Index for king

King Smith, P.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boyer, K.L.: Texture based prelens tear film segmentation in interfero...
     with: Fink, B.A.: Interferometric imaging of the full thickness of the preco...
     with: Hill, R.M.: Interferometric imaging of the full thickness of the preco...
     with: Nichols, J.J.: Interferometric imaging of the full thickness of the pr...
     with: Nichols, J.J.: Texture based prelens tear film segmentation in interfe...
     with: Nichols, K.K.: Interferometric imaging of the full thickness of the pr...
     with: Wu, D.: Texture based prelens tear film segmentation in interferometry...
7 for King Smith, P.E.

King, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhandarkar, S.M.: Comparison of Deep Learning Methods for Semantic Seg...
     with: Chawdhary, A.: Optimising the Volgenant-Jonker algorithm for approxima...
     with: Chawdhary, A.: Revisiting Volgenant-Jonker for Approximating Graph Edi...
     with: Hopkinson, B.M.: Comparison of Deep Learning Methods for Semantic Segm...
     with: Jones, W.: Optimising the Volgenant-Jonker algorithm for approximating...
     with: Jones, W.: Revisiting Volgenant-Jonker for Approximating Graph Edit Di...
     with: Luo, X.: Tomographic Imaging of Rock Conditions Ahead of Mining Using ...
     with: van de Werken, M.: Tomographic Imaging of Rock Conditions Ahead of Min...
8 for King, A.

King, A.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anton, E.P.: Deep Learning-Based Detection and Correction of Cardiac M...
     with: Bai, W.J.: Learning a Global Descriptor of Cardiac Motion from a Large...
     with: Balfour, D.R.: High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Using ...
     with: Balfour, D.R.: Weighted Manifold Alignment using Wave Kernel Signature...
     with: Baumgartner, C.F.: High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Us...
     with: Blackall, J.M.: Alignment of sparse freehand 3-D ultrasound with preop...
     with: Blackall, J.M.: Tracking Liver Motion Using 3-D Ultrasound and a Surfa...
     with: Buerger, C.: Cardiac Respiratory Motion Modelling by Simultaneous Regi...
     with: Buerger, C.: Nonrigid Motion Modeling of the Liver From 3-D Undersampl...
     with: Bustin, A.: Deep Learning-Based Detection and Correction of Cardiac MR...
     with: Byrne, N.: Persistent Homology-Based Topological Loss for CNN-Based Mu...
     with: Byrne, N.: Topological Loss Function for Deep-Learning Based Image Seg...
     with: Chandler, C.L.: Design and evaluation of a system for microscope-assis...
     with: Chen, X.: High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Using Manif...
     with: Clough, J.R.: Deep Learning-Based Detection and Correction of Cardiac ...
     with: Clough, J.R.: Persistent Homology-Based Topological Loss for CNN-Based...
     with: Clough, J.R.: Topological Loss Function for Deep-Learning Based Image ...
     with: Clough, J.R.: Weighted Manifold Alignment using Wave Kernel Signatures...
     with: Clough, R.E.: Nonrigid Motion Modeling of the Liver From 3-D Undersamp...
     with: Cruz, G.: Deep Learning-Based Detection and Correction of Cardiac MR M...
     with: Cruz, G.: Weighted Manifold Alignment using Wave Kernel Signatures for...
     with: de Cunha, D.A.: Design and evaluation of a system for microscope-assis...
     with: Duong, P.: Semi-automatic Cardiac and Respiratory Gated MRI for Cardia...
     with: Edwards, P.J.: Design and evaluation of a system for microscope-assist...
     with: Fenlon, M.R.: Design and evaluation of a system for microscope-assiste...
     with: Forte, M.N.V.: Semi-automatic Cardiac and Respiratory Gated MRI for Ca...
     with: Frigiola, A.: Semi-automatic Cardiac and Respiratory Gated MRI for Car...
     with: Gaston, R.P.: Design and evaluation of a system for microscope-assiste...
     with: Gijsbers, G.: Comparing Image-Based Respiratory Motion Correction Meth...
     with: Gill, J.: Comparing Image-Based Respiratory Motion Correction Methods ...
     with: Gleeson, M.J.: Design and evaluation of a system for microscope-assist...
     with: Gogin, N.: Comparing Image-Based Respiratory Motion Correction Methods...
     with: Hawkes, D.J.: Alignment of sparse freehand 3-D ultrasound with preoper...
     with: Hawkes, D.J.: Design and evaluation of a system for microscope-assiste...
     with: Hawkes, D.J.: Tracking Liver Motion Using 3-D Ultrasound and a Surface...
     with: Hill, D.L.G.: Design and evaluation of a system for microscope-assiste...
     with: Jansen, C.: Registering Preprocedure Volumetric Images With Intraproce...
     with: Jusczyzck, A.: Design and evaluation of a system for microscope-assist...
     with: Ma, Y.: Registering Preprocedure Volumetric Images With Intraprocedure...
     with: Ma, Y.L.: Comparing Image-Based Respiratory Motion Correction Methods ...
     with: Marsden, P.K.: High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Using ...
     with: Marsden, P.K.: Weighted Manifold Alignment using Wave Kernel Signature...
     with: Maurer, C.R.: Design and evaluation of a system for microscope-assiste...
     with: Montana, G.: Persistent Homology-Based Topological Loss for CNN-Based ...
     with: Nordsletten, D.A.: Semi-automatic Cardiac and Respiratory Gated MRI fo...
     with: O'Regan, D.P.: Learning a Global Descriptor of Cardiac Motion from a L...
     with: Oksuz, I.: Deep Learning-Based Detection and Correction of Cardiac MR ...
     with: Oksuz, I.: Topological Loss Function for Deep-Learning Based Image Seg...
     with: Oktay, O.: Learning a Global Descriptor of Cardiac Motion from a Large...
     with: Penney, G.P.: Alignment of sparse freehand 3-D ultrasound with preoper...
     with: Penney, G.P.: Registering Preprocedure Volumetric Images With Intrapro...
     with: Penney, G.P.: Tracking Liver Motion Using 3-D Ultrasound and a Surface...
     with: Peressutti, D.: Learning a Global Descriptor of Cardiac Motion from a ...
     with: Prieto, C.: Deep Learning-Based Detection and Correction of Cardiac MR...
     with: Prieto, C.: High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Using Man...
     with: Prieto, C.: Nonrigid Motion Modeling of the Liver From 3-D Undersample...
     with: Prieto, C.: Weighted Manifold Alignment using Wave Kernel Signatures f...
     with: Pushparajah, K.: Semi-automatic Cardiac and Respiratory Gated MRI for ...
     with: Puyol Anton, E.: Semi-automatic Cardiac and Respiratory Gated MRI for ...
     with: Razavi, R.: Comparing Image-Based Respiratory Motion Correction Method...
     with: Razavi, R.: Registering Preprocedure Volumetric Images With Intraproce...
     with: Razavi, R.: Semi-automatic Cardiac and Respiratory Gated MRI for Cardi...
     with: Razavi, R.S.: Adaptive and Predictive Respiratory Motion Model for Ima...
     with: Reader, A.J.: High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Using M...
     with: Reader, A.J.: Weighted Manifold Alignment using Wave Kernel Signatures...
     with: Rhode, K.S.: Adaptive and Predictive Respiratory Motion Model for Imag...
     with: Rhode, K.S.: Comparing Image-Based Respiratory Motion Correction Metho...
     with: Rhode, K.S.: Registering Preprocedure Volumetric Images With Intraproc...
     with: Rinaldi, C.A.: Comparing Image-Based Respiratory Motion Correction Met...
     with: Rueckert, D.: Learning a Global Descriptor of Cardiac Motion from a La...
     with: Ruijsink, B.: Deep Learning-Based Detection and Correction of Cardiac ...
     with: Ruijsink, B.: Semi-automatic Cardiac and Respiratory Gated MRI for Car...
     with: Schaeffter, T.: Cardiac Respiratory Motion Modelling by Simultaneous R...
     with: Schaeffter, T.: Nonrigid Motion Modeling of the Liver From 3-D Undersa...
     with: Schaeffter, T.R.: Adaptive and Predictive Respiratory Motion Model for...
     with: Schnabel, J.A.: Deep Learning-Based Detection and Correction of Cardia...
     with: Schnabel, J.A.: Topological Loss Function for Deep-Learning Based Imag...
     with: Shi, W.Z.: Learning a Global Descriptor of Cardiac Motion from a Large...
     with: Strong, A.J.: Design and evaluation of a system for microscope-assiste...
     with: Usman, M.: High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Using Mani...
     with: Usman, M.: Semi-automatic Cardiac and Respiratory Gated MRI for Cardia...
     with: Valverde, I.: Persistent Homology-Based Topological Loss for CNN-Based...
     with: van Amerom, J.: Semi-automatic Cardiac and Respiratory Gated MRI for C...
     with: Wilson, R.: Invariant and equivariant bilinear operations for image fe...
     with: Yao, C.: Registering Preprocedure Volumetric Images With Intraprocedur...
     with: Zimmer, V.A.: Topological Loss Function for Deep-Learning Based Image ...
86 for King, A.P.

King, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, W.: Combination of overlap-driven adjustment and Phong model for...
     with: Chen, W.: Conceptual Issues Regarding the Development of Underground R...
     with: Ding, Q.: Combination of overlap-driven adjustment and Phong model for...
     with: Hung, R.: Conceptual Issues Regarding the Development of Underground R...
     with: Liu, G.X.: Combination of overlap-driven adjustment and Phong model fo...
     with: Liu, Y.X.: Combination of overlap-driven adjustment and Phong model fo...

King, B.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, Z.: Assessment Of Shadow Enhanced Urban Remote Sensing Imagery Of ...
     with: Paulson, L.D.: Motion Capture Moves into New Realms
     with: Wan, C.Y.: Assessment Of Shadow Enhanced Urban Remote Sensing Imagery ...

King, B.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Malisiewicz, T.: Registration of multiple range scans as a location re...
     with: Radke, R.J.: Registration of combined range-intensity scans: Initializ...
     with: Radke, R.J.: Registration of multiple range scans as a location recogn...
     with: Smith, E.R.: Registration of combined range-intensity scans: Initializ...
     with: Stewart, C.V.: Registration of combined range-intensity scans: Initial...
     with: Stewart, C.V.: Registration of multiple range scans as a location reco...

King, B.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baer, T.M.: Automated Cell Segmentation for Quantitative Phase Microsc...
     with: Black, D.: Automated Cell Segmentation for Quantitative Phase Microscopy
     with: Chen, B.: Automated Cell Segmentation for Quantitative Phase Microscopy
     with: Contag, C.H.: Automated Cell Segmentation for Quantitative Phase Micro...
     with: Cordeiro, C.: Automated Cell Segmentation for Quantitative Phase Micro...
     with: Loewke, N.O.: Automated Cell Segmentation for Quantitative Phase Micro...
     with: Pai, S.: Automated Cell Segmentation for Quantitative Phase Microscopy
     with: Solgaard, O.: Automated Cell Segmentation for Quantitative Phase Micro...
8 for King, B.L.

King, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bebis, G.N.: Vision-Based Architecture for Intent Recognition, A
     with: Bebis, G.N.: Visual Tracking Framework for Intent Recognition in Video...
     with: Carnec, C.: Least Squares Adjustment of Multi-temporal InSAR Data: App...
     with: Carnec, C.: Monitoring of slow ground deformation by ERS radar interfe...
     with: Crisostomi, E.: Delay-Tolerant Stochastic Algorithms for Parking Space...
     with: Hosford, S.: Monitoring of slow ground deformation by ERS radar interf...
     with: Kelley, R.: Vision-Based Architecture for Intent Recognition, A
     with: Kelley, R.: Visual Tracking Framework for Intent Recognition in Videos...
     with: Le Mouelic, S.: Least Squares Adjustment of Multi-temporal InSAR Data:...
     with: Le Mouelic, S.: Monitoring of slow ground deformation by ERS radar int...
     with: Maisons, C.: Monitoring of slow ground deformation by ERS radar interf...
     with: Nicolescu, M.: Control Architecture for Long-Term Autonomy of Robotic ...
     with: Nicolescu, M.: Vision-Based Architecture for Intent Recognition, A
     with: Nicolescu, M.: Visual Tracking Framework for Intent Recognition in Vid...
     with: Palathingal, X.: Control Architecture for Long-Term Autonomy of Roboti...
     with: Raucoules, D.: Least Squares Adjustment of Multi-temporal InSAR Data: ...
     with: Raucoules, D.: Monitoring of slow ground deformation by ERS radar inte...
     with: Schlote, A.: Delay-Tolerant Stochastic Algorithms for Parking Space As...
     with: Shorten, R.: Delay-Tolerant Stochastic Algorithms for Parking Space As...
     with: Tavakkoli, A.: Vision-Based Architecture for Intent Recognition, A
     with: Tavakkoli, A.: Visual Tracking Framework for Intent Recognition in Vid...
24 for King, C.

King, C.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fan, K.C.: Reading Order of Chinese Newspaper Articles Using a Block G...
     with: Han, C.C.: Reading Order of Chinese Newspaper Articles Using a Block G...

King, C.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lin, C.H.: Sensor-Deployment Strategies for Indoor Robot Navigation
     with: Pu, C.C.: Pipeline architectures for recursive morphological operations
     with: Shih, F.Y.C.: Pipeline architectures for recursive morphological opera...

King, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alavi, N.: Evaluating the Relationships of Inter-Annual Farmland Veget...
     with: Balzter, H.: Airborne X-hh Incidence Angle Impact On Canopy Height Ret...
     with: Bannari, A.: Airborne X-hh Incidence Angle Impact On Canopy Height Ret...
     with: Ciuffreda, F.: Airborne Digital Frame Camera Imaging For Elevation Det...
     with: Mcnairn, H.: Airborne X-hh Incidence Angle Impact On Canopy Height Ret...
     with: Rossignac, J.: Piecewise Regular Meshes: Construction and Compression
     with: Szymczak, A.: Piecewise Regular Meshes: Construction and Compression
     with: Tighe, M.L.: Airborne X-hh Incidence Angle Impact On Canopy Height Ret...
     with: Walsh, P.: Airborne Digital Frame Camera Imaging For Elevation Determi...
9 for King, D.

King, D.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lucieer, A.: Spatial Co-Registration of Ultra-High Resolution Visible,...
     with: Malenovsky, Z.: Spatial Co-Registration of Ultra-High Resolution Visib...
     with: Robinson, S.A.: Spatial Co-Registration of Ultra-High Resolution Visib...
     with: Turner, D.: Spatial Co-Registration of Ultra-High Resolution Visible, ...

King, D.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bell, F.W.: Automated tree crown detection and delineation in high-res...
     with: Dubeau, P.: Mapping the Dabus Wetlands, Ethiopia, Using Random Forest ...
     with: Duffe, J.: Comparison of Empirical and Physical Modelling for Estimati...
     with: Duffe, J.: Retrieval of Arctic Vegetation Biophysical and Biochemical ...
     with: Erasmi, S.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing -Part I: A...
     with: Erasmi, S.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing-Part II: A...
     with: Heurich, M.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing -Part I: ...
     with: Heurich, M.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing-Part II: ...
     with: Kennedy, B.E.: Comparison of Empirical and Physical Modelling for Esti...
     with: Kennedy, B.E.: Retrieval of Arctic Vegetation Biophysical and Biochemi...
     with: Lausch, A.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing -Part I: A...
     with: Lausch, A.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing-Part II: A...
     with: Levesque, J.: Spatial analysis of radiometric fractions from high-reso...
     with: Magdon, P.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing -Part I: A...
     with: Magdon, P.: Understanding Forest Health with Remote Sensing-Part II: A...
     with: Pitt, D.G.: Automated tree crown detection and delineation in high-res...
     with: Pouliot, D.A.: Automated tree crown detection and delineation in high-...
     with: Rebelo, L.M.: Mapping the Dabus Wetlands, Ethiopia, Using Random Fores...
     with: Richardson, M.: Fusion of Multispectral Imagery and Spectrometer Data ...
     with: Richardson, M.: impacts of environmental variables on water reflectanc...
     with: Shan, B.: Fusion of Multispectral Imagery and Spectrometer Data in UAV...
     with: Unbushe, D.G.: Mapping the Dabus Wetlands, Ethiopia, Using Random Fore...
     with: Zeng, C.Q.: Fusion of Multispectral Imagery and Spectrometer Data in U...
     with: Zeng, C.Q.: impacts of environmental variables on water reflectance me...
24 for King, D.J.

King, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, K.: TailorGAN: Making User-Defined Fashion Designs
     with: Chen, L.: TailorGAN: Making User-Defined Fashion Designs
     with: Hsieh, S.: TailorGAN: Making User-Defined Fashion Designs
     with: Hsu, W.H.: Cross-Domain Hallucination Network for Fine-Grained Object ...
     with: Li, G.: TailorGAN: Making User-Defined Fashion Designs
     with: Lin, J.: Cross-Domain Hallucination Network for Fine-Grained Object Re...
     with: Lin, Y.: Cross-Domain Hallucination Network for Fine-Grained Object Re...
     with: Su, H.: Cross-Domain Hallucination Network for Fine-Grained Object Rec...
     with: Tian, J.: TailorGAN: Making User-Defined Fashion Designs
     with: Wu, C.: TailorGAN: Making User-Defined Fashion Designs
     with: Xu, C.: TailorGAN: Making User-Defined Fashion Designs
11 for King, E.

King, E.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boadle, D.: Potential of Autonomous Ship-Borne Hyperspectral Radiomete...
     with: Brando, V.E.: Potential of Autonomous Ship-Borne Hyperspectral Radiome...
     with: Lovell, J.L.: Potential of Autonomous Ship-Borne Hyperspectral Radiome...
     with: Schroeder, T.: Potential of Autonomous Ship-Borne Hyperspectral Radiom...
     with: Scott, R.: Potential of Autonomous Ship-Borne Hyperspectral Radiometer...

King, E.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kirby, M.: Flag Median and FlagIRLS, The
     with: Kutyniok, G.: Analysis of Inpainting via Clustered Sparsity and Microl...
     with: Mankovich, N.: Flag Median and FlagIRLS, The
     with: Peterson, C.: Flag Median and FlagIRLS, The
     with: Reisenhofer, R.: Edge, Ridge, and Blob Detection with Symmetric Molecu...
     with: Zhuang, X.S.: Analysis of Inpainting via Clustered Sparsity and Microl...

King, G.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kerbyson, D.J.: Realistic image synthesis of plant structures for gene...
     with: Nudd, G.R.: Realistic image synthesis of plant structures for genetic ...
     with: Wang, D.: Realistic image synthesis of plant structures for genetic an...

King, G.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lin, W.M.: Correlating Extremes in Wind Divergence with Extremes in Ra...
     with: Portabella, M.: Correlating Extremes in Wind Divergence with Extremes ...
     with: Stoffelen, A.: Correlating Extremes in Wind Divergence with Extremes i...

King, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adebayo, A.: Using GIS to Explore the Potential of Business Rating Dat...
     with: Ellis, J.: Using GIS to Explore the Potential of Business Rating Data ...
     with: Greenhalgh, P.: Using GIS to Explore the Potential of Business Rating ...
     with: Muldoon Smith, K.: Using GIS to Explore the Potential of Business Rati...

King, H.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agapiou, A.: More Than a Flight: The Extensive Contributions of UAV Fl...
     with: Hadjimitsis, D.G.: More Than a Flight: The Extensive Contributions of ...
     with: King, N.: More Than a Flight: The Extensive Contributions of UAV Fligh...
     with: Themistocleous, K.: More Than a Flight: The Extensive Contributions of...

King, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adjeroh, D.A.: Distance Measure for Video Sequences, A
     with: Alippi, C.: Survey on Graph Neural Networks for Time Series: Forecasti...
     with: Chan, L.: Intra-Block Algorithm for Digital Watermarking
     with: Chen, X.: Boosting the Transferability of Adversarial Samples via Atte...
     with: Chen, X.: Towards Global Explanations of Convolutional Neural Networks...
     with: Duan, F.Y.: Intra-Block Algorithm for Digital Watermarking
     with: Fung, P.F.: Randomized Generalized Hough Transform for 2-D Grayscale O...
     with: Han, X.T.: Learning 3d Face Reconstruction with a Pose Guidance Network
     with: Hu, X.M.: Survey of Text Watermarking in the Era of Large Language Mod...
     with: Huang, K.Z.: Learning classifiers from imbalanced data based on biased...
     with: Jang, K.F.: Face Processing System Based on Committee Machine: The App...
     with: Jin, M.: Survey on Graph Neural Networks for Time Series: Forecasting,...
     with: Jin, Z.: Integrated probability function and its application to conten...
     with: Koh, H.Y.: Survey on Graph Neural Networks for Time Series: Forecastin...
     with: Lee, J.H M.: Bibliographic Attributes Extraction with Layer-upon-Layer...
     with: Lee, M.C.: Distance Measure for Video Sequences, A
     with: Lee, W.S.: Randomized Generalized Hough Transform for 2-D Grayscale Ob...
     with: Li, J.J.: Survey of Text Watermarking in the Era of Large Language Mod...
     with: Liu, A.: Survey of Text Watermarking in the Era of Large Language Mode...
     with: Liu, P.P.: Flow2Stereo: Effective Self-Supervised Learning of Optical ...
     with: Liu, P.P.: Learning 3d Face Reconstruction with a Pose Guidance Network
     with: Liu, P.P.: Learning by Distillation: A Self-Supervised Learning Framew...
     with: Liu, P.P.: SelFlow: Self-Supervised Learning of Optical Flow
     with: Lu, Y.J.: Survey of Text Watermarking in the Era of Large Language Mod...
     with: Luk, W.S.: Efficient Iterative Pose Estimation Algorithm, An
     with: Lyu, M.: Learning 3d Face Reconstruction with a Pose Guidance Network
     with: Lyu, M.R.: Boosting the Transferability of Adversarial Samples via Att...
     with: Lyu, M.R.: Face Processing System Based on Committee Machine: The Appr...
     with: Lyu, M.R.: Face recognition committee machines: dynamic vs. static str...
     with: Lyu, M.R.: Flow2Stereo: Effective Self-Supervised Learning of Optical ...
     with: Lyu, M.R.: Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Samples with A...
     with: Lyu, M.R.: Learning by Distillation: A Self-Supervised Learning Framew...
     with: Lyu, M.R.: Learning classifiers from imbalanced data based on biased m...
     with: Lyu, M.R.: SelFlow: Self-Supervised Learning of Optical Flow
     with: Lyu, M.R.: Towards Global Explanations of Convolutional Neural Network...
     with: Lyu, M.R.T.: Bridging the Semantic Gap Between Image Contents and Tags
     with: Ma, H.: Bridging the Semantic Gap Between Image Contents and Tags
     with: Or, S.H.: Efficient Iterative Pose Estimation Algorithm, An
     with: Pan, L.: Survey of Text Watermarking in the Era of Large Language Mode...
     with: Pan, S.R.: Survey on Graph Neural Networks for Time Series: Forecastin...
     with: Su, Y.: Boosting the Transferability of Adversarial Samples via Attent...
     with: Su, Y.: Towards Global Explanations of Convolutional Neural Networks W...
     with: Su, Y.X.: Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Samples with Ad...
     with: Tai, Y.: Boosting the Transferability of Adversarial Samples via Atten...
     with: Tai, Y.: Towards Global Explanations of Convolutional Neural Networks ...
     with: Tang, H.M.: Face Processing System Based on Committee Machine: The App...
     with: Tang, H.M.: Face recognition committee machines: dynamic vs. static st...
     with: Tung, L.H.: two-stage framework for polygon retrieval using Minimum Ci...
     with: Webb, G.I.: Survey on Graph Neural Networks for Time Series: Forecasti...
     with: Wei, W.: Bibliographic Attributes Extraction with Layer-upon-Layer Tag...
     with: Wen, L.J.: Survey of Text Watermarking in the Era of Large Language Mo...
     with: Wen, Q.S.: Survey on Graph Neural Networks for Time Series: Forecastin...
     with: Wong, K.H.: Efficient Iterative Pose Estimation Algorithm, An
     with: Wu, W.: Boosting the Transferability of Adversarial Samples via Attent...
     with: Wu, W.: Towards Global Explanations of Convolutional Neural Networks W...
     with: Wu, W.B.: Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Samples with Ad...
     with: Xiong, H.: Survey of Text Watermarking in the Era of Large Language Mo...
     with: Xu, J.: Flow2Stereo: Effective Self-Supervised Learning of Optical Flo...
     with: Xu, J.: Learning 3d Face Reconstruction with a Pose Guidance Network
     with: Xu, J.: Learning by Distillation: A Self-Supervised Learning Framework...
     with: Xu, J.: SelFlow: Self-Supervised Learning of Optical Flow
     with: Xu, L.: Intra-Block Algorithm for Digital Watermarking
     with: Yang, H.Q.: Learning classifiers from imbalanced data based on biased ...
     with: Yu, P.: Survey of Text Watermarking in the Era of Large Language Model...
     with: Zambon, D.: Survey on Graph Neural Networks for Time Series: Forecasti...
     with: Zhang, X.: Survey of Text Watermarking in the Era of Large Language Mo...
     with: Zhao, S.: Boosting the Transferability of Adversarial Samples via Atte...
     with: Zhao, S.: Towards Global Explanations of Convolutional Neural Networks...
     with: Zhu, J.: Bridging the Semantic Gap Between Image Contents and Tags
69 for King, I.

King, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Atwood, D.K.: Observing Scattering Mechanisms of Bubbled Freshwater La...
     with: Bowers, D.: Estimating cloudmaps from outdoor image sequences
     with: Derksen, C.: Forward and Inverse Radar Modeling of Terrestrial Snow Us...
     with: Derksen, C.: Retrieval of Effective Correlation Length and Snow Water ...
     with: Duguay, C.R.: Observing Scattering Mechanisms of Bubbled Freshwater La...
     with: El Doker, T.A.: Initial results on the development of a new wafer insp...
     with: Gunn, G.E.: Observing Scattering Mechanisms of Bubbled Freshwater Lake...
     with: Jacobs, N.: Estimating cloudmaps from outdoor image sequences
     with: Kontu, A.: Retrieval of Effective Correlation Length and Snow Water Eq...
     with: Lemmetyinen, J.: Forward and Inverse Radar Modeling of Terrestrial Sno...
     with: Lemmetyinen, J.: Retrieval of Effective Correlation Length and Snow Wa...
     with: Leppanen, L.: Retrieval of Effective Correlation Length and Snow Water...
     with: Macelloni, G.: Retrieval of Effective Correlation Length and Snow Wate...
     with: Pulliainen, J.: Retrieval of Effective Correlation Length and Snow Wat...
     with: Rott, H.: Retrieval of Effective Correlation Length and Snow Water Equ...
     with: Schneebeli, M.: Retrieval of Effective Correlation Length and Snow Wat...
     with: Scott, D.R.: Initial results on the development of a new wafer inspect...
     with: Souvenir, R.: Estimating cloudmaps from outdoor image sequences
     with: Tan, S.: Forward and Inverse Radar Modeling of Terrestrial Snow Using ...
     with: Toose, P.: Observing Scattering Mechanisms of Bubbled Freshwater Lake ...
     with: Tsang, L.: Forward and Inverse Radar Modeling of Terrestrial Snow Usin...
     with: Wiesmann, A.: Retrieval of Effective Correlation Length and Snow Water...
     with: Zhu, J.: Forward and Inverse Radar Modeling of Terrestrial Snow Using ...
23 for King, J.

King, J.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: DiTrapani, P.M.: Development of a mathematical model to analyze color ...
     with: Engvall, J.L.: Development of a mathematical model to analyze color an...
     with: Estrada, R.: Development of a mathematical model to analyze color and ...
     with: Greenberg, S.D.: Development of a mathematical model to analyze color ...
     with: Kimzey, S.L.: Development of a mathematical model to analyze color and...
     with: Spjut, H.J.: Development of a mathematical model to analyze color and ...
     with: Subach, J.: Development of a mathematical model to analyze color and d...
7 for King, J.F.

King, J.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cartwright, J.H.: Multitemporal land use and land cover classification...
     with: Jeziorska, J.: Active Remote Sensing Assessment of Biomass Productivit...
     with: King, R.L.: Multitemporal land use and land cover classification of ur...
     with: Mitasova, H.: Active Remote Sensing Assessment of Biomass Productivity...
     with: O'Hara, C.G.: Multitemporal land use and land cover classification of ...
     with: Smart, L.: Active Remote Sensing Assessment of Biomass Productivity an...
     with: Ukachukwu, O.J.: Active Remote Sensing Assessment of Biomass Productiv...
7 for King, J.S.

King, J.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, Y.L.: Effects of Multisensory Distractor Interference on Attent...
     with: Do, T.T.N.: Effects of Multisensory Distractor Interference on Attenti...
     with: Huang, K.C.: Effects of Multisensory Distractor Interference on Attent...
     with: Liao, L.D.: Effects of Multisensory Distractor Interference on Attenti...
     with: Lin, C.T.: Effects of Multisensory Distractor Interference on Attentio...
     with: Lin, C.T.: Influence of Time Pressure on Inhibitory Brain Control Duri...
     with: Ming, Y.R.: Influence of Time Pressure on Inhibitory Brain Control Dur...
     with: Prasad, M.: Influence of Time Pressure on Inhibitory Brain Control Dur...
     with: Tian, Y.Q.: Effects of Multisensory Distractor Interference on Attenti...
     with: Tsai, T.: Influence of Time Pressure on Inhibitory Brain Control Durin...
     with: Wang, Y.K.: Effects of Multisensory Distractor Interference on Attenti...
11 for King, J.T.

King, J.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: McFadden, J.P.: Shifts in Salt Marsh Vegetation Landcover after Debris...
     with: Roberts, D.A.: Shifts in Salt Marsh Vegetation Landcover after Debris ...
     with: Silva, G.D.: Shifts in Salt Marsh Vegetation Landcover after Debris Fl...

King, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hornsby, K.S.: Modeling Motion Relations for Moving Objects on Road Ne...

King, K.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Crawford, C.R.: Correction of computed tomography motion artifacts usi...
     with: Crawford, C.R.: Moving beam helical CT scanning
     with: Crawford, C.R.: Respiratory compensation in projection imaging using a...
     with: Godwin, J.D.: Correction of computed tomography motion artifacts using...
     with: Godwin, J.D.: Respiratory compensation in projection imaging using a m...
     with: Gurmen, O.E.: Investigation of a solid-state detector for advanced com...
     with: Hsieh, J.: Investigation of a solid-state detector for advanced comput...
     with: Hu, H.: Moving beam helical CT scanning
     with: Kim, Y.M.: Correction of computed tomography motion artifacts using pi...
     with: Ritchie, C.J.: Correction of computed tomography motion artifacts usin...
     with: Ritchie, C.J.: Respiratory compensation in projection imaging using a ...
     with: Toth, T.L.: Moving beam helical CT scanning
12 for King, K.F.

King, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bones, P.: MR imaging near metal: The POP algorithm
     with: Danahy, J.: Geovisualisation methods for exploring urban heat island e...
     with: Feick, R.: Geovisualisation methods for exploring urban heat island ef...
     with: Flowers, G.: Flow Routing for Delineating Supraglacial Meltwater Chann...
     with: Foti, G.: First Assessment of Geophysical Sensitivities from Spaceborn...
     with: Gommenginger, C.: First Assessment of Geophysical Sensitivities from S...
     with: Guida, R.: Towards a Topographically-Accurate Reflection Point Predict...
     with: Hammond, M.L.: First Assessment of Geophysical Sensitivities from Spac...
     with: Harrap, R.: Geovisualisation methods for exploring urban heat island e...
     with: Hassan, M.A.: Flow Routing for Delineating Supraglacial Meltwater Chan...
     with: Millane, R.P.: MR imaging near metal: The POP algorithm
     with: Mitchell, J.: Geovisualisation methods for exploring urban heat island...
     with: Mugo, G.: Mapping Floristic Composition Using Sentinel-2A and a Case S...
     with: Penny, J.: Geovisualisation methods for exploring urban heat island ef...
     with: Rawlinson, J.: First Assessment of Geophysical Sensitivities from Spac...
     with: Rawlinson, J.: Towards a Topographically-Accurate Reflection Point Pre...
     with: Rosello, J.: First Assessment of Geophysical Sensitivities from Spaceb...
     with: Srokosz, M.: First Assessment of Geophysical Sensitivities from Spaceb...
     with: Tiller, L.: Mapping Floristic Composition Using Sentinel-2A and a Case...
     with: Underwood, C.: Towards a Topographically-Accurate Reflection Point Pre...
     with: Unwin, M.: First Assessment of Geophysical Sensitivities from Spacebor...
     with: Unwin, M.: Towards a Topographically-Accurate Reflection Point Predict...
     with: Wrigh, R.: Geovisualisation methods for exploring urban heat island ef...
     with: Yang, K.: Flow Routing for Delineating Supraglacial Meltwater Channel ...
24 for King, L.

King, L.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Leeser, M.: Dynamo: a runtime partitioning system for FPGA-based HW/SW...
     with: Quinn, H.: Dynamo: a runtime partitioning system for FPGA-based HW/SW ...

King, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Albert, M.: Aspects of Age Variation in Facial Morphology Affecting Bi...
     with: Atwal, H.: Exploring Automatic Face Recognition on Match Performance a...
     with: Ayers, J.: Simulations of Infrared Radiances over a Deep Convective Cl...
     with: Aytar, Y.: Learning from One Continuous Video Stream
     with: Carreira, J.: Learning from One Continuous Video Stream
     with: Damen, D.: Learning from One Continuous Video Stream
     with: Doersch, C.: Learning from One Continuous Video Stream
     with: Gay, K.: Exploring Automatic Face Recognition on Match Performance and...
     with: Gokay, D.: Learning from One Continuous Video Stream
     with: Heymsfield, A.: Simulations of Infrared Radiances over a Deep Convecti...
     with: Heymsfield, G.: Simulations of Infrared Radiances over a Deep Convecti...
     with: Heyward, J.: Learning from One Continuous Video Stream
     with: Hivner, M.: Exploring Automatic Face Recognition on Match Performance ...
     with: Hlavka, D.: Simulations of Infrared Radiances over a Deep Convective C...
     with: Hong, G.: Simulations of Infrared Radiances over a Deep Convective Clo...
     with: Ionescu, C.: Learning from One Continuous Video Stream
     with: Korn, E.: Simulations of Infrared Radiances over a Deep Convective Clo...
     with: McGill, M.: Simulations of Infrared Radiances over a Deep Convective C...
     with: Merino, X.: Who Wore It Best? And Who Paid Less? Effects of Privacy-Pr...
     with: Minnis, P.: Simulations of Infrared Radiances over a Deep Convective C...
     with: Patraucean, V.: Learning from One Continuous Video Stream
     with: Patterson, E.: Aspects of Age Variation in Facial Morphology Affecting...
     with: Ricanek, K.: Aspects of Age Variation in Facial Morphology Affecting B...
     with: Ricanek, K.: Exploring Automatic Face Recognition on Match Performance...
     with: Selkirk, H.: Simulations of Infrared Radiances over a Deep Convective ...
     with: Sethuram, A.: Aspects of Age Variation in Facial Morphology Affecting ...
     with: Smith, W.: Simulations of Infrared Radiances over a Deep Convective Cl...
     with: Srinivas, N.: Exploring Automatic Face Recognition on Match Performanc...
     with: Thompson, A.: Simulations of Infrared Radiances over a Deep Convective...
     with: Tian, L.: Simulations of Infrared Radiances over a Deep Convective Clo...
     with: Yang, P.: Simulations of Infrared Radiances over a Deep Convective Clo...
     with: Yang, Y.: Learning from One Continuous Video Stream
     with: Yost, C.: Simulations of Infrared Radiances over a Deep Convective Clo...
     with: Zisserman, A.: Learning from One Continuous Video Stream
     with: Zoran, D.: Learning from One Continuous Video Stream
35 for King, M.

King, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beach, R.D.: Use of Three-Dimensional Gaussian Interpolation in the Pr...
     with: Beardsley, J.: GNSS/INS-Equipped Buoys for Altimetry Validation: Lesso...
     with: Beardsley, J.: Ongoing Development of the Bass Strait GNSS/INS Buoy Sy...
     with: Belloso, A.: Study of Deep Learning Networks for Motion Compensation i...
     with: Boening, G.: Use of Three-Dimensional Gaussian Interpolation in the Pr...
     with: Brankov, J.G.: Temporal Regularization for Robust Motion Compensation ...
     with: Bruyant, P.P.: Impact on Reader Performance for Lesion-Detection/ Loca...
     with: Byrne, C.L.: Improved image quality and computation reduction in 4-D r...
     with: Byrne, C.L.: interior point iterative maximum-likelihood reconstructio...
     with: de Vries, D.J.: Correction to Segmentation of the Body and Lungs from ...
     with: de Vries, D.J.: Segmentation of the body and lungs from Compton scatte...
     with: Deane, A.: GNSS/INS-Equipped Buoys for Altimetry Validation: Lessons L...
     with: Feng, B.: Incorporation of System Resolution Compensation (RC) in the ...
     with: Feng, B.: Use of Three-Dimensional Gaussian Interpolation in the Proje...
     with: Fessler, J.A.: Incorporation of System Resolution Compensation (RC) in...
     with: Fox, A.J.: Application Of Surface Matching For Improved Measurements O...
     with: Garmendia, A.I.: Regularized Approach for Respiratory Motion Estimatio...
     with: Gennert, M.A.: Quick 3D-to-2D Points Matching Based on the Perspective...
     with: Gennert, M.A.: Use of Three-Dimensional Gaussian Interpolation in the ...
     with: Gifford, H.C.: Comparison of Human and Model Observers in Multislice L...
     with: Gifford, H.C.: LROC analysis of detector-response compensation in SPECT
     with: Gifford, H.C.: Use of Three-Dimensional Gaussian Interpolation in the ...
     with: Gifford, H.S.: Impact on Reader Performance for Lesion-Detection/ Loca...
     with: Gindi, G.: Impact on Reader Performance for Lesion-Detection/ Localiza...
     with: Gu, S.X.: Quick 3D-to-2D Points Matching Based on the Perspective Proj...
     with: Hawkins, W.G.: LROC analysis of detector-response compensation in SPECT
     with: Johnson, K.L.: Improving Diagnostic Accuracy in Low-Dose SPECT Myocard...
     with: Johnson, K.L.: Personalized Models for Injected Activity Levels in SPE...
     with: Kunz, M.: Application Of Surface Matching For Improved Measurements Of...
     with: Legresy, B.: GNSS/INS-Equipped Buoys for Altimetry Validation: Lessons...
     with: Legresy, B.: Ongoing Development of the Bass Strait GNSS/INS Buoy Syst...
     with: Lehovich, A.: Impact on Reader Performance for Lesion-Detection/ Local...
     with: Licho, R.: Impact on Reader Performance for Lesion-Detection/ Localiza...
     with: Lindsay, C.: Quick 3D-to-2D Points Matching Based on the Perspective P...
     with: Liu, J.C.: Accounting for Inter-Subject Variations in Deep Learning fo...
     with: Liu, J.C.: Dose-Blind Denoising With Deep Learning in Cardiac Spect
     with: Ljungberg, M.: Correction to Segmentation of the Body and Lungs from C...
     with: Ljungberg, M.: Segmentation of the body and lungs from Compton scatter...
     with: Marsh, S.: Application Of Surface Matching For Improved Measurements O...
     with: Miller, P.E.: Application Of Surface Matching For Improved Measurement...
     with: Mills, J.P.: Application Of Surface Matching For Improved Measurements...
     with: Narayanan, M.V.: Improved image quality and computation reduction in 4...
     with: Narayanan, M.V.: interior point iterative maximum-likelihood reconstru...
     with: Narayanan, M.V.: LROC analysis of detector-response compensation in SP...
     with: Pan, T.S.: Correction to Segmentation of the Body and Lungs from Compt...
     with: Pan, T.S.: Segmentation of the body and lungs from Compton scatter and...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: 4-D Reconstruction With Respiratory Correction for Ga...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: 4D non-local means post-filtering for cardiac gated S...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: Accounting for Inter-Subject Variations in Deep Learn...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: Approximate 4D Reconstruction of Cardiac-Gated Spect ...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: Comparison of Human and Model Observers in Multislice...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: Dose-Blind Denoising With Deep Learning in Cardiac Sp...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: Effect of Respiratory Motion Correction in Perfusion ...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: Exploring Anatomical Similarity in Cardiac-Gated SPEC...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: Improved image quality and computation reduction in 4...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: Improving Diagnostic Accuracy in Low-Dose SPECT Myoca...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: Joint motion correction and image reconstruction in r...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: LROC analysis of detector-response compensation in SP...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: Personalized Models for Injected Activity Levels in S...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: Reconstruction of respiratory-binned cardiac spect us...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: Reconstruction with angular compensation in respirato...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: Regularized Approach for Respiratory Motion Estimatio...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: Study of Deep Learning Networks for Motion Compensati...
     with: Pretorius, P.H.: Temporal Regularization for Robust Motion Compensatio...
     with: Qi, W.Y.: 4-D Reconstruction With Respiratory Correction for Gated Myo...
     with: Qi, W.Y.: 4D non-local means post-filtering for cardiac gated SPECT
     with: Qi, W.Y.: 4D reconstruction for dual cardiac-respiratory gated SPECT
     with: Qi, W.Y.: Joint motion correction and image reconstruction in respirat...
     with: Qi, W.Y.: Reconstruction with angular compensation in respiratory-gate...
     with: Ramon, A.J.: Effect of Respiratory Motion Correction in Perfusion SPEC...
     with: Ramon, A.J.: Improving Diagnostic Accuracy in Low-Dose SPECT Myocardia...
     with: Ramon, A.J.: Personalized Models for Injected Activity Levels in SPECT...
     with: Schneider, P.B.: Impact on Reader Performance for Lesion-Detection/ Lo...
     with: Soares, E.J.: Improved image quality and computation reduction in 4-D ...
     with: Song, C.: 4-D Reconstruction With Respiratory Correction for Gated Myo...
     with: Song, C.: 4D non-local means post-filtering for cardiac gated SPECT
     with: Song, C.: Approximate 4D Reconstruction of Cardiac-Gated Spect Images ...
     with: Song, C.: Effect of Respiratory Motion Correction in Perfusion SPECT I...
     with: Song, C.: Joint motion correction and image reconstruction in respirat...
     with: Song, C.: Reconstruction of respiratory-binned cardiac spect using a r...
     with: Song, C.: Reconstruction with angular compensation in respiratory-gate...
     with: Song, C.: Regularized Approach for Respiratory Motion Estimation from ...
     with: Squires, S.: Impact on Reader Performance for Lesion-Detection/ Locali...
     with: Watson, C.: GNSS/INS-Equipped Buoys for Altimetry Validation: Lessons ...
     with: Watson, C.: Ongoing Development of the Bass Strait GNSS/INS Buoy Syste...
     with: Wells, R.G.: Comparison of Human and Model Observers in Multislice LRO...
     with: Wells, R.G.: LROC analysis of detector-response compensation in SPECT
     with: Wernick, M.N.: 4-D Reconstruction With Respiratory Correction for Gate...
     with: Wernick, M.N.: 4D non-local means post-filtering for cardiac gated SPECT
     with: Wernick, M.N.: 4D reconstruction for dual cardiac-respiratory gated SP...
     with: Wernick, M.N.: Accounting for Inter-Subject Variations in Deep Learnin...
     with: Wernick, M.N.: Approximate 4D Reconstruction of Cardiac-Gated Spect Im...
     with: Wernick, M.N.: Dose-Blind Denoising With Deep Learning in Cardiac Spect
     with: Wernick, M.N.: Effect of Respiratory Motion Correction in Perfusion SP...
     with: Wernick, M.N.: Improved image quality and computation reduction in 4-D...
     with: Wernick, M.N.: Improving Diagnostic Accuracy in Low-Dose SPECT Myocard...
     with: Wernick, M.N.: Joint motion correction and image reconstruction in res...
     with: Wernick, M.N.: Personalized Models for Injected Activity Levels in SPE...
     with: Wernick, M.N.: Reconstruction of respiratory-binned cardiac spect usin...
     with: Wernick, M.N.: Reconstruction with angular compensation in respiratory...
     with: Wernick, M.N.: Regularized Approach for Respiratory Motion Estimation ...
     with: Wernick, M.N.: Study of Deep Learning Networks for Motion Compensation...
     with: Yang, Y.: Approximate 4D Reconstruction of Cardiac-Gated Spect Images ...
     with: Yang, Y.: Effect of Respiratory Motion Correction in Perfusion SPECT I...
     with: Yang, Y.: Improving Diagnostic Accuracy in Low-Dose SPECT Myocardial P...
     with: Yang, Y.: Personalized Models for Injected Activity Levels in SPECT My...
     with: Yang, Y.: Reconstruction of respiratory-binned cardiac spect using a r...
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: 4-D Reconstruction With Respiratory Correction for Gated M...
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: 4D non-local means post-filtering for cardiac gated SPECT
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: 4D reconstruction for dual cardiac-respiratory gated SPECT
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Accounting for Inter-Subject Variations in Deep Learning f...
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Dose-Blind Denoising With Deep Learning in Cardiac Spect
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Exploring Anatomical Similarity in Cardiac-Gated SPECT Ima...
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Joint motion correction and image reconstruction in respir...
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Reconstruction with angular compensation in respiratory-ga...
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Regularized Approach for Respiratory Motion Estimation fro...
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Study of Deep Learning Networks for Motion Compensation in...
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Temporal Regularization for Robust Motion Compensation in ...
     with: Zhang, X.: Temporal Regularization for Robust Motion Compensation in R...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Exploring Anatomical Similarity in Cardiac-Gated SPECT Im...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Study of Deep Learning Networks for Motion Compensation i...
     with: Zhou, B.: GNSS/INS-Equipped Buoys for Altimetry Validation: Lessons Le...
     with: Zhou, B.: Ongoing Development of the Bass Strait GNSS/INS Buoy System ...
123 for King, M.A.

