifi...
     with: Musavi, M.T.: probabilistic model for evaluation of neural network cla...
7 for Kalantri, K.

Kalapahar, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Colomer, A.: Gleason Grading of Histology Prostate Images Through Sema...
     with: Lopez Mir, F.: Gleason Grading of Histology Prostate Images Through Se...
     with: Naranjo, V.: Gleason Grading of Histology Prostate Images Through Sema...
     with: Silva Rodriguez, J.: Gleason Grading of Histology Prostate Images Thro...

Kalapatapu, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chevitipalli, S.A.: Finite Element Analysis of Ancient Thousand Pillar...
     with: Daka, T.: Ancient Sandbox Technique: An Experimental Study Using Piezo...
     with: Gandham, L.M.: Survey on Current Heritage Structural Health Monitoring...
     with: Kota, J.R.: Survey on Current Heritage Structural Health Monitoring Pr...
     with: Pasupuleti, V.D.K.: Ancient Sandbox Technique: An Experimental Study U...
     with: Pasupuleti, V.D.K.: Finite Element Analysis of Ancient Thousand Pillar...
     with: Pasupuleti, V.D.K.: Survey on Current Heritage Structural Health Monit...
     with: Rajaram, B.: Ancient Sandbox Technique: An Experimental Study Using Pi...
     with: Reddy, S.S.: Finite Element Analysis of Ancient Thousand Pillar Temple...
     with: Udatha, L.: Ancient Sandbox Technique: An Experimental Study Using Pie...
10 for Kalapatapu, P.

Kalapos, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gyires Toth, B.: Self-supervised Pretraining for 2d Medical Image Segm...

Kalapuge, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abeygunawardana, R.S.: Overview of Lightning Trend and Recent Lightnin...
     with: Alahacoon, N.: Overview of Lightning Trend and Recent Lightning Variab...
     with: Edirisinghe, M.: Overview of Lightning Trend and Recent Lightning Vari...
     with: Maduranga, D.: Overview of Lightning Trend and Recent Lightning Variab...
     with: Ranagalage, M.: Overview of Lightning Trend and Recent Lightning Varia...

Kalaria, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dolan, J.M.: Delay-Aware Robust Control for Safe Autonomous Driving an...
     with: Lin, Q.: Delay-Aware Robust Control for Safe Autonomous Driving and Ra...

Kalarickal, G.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Graves, E.B.: Neural Model of Visual Stereomatching: Slant, Transparen...
     with: Marshall, J.A.: Neural Model of Visual Stereomatching: Slant, Transpar...

Kalarot, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boloni, L.: Latent to Latent: A Learned Mapper for Identity Preserving...
     with: Duarte, K.: Plug-and-Play Diffusion Distillation
     with: Faieta, B.: Face Image Retrieval with Attribute Manipulation
     with: Ghadar, S.: Face Image Retrieval with Attribute Manipulation
     with: Ghadar, S.: Latent to Latent: A Learned Mapper for Identity Preserving...
     with: Gimel'farb, G.L.: Performance analysis of multi-resolution symmetric d...
     with: Haeusler, R.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Hsiao, Y.T.: Plug-and-Play Diffusion Distillation
     with: Jawed, K.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Jiang, R.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Khan, T.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Khan, W.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Khodadadeh, S.: Latent to Latent: A Learned Mapper for Identity Preser...
     with: Khodadadeh, S.: Plug-and-Play Diffusion Distillation
     with: Klette, R.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Kwon, M.: Plug-and-Play Diffusion Distillation
     with: Li, T.: Component Attention Guided Face Super-Resolution Network: CAGF...
     with: Lin, W.A.: Latent to Latent: A Learned Mapper for Identity Preserving ...
     with: Lin, W.A.: Plug-and-Play Diffusion Distillation
     with: Lin, Z.: Face Image Retrieval with Attribute Manipulation
     with: Manoharan, S.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Morales, S.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Morris, J.: Comparison of FPGA and GPU implementations of real-time st...
     with: Morris, J.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Morris, J.: Performance analysis of multi-resolution symmetric dynamic...
     with: Morris, J.: Real-time correlogram tracking for airborne traffic survei...
     with: Motiian, S.: Latent to Latent: A Learned Mapper for Identity Preservin...
     with: Porikli, F.M.: Component Attention Guided Face Super-Resolution Networ...
     with: Qu, H.: Plug-and-Play Diffusion Distillation
     with: Rahnavard, N.: Face Image Retrieval with Attribute Manipulation
     with: Shah, M.: Face Image Retrieval with Attribute Manipulation
     with: Vaudrey, T.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Wiest, J.: Current work in the ENPEDA project
     with: Zaeemzadeh, A.: Face Image Retrieval with Attribute Manipulation
34 for Kalarot, R.

