Index for kuri

Kuri Morales, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cortes Arce, I.: Improved Performance of Computer Networks by Embedded...
     with: Flores, N.: Application of Neural Networks for Image Reconstruction in...
     with: Gamio, C.: Application of Neural Networks for Image Reconstruction in ...
     with: Lopez Pena, I.: Experimental Validation of an Evolutionary Method to I...
     with: Mejia Guevara, I.: MP-Polynomial Kernel for Training Support Vector Ma...
     with: Sagastuy Brena, J.: Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Pattern Recognition...

Kuri, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Sarma, S.: Secure Transmission in Cooperative Networks with Weak Eaves...
     with: Sunny, A.: Secure Transmission in Cooperative Networks with Weak Eaves...

Kuria, D.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Becker, M.: Use of UAS for Assessing Agricultural Systems in an Wetlan...
     with: Kohn, D.: Use of UAS for Assessing Agricultural Systems in an Wetland ...
     with: Menz, G.: Use of UAS for Assessing Agricultural Systems in an Wetland ...
     with: Misana, S.: Use of UAS for Assessing Agricultural Systems in an Wetlan...
     with: Thamm, H.P.: Use of UAS for Assessing Agricultural Systems in an Wetla...

Kuriakose, M.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anitha, J.: hierarchical algorithm with fast convergence spiral search...
     with: Bala, G.J.: hierarchical algorithm with fast convergence spiral search...
     with: Pandian, S.I.A.: hierarchical algorithm with fast convergence spiral s...

Kurian, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Morin, K.W.: Fast And Flexible Method For Meta-map Building for ICP Ba...

Kurian, N.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baghshah, M.S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Cla...
     with: Baheti, B.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Baid, U.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Behroozi, H.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Class...
     with: Ben Hamza, A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Clas...
     with: Brown, G.T.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Chen, H.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Dong, B.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Dutande, P.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Ecker, R.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Ellinger, I.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Class...
     with: Fang, Q.R.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Feng, M.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Graham, S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Huang, Y.J.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Jahromi, S.A.F.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Cl...
     with: Jung, H.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Khani, A.A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Kini, L.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Koka, D.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Kumar, N.: Author's Reply to MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segment...
     with: Kumar, N.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Law, J.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifica...
     with: Liu, S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifica...
     with: Liu, Y.L.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Lodaya, R.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Luo, Z.P.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Lv, S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classificat...
     with: Mahapatra, D.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Clas...
     with: Mahbod, A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Mitkari, A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Montahaei, E.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Clas...
     with: Narayanan, P.L.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Cl...
     with: Patil, A.: Author's Reply to MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segment...
     with: Patil, A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Rajpoot, N.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Ramachandra, V.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Cl...
     with: Rane, S.: Author's Reply to MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmenta...
     with: Rane, S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Rassadin, A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Class...
     with: Raza, S.E.A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Class...
     with: Semkin, P.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Sethi, A.: Author's Reply to MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segment...
     with: Sethi, A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Smiley, S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Srivastava, S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Cla...
     with: Talbar, S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Tejomay, A.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Trnavska, L.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Class...
     with: Verma, R.: Author's Reply to MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segment...
     with: Verma, R.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Vu, Q.D.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Wang, L.S.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Wu, X.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classificat...
     with: Xu, K.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classificat...
     with: Xu, Z.Y.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Yao, Y.H.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Yin, T.K.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classifi...
     with: Yuan, Y.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Zhang, H.Y.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classi...
     with: Zunair, H.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
     with: Zwager, M.: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classif...
62 for Kurian, N.C.

Kurianski, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Nieniewski, M.: Hidden MRF detection of motion of objects with uniform...

Kuribayashi, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dao, M.S.: SEPHLA: Challenges and Opportunities Within Environment-Per...
     with: Sato, T.: SEPHLA: Challenges and Opportunities Within Environment-Pers...
     with: Zettsu, K.: SEPHLA: Challenges and Opportunities Within Environment-Pe...

Kuribayashi, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, E.C.: Watermarking with Fixed Decoder for Aesthetic 2D Barcode
     with: Echizen, I.: Effects of Image Processing Operations on Adversarial Noi...
     with: Fukushima, T.: Robust and Secure Data Hiding for PDF Text Document
     with: Funabiki, N.: Robust and Secure Data Hiding for PDF Text Document
     with: Funabiki, N.: Watermarking with Fixed Decoder for Aesthetic 2D Barcode
     with: Gohshi, S.: Information Hiding and Its Criteria for Evaluation
     with: Iwamura, K.: Information Hiding and Its Criteria for Evaluation
     with: Iwata, M.: Information Hiding and Its Criteria for Evaluation
     with: Kang, H.: Information Hiding and Its Criteria for Evaluation
     with: Kawamura, M.: Information Hiding and Its Criteria for Evaluation
     with: Morii, M.: Aesthetic QR Code Based on Modified Systematic Encoding Fun...
     with: Nguyen, H.H.: Effects of Image Processing Operations on Adversarial No...
     with: Nishimura, A.: Information Hiding and Its Criteria for Evaluation
     with: Schaathun, H.G.: Image fingerprinting system based on collusion secure...
     with: Tanaka, H.: Fingerprinting Protocol for Images Based on Additive Homom...
     with: Tanaka, H.: Watermarking Scheme Applicable for Fingerprinting Protocol...
     with: Wong, K.: Improved DM-QIM Watermarking Scheme for PDF Document
     with: Yamagishi, J.: Effects of Image Processing Operations on Adversarial N...
18 for Kuribayashi, M.

