Index for ou__

Ou, B.[Bo] Co Author Listing * Directional gradients integration image for illumination insensitive face representation
* High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Histograms Modification
* High-Fidelity Reversible Data Hiding Based on Pixel-Value-Ordering and Pairwise Prediction-Error Expansion
* Improved PVO-based reversible data hiding: A new implementation based on multiple histograms modification
* Improving Pairwise PEE via Hybrid-Dimensional Histogram Generation and Adaptive Mapping Selection
* Pairwise Prediction-Error Expansion for Efficient Reversible Data Hiding
* Pixel-Value-Ordering Based Reversible Data Hiding with Adaptive Texture Classification and Modification
* Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Adaptive Two-Dimensional Prediction-Error Histograms Modification
* Reversible data hiding based on multiple histograms modification and deep neural networks
* Reversible data hiding in JPEG bitstream using optimal VLC mapping
* Reversible Data Hiding Using Invariant Pixel-Value-Ordering and Prediction-Error Expansion
* Reversible Watermarking Using Prediction Error Histogram and Blocking
* Separable Reversible Data Hiding for Encrypted 3D Mesh Models Based on Octree Subdivision and Multi-MSB Prediction
* Survey on Reversible Data Hiding for Uncompressed Images, A
* Tailoring reversible data hiding for 3D synthetic images
* Tree Species Classification from UAV Canopy Images with Deep Learning Models
* Video reversible data hiding: A systematic review
Includes: Ou, B.[Bo] Ou, B. Ou, B.[Botong]
17 for Ou, B.

Ou, C. Co Author Listing * Driver Inattention Detection in the Context of Next-Generation Autonomous Vehicles Design: A Survey
* Land Cover Mapping and Ecological Risk Assessment in the Context of Recent Ecological Migration
* Landsat-Derived Annual Maps of Agricultural Greenhouse in Shandong Province, China from 1989 to 2018
* Linguistic Steganography: Hiding Information in Syntax Space
* Long-Term Mapping of a Greenhouse in a Typical Protected Agricultural Region Using Landsat Imagery and the Google Earth Engine
* Multi-Temporal Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing for Vegetable Mapping Using an Attention-Based Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network
* Quantitative Analysis of Factors Influencing Organic Matter Concentration in the Topsoil of Black Soil in Northeast China Based on Spatial Heterogeneous Patterns, A
* Smallholder Crop Area Mapped with a Semantic Segmentation Deep Learning Method
* Sparse SAR Imaging Algorithm in Marine Environments Based on Memory-Augmented Deep Unfolding Network
Includes: Ou, C. Ou, C.[Cong] Ou, C.[Chengfu] Ou, C.[Chengwen]
9 for Ou, C.

Ou, C.F.[Cheng Fu] Co Author Listing * Aggregating Local and Global Text Features for Linguistic Steganalysis
Includes: Ou, C.F.[Cheng Fu] Ou, C.F.[Cheng-Fu]

Ou, C.H.[Chang Hai] Co Author Listing * Multi-Scale Attributes Attention Model for Transport Mode Identification, A
* Pedestrian Walking Distance Estimation Based on Smartphone Mode Recognition
Includes: Ou, C.H.[Chang Hai] Ou, C.H.[Chang-Hai]

Ou, C.J.[Chao Jie] Co Author Listing * Design of an End-to-End Dual Mode Driver Distraction Detection System
* End-to-End Deep Learning for Driver Distraction Recognition
* Transfer Learning Based Strategy for Improving Driver Distraction Recognition
Includes: Ou, C.J.[Chao Jie] Ou, C.J.[Chao-Jie]

Ou, C.M.[Chien Min] Co Author Listing * Fractional Full-Search Motion Estimation VLSI Architecture for H.264/AVC
* Layered Image Transmission With Quality Pre-specifiable Jpeg2000
Includes: Ou, C.M.[Chien Min] Ou, C.M.[Chien-Min]

Ou, C.Q.[Chun Quan] Co Author Listing * Comparison of Different Missing-Imputation Methods for MAIAC (Multiangle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction) AOD in Estimating Daily PM2.5 Levels
Includes: Ou, C.Q.[Chun Quan] Ou, C.Q.[Chun-Quan]

Ou, C.S.[Cheng Syue] Co Author Listing * Detection of Insect Damage in Green Coffee Beans Using VIS-NIR Hyperspectral Imaging
* Fast Algorithm for Texture Synthesis on Surfaces
Includes: Ou, C.S.[Cheng Syue] Ou, C.S.[Cheng-Syue] Ou, C.S.[Chun-Sheng]

