Index for suh_

Suh, C.H.[Chang Ho] Co Author Listing * Autoencoder-based Graph Construction for Semi-supervised Learning
Includes: Suh, C.H.[Chang Ho] Suh, C.H.[Chang-Ho]

Suh, C.P.C.[Charles P.C.] Co Author Listing * Airborne Multispectral Imaging System Based on Two Consumer-Grade Cameras for Agricultural Remote Sensing, An

Suh, D.C. Co Author Listing * Three-Dimensional Blood Vessel Quantification via Centerline Deformation

Suh, D.J.[Dong Jun] Co Author Listing * Hybrid Spatio-Temporal Prediction Model for Solar Photovoltaic Generation Using Numerical Weather Data and Satellite Images, A
* Novel Hybrid Spatio-Temporal Forecasting of Multisite Solar Photovoltaic Generation, A
Includes: Suh, D.J.[Dong Jun] Suh, D.J.[Dong-Jun]

Suh, D.Y.[Doug Young] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Depth-Map Coding for 3D-Video
* Adaptive QoS Control for Scalable Video Streaming over WLAN
* Chrominance Compensation for Multi-View Video Coding
* Delivery Format for Unified Stereoscopic Video Content Transmissions over Dynamic Adaptive Streaming Scheme, A
* Directional Filtering for Upsampling According to Direction Information of the Base Layer in the JVT/SVC Codec
* Distributed Video Coding with Multiple Side Information Sets
Includes: Suh, D.Y.[Doug Young] Suh, D.Y.[Doug-Young]

Suh, E.[Edward] Co Author Listing * Feature selection algorithms to find strong genes
* Impact of error estimation on feature selection
* Model-based evaluation of clustering validation measures

Suh, H. Co Author Listing * Ontology-Based Unified Robot Knowledge for Service Robots in Indoor Environments

Suh, H.J.[Hyo Joong] Co Author Listing * Personal authentication and risk evaluation by sensible keyboard sound
Includes: Suh, H.J.[Hyo Joong] Suh, H.J.[Hyo-Joong]

Suh, I.[Ilhong] Co Author Listing * Learning-Based Automation of Robotic Assembly for Smart Manufacturing

Suh, I.H.[Il Hong] Co Author Listing * Generic Shape Matching with Anchoring of Knowledge Primitives of Object Ontology, A
* Ontology-Based Unified Robot Knowledge for Service Robots in Indoor Environments
* Personalized Trip Planning Considering User Preferences and Environmental Variables with Uncertainty
* Progressive Feature Matching: Incremental Graph Construction and Optimization
* Robust stereo matching using adaptive random walk with restart algorithm
* Visual Recognition of Types of Structural Corridor Landmarks Using Vanishing Points Detection and Hidden Markov Models
* Weighted Interpolation Scheme for Robust Video Deinterlacing
Includes: Suh, I.H.[Il Hong] Suh, I.H.
7 for Suh, I.H.

Suh, J.[Jihee] Co Author Listing * Read-only Prompt Optimization for Vision-Language Few-shot Learning

Suh, J.E. Co Author Listing * Correction to A New Type of Space Telescope for Observation of Extreme Lightning Phenomena in the Upper Atmosphere

Suh, J.W.[Jung Wook] Co Author Listing * Accurate M-hausdorff distance similarity combining distance orientation for matching multi-modal sensor images
* Efficient Mode Decision Algorithm for Combined Scalable Video Coding, An
* Fast Multi Frames Selection Algorithm Based on Macroblock Reference Map for H.264/AVC
* Image Denoiser Using Convolutional Neural Network with Deconvolution and Modified Residual Network
* Mapping Relict Charcoal Hearths in New England Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and LiDAR Data
* Multi-Atlas Segmentation with Joint Label Fusion
* Rate Control Using Adaptive Model-Based Quantization, A
* Recognition of Logic Diagrams by Identifying Loops and Rectilinear Polylines
* Regression-based label fusion for multi-atlas segmentation
Includes: Suh, J.W.[Jung Wook] Suh, J.W.[Jae-Won] Suh, J.W.[Ji Won] Suh, J.W.
9 for Suh, J.W.