Kuric, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmetspahic, J.: Total Generalized Variation on a Tree
     with: Pock, T.: Total Generalized Variation on a Tree

Kurihana, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Foster, I.T.: AICCA: AI-Driven Cloud Classification Atlas
     with: Moyer, E.J.: AICCA: AI-Driven Cloud Classification Atlas

Kurihara, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Nagata, T.: Rice Yield Prediction in Different Growth Environments Usi...
     with: Tomiyama, H.: Rice Yield Prediction in Different Growth Environments U...
     with: Yamana, T.: Detection of Apple Valsa Canker Based on Hyperspectral Ima...

Kurihara, J.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abidin, H.: Early Detection of Basal Stem Rot Disease in Oil Palm Tree...
     with: Guey, C.W.: Early Detection of Basal Stem Rot Disease in Oil Palm Tree...
     with: Koo, V.C.: Early Detection of Basal Stem Rot Disease in Oil Palm Tree ...
     with: Lee, Y.P.: Early Detection of Basal Stem Rot Disease in Oil Palm Tree ...

Kurihara, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chuman, T.: On the Security of Block Scrambling-Based EtC Systems agai...
     with: Hamamoto, T.: Adaptive Fusion of RGB/NIR Signals Based on Face/Backgro...
     with: Hamamoto, T.: Non-Contact Heart Rate Estimation via Adaptive RGB/NIR S...
     with: Hamamoto, T.: Physiological Modeling with Multispectral Imaging for He...
     with: Imaizumi, S.: Encryption-then-Compression System for Lossless Image Co...
     with: Kiya, H.: Encryption-then-Compression System for Lossless Image Compre...
     with: Kiya, H.: On the Security of Block Scrambling-Based EtC Systems agains...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Boundary guided image translation for pose estimation fr...
     with: Maeda, Y.: Physiological Modeling with Multispectral Imaging for Heart...
     with: Shiota, S.: Encryption-then-Compression System for Lossless Image Comp...
     with: Sugimura, D.: Adaptive Fusion of RGB/NIR Signals Based on Face/Backgro...
     with: Sugimura, D.: Non-Contact Heart Rate Estimation via Adaptive RGB/NIR S...
     with: Sugimura, D.: Physiological Modeling with Multispectral Imaging for He...
     with: Wang, T.R.: Boundary guided image translation for pose estimation from...
     with: Zhang, T.: Boundary guided image translation for pose estimation from ...
15 for Kurihara, K.

Kurihara, R.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Matsuoka, R.: TNNG: Total Nuclear Norms of Gradients for Hyperspectral...
     with: Okuda, M.: TNNG: Total Nuclear Norms of Gradients for Hyperspectral Im...
     with: Yuzuriha, R.: TNNG: Total Nuclear Norms of Gradients for Hyperspectral...

Kurihara, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hirokawa, S.: New Scheme of Distributed Video Coding Based on Compress...
     with: Kikuchi, H.: New Scheme of Distributed Video Coding Based on Compressi...

Kurihara, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ando, S.: Motion blur free photometric stereo using correlation image ...
     with: Anjyo, K.: Bilinear Interpolation for Facial Expression and Metamorpho...
     with: Arai, K.: Bilinear Interpolation for Facial Expression and Metamorphos...
     with: Dohi, T.: Quantitative Vascular Shape Analysis for 3D MR-Angiography U...
     with: Jit, D.: Automatic Prostate Segmentation on MR Images Using Enhanced H...
     with: Liu, X.Z.: complex neural network model by Hilbert Transform, A
     with: Liu, X.Z.: Spectrum Attention Mechanism for a Complex Neural Network
     with: Masutani, Y.: Quantitative Vascular Shape Analysis for 3D MR-Angiograp...
     with: Qian, J.: Automatic Prostate Segmentation on MR Images Using Enhanced ...
     with: Suzuki, M.: Quantitative Vascular Shape Analysis for 3D MR-Angiography...
     with: Wu, C.Z.: complex neural network model by Hilbert Transform, A
     with: Wu, C.Z.: Spectrum Attention Mechanism for a Complex Neural Network
     with: Yajima, A.: Method of displaying continuous tone picture using limited...
     with: Yu, J.: Automatic Prostate Segmentation on MR Images Using Enhanced Ho...
     with: Yu, J.: complex neural network model by Hilbert Transform, A
     with: Yu, J.: Frame by Frame Pain Estimation Using Locally Spatial Attention...
     with: Yu, J.: Spectrum Attention Mechanism for a Complex Neural Network
     with: Zhan, S.: Automatic Prostate Segmentation on MR Images Using Enhanced ...
     with: Zhan, S.: complex neural network model by Hilbert Transform, A
     with: Zhan, S.: Frame by Frame Pain Estimation Using Locally Spatial Attenti...
     with: Zhan, S.: Spectrum Attention Mechanism for a Complex Neural Network
     with: Zhang, H.Y.: complex neural network model by Hilbert Transform, A
22 for Kurihara, T.

