State, A.[Andrei]
Co Author Listing * Exact Eye Contact with Virtual Humans
* Immersive 3D Telepresence
* Methods and systems for real-time structured light depth extraction and endoscope using real-time structured light depth extraction
Includes: State, A.[Andrei] State, A.
State, G.[Gavriel]
Co Author Listing * Self-Supervised Real-to-Sim Scene Generation
State, L.[Luminita]
Co Author Listing * Improved Algorithm for Estimating the ICA Model Concerning the Convergence Rate, An
* PCA Approach on Morphological Classification of Galaxies
* Version of the FastICA Algorithm Based on the Secant Method Combined with Simple Iterations Method, A
Includes: State, L.[Luminita] State, L.
State, R.
Co Author Listing * Detection of abnormal behaviour in a surveillance environment using control charts
* Early Crop Mapping Using Dynamic Ecoregion Clustering: A USA-Wide Study
Includes: State, R. State, R.[Radu]
Stateczny, A.[Andrzej]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Transformation Methods of Hydroacoustic and Optoelectronic Data Based on the Tombolo Measurement Campaign in Sopot
* Automated Shoreline Segmentation in Satellite Imagery Using USV Measurements
* Cascade Object Detection and Remote Sensing Object Detection Method Based on Trainable Activation Function
* Empirical Application of Automotive 3D Radar Sensor for Target Detection for an Autonomous Surface Vehicle's Navigation, The
* Integration Data Model of the Bathymetric Monitoring System for Shallow Waterbodies Using UAV and USV Platforms
* Methodology for Processing of 3D Multibeam Sonar Big Data for Comparative Navigation
* Multiplicative Long Short-Term Memory with Improved Mayfly Optimization for LULC Classification
* Optimized Deep Learning Model for Flood Detection Using Satellite Images
* Radar and Sonar Imaging and Processing
* Radar and Sonar Imaging and Processing (2nd Edition)
* Reduction Method of Bathymetric Datasets that Preserves True Geodata, The
* Satellite Image Classification Using a Hierarchical Ensemble Learning and Correlation Coefficient-Based Gravitational Search Algorithm
* Shore Construction Detection by Automotive Radar for the Needs of Autonomous Surface Vehicle Navigation
* Spatial Visualization Based on Geodata Fusion Using an Autonomous Unmanned Vessel
* Spatiotemporal Assessment of Satellite Image Time Series for Land Cover Classification Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Case Study of Reunion Island, France
* Spiral Search Grasshopper Features Selection with VGG19-ResNet50 for Remote Sensing Object Detection
* Underground Water Level Prediction in Remote Sensing Images Using Improved Hydro Index Value with Ensemble Classifier
17 for Stateczny, A.
Stateczny, M.[Marcin]
Co Author Listing * Analysis of Transformation Methods of Hydroacoustic and Optoelectronic Data Based on the Tombolo Measurement Campaign in Sopot
* Integration Data Model of the Bathymetric Monitoring System for Shallow Waterbodies Using UAV and USV Platforms
Statella, T.[Thiago]
Co Author Listing * Incongruence-Based Anomaly Detection Strategy for Analyzing Water Pollution in Images from Remote Sensing, An
* Study on Automatic Methods Based on Mathematical Morphology for Martian Dust Devil Tracks Detection, A
Statescu, F.