Kalas, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Burek, P.: Assimilation of MODIS Snow Cover Area Data in a Distributed...
     with: Dottori, F.: Increasing Timeliness of Satellite-Based Flood Mapping Us...
     with: Joubert Boitat, I.: Increasing Timeliness of Satellite-Based Flood Map...
     with: Salamon, P.: Assimilation of MODIS Snow Cover Area Data in a Distribut...
     with: Salamon, P.: Increasing Timeliness of Satellite-Based Flood Mapping Us...
     with: Thirel, G.: Assimilation of MODIS Snow Cover Area Data in a Distribute...
     with: Wania, A.: Increasing Timeliness of Satellite-Based Flood Mapping Usin...
7 for Kalas, M.

Kalash, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bruce, N.D.B.: Relative Saliency and Ranking: Models, Metrics, Data an...
     with: Bruce, N.D.B.: Revisiting Salient Object Detection: Simultaneous Detec...
     with: Islam, M.A.: Relative Saliency and Ranking: Models, Metrics, Data and ...
     with: Islam, M.A.: Revisiting Salient Object Detection: Simultaneous Detecti...

Kalashnikov, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bousmalis, K.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic Gras...
     with: Hadsell, R.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic Graspi...
     with: Ibarz, J.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic Grasping...
     with: Irpan, A.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic Grasping...
     with: James, S.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic Grasping...
     with: Kalakrishnan, M.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic G...
     with: Levine, S.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic Graspin...
     with: Wohlhart, P.: Sim-To-Real via Sim-To-Sim: Data-Efficient Robotic Grasp...
8 for Kalashnikov, D.

Kalashnikov, D.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mehrotra, S.: Context-assisted face clustering framework with human-in...
     with: Mehrotra, S.: Context-based person identification framework for smart ...
     with: Mehrotra, S.: Query-Driven Approach to Face Clustering and Tagging
     with: Ramanan, D.: Query-Driven Approach to Face Clustering and Tagging
     with: Vaisenberg, R.: Context-based person identification framework for smar...
     with: Wang, X.: Query-Driven Approach to Face Clustering and Tagging
     with: Zhang, L.Y.: Context-assisted face clustering framework with human-in-...
     with: Zhang, L.Y.: Context-based person identification framework for smart v...
     with: Zhang, L.Y.: Query-Driven Approach to Face Clustering and Tagging
9 for Kalashnikov, D.V.

Kalashnikov, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dzabraev, M.: MDMMT: Multidomain Multimodal Transformer for Video Retr...
     with: Komkov, S.: MDMMT: Multidomain Multimodal Transformer for Video Retrie...
     with: Petiushko, A.: MDMMT: Multidomain Multimodal Transformer for Video Ret...

Kalashnikova, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alvarez, M.: Airborne Mapping of Atmospheric Ammonia in a Mixed Discre...
     with: Buckland, K.N.: Airborne Mapping of Atmospheric Ammonia in a Mixed Dis...
     with: Campbell, J.: Attributing Accelerated Summertime Warming in the Southe...
     with: Chang, C.S.: Airborne Mapping of Atmospheric Ammonia in a Mixed Discre...
     with: Chau, K.: Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Association between AO...
     with: Chau, K.: Temporal and Spatial Autocorrelation as Determinants of Regi...
     with: Franklin, M.: Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Association betwee...
     with: Franklin, M.: Temporal and Spatial Autocorrelation as Determinants of ...
     with: Garay, M.: Attributing Accelerated Summertime Warming in the Southeast...
     with: Garay, M.: Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Association between A...
     with: Garay, M.: Temporal and Spatial Autocorrelation as Determinants of Reg...
     with: Garay, M.J.: Airborne Mapping of Atmospheric Ammonia in a Mixed Discre...
     with: Hasheminassab, S.: Airborne Mapping of Atmospheric Ammonia in a Mixed ...
     with: Hopkins, F.M.: Airborne Mapping of Atmospheric Ammonia in a Mixed Disc...
     with: Keim, E.R.: Airborne Mapping of Atmospheric Ammonia in a Mixed Discret...
     with: Lee, H.: Temporal and Spatial Autocorrelation as Determinants of Regio...
     with: Lolli, S.: Attributing Accelerated Summertime Warming in the Southeast...
     with: Marquis, J.: Attributing Accelerated Summertime Warming in the Southea...
     with: Miao, Y.N.: Airborne Mapping of Atmospheric Ammonia in a Mixed Discret...
     with: Pakbin, P.: Airborne Mapping of Atmospheric Ammonia in a Mixed Discret...
     with: Porter, W.C.: Airborne Mapping of Atmospheric Ammonia in a Mixed Discr...
     with: Seidel, F.C.: Attributing Accelerated Summertime Warming in the Southe...
     with: Sorek Hamer, M.: Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Association bet...
     with: Sowlat, M.: Airborne Mapping of Atmospheric Ammonia in a Mixed Discret...
     with: Tosca, M.G.: Attributing Accelerated Summertime Warming in the Southea...
     with: Tratt, D.M.: Airborne Mapping of Atmospheric Ammonia in a Mixed Discre...
26 for Kalashnikova, O.

