Index for faez

Faez, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdechiri, M.: Chaotic target representation for robust object tracking
     with: Abedi, A.: Detecting and recognizing numerical strings in Farsi docume...
     with: Abedi, A.: Localization of Digit Strings in Farsi/Arabic Document Imag...
     with: Aghaeinia, H.: efficient selected feature set for the middle age Persi...
     with: Aghaeinia, H.: Recognition of middle age Persian characters using a se...
     with: Ahadi, S.M.: Robust voice activity detection directed by noise classif...
     with: Ahmadi, M.: efficient method for recognition of human faces using high...
     with: Ahmadi, M.: efficient selected feature set for the middle age Persian ...
     with: Ahmadi, M.: fuzzy hybrid learning algorithm for radial basis function ...
     with: Ahmadi, M.: Handwritten Farsi (Arabic) Word Recognition: A Holistic Ap...
     with: Ahmadi, M.: N-Feature Neural Network Human Face Recognition
     with: Ahmadi, M.: Off-line Unconstrained Farsi Handwritten Word Recognition ...
     with: Ahmadi, M.: Recognition of middle age Persian characters using a set o...
     with: Ahmadi, M.: Unconstrained Farsi handwritten word recognition using fuz...
     with: Alikhani, F.: MTFD-Net: Left atrium segmentation in CT images through ...
     with: Alirezaee, S.: efficient selected feature set for the middle age Persi...
     with: Alirezaee, S.: Recognition of middle age Persian characters using a se...
     with: Amindavar, H.: Chaotic particle filter for visual object tracking
     with: Amindavar, H.: Chaotic target representation for robust object tracking
     with: Amindavar, H.: Three-step-ahead prediction for object tracking
     with: Ashtiany, F.T.: method for the segmentation of connected handwritten P...
     with: Attarchi, S.: New Segmentation Approach for Ear Recognition, A
     with: Ayatollahi, F.: Makeup-Invariant Face Recognition by 3D Face: Modeling...
     with: Bagheri, F.: FHT: An Unconstraint Farsi Handwritten Text Database
     with: Bahmanjeh, R.: Expression recognition using directional gradient local...
     with: Bilotta, E.: Chaotic target representation for robust object tracking
     with: Cheraghian, A.: Gait Identification Using a Novel Gait Representation:...
     with: Dastmalchi, H.: Gait Identification Using a Novel Gait Representation:...
     with: Dastmalchi, H.: Steganalysis of LSB Matching Based on the Statistical ...
     with: Dehghan, M.: Handwritten Farsi (Arabic) Word Recognition: A Holistic A...
     with: Dehghan, M.: Off-line Unconstrained Farsi Handwritten Word Recognition...
     with: Dehghan, M.: Unconstrained Farsi handwritten word recognition using fu...
     with: El Abed, H.: Lexicon reduction using dots for off-line Farsi/Arabic ha...
     with: El Abed, H.: Strategies for Large Handwritten Farsi/Arabic Lexicon Red...
     with: Eliasi, M.: Face recognition using HMAX method for feature extraction ...
     with: Eslami, H.: Precise Vehicle Speed Measurement Based on a Hierarchical ...
     with: Eslami, M.: Automatic traffic monitoring using neural networks from sa...
     with: Ezoji, M.: Diffusion-Based Face Selective Smoothing in DCT Domain to I...
     with: Ezoji, M.: Efficient Face Recognition System Using a New Optimized Loc...
     with: Ezoji, M.: GA-Based Affine PPM Using Matrix Polar Decomposition
     with: Ezoji, M.: Illumination-Robust Face Recognition from a Single Image pe...
     with: Ezoji, M.: Intensity mapping curve to diminish the effects of illumina...
     with: Ezoji, M.: Use of Legal Amount to Confirm or Correct the Courtesy Amou...
     with: Ezoji, M.: Use of matrix polar decomposition for illumination-tolerant...