Co Author Listing * Accuracy Assessment of A Complex Building 3D Model Reconstructed From Images Acquired with A Low-cost UAS
Stathaki, T.[Tania]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Anchor Label Propagation for Transductive Few-Shot Learning
* Adaptive manifold for imbalanced transductive few-shot learning
* Car Detection in High-Resolution Urban Scenes Using Multiple Image Descriptors
* Coupled Network for Robust Pedestrian Detection With Gated Multi-Layer Feature Extraction and Deformable Occlusion Handling
* Detection of cars in complex urban areas
* Detection of Cars in High-Resolution Aerial Images of Complex Urban Environments
* DFT algoritrm based on filter banks: the extended subband DFT, A
* Early Fire Detection Based on Aerial 360-Degree Sensors, Deep Convolution Neural Networks and Exploitation of Fire Dynamic Textures
* Frequency Domain Approach to Roto-translation Estimation using Gradient Cross-Correlation, A
* G-FARS: Gradient-Field-Based Auto-Regressive Sampling for 3D Part Grouping
* Iterative determination of local bound constraints in iterative image restoration
* Iterative label cleaning for transductive and semi-supervised few-shot learning
* Linear Subclass Support Vector Machines
* Mammogram Analysis Using Two-Dimensional Autoregressive Models: Sufficient or Not?
* Mixed Norm Image Restoration, A
* Multi-Scale Deformable Transformer Encoder Based Single-Stage Pedestrian Detection
* Multidimensional directional steerable filters: Theory and application to 3D flow estimation
* Multidimensional steerable filters and 3D flow estimation
* Novel Framework for Early Fire Detection Using Terrestrial and Aerial 360-degree Images, A
* novel low false alarm rate pedestrian detection framework based on single depth images, A
* novel shape matching descriptor for real-time static hand gesture recognition, A
* Novel Statistical Approaches to the Quantitative Combination of Multiple Edge Detectors
* Phase Amplified Correlation for Improved Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation
* Progressive multi-scale fusion network for RGB-D salient object detection
* regularized least mean mixed norm multichannel image restoration algorithm, A
* Robust FFT-Based Scale-Invariant Image Registration with Image Gradients
* Robust Recognition of Planar Shapes Under Affine Transforms Using Principal Component Analysis
* rule-based classification methodology to handle uncertainty in habitat mapping employing evidential reasoning and fuzzy logic, A
* Shape Signature Matching for Object Identification Invariant to Image Transformations and Occlusion
* Spatial kernel K-harmonic means clustering for multi-spectral image segmentation
* SRHRF+: Self-Example Enhanced Single Image Super-Resolution Using Hierarchical Random Forests
* Subpixel Registration With Gradient Correlation
* Suburban Forest Fire Risk Assessment and Forest Surveillance Using 360-Degree Cameras and a Multiscale Deformable Transformer
* Tensor feature hallucination for few-shot learning
* Towards Automated Polyp Segmentation Using Weakly- and Semi-Supervised Learning and Deformable Transformers
* Two Dimensional Volterra Parameter Estimation Using a Zero Tolerance Optimisation Formulation
* Unifying Approach to Moment-Based Shape Orientation and Symmetry Classification, A
* Video event recounting using mixture subclass discriminant analysis
Includes: Stathaki, T.[Tania] Stathaki, T.
38 for Stathaki, T.
Stathakis, D.
Co Author Listing * Comparison of Computational Intelligence Based Classification Techniques for Remotely Sensed Optical Image Classification
* Forecasting Urban Expansion Based On Night Lights
* Global Elevation Ancillary Data for Land-use Classification Using Granular Neural Networks
* Global Optimization versus Deterministic Pruning for the Classification of Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Monitoring Building Activity by Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
* Multi-Temporal PSI Analysis and Burn Severity Combination to Determine Ground-Burned Hazard Zones
Includes: Stathakis, D. Stathakis, D.[Demetris]
Stathakis, E.
Co Author Listing * Outage Region Characterization for Beamforming in MISO Interference Networks with Imperfect CSI
Stathakis, G.