Kalashnikova, O.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amiridis, V.: Assessment of Atmospheric and Meteorological Factors Reg...
     with: Amiridis, V.: Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling for Estim...
     with: Chau, K.: Using Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer Aerosol Mixture ...
     with: El Askary, H.: Assessment of Atmospheric and Meteorological Factors Re...
     with: El Askary, H.: Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling to Asses...
     with: El Askary, H.M.: Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling for Es...
     with: Enebish, T.: Using Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer Aerosol Mixtu...
     with: Franklin, M.: Characterization of Subgrid-Scale Variability in Particu...
     with: Franklin, M.: Using Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer Aerosol Mixt...
     with: Fruin, S.: Characterization of Subgrid-Scale Variability in Particulat...
     with: Garay, M.J.: Assessment of Atmospheric and Meteorological Factors Regu...
     with: Garay, M.J.: Characterization of Subgrid-Scale Variability in Particul...
     with: Garay, M.J.: How Long should the MISR Record Be when Evaluating Aeroso...
     with: Garay, M.J.: Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling for Estima...
     with: Garay, M.J.: Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling to Assess ...
     with: Garay, M.J.: Using Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer Aerosol Mixtu...
     with: Gibson, P.B.: How Long should the MISR Record Be when Evaluating Aeros...
     with: Gkikas, A.: Assessment of Atmospheric and Meteorological Factors Regul...
     with: Lee, H.: How Long should the MISR Record Be when Evaluating Aerosol Op...
     with: Li, W.: Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling for Estimating ...
     with: Li, W.Z.: Assessment of Atmospheric and Meteorological Factors Regulat...
     with: Li, W.Z.: Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling to Assess an ...
     with: Manikandan, K.P.: Assessment of Atmospheric and Meteorological Factors...
     with: ManiKandan, K.P.: Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling for E...
     with: ManiKandan, K.P.: Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling to As...
     with: Marinou, E.: Assessment of Atmospheric and Meteorological Factors Regu...
     with: Piechota, T.: Assessment of Atmospheric and Meteorological Factors Reg...
     with: Piechota, T.C.: Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling for Est...
     with: Proestakis, E.: Assessment of Atmospheric and Meteorological Factors R...
     with: Qurban, M.A.: Assessment of Atmospheric and Meteorological Factors Reg...
     with: Qurban, M.A.: Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling for Estim...
     with: Qurban, M.A.: Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling to Assess...
     with: Sorek Hamer, M.: Using Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer Aerosol M...
     with: Struppa, D.C.: Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling for Esti...
     with: Tiwari, S.P.: Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling for Estim...
     with: Yu, Y.: How Long should the MISR Record Be when Evaluating Aerosol Opt...
36 for Kalashnikova, O.V.

Kalata, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kam, M.: Sensor Fusion for Mobile Robot Navigation
     with: Zhu, X.X.: Sensor Fusion for Mobile Robot Navigation

Kalatha, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aliprantis, J.: Linked Open Data as Universal Markers for Mobile Augme...
     with: Caridakis, G.: Linked Open Data as Universal Markers for Mobile Augmen...
     with: Konstantakis, M.: Linked Open Data as Universal Markers for Mobile Aug...
     with: Michalakis, K.: Linked Open Data as Universal Markers for Mobile Augme...