Ou, D.[Depin] Co Author Listing * Complete and accurate data correction for seamless mosaicking of airborne hyperspectral images: A case study at a mining site in Inner Mongolia, China
* Decision Fusion of D-InSAR and Pixel Offset Tracking for Coal Mining Deformation Monitoring
* Improved Tagged Visual Cryptograms by Using Random Grids
* Novel Tri-Training Technique for the Semi-Supervised Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on Regularized Local Discriminant Embedding Feature Extraction, A
Includes: Ou, D.[Depin] Ou, D.[Duanhao]

Ou, D.H.[Ding Hua] Co Author Listing * Fusing Spatial Attention with Spectral-Channel Attention Mechanism for Hyperspectral Image Classification via Encoder-Decoder Networks
* MASA-SegNet: A Semantic Segmentation Network for PolSAR Images
* Reversible AMBTC-based secret sharing scheme with abilities of two decryptions
* Secret Sharing in Images Based on Error-Diffused Block Truncation Coding and Error Diffusion
* Unsupervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Agricultural Land Extraction of Remote Sensing Images
* User-friendly secret image sharing scheme with verification ability based on block truncation coding and error diffusion
Includes: Ou, D.H.[Ding Hua] Ou, D.H.[Ding-Hua] Ou, D.H.[Duan-Hao]

Ou, D.X.[Dong Xiu] Co Author Listing * Consideration of Human Vision in Crowd Simulations
Includes: Ou, D.X.[Dong Xiu] Ou, D.X.[Dong-Xiu]

Ou, F. Co Author Listing * Novel Blind Image Quality Assessment Method Based on Refined Natural Scene Statistics, A

Ou, F.Z.[Fu Zhao] Co Author Listing * CLIB-FIQA: Face Image Quality Assessment with Confidence Calibration
* Novel Rank Learning Based No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Method, A
* Refining Uncertain Features With Self-Distillation for Face Recognition and Person Re-Identification
* SDD-FIQA: Unsupervised Face Image Quality Assessment with Similarity Distribution Distance
* Troubleshooting Ethnic Quality Bias with Curriculum Domain Adaptation for Face Image Quality Assessment
Includes: Ou, F.Z.[Fu Zhao] Ou, F.Z.[Fu-Zhao]

Ou, G.[Guanyan] Co Author Listing * Improving Transferable Targeted Adversarial Attacks with Model Self-Enhancement
* INS/Floor-Plan Indoor Localization System Using the Firefly Particle Filter, An
* Multi-Focus Image Fusion by Hessian Matrix Based Decomposition
* Pulsed Orthogonal Time Frequency Space: A Fast Acquisition and High-Precision Measurement Signal for Low Earth Orbit Position, Navigation, and Timing
* Time-Frequency Signal Integrity Monitoring Algorithm Based on Temperature Compensation Frequency Bias Combination Model
* Vector Sensor Cross-Product for Direction of Arrival Estimation
Includes: Ou, G.[Guanyan] Ou, G.[Gang] Ou, G.[Ge]

Ou, G.B.[Guo Bin] Co Author Listing * Multi-class pattern classification using neural networks
Includes: Ou, G.B.[Guo Bin] Ou, G.B.[Guo-Bin]

Ou, G.L.[Guang Long] Co Author Listing * Climate Interprets Saturation Value Variations Better Than Soil and Topography in Estimating Oak Forest Aboveground Biomass Using Landsat 8 OLI Imagery
* Enhancing Aboveground Biomass Estimation for Three Pinus Forests in Yunnan, SW China, Using Landsat 8
* Estimating the Aboveground Biomass of Various Forest Types with High Heterogeneity at the Provincial Scale Based on Multi-Source Data
* Improving Aboveground Biomass Estimation in Lowland Tropical Forests across Aspect and Age Stratification: A Case Study in Xishuangbanna
* Improving Aboveground Biomass Estimation of Pinus densata Forests in Yunnan Using Landsat 8 Imagery by Incorporating Age Dummy Variable and Method Comparison
* Improving Forest Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Accuracy Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing and Optimized Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator Variable Selection Method
* Improving Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation of Pinus densata Forest in Yunnan of Southwest China by Spatial Regression using Landsat 8 Images
* Mapping Forest Aboveground Biomass with MODIS and Fengyun-3C VIRR Imageries in Yunnan Province, Southwest China Using Linear Regression, K-Nearest Neighbor and Random Forest
* Reduction in Uncertainty in Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation Using Sentinel-2 Images: A Case Study of Pinus densata Forests in Shangri-La City, China
* Retrieval of Three-Dimensional Green Volume in Urban Green Space from Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Synergism of Multi-Modal Data for Mapping Tree Species Distribution: A Case Study from a Mountainous Forest in Southwest China
Includes: Ou, G.L.[Guang Long] Ou, G.L.[Guang-Long]
11 for Ou, G.L.

