Index for servo

3D Motion and Shape Representations in Visual servo Control
3D Motion Representations in Visual servo Control
Camera Calibration, Robot Based, servo
Global Performance Evaluation of Image Features for Visual servo Control
Homography-based visual servo regulation of mobile robots
Model-Free Visual servo Swarming of Manned-Unmanned Surface Vehicles With Visibility Maintenance and Collision Avoidance
Motion Perceptibility and Its Application to Active Vision-Based servo Control
New Partitioned Approach to Image-Based Visual servo Control, A
Paddle Juggling of one Ball by Robot Manipulator with Visual servo
Performance Tests for Visual servo Control Systems, with Application to Partitioned Approaches to Visual Servo Control
Performance Tests for Visual servo Control Systems, with Application to Partitioned Approaches to Visual Servo Control
Real-Time Pose Imitation by Mid-Size Humanoid Robot With servo-Cradle-Head RGB-D Vision System
Robot Path Generation Method for a Welding System Based on Pseudo Stereo Visual servo Control
Stitching Dynamic Movement Primitives and Image-Based Visual servo Control
Test feature selection for a complex electro-hydraulic servo system using frequency response measurements
Tutorial on Visual servo Control, A
uncalibrated stereo visual servo system, An
Vibration compensator with corrects for vibration errors based on servo control unit errors
Video Object Segmentation-based Visual servo Control and Object Depth Estimation on a Mobile Robot
Vision Resolvability for Visually servoed Manipulation
Visual Compliance: Task-Directed Visual servo Control
Visual servo control of electromagnetic actuation for a family of microrobot devices
Visual servo control of uncalibrated robot system with dead-zone input
Visual servo Tracking Control of Quadrotor with a Cable Suspended Load
24 for servo