King, M.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Achu, P.V.: Analyzing the Impact of Gender Misclassification on Face R...
     with: Albiero, V.: Analysis of Gender Inequality In Face Recognition Accuracy
     with: Albiero, V.: Does Face Recognition Accuracy Get Better With Age? Deep ...
     with: Albiero, V.: Face Recognition Accuracy Across Demographics: Shining a ...
     with: Albiero, V.: Gender Gap in Face Recognition Accuracy Is a Hairy Proble...
     with: Annan, J.: CHROMA-FIT Dataset: Characterizing Human Ranges of Melanin ...
     with: Annan, J.: Our Deep CNN Face Matchers Have Developed Achromatopsia
     with: Beaubrun, A.: CHROMA-FIT Dataset: Characterizing Human Ranges of Melan...
     with: Bezold, G.: Consistency and Accuracy of CelebA Attribute Values
     with: Bhatta, A.: Gender Gap in Face Recognition Accuracy Is a Hairy Problem...
     with: Bhatta, A.: Impact of Blur and Resolution on Demographic Disparities i...
     with: Bhatta, A.: Our Deep CNN Face Matchers Have Developed Achromatopsia
     with: Boult, T.: Consistency and Accuracy of CelebA Attribute Values
     with: Bowyer, K.W.: Analysis of Gender Inequality In Face Recognition Accuracy
     with: Bowyer, K.W.: Analysis of Manual and Automated Skin Tone Assignments
     with: Bowyer, K.W.: Analyzing the Impact of Gender Misclassification on Face...
     with: Bowyer, K.W.: Consistency and Accuracy of CelebA Attribute Values
     with: Bowyer, K.W.: Does Face Recognition Accuracy Get Better With Age? Deep...
     with: Bowyer, K.W.: Face Recognition Accuracy Across Demographics: Shining a...
     with: Bowyer, K.W.: Gender Gap in Face Recognition Accuracy Is a Hairy Probl...
     with: Bowyer, K.W.: Impact of Blur and Resolution on Demographic Disparities...
     with: Bowyer, K.W.: Our Deep CNN Face Matchers Have Developed Achromatopsia
     with: Gbekevi, A.E.E.: Analyzing the Impact of Gender Misclassification on F...
     with: Gunther, M.: Consistency and Accuracy of CelebA Attribute Values
     with: Krishnapriya, K.S.: Analysis of Gender Inequality In Face Recognition ...
     with: Krishnapriya, K.S.: Analysis of Manual and Automated Skin Tone Assignm...
     with: Krishnapriya, K.S.: Face Recognition Accuracy Across Demographics: Shi...
     with: Langborgh, S.: CHROMA-FIT Dataset: Characterizing Human Ranges of Mela...
     with: Merino, X.: CHROMA-FIT Dataset: Characterizing Human Ranges of Melanin...
     with: Mery, D.: Our Deep CNN Face Matchers Have Developed Achromatopsia
     with: Pangelinan, G.: Analysis of Manual and Automated Skin Tone Assignments
     with: Pangelinan, G.: Analyzing the Impact of Gender Misclassification on Fa...
     with: Pangelinan, G.: CHROMA-FIT Dataset: Characterizing Human Ranges of Mel...
     with: Pangelinan, G.: Impact of Blur and Resolution on Demographic Dispariti...
     with: Pauca, V.P.: Extended Evaluation of Simulated Wavefront Coding Technol...
     with: Ross, A.: Extended Evaluation of Simulated Wavefront Coding Technology...
     with: Smith, K.N.: Extended Evaluation of Simulated Wavefront Coding Technol...
     with: Torgersen, T.: Extended Evaluation of Simulated Wavefront Coding Techn...
     with: Vangara, K.: Analysis of Gender Inequality In Face Recognition Accuracy
     with: Vangara, K.: CHROMA-FIT Dataset: Characterizing Human Ranges of Melani...
     with: Vangara, K.: Does Face Recognition Accuracy Get Better With Age? Deep ...
     with: Weekes, T.: CHROMA-FIT Dataset: Characterizing Human Ranges of Melanin...
     with: Wu, H.: Consistency and Accuracy of CelebA Attribute Values
     with: Wu, H.: Face Recognition Accuracy Across Demographics: Shining a Light...
     with: Wu, H.: Our Deep CNN Face Matchers Have Developed Achromatopsia
     with: Zhang, K.: Analysis of Gender Inequality In Face Recognition Accuracy
46 for King, M.C.

King, M.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ackerman, S.A.: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Clouds Observed b...
     with: Amarasinghe, N.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Colle...
     with: Arnold, G.T.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collecti...
     with: Ball, C.P.: Hemispherical-Directional Reflectance (HDRF) of Windblown ...
     with: Baum, B.A.: Inference of an Optimal Ice Particle Model through Latitud...
     with: Baum, B.A.: Optical Property Model for Cirrus Clouds Based on Airborne...
     with: di Girolamo, L.: Inference of an Optimal Ice Particle Model through La...
     with: Fox, N.P.: Hemispherical-Directional Reflectance (HDRF) of Windblown S...
     with: Fu, D.W.: Inference of an Optimal Ice Particle Model through Latitudin...
     with: Green, P.D.: Hemispherical-Directional Reflectance (HDRF) of Windblown...
     with: Hioki, S.: Inference of an Optimal Ice Particle Model through Latitudi...
     with: Holz, R.E.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collection...
     with: Hubanks, P.A.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collect...
     with: Hubanks, P.A.: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Clouds Observed by...
     with: MacArthur, A.: Hemispherical-Directional Reflectance (HDRF) of Windblo...
     with: Marchant, B.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collecti...
     with: Marks, A.A.: Hemispherical-Directional Reflectance (HDRF) of Windblown...
     with: Maturilli, M.: Hemispherical-Directional Reflectance (HDRF) of Windblo...
     with: Menzel, W.P.: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Clouds Observed by ...
     with: Meyer, K.G.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collectio...
     with: Platnick, S.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collecti...
     with: Platnick, S.: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Clouds Observed by ...
     with: Ridgway, W.L.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collect...
     with: Riedi, J.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collection ...
     with: Wang, Y.: Inference of an Optimal Ice Particle Model through Latitudin...
     with: Wang, Y.: Optical Property Model for Cirrus Clouds Based on Airborne M...
     with: Wind, G.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collection 6...
     with: Yang, P.: Inference of an Optimal Ice Particle Model through Latitudin...
     with: Yang, P.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collection 6...
     with: Yang, P.: Optical Property Model for Cirrus Clouds Based on Airborne M...
     with: Zhang, Z.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collection ...
31 for King, M.D.

King, M.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dapore, A.J.: Analysis of Human Fibroadenomas Using Three-Dimensional ...
     with: Do, M.N.: Analysis of Human Fibroadenomas Using Three-Dimensional Impe...
     with: Hall, T.J.: Analysis of Human Fibroadenomas Using Three-Dimensional Im...
     with: Harter, J.: Analysis of Human Fibroadenomas Using Three-Dimensional Im...
     with: O'Brien, W.D.: Analysis of Human Fibroadenomas Using Three-Dimensional...
     with: Oelze, M.L.: Analysis of Human Fibroadenomas Using Three-Dimensional I...
     with: Sarwate, S.: Analysis of Human Fibroadenomas Using Three-Dimensional I...
     with: Zagzebski, J.A.: Analysis of Human Fibroadenomas Using Three-Dimension...
8 for King, M.R.

King, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agapiou, A.: More Than a Flight: The Extensive Contributions of UAV Fl...
     with: Hadjimitsis, D.G.: More Than a Flight: The Extensive Contributions of ...
     with: King, H.M.: More Than a Flight: The Extensive Contributions of UAV Fli...
     with: Themistocleous, K.: More Than a Flight: The Extensive Contributions of...

King, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhattacharya, A.: Earth Observation to Investigate Occurrence, Charact...
     with: Bolch, T.: Earth Observation to Investigate Occurrence, Characteristic...
     with: Forsyth, D.A.: How Does CONDENSATION Behave with a Finite Number of Sa...
     with: He, X.F.: Learning a semantic space from user's relevance feedback for...
     with: Hu, Y.: Earth Observation to Investigate Occurrence, Characteristics a...
     with: Li, M.J.: Learning a semantic space from user's relevance feedback for...
     with: Liu, L.: Earth Observation to Investigate Occurrence, Characteristics ...
     with: Ma, W.Y.: Learning a semantic space from user's relevance feedback for...
     with: Pronk, J.B.: Earth Observation to Investigate Occurrence, Characterist...
     with: Rastner, P.: Earth Observation to Investigate Occurrence, Characterist...
     with: Yao, T.: Earth Observation to Investigate Occurrence, Characteristics ...
     with: Zhang, G.Q.: Earth Observation to Investigate Occurrence, Characterist...
     with: Zhang, H.J.: Learning a semantic space from user's relevance feedback ...
13 for King, O.

King, O.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Altunbasak, Y.: On Global Parametric Motion Estimation with Lens Disto...
     with: Patti, A.J.: On Global Parametric Motion Estimation with Lens Distorti...

King, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dimou, A.: MKLab interactive video retrieval system
     with: Kompatsiaris, I.: MKLab interactive video retrieval system
     with: Makris, L.: MKLab interactive video retrieval system
     with: Mezaris, V.: MKLab interactive video retrieval system
     with: Moumtzidou, A.: MKLab interactive video retrieval system
     with: Nikolopoulos, S.: MKLab interactive video retrieval system
     with: Vandrish, P.: Towards AUV Route Following Using Qualitative Navigation
     with: Vardy, A.: Towards AUV Route Following Using Qualitative Navigation
     with: Vrochidis, S.: MKLab interactive video retrieval system
16 for King, P.

King, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Denham, R.: Airborne laser scanning: Exploratory data analysis indicat...
     with: Downs, N.: Comparison of GOME-2 UVA Satellite Data to Ground-Based Spe...
     with: Gianchandani, N.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of MRI Skull-strippin...
     with: Leijser, L.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of MRI Skull-stripping Tra...
     with: Mengersen, K.: Airborne laser scanning: Exploratory data analysis indi...
     with: Moffiet, T.: Airborne laser scanning: Exploratory data analysis indica...
     with: Mohammadshahi, A.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of MRI Skull-strippi...
     with: Omidi, A.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of MRI Skull-stripping Train...
     with: Parisi, A.V.: Comparison of GOME-2 UVA Satellite Data to Ground-Based ...
     with: Souza, R.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of MRI Skull-stripping Train...
     with: Turner, J.: Comparison of GOME-2 UVA Satellite Data to Ground-Based Sp...
     with: Witte, C.: Airborne laser scanning: Exploratory data analysis indicate...
12 for King, R.

King, R.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amadasun, M.: Low-Level Segmentation of Multispectral Images via Agglo...
     with: Azimi Sadjadi, M.R.: Error Analysis for 2-D Block Implemented Digital ...
     with: Hashim, A.A.: Automatic Grey Level Thresholding Through Index of Fuzzi...
     with: Hashim, A.A.: Image Description and Primitive Extraction Using Fuzzy S...
     with: Nasrabadi, N.M.: Image Coding Using Vector Quantization in the Transfo...
     with: Pal, S.K.: Automatic Grey Level Thresholding Through Index of Fuzzines...
     with: Pal, S.K.: Image Description and Primitive Extraction Using Fuzzy Sets
     with: Pal, S.K.: On Edge Detection of X-Ray Images
     with: Pal, S.K.: Syntactic Recognition of Skeletal Maturity
     with: Pathak, A.: Syntactic Recognition of Skeletal Maturity
     with: Pehjan, S.: Improving the Translation Parameter Estimation of Linear A...
     with: Ragupathi, S.: Improving the Translation Parameter Estimation of Linea...
12 for King, R.A.

King, R.A.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chalup, S.K.: Affective Visual Perception Using Machine Pareidolia of ...
     with: Hong, K.: Affective Visual Perception Using Machine Pareidolia of Faci...

King, R.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abuomar, O.: Data stream mining for multitemporal remote sensing data
     with: Bruzzone, L.: Introduction to the Special Section on Image Information...
     with: Cartwright, J.H.: Multitemporal land use and land cover classification...
     with: d'Elia, S.: Introduction to the Special Section on Image Information M...
     with: Datcu, M.: Introduction to the Special Section on Image Information Mi...
     with: Di, L.: Introduction to the special issue on geoscience data provenance
     with: Di, L.P.: Geoscience Data Provenance: An Overview
     with: Doss, D.A.: Change detection analysis of tornado disaster using condit...
     with: Durbha, S.S.: hyperspectral reflectance data based model inversion met...
     with: Durbha, S.S.: Investigation of evolutionary feature subset selection i...
     with: Durbha, S.S.: Systematic Approach to Wavelet-Decomposition-Level Selec...
     with: Gokaraju, B.: Change detection analysis of tornado disaster using cond...
     with: Gokaraju, B.: hyperspectral reflectance data based model inversion met...
     with: Gokaraju, B.: Investigation of evolutionary feature subset selection i...
     with: Holcomb, D.W.: Estimation of the Number of Decomposition Levels for a ...
     with: King, J.S.: Multitemporal land use and land cover classification of ur...
     with: Lawrence, G.W.: hyperspectral reflectance data based model inversion m...
     with: O'Hara, C.G.: Multitemporal land use and land cover classification of ...
     with: Palacharla, P.K.: hyperspectral reflectance data based model inversion...
     with: Pradhan, P.S.: Estimation of the Number of Decomposition Levels for a ...
     with: Ramapriyan, H.K.: Geoscience Data Provenance: An Overview
     with: Ramapriyan, H.K.: Introduction to the special issue on geoscience data...
     with: Shah, V.P.: Efficient Pan-Sharpening Method via a Combined Adaptive PC...
     with: Shah, V.P.: Systematic Approach to Wavelet-Decomposition-Level Selecti...
     with: Turlapaty, A.C.: Change detection analysis of tornado disaster using c...
     with: Younan, N.H.: Change detection analysis of tornado disaster using cond...
     with: Younan, N.H.: Data stream mining for multitemporal remote sensing data
     with: Younan, N.H.: Efficient Pan-Sharpening Method via a Combined Adaptive ...
     with: Younan, N.H.: Estimation of the Number of Decomposition Levels for a W...
     with: Younan, N.H.: Investigation of evolutionary feature subset selection i...
     with: Younan, N.H.: Systematic Approach to Wavelet-Decomposition-Level Selec...
     with: Yue, P.: Geoscience Data Provenance: An Overview
     with: Yue, P.: Introduction to the special issue on geoscience data provenance
33 for King, R.L.

King, R.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: DePalma, V.A.: Fingerprint identification system using a pliable optic...

King, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aldridge, R.P.: Comparing image resamplers via a model of the human vi...
     with: Bangham, J.A.: Comparing image resamplers via a model of the human vis...
     with: Bunting, P.: National Crop Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series: A Kno...
     with: Burke, J.: Edge Tracing Using Gaussian Process Regression
     with: Buxton, H.: Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
     with: Cabo, J.: Assessing the Efficacy of a Self-Stigma Reduction Mental Hea...
     with: Chognard, S.: National Crop Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series: A Kn...
     with: Dang, P.: Toward Emotion Recognition and Person Identification Using L...
     with: Duong, V.: Representation of Event, Behaviour and Scene, The
     with: Duong, V.: Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
     with: Ebraheem, M.: Learning a Privacy-Preserving Global Feature Set for Moo...
     with: Ebraheem, M.: Toward Emotion Recognition and Person Identification Usi...
     with: Frankel, J.: Factoring Gaussian precision matrices for linear dynamic ...
     with: Fredes, J.: Locally Normalized Filter Banks Applied to Deep Neural-Net...
     with: Gong, S.: Representation of Event, Behaviour and Scene, The
     with: Gong, S.: Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
     with: Guest, P.: National Crop Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series: A Knowl...
     with: Gutkin, A.: Structural representation of speech for phonetic classific...
     with: Hansen, J.N.: Assessing Forest/Non-Forest Separability Using Sentinel-...
     with: Harvey, R.W.: Comparing image resamplers via a model of the human visi...
     with: Hill, G.: Representation of Event, Behaviour and Scene, The
     with: Horton, C.: National Crop Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series: A Know...
     with: Howard, R.: Representation of Event, Behaviour and Scene, The
     with: Howarth, R.J.: Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
     with: Hurford, C.: National Crop Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series: A Kno...
     with: Hyde, J.: Representation of Event, Behaviour and Scene, The
     with: Hyde, J.: Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
     with: Kosyluk, K.: Assessing the Efficacy of a Self-Stigma Reduction Mental ...
     with: Loecher, N.: Assessing the Efficacy of a Self-Stigma Reduction Mental ...
     with: Lucas, R.: National Crop Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series: A Knowl...
     with: Mitchard, E.T.A.: Assessing Forest/Non-Forest Separability Using Senti...
     with: Neal, T.: Assessing the Efficacy of a Self-Stigma Reduction Mental Hea...
     with: Neal, T.: Learning a Privacy-Preserving Global Feature Set for Mood Cl...
     with: Neal, T.: Toward Emotion Recognition and Person Identification Using L...
     with: Novoa, J.: Locally Normalized Filter Banks Applied to Deep Neural-Netw...
     with: Owers, C.: National Crop Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series: A Knowl...
     with: Planque, C.: National Crop Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series: A Kno...
     with: Punalekar, S.: National Crop Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series: A K...
     with: Stern, R.M.: Locally Normalized Filter Banks Applied to Deep Neural-Ne...
     with: Taylor, D.: Cross-Channel Histogram Equalisation for Colour Face Recog...
     with: Thomere, J.: Representation of Event, Behaviour and Scene, The
     with: Thomere, J.: Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
     with: Tian, G.Y.: Cross-Channel Histogram Equalisation for Colour Face Recog...
     with: Toal, P.: Representation of Event, Behaviour and Scene, The
     with: Toal, P.: Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
     with: Ward, S.: Cross-Channel Histogram Equalisation for Colour Face Recogni...
     with: Williams, S.: National Crop Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series: A Kn...
     with: Yoma, N.B.: Locally Normalized Filter Banks Applied to Deep Neural-Net...
     with: Zanna, K.: Learning a Privacy-Preserving Global Feature Set for Mood C...
49 for King, S.

King, S.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Eldefrawy, M.: Partial Scene Reconstruction for Close Range Photogramm...
     with: Hadimlioglu, I.A.: City Maker: Reconstruction of Cities from OpenStree...
     with: Hadimlioglu, I.A.: FloodSim: Flood Simulation and Visualization Framew...
     with: Hadimlioglu, I.A.: Visualization of Flooding Using Adaptive Spatial Re...
     with: Kamangir, H.: Deep Learning Approach to Urban Street Functionality Pre...
     with: Koskowich, B.: VirtuaLot: A Case Study on Combining UAS Imagery and Te...
     with: Noori, F.: Deep Learning Approach to Urban Street Functionality Predic...
     with: Pashaei, M.: Deep Learning Approach to Urban Street Functionality Pred...
     with: Sheikh Mohammad Zadeh, A.: Deep Learning Approach to Urban Street Func...
     with: Sheta, A.: Deep Learning Approach to Urban Street Functionality Predic...
     with: Starek, M.: Partial Scene Reconstruction for Close Range Photogrammetr...
     with: Starek, M.: VirtuaLot: A Case Study on Combining UAS Imagery and Terre...
     with: Starek, M.J.: FloodSim: Flood Simulation and Visualization Framework U...
13 for King, S.A.

King, S.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Evans, J.M.: Mobile robot navigation employing ceiling light fixtures
     with: Weiman, C.F.R.: Mobile robot navigation employing ceiling light fixtures

King, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Busse, M.: Multi perspective panoramic imaging
     with: Dehghani, A.: Real-time automated visual inspection system for contami...
     with: Effelsberg, W.: Multi perspective panoramic imaging
     with: Greenwood, B.: Real-time automated visual inspection system for contam...
     with: Haenselmann, T.: Multi perspective panoramic imaging
     with: Kopf, S.: Multi perspective panoramic imaging
     with: Levesley, M.: Real-time automated visual inspection system for contami...
     with: Su, Z.W.: Real-time automated visual inspection system for contaminant...
     with: Zhang, L.W.: Real-time automated visual inspection system for contamin...
9 for King, T.

King, T.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Tao, L.G.: Modified Hough Transforms For Feature Recognition On Deform...
     with: Yazdi, H.R.: Application of 'Vision in the Loop' for Inspection of Lac...

Kingdom, F.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baker, C.L.: Spatiochromatic statistics of natural scenes: first- and ...
     with: Johnson, A.P.: Spatiochromatic statistics of natural scenes: first- an...

Kingdom, F.A.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alqawlaq, S.: Is color patchy?
     with: Prins, N.: Detection and discrimination of texture modulations defined...
     with: Yoonessi, A.: Is color patchy?