Ou, H.[Haochun] Co Author Listing * MASANet: Multi-Aspect Semantic Auxiliary Network for Visual Sentiment Analysis
* Novel High-Precision Range Estimation Method Based on Phase of Wideband Radar Echo, A
Includes: Ou, H.[Haochun] Ou, H.

Ou, H.D.[Hai Dong] Co Author Listing * Mapping Suspended Sediment Changes in the Western Pacific Coasts
* Monitoring Chlorophyll-a Concentration Variation in Fish Ponds from 2013 to 2022 in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China
Includes: Ou, H.D.[Hai Dong] Ou, H.D.[Hai-Dong]

Ou, H.Q.[Hao Qiao] Co Author Listing * Image Coding for Machine Via Analytics-Driven Appearance Redundancy Reduction
Includes: Ou, H.Q.[Hao Qiao] Ou, H.Q.[Hao-Qiao]

Ou, J.[JiaMing] Co Author Listing * Assessment and Dynamic Prediction of Green Space Ecological Service Value in Guangzhou City, China
* FGN: Fully Guided Network for Few-Shot Instance Segmentation
* Fine-Grained Classification of Endoscopic Tympanic Membrane Images
* Freeway travel time estimation based on the general motors model: a genetic algorithm calibration framework
* Hybrid Reconstruction Algorithm for 3-D Ionospheric Tomography, A
* IGGtrop_SH and IGGtrop_rH: Two Improved Empirical Tropospheric Delay Models Based on Vertical Reduction Functions
* Path tracking control of automated vehicles based on adaptive MPC in variable scenarios
* Predicting Visual Focus of Attention From Intention in Remote Collaborative Tasks
* Prediction of GPS Satellite Clock Offset Based on an Improved Particle Swarm Algorithm Optimized BP Neural Network
* Preliminary Results for Five-System Ultra-Rapid Precise Orbit Determination of the One-Step Method Based on the Double-Difference Observation Model, The
* RLID-V: Reinforcement Learning-Based Information Dissemination Policy Generation in VANETs
* STAP: A Spatio-Temporal Correlative Estimating Model for Improving Quality of Traffic Data
* Systematic clustering method to identify and characterise spatiotemporal congestion on freeway corridors
* Three-Step Method for Determining Unhealthy Time Period of GPS Satellite Orbit in Broadcast Ephemeris and Its Preliminary Applications for Precise Orbit Determination, A
Includes: Ou, J.[JiaMing] Ou, J. Ou, J.[Jishun] Ou, J.[Jian] Ou, J.[Jiazhi] Ou, J.[Jikun] Ou, J.[Jing]
14 for Ou, J.

Ou, J.H.[Jin Hai] Co Author Listing * Mangrove Biodiversity Assessment Using UAV Lidar and Hyperspectral Data in China's Pinglu Canal Estuary
* Offshore Bridge Detection in Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Water Network Construction Using Markov Tree
* Offshore Oil Platform Detection in Polarimetric SAR Images Using Level Set Segmentation of Limited Initial Region and Convolutional Neural Network
Includes: Ou, J.H.[Jin Hai] Ou, J.H.[Jin-Hai] Ou, J.H.[Jiang-Hong]

Ou, J.J.[Jin Jun] Co Author Listing * Depth Map Regeneration via Improved Graph Cuts Using a Novel Omnidirectional Stereo Sensor
* Quadrotor Autonomous Navigation in Semi-Known Environments Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
Includes: Ou, J.J.[Jin Jun] Ou, J.J.[Jin-Jun] Ou, J.J.[Jia-Jun]

Ou, J.L.[Jian Liang] Co Author Listing * Mosaicking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery in the Absence of Camera Poses
* Research on Positioning and Posing of Mobile Mapping in Metropolis
Includes: Ou, J.L.[Jian Liang] Ou, J.L.[Jian-Liang]

