Index for kari

Kari, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dudasne Nagy, M.: Mathematical generation of normal data for evaluatin...
     with: Mate, E.: Mathematical generation of normal data for evaluating myocar...

Kari, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Calzone, S.: Video Compression by Mean-Corrected Motion Compensation o...
     with: Chen, K.S.: Video Compression by Mean-Corrected Motion Compensation of...
     with: Chuang, C.C.: Video Compression by Mean-Corrected Motion Compensation ...
     with: Divakaran, A.: Video Compression by Mean-Corrected Motion Compensation...
     with: Dube, S.: Video Compression by Mean-Corrected Motion Compensation of P...
     with: Hurd, L.: Video Compression by Mean-Corrected Motion Compensation of P...
     with: Liang, G.: Video Compression by Mean-Corrected Motion Compensation of ...
     with: Lin, F.H.: Video Compression by Mean-Corrected Motion Compensation of ...
     with: Muller, J.: Video Compression by Mean-Corrected Motion Compensation of...
     with: Rising, H.K.: Video Compression by Mean-Corrected Motion Compensation ...
10 for Kari, J.

Kari, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Olufemi, A.F.: Algorithm for Treating Uncertainties in the Visualizati...
     with: Sunar, M.S.: Algorithm for Treating Uncertainties in the Visualization...

Karia, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Carmichael, Z.: Alps: Adaptive Quantization of Deep Neural Networks wi...
     with: Gustafson, J.L.: Adaptive Posit: Parameter aware numerical format for ...
     with: Gustafson, J.L.: Alps: Adaptive Quantization of Deep Neural Networks w...
     with: Kudithipudi, D.: Adaptive Posit: Parameter aware numerical format for ...
     with: Kudithipudi, D.: Alps: Adaptive Quantization of Deep Neural Networks w...
     with: Langroudi, H.F.: Adaptive Posit: Parameter aware numerical format for ...
     with: Langroudi, H.F.: Alps: Adaptive Quantization of Deep Neural Networks w...
     with: Pandit, T.: Alps: Adaptive Quantization of Deep Neural Networks with G...
     with: Zyarah, A.: Alps: Adaptive Quantization of Deep Neural Networks with G...
9 for Karia, V.

Karianakis, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balzer, J.: Multi-view feature engineering and learning
     with: Chen, M.: BLT: Balancing Long-tailed Datasets with Adversarially-pertu...
     with: Chen, M.: HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameter Recommendation for Trai...
     with: Chen, M.: HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameters for Deep Networks
     with: Chen, X.: SC-UDA: Style and Content Gaps aware Unsupervised Domain Ada...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: Reinforced Temporal Attention and Split-Rate Transfer for ...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: SC-UDA: Style and Content Gaps aware Unsupervised Domain A...
     with: Davis, D.: Multi-view feature engineering and learning
     with: Dong, J.M.: Empirical Evaluation of Current Convolutional Architecture...
     with: Dong, J.M.: Multi-view feature engineering and learning
     with: Fragoso, V.: BLT: Balancing Long-tailed Datasets with Adversarially-pe...
     with: Fragoso, V.: HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameter Recommendation for T...
     with: Fragoso, V.: HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameters for Deep Networks
     with: Fu, Y.: HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameter Recommendation for Traini...
     with: Fu, Y.: HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameters for Deep Networks
     with: Hernandez, J.: Multi-view feature engineering and learning
     with: Kozerawski, J.: BLT: Balancing Long-tailed Datasets with Adversarially...
     with: Liu, C.: HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameter Recommendation for Train...
     with: Liu, C.: HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameters for Deep Networks
     with: Liu, Z.C.: Reinforced Temporal Attention and Split-Rate Transfer for D...
     with: Lu, S.: SC-UDA: Style and Content Gaps aware Unsupervised Domain Adapt...
     with: Lymberopoulos, D.: SC-UDA: Style and Content Gaps aware Unsupervised D...
     with: Mittal, G.: BLT: Balancing Long-tailed Datasets with Adversarially-per...
     with: Mittal, G.: HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameter Recommendation for Tr...
     with: Mittal, G.: HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameters for Deep Networks
     with: Shen, T.: SC-UDA: Style and Content Gaps aware Unsupervised Domain Ada...
     with: Shi, W.S.: SC-UDA: Style and Content Gaps aware Unsupervised Domain Ad...
     with: Soatto, S.: Empirical Evaluation of Current Convolutional Architecture...
     with: Soatto, S.: Multi-view feature engineering and learning
     with: Soatto, S.: Reinforced Temporal Attention and Split-Rate Transfer for ...
     with: Turk, M.: BLT: Balancing Long-tailed Datasets with Adversarially-pertu...
     with: Wang, D.: SC-UDA: Style and Content Gaps aware Unsupervised Domain Ada...
     with: Yu, F.: SC-UDA: Style and Content Gaps aware Unsupervised Domain Adapt...
     with: Yu, P.: SC-UDA: Style and Content Gaps aware Unsupervised Domain Adapt...
     with: Yu, Y.: HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameter Recommendation for Traini...
35 for Karianakis, N.

Kariapper, R.K.A.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Wickramaarachchi, W.U.: approach to get overall emotion from comment t...

Karich, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boukerch, I.: Development of Panoramic Virtual Tours System Based on L...
     with: Meguenni, M.: Development of Panoramic Virtual Tours System Based on L...
     with: Saidi, K.: Development of Panoramic Virtual Tours System Based on Low ...
     with: Takarli, B.: Development of Panoramic Virtual Tours System Based on Lo...

Karidi, R.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Nordstrom, N.: Method and apparatus for image classification and halft...

Karidozo, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Langbauer, W.: Geospatial Assessment of Human-Wildlife-environment Int...
     with: Madden, M.: Geospatial Assessment of Human-Wildlife-environment Intera...
     with: Osborn, F.: Geospatial Assessment of Human-Wildlife-environment Intera...
     with: Parry, R.: Geospatial Assessment of Human-Wildlife-environment Interac...
     with: Presotto, A.: Geospatial Assessment of Human-Wildlife-environment Inte...

Karigiannis, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Almeida, L.: 3D interactive, on-site visualization of ancient Olympia
     with: Daehne, P.: 3D interactive, on-site visualization of ancient Olympia
     with: Gounaris, M.: 3D interactive, on-site visualization of ancient Olympia
     with: Ioannidis, N.: 3D interactive, on-site visualization of ancient Olympia
     with: Sticker, D.: 3D interactive, on-site visualization of ancient Olympia
     with: Tsotros, M.: 3D interactive, on-site visualization of ancient Olympia
     with: Vlahakis, V.: 3D interactive, on-site visualization of ancient Olympia
7 for Karigiannis, J.

Karila, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Korhonen, T.: Selecting telecommunications technologies for intelligen...
     with: Riihimaki, V.: Selecting telecommunications technologies for intellige...
     with: Salminen, R.: Selecting telecommunications technologies for intelligen...
     with: Vaaramaki, T.: Selecting telecommunications technologies for intellige...