Suh, J.Y.[Jong Yeul] Co Author Listing * Apparatus for automatically generating video highlights and method thereof
* Generalized Interframe Vertex-Based Shape Encoding Scheme for Video Sequences
Includes: Suh, J.Y.[Jong Yeul] Suh, J.Y.

Suh, K.[Kyo] Co Author Listing * Development of Land Cover Classification Model Using AI Based FusionNet Network

Suh, M.H. Co Author Listing * Retinal Oximetry Based on Nonsimultaneous Image Acquisition Using a Conventional Fundus Camera

Suh, M.K.[Min Kook] Co Author Listing * AFF-Cam: Adaptive Frequency Filtering Based Channel Attention Module
Includes: Suh, M.K.[Min Kook] Suh, M.K.[Min-Kook]

Suh, M.S.[Myoung Seok] Co Author Listing * Assessment of Surface Urban Heat Islands over Three Megacities in East Asia Using Land Surface Temperature Data Retrieved from COMS
* Development of a Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Algorithm from GK2A/AMI
* Development of Fog Detection Algorithm Using GK2A/AMI and Ground Data
* Development of Himawari-8/Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Algorithm
* Evaluation of Land Surface Temperature Operationally Retrieved from Korean Geostationary Satellite (COMS) Data
* Generation of High-Resolution Blending Data Using Gridded Visibility Data and GK2A Fog Product
* Improvement of High-Resolution Daytime Fog Detection Algorithm Using GEO-KOMPSAT-2A/Advanced Meteorological Imager Data with Optimization of Background Field and Threshold Values
* Improvements of a COMS Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Algorithm Based on the Temperature Lapse Rate and Water Vapor/Aerosol Effect
* Lightning Detection Using GEO-KOMPSAT-2A/Advanced Meteorological Imager and Ground-Based Lightning Observation Sensor LINET Data
Includes: Suh, M.S.[Myoung Seok] Suh, M.S.[Myoung-Seok]
9 for Suh, M.S.

Suh, R.D. Co Author Listing * Patient-specific models for lung nodule detection and surveillance in CT images

Suh, S.[Sungho] Co Author Listing * ClothFit: Cloth-Human-Attribute Guided Virtual Try-on Network Using 3D Simulated Dataset
* Discriminative feature generation for classification of imbalanced data
* Estimation Of 3d Body Shape And Clothing Measurements From Frontal-And Side-View Images
* Face Liveness Detection From a Single Image via Diffusion Speed Model
* Fusion of Global-Local Features for Image Quality Inspection of Shipping Label
* Proxy Anchor-based Unsupervised Learning for Continuous Generalized Category Discovery
* Rethinking Feature-based Knowledge Distillation for Face Recognition
* Robust Discriminative Metric Learning for Image Representation
* Robust Shipping Label Recognition and Validation for Logistics by Using Deep Neural Networks
* Self-Supervised Dense Consistency Regularization for Image-to-Image Translation
* Two-stage generative adversarial networks for binarization of color document images
Includes: Suh, S.[Sungho] Suh, S. Suh, S.[Sungjoo]
11 for Suh, S.

Suh, S.H.[Sung Ho] Co Author Listing * Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distribution at Windward and Leeward Side over Mountain Area, The
* Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distributions in Different Climatological Regions in South Korea, The
* Dual-Polarization Radar-Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimation of Mountain Terrain Using Multi-Disdrometer Data
* Estimation of Liquid Fraction of Wet Snow by Using 2-D Video Disdrometer and S-Band Weather Radar
* Robust albedo estimation from a facial image with cast shadow
* Robust Albedo Estimation From a Facial Image With Cast Shadow Under General Unknown Lighting
* Variational Dynamic Programming Approach to Robot Path Planning with a Distance-Safety Criterion, A
Includes: Suh, S.H.[Sung Ho] Suh, S.H.[Sung-Ho] Suh, S.H.
7 for Suh, S.H.