Ou, J.P.[Jian Ping] Co Author Listing * 3D pointcloud registration algorithm based on fast coherent point drift, A
* Analysis of the Vertical Distribution and Driving Factors of Aerosol and Ozone Precursors in Huaniao Island, China, Based on Ground-Based MAX-DOAS
* Differences in the Vertical Distribution of Aerosols, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Formaldehyde between Islands and Inland Areas: A Case Study in the Yangtze River Delta of China
* Mapping Multi-Temporal Population Distribution in China from 1985 to 2010 Using Landsat Images via Deep Learning
Includes: Ou, J.P.[Jian Ping] Ou, J.P.[Jian-Ping] Ou, J.P.[Jin-Ping] Ou, J.P.[Jin-Pei]

Ou, J.R.[Jia Rong] Co Author Listing * Robust and Efficient Ellipse Fitting Using Tangent Chord Distance
Includes: Ou, J.R.[Jia Rong] Ou, J.R.[Jia-Rong]

Ou, J.S.[Jian Shan] Co Author Listing * fast algorithm based on gray level co-occurrence matrix and Gabor feature for HEVC screen content coding, A
Includes: Ou, J.S.[Jian Shan] Ou, J.S.[Jian-Shan]

Ou, J.W.[Jia Wei] Co Author Listing * Metaverse Interactive Experience Space Based on Oriental Prayer Culture, A
Includes: Ou, J.W.[Jia Wei] Ou, J.W.[Jia-Wei]

Ou, K. Co Author Listing * Edge-Sensitive Human Cutout With Hierarchical Granularity and Loopy Matting Guidance
* Power line detect system based on stereo vision and FPGA
* Selective Zero-Shot Classification with Augmented Attributes
* Student Becoming the Master: Knowledge Amalgamation for Joint Scene Parsing, Depth Estimation, and More
* Weakly Supervised High-Fidelity Clothing Model Generation
Includes: Ou, K. Ou, K.[Kejun] Ou, K.[Kairi]

Ou, L.[Lu] Co Author Listing * dictionary learning based unsupervised neural network for single image compressed sensing, A

Ou, L.L.[Lin Lin] Co Author Listing * Conditional generative data-free knowledge distillation
* Decentralized PID controller design for the cooperative control of networked multi-agent systems
* ShiftNAS: Improving One-shot NAS via Probability Shift
* Stability region of fractional-order PI-lambda-mu controller for fractional-order systems with time delay
Includes: Ou, L.L.[Lin Lin] Ou, L.L.[Lin-Lin]

Ou, L.Y.[Li Yuan] Co Author Listing * DeepSpoof: Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Spoofing Attack in Cross-Technology Multimedia Communication
Includes: Ou, L.Y.[Li Yuan] Ou, L.Y.[Li-Yuan]

Ou, M.[Ming] Co Author Listing * Statistical Study of Ionospheric Equivalent Slab Thickness at Guam Magnetic Equatorial Location
* stepwise framework for interpolating land surface temperature under cloudy conditions based on the solar-cloud-satellite geometry, A
Includes: Ou, M.[Ming] Ou, M.[Minyue]

Ou, M.D.[Ming Dong] Co Author Listing * Learning Compact Hash Codes for Multimodal Representations Using Orthogonal Deep Structure
Includes: Ou, M.D.[Ming Dong] Ou, M.D.[Ming-Dong]

Ou, M.F.[Mei Fang] Co Author Listing * Structure of V-System over Triangulated Domains, The
Includes: Ou, M.F.[Mei Fang] Ou, M.F.[Mei-Fang]

Ou, M.L.[Mi Lim] Co Author Listing * Retrieving XCO2 from GOSAT FTS over East Asia Using Simultaneous Aerosol Information from CAI
Includes: Ou, M.L.[Mi Lim] Ou, M.L.[Mi-Lim]

Ou, M.Y.[Ming Yu] Co Author Listing * Prediction of Water Temperature Based on Graph Neural Network in a Small-Scale Observation via Coastal Acoustic Tomography
Includes: Ou, M.Y.[Ming Yu] Ou, M.Y.[Ming-Yu]

Ou, N. Co Author Listing * Advanced Phase Synchronization Scheme for LT-1, An
* DEANet: Dual Encoder with Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery
* First Demonstration of Multipath Effects on Phase Synchronization Scheme for LT-1
Includes: Ou, N. Ou, N.[Ni]