Kurihara, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Babaguchi, N.: Automatic Appropriate Segment Extraction from Shots Bas...
     with: Beggs, H.: Comparison of Himawari-8 AHI SST with Shipboard Skin SST Me...
     with: Guan, L.: Comparison of Himawari-8 AHI SST with Shipboard Skin SST Mea...
     with: Kachi, M.: Comparison of Himawari-8 AHI SST with Shipboard Skin SST Me...
     with: Kachi, M.: Nowcast/Forecast System for Japan's Coasts Using Daily Assi...
     with: Miyama, T.: Nowcast/Forecast System for Japan's Coasts Using Daily Ass...
     with: Miyazawa, Y.: Nowcast/Forecast System for Japan's Coasts Using Daily A...
     with: Morgan, N.: Comparison of Himawari-8 AHI SST with Shipboard Skin SST M...
     with: Murakami, H.: Nowcast/Forecast System for Japan's Coasts Using Daily A...
     with: Negoro, H.: Measurement of Angular Motion in Golf Swing by a Local Sen...
     with: Nitta, N.: Automatic Appropriate Segment Extraction from Shots Based o...
     with: Ueda, M.: Measurement of Angular Motion in Golf Swing by a Local Senso...
     with: Varlamov, S.M.: Nowcast/Forecast System for Japan's Coasts Using Daily...
     with: Watanabe, K.: Estimation of Walking Exercise Intensity Using 3-D Accel...
     with: Watanabe, K.: Measurement of Angular Motion in Golf Swing by a Local S...
     with: Watanabe, K.: Sleep-Stage Decision Algorithm by Using Heartbeat and Bo...
     with: Yang, M.L.: Comparison of Himawari-8 AHI SST with Shipboard Skin SST M...
     with: Yoneyama, M.: Estimation of Walking Exercise Intensity Using 3-D Accel...
18 for Kurihara, Y.

Kuriki, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hiratani, A.: Considerations of Self-Motion in Motion Saliency
     with: Matsumiya, K.: Considerations of Self-Motion in Motion Saliency
     with: Nagai, T.: Dissociation of equilibrium points for color-discrimination...
     with: Nakashima, R.: Considerations of Self-Motion in Motion Saliency
     with: Nakauchi, S.: Dissociation of equilibrium points for color-discriminat...
     with: Sato, T.: Dissociation of equilibrium points for color-discrimination ...
     with: Shioiri, S.: Considerations of Self-Motion in Motion Saliency
     with: Uchikawa, K.: Limitations of Surface-Color and Apparent-Color Constancy
8 for Kuriki, I.

Kurillo, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andriacchi, T.P.: Camera Networks for Healthcare, Teleimmersion, and S...
     with: Anton, D.: Augmented Telemedicine Platform for Real-Time Remote Medica...
     with: Aranki, D.: Real-Time Tele-Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Heart-F...
     with: Arefin, A.: Classification and Analysis of 3D Teleimmersive Activities
     with: Bair, A.: New Emergency Medicine Paradigm via Augmented Telemedicine
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Augmented Telemedicine Platform for Real-Time Remote Medic...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Berkeley MHAD: A comprehensive Multimodal Human Action Dat...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Bio-inspired Dynamic 3D Discriminative Skeletal Features f...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Calculating Reachable Workspace Volume for Use in Quantita...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Camera Networks for Healthcare, Teleimmersion, and Surveil...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Classification and Analysis of 3D Teleimmersive Activities
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Geometric and Color Calibration of Multiview Panoramic Cam...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: High-Quality Visualization for Geographically Distributed ...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Multi-camera tele-immersion system with real-time model dr...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: New Emergency Medicine Paradigm via Augmented Telemedicine
     with: Bajcsy, R.: On the Development of an Acoustic-Driven Method to Improve...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Projective Epipolar Rectification for a Linear Multi-image...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Real-Time Tele-Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Heart-F...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Sequence of the most informative joints (SMIJ): A new repr...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Skeleton-Based Compression of 3-D Tele-Immersion Data
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Skeleton-Based Data Compression for Multi-camera Tele-Imme...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Teleimmersive 3D collaborative environment for cyberarchae...
     with: Bajcsy, R.: Wide-area external multi-camera calibration using vision g...
     with: Baker, H.: Capture considerations for multiview panoramic cameras
     with: Baker, H.: Geometric and Color Calibration of Multiview Panoramic Came...
     with: Baker, H.: Projective Epipolar Rectification for a Linear Multi-imager...
     with: Bernardin, T.: High-Quality Visualization for Geographically Distribut...
     with: Chaudhry, R.: Berkeley MHAD: A comprehensive Multimodal Human Action D...
     with: Chaudhry, R.: Bio-inspired Dynamic 3D Discriminative Skeletal Features...
     with: Chaudhry, R.: Sequence of the most informative joints (SMIJ): A new re...
     with: Chellappa, R.: Camera Networks for Healthcare, Teleimmersion, and Surv...
     with: Chen, C.H.: Camera Networks for Healthcare, Teleimmersion, and Surveil...
     with: Favre, J.: Camera Networks for Healthcare, Teleimmersion, and Surveill...
     with: Forte, M.: Teleimmersive 3D collaborative environment for cyberarchaeo...
     with: Gregor, M.: On the Development of an Acoustic-Driven Method to Improve...
     with: Han, J.J.: Calculating Reachable Workspace Volume for Use in Quantitat...
     with: Huang, I.: On the Development of an Acoustic-Driven Method to Improve ...
     with: Huang, Z.: Classification and Analysis of 3D Teleimmersive Activities
     with: Kreylos, O.: High-Quality Visualization for Geographically Distributed...
     with: Li, Z.Y.: Capture considerations for multiview panoramic cameras
     with: Li, Z.Y.: Geometric and Color Calibration of Multiview Panoramic Camer...
     with: Li, Z.Y.: Projective Epipolar Rectification for a Linear Multi-imager ...
     with: Li, Z.Y.: Wide-area external multi-camera calibration using vision gra...
     with: Liebovitz, D.M.: Real-Time Tele-Monitoring of Patients with Chronic He...
     with: Lien, J.M.: Multi-camera tele-immersion system with real-time model dr...
     with: Lien, J.M.: Skeleton-Based Compression of 3-D Tele-Immersion Data
     with: Lien, J.M.: Skeleton-Based Data Compression for Multi-camera Tele-Imme...
     with: Lobaton, E.: High-Quality Visualization for Geographically Distributed...
     with: Luong, Q.T.: Capture considerations for multiview panoramic cameras
     with: Matthew, R.P.: Calculating Reachable Workspace Volume for Use in Quant...
     with: Nahrstedt, K.: Classification and Analysis of 3D Teleimmersive Activit...
     with: Nahrstedt, K.: High-Quality Visualization for Geographically Distribut...
     with: Nascimento, E.R.: On the Development of an Acoustic-Driven Method to I...
     with: Ofli, F.: Berkeley MHAD: A comprehensive Multimodal Human Action Datab...
     with: Ofli, F.: Bio-inspired Dynamic 3D Discriminative Skeletal Features for...
     with: Ofli, F.: Sequence of the most informative joints (SMIJ): A new repres...
     with: Papadas, C.: Capture considerations for multiview panoramic cameras
     with: Rivas, R.: Classification and Analysis of 3D Teleimmersive Activities
     with: Shi, S.: Classification and Analysis of 3D Teleimmersive Activities
     with: Shia, V.: New Emergency Medicine Paradigm via Augmented Telemedicine
     with: Vasudevan, R.: High-Quality Visualization for Geographically Distribut...
     with: Vidal, R.: Berkeley MHAD: A comprehensive Multimodal Human Action Data...
     with: Vidal, R.: Bio-inspired Dynamic 3D Discriminative Skeletal Features fo...
     with: Vidal, R.: Sequence of the most informative joints (SMIJ): A new repre...
     with: Villegas, I.: On the Development of an Acoustic-Driven Method to Impro...
     with: Wu, W.: Classification and Analysis of 3D Teleimmersive Activities
     with: Xia, P.Y.: Classification and Analysis of 3D Teleimmersive Activities
     with: Yan, P.: Real-Time Tele-Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Heart-Fail...
     with: Yang, A.Y.: Augmented Telemedicine Platform for Real-Time Remote Medic...
     with: Yang, A.Y.: New Emergency Medicine Paradigm via Augmented Telemedicine
74 for Kurillo, G.