Karila, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahokas, E.: Challenge Of Automated Change Detection: Developing A Meth...
     with: Ahokas, E.: Combining single photon and multispectral airborne laser s...
     with: Ahokas, E.: Object-based analysis of multispectral airborne laser scan...
     with: Ahokas, E.: Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for...
     with: Ahokas, E.: Towards Automatic Single-sensor Mapping By Multispectral A...
     with: Auvinen, M.: Extracting Urban Morphology for Atmospheric Modeling From...
     with: Chen, C.: Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for R...
     with: Chen, Y.W.: Disaster-Caused Power Outage Detection at Night Using VIIR...
     with: Chen, Y.W.: Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for...
     with: Cui, H.D.: Disaster-Caused Power Outage Detection at Night Using VIIRS...
     with: Ek, J.: Estimating Grass Sward Quality and Quantity Parameters Using D...
     with: Hakala, T.: Comparison of Deep Neural Networks in the Classification o...
     with: Hakala, T.: Estimating Tree Health Decline Caused by Ips typographus L...
     with: Hellsten, A.: Extracting Urban Morphology for Atmospheric Modeling Fro...
     with: Holopainen, M.: Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR ...
     with: Holopainen, M.: Towards Automatic Single-sensor Mapping By Multispectr...
     with: Honkavaara, E.: Comparison of Deep Neural Networks in the Classificati...
     with: Honkavaara, E.: Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR ...
     with: Honkavaara, E.: Estimating Grass Sward Quality and Quantity Parameters...
     with: Honkavaara, E.: Estimating Tree Health Decline Caused by Ips typograph...
     with: Hu, P.L.: Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for R...
     with: Hyyppa, H.: Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR Poin...
     with: Hyyppa, J.: Challenge Of Automated Change Detection: Developing A Meth...
     with: Hyyppa, J.: Combining single photon and multispectral airborne laser s...
     with: Hyyppa, J.: Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR Poin...
     with: Hyyppa, J.: Comparison of Precise Leveling and Persistent Scatterer SA...
     with: Hyyppa, J.: Object-based analysis of multispectral airborne laser scan...
     with: Hyyppa, J.: Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for...
     with: Hyyppa, J.: TanDEM-X digital surface models in boreal forest above-gro...
     with: Hyyppa, J.: Towards Automatic Single-sensor Mapping By Multispectral A...
     with: Jaakkola, A.: Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR Po...
     with: Jaakkola, A.: Towards Automatic Single-sensor Mapping By Multispectral...
     with: Jia, J.X.: Disaster-Caused Power Outage Detection at Night Using VIIRS...
     with: Jia, J.X.: Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for ...
     with: Jiang, C.H.: Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques fo...
     with: Junttila, S.: Comparison of Deep Neural Networks in the Classification...
     with: Junttila, S.: Estimating Tree Health Decline Caused by Ips typographus...
     with: Kaartinen, H.: Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR P...
     with: Kaartinen, H.: Towards Automatic Single-sensor Mapping By Multispectra...
     with: Kaasalainen, S.: Monitoring Changes in Rice Cultivated Area from SAR a...
     with: Kaivosoja, J.: Estimating Grass Sward Quality and Quantity Parameters ...
     with: Kanerva, H.: Estimating Tree Health Decline Caused by Ips typographus ...
     with: Kankare, V.: Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR Poi...
     with: Karjalainen, M.: Challenge Of Automated Change Detection: Developing A...
     with: Karjalainen, M.: Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR...
     with: Karjalainen, M.: Comparison of Precise Leveling and Persistent Scatter...
     with: Karjalainen, M.: Extracting Urban Morphology for Atmospheric Modeling ...
     with: Karjalainen, M.: Monitoring Changes in Rice Cultivated Area from SAR a...
     with: Karjalainen, M.: Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Technique...
     with: Karjalainen, M.: TanDEM-X digital surface models in boreal forest abov...
     with: Katoh, M.: Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR Point...
     with: Khoramshahi, E.: Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Technique...
     with: Koivumaki, N.: Comparison of Deep Neural Networks in the Classificatio...
     with: Koivumaki, N.: Estimating Grass Sward Quality and Quantity Parameters ...
     with: Koivumaki, N.: Estimating Tree Health Decline Caused by Ips typographu...
     with: Korhonen, P.: Estimating Grass Sward Quality and Quantity Parameters U...
     with: Koskinen, J.: Comparison of Precise Leveling and Persistent Scatterer ...
     with: Krooks, A.: Monitoring Changes in Rice Cultivated Area from SAR and Op...
     with: Kukko, A.: Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR Point...
     with: Kukko, A.: Towards Automatic Single-sensor Mapping By Multispectral Ai...
     with: Liang, X.L.: Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR Poi...
     with: Liang, X.L.: Towards Automatic Single-sensor Mapping By Multispectral ...
     with: Litkey, P.: Challenge Of Automated Change Detection: Developing A Meth...
     with: Litkey, P.: Combining single photon and multispectral airborne laser s...
     with: Litkey, P.: Object-based analysis of multispectral airborne laser scan...
     with: Litkey, P.: Towards Automatic Single-sensor Mapping By Multispectral A...
     with: Liu, Z.Y.: Disaster-Caused Power Outage Detection at Night Using VIIRS...
     with: Lyytikainen Saarenmaa, P.: Comparison of Deep Neural Networks in the C...
     with: Lyytikainen Saarenmaa, P.: Estimating Tree Health Decline Caused by Ip...
     with: Matikainen, L.: Challenge Of Automated Change Detection: Developing A ...
     with: Matikainen, L.: Combining single photon and multispectral airborne las...
     with: Matikainen, L.: Object-based analysis of multispectral airborne laser ...
     with: Matikainen, L.: Segment-Based Land Cover Mapping of a Suburban Area: C...
     with: Matikainen, L.: Towards Automatic Single-sensor Mapping By Multispectr...
     with: Munck, A.: Challenge Of Automated Change Detection: Developing A Metho...
     with: Nasi, R.: Comparison of Deep Neural Networks in the Classification of ...
     with: Nasi, R.: Estimating Grass Sward Quality and Quantity Parameters Using...
     with: Nasi, R.: Estimating Tree Health Decline Caused by Ips typographus L. ...
     with: Nevalainen, O.: Monitoring Changes in Rice Cultivated Area from SAR an...
     with: Niemelainen, O.: Estimating Grass Sward Quality and Quantity Parameter...
     with: Nurminen, K.: Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR Po...
     with: Nyholm, L.: Estimating Grass Sward Quality and Quantity Parameters Usi...
     with: Oliveira, R.A.: Comparison of Deep Neural Networks in the Classificati...
     with: Oliveira, R.A.: Estimating Grass Sward Quality and Quantity Parameters...
     with: Oliveira, R.A.: Estimating Tree Health Decline Caused by Ips typograph...
     with: Ostersund, M.: Comparison of Deep Neural Networks in the Classificatio...
     with: Ostersund, M.: Estimating Tree Health Decline Caused by Ips typographu...
     with: Pelto Arvo, M.: Comparison of Deep Neural Networks in the Classificati...
     with: Pelto Arvo, M.: Estimating Tree Health Decline Caused by Ips typograph...
     with: Polonen, I.: Comparison of Deep Neural Networks in the Classification ...
     with: Polonen, I.: Estimating Grass Sward Quality and Quantity Parameters Us...
     with: Polonen, I.: Estimating Tree Health Decline Caused by Ips typographus ...
     with: Puttonen, E.: Extracting Urban Morphology for Atmospheric Modeling Fro...
     with: Puttonen, E.: Object-based analysis of multispectral airborne laser sc...
     with: Puttonen, E.: TanDEM-X digital surface models in boreal forest above-g...
     with: Qiu, S.: Disaster-Caused Power Outage Detection at Night Using VIIRS D...
     with: Rouhiainen, P.: Comparison of Precise Leveling and Persistent Scattere...
     with: Saaranen, V.: Comparison of Precise Leveling and Persistent Scatterer ...
     with: Sun, H.B.: Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for ...
     with: Turkulainen, E.: Comparison of Deep Neural Networks in the Classificat...
     with: Tuviala, J.: Comparison of Deep Neural Networks in the Classification ...
     with: Tuviala, J.: Estimating Tree Health Decline Caused by Ips typographus ...
     with: Vastaranta, M.: Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR ...
     with: Vastaranta, M.: TanDEM-X digital surface models in boreal forest above...
     with: Vastaranta, M.: Towards Automatic Single-sensor Mapping By Multispectr...
     with: Wang, T.H.: Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for...
     with: Wang, Y.C.: Disaster-Caused Power Outage Detection at Night Using VIIR...
     with: Wang, Y.S.: Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR Poin...
     with: Wittke, S.: Extracting Urban Morphology for Atmospheric Modeling From ...
     with: Xue, T.R.: Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for ...
     with: Yu, X.: Towards Automatic Single-sensor Mapping By Multispectral Airbo...
     with: Yu, X.W.: Comparison of Laser and Stereo Optical, SAR and InSAR Point ...
     with: Yu, X.W.: TanDEM-X digital surface models in boreal forest above-groun...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Disaster-Caused Power Outage Detection at Night Using VIIRS...
114 for Karila, K.

Karim Khan, M.U. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bilal, M.: Low-Complexity Pedestrian Detection Framework for Smart Vid...
     with: Khan, A.: Low-Complexity Pedestrian Detection Framework for Smart Vide...
     with: Kyung, C.M.: Low-Complexity Pedestrian Detection Framework for Smart V...

Karim, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Foroosh, H.: NELasso: Group-Sparse Modeling for Characterizing Relatio...
     with: Hou, S.J.: Few-shot logo detection
     with: Jia, W.: Few-shot logo detection
     with: Jia, Z.X.: Few-shot logo detection
     with: Liu, W.J.: Few-shot logo detection
     with: Tariq, A.: NELasso: Group-Sparse Modeling for Characterizing Relations...
     with: Zheng, Y.J.: Few-shot logo detection
7 for Karim, A.

Karim, A.H.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gay, R.K.L.: Collaborative Concept Tagging for Images Based on Ontolog...
     with: Kashian, A.: Collaborative Concept Tagging for Images Based on Ontolog...

Karim, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Y.: Refining ICESAT-2 ATL13 Altimetry Data for Improving Water S...
     with: Darabi, H.: Efficient Classification of Long Time Series by 3-D Dynami...
     with: Harford, S.: Efficient Classification of Long Time Series by 3-D Dynam...
     with: Johnson, H.: Efficient Classification of Long Time Series by 3-D Dynam...
     with: Liu, Q.H.: Refining ICESAT-2 ATL13 Altimetry Data for Improving Water ...
     with: Penton, D.: Refining ICESAT-2 ATL13 Altimetry Data for Improving Water...
     with: Rezaei, A.: Efficient Classification of Long Time Series by 3-D Dynami...
     with: Sarker, C.: Refining ICESAT-2 ATL13 Altimetry Data for Improving Water...
     with: Sengupta, A.: Refining ICESAT-2 ATL13 Altimetry Data for Improving Wat...
     with: Sharabiani, A.: Efficient Classification of Long Time Series by 3-D Dy...
     with: Ticehurst, C.: Refining ICESAT-2 ATL13 Altimetry Data for Improving Wa...
11 for Karim, F.