Ou, P. Co Author Listing * Sequentially Aggregated Convolutional Networks

Ou, P.F.[Peng Fei] Co Author Listing * Atmospheric Phase Correction Method Based on Normal Vector Clustering Partition in Complicated Conditions for GB-SAR, An
Includes: Ou, P.F.[Peng Fei] Ou, P.F.[Peng-Fei]

Ou, P.H.[Peng Hui] Co Author Listing * Mapping Landslide Hazard Risk Using Random Forest Algorithm in Guixi, Jiangxi, China
* Mining and Restoration Monitoring of Rare Earth Element (REE) Exploitation by New Remote Sensing Indicators in Southern Jiangxi, China
Includes: Ou, P.H.[Peng Hui] Ou, P.H.[Peng-Hui]

Ou, Q.[Qiong] Co Author Listing * imaging analysis of asynchronous bistatic SAR with parallel tracks, The
* Theoretical Framework for Traffic Speed Estimation by Fusing Low-Resolution Probe Vehicle Data, A
Includes: Ou, Q.[Qiong] Ou, Q.

Ou, Q.F.[Qiao Feng] Co Author Listing * lightweight model for blade tip image enhancement in helicopter rotor motion parameter measurement system, A
* RetinexDIP: A Unified Deep Framework for Low-Light Image Enhancement
Includes: Ou, Q.F.[Qiao Feng] Ou, Q.F.[Qiao-Feng]

Ou, Q.H.[Qi Hao] Co Author Listing * Smile detection in the wild with deep convolutional neural networks
Includes: Ou, Q.H.[Qi Hao] Ou, Q.H.[Qi-Hao]

Ou, Q.X.[Qiang Xin] Co Author Listing * Use Remote Sensing and Machine Learning to Study the Changes of Broad-Leaved Forest Biomass and Their Climate Driving Forces in Nature Reserves of Northern Subtropics
Includes: Ou, Q.X.[Qiang Xin] Ou, Q.X.[Qiang-Xin]

Ou, S. Co Author Listing * Detecting On-Street Parking Spaces in Smart Cities: Performance Evaluation of Fixed and Mobile Sensing Systems

Ou, S.F.[Shi Feng] Co Author Listing * FCUnet: Refined remote sensing image segmentation method based on a fuzzy deep learning conditional random field network
Includes: Ou, S.F.[Shi Feng] Ou, S.F.[Shi-Feng]

Ou, S.H.[Shun Hsing] Co Author Listing * Communication-efficient multi-view keyframe extraction in distributed video sensors
Includes: Ou, S.H.[Shun Hsing] Ou, S.H.[Shun-Hsing]

Ou, S.J.[Shuang Jiang] Co Author Listing * Hourglass cascaded recurrent stereo matching network
Includes: Ou, S.J.[Shuang Jiang] Ou, S.J.[Shuang-Jiang]

Ou, S.L.[Shi Long] Co Author Listing * View-Category Interactive Sharing Transformer for Incomplete Multi-View Multi-Label Learning
Includes: Ou, S.L.[Shi Long] Ou, S.L.[Shi-Long]

Ou, S.Q.[Shi Qi] Co Author Listing * Pricing Environmental Externality in Traffic Networks Mixed With Fuel Vehicles and Electric Vehicles
Includes: Ou, S.Q.[Shi Qi] Ou, S.Q.[Shi-Qi]

Ou, S.S.C. Co Author Listing * Retrieval of Cirrus Cloud Properties From the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder: The k-Coefficient Approach Using Cloud-Cleared Radiances as Input

Ou, S.Y.[Sheng Ya] Co Author Listing * Construction of an Ecological Security Pattern in an Urban-Lake Symbiosis Area: A Case Study of Hefei Metropolitan Area
* Fusing Social Media, Remote Sensing, and Fire Dynamics to Track Wildland-Urban Interface Fire
Includes: Ou, S.Y.[Sheng Ya] Ou, S.Y.[Sheng-Ya]

Ou, T.H.[Ting Hai] Co Author Listing * Overview of Vegetation Dynamics Revealed by Remote Sensing and Its Feedback to Regional and Global Climate, An
Includes: Ou, T.H.[Ting Hai] Ou, T.H.[Ting-Hai]

Ou, T.S. Co Author Listing * Fast Decision of Block Size, Prediction Mode, and Intra Block for H.264 Intra Prediction
* Perceptual Rate-Distortion Optimization Using Structural Similarity Index as Quality Metric
* Recent progress on perceptual video coding
* SSIM-Based Perceptual Rate Control for Video Coding
Includes: Ou, T.S. Ou, T.S.[Tao-Sheng]