     with: Fadavi, A.: New Steganography Based on L2 Technic, A
     with: Famili, Z.: New Steganography Based on L2 Technic, A
     with: Faradji, F.: One Dimensional Fractal Coder for Online Signature Recogn...
     with: Farajzadeh, N.: Hybrid face detection system with robust face and non-...
     with: Farajzadeh, N.: Study on the performance of moments as invariant descr...
     with: Faridnia, S.: Image Encryption through Using Chaotic Function and Graph
     with: Firouznia, M.: Chaotic particle filter for visual object tracking
     with: Firouznia, M.: MTFD-Net: Left atrium segmentation in CT images through...
     with: Firouznia, M.: Three-step-ahead prediction for object tracking
     with: Gao, Y.S.: Face recognition using adaptively weighted patch PZM array ...
     with: Ghanei, S.: Localizing scene texts by fuzzy inference systems and low ...
     with: Gunduz Demir, C.: MTFD-Net: Left atrium segmentation in CT images thro...
     with: Haddadnia, J.: efficient method for recognition of human faces using h...
     with: Haddadnia, J.: Fast Edge-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm through Searc...
     with: Haddadnia, J.: fuzzy hybrid learning algorithm for radial basis functi...
     with: Haddadnia, J.: N-Feature Neural Network Human Face Recognition
     with: Haddadnia, J.: Neural Network Based Face Recognition with Moment Invar...
     with: Haddadnia, J.: Reduction of the Search Space Region in the Edge Based ...
     with: Iraei, I.: motion parameters estimating method based on deep learning ...
     with: Iraei, I.: Object tracking with occlusion handling using mean shift, K...
     with: Jabdaragh, A.S.: MTFD-Net: Left atrium segmentation in CT images throu...
     with: Kanan, H.R.: Feature comparison between fractal codes and wavelet tran...
     with: Karimian, G.: New Efficient Stereo Line Segment Matching Algorithm Bas...
     with: Khodaei, M.: Image Hiding by Using Genetic Algorithm and LSB Substitut...
     with: Khodaei, M.: New adaptive steganographic method using least significan...
     with: Khotanzad, A.: Recognition of handwritten Persian/Arabic numerals by s...
     with: Koupaei, J.A.: Chaotic particle filter for visual object tracking
     with: Koupaei, J.A.: MTFD-Net: Left atrium segmentation in CT images through...
     with: Koupaei, J.A.: Three-step-ahead prediction for object tracking
     with: Margner, V.: Lexicon reduction using dots for off-line Farsi/Arabic ha...
     with: Margner, V.: Strategies for Large Handwritten Farsi/Arabic Lexicon Red...
     with: Moallem, P.: Effective Parameters in Search Space Reduction Used in a ...
     with: Moallem, P.: Fast Edge-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm based on Search...
     with: Moallem, P.: Fast Edge-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm through Search ...
     with: Moallem, P.: Neural Network Based Face Recognition with Moment Invaria...
     with: Moallem, P.: Reduction of the Search Space Region in the Edge Based St...
     with: Moallem, P.: Search Space Reduction in the Edge Based Stereo Correspon...
     with: Moallem, P.: Search space reduction in the edge based stereo matching ...
     with: Moeini, A.: 2D facial expression recognition via 3D reconstruction and...
     with: Moeini, A.: Expression-Invariant Face Recognition via 3D Face Reconstr...
     with: Moeini, A.: Facial expression recognition using dual dictionary learning
     with: Moeini, A.: Makeup-insensitive face recognition by facial depth recons...
     with: Moeini, A.: Makeup-Invariant Face Recognition by 3D Face: Modeling and...
     with: Moeini, A.: Open-set face recognition across look-alike faces in real-...
     with: Moeini, A.: Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition Based on 3D F...
     with: Moeini, A.: Real-Time Pose-Invariant Face Recognition by Triplet Pose ...