Suh, S.J.[Sung Joo] Co Author Listing * Discriminative low-rank metric learning for face recognition
* SVD Face: Illumination-Invariant Face Representation
Includes: Suh, S.J.[Sung Joo] Suh, S.J.[Sung-Joo]

Suh, T. Co Author Listing * Field programmable gate array-ased haar classifier for accelerating face detection algorithm

Suh, W.[Wonho] Co Author Listing * Probe-Vehicle-Based Evaluation of Adaptive Traffic Signal Control, A
* Real-time data-driven traffic simulation for performance measure estimation
Includes: Suh, W.[Wonho] Suh, W.

Suh, Y.[Yunjae] Co Author Listing * Computationally efficient, real-time motion recognition based on bio-inspired visual and cognitive processing
* Cross-Domain Similarity Learning for Face Recognition in Unseen Domains
* Discrete Tabu Search for Graph Matching
* Frequent Unscheduled Updates of the National Base Map Using the Land-Based Mobile Mapping System
* Learning Semantic Segmentation from Multiple Datasets with Label Shifts
* Learning to Optimize Domain Specific Normalization for Domain Generalization
* New Window-Based Program for Quality Control of GPS Sensing Data, A
* On Generalizing Beyond Domains in Cross-Domain Continual Learning
* Split to Learn: Gradient Split for Multi-Task Human Image Analysis
Includes: Suh, Y.[Yunjae] Suh, Y.[Yumin] Suh, Y. Suh, Y.[Yong_Cheol]
9 for Suh, Y.

Suh, Y.H.[Yung Ho] Co Author Listing * Application of a Two-Level Self Organizing Map for Korean Online Game Market Segmentation
* Image Watermarking Resistant To Combined Geometric And Removal Attacks
* Improved watermark detection robust to camcorder capture based on quadrangle estimation
* Lossless Data Hiding for Medical Images with Patient Information
* Practical Real-Time Video Watermarking Scheme Robust against Downscaling Attack, A
* Public Key Watermarking for Reversible Image Authentication
* Robust watermark detection against D-A/A-D conversion for digital cinema using local auto-correlation function
* Short N-Secure Fingerprinting Code for Image
Includes: Suh, Y.H.[Yung Ho] Suh, Y.H.[Yung-Ho] Suh, Y.H.[Young-Ho]
8 for Suh, Y.H.

Suh, Y.J.[Yoon Je] Co Author Listing * Nonlinear Ranking Loss on Riemannian Potato Embedding
* Probabilistic Class Histogram Equalization Based on Posterior Mean Estimation for Robust Speech Recognition
Includes: Suh, Y.J.[Yoon Je] Suh, Y.J.[Yoon-Je] Suh, Y.J.[Young-Joo]

Suh, Y.M.[Yu Min] Co Author Listing * Controllable Dynamic Multi-Task Architectures
* Efficient Controllable Multi-Task Architectures
* Generating Enhanced Negatives for Training Language-Based Object Detectors
* Graph Matching via Sequential Monte Carlo
* Improving the Efficiency-Accuracy Trade-off of DETR-Style Models in Practice
* OmniLabel: A Challenging Benchmark for Language-Based Object Detection
* Part-Aligned Bilinear Representations for Person Re-identification
* Sequential Approach to 3D Human Pose Estimation: Separation of Localization and Identification of Body Joints, A
* Stochastic Class-Based Hard Example Mining for Deep Metric Learning
* Subgraph matching using compactness prior for robust feature correspondence
* Taming Self-Training for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
Includes: Suh, Y.M.[Yu Min] Suh, Y.M.[Yu-Min]
11 for Suh, Y.M.

Index for "s"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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