Karim, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdul Maulud, K.N.: Development of GIS Database and Facility Managemen...
     with: Abdul Rah, A.: Unified Topological Framework for Retrieving 2D and 3D ...
     with: Abdul Rahman, A.: Application Perspective of 2D+Scale Dimension
     with: Abdul Rahman, A.: Calculating Solar Energy Potential of Buildings And ...
     with: Abdul Rahman, A.: Developing GIS-based Disaster Management System for ...
     with: Abdul Rahman, A.: Multi-scale and Scale Dimension Properties in Spatia...
     with: Abu Seman, D.A.L.: Proposal to Implement Integrated GIS System in Diss...
     with: Ahmad Fuad, N.: Exploratory Study of 3d Point Cloud Triangulation for ...
     with: Al Hafiz Azman, M.: Developing GIS-based Disaster Management System fo...
     with: Ariff, S.A.M.: Exploratory Study of 3d Point Cloud Triangulation for S...
     with: Aziz, M.Z.: Development of GIS Database and Facility Management System...
     with: Azri, S.: Exploratory Study of 3d Point Cloud Triangulation for Smart ...
     with: Baskaraca, A.P.: Calculating Solar Energy Potential of Buildings And V...
     with: Bayburt, S.: Calculating Solar Energy Potential of Buildings And Visua...
     with: Bernad, S.C.: Proposal to Implement Integrated GIS System in Dissemina...
     with: bin Mohd Salleh, M.R.: Blending Technique of Topograhic And Hydrograph...
     with: Buyuksalih, G.: Calculating Solar Energy Potential of Buildings And Vi...
     with: Che Ani, A.I.: Development of GIS Database and Facility Management Sys...
     with: Che Hashim, C.H.: Development of GIS Database and Facility Management ...
     with: Doshi, K.: Real-Time Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
     with: Fadzli Abdullah, M.: Developing GIS-based Disaster Management System f...
     with: Gunawan, P.H.: Small ROV Marine Boat for Bathymetry Surveys of Shallow...
     with: Hasbullah, M.S.: Development of GIS Database and Facility Management S...
     with: Hashim, M.G.: Blending Technique of Topograhic And Hydrographic DEMs f...
     with: Idros, S.: Developing GIS-based Disaster Management System for Local A...
     with: Jamali, A.: Unified Topological Framework for Retrieving 2D and 3D Mul...
     with: Mohamad Dali, M.A.: Proposal to Implement Integrated GIS System in Dis...
     with: Mohd Salleh, M.R.: Multi-scale and Scale Dimension Properties in Spati...
     with: Musliman, I.A.: Developing GIS-based Disaster Management System for Lo...
     with: Nasir, A.A.M.: Exploratory Study of 3d Point Cloud Triangulation for S...
     with: Othman, S.Z.: Proposal to Implement Integrated GIS System in Dissemina...
     with: Purwanto, H.: Small ROV Marine Boat for Bathymetry Surveys of Shallow ...
     with: Rahman, M.A.: Development of GIS Database and Facility Management Syst...
     with: Rashidan, H.: Developing GIS-based Disaster Management System for Loca...
     with: Ridzuan Oon, A.O.: Development of GIS Database and Facility Management...
     with: Saiful Bahri, M.A.: Development of GIS Database and Facility Managemen...
     with: Siew, B.: Developing GIS-based Disaster Management System for Local Au...
     with: Suhari, K.T.: Small ROV Marine Boat for Bathymetry Surveys of Shallow ...
     with: Ujang, U.: Exploratory Study of 3d Point Cloud Triangulation for Smart...
     with: Yilmaz, Y.: Real-Time Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
40 for Karim, H.

Karim, H.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: AlDahoul, N.: Localization and Classification of Parasitic Eggs in Mic...
     with: Banaeeyan, R.: Deep or Shallow Facial Descriptors? A Case for Facial A...
     with: Fauzi, M.F.A.: Deep or Shallow Facial Descriptors? A Case for Facial A...
     with: Kee, S.L.: Localization and Classification of Parasitic Eggs in Micros...
     with: Lye, M.H.: Deep or Shallow Facial Descriptors? A Case for Facial Attri...
     with: See, J.: Deep or Shallow Facial Descriptors? A Case for Facial Attribu...
     with: Tan, M.J.T.: Localization and Classification of Parasitic Eggs in Micr...
7 for Karim, H.A.

Karim, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hanafi, A.: Embedded web server for real-time remote control and monit...
     with: Lamkadam, A.: Comparative study and improvement of acoustic vectors ex...
     with: Li, J.: High-Speed Image Registration Algorithm with Subpixel Accuracy
     with: Yousef, A.: High-Speed Image Registration Algorithm with Subpixel Accu...

Karim, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alam, M.S.: Advances in Recognition Techniques, Part 1
     with: Alam, M.S.: Advances In Recognition Techniques, Part 2
     with: Alam, M.S.: Improved Feature-Extraction by Use of a Joint Wavelet Tran...
     with: Asari, V.K.: Single image super-resolution in frequency domain
     with: Asari, V.K.: Video Super-Resolution by Adaptive Kernel Regression
     with: Chen, Z.K.: Locating target at high speed using image decimation decom...
     with: Diab, S.L.: Multiobject Detection of Targets with Fine Details, Scale ...
     with: Hayat, M.M.: Locating target at high speed using image decimation deco...
     with: Iftekharuddin, K.M.: Multiobject Detection of Targets with Fine Detail...
     with: Islam, M.M.: Single image super-resolution in frequency domain
     with: Islam, M.M.: Video Super-Resolution by Adaptive Kernel Regression
     with: Islam, M.N.: Single image super-resolution in frequency domain
     with: Islam, M.N.: Video Super-Resolution by Adaptive Kernel Regression
     with: Mazumder, P.: Attaining Class-Level Forgetting in Pretrained Model Usi...
     with: Singh, P.: Attaining Class-Level Forgetting in Pretrained Model Using ...
     with: Soon, B.Y.: Improved Feature-Extraction by Use of a Joint Wavelet Tran...
     with: Zhang, S.: Euclidean Distance Transform by Stack Filters
     with: Zhang, S.Q.: new impulse detector for switching median filters, A
18 for Karim, M.A.

Karim, M.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Zhang, X.: Analysis of Vegetative Cover Vulnerability in Rohingya Refu...

Karim, M.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, Y.: Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Attention Network for Early Anticipat...
     with: Li, Y.: Virtual-Reality-Based Training and Assessment System for Bridg...
     with: Qin, R.: Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Attention Network for Early Anticipa...
     with: Qin, R.: Virtual-Reality-Based Training and Assessment System for Brid...
     with: Yin, Z.Z.: Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Attention Network for Early Antici...

Karim, M.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chung, S.O.: Application of LiDAR Sensors for Crop and Working Environ...
     with: Haque, M.A.: Application of LiDAR Sensors for Crop and Working Environ...
     with: Jin, H.B.: Application of LiDAR Sensors for Crop and Working Environme...
     with: Lee, K.H.: Application of LiDAR Sensors for Crop and Working Environme...
     with: Reza, M.N.: Application of LiDAR Sensors for Crop and Working Environm...
     with: Sung, J.: Application of LiDAR Sensors for Crop and Working Environmen...

Karim, M.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chowdhury, M.M.: Multichannel Localization Method for Camouflaged Obje...
     with: Rahman, M.R.: Multichannel Localization Method for Camouflaged Object ...
     with: Sarkar, M.S.R.: Multichannel Localization Method for Camouflaged Objec...

Karim, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arafat, A.A.: Augmented Neural Fine-tuning for Efficient Backdoor Puri...
     with: Chen, C.: Free-editor: Zero-shot Text-driven 3d Scene Editing
     with: Chen, C.: Latenteditor: Text Driven Local Editing of 3d Scenes
     with: Chiu, H.P.: C-SFDA: A Curriculum Learning Aided Self-Training Framewor...
     with: Esmaeili, A.: CNLL: A Semi-supervised Approach For Continual Noisy Lab...
     with: Esmaeili, A.: RODD: A Self-Supervised Approach for Robust Out-of-Distr...
     with: Guo, Z.: Augmented Neural Fine-tuning for Efficient Backdoor Purificat...
     with: Hua, J.: Free-editor: Zero-shot Text-driven 3d Scene Editing
     with: Hua, J.: Latenteditor: Text Driven Local Editing of 3d Scenes
     with: Iqbal, H.: Free-editor: Zero-shot Text-driven 3d Scene Editing
     with: Iqbal, H.: Latenteditor: Text Driven Local Editing of 3d Scenes
     with: Khalid, U.: Augmented Neural Fine-tuning for Efficient Backdoor Purifi...
     with: Khalid, U.: CNLL: A Semi-supervised Approach For Continual Noisy Label...
     with: Khalid, U.: Free-editor: Zero-shot Text-driven 3d Scene Editing
     with: Khalid, U.: Latenteditor: Text Driven Local Editing of 3d Scenes
     with: Khalid, U.: RODD: A Self-Supervised Approach for Robust Out-of-Distrib...
     with: Mian, A.: UNICON: Combating Label Noise Through Uniform Selection and ...
     with: Mithun, N.C.: C-SFDA: A Curriculum Learning Aided Self-Training Framew...
     with: Rahnavard, N.: Augmented Neural Fine-tuning for Efficient Backdoor Pur...
     with: Rahnavard, N.: C-SFDA: A Curriculum Learning Aided Self-Training Frame...
     with: Rahnavard, N.: CNLL: A Semi-supervised Approach For Continual Noisy La...
     with: Rahnavard, N.: RODD: A Self-Supervised Approach for Robust Out-of-Dist...
     with: Rahnavard, N.: UNICON: Combating Label Noise Through Uniform Selection...
     with: Rajvanshi, A.: C-SFDA: A Curriculum Learning Aided Self-Training Frame...
     with: Rizve, M.N.: UNICON: Combating Label Noise Through Uniform Selection a...
     with: Samarasekera, S.: C-SFDA: A Curriculum Learning Aided Self-Training Fr...
     with: Shah, M.: UNICON: Combating Label Noise Through Uniform Selection and ...
     with: Tayyab, M.: Latenteditor: Text Driven Local Editing of 3d Scenes
28 for Karim, N.