Ou, W.F.[Wei Feng] Co Author Listing * AIM 2019 Challenge on RAW to RGB Mapping: Methods and Results
* ChildPredictor: A Child Face Prediction Framework With Disentangled Learning
* Face liveness detection using convolutional-features fusion of real and deep network generated face images
* Saliency Map-Aided Generative Adversarial Network for RAW to RGB Mapping
* two-stage multi-hypothesis reconstruction scheme in compressed video sensing, A
* VCGAN: Video Colorization With Hybrid Generative Adversarial Network
Includes: Ou, W.F.[Wei Feng] Ou, W.F.[Wei-Feng] Ou, W.F.

Ou, W.H.[Wei Hua] Co Author Listing * adaptive hybrid pattern for noise-robust texture analysis, An
* Boundary-Guided Lightweight Semantic Segmentation With Multi-Scale Semantic Context
* Collaborative Learning With a Multi-Branch Framework for Feature Enhancement
* Cross-Modal Generation and Pair Correlation Alignment Hashing
* Deep Adaptively-Enhanced Hashing With Discriminative Similarity Guidance for Unsupervised Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Local Metric Learning for Exemplar-Based Object Detection
* Reconstructed Graph Constrained Auto-Encoders for Multi-View Representation Learning
* Refinement of Landslide Susceptibility Map Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry in Areas of Intense Mining Activities in the Karst Region of Southwest China
* Robust discriminative nonnegative dictionary learning for occluded face recognition
* Robust face recognition via occlusion dictionary learning
* Semi-supervised cross-modal representation learning with GAN-based Asymmetric Transfer Network
* Sparse discriminative multi-manifold embedding for one-sample face identification
* Structured sparse coding for image representation based on L1-graph
* Visual object tracking via coefficients constrained exclusive group LASSO
* Visual Object Tracking with Online Sample Selection Via LASSO Regularization
Includes: Ou, W.H.[Wei Hua] Ou, W.H.[Wei-Hua] Ou, W.H.[Wen-Hao]
15 for Ou, W.H.

Ou, W.M.[Wan Mei] Co Author Listing * Invertible Filter Banks on the 2-Sphere
* On the Construction of Invertible Filter Banks on the 2-Sphere
Includes: Ou, W.M.[Wan Mei] Ou, W.M.[Wan-Mei]

Ou, W.N.[Wen Nuan] Co Author Listing * Research of Algorithm for Handwritten Character Recognition in Correcting Assignment System, The
Includes: Ou, W.N.[Wen Nuan] Ou, W.N.[Wen-Nuan]

Ou, W.W.[Wu Wen] Co Author Listing * ICDAR 2003 robust reading competitions: Entries, results, and future directions
Includes: Ou, W.W.[Wu Wen] Ou, W.W.[Wu-Wen]

Ou, X. Co Author Listing * Composing Semantic Collage for Image Retargeting

Ou, X.F.[Xian Feng] Co Author Listing * Deep Semantic Reconstruction Hashing for Similarity Retrieval
* Fast combination filtering based on weighted fusion
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via Spatial Density Background Purification
* Kernel Entropy Component Analysis-Based Robust Hyperspectral Image Supervised Classification
* Multi-Objective Unsupervised Band Selection Method for Hyperspectral Images Classification
* SIM-MFR: Spatial interactions mechanisms based multi-feature representation for background modeling
Includes: Ou, X.F.[Xian Feng] Ou, X.F.[Xian-Feng]

Ou, X.K.[Xiao Kun] Co Author Listing * Integration of Satellite Imagery, Topography and Human Disturbance Factors Based on Canonical Correspondence Analysis Ordination for Mountain Vegetation Mapping: A Case Study in Yunnan, China
Includes: Ou, X.K.[Xiao Kun] Ou, X.K.[Xiao-Kun]