Kurilova, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Goga, J.: Image preprocessing-based ensemble deep learning classificat...
     with: Kajan, S.: Image preprocessing-based ensemble deep learning classifica...
     with: Lesay, B.: Optic disc localization in fundus images
     with: Macsik, P.: Image preprocessing-based ensemble deep learning classific...
     with: Marcek, I.: Retinal blood vessels extraction using morphological opera...
     with: Oravec, M.: Optic disc localization in fundus images
     with: Oravec, M.: Retinal blood vessels extraction using morphological opera...
     with: Pavlovicova, J.: Image preprocessing-based ensemble deep learning clas...
     with: Pavlovicova, J.: Optic disc localization in fundus images
     with: Pavlovicova, J.: Retinal blood vessels extraction using morphological ...
     with: Rakar, R.: Retinal blood vessels extraction using morphological operat...
11 for Kurilova, V.

Kurimo, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gren, J.: Effect of Motion Blur and Signal Noise on Image Quality in L...
     with: Kunttu, I.: Effect of Motion Blur and Signal Noise on Image Quality in...
     with: Laaksonen, J.T.: Effect of Motion Blur and Signal Noise on Image Quali...
     with: Lepisto, L.: Effect of Motion Blur and Signal Noise on Image Quality i...
     with: Nikkanen, J.: Effect of Motion Blur and Signal Noise on Image Quality ...

Kurimo, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Honkela, A.: Missing-Feature Reconstruction With a Bounded Nonlinear S...
     with: Palomaki, K.J.: Missing-Feature Reconstruction With a Bounded Nonlinea...
     with: Raiko, T.: Missing-Feature Reconstruction With a Bounded Nonlinear Sta...
     with: Remes, U.: Missing-Feature Reconstruction With a Bounded Nonlinear Sta...

Kurin, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beyer, L.: Towards a Principled Integration of Multi-camera Re-identif...
     with: Breuers, S.: Towards a Principled Integration of Multi-camera Re-ident...
     with: Leibe, B.: Towards a Principled Integration of Multi-camera Re-identif...

Kurino, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fujisawa, H.: Segmentation Methods for Character Recognition: From Seg...
     with: Nakano, Y.: Segmentation Methods for Character Recognition: From Segme...

Kurioka, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kitahashi, T.: Application of Knowledge Base for Image Analysis, An
     with: Ogawa, H.: Application of Knowledge Base for Image Analysis, An
     with: Tanaka, K.: Application of Knowledge Base for Image Analysis, An

Kuriqi, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bilasco, S.: Utilizing the Available Open-Source Remotely Sensed Data ...
     with: Dudic, B.: Utilizing the Available Open-Source Remotely Sensed Data in...
     with: Gagnon, A.S.: Characterization of the 2014 Indus River Flood Using Hyd...
     with: Hysa, A.: Utilizing the Available Open-Source Remotely Sensed Data in ...
     with: Linh, N.T.T.: Characterization of the 2014 Indus River Flood Using Hyd...
     with: Lu, L.L.: Characterization of the 2014 Indus River Flood Using Hydraul...
     with: Pham, Q.B.: Characterization of the 2014 Indus River Flood Using Hydra...
     with: Rosca, S.: Utilizing the Available Open-Source Remotely Sensed Data in...
     with: Sestras, P.: Utilizing the Available Open-Source Remotely Sensed Data ...
     with: Shu, H.: Characterization of the 2014 Indus River Flood Using Hydrauli...
     with: Siddiqui, S.: Characterization of the 2014 Indus River Flood Using Hyd...
     with: Spalevic, V.: Utilizing the Available Open-Source Remotely Sensed Data...
     with: Tariq, A.: Characterization of the 2014 Indus River Flood Using Hydrau...
13 for Kuriqi, A.