Kalathil, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ibrahim, S.: Estimating Phase Duration for SPaT Messages
     with: Sanchez, R.O.: Estimating Phase Duration for SPaT Messages
     with: Varaiya, P.: Estimating Phase Duration for SPaT Messages

Kalatzis, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Buska, K.: MobileNVC: Real-time 1080p Neural Video Compression on a Mo...
     with: Le, H.: MobileNVC: Real-time 1080p Neural Video Compression on a Mobil...
     with: Mayer, F.: MobileNVC: Real-time 1080p Neural Video Compression on a Mo...
     with: Mehta, H.: MobileNVC: Real-time 1080p Neural Video Compression on a Mo...
     with: Nagel, M.: MobileNVC: Real-time 1080p Neural Video Compression on a Mo...
     with: Raha, A.: MobileNVC: Real-time 1080p Neural Video Compression on a Mob...
     with: Said, A.: MobileNVC: Real-time 1080p Neural Video Compression on a Mob...
     with: Sautiere, G.: MobileNVC: Real-time 1080p Neural Video Compression on a...
     with: Singhal, T.: MobileNVC: Real-time 1080p Neural Video Compression on a ...
     with: van Rozendaal, T.: MobileNVC: Real-time 1080p Neural Video Compression...
     with: Wiggers, A.: MobileNVC: Real-time 1080p Neural Video Compression on a ...
     with: Zhang, L.: MobileNVC: Real-time 1080p Neural Video Compression on a Mo...
12 for Kalatzis, D.

Kalatzis, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fotiadis, D.I.: generalized methodology for the gridding of microarray...
     with: Giannakeas, N.: generalized methodology for the gridding of microarray...
     with: Tsipouras, M.G.: generalized methodology for the gridding of microarra...

Kalatzis, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Athanasiadis, E.: Automatic Microarray Image Gridding Technique Based ...
     with: Bezerianos, A.: Biomarker Selection System, Employing an Iterative Pea...
     with: Bougioukos, P.: Assessing Estrogen Receptors' Status by Texture Analys...
     with: Bougioukos, P.: Biomarker Selection System, Employing an Iterative Pea...
     with: Bougioukos, P.: Development of a Cascade Processing Method for Microar...
     with: Cavouras, D.: Assessing Estrogen Receptors' Status by Texture Analysis...
     with: Cavouras, D.: Automatic Microarray Image Gridding Technique Based on C...
     with: Cavouras, D.: Biomarker Selection System, Employing an Iterative Peak ...
     with: Cavouras, D.: Development of a Cascade Processing Method for Microarra...
     with: Cavouras, D.: Development of the probabilistic neural network-cubic le...
     with: Cavouras, D.D.: Design and implementation of a multi-PNN structure for...
     with: Daskalakis, A.: Assessing Estrogen Receptors' Status by Texture Analys...
     with: Daskalakis, A.: Biomarker Selection System, Employing an Iterative Pea...
     with: Daskalakis, A.: Development of a Cascade Processing Method for Microar...
     with: Dimitropoulos, N.: Development of the probabilistic neural network-cub...
     with: Georgiadis, P.: Biomarker Selection System, Employing an Iterative Pea...
     with: Kagadis, G.C.: Assessing Estrogen Receptors' Status by Texture Analysi...
     with: Kagadis, G.C.: Development of a Cascade Processing Method for Microarr...
     with: Kostopoulos, S.: Assessing Estrogen Receptors' Status by Texture Analy...
     with: Kostopoulos, S.: Biomarker Selection System, Employing an Iterative Pe...
     with: Kostopoulos, S.: Development of a Cascade Processing Method for Microa...
     with: Liappas, I.A.: Design and implementation of a multi-PNN structure for ...
     with: Nikiforidis, G.: Assessing Estrogen Receptors' Status by Texture Analy...
     with: Nikiforidis, G.: Automatic Microarray Image Gridding Technique Based o...
     with: Nikiforidis, G.: Biomarker Selection System, Employing an Iterative Pe...
     with: Nikiforidis, G.: Development of a Cascade Processing Method for Microa...
     with: Nikolaou, C.C.: Design and implementation of a multi-PNN structure for...
     with: Papageorgiou, C.C.: Design and implementation of a multi-PNN structure...
     with: Piliouras, N.: Design and implementation of a multi-PNN structure for ...
     with: Piliouras, N.: Development of the probabilistic neural network-cubic l...
     with: Rabavilas, A.D.: Design and implementation of a multi-PNN structure fo...
     with: Ravazoula, P.: Assessing Estrogen Receptors' Status by Texture Analysi...
     with: Spyridonos, P.: Automatic Microarray Image Gridding Technique Based on...
     with: Theocharakis, P.: Development of the probabilistic neural network-cubi...
     with: Ventouras, E.: Design and implementation of a multi-PNN structure for ...
35 for Kalatzis, I.

Kalatzis, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Giannakopoulos, O.: Gender Recognition Based on Social Networks for Mu...
     with: Papavassiliou, S.: Gender Recognition Based on Social Networks for Mul...
     with: Roussaki, I.: Gender Recognition Based on Social Networks for Multimed...

Kalavathi, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Prasath, V.B.S.: Automatic segmentation of cerebral hemispheres in MR ...

