* 2-D motion estimation algorithm, A
* 3-D data acquisition by Rainbow Range Finder
* 3-D vision system incorporating solid modeler and geometric reasoning, A
* 3D shape classification using the R-transform
* accurate camera calibration for the aerial image analysis, An
* Algebraic Basis of Mathematical Morphology: I. Dilations and Erosions, The
* Algebraic error analysis for surface curvatures of 3-D range images obtained by different methods
* AMBLER: An Autonomous Rover for Planetary Exploration
* Analysing the structure of medical images with morphological size distributions
* Analysis of Morphological Filters with Multiple Structuring Elements, The
* Analysis of Thinning Algorithms Using Mathematical Morphology
* Application of pattern recognition techniques in ultrasound tissue characterization
* Automatic learning of structural models for workpiece recognition systems
* Automatic Lipreading by Computer
* Bounds on Time-to-Collision and Rotational Component from First-Order Derivatives of Image Flow
* Calibration of Stereo Cameras Using a Non-Linear Distortion Model
* Circuit implementation of block matching algorithm with fractional precision
* Classification of Invariant Image Representations Using a Neural Network
* closed-form solution for the reconstruction of a convex polyhedron from its extended Gaussian image, A
* color classification method for color images using a uniform color space, A
* complexity measure based algorithm for multifont Chinese character recognition, A
* Computing characteristic views of quadric-surfaced solids
* Constructing a neural network for the interpretation of the species of trees in aerial photographs
* Contour Codes of Isothetic Polygons
* Contour generation and shape restoration of the straight homogeneous generalized cylinder
* Data and model driven foveation
* design of a nonparametric hierarchical classifier, The
* Detecting parameteric curves using the straight line Hough transform
* Detecting wheels of vehicle in stereo images
* Differentiating Sonar Reflections from Corners and Planes by Employing an Intelligent Sensor
* Direct determination of a non-accelerating greylevel scene
* Discrete relaxation applied to interpretation of technical documents
* Distortion-tolerance curve of the neocognitron with various structures, including pyramid
* Dot image matching using local affine transformation
* Edge detection with iteratively refined regularization
* effective regional descriptor and its application to target recognition, An
* Estimation of cavity centroids and regions of interest in echocardiographic images
* Estimation of class correlation parameters in images for context classification
* Estimation of Surface Topography from SAR Imagery Using Shape from Shading Techniques
* Expected complexity in hierarchical representations for random fields
* Expression extraction in virtuoso music performances
* Extraction of Line Drawing Features for Object Recognition
* Face recognition using a digital neural network with self-organising capabilities
* Fast Algorithm for the Restoration of Images Based on Chain Codes Description and Its Applications, A
* Fast Surface Interpolation Using Hierarchical Basis Functions
* Fast tree classifiers
* Finger image identification method for personal verification
* Fitting smooth curves
* Fundamentals of true-color image processing
* Fuzzy quaternion approach to object recognition incorporating Zernike moment invariants
* general approach for parametrizing the Hough transform, A
* Generating Non-redundant Surface Representations of 3-D Objects Using Multiple Range Views
* Hausdorf-metric interpretation of convergence in the Matheron topology for binary mathematical morphology
* Hierarchical Classification of Surface-Defects on Dusty Wood Boards
* high-speed algorithm for propagation-type labeling based on block sorting of runs in binary images, A
* Identification of stochastic textures with multiresolution features and self-organizing maps
* Image Seaming for Segmentation on Parallel Architecture
* improved linked pyramid for texture segmentation using the fractal Brownian model, An
* Integrating word level knowledge in text recognition
* Intelligent Character Recognition
* interactive system for the selection of handwritten numeral classes, An
* Kalman Filter Approach for Accurate 3-D Motion Estimation from a Sequence of Stereo Images, A
* Kernel classification rules in the presence of missing values
* Knowledge representation for vision: an associative network for single object representation and recognition
* marching method for parametric surface/surface intersection, A
* matching algorithm based on hierarchical primitive structure, A
* Measuring image structures using a multiscale orientation field
* Medial axis transformation with single-pixel and connectivity preservation using Euclidean distance computation
* Method and apparatus for detecting innovations in a scene
* method for consistent estimation of compact regions for cluster analysis, A
* Metrology in quality control of nuts
* Mobile robot navigation employing ceiling light fixtures
* modeling approach to feature selection, A
* Modified Matched Filter for Cloud Clutter Suppression
* Morphological skeleton and shape decomposition
* Multi-phase recognition of multifont photoscript Arabic text
* multiresolution approach to texture segmentation using neural networks, A
* multiresolution approach to the 3D reconstruction of a 50S ribosome from an EM-tilt series solving the alignment problem without gold particles, A
* Multiresolution Hierarchical Approach to Image Segmentation Based on Intensity Extrema, A
* New edge detection methods based on exponential filter
* new piecewise linear classifier, A
* Noise reduction and segmentation in time-varying ultrasound images
* Normalized edge detector
* object recognition system using stochastic knowledge source and VLSI parallel architecture, An
* Off-line recognition of handwritten cursive script for the automatic reading of city names on real mail
* On local detection of moving edges
* On surface curvature computation from level set contours
* Online character recognition system using string comparison processor
* Online recognizer for runon handprinted characters
* Orthogonal discriminant analysis for interactive pattern analysis
* Parallel smoothing and decomposition of digital shapes using a multiresolution structure
* Parameter estimation, multiscale representation and algorithms for energy-minimizing segmentations
* Pattern classification using teurons
* Performance of parametric and reference pattern based features in static signature verification: a comparative study
* Planar curve segmentation for recognition of partially occluded shapes
* Polygonal object recognition
* primary raster: a multiresolution image description, The
* probabilistic estimate of clustering, A
* Quantifying the unimportance of prior probabilities in a computer vision problem
* Randomized Hough transform (RHT)
* Reading Chess
* Recognition and verification of postcodes in handwritten and hand-printed addresses
* Recognition of shapes by statistical modeling of centroidal profile
* Recognition system for automatic diagnosis of knee ligaments
* Recognizing 3-D objects in needle maps
* Recognizing planar curves using curvature-tuned smoothing
* Reconstructing shape from shading images under point light source illumination
* Regularized polygonal approximation for analysis and interpretation of planar contour figures
* Robust detection of region boundaries in a sequence of images
* Segmentation and feature extraction for magnetic resonance brain image analysis
* self-similarity of digital straight lines, The
* Shape contour recognition using moment invariants
* Signal processing for autonomous acquisition of objects in cluttered background
* Small sample size effects in statistical pattern recognition: recommendations for practitioners and open problems
* Some results on feature detection using residual analysis
* Stochastic and Deterministic Networks for Texture Segmentation
* Structural matching of multiresolution for stereo vision
* Supervised Color Constancy Using a Color Chart
* Surface correspondence based on three-dimensional structure inference in animation images
* Surface Orientation from Projective Foreshortening of Isotropic Texture Autocorrelation
* System for generating rolled fingerprint images
* Template matching for rhythmic analysis of music keyboard input
* Thinning in a distributed environment
* Time-recursive motion estimation using dynamical models for motion prediction
* Tissue-type discrimination in magnetic resonance images
* Towards autonomy in active contour models
* Two Methods of Image Extension
* Universal character segmentation scheme for multifont OCR images
* Using Occupancy Grids for Mobile Robot Perception and Navigation
* Volumetric description of solids of revolution in a range image
* Wing representation for rigid 3D objects
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