Co Author Listing * Two Dimensional Volterra Parameter Estimation Using a Zero Tolerance Optimisation Formulation
Stathatos, S.[Suzanne]
Co Author Listing * Caltech Fish Counting Dataset: A Benchmark for Multiple-Object Tracking and Counting, The
Stathis, K.[Kostas]
Co Author Listing * Automatic detection of microaneurysms in diabetic retinopathy fundus images using the L*a*b color space
Stathis, P.[Pavlos]
Co Author Listing * evaluation survey of binarization algorithms on historical documents, An
Stathis, S.[Stamatatos]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Binarization of Historical Document Images
Stathopoulos, A.[Anastasis]
Co Author Listing * Dual Projection Generative Adversarial Networks for Conditional Image Generation
* Exploiting Unlabeled Data with Vision and Language Models for Object Detection
* Learning Articulated Shape with Keypoint Pseudo-Labels from Web Images
* ProxEdit: Improving Tuning-Free Real Image Editing with Proximal Guidance
* Score-Guided Diffusion for 3D Human Recovery
Stathopoulos, C.[Christos]
Co Author Listing * Role of Sea Surface Temperature Forcing in the Life-Cycle of Mediterranean Cyclones, The
Stathopoulos, G.[George]
Co Author Listing * Applying Error-Correcting Output Coding to Enhance Convolutional Neural Network for Target Detection and Pattern Recognition
* Error-Correcting Output Coding for the Convolutional Neural Network for Optical Character Recognition
Stathopoulos, N.[Nikolaos]
Co Author Listing * Could Historical Mortality Data Predict Mortality Due to Unexpected Events?
* Geoinformation Technologies in Support of Environmental Hazards Monitoring under Climate Change: An Extensive Review
Stathopoulos, V.[Vassilios]
Co Author Listing * Putting the Scientist in the Loop: Accelerating Scientific Progress with Interactive Machine Learning
Stathopoulou, E.K.
Co Author Listing * Depth Cameras On UAVS: A First Approach
* Enhancing Geometric Edge Details in MVS Reconstruction
* Evaluating Unmanned Aerial Platforms For Cultural Heritage Large Scale Mapping
* HDR Imaging for Feature Detection on Detailed Architectural Scenes
* High And Low Resolution Textured Models Of Complex Architectural Surfaces
* Image-based 3D Reconstruction Data As An Analysis And Documentation Tool for Architects: the Case of Plaka Bridge in Greece
* Multi-view Stereo With Semantic Priors
* Multiple View Stereo with quadtree-guided priors
* Open-source Image-based 3d Reconstruction Pipelines: Review, Comparison And Evaluation
* Photomatch: An Open-source Multi-view and Multi-modal Feature Matching Tool for Photogrammetric Applications
* Semantic Photogrammetry: Boosting Image-based 3D Reconstruction With Semantic Labeling
* Semantically Derived Geometric Constraints for MVS Reconstruction of Textureless Areas
Includes: Stathopoulou, E.K. Stathopoulou, E.K.[Elisavet Konstantina]
12 for Stathopoulou, E.K.
Stathopoulou, T.[Thomai]
Co Author Listing * Artificial Intelligence-Based System to Assess Nutrient Intake for Hospitalised Patients, An
* Complete AI-based System for Dietary Assessment and Personalized Insulin Adjustment in Type 1 Diabetes Self-management, A
* Partially Supervised Multi-Task Network for Single-View Dietary Assessment
Statsevych, V.[Volodymyr]
Co Author Listing * Radiomic Deformation and Textural Heterogeneity (R-DepTH) Descriptor to Characterize Tumor Field Effect: Application to Survival Prediction in Glioblastoma
Stattegger, K.[Karl]
Co Author Listing * Spectral calibration of CBERS 2B multispectral satellite images to assess suspended sediment concentration
Statter, R.
Co Author Listing * Automatic Traffic Monitoring with Airborne Wide-Angle Digital Camera System for Estimation of Travel Times
* Traffic Flow Estimation from Single Satellite Images
Includes: Statter, R. Stätter, R. (Maybe also Staetter, R.)
Statuto, D.[Dina]
Co Author Listing * GIScience and Historical Cartography for Evaluating Land Use Changes and Resulting Effects on Carbon Balance