Karim, N.K.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmedy, F.: Local descriptor for retinal fundus image registration
     with: Ahmedy, I.: Local descriptor for retinal fundus image registration
     with: Arof, H.: Local descriptor for retinal fundus image registration
     with: Hasikin, K.: Local descriptor for retinal fundus image registration
     with: Idris, M.Y.I.: Local descriptor for retinal fundus image registration
     with: Ramli, R.: Local descriptor for retinal fundus image registration
     with: Wahab, A.W.A.: Local descriptor for retinal fundus image registration
7 for Karim, N.K.A.

Karim, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ammar, M.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From 3D...
     with: Arujuna, A.: Are Robotic-Assisted Catheter Ablation Lesions Different ...
     with: Arujuna, A.: Automatic Segmentation of Left Atrial Scar from Delayed-E...
     with: Arujuna, A.: Mapping Contact Force during Catheter Ablation for the Tr...
     with: Ayache, N.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From 3...
     with: Aziz, S.: Left Atrial Segmentation from 3D Respiratory- and ECG-gated ...
     with: Behar, J.M.: Planning and Guidance Platform for Cardiac Resynchronizat...
     with: Bergtholdt, M.: Greedy-Based Design of Sparse Two-Stage SVMs for Fast ...
     with: Betancur, J.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From...
     with: Biswas, A.: Architecture Design for Median Filter
     with: Biswas, A.: Detection of Micro-calcification to Characterize Malignant...
     with: Brazier, A.: Automatic Segmentation of Left Atrial Scar from Delayed-E...
     with: Brost, A.: Planning and Guidance Platform for Cardiac Resynchronizatio...
     with: Bruce, N.D.B.: Distributed Iterative Gating Networks for Semantic Segm...
     with: Bruce, N.D.B.: On the Robustness of Deep Learning Models to Universal ...
     with: Bruce, N.D.B.: Recurrent Iterative Gating Networks for Semantic Segmen...
     with: Casagranda, G.: Novel Skeleton Based Quantification and 3-D Volumetric...
     with: Centonze, M.: Novel Skeleton Based Quantification and 3-D Volumetric V...
     with: Chatterjee, S.: Architecture Design for Median Filter
     with: Chatterjee, S.: Detection of Micro-calcification to Characterize Malig...
     with: Chikh, M.A.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From ...
     with: Chubb, H.: Left Atrial Segmentation from 3D Respiratory- and ECG-gated...
     with: Cooklin, M.: Are Robotic-Assisted Catheter Ablation Lesions Different ...
     with: dal Piaz, E.C.: Novel Skeleton Based Quantification and 3-D Volumetric...
     with: Daoudi, A.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From 3...
     with: del Greco, M.: Novel Skeleton Based Quantification and 3-D Volumetric ...
     with: Dillenseger, J.L.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium...
     with: Gao, G.: Mapping Contact Force during Catheter Ablation for the Treatm...
     with: Geers, A.J.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From ...
     with: Gill, J.: Are Robotic-Assisted Catheter Ablation Lesions Different fro...
     with: Gill, J.: Automatic Segmentation of Left Atrial Scar from Delayed-Enha...
     with: Gill, J.: Mapping Contact Force during Catheter Ablation for the Treat...
     with: Harrison, J.: Mapping Contact Force during Catheter Ablation for the T...
     with: Housden, R.J.: Left Atrial Segmentation from 3D Respiratory- and ECG-g...
     with: Islam, M.A.: Distributed Iterative Gating Networks for Semantic Segmen...
     with: Islam, M.A.: On the Robustness of Deep Learning Models to Universal Ad...
     with: Islam, M.A.: Recurrent Iterative Gating Networks for Semantic Segmenta...
     with: Jolly, M.P.: Planning and Guidance Platform for Cardiac Resynchronizat...
     with: Kappes, J.H.: Greedy-Based Design of Sparse Two-Stage SVMs for Fast Cl...
     with: Kelm, B.M.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From 3...
     with: Lambert, H.: Mapping Contact Force during Catheter Ablation for the Tr...
     with: Leo, G.: Mapping Contact Force during Catheter Ablation for the Treatm...
     with: Mahmoudi, S.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From...
     with: Margeta, J.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From ...
     with: Marini, M.: Novel Skeleton Based Quantification and 3-D Volumetric Vis...
     with: Mohammed, N.: On the Robustness of Deep Learning Models to Universal A...
     with: Mountney, P.: Planning and Guidance Platform for Cardiac Resynchroniza...
     with: O'Neill, M.: Are Robotic-Assisted Catheter Ablation Lesions Different ...
     with: O'Neill, M.: Automatic Segmentation of Left Atrial Scar from Delayed-E...
     with: O'Neill, M.: Left Atrial Segmentation from 3D Respiratory- and ECG-gat...
     with: O'Neill, M.: Mapping Contact Force during Catheter Ablation for the Tr...
     with: Ourselin, S.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From...
     with: Panayiotou, M.: Planning and Guidance Platform for Cardiac Resynchroni...
     with: Peters, J.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From 3...
     with: Pinto, K.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From 3D...
     with: Rahman, M.M.: Machine learning-based tri-stage classification of Alzhe...
     with: Ravanelli, D.: Novel Skeleton Based Quantification and 3-D Volumetric ...
     with: Ray, A.K.: Architecture Design for Median Filter
     with: Ray, A.K.: Detection of Micro-calcification to Characterize Malignant ...
     with: Razavi, R.: Are Robotic-Assisted Catheter Ablation Lesions Different f...
     with: Razavi, R.: Automatic Segmentation of Left Atrial Scar from Delayed-En...
     with: Razavi, R.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From 3...
     with: Razavi, R.: Left Atrial Segmentation from 3D Respiratory- and ECG-gate...
     with: Razavi, R.: Mapping Contact Force during Catheter Ablation for the Tre...
     with: Reiml, S.: Planning and Guidance Platform for Cardiac Resynchronizatio...
     with: Rhode, K.: Left Atrial Segmentation from 3D Respiratory- and ECG-gated...
     with: Rhode, K.: Novel Skeleton Based Quantification and 3-D Volumetric Visu...
     with: Rhode, K.: Planning and Guidance Platform for Cardiac Resynchronizatio...
     with: Rhode, K.S.: Are Robotic-Assisted Catheter Ablation Lesions Different ...
     with: Rhode, K.S.: Automatic Segmentation of Left Atrial Scar from Delayed-E...
     with: Rhode, K.S.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From ...
     with: Rhode, K.S.: Mapping Contact Force during Catheter Ablation for the Tr...
     with: Rinaldi, C.A.: Are Robotic-Assisted Catheter Ablation Lesions Differen...
     with: Rinaldi, C.A.: Automatic Segmentation of Left Atrial Scar from Delayed...
     with: Rinaldi, C.A.: Planning and Guidance Platform for Cardiac Resynchroniz...
     with: Rueckert, D.: Automatic Segmentation of Left Atrial Scar from Delayed-...
     with: Sandoval, Z.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From...
     with: Schaeffter, T.: Automatic Segmentation of Left Atrial Scar from Delaye...
     with: Schaeffter, T.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium Fr...
     with: Schaeffter, T.: Mapping Contact Force during Catheter Ablation for the...
     with: Schlaefer, A.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium Fro...
     with: Schnorr, C.: Greedy-Based Design of Sparse Two-Stage SVMs for Fast Cla...
     with: Shahrior, A.: Machine learning-based tri-stage classification of Alzhe...
     with: Shetty, A.: Are Robotic-Assisted Catheter Ablation Lesions Different f...
     with: Siam, M.: MED-VT: Multiscale Encoder-Decoder Video Transformer with Ap...
     with: Staab, W.: Left Atrial Segmentation from 3D Respiratory- and ECG-gated...
     with: Stender, B.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From ...
     with: Tobon Gomez, C.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium F...
     with: Toth, D.: Planning and Guidance Platform for Cardiac Resynchronization...
     with: Valentini, A.: Novel Skeleton Based Quantification and 3-D Volumetric ...
     with: Weese, J.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From 3D...
     with: Wildes, R.P.: MED-VT: Multiscale Encoder-Decoder Video Transformer wit...
     with: Zhang, L.: Planning and Guidance Platform for Cardiac Resynchronizatio...
     with: Zhao, H.: MED-VT: Multiscale Encoder-Decoder Video Transformer with Ap...
     with: Zheng, Y.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From 3D...
     with: Zuluaga, M.A.: Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium Fro...
96 for Karim, R.

Karim, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ali, N.Z.: Public bus commuter assistance through the named entity rec...
     with: Bawa, A.: Public bus commuter assistance through the named entity reco...
     with: Kazmi, S.A.: IoT-based real time clinical healthcare system for aging ...
     with: Mahmood, T.: Public bus commuter assistance through the named entity r...
     with: Memon, S.: improvement in IoT-based smart trash management system usin...
     with: Memon, S.: IoT-based real time clinical healthcare system for aging an...
     with: Mujtaba, G.: Public bus commuter assistance through the named entity r...
     with: Mustafa, H.: improvement in IoT-based smart trash management system us...
     with: Mustafa, H.: IoT-based real time clinical healthcare system for aging ...
     with: Saeed, M.I.: IoT-based real time clinical healthcare system for aging ...
     with: Shakir, M.: improvement in IoT-based smart trash management system usi...
     with: Shakir, M.: IoT-based real time clinical healthcare system for aging a...
     with: Shuib, L.: Public bus commuter assistance through the named entity rec...
     with: Ur Rehman, S.: improvement in IoT-based smart trash management system ...
14 for Karim, S.