Ou, Y.[Yanglan] Co Author Listing * AgentFormer: Agent-Aware Transformers for Socio-Temporal Multi-Agent Forecasting
* Analysis of Electromagnetic Wave and Multipath Suppression from Overhead Perspective
* Characteristics of Aerosol Types in Beijing and the Associations with Air Pollution from 2004 to 2015
* Cyber-Physical System-Based Velocity-Profile Prediction Method and Case Study of Application in Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle, A
* Dynamic Modeling of Driver Control Strategy of Lane-Change Behavior and Trajectory Planning for Collision Prediction
* Evaluation of MERRA-2 Aerosol Optical and Component Properties over China Using SONET and PARASOL/GRASP Data
* Evaluation of MRI to Ultrasound Registration Methods for Brain Shift Correction: The CuRIOUS2018 Challenge
* Gray-level image denoising with an improved weighted sparse coding
* Modeling global distribution for federated learning with label distribution skew
* modified method of nonlinear attitude estimation based on EKF, A
* Neighbor-Based Label Distribution Learning to Model Label Ambiguity for Aerial Scene Classification
* Pan-Sharpening Using an Efficient Bidirectional Pyramid Network
* Q-STAR: A Perceptual Video Quality Model Considering Impact of Spatial, Temporal, and Amplitude Resolutions
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of Aerosol Components, Their Optical and Microphysical Properties over North China during Winter Haze in 2012, as Derived from POLDER/PARASOL Satellite Observations
* Three-Fast-Inter Incremental Association Markov Blanket learning algorithm
* Tracking Tetrahymena pyriformis cells using decision trees
* What Influences Customer Flows in Shopping Malls: Perspective from Indoor Positioning Data
Includes: Ou, Y.[Yanglan] Ou, Y.[Yu] Ou, Y.[Yang] Ou, Y. Ou, Y.[Yeyu] Ou, Y.[Yan]
17 for Ou, Y.

Ou, Y.F. Co Author Listing * Modeling of Rate and Perceptual Quality of Compressed Video as Functions of Frame Rate and Quantization Stepsize and Its Applications
* Modeling the impact of frame rate on perceptual quality of video
* Perceptual Quality Assessment of Video Considering Both Frame Rate and Quantization Artifacts
* Perceptual quality of video with quantization variation: A subjective study and analytical modeling
* Real-Time Tone Mapping: A Survey and Cross-Implementation Hardware Benchmark
Includes: Ou, Y.F. Ou, Y.F.[Yen-Fu] Ou, Y.F.[Ya-Fei]

Ou, Y.J.[Yang Jun] Co Author Listing * 3D Deformable Convolution Temporal Reasoning network for action recognition
* Band-Independent Encoder-Decoder Network for Pan-Sharpening of Remote Sensing Images
* Multimodal Local-Global Attention Network for Affective Video Content Analysis
* Object-Relation Reasoning Graph for Action Recognition
* Open-Vocabulary RGB-Thermal Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Ou, Y.J.[Yang Jun] Ou, Y.J.[Yang-Jun]

Ou, Y.L.[Ye Lin] Co Author Listing * Skin Lesion Feature Vector Space with a Metric to Model Geometric Structures of Malignancy for Classification
Includes: Ou, Y.L.[Ye Lin] Ou, Y.L.[Ye-Lin]

Ou, Y.M.[Yang Ming] Co Author Listing * Comparative Evaluation of Registration Algorithms in Different Brain Databases With Varying Difficulty: Results and Insights
* Deep Relation Learning for Regression and Its Application to Brain Age Estimation
* Global-Local Transformer for Brain Age Estimation
* Non-rigid registration between histological and MR images of the prostate: A joint segmentation and registration framework
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
* Structured Light-Based Underwater Collision-Free Navigation and Dense Mapping System for Refined Exploration in Unknown Dark Environments
* Validation of DRAMMS among 12 Popular Methods in Cross-Subject Cardiac MRI Registration
Includes: Ou, Y.M.[Yang Ming] Ou, Y.M.[Yang-Ming] Ou, Y.M.[Yi-Min] Ou, Y.M.[Ya-Ming]
7 for Ou, Y.M.

Ou, Y.Q.[Yi Qi] Co Author Listing * Self-supervised Augmented Patches Segmentation for Anomaly Detection
Includes: Ou, Y.Q.[Yi Qi] Ou, Y.Q.[Yi-Qi]

Ou, Y.S.[Yong Sheng] Co Author Listing * Learning-Based Kinematic Control Using Position and Velocity Errors for Robot Trajectory Tracking
* Multiple stream deep learning model for human action recognition
* Optimal Sensor-Target Geometries for 3-D Static Target Localization Using Received-Signal-Strength Measurements
* Real-time running detection system for UAV imagery based on optical flow and deep convolutional networks
Includes: Ou, Y.S.[Yong Sheng] Ou, Y.S.[Yong-Sheng]