Kalaw, F.G.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: An, C.: Accurate Registration between Ultra-Wide-Field and Narrow Angl...
     with: Bartsch, D.U.G.: Accurate Registration between Ultra-Wide-Field and Na...
     with: Cavichini, M.: Accurate Registration between Ultra-Wide-Field and Narr...
     with: Freeman, W.R.: Accurate Registration between Ultra-Wide-Field and Narr...
     with: Nguyen, T.Q.: Accurate Registration between Ultra-Wide-Field and Narro...
     with: Wen, B.: Accurate Registration between Ultra-Wide-Field and Narrow Ang...
     with: Zhang, J.: Accurate Registration between Ultra-Wide-Field and Narrow A...
7 for Kalaw, F.G.P.

Kalawsky, R.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Flemisch, F.: Communication and Interaction With Semiautonomous Ground...
     with: Gordon, T.: Communication and Interaction With Semiautonomous Ground V...
     with: Martinez Garcia, M.: Communication and Interaction With Semiautonomous...
     with: Meng, Q.G.: Communication and Interaction With Semiautonomous Ground V...
     with: Smith, T.: Communication and Interaction With Semiautonomous Ground Ve...

Kalayci, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ayyildiz, H.: Can laboratory parameters be an alternative to CT and RT...
     with: Bozdag, P.G.: Can laboratory parameters be an alternative to CT and RT...
     with: Karlidag, G.E.: Can laboratory parameters be an alternative to CT and ...
     with: Tuncer, S.A.: Can laboratory parameters be an alternative to CT and RT...

Kalayci, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ekenel, H.K.: Automatic analysis of facial attractiveness from video
     with: Gunes, H.: Automatic analysis of facial attractiveness from video

Kalayci, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lasaponara, R.: Multispectral Contrast of Archaeological Features: A Q...
     with: Masini, N.: Multispectral Contrast of Archaeological Features: A Quant...
     with: Sarris, A.: Multi-Sensor Geomagnetic Prospection: A Case Study from Ne...
     with: Wainwright, J.: Multispectral Contrast of Archaeological Features: A Q...

Kalayeh, H.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Landgrebe, D.A.: Adaptive Relaxation Labeling
     with: Landgrebe, D.A.: Feature Selection When Limited Numbers of Training Sa...
     with: Landgrebe, D.A.: Predicting the Required Number of Training Samples
     with: Landgrebe, D.A.: Stochastic Model Utilizing Spectral and Spatial Chara...
     with: Landgrebe, D.A.: Utilizing Multitemporal Data by a Stochastic Model
     with: Muasher, M.J.: Feature Selection When Limited Numbers of Training Samp...

Kalayeh, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Orife, I.: Looking Similar, Sounding Different: Leveraging Counterfact...
     with: Singh, N.: Looking Similar, Sounding Different: Leveraging Counterfact...
     with: Wu, C.W.: Looking Similar, Sounding Different: Leveraging Counterfactu...

Kalayeh, M.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Basaran, E.: Human Semantic Parsing for Person Re-identification
     with: Bhattacharya, S.: Recognition of Complex Events: Exploiting Temporal D...
     with: Brankov, J.G.: Numerical Surrogates for Human Observers in Myocardial ...
     with: Gokmen, M.: Human Semantic Parsing for Person Re-identification
     with: Gong, B.: Improving Facial Attribute Prediction Using Semantic Segment...
     with: Idrees, H.: NMF-KNN: Image Annotation Using Weighted Multi-view Non-ne...
     with: Kamasak, M.E.: Human Semantic Parsing for Person Re-identification
     with: Marin, T.: Numerical Surrogates for Human Observers in Myocardial Moti...
     with: Parages, F.M.: Numerical Surrogates for Human Observers in Myocardial ...
     with: Shah, M.: Human Semantic Parsing for Person Re-identification
     with: Shah, M.: Improving Facial Attribute Prediction Using Semantic Segment...
     with: Shah, M.: NMF-KNN: Image Annotation Using Weighted Multi-view Non-nega...
     with: Shah, M.: On Symbiosis of Attribute Prediction and Semantic Segmentation
     with: Shah, M.: Recognition of Complex Events: Exploiting Temporal Dynamics ...
     with: Shah, M.: Training Faster by Separating Modes of Variation in Batch-No...
     with: Sukthankar, R.: Recognition of Complex Events: Exploiting Temporal Dyn...
16 for Kalayeh, M.M.

Kalayjian, N.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baker, H.H.: Moving imager camera for track and range capture
     with: St. Hilaire, P.: Moving imager camera for track and range capture
     with: Woodfill, J.I.: Moving imager camera for track and range capture

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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