Kurisu, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hayashi, A.: Image Segmentation Using a Spatially Correlated Mixture M...
     with: Hayashi, A.: Spatially Correlated Mixture Model for Image Segmentation...
     with: Iwata, K.: Image Segmentation Using a Spatially Correlated Mixture Mod...
     with: Iwata, K.: Spatially Correlated Mixture Model for Image Segmentation, A
     with: Suematsu, N.: Image Segmentation Using a Spatially Correlated Mixture ...
     with: Suematsu, N.: Spatially Correlated Mixture Model for Image Segmentatio...

Kurita, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Asano, Y.: Method and system for determining shape in plane to be dete...
     with: Fukunishi, M.: Video Based Measurement of Heart Rate and Heart Rate Va...
     with: Hirahashi, A.: Method and system for determining shape in plane to be ...
     with: Momose, A.: Method and system for determining shape in plane to be det...
     with: Ohga, S.: Method and system for determining shape in plane to be deter...
     with: Tsumura, N.: Video Based Measurement of Heart Rate and Heart Rate Vari...
     with: Yabe, T.: Method and system for determining shape in plane to be deter...
     with: Yamamoto, S.: Video Based Measurement of Heart Rate and Heart Rate Var...
8 for Kurita, K.

Kurita, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chandler, D.M.: Saliency Detection Based on Multiscale Extrema of Loca...
     with: Ishikura, K.: Saliency Detection Based on Multiscale Extrema of Local ...
     with: Ohashi, G.: Saliency Detection Based on Multiscale Extrema of Local Pe...

Kurita, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Azuma, D.: Cross3DVG: Cross-Dataset 3D Visual Grounding on Different R...
     with: Katsura, N.: RefEgo: Referring Expression Comprehension Dataset from F...
     with: Kawanabe, M.: Cross3DVG: Cross-Dataset 3D Visual Grounding on Differen...
     with: Miyanishi, T.: Cross3DVG: Cross-Dataset 3D Visual Grounding on Differe...
     with: Onami, E.: RefEgo: Referring Expression Comprehension Dataset from Fir...

Kurita, S.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Azuma, D.: ScanQA: 3D Question Answering for Spatial Scene Understanding
     with: Kawanabe, M.: ScanQA: 3D Question Answering for Spatial Scene Understa...
     with: Miyanishi, T.: ScanQA: 3D Question Answering for Spatial Scene Underst...