Kingdom, J.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Goolaub, D.S.: Volumetric Fetal Flow Imaging With Magnetic Resonance I...
     with: Macgowan, C.K.: Volumetric Fetal Flow Imaging With Magnetic Resonance ...
     with: Marini, D.: Volumetric Fetal Flow Imaging With Magnetic Resonance Imag...
     with: Schrauben, E.M.: Volumetric Fetal Flow Imaging With Magnetic Resonance...
     with: Seed, M.: Volumetric Fetal Flow Imaging With Magnetic Resonance Imaging
     with: Sled, J.G.: Volumetric Fetal Flow Imaging With Magnetic Resonance Imag...
     with: Xu, J.W.: Volumetric Fetal Flow Imaging With Magnetic Resonance Imaging
7 for Kingdom, J.C.

Kingdon, C.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cavender Bares, J.: Associations of Leaf Spectra with Genetic and Phyl...
     with: Center, A.: Associations of Leaf Spectra with Genetic and Phylogenetic...
     with: Couture, J.J.: Associations of Leaf Spectra with Genetic and Phylogene...
     with: Kaproth, M.A.: Associations of Leaf Spectra with Genetic and Phylogene...
     with: Meireles, J.E.: Associations of Leaf Spectra with Genetic and Phylogen...
     with: Pilz, G.: Associations of Leaf Spectra with Genetic and Phylogenetic V...
     with: Serbin, S.P.: Associations of Leaf Spectra with Genetic and Phylogenet...
     with: Singh, A.: Associations of Leaf Spectra with Genetic and Phylogenetic ...
     with: Townsend, P.A.: Associations of Leaf Spectra with Genetic and Phylogen...
     with: Zuniga, E.: Associations of Leaf Spectra with Genetic and Phylogenetic...
20 for Kingdon, C.C.

Kingetsu, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kobayashi, K.: Multi-Step Test-Time Adaptation with Entropy Minimizati...
     with: Nakazawa, K.: Multi-Step Test-Time Adaptation with Entropy Minimizatio...
     with: Okawa, Y.: Multi-Step Test-Time Adaptation with Entropy Minimization a...
     with: Yokota, Y.: Multi-Step Test-Time Adaptation with Entropy Minimization ...

Kingfield, D.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hwang, Y.: Neuro-Fuzzy Gust Front Detection Algorithm With S-Band Pola...
     with: Lakshmanan, V.: Neuro-Fuzzy Gust Front Detection Algorithm With S-Band...
     with: Lee, D.I.: Neuro-Fuzzy Gust Front Detection Algorithm With S-Band Pola...
     with: You, C.H.: Neuro-Fuzzy Gust Front Detection Algorithm With S-Band Pola...
     with: Yu, T.Y.: Neuro-Fuzzy Gust Front Detection Algorithm With S-Band Polar...

Kingham, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bartie, P.: Combined thermal-LIDAR imagery for urban mapping
     with: Campbell, M.: Real-time Environmental Sensors To Improve Health In The...
     with: Campbell, M.: Winter Is Coming: A Socio-Environmental Monitoring and S...
     with: Epton, M.: Real-time Environmental Sensors To Improve Health In The Se...
     with: Epton, M.: Winter Is Coming: A Socio-Environmental Monitoring and Spat...
     with: Marek, L.: Real-time Environmental Sensors To Improve Health In The Se...
     with: Marek, L.: Winter Is Coming: A Socio-Environmental Monitoring and Spat...
     with: Mills, S.: Combined thermal-LIDAR imagery for urban mapping
     with: O'Donohue, D.: Combined thermal-LIDAR imagery for urban mapping
     with: Park, D.: Combined thermal-LIDAR imagery for urban mapping
     with: Storer, M.: Real-time Environmental Sensors To Improve Health In The S...
     with: Storer, M.: Winter Is Coming: A Socio-Environmental Monitoring and Spa...
12 for Kingham, S.

Kinghorn, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Shao, L.: hierarchical and regional deep learning architecture for ima...
     with: Zhang, L.: hierarchical and regional deep learning architecture for im...

Kingkan, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hashimoto, C.: Generating Mesh-based Shapes From Learned Latent Spaces...

Kingma, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ermon, S.: On Distillation of Guided Diffusion Models
     with: Gao, R.Q.: On Distillation of Guided Diffusion Models
     with: Ho, J.: On Distillation of Guided Diffusion Models
     with: Meng, C.L.: On Distillation of Guided Diffusion Models
     with: Rombach, R.: On Distillation of Guided Diffusion Models
     with: Salimans, T.: On Distillation of Guided Diffusion Models

Kingma, D.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dai, A.M.: Flow Contrastive Estimation of Energy-Based Models
     with: Gao, R.Q.: Flow Contrastive Estimation of Energy-Based Models
     with: Nijkamp, E.: Flow Contrastive Estimation of Energy-Based Models
     with: Wu, Y.N.: Flow Contrastive Estimation of Energy-Based Models
     with: Xu, Z.: Flow Contrastive Estimation of Energy-Based Models

Kingra, S.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: de Salvo, B.: Fully-Binarized Distance Computation based On-device Few...
     with: Li, Z.Y.: Fully-Binarized Distance Computation based On-device Few-Sho...
     with: Parmar, V.: Fully-Binarized Distance Computation based On-device Few-S...
     with: Sarwar, S.S.: Fully-Binarized Distance Computation based On-device Few...
     with: Suri, M.: Fully-Binarized Distance Computation based On-device Few-Sho...

Kingravi, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Celebi, M.E.: Accurate genomic signal recovery using compressed sensing
     with: Schaefer, G.: Accurate genomic signal recovery using compressed sensing
     with: Uddin, B.: Accurate genomic signal recovery using compressed sensing

Kingravi, H.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Celebi, M.E.: Accelerating color space transformations using numerical...
     with: Celebi, M.E.: Comments on On approximating Euclidean metrics by weight...
     with: Celebi, M.E.: Cost-effective implementation of order-statistics-based ...
     with: Celebi, M.E.: Fast colour space transformations using minimax approxim...
     with: Celebi, M.E.: On Euclidean norm approximations
     with: Celiker, F.: Accelerating color space transformations using numerical ...
     with: Celiker, F.: Comments on On approximating Euclidean metrics by weighte...
     with: Celiker, F.: Cost-effective implementation of order-statistics-based v...
     with: Celiker, F.: Fast colour space transformations using minimax approxima...
     with: Celiker, F.: On Euclidean norm approximations
     with: Lukac, R.: Cost-effective implementation of order-statistics-based vec...
11 for Kingravi, H.A.

Kingsbury, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boggust, A.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learni...
     with: Chang, S.F.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learni...
     with: Chen, B.: Everything at Once - Multi-modal Fusion Transformer for Vide...
     with: Chen, B.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learning ...
     with: Duarte, K.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learnin...
     with: Feris, R.S.: Everything at Once - Multi-modal Fusion Transformer for V...
     with: Feris, R.S.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learni...
     with: Glass, J.: Everything at Once - Multi-modal Fusion Transformer for Vid...
     with: Glass, J.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learning...
     with: Harwath, D.: Everything at Once - Multi-modal Fusion Transformer for V...
     with: Harwath, D.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learni...
     with: Kuehne, H.: Everything at Once - Multi-modal Fusion Transformer for Vi...
     with: Kuehne, H.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learnin...
     with: Panda, R.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learning...
     with: Picheny, M.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learni...
     with: Rouditchenko, A.: Everything at Once - Multi-modal Fusion Transformer ...
     with: Rouditchenko, A.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised L...
     with: Shvetsova, N.: Everything at Once - Multi-modal Fusion Transformer for...
     with: Thomas, S.: Everything at Once - Multi-modal Fusion Transformer for Vi...
     with: Thomas, S.: Multimodal Clustering Networks for Self-supervised Learnin...
20 for Kingsbury, B.

Kingsbury, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Achim, A.: Mitigating the effects of atmospheric distortion using DT-C...
     with: Anantrasirichai, N.: Mitigating the effects of atmospheric distortion ...
     with: Bendale, P.: Multiscale Keypoint Analysis based on Complex Wavelets
     with: Bradshaw, D.: Gradient Based Fast Search Algorithm for Warping Motion ...
     with: Bull, D.: Mitigating the effects of atmospheric distortion using DT-CW...
     with: Cotter, F.: Learnable Scatternet: Locally Invariant Convolutional Laye...
     with: de Rivaz, P.: Complex Wavelet Features for Fast Texture Image Retrieval
     with: de Rivaz, P.: Fast Segmentation Using Level Set Curves of Complex Wave...
     with: Earl, J.: Spread transform watermarking for video sources
     with: Elias, D.: Recovery of a Near Optimal Layer Representation for an Enti...
     with: Holland, D.J.: Sparse recovery of complex phase-encoded velocity image...
     with: Jermyn, I.H.: Methodology and Practice of the Evaluation of Image Retr...
     with: Kokaram, A.: Gradient Based Fast Search Algorithm for Warping Motion C...
     with: Kokaram, A.: Optimal Schemes for Motion Estimation on Colour Image Seq...
     with: Kokaram, A.: Robust motion estimation using chrominance information in...
     with: Loo, P.: Digital Watermarking Using Complex Wavelets
     with: Loo, P.: Watermark detection based on the properties of error control ...
     with: Magarey, J.: Optimal Schemes for Motion Estimation on Colour Image Seq...
     with: Magarey, J.: Robust motion estimation using chrominance information in...
     with: Roberts, T.: Sparse recovery of complex phase-encoded velocity images ...
     with: Roberts, T.D.: Image deconvolution using tree-structured Bayesian grou...
     with: Shaffrey, C.: Methodology and Practice of the Evaluation of Image Retr...
     with: Swann, R.: Bandwidth efficient transmission of MPEG-II video over nois...
     with: Swann, R.: Error Resilient Transmission of MPEG-II Over Noisy Wireless...
     with: Swann, R.: Transcoding of MPEG-II for Enhanced Resilience to Transmiss...
     with: Triggs, B.: Multiscale Keypoint Analysis based on Complex Wavelets
     with: Zhang, G.: Image deconvolution using tree-structured Bayesian group sp...
     with: Zhang, Y.S.: Improved Bounds for Subband-Adaptive Iterative Shrinkage/...
28 for Kingsbury, N.