Karim, S.A.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hussain, M.Z.: Erratum to: Visualization of Positive and Monotone Data...
     with: Hussain, M.Z.: Retracted: Visualization of Positive and Monotone Data ...

Karim, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: van Zyl, T.L.: Deep/Transfer Learning with Feature Space Ensemble Netw...

Karimaghaloo, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arbel, T.: Automatic Detection of Gadolinium-Enhancing Multiple Sclero...
     with: Arbel, T.: Temporal Hierarchical Adaptive Texture CRF for Automatic De...
     with: Arnold, D.L.: Automatic Detection of Gadolinium-Enhancing Multiple Scl...
     with: Arnold, D.L.: Temporal Hierarchical Adaptive Texture CRF for Automatic...
     with: Collins, D.L.: Automatic Detection of Gadolinium-Enhancing Multiple Sc...
     with: Collins, D.L.: Nonrigid Registration of Ultrasound and MRI Using Conte...
     with: Collins, D.L.: Temporal Hierarchical Adaptive Texture CRF for Automati...
     with: Fonov, V.S.: Nonrigid Registration of Ultrasound and MRI Using Context...
     with: Francis, S.J.: Automatic Detection of Gadolinium-Enhancing Multiple Sc...
     with: Rivaz, H.: Nonrigid Registration of Ultrasound and MRI Using Contextua...
     with: Rivaz, H.: Temporal Hierarchical Adaptive Texture CRF for Automatic De...
     with: Shah, M.: Automatic Detection of Gadolinium-Enhancing Multiple Scleros...
12 for Karimaghaloo, Z.

Karimi Ashtiani, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kuo, C.C.J.: robust technique for latent fingerprint image segmentatio...

Karimi Nejadasl, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gorte, B.G.H.: Outline Extraction of a Motorway from Helicopter Image ...
     with: Hoogendoorn, S.P.: Outline Extraction of a Motorway from Helicopter Im...

Karimi Sangchini, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arabameri, A.: Novel Credal Decision Tree-Based Ensemble Approaches fo...
     with: Bui, D.T.: Novel Credal Decision Tree-Based Ensemble Approaches for Pr...
     with: Chowdhuri, I.: Novel Credal Decision Tree-Based Ensemble Approaches fo...
     with: Lee, S.: Novel Credal Decision Tree-Based Ensemble Approaches for Pred...
     with: Pal, S.C.: Novel Credal Decision Tree-Based Ensemble Approaches for Pr...
     with: Saha, A.: Novel Credal Decision Tree-Based Ensemble Approaches for Pre...

Karimi, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Prati, A.: Adversarial Training for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis wi...
     with: Prati, A.: Improving Localization for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
     with: Prati, A.: Novel Region of Interest Extraction Layer for Instance Segm...
     with: Prati, A.: Recursively Refined R-CNN: Instance Segmentation with Self-...
     with: Prati, A.: Self-Balanced R-CNN for instance segmentation
     with: Rossi, L.: Adversarial Training for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis wi...
     with: Rossi, L.: Improving Localization for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
     with: Rossi, L.: Novel Region of Interest Extraction Layer for Instance Segm...
     with: Rossi, L.: Recursively Refined R-CNN: Instance Segmentation with Self-...
     with: Rossi, L.: Self-Balanced R-CNN for instance segmentation
10 for Karimi, A.

Karimi, A.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cook, K.: Mapping Erosion Hotspots: Coherent Change Detection in the Q...
     with: Grinham, A.: Mapping Erosion Hotspots: Coherent Change Detection in th...
     with: McDougall, K.: Mapping Erosion Hotspots: Coherent Change Detection in ...

Karimi, A.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ben Daya, I.: Spatio-temporal saliency detection using abstracted full...
     with: Chung, A.G.: Discovery Radiomics via a Mixture of Deep ConvNet Sequenc...
     with: Clausi, D.A.: Spatio-temporal saliency detection using abstracted full...
     with: Ghodsi, A.: Discovery Radiomics via a Mixture of Deep ConvNet Sequence...
     with: Haider, M.A.: Discovery Radiomics via a Mixture of Deep ConvNet Sequen...
     with: Haider, S.: Spatio-temporal saliency detection using abstracted fully-...
     with: Khalvati, F.: Discovery Radiomics via a Mixture of Deep ConvNet Sequen...
     with: Scharfenberger, C.: Spatio-temporal saliency detection using abstracte...
     with: Shafiee, M.J.: Discovery Radiomics via a Mixture of Deep ConvNet Seque...
     with: Shafiee, M.J.: Spatio-temporal saliency detection using abstracted ful...
     with: Talukdar, N.: Spatio-temporal saliency detection using abstracted full...
     with: Wong, A.: Discovery Radiomics via a Mixture of Deep ConvNet Sequencers...
     with: Wong, A.: Spatio-temporal saliency detection using abstracted fully-co...
13 for Karimi, A.H.

Karimi, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Karimi, H.A.: Method for Extracting Some Key Terrain Features from Sha...
     with: Syzdykbayev, M.: Method for Extracting Some Key Terrain Features from ...

Karimi, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dou, H.: Deep Attentive Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic Cor...
     with: Ford, N.: Angular upsampling of projection measurements in 3D computed...
     with: Gholipour, A.: Deep Attentive Convolutional Neural Network for Automat...
     with: Kabolizadeh, M.: Improved water quality mapping based on cross-fusion ...
     with: Ni, D.: Deep Attentive Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic Cort...
     with: Ortinau, C.M.: Deep Attentive Convolutional Neural Network for Automat...
     with: Ouaalam, A.: Deep Attentive Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic...
     with: Rangzan, K.: Improved water quality mapping based on cross-fusion of S...
     with: Rollins, C.K.: Deep Attentive Convolutional Neural Network for Automat...
     with: Salcudean, S.E.: Reducing the Hausdorff Distance in Medical Image Segm...
     with: Vasung, L.: Deep Attentive Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic ...
     with: Velasco Annis, C.: Deep Attentive Convolutional Neural Network for Aut...
     with: Ward, R.: Angular upsampling of projection measurements in 3D computed...
     with: Ward, R.: Interpolation of CT Projections by Exploiting Their Self-Sim...
     with: Yang, X.: Deep Attentive Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic Co...
15 for Karimi, D.

Karimi, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Delavar, M.: Space allocation of educational centers using multiplicat...
     with: Mostafavi, M.A.: Space allocation of educational centers using multipl...

Karimi, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barazzetti, L.: Applying BIM to Built Heritage with Complex Shapes: th...
     with: Oreni, D.: Applying BIM to Built Heritage with Complex Shapes: the Ice...

Karimi, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akhaee, M.A.: Steganalysis of JPEG images using enhanced neighbouring ...
     with: Shayesteh, M.G.: Steganalysis of JPEG images using enhanced neighbouri...

Karimi, H.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gharani, P.: Context-aware obstacle detection for navigation by visual...
     with: Jia, X.W.: Reconstruction of Continuous High-Resolution Sea Surface Te...
     with: Karimi, B.: Method for Extracting Some Key Terrain Features from Shade...
     with: Lu, Y.: Real-Time Sidewalk Slope Calculation through Integration of GP...
     with: Syzdykbayev, M.: Exploring Topological Information Beyond Persistent H...
     with: Syzdykbayev, M.: Method for Extracting Some Key Terrain Features from ...
     with: Wang, Y.: Reconstruction of Continuous High-Resolution Sea Surface Tem...
     with: Wheeler, B.J.: Advancing Algorithmic Adaptability in Hyperspectral Ano...
     with: Wheeler, B.J.: Enhancing Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Algorithm Com...
     with: Wheeler, B.J.: semantically driven self-supervised algorithm for detec...
10 for Karimi, H.A.

Karimi, H.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, J.: Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus Control for Mul...
     with: Gao, H.: LogDet Divergence-Based Metric Learning With Triplet Constrai...
     with: Gao, H.J.: Further results on H-inf control of switched linear time-de...
     with: Gao, Z.S.: mutual GrabCut method to solve co-segmentation, A
     with: Li, Z.: Further results on H-inf control of switched linear time-delay...
     with: Li, Z.C.: Further results on H-inf control of switched linear time-del...
     with: Liu, J.: Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus Control for Mul...
     with: Liu, M.: LogDet Divergence-Based Metric Learning With Triplet Constrai...
     with: Mei, J.: LogDet Divergence-Based Metric Learning With Triplet Constrai...
     with: Pei, Z.: mutual GrabCut method to solve co-segmentation, A
     with: Shi, P.: mutual GrabCut method to solve co-segmentation, A
     with: Yin, T.: Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus Control for Mul...
     with: Yue, D.: Event-Based Secure Leader-Following Consensus Control for Mul...
13 for Karimi, H.R.

Karimi, H.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mohammadi, K.: Rotational invariant biologically inspired object recog...