     with: Moeini, A.: Real-world gender classification via local Gabor binary pa...
     with: Moeini, A.: Regression Facial Attribute Classification via simultaneou...
     with: Moeini, A.: Unconstrained pose-invariant face recognition by a triplet...
     with: Moeini, A.: Unrestricted pose-invariant face recognition by sparse dic...
     with: Moeini, H.: 2D facial expression recognition via 3D reconstruction and...
     with: Moeini, H.: Expression-Invariant Face Recognition via 3D Face Reconstr...
     with: Moeini, H.: Facial expression recognition using dual dictionary learning
     with: Moeini, H.: Makeup-insensitive face recognition by facial depth recons...
     with: Moeini, H.: Makeup-Invariant Face Recognition by 3D Face: Modeling and...
     with: Moeini, H.: Open-set face recognition across look-alike faces in real-...
     with: Moeini, H.: Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition Based on 3D F...
     with: Moeini, H.: Real-Time Pose-Invariant Face Recognition by Triplet Pose ...
     with: Moeini, H.: Real-world gender classification via local Gabor binary pa...
     with: Moeini, H.: Regression Facial Attribute Classification via simultaneou...
     with: Moeini, H.: Unconstrained pose-invariant face recognition by a triplet...
     with: Moeini, H.: Unrestricted pose-invariant face recognition by sparse dic...
     with: Moradi, M.H.: new segmentation and fuzzy logic based multi-sensor imag...
     with: Moradi, M.H.: new wavelet-based fuzzy single and multi-channel image d...
     with: Motamed, S.: Face recognition using HMAX method for feature extraction...
     with: Mozaffari, S.: Character representation and recognition using quad tre...
     with: Mozaffari, S.: Detecting and recognizing numerical strings in Farsi do...
     with: Mozaffari, S.: Feature comparison between fractal codes and wavelet tr...
     with: Mozaffari, S.: GA-Based Affine PPM Using Matrix Polar Decomposition
     with: Mozaffari, S.: Lexicon reduction using dots for off-line Farsi/Arabic ...
     with: Mozaffari, S.: Multi-focus Image Fusion Based on Fuzzy and Wavelet Tra...
     with: Mozaffari, S.: One Dimensional Fractal Coder for Online Signature Reco...
     with: Mozaffari, S.: Recognition of isolated handwritten Farsi/Arabic alphan...
     with: Mozaffari, S.: Strategies for Large Handwritten Farsi/Arabic Lexicon R...
     with: Mozaffari, S.: Structural decomposition and statistical description of...
     with: Nabaee, H.: efficient steganography method based on reducing changes, An
     with: Nassery, P.: Signature Pattern Recognition Using Pseudo Zernike Moment...
     with: Oskuie, F.B.: Gait Identification Using a Novel Gait Representation: R...
     with: Oskuie, F.B.: Gender Classification Using a Novel Gait Template: Radon...
     with: Pan, G.: Study on the performance of moments as invariant descriptors ...
     with: Panah, A.: Hybrid Filter Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping f...
     with: Rafiei, A.: New Segmentation Approach for Ear Recognition, A
     with: Rafinezhad, Z.: Estimating PQ Algorithm Message Length Using First- an...
     with: Rahbar, K.: Blind correction of lens aberration using Zernike moments
     with: Raie, A.A.: New Efficient Stereo Line Segment Matching Algorithm Based...
     with: Raie, A.A.: Precise Vehicle Speed Measurement Based on a Hierarchical ...
     with: Rashidy Kanan, H.: Efficient Face Recognition System Using a New Optim...
     with: Rashidy Kanan, H.: Face recognition using adaptively weighted patch PZ...
     with: Rashidy Kanan, H.: GA-Based Affine PPM Using Matrix Polar Decomposition
     with: Rashidy Kanan, H.: Recognizing faces using Adaptively Weighted Sub-Gab...
     with: Sadeghi, H.: 2D facial expression recognition via 3D reconstruction an...