Kurita, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdelmalek, N.: Maximum Likelihood Thresholding Based on Population Mi...
     with: Abe, M.: q-SNE: Visualizing Data using q-Gaussian Distributed Stochast...
     with: Adachi, E.: Reliability index of optical flow that considers error mar...
     with: Arifin, A.Z.: Multi-projection deep learning network for segmentation ...
     with: Asano, A.: Visual complexity assessment of painting images
     with: Asano, C.M.: Visual complexity assessment of painting images
     with: Astuti, E.R.: Multi-projection deep learning network for segmentation ...
     with: Bagarinao, E.: Adapting SVM Image Classifiers to Changes in Imaging Co...
     with: Castagne, M.: Motion estimation and compensation technologies for stan...
     with: de Haan, G.: Motion estimation and compensation technologies for stand...
     with: Dubois, E.: Motion estimation and compensation technologies for standa...
     with: Fillard, J.P.: Motion estimation and compensation technologies for sta...
     with: Fujiki, J.: Multiple Random Subset-Kernel Learning
     with: Guo, X.Y.: Visual complexity assessment of painting images
     with: Hakim, L.: Regularizer based on Euler characteristic for retinal blood...
     with: Hasegawa, O.: kernel logic approach for face and non-face classificati...
     with: Hayamizu, S.: Gesture Recognition Using HLAC Features of PARCOR Images...
     with: Hidaka, A.: Classification of Spectators' State in Video Sequences by ...
     with: Hidaka, A.: Face Tracking by Maximizing Classification Score of Face D...
     with: Hidaka, A.: Non-Neighboring Rectangular Feature selection using Partic...
     with: Hidaka, A.: Nonlinear Discriminant Analysis Based on Probability Estim...
     with: Hidaka, A.: Object Tracking by Maximizing Classification Score of Dete...
     with: Hidaka, A.: Principal Component Analysis of Multi-view Images for View...
     with: Hidaka, A.: Sparse Discriminant Analysis Based on the Bayesian Posteri...
     with: Higashikubo, M.: Adapting SVM Image Classifiers to Changes in Imaging ...
     with: Higashikubo, M.: Visual Tracking Algorithm Using Pixel-Pair Feature
     with: Hirakawa, T.: Discriminative Subtree Selection for NBI Endoscopic Imag...
     with: Hirata, K.: Sketch Retrieval Method for Full Color Image Database Quer...
     with: Hosoi, T.: Principal Component Analysis of Multi-view Images for Viewp...
     with: Hotta, K.: Dynamic Attention Map by Ising Model for Human Face Detection
     with: Hotta, K.: Efficient Face Detection from News Images by Adaptive Estim...
     with: Hotta, K.: Efficient Search Method Based on Dynamic Attention Map by I...
     with: Hotta, K.: Face Matching through Information Theoretical Attention Poi...
     with: Hotta, K.: Mixture of counting CNNs
     with: Hotta, K.: Scale Invariant Face Detection Method Using Higher-Order Lo...
     with: Ichihashi, Y.: 3D visual system using electronic holography: Towards u...
     with: Ichihashi, Y.: Development of electronic holography toward ultra-reali...
     with: Ichihashi, Y.: Holographic stereogram using camera array in dense arra...
     with: Ide, H.: Robust pruning for efficient CNNs
     with: Ide, H.: Texture Segmentation using Siamese Network and Hierarchical R...
     with: Ikeda, Y.: neural network classifier for occluded images, A
     with: Imamura, T.: Automatic Detection of Good/Bad Colonies of iPS Cells Usi...
     with: Inayoshi, H.: Adapting SVM Image Classifiers to Changes in Imaging Con...
     with: Indraswari, R.: Multi-projection deep learning network for segmentatio...
     with: Kaneda, K.: Automatic Detection of Good/Bad Colonies of iPS Cells Usin...
     with: Kaneda, K.: Discriminative Subtree Selection for NBI Endoscopic Image ...
     with: Kaneda, K.: Marker based simple non-overlapping camera calibration
     with: Kaneda, K.: Marker-based non-overlapping camera calibration methods wi...
     with: Kaneda, K.: Self-training with unlabeled regions for NBI image recogni...
     with: Kato, T.: Sketch Retrieval Method for Full Color Image Database Query ...
     with: Kavitha, M.S.: Regularizer based on Euler characteristic for retinal b...
     with: Kavitha, M.S.: Weakly-Supervised Action Localization, and Action Recog...
     with: Kobayashi, T.: Robust pruning for efficient CNNs
     with: Kobayashi, Y.: Higher Order Local Autocorrelation Features of PARCOR I...
     with: Koide, T.: Discriminative Subtree Selection for NBI Endoscopic Image L...
     with: Kondo, Y.: Degree-of-linear-polarization-based Color Constancy
     with: Kondo, Y.: Simultaneous Acquisition of High Quality RGB Image and Pola...
     with: Kumagai, S.: Mixture of counting CNNs
     with: Kurosawa, K.: Deep CNN with Graph Laplacian Regularization for Multi-l...
     with: Li, X.Z.: Nonlinear discriminant analysis using K nearest neighbor est...
     with: Li, X.Z.: Pixel-Pair Features Selection for Vehicle Tracking
     with: Lussert, J.M.: Motion estimation and compensation technologies for sta...
     with: Masuda, A.: Automatic Detection of Good/Bad Colonies of iPS Cells Usin...
     with: Matsukawa, T.: Action Recognition Using Three-Way Cross-Correlations F...
     with: Matsukawa, T.: Appearance-Based Smile Intensity Estimation by Cascaded...
     with: Matsukawa, T.: Classification of Spectators' State in Video Sequences ...
     with: Matsukawa, T.: Extraction of Combined Features from Global/Local Stati...
     with: Matsukawa, T.: Image Classification Using Probability Higher-Order Loc...
     with: Matsukawa, T.: Image representation for generic object recognition usi...
     with: Mieno, H.: Discriminative Subtree Selection for NBI Endoscopic Image L...
     with: Mishima, T.: Dynamic Attention Map by Ising Model for Human Face Detec...
     with: Mishima, T.: Efficient Face Detection from News Images by Adaptive Est...
     with: Mishima, T.: Efficient Search Method Based on Dynamic Attention Map by...
     with: Mishima, T.: Face Matching through Information Theoretical Attention P...
     with: Mishima, T.: Higher Order Local Autocorrelation Features of PARCOR Ima...
     with: Mishima, T.: Scale Invariant Face Detection Method Using Higher-Order ...
     with: Mitsuno, K.: Channel Planting for Deep Neural Networks using Knowledge...
     with: Mitsuno, K.: Filter Pruning using Hierarchical Group Sparse Regulariza...
     with: Miyaki, R.: Self-training with unlabeled regions for NBI image recogni...
     with: Miyao, J.: q-SNE: Visualizing Data using q-Gaussian Distributed Stocha...
     with: Mojoo, J.: Deep CNN with Graph Laplacian Regularization for Multi-labe...
     with: Mojoo, J.: Deep Metric Learning for Multi-Label and Multi-Object Image...
     with: Moriuchi, Y.: Degree-of-linear-polarization-based Color Constancy
     with: Moriuchi, Y.: Simultaneous Acquisition of High Quality RGB Image and P...
     with: Najman, L.: Discriminative Subtree Selection for NBI Endoscopic Image ...
     with: Nishida, K.: Face Tracking by Maximizing Classification Score of Face ...
     with: Nishida, K.: Multiple Random Subset-Kernel Learning
     with: Nishida, K.: Object Tracking by Maximizing Classification Score of Det...
     with: Nishida, K.: RANSAC-SVM for large-scale datasets
     with: Nishida, K.: Visual Tracking Algorithm Using Pixel-Pair Feature
     with: Noguchi, Y.: Appearance-Based Smile Intensity Estimation by Cascaded S...
     with: Nomura, Y.: Channel Planting for Deep Neural Networks using Knowledge ...
     with: Nomura, Y.: Sample Selection Approach with Number of False Predictions...
     with: Ogiuchi, Y.: Visual Tracking Algorithm Using Pixel-Pair Feature
     with: Oi, R.: 3D visual system using electronic holography: Towards ultra-re...
     with: Oi, R.: Development of electronic holography toward ultra-realistic co...
     with: Oi, R.: Holographic stereogram using camera array in dense arrangement
     with: Onji, K.: Self-training with unlabeled regions for NBI image recognition
     with: Ono, T.: Degree-of-linear-polarization-based Color Constancy
     with: Otsu, N.: Complex Autoregressive Model for Shape Recognition
     with: Otsu, N.: Face Recognition Method Using Higher Order Local Autocorrela...
     with: Otsu, N.: Invariant distance measures for planar shapes based on compl...
     with: Otsu, N.: Maximum Likelihood Thresholding Based on Population Mixture ...
     with: Otsu, N.: Reliability index of optical flow that considers error margi...
     with: Otsu, N.: Sketch Retrieval Method for Full Color Image Database Query ...
     with: Pic, M.: Recognition and detection of occluded faces by a neural netwo...
     with: Raytchev, B.: Automatic Detection of Good/Bad Colonies of iPS Cells Us...
     with: Raytchev, B.: Discriminative Subtree Selection for NBI Endoscopic Imag...
     with: Raytchev, B.: Marker based simple non-overlapping camera calibration
     with: Raytchev, B.: Marker-based non-overlapping camera calibration methods ...
     with: Raytchev, B.: Self-training with unlabeled regions for NBI image recog...
     with: Sato, T.: Face Recognition Method Using Higher Order Local Autocorrela...
     with: Sekita, I.: Complex Autoregressive Model for Shape Recognition
     with: Sekita, I.: Invariant distance measures for planar shapes based on com...
     with: Senoh, T.: 3D visual system using electronic holography: Towards ultra...
     with: Senoh, T.: Development of electronic holography toward ultra-realistic...
     with: Senoh, T.: Holographic stereogram using camera array in dense arrangem...
     with: Shimada, K.: Appearance-Based Smile Intensity Estimation by Cascaded S...
     with: Shimai, H.: Efficient Face Detection from News Images by Adaptive Esti...
     with: Suciati, N.: Multi-projection deep learning network for segmentation o...
     with: Sun, L.: Degree-of-linear-polarization-based Color Constancy
     with: Sun, L.: Simultaneous Acquisition of High Quality RGB Image and Polari...
     with: Suzuki, M.: Automatic Detection of Good/Bad Colonies of iPS Cells Usin...
     with: Taguchi, T.: Modification of Kernel-Based Fisher Discriminant Analysis...
     with: Takahashi, T.: Mixture of Subspaces Image Representation and Compact C...
     with: Takahashi, T.: neural network classifier for occluded images, A
     with: Takahashi, T.: Recognition and detection of occluded faces by a neural...
     with: Takahashi, T.: Viewpoint independent face recognition by competition o...
     with: Takeda, T.: Self-training with unlabeled regions for NBI image recogni...
     with: Takemura, Y.: Self-training with unlabeled regions for NBI image recog...
     with: Tamaki, T.: Automatic Detection of Good/Bad Colonies of iPS Cells Usin...
     with: Tamaki, T.: Discriminative Subtree Selection for NBI Endoscopic Image ...
     with: Tamaki, T.: Marker based simple non-overlapping camera calibration
     with: Tamaki, T.: Marker-based non-overlapping camera calibration methods wi...
     with: Tamaki, T.: Self-training with unlabeled regions for NBI image recogni...
     with: Tanaka, M.: Dynamic Attention Map by Ising Model for Human Face Detect...
     with: Tanaka, M.: Efficient Face Detection from News Images by Adaptive Esti...
     with: Tanaka, M.: Efficient Search Method Based on Dynamic Attention Map by ...
     with: Tanaka, M.: Image Understanding Via Representation of the Projected Mo...
     with: Tanaka, S.: Discriminative Subtree Selection for NBI Endoscopic Image ...
     with: Tanaka, S.: Pixel-Pair Features Selection for Vehicle Tracking
     with: Tanaka, S.: Self-training with unlabeled regions for NBI image recogni...
     with: Uchinoura, S.: Graph Laplacian Regularization based on the Differences...
     with: Uchinoura, S.: Improved Head and Data Augmentation to Reduce Artifacts...
     with: Umeyama, S.: Image Understanding Via Representation of the Projected M...
     with: Umeyama, S.J.: Face Matching through Information Theoretical Attention...
     with: Wang, C.H.: Discriminative Subtree Selection for NBI Endoscopic Image ...
     with: Watanabe, K.: Locality preserving multi-nominal logistic regression
     with: Watanabe, K.: Robust pruning for efficient CNNs
     with: Yamada, R.: Texture Segmentation using Siamese Network and Hierarchica...
     with: Yamamato, K.: Holographic stereogram using camera array in dense arran...
     with: Yamamoto, K.: 3D visual system using electronic holography: Towards ul...
     with: Yamamoto, K.: Development of electronic holography toward ultra-realis...
     with: Yang, Z.X.: Improvements of Local Descriptor in HOG/SIFT by BOF Approach
     with: Yang, Z.X.: Improvements to the Descriptor of SIFT by BOF Approaches
     with: Yoshida, S.: Discriminative Subtree Selection for NBI Endoscopic Image...
     with: Yoshida, S.: Self-training with unlabeled regions for NBI image recogn...
     with: Yudistira, N.: Correlation Net: Spatiotemporal multimodal deep learnin...
     with: Yudistira, N.: Regularizer based on Euler characteristic for retinal b...
     with: Yudistira, N.: Texture Segmentation using Siamese Network and Hierarch...
     with: Yudistira, N.: Weakly-Supervised Action Localization, and Action Recog...
     with: Zhang, Z.B.: Pixel-Pair Features Selection for Vehicle Tracking
     with: Zhao, F.: Marker based simple non-overlapping camera calibration
     with: Zhao, F.: Marker-based non-overlapping camera calibration methods with...
164 for Kurita, T.