Karimi, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abed elmdoust, A.: Multi Times Images Fusion Based On Wavelet Theory
     with: Alecsandru, C.: Two-fold calibration approach for microscopic traffic ...
     with: Alesheikh, A.A.: Novel Approach to Site Selection: Collaborative Multi...
     with: Alibani, S.: Non-Iterative Subspace-Based DOA Estimation in the Presen...
     with: Aykut, T.: Delay Compensation for Actuated Stereoscopic 360 Degree Tel...
     with: Azghani, M.: Multihypothesis Compressed Video Sensing Technique
     with: Burgmair, C.: Delay Compensation for Actuated Stereoscopic 360 Degree ...
     with: Dabbaghjamanesh, M.: IoT-Enabled Operation of Multi Energy Hubs Consid...
     with: Esfandiari, M.: Non-Iterative Subspace-Based DOA Estimation in the Pre...
     with: Karimi, N.: Blind Stereo Quality Assessment Based on Learned Features ...
     with: Karimi, N.: Fast exposure fusion using exposedness function
     with: Karimi, N.: Quality assessment of retargeted images by salient region ...
     with: Kavousi Fard, A.: IoT-Enabled Operation of Multi Energy Hubs Consideri...
     with: Kazemi, B.: IoT-Enabled Operation of Multi Energy Hubs Considering Ele...
     with: Lin, W.S.: Quality assessment of retargeted images by salient region d...
     with: Marvasti, F.: Multihypothesis Compressed Video Sensing Technique
     with: Najarian, K.: Blind Stereo Quality Assessment Based on Learned Feature...
     with: Najarian, K.: Fast exposure fusion using exposedness function
     with: Najarian, K.: Quality assessment of retargeted images by salient regio...
     with: Nazari, R.: Developing Vulnerability Index to Quantify Urban Heat Isla...
     with: Nejati, M.: Blind Stereo Quality Assessment Based on Learned Features ...
     with: Nejati, M.: Fast exposure fusion using exposedness function
     with: Nejati, M.: Learning sparse feature representation for blind quality a...
     with: Rokhsari, S.: Multi Times Images Fusion Based On Wavelet Theory
     with: Sabrin, S.: Developing Vulnerability Index to Quantify Urban Heat Isla...
     with: Samani, Z.N.: Novel Approach to Site Selection: Collaborative Multi-Cr...
     with: Samavi, S.: Blind Stereo Quality Assessment Based on Learned Features ...
     with: Samavi, S.: Fast exposure fusion using exposedness function
     with: Samavi, S.: Quality assessment of retargeted images by salient region ...
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Blind Stereo Quality Assessment Based on Learned ...
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Fast exposure fusion using exposedness function
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Quality assessment of retargeted images by salien...
     with: Steinbach, E.: Delay Compensation for Actuated Stereoscopic 360 Degree...
     with: Veni, G.: Illegible Text to Readable Text: An Image-to-Image Transform...
     with: Vorobyov, S.A.: Non-Iterative Subspace-Based DOA Estimation in the Pre...
     with: Xu, J.: Delay Compensation for Actuated Stereoscopic 360 Degree Telepr...
     with: Yu, Y.: Illegible Text to Readable Text: An Image-to-Image Transformat...
37 for Karimi, M.

Karimi, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akbari, M.: Adaptive Specular Reflection Detection and Inpainting in C...
     with: Amindavar, H.: Blind single-image super resolution based on compressiv...
     with: Behnamfar, P.: Segmentation of DNA microarray images using an adaptive...
     with: Chitsaz, K.: Use of Frequency Domain for Complexity Reduction of Convo...
     with: Esfandiarpoor, R.: Low Complexity Convolutional Neural Network for Ves...
     with: Fazlali, H.R.: Vessel region detection in coronary X-ray angiograms
     with: Hajabdollahi, M.: Convolutional Neural Network Pruning Using Filter At...
     with: Hajabdollahi, M.: Low Complexity Convolutional Neural Network for Vess...
     with: Hajabdollahi, M.: Radon transform inspired method for hand gesture rec...
     with: Hajabdollahi, M.: Real-time removal of random value impulse noise in m...
     with: Hajabdollahi, M.: Use of Frequency Domain for Complexity Reduction of ...
     with: Hossein Khani, Z.: Real-time removal of random value impulse noise in ...
     with: Jafari, M.H.: Skin lesion segmentation in clinical images using deep l...
     with: Karimi, M.: Blind Stereo Quality Assessment Based on Learned Features ...
     with: Karimi, M.: Fast exposure fusion using exposedness function
     with: Karimi, M.: Quality assessment of retargeted images by salient region ...
     with: Kazeminia, S.: Bone extraction in X-ray images by analysis of line flu...
     with: Khadivi, P.: Bifurcated Autoencoder for Segmentation of Covid-19 Infec...
     with: Khadivi, P.: Use of Frequency Domain for Complexity Reduction of Convo...
     with: Khorsandi, M.A.: Radon transform inspired method for hand gesture reco...
     with: Kirlin, R.L.: Blind single-image super resolution based on compressive...
     with: Lin, W.S.: Quality assessment of retargeted images by salient region d...
     with: Mirmahboub, B.: Bone extraction in X-ray images by analysis of line fl...
     with: Mirmahboub, B.: Image retargeting using depth assisted saliency map
     with: Mirmahboub, B.: Image seam carving using depth assisted saliency map
     with: Mohaghegh, H.: Aggregation of Rich Depth-Aware Features in a Modified ...
     with: Mohaghegh, H.: Single image depth estimation using joint local-global ...
     with: Mohrekesh, M.: Adaptive Specular Reflection Detection and Inpainting i...
     with: Mousa Pasandi, M.: Convolutional Neural Network Pruning Using Filter A...
     with: Nabizadeh ShahreBabak, Z.: Bifurcated Autoencoder for Segmentation of ...
     with: Najarian, K.: Aggregation of Rich Depth-Aware Features in a Modified S...
     with: Najarian, K.: Blind Stereo Quality Assessment Based on Learned Feature...
     with: Najarian, K.: Bone extraction in X-ray images by analysis of line fluc...
     with: Najarian, K.: Boosted Dictionary Learning for Image Compression
     with: Najarian, K.: Fast exposure fusion using exposedness function
     with: Najarian, K.: Liver Segmentation in CT Images Using Three Dimensional ...
     with: Najarian, K.: Low Complexity Convolutional Neural Network for Vessel S...
     with: Najarian, K.: Quality assessment of retargeted images by salient regio...
     with: Najarian, K.: Radon transform inspired method for hand gesture recogni...
     with: Najarian, K.: Real-time removal of random value impulse noise in medic...
     with: Najarian, K.: Single image depth estimation using joint local-global f...
     with: Najarian, K.: Skin lesion segmentation in clinical images using deep l...
     with: Najarian, K.: Vessel region detection in coronary X-ray angiograms
     with: Najariani, K.: Adaptive Specular Reflection Detection and Inpainting i...
     with: Nallamothu, B.: Vessel region detection in coronary X-ray angiograms
     with: Nasr Esfahani, E.: Liver Segmentation in CT Images Using Three Dimensi...
     with: Nasr Esfahani, E.: Near-Lossless Image Compression Based on Maximizati...
     with: Nasr Esfahani, E.: Skin lesion segmentation in clinical images using d...
     with: Neekabadi, A.: Lossless Microarray Image Compression using Region Base...
     with: Nejati, M.: Blind Stereo Quality Assessment Based on Learned Features ...
     with: Nejati, M.: Boosted Dictionary Learning for Image Compression
     with: Nejati, M.: Fast exposure fusion using exposedness function
     with: Rafiei, S.: Liver Segmentation in CT Images Using Three Dimensional to...
     with: Rajabi, A.: Blind single-image super resolution based on compressive s...
     with: Razavi, S.A.: Lossless Microarray Image Compression using Region Based...
     with: Reza Soroushmeh, S.M.: Low Complexity Convolutional Neural Network for...
     with: Roosta, I.: Multifocus image fusion based on surface area analysis
     with: Roshandel, R.: Bifurcated Autoencoder for Segmentation of Covid-19 Inf...
     with: Samavi, S.: Adaptive Specular Reflection Detection and Inpainting in C...
     with: Samavi, S.: Aggregation of Rich Depth-Aware Features in a Modified Sta...
     with: Samavi, S.: Bifurcated Autoencoder for Segmentation of Covid-19 Infect...
     with: Samavi, S.: Blind Stereo Quality Assessment Based on Learned Features ...
     with: Samavi, S.: Bone extraction in X-ray images by analysis of line fluctu...
     with: Samavi, S.: Boosted Dictionary Learning for Image Compression
     with: Samavi, S.: Convolutional Neural Network Pruning Using Filter Attenuat...
     with: Samavi, S.: Fast exposure fusion using exposedness function
     with: Samavi, S.: Image retargeting using depth assisted saliency map
     with: Samavi, S.: Image seam carving using depth assisted saliency map
     with: Samavi, S.: Liver Segmentation in CT Images Using Three Dimensional to...
     with: Samavi, S.: Lossless Microarray Image Compression using Region Based P...
     with: Samavi, S.: Low Complexity Convolutional Neural Network for Vessel Seg...
     with: Samavi, S.: Multifocus image fusion based on surface area analysis
     with: Samavi, S.: Near-Lossless Image Compression Based on Maximization of R...
     with: Samavi, S.: Quality assessment of retargeted images by salient region ...
     with: Samavi, S.: Radon transform inspired method for hand gesture recognition
     with: Samavi, S.: Real-Time Processing and Compression of DNA Microarray Ima...
     with: Samavi, S.: Real-time removal of random value impulse noise in medical...
     with: Samavi, S.: Segmentation of DNA microarray images using an adaptive gr...
     with: Samavi, S.: Single image depth estimation using joint local-global fea...
     with: Samavi, S.: Skin lesion segmentation in clinical images using deep lea...
     with: Samavi, S.: Use of Frequency Domain for Complexity Reduction of Convol...
     with: Samavi, S.: Vessel region detection in coronary X-ray angiograms
     with: Shafieyan, F.: Image retargeting using depth assisted saliency map
     with: Shafieyan, F.: Image seam carving using depth assisted saliency map
     with: Shirani, S.: Convolutional Neural Network Pruning Using Filter Attenua...
     with: Shirani, S.: Image retargeting using depth assisted saliency map
     with: Shirani, S.: Image seam carving using depth assisted saliency map
     with: Shirani, S.: Lossless Microarray Image Compression using Region Based ...
     with: Shirani, S.: Multifocus image fusion based on surface area analysis
     with: Shirani, S.: Near-Lossless Image Compression Based on Maximization of ...
     with: Shirani, S.: Real-Time Processing and Compression of DNA Microarray Im...
     with: Shirani, S.: Segmentation of DNA microarray images using an adaptive g...
     with: Shirani, S.: Use of Frequency Domain for Complexity Reduction of Convo...
     with: Sinha, S.: Vessel region detection in coronary X-ray angiograms
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Adaptive Specular Reflection Detection and Inpain...
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Aggregation of Rich Depth-Aware Features in a Mod...
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Blind Stereo Quality Assessment Based on Learned ...
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Bone extraction in X-ray images by analysis of li...
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Boosted Dictionary Learning for Image Compression
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Fast exposure fusion using exposedness function
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Liver Segmentation in CT Images Using Three Dimen...
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Quality assessment of retargeted images by salien...
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Radon transform inspired method for hand gesture ...
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Real-time removal of random value impulse noise i...
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Single image depth estimation using joint local-g...
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Skin lesion segmentation in clinical images using...
     with: Soroushmehr, S.M.R.: Vessel region detection in coronary X-ray angiogr...
     with: Taban, M.R.: convex variational method for super resolution of SAR ima...
     with: Taban, M.R.: Nonparametric blind SAR image super resolution based on c...
     with: Ward, K.: Radon transform inspired method for hand gesture recognition
     with: Ward, K.: Real-time removal of random value impulse noise in medical i...
     with: Ward, K.: Skin lesion segmentation in clinical images using deep learn...
     with: Yazdekhasty, P.: Bifurcated Autoencoder for Segmentation of Covid-19 I...
     with: Zindari, A.: Bifurcated Autoencoder for Segmentation of Covid-19 Infec...
114 for Karimi, N.