     with: Sadeghi, H.: Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition Based on 3D ...
     with: Saeedi, J.: Multi-focus Image Fusion Based on Fuzzy and Wavelet Transf...
     with: Saeedi, J.: new pan-sharpening method using multiobjective particle sw...
     with: Saeedi, J.: new segmentation and fuzzy logic based multi-sensor image ...
     with: Saeedi, J.: new wavelet-based fuzzy single and multi-channel image den...
     with: Saeedi, J.: Robust voice activity detection directed by noise classifi...
     with: Safai, A.M.: Facial expression recognition using dual dictionary learn...
     with: Safai, A.M.: Open-set face recognition across look-alike faces in real...
     with: Safai, A.M.: Regression Facial Attribute Classification via simultaneo...
     with: Salahshoor, S.: 3D Face Recognition Using an Expression Insensitive Dy...
     with: Sangdehi, S.A.T.: Writer Identification Using Super Paramagnetic Clust...
     with: Shirali Shahreza, M.H.: Recognition of handwritten Persian/Arabic nume...
     with: Shokoohi, Z.: Expression recognition using directional gradient local ...
     with: Shridhar, M.: Handwritten Farsi (Arabic) Word Recognition: A Holistic ...
     with: Shridhar, M.: Off-line Unconstrained Farsi Handwritten Word Recognitio...
     with: Shridhar, M.: Unconstrained Farsi handwritten word recognition using f...
     with: Yaghoubi, Z.: Face recognition using HMAX method for feature extractio...
     with: Ziaratban, M.: Adaptive Script-Independent Block-Based Text Line Extra...
     with: Ziaratban, M.: Adaptive Script-Independent Text Line Extraction
     with: Ziaratban, M.: Character representation and recognition using quad tre...
     with: Ziaratban, M.: FHT: An Unconstraint Farsi Handwritten Text Database
     with: Ziaratban, M.: Non-uniform slant estimation and correction for Farsi/A...
     with: Ziaratban, M.: novel two-stage algorithm for baseline estimation and c...
     with: Ziaratban, M.: Recognition of isolated handwritten Farsi/Arabic alphan...
     with: Ziaratban, M.: Structural decomposition and statistical description of...
     with: Ziaratban, M.: Use of Legal Amount to Confirm or Correct the Courtesy ...
161 for Faez, K.

Faezah, M.Y.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdullah, C.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syariah...
     with: Azizah, J.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syariah P...
     with: Azlina, A.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syariah P...
     with: Azman, M.N.S.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syaria...
     with: Azuraliza, A.B.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syar...
     with: Choo, W.O.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syariah P...
     with: Hailani, M.T.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syaria...
     with: Halimah, B.Z.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syaria...
     with: Nazlia, O.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syariah P...
     with: Salwani, A.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syariah ...
     with: Sanep, A.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syariah Pr...
     with: Sembok, T.M.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syariah...
     with: Sopian, B.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syariah P...
     with: Sufian, I.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syariah P...
     with: Zaher, M.Z.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syariah ...
     with: Zulaiha, A.O.: Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syaria...
16 for Faezah, M.Y.N.

Faezi, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ghojogh, B.: Critical object recognition in millimeter-wave images wit...
     with: Mohammadzade, H.: Critical object recognition in millimeter-wave image...
     with: Shabany, M.: Critical object recognition in millimeter-wave images wit...

Faezipour, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abuzaghleh, O.: SKINcure: A real time image analysis system to aid in ...
     with: Barkana, B.D.: SKINcure: A real time image analysis system to aid in t...
     with: Bhatt, S.: MIST: Medical Image Segmentation Transformer with Convoluti...
     with: Rahman, M.M.: MIST: Medical Image Segmentation Transformer with Convol...
     with: Shokouhmand, S.: MIST: Medical Image Segmentation Transformer with Con...

Index for "f"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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