Ou, Y.T.[Yang Tao] Co Author Listing * Class semantic enhancement network for semantic segmentation
* Dual cross knowledge distillation for image super-resolution
Includes: Ou, Y.T.[Yang Tao] Ou, Y.T.[Yang-Tao]

Ou, Y.W.[Yu Wei] Co Author Listing * Towards Accurate and Robust Architectures via Neural Architecture Search
Includes: Ou, Y.W.[Yu Wei] Ou, Y.W.[Yu-Wei]

Ou, Y.X.[Yang Xiao] Co Author Listing * Edge Direction-Based Fast Coding Unit Partition for HEVC Screen Content Coding
Includes: Ou, Y.X.[Yang Xiao] Ou, Y.X.[Yang-Xiao]

Ou, Y.Y.[Yang Yen] Co Author Listing * Automatic drug pills detection based on enhanced feature pyramid network and convolution neural networks
* Reducing Information Loss for Spiking Neural Networks
Includes: Ou, Y.Y.[Yang Yen] Ou, Y.Y.[Yang-Yen] Ou, Y.Y.[Yuan-Yuan]

Ou, Y.Z.[Yi Zong] Co Author Listing * Framework for Fusion of Human Sensor and Physical Sensor Data, A
Includes: Ou, Y.Z.[Yi Zong] Ou, Y.Z.[Yi-Zong]

Ou, Z. Co Author Listing * Semi-Supervised Seq2seq Joint-Stochastic-Approximation Autoencoders With Applications to Semantic Parsing
* Temporal adaptive bidirectional bridging for RGB-D tracking
* Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Object Detection Based on Feature Fusion and Enhancement
Includes: Ou, Z. Ou, Z.[Zhou] Ou, Z.[Zejun]

Ou, Z.C.[Zhi Cai] Co Author Listing * Retrieval-Augmented Embodied Agents
* ScaleKD: Distilling Scale-Aware Knowledge in Small Object Detector
Includes: Ou, Z.C.[Zhi Cai] Ou, Z.C.[Zhi-Cai]

Ou, Z.H.[Zhong Hong] Co Author Listing * Episodic Projection Network for Out-of-Distribution Detection in Few-shot Learning
* Free^3 Net: Gliding Free, Orientation Free, and Anchor Free Network for Oriented Object Detection
Includes: Ou, Z.H.[Zhong Hong] Ou, Z.H.[Zhong-Hong]

Ou, Z.J.[Zheng Jie] Co Author Listing * Cervical-YOSA: Utilizing prompt engineering and pre-trained large-scale models for automated segmentation of multi-sequence MRI images in cervical cancer
* Learning Trans-Dimensional Random Fields with Applications to Language Modeling
* Switching Auxiliary Chains for Speech Recognition based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks
Includes: Ou, Z.J.[Zheng Jie] Ou, Z.J.[Zheng-Jie] Ou, Z.J.[Zhi-Jian]

Ou, Z.L.[Zhuo Liang] Co Author Listing * Effects of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles on Multi-GNSS Signals: A Case Study over South China
* FastNet: Fast high-resolution network for human pose estimation
* Neighbor Relations Matter in Video Scene Detection
Includes: Ou, Z.L.[Zhuo Liang] Ou, Z.L.[Zhuo-Liang] Ou, Z.L.[Zhi-Long] Ou, Z.L.[Zhi-Ling]

Ou, Z.M.[Zhao Ming] Co Author Listing * Image retargeting with multifocus fisheye transformation
Includes: Ou, Z.M.[Zhao Ming] Ou, Z.M.[Zhao-Ming]

Ou, Z.Q.[Zhi Quan] Co Author Listing * AerialFace: A Light Weight Framework for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Face Recognition
Includes: Ou, Z.Q.[Zhi Quan] Ou, Z.Q.[Zhi-Quan]

Ou, Z.W.[Zhi Wei] Co Author Listing * Regularized image restoration with singular value decomposition
Includes: Ou, Z.W.[Zhi Wei] Ou, Z.W.[Zhi-Wei]

Ou, Z.Y.[Zong Ying] Co Author Listing * Cascade AdaBoost Classifiers with Stage Optimization for Face Detection
* Fingerprint Verification Based on Multistage Minutiae Matching
* Inspecting Ingredients of Starches in Starch-Noodle based on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
* Recognition of digital curves scanned from paper drawings using genetic algorithms
Includes: Ou, Z.Y.[Zong Ying] Ou, Z.Y.[Zong-Ying]

Index for "o"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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