Karimi, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bastiaanssen, W.G.M.: Earth Observation Based Assessment of the Water ...
     with: Bastiaanssen, W.G.M.: From Global Goals to Local Gains: A Framework fo...
     with: Blatchford, M.: Global Satellite-Based ET Products for the Local Level...
     with: Blatchford, M.: Influence of Spatial Resolution on Remote Sensing-Base...
     with: Blatchford, M.L.: From Global Goals to Local Gains: A Framework for Cr...
     with: Bongani, B.: Global Satellite-Based ET Products for the Local Level Ir...
     with: Butala, M.D.: Efficient Model Selection in Switching Linear Dynamic Sy...
     with: Butala, M.D.: Quantification of Mismatch Error in Randomly Switching L...
     with: de Fraiture, C.: Global Satellite-Based ET Products for the Local Leve...
     with: de Fraiture, C.: Mapping Agricultural Landuse Patterns from Time Serie...
     with: Duan, Z.: Earth Observation Based Assessment of the Water Production a...
     with: Kamalabadi, F.: Efficient Model Selection in Switching Linear Dynamic ...
     with: Kamalabadi, F.: Quantification of Mismatch Error in Randomly Switching...
     with: Mannaerts, C.M.: Influence of Spatial Resolution on Remote Sensing-Bas...
     with: Muthuwatte, L.: Earth Observation Based Assessment of the Water Produc...
     with: Nouri, H.: From Global Goals to Local Gains: A Framework for Crop Wate...
     with: Nouri, H.: Influence of Spatial Resolution on Remote Sensing-Based Irr...
     with: Pareeth, S.: Mapping Agricultural Landuse Patterns from Time Series of...
     with: Rebelo, L.M.: Earth Observation Based Assessment of the Water Producti...
     with: Senay, G.: Earth Observation Based Assessment of the Water Production ...
     with: Shafiei, M.: Mapping Agricultural Landuse Patterns from Time Series of...
     with: Smakhtin, V.: Earth Observation Based Assessment of the Water Producti...
     with: Weitkamp, T.: Evaluating the Effect of Training Data Size and Composit...
     with: Zeng, Y.J.: Influence of Spatial Resolution on Remote Sensing-Based Ir...
     with: Zhao, Z.Z.: Efficient Model Selection in Switching Linear Dynamic Syst...
     with: Zhao, Z.Z.: Quantification of Mismatch Error in Randomly Switching Lin...
26 for Karimi, P.

Karimi, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cosman, P.: Using segmentation in CT metal artifact reduction
     with: Hamey, L.: Modality Classification and Concept Detection in Medical Im...
     with: Ho Shon, K.: Modality Classification and Concept Detection in Medical ...
     with: Martz, H.: Using segmentation in CT metal artifact reduction
     with: Shamsollahi, M.B.: Tractable Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Latent ...
     with: Singh, S.: Modality Classification and Concept Detection in Medical Im...
     with: Wald, C.: Using segmentation in CT metal artifact reduction
7 for Karimi, S.

Karimian, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Tron, R.: Essential Matrix Estimation using Convex Relaxations in Orth...
     with: Tron, R.: Rotational Outlier Identification in Pose Graphs using Dual ...
     with: Yang, Z.Q.: Rotational Outlier Identification in Pose Graphs using Dua...

Karimian, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Faez, K.: New Efficient Stereo Line Segment Matching Algorithm Based o...
     with: Raie, A.A.: New Efficient Stereo Line Segment Matching Algorithm Based...

Karimian, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kasaei, S.: Event Detection and Summarization in Soccer Videos Using B...
     with: Tavassolipour, M.: Event Detection and Summarization in Soccer Videos ...

Karimifard, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmadian, A.: efficient method for estimating soft tissue deformation ...
     with: Farnia, P.: efficient method for estimating soft tissue deformation ba...
     with: Serej, N.D.: efficient method for estimating soft tissue deformation b...

Karimijafarbigloo, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adeli, E.: Medical Image Segmentation Review: The Success of U-Net
     with: Aghdam, E.K.: Medical Image Segmentation Review: The Success of U-Net
     with: Avval, A.H.: Medical Image Segmentation Review: The Success of U-Net
     with: Azad, R.: Medical Image Segmentation Review: The Success of U-Net
     with: Azad, R.: Self-supervised Semantic Segmentation: Consistency over Tran...
     with: Bagci, U.: Self-supervised Semantic Segmentation: Consistency over Tra...
     with: Bozorgpour, A.: Medical Image Segmentation Review: The Success of U-Net
     with: Cohen, J.P.: Medical Image Segmentation Review: The Success of U-Net
     with: Jia, Y.W.: Medical Image Segmentation Review: The Success of U-Net
     with: Kazerouni, A.: Self-supervised Semantic Segmentation: Consistency over...
     with: Merhof, D.: Medical Image Segmentation Review: The Success of U-Net
     with: Merhof, D.: Self-supervised Semantic Segmentation: Consistency over Tr...
     with: Rauland, A.: Medical Image Segmentation Review: The Success of U-Net
     with: Velichko, Y.: Self-supervised Semantic Segmentation: Consistency over ...
14 for Karimijafarbigloo, S.

Kariminejad, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Avand, M.: GIS-Based Machine Learning Algorithms for Gully Erosion Sus...
     with: Chen, W.: GIS-Based Machine Learning Algorithms for Gully Erosion Susc...
     with: Costache, R.: GIS-Based Machine Learning Algorithms for Gully Erosion ...
     with: Janizadeh, S.: GIS-Based Machine Learning Algorithms for Gully Erosion...
     with: Lei, X.X.: GIS-Based Machine Learning Algorithms for Gully Erosion Sus...
     with: Mosavi, A.: GIS-Based Machine Learning Algorithms for Gully Erosion Su...
     with: Shahabi, H.: GIS-Based Machine Learning Algorithms for Gully Erosion S...
     with: Shirzadi, A.: GIS-Based Machine Learning Algorithms for Gully Erosion ...
9 for Kariminejad, N.

Kariminezhad, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gherekhloo, S.: Optimal Power Splitting for Simultaneous Information D...
     with: Sezgin, A.: Optimal Power Splitting for Simultaneous Information Detec...