Kingsbury, N.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Achim, A.: Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation Using Complex Wavelet-Bas...
     with: Anantrasirichai, N.: Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation Using Complex W...
     with: Anderson, R.: Coarse-Level Object Recognition Using Interlevel Product...
     with: Anderson, R.: Determining Multiscale Image Feature Angles from Complex...
     with: Anderson, R.: Multiscale Keypoint Detection using the Dual-Tree Comple...
     with: Bull, D.R.: Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation Using Complex Wavelet-Ba...
     with: Chen, H.: Efficient Registration of Nonrigid 3-D Bodies
     with: de Rivaz, P.: Bayesian Image Deconvolution and Denoising Using Complex...
     with: Ercan, A.O.: Color filters: When optimal is not optimal
     with: Fauqueur, J.: Coarse-Level Object Recognition Using Interlevel Product...
     with: Fauqueur, J.: Determining Multiscale Image Feature Angles from Complex...
     with: Fauqueur, J.: Multiscale Keypoint Detection using the Dual-Tree Comple...
     with: Furman, M.D.: Biologically-inspired object recognition system with fea...
     with: Hong, T.: Biologically-inspired object recognition system with feature...
     with: Jalobeanu, A.: Image Deconvolution Using Hidden Markov Tree Modeling o...
     with: Jermyn, I.H.: Unsupervised image segmentation via markov trees and com...
     with: Karunasekera, S.A.: distortion measure for blocking artifacts in image...
     with: Magarey, J.: Improved Motion Estimation Algorithm Using Complex Wavele...
     with: Magarey, J.: Motion Estimation Using A Complex-Valued Wavelet Transform
     with: Miller, M.: Image Denoising Using Derotated Complex Wavelet Coefficients
     with: Miller, M.: Image Modeling Using Interscale Phase Properties of Comple...
     with: Nelson, J.D.B.: Dual-tree wavelets for estimation of locally varying a...
     with: Nelson, J.D.B.: Enhanced Shift and Scale Tolerance for Rotation Invari...
     with: Ng, E.S.: Matching of interest point groups with pairwise spatial cons...
     with: Ng, E.S.: Robust Pairwise Matching of Interest Points With Complex Wav...
     with: Nowak, R.D.: Convex approaches to model wavelet sparsity patterns
     with: Palaniswami, M.: Orthonormal Hilbert-Pair of Wavelets With (Almost) Ma...
     with: Rao, N.S.: Convex approaches to model wavelet sparsity patterns
     with: Redmill, D.W.: EREC: An Error-Resilient Technique for Coding Variable-...
     with: Redmill, D.W.: Still image coding for noisy channels
     with: Reeves, T.: Redundant representation with complex wavelets: How to ach...
     with: Reeves, T.H.: Overcomplete image coding using iterative projection-bas...
     with: Richards, J.A.: Is There a Preferred Classifier for Operational Themat...
     with: Shaffrey, C.W.: Unsupervised image segmentation via markov trees and c...
     with: Singh, A.: Efficient Convolutional Network Learning Using Parametric L...
     with: Tay, D.B.H.: Design of Nonseparable 3-D Filter Banks Wavelet Bases Usi...
     with: Tay, D.B.H.: Flexible design of multidimensional perfect reconstructio...
     with: Tay, D.B.H.: Orthonormal Hilbert-Pair of Wavelets With (Almost) Maximu...
     with: Trussell, H.J.: Color filters: When optimal is not optimal
     with: Vij, M.: Entropy-coded pyramid vector quantisation for interband wavel...
     with: Wright, S.J.: Convex approaches to model wavelet sparsity patterns
     with: Young, R.W.: Frequency Domain Motion Estimation Using a Complex Lapped...
     with: Zerubia, J.B.: Image Deconvolution Using Hidden Markov Tree Modeling o...
     with: Zhang, Y.S.: Restoration of images and 3D data to higher resolution by...
44 for Kingsbury, N.G.

Kingsford, R.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Berney, P.: Remote Sensing Measures Restoration Successes, but Canopy ...
     with: Brandis, K.J.: Counting Mixed Breeding Aggregations of Animal Species ...
     with: Catford, J.A.: Remote Sensing Measures Restoration Successes, but Cano...
     with: Dawson, S.K.: Remote Sensing Measures Restoration Successes, but Canop...
     with: Fisher, A.: Remote Sensing Measures Restoration Successes, but Canopy ...
     with: Francis, R.J.: Counting Mixed Breeding Aggregations of Animal Species ...
     with: Hutchinson, D.K.: Remote Sensing Measures Restoration Successes, but C...
     with: Keith, D.: Remote Sensing Measures Restoration Successes, but Canopy H...
     with: Lucas, R.: Remote Sensing Measures Restoration Successes, but Canopy H...
     with: Lyons, M.B.: Counting Mixed Breeding Aggregations of Animal Species Us...
10 for Kingsford, R.T.

Kingsland, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Duskin, K.R.: Probing for Artifacts: Detecting Imagenet Model Evasions
     with: Henry, M.J.: Probing for Artifacts: Detecting Imagenet Model Evasions
     with: Rounds, J.: Probing for Artifacts: Detecting Imagenet Model Evasions

Kingsland, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hassam, S.: Underground Archaeology: Photogrammetry and Terrestrial La...
     with: Tanasi, D.: Underground Archaeology: Photogrammetry and Terrestrial La...

Kingsland, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Payne, A.D.: Modelling the Human Visual Process by Evolving Images fro...
     with: Singh, S.: Modelling the Human Visual Process by Evolving Images from ...

Kingsley, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alfonso, D.: Contextually Adaptive Multimodal Mixed Reality Interfaces...
     with: Bird, L.: Contextually Adaptive Multimodal Mixed Reality Interfaces fo...
     with: Cipoletta, D.: Contextually Adaptive Multimodal Mixed Reality Interfac...
     with: Duggan, D.: Exploring Extended Reality as a Simulation Training Tool T...
     with: Jenkins, M.: Contextually Adaptive Multimodal Mixed Reality Interfaces...
     with: Jenkins, M.: Exploring Extended Reality as a Simulation Training Tool ...
     with: Kelly, S.: Contextually Adaptive Multimodal Mixed Reality Interfaces f...
     with: Lajoie, B.: Contextually Adaptive Multimodal Mixed Reality Interfaces ...
     with: Mazzeo, M.: Exploring Extended Reality as a Simulation Training Tool T...
     with: Rosenblatt, A.: Contextually Adaptive Multimodal Mixed Reality Interfa...
     with: Stone, R.: Contextually Adaptive Multimodal Mixed Reality Interfaces f...
11 for Kingsley, C.

Kingsley, J.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cianciosi, M.S.: Image resolution conversion method that employs stati...
     with: Cuciurean Zapan, C.: Method and apparatus for modeling and reconstruct...
     with: Loce, R.P.: Image resolution conversion method that employs statistica...
     with: Loce, R.P.: Method and apparatus for modeling and reconstruction of ha...
     with: Loce, R.P.: Method and apparatus for using rotatable templates within ...
     with: Nagarajan, R.: Method and apparatus for modeling and reconstruction of...
7 for Kingsley, J.D.

Kingston, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Autrusseau, F.: Lossless Image Compression and Selective Encryption us...
     with: Autrusseau, F.: Lossless image compression via predictive coding of di...
     with: Autrusseau, F.: Redundant image representation via multi-scale digital...
     with: Campisi, P.: Lossless Image Compression and Selective Encryption using...
     with: Chandra, S.: Direct inversion of Mojette projections
     with: Colosimo, S.: Lossless Image Compression and Selective Encryption usin...
     with: Guedon, J.: Direct inversion of Mojette projections
     with: Normand, N.: Direct inversion of Mojette projections
     with: Parrein, B.: Redundant image representation via multi-scale digital Ra...
     with: Svalbe, I.: Direct inversion of Mojette projections
     with: Svalbe, I.: Generalised finite radon transform for NxN images
     with: Svalbe, I.: On Correcting the Unevenness of Angle Distributions Arisin...
12 for Kingston, A.

Kingston, A.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Archchige, R.: Finite Radial Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Ima...
     with: Beeching, L.: Linear iterative near-field phase retrieval (LIPR) for d...
     with: Chandra, S.S.: Chaotic Sensing
     with: Chandra, S.S.: Finite Radial Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Ima...
     with: Chandra, S.S.: Recovering Missing Slices of the Discrete Fourier Trans...
     with: Chandra, S.S.: Robust Digital Image Reconstruction via the Discrete Fo...
     with: Crozier, S.: Chaotic Sensing
     with: Crozier, S.: Finite Radial Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Imagi...
     with: Guedon, J.: Recovering Missing Slices of the Discrete Fourier Transfor...
     with: Guedon, J.: Robust Digital Image Reconstruction via the Discrete Fouri...
     with: Jin, J.: Chaotic Sensing
     with: Jin, J.: Finite Radial Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Imaging: ...
     with: Li, H.T.: Linear iterative near-field phase retrieval (LIPR) for dual-...
     with: Li, H.Y.: Fourier Inversion of the Mojette Transform
     with: Li, M.: Chaotic Sensing
     with: Li, M.: Finite Radial Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A...
     with: Myers, G.R.: Linear iterative near-field phase retrieval (LIPR) for du...
     with: Normand, N.: Back-Projection Filtration Inversion of Discrete Projecti...
     with: Normand, N.: Fourier Inversion of the Mojette Transform
     with: Normand, N.: Recovering Missing Slices of the Discrete Fourier Transfo...
     with: Normand, N.: Robust Digital Image Reconstruction via the Discrete Four...
     with: Ruben, G.: Chaotic Sensing
     with: Ruben, G.: Finite Radial Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Imaging...
     with: Sarkissian, H.D.: Back-Projection Filtration Inversion of Discrete Pro...
     with: Sheppard, A.P.: Linear iterative near-field phase retrieval (LIPR) for...
     with: Svalbe, I.: Finite Radial Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Imagin...
     with: Svalbe, I.D.: Back-Projection Filtration Inversion of Discrete Project...
     with: Svalbe, I.D.: Chaotic Sensing
     with: Svalbe, I.D.: Fourier Inversion of the Mojette Transform
     with: Svalbe, I.D.: Recovering Missing Slices of the Discrete Fourier Transf...
     with: Svalbe, I.D.: Robust Digital Image Reconstruction via the Discrete Fou...
31 for Kingston, A.M.

Kingston, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beard, R.W.: Decentralized Cooperative Aerial Surveillance Using Fixed...
     with: Johanson, D.: Decentralized Cooperative Aerial Surveillance Using Fixe...
     with: McLain, T.W.: Decentralized Cooperative Aerial Surveillance Using Fixe...
     with: Nelson, D.B.: Decentralized Cooperative Aerial Surveillance Using Fixe...

Kingston, R.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lo, V.L.: Reconstruction of Macromolecular Envelopes from Crystal X-Ra...
     with: Millane, R.P.: Reconstruction of Macromolecular Envelopes from Crystal...

Kington, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barsballe, T.: Monitoring Small Water Bodies Using High Spatial and Te...
     with: Harris, T.: Monitoring Small Water Bodies Using High Spatial and Tempo...
     with: Perin, V.: Monitoring Small Water Bodies Using High Spatial and Tempor...
     with: Reba, M.: Monitoring Small Water Bodies Using High Spatial and Tempora...
     with: Roy, S.: Monitoring Small Water Bodies Using High Spatial and Temporal...
     with: Stone, N.: Monitoring Small Water Bodies Using High Spatial and Tempor...
     with: Tulbure, M.G.: Monitoring Small Water Bodies Using High Spatial and Te...
     with: Yaeger, M.A.: Monitoring Small Water Bodies Using High Spatial and Tem...
8 for Kington, J.

Kington, J.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Asner, G.P.: Regional High-Resolution Benthic Habitat Data from Planet...
     with: Escovar Fadul, X.: Regional High-Resolution Benthic Habitat Data from ...
     with: Knapp, D.E.: Regional High-Resolution Benthic Habitat Data from Planet...
     with: Li, J.: Regional High-Resolution Benthic Habitat Data from Planet Dove...
     with: Luthje, F.: Regional High-Resolution Benthic Habitat Data from Planet ...
     with: McDonald, T.: Regional High-Resolution Benthic Habitat Data from Plane...
     with: McNulty, V.P.: Regional High-Resolution Benthic Habitat Data from Plan...
     with: Pollock, F.J.: Regional High-Resolution Benthic Habitat Data from Plan...
     with: Raber, G.T.: Regional High-Resolution Benthic Habitat Data from Planet...
     with: Schill, S.R.: Regional High-Resolution Benthic Habitat Data from Plane...
10 for Kington, J.D.

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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