2 1/2 D Visual servoing
2 1/2 D Visual servoing with Respect to Unknown Objects Through a New Estimation Scheme of Camera Displacement
Acceleration-Level Pseudo-Dynamic Visual servoing of Mobile Robots With Backstepping and Dynamic Surface Control
Adaptive 2.5D visual servoing of cartesian robots
Adaptive Robotic Contour Following from Low Accuracy RGB-D Surface Profiling and Visual servoing
Affine Visual servoing
Affine Visual servoing for Robot Relative Positioning and Landmark-Based Docking
Analysis and Adaptation of Integration Time in PMD Camera for Visual servoing
Application of Lie Algebras to Visual servoing
Approximating the visuomotor function for visual servoing
Attentive Visual servoing in the MPEG compressed domain for Un-calibrated Motion Parameter Estimation of Road Traffic
Automatic Calibration and Visual servoing for a Robot Navigation System
Automatic Selection of Image Features for Visual servoing
Avoiding Robot Joint Limits and Kinematic Singularities in Visual servoing
Camera-Projector System for Robot Positioning by Visual servoing, A
Collineation estimation from two unmatched views of an unknown planar contour for visual servoing
Color-based visual servoing under varying illumination conditions
Complex Object Tracking by Visual servoing Based on 2D Image Motion
Condition Monitoring for Image-Based Visual servoing Using Kalman Filter
Determination of Moment Invariants and Their Application to Visual servoing
Deterministic Method of Visual servoing: Robust Object Tracking by Drone
Direct visual servoing in the non-linear scale space of camera pose
EGT: A toolbox for multiple view geometry and visual servoing
Electromagnetic servoing: A New Tracking Paradigm
Error regulation strategies for Model Based visual servoing tasks: Application to autonomous object grasping with Nao robot
Evaluation of model independent image-based visual servoing
Evolving Fuzzy Modeling of an Uncalibrated Visual servoing System
Experimental Evaluation of Autonomous Driving Based on Visual Memory and Image-Based Visual servoing
Exploiting Image Motion for Active Vision in a Visual servoing Framework
Eye-In-Hand Visual servoing for Accurate Shooting in Pool Robotics
Feasibility Analysis of Ultra High Frame Rate Visual servoing on FPGA and SIMD Processor
Feature Planning for Robust Execution of General Robot Tasks using Visual servoing
Feature tracking for visual servoing purposes
Formulation of Radiometric Feasibility Measures for Feature Selection and Planning in Visual servoing
FPGA based real-time visual servoing
Framework for Visual servoing, A
Frequency Domain Visual servoing Using Planar Contours
Fully Uncalibrated Image-Based Visual servoing of 2DOFs Planar Manipulators With a Fixed Camera
Hierarchical Data-Driven Predictive Control of Image-Based Visual servoing Systems With Unknown Dynamics, A
Hierarchical Model Predictive Image-Based Visual servoing of Underwater Vehicles With Adaptive Neural Network Dynamic Control
Hybrid Visual servoing Control for Underwater Vehicle Manipulator Systems With Multiple Cameras
Hybrid Visual-Ranging servoing for Positioning Based on Image and Measurement Features
Image Based Visual servoing: A New Method for the Estimation of the Image Jacobian in Dynamic Environments
Image Based Visual servoing: Estimated Image Jacobian by Using Fundamental Matrix VS Analytic Jacobian
Image Dynamics-Based Visual servoing for Quadrotors Tracking a Target With a Nonlinear Trajectory Observer
image-based visual servoing scheme for following paths with nonholonomic mobile robots, An
Image-Based Visual servoing Techniques for Robot Control
Implement contour following task of objects with unknown geometric models by using combination of two visual servoing techniques
In Vivo Demonstration of Photoacoustic Image Guidance and Robotic Visual servoing for Cardiac Catheter-Based Interventions
Kernel-based sliding mode control for visual servoing system
Linear Velocity-Free Visual servoing Control for Unmanned Helicopter Landing on a Ship With Visibility Constraint
Low Latency 2D Position Estimation with a Line Scan Camera for Visual servoing
Markerless Visual servoing Using Virtual Face Tag and Image Moment Invariants
Measurement errors in visual servoing
Mobile Manipulator Robot Visual servoing and Guidance for Dynamic Target Grasping
Model-free augmented reality by virtual visual servoing
Movement-flow-based visual servoing and force control fusion for Manipulation Tasks in unstructured environments
Multisensory Visual servoing by a Neural Network
New Approach to Visual servoing in Robotics, A
New Formulation for Non-Linear Camera Calibration Using Virtual Visual servoing, A
New Method for Projector Calibration Based on Visual servoing, A
novel Position-Based Visual servoing approach for robust global stability with feature points kept within the Field-of-View, A
On the use of linear camera-object interaction models in visual servoing
On Visual servoing to Improve Performance of Robotic Grasping
Optimal Estimation of 3D Structures Using Visual servoing
Optimal servoing for Active Foveated Vision
Practical Considerations of Uncalibrated Visual servoing
Probabilistic Integration of 2D and 3D Cues for Visual servoing
Real time visual servoing around a complex Object
Real-Time Vision Feedback for servoing Robotic Manipulator with Self-Tuning Controller
Real-Time Visual servoing
Real-Time Visual servoing Using Controlled Illumination
Relative End-Effector Control Using Cartesian Position Based Visual servoing
Resolvability Ellipsoid for Visual servoing, The
Robot visual servoing with iterative learning control
Robust Asymptotically Stable Visual servoing of Planar Robots
Robust Hybrid Visual servoing of Omnidirectional Mobile Manipulator With Kinematic Uncertainties Using a Single Camera
Robust Visual servoing Based on Relative Orientation
Robust Visual servoing in 3-D Reaching Tasks
Robust Visual servoing of Robot Manipulators with Neuro Compensation
Robust visual servoing using global features based on random process
Selection of Features and Evaluation of Visual Measurements During Robotic Visual servoing Tasks
SERVOMATIC: A Modular System for Robust Positioning Using Stereo Visual servoing
Sim2Real Viewpoint Invariant Visual servoing by Recurrent Control
Simple solution for visual servoing of camera-in-hand robots in the 3d Cartesian space
Simple Technique for Improving Camera Displacement Estimation in Eye-in-Hand Visual servoing, A
Simultaneous Determination of Camera Pose and Intrinsic Parameters by Visual servoing
Singularity Avoidance in Uncalibrated Visual servoing
study of virtual visual servoing sensitivity in the context of image/GIS registration for urban environments, A
System and method for servoing on a moving fixation point within a dynamic scene
Target Model Estimation using Particle Filters for Visual servoing
Time-varying delay measurement of video capture-to-display components with application to visual servoing
Towards Learning Robotic Reaching and Pointing: An Uncalibrated Visual servoing Approach
Towards Practical Visual servoing in Robotics
Tracking techniques for visual servoing tasks
Uncalibrated and Unmodeled Image-Based Visual servoing of Robot Manipulators Using Zeroing Neural Networks
Uncalibrated Visual servoing
Uncalibrated Visual servoing for a Planar Two Link Rigid-Flexible Manipulator Without Joint-Space-Velocity Measurement
Uncalibrated visual servoing from projective reconstruction of control values
Uncalibrated Visual servoing in 3D Workspace
Unfalsified Visual servoing for Simultaneous Object Recognition and Pose Tracking
Unified Approach to Model-Based and Model-Free Visual servoing, An
Use of Active Deformable Models in Model-Based Robotic Visual servoing, The
Using spherical moments for visual servoing from a special target with unique projection center cameras
View Based Visual servoing Using Epipolar Geometry
Virtual-Goal-Guided RRT for Visual servoing of Mobile Robots With FOV Constraint
Vision-Guided servoing with Feature-Based Trajectory Generation
Visual servoing for Automatic and Uncalibrated Needle Placement for Percutaneous Procedures
Visual servoing for Micro-Manipulation
Visual servoing for Online Facilities
Visual servoing for Patient Alignment in Proton-Therapy
Visual servoing from 2-D Image Cues
Visual servoing from Lines
Visual servoing in ISAC, a Decentralized Robot System for Feeding the Disabled
Visual servoing in Presence of Non-Rigid Motion
Visual servoing in Robotics Scheme Using a Camera/Laser-Stripe Sensor
Visual servoing in the Task-Function Framework: A Contour Following Task
Visual servoing Invariant to Changes in Camera Intrinsic Parameters
Visual servoing of a Flexible Aerial Refueling Boom With an Eye-in-Hand Camera
Visual servoing of Constrained Mobile Robots Based on Model Predictive Control
Visual servoing of Flexible-Link Manipulators by Considering Vibration Suppression Without Deformation Measurements
Visual servoing of Legged Robots
Visual servoing of Rigid-Link Flexible-Joint Manipulators in the Presence of Unknown Camera Parameters and Boundary Output
Visual servoing of Wheeled Mobile Robots Under Dynamic Environment
Visual servoing of Wheeled Mobile Robots Without Desired Images
Visual servoing using Correlation Filters
Visual servoing Using Eigenspace Method and Dynamic Calculation of Interaction Matrices
Visual servoing using triangulation with an omnidirectional multi-camera system
Visual servoing via Advanced Numerical Methods
Visual servoing with Hand-Eye Manipulator: Optimal-Control Approach
Visual Tracking and servoing System for Experiment of Optogenetic Control of Brain Activity
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servomatic: A Modular System for Robust Positioning Using Stereo Visual Servoing

Index for "s"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:06:23
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