Kurita, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Axenopoulos, A.: SHREC'11 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval
     with: Bustos, B.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Bustos, B.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertight...
     with: Daoudi, M.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Daoudi, M.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertight...
     with: Daras, P.: SHREC'11 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval
     with: Dutagaci, H.: SHREC'11 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval
     with: Furuya, T.: SHREC'11 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval
     with: Godil, A.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Godil, A.: SHREC'11 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval
     with: Godil, A.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertight ...
     with: Goto, K.: SHREC'11 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval
     with: Hermans, J.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Hermans, J.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertigh...
     with: Kawamura, S.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Kawamura, S.: SHREC'11 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval
     with: Kawamura, S.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertig...
     with: Lavoue, G.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Lavoue, G.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertight...
     with: Lian, Z.H.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Lian, Z.H.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertight...
     with: Litos, G.: SHREC'11 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval
     with: Manolopoulou, S.: SHREC'11 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval
     with: Nguyen, H.V.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Nguyen, H.V.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertig...
     with: Ohbuchi, R.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Ohbuchi, R.: SHREC'11 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval
     with: Ohbuchi, R.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertigh...
     with: Ohishi, Y.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Ohishi, Y.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertight...
     with: Ohkita, Y.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Ohkita, Y.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertight...
     with: Porikli, F.M.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Porikli, F.M.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Waterti...
     with: Reuter, M.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Reuter, M.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertight...
     with: Sato, J.: Unpowered Sensorimotor-Enhancing Suit Reduces Muscle Activat...
     with: Shinohara, M.: Unpowered Sensorimotor-Enhancing Suit Reduces Muscle Ac...
     with: Sipiran, I.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Sipiran, I.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertigh...
     with: Smeets, D.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Smeets, D.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertight...
     with: Suetens, P.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Suetens, P.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertigh...
     with: Tabia, H.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
     with: Tabia, H.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Watertight ...
     with: Tanaka, T.: Unpowered Sensorimotor-Enhancing Suit Reduces Muscle Activ...
     with: Tsuji, T.: Unpowered Sensorimotor-Enhancing Suit Reduces Muscle Activa...
     with: Vandermeulen, D.: comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retriev...
     with: Vandermeulen, D.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape Retrieval On Non-Rigid 3d Wate...
     with: Yanagimachi, T.: SHREC'11 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval
51 for Kurita, Y.