Karimipour, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alinaghi, N.: How Much Do We Learn from Addresses? On the Syntax, Sema...
     with: Esmaeili, R.: Cartographic Representation of Spatial Data Quality in V...
     with: Esmaeili, R.: Investigating The Rhythms of Human Movements in Geneva L...
     with: Forati, A.: Including Users' Semantics in Evaluating the Credibility o...
     with: Hakimpour, F.: You Describe it, I Will Name it: An Approach to Allevia...
     with: Javanmard, R.: Extracting Point of Interests From Movement Data Using ...
     with: Javanmard, R.: Investigating The Rhythms of Human Movements in Geneva ...
     with: Javidaneh, A.: How Much Do We Learn from Addresses? On the Syntax, Sem...
     with: Malek, M.R.: Including Users' Semantics in Evaluating the Credibility ...
     with: Malekzadeh, M.: Extracting Point of Interests From Movement Data Using...
     with: Malekzadeh, M.: Investigating The Rhythms of Human Movements in Geneva...
     with: Pazoky, S.H.: You Describe it, I Will Name it: An Approach to Alleviat...
     with: Soleimani, S.: Including Users' Semantics in Evaluating the Credibilit...
13 for Karimipour, F.

Karimiyan, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kashan, A.H.: efficient approach for unsupervised fuzzy clustering bas...
     with: Rezaee, B.: efficient approach for unsupervised fuzzy clustering based...

Karimkashi, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhowmik, L.M.: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamformin...
     with: Byrd, A.D.: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming a...
     with: Doviak, R.J.: Comparison of Theoretical Biases in Estimating Polarimet...
     with: Doviak, R.J.: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming...
     with: Fulton, C.: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming a...
     with: Kelly, R.: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming an...
     with: Lei, L.: Comparison of Theoretical Biases in Estimating Polarimetric P...
     with: McCord, M.: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming a...
     with: Meier, J.: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming an...
     with: Palmer, R.D.: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming...
     with: Salazar, J.L.: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamformin...
     with: Schmidt, D.: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming ...
     with: Yeary, M.: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming an...
     with: Zahrai, A.: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming a...
     with: Zhang, G.: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming an...
     with: Zhang, G.F.: Comparison of Theoretical Biases in Estimating Polarimetr...
     with: Zhang, G.F.: Optimizing Radiation Patterns of a Cylindrical Polarimetr...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming an...
     with: Zrnic, D.S.: Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased Array Radar: Beamforming ...
19 for Karimkashi, S.

Karimkeshteh, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Harloff, A.: Comparing Subjects with Reference Populations - A Visuali...
     with: Hennemuth, A.: Comparing Subjects with Reference Populations - A Visua...
     with: Jarmatz, L.: Comparing Subjects with Reference Populations - A Visuali...
     with: Kaufhold, L.: Comparing Subjects with Reference Populations - A Visual...
     with: Nordmeyer, S.: Comparing Subjects with Reference Populations - A Visua...

Karimli, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Selbesoglu, M.O.: Remote Sensing-Based Yield Estimation of Winter Whea...

Karimoddini, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gebru, B.: Online Learning Framework for Sensor Fault Diagnosis Analys...
     with: Getahun, T.: Integrated Vision-Based Perception and Control for Lane K...
     with: Gudeta, S.G.: On-the-Fly Coordination of Maneuvers for Separation Assu...
     with: Homaifar, A.: Online Learning Framework for Sensor Fault Diagnosis Ana...
     with: Islam, M.M.: Pedestrian Detection for Autonomous Cars: Inference Fusio...
     with: Lartey, B.: Online Learning Framework for Sensor Fault Diagnosis Analy...
     with: Newaz, A.A.: Pedestrian Detection for Autonomous Cars: Inference Fusio...
     with: Sarkar, M.: Online Learning Framework for Sensor Fault Diagnosis Analy...
     with: Tunstel, E.: Online Learning Framework for Sensor Fault Diagnosis Anal...
     with: Yahi, N.: On-the-Fly Coordination of Maneuvers for Separation Assuranc...
     with: Yan, X.Y.: Online Learning Framework for Sensor Fault Diagnosis Analys...
11 for Karimoddini, A.

Karimpanal, T.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Rana, S.: Fast Model-based Policy Search for Universal Policy Networks
     with: Rana, S.: Uncertainty Aware System Identification with Universal Polic...
     with: Semage, B.L.: Fast Model-based Policy Search for Universal Policy Netw...
     with: Semage, B.L.: Uncertainty Aware System Identification with Universal P...
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Fast Model-based Policy Search for Universal Policy Net...
     with: Venkatesh, S.: Uncertainty Aware System Identification with Universal ...

Karimpour, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ariannezhad, A.: Hybrid data-driven approach for truck travel time imp...
     with: Wu, Y.J.: Hybrid data-driven approach for truck travel time imputation

Karimpour, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aghababa, M.P.: Multi-source domain adaptation for image classification
     with: Saray, S.N.: Multi-source domain adaptation for image classification
     with: Tahmoresnezhad, J.: Multi-source domain adaptation for image classific...

Karimpour, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Belilovsky, E.: Simulated Annealing in Early Layers Leads to Better Ge...
     with: Chaudhary, M.: Simulated Annealing in Early Layers Leads to Better Gen...
     with: Khalid, N.M.: Simulated Annealing in Early Layers Leads to Better Gene...
     with: Mudur, S.: Simulated Annealing in Early Layers Leads to Better General...
     with: Ravanelli, M.: Simulated Annealing in Early Layers Leads to Better Gen...
     with: Sarfi, A.M.: Simulated Annealing in Early Layers Leads to Better Gener...

Karimtabar, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alipour, S.: Analysis and predicting electricity energy consumption us...
     with: Pasban, S.: Analysis and predicting electricity energy consumption usi...

Karimzadeh, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Crooks, J.L.: High-Resolution Estimation of Daily PM2.5 Levels in the ...
     with: MacEachren, A.M.: GeoAnnotator: A Collaborative Semi-Automatic Platfor...
     with: Regan, E.A.: High-Resolution Estimation of Daily PM2.5 Levels in the C...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: High-Resolution Estimation of Daily PM2.5 Levels in the Co...

Karimzadeh, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adriano, B.: Sequential SAR Coherence Method for the Monitoring of Bui...
     with: Caputo, R.: Contemporaneous Thick- and Thin-Skinned Seismotectonics in...
     with: Falco, L.: Contemporaneous Thick- and Thin-Skinned Seismotectonics in ...
     with: Fallahi, A.: Sequential SAR Coherence Method for the Monitoring of Bui...
     with: Famiglietti, N.A.: Contemporaneous Thick- and Thin-Skinned Seismotecto...
     with: Feizizadeh, B.: DEM-Based Vs30 Map and Terrain Surface Classification ...
     with: Feizizadeh, B.: Earthquake Aftermath from Very High-Resolution WorldVi...
     with: Feizizadeh, B.: What Would Happen If the M 7.3 (1721) and M 7.4 (1780)...
     with: Ge, L.L.: Spatial Prediction of Aftershocks Triggered by a Major Earth...
     with: Ghasemi, M.: What Would Happen If the M 7.3 (1721) and M 7.4 (1780) Hi...
     with: Golshadi, Z.: Contemporaneous Thick- and Thin-Skinned Seismotectonics ...
     with: Hasanlou, M.: Earthquake Damage Region Detection by Multitemporal Cohe...
     with: Karashi, J.: Sequential SAR Coherence Method for the Monitoring of Bui...
     with: Kuang, J.M.: Spatial Prediction of Aftershocks Triggered by a Major Ea...
     with: Mastuoka, M.: Building Damage Assessment Using Multisensor Dual-Polari...
     with: Matsuoka, M.: DEM-Based Vs30 Map and Terrain Surface Classification in...
     with: Matsuoka, M.: Earthquake Aftermath from Very High-Resolution WorldView...
     with: Matsuoka, M.: Earthquake Damage Region Detection by Multitemporal Cohe...
     with: Matsuoka, M.: Preliminary Damage Assessment Using Dual Path Synthetic ...
     with: Matsuoka, M.: Sequential SAR Coherence Method for the Monitoring of Bu...
     with: Matsuoka, M.: Spatial Prediction of Aftershocks Triggered by a Major E...
     with: Matsuoka, M.: What Would Happen If the M 7.3 (1721) and M 7.4 (1780) H...
     with: Memmolo, A.: Contemporaneous Thick- and Thin-Skinned Seismotectonics i...
     with: Miyajima, M.: Sequential SAR Coherence Method for the Monitoring of Bu...
     with: Omarzadeh, D.: Earthquake Aftermath from Very High-Resolution WorldVie...
     with: Seydi, S.T.: Earthquake Damage Region Detection by Multitemporal Coher...
     with: Shah Hosseini, R.: Earthquake Damage Region Detection by Multitemporal...
     with: Soltani Moghadam, S.: Contemporaneous Thick- and Thin-Skinned Seismote...
     with: Vicari, A.: Contemporaneous Thick- and Thin-Skinned Seismotectonics in...
29 for Karimzadeh, S.

Karimzadeh, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Tangestani, M.H.: Application of Worldview-3 Data in Alteration Minera...

Karina, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alexander, K.: HaGRID: HAnd Gesture Recognition Image Dataset
     with: Alexander, N.: HaGRID: HAnd Gesture Recognition Image Dataset
     with: Andrei, M.: HaGRID: HAnd Gesture Recognition Image Dataset
     with: Elizaveta, P.: Slovo: Russian Sign Language Dataset
     with: Kapitanov, A.: Slovo: Russian Sign Language Dataset
     with: Nagaev, A.: Slovo: Russian Sign Language Dataset
     with: Roman, K.: HaGRID: HAnd Gesture Recognition Image Dataset
7 for Karina, K.

Karine, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Auffret, Y.: Video Seals Recognition using Transfer Learning of Convol...
     