Kuritcyn, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Benz, M.: Multi-Prototype Few-shot Learning in Histopathology
     with: Bruns, V.: Multi-Prototype Few-shot Learning in Histopathology
     with: Deuschel, J.: Multi-Prototype Few-shot Learning in Histopathology
     with: Dexl, J.: Multi-Prototype Few-shot Learning in Histopathology
     with: Eckstein, M.: Multi-Prototype Few-shot Learning in Histopathology
     with: Firmbach, D.: Multi-Prototype Few-shot Learning in Histopathology
     with: Geppert, C.I.: Multi-Prototype Few-shot Learning in Histopathology
     with: Hartmann, A.: Multi-Prototype Few-shot Learning in Histopathology
     with: Hartmann, D.: Multi-Prototype Few-shot Learning in Histopathology
     with: Perrin, D.: Multi-Prototype Few-shot Learning in Histopathology
     with: Wittenberg, T.: Multi-Prototype Few-shot Learning in Histopathology
11 for Kuritcyn, P.

Kuriyama, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gu, C.Z.: Orientation-aware leg movement learning for action-driven hu...
     with: Ho, Q.X.: Estimation of Multiple Illuminant Colors Using Color Line Fe...
     with: Inao, T.: Development and evaluation of a self-training system for ten...
     with: Ineno, S.: Development and evaluation of a self-training system for te...
     with: Jinno, T.: Estimation of Multiple Illuminant Colors Using Color Line F...
     with: Jinno, T.: Mimetic Code Using Successive Additive Color Mixture
     with: Komuro, S.: Mimetic Code Using Successive Additive Color Mixture
     with: Mukai, T.: Development and evaluation of a self-training system for te...
     with: Oshita, M.: Development and evaluation of a self-training system for t...
     with: Uchimi, Y.: Estimation of Multiple Illuminant Colors Using Color Line ...
     with: Zhang, C.: Orientation-aware leg movement learning for action-driven h...
11 for Kuriyama, S.

Kuriyan, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ding, L.: Retinal Vessel Detection in Wide-Field Fluorescein Angiograp...
     with: Ramchandran, R.: Retinal Vessel Detection in Wide-Field Fluorescein An...
     with: Sharma, G.: Retinal Vessel Detection in Wide-Field Fluorescein Angiogr...

Kuriyan, A.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bawany, M.H.: Novel Deep Learning Pipeline for Retinal Vessel Detectio...
     with: Ding, L.: Novel Deep Learning Pipeline for Retinal Vessel Detection In...
     with: Ding, L.: Weakly-Supervised Vessel Detection in Ultra-Widefield Fundus...
     with: Ramchandran, R.S.: Novel Deep Learning Pipeline for Retinal Vessel Det...
     with: Ramchandran, R.S.: Weakly-Supervised Vessel Detection in Ultra-Widefie...
     with: Sharma, G.: Novel Deep Learning Pipeline for Retinal Vessel Detection ...
     with: Sharma, G.: Weakly-Supervised Vessel Detection in Ultra-Widefield Fund...
     with: Wykoff, C.C.: Novel Deep Learning Pipeline for Retinal Vessel Detectio...
     with: Wykoff, C.C.: Weakly-Supervised Vessel Detection in Ultra-Widefield Fu...
9 for Kuriyan, A.E.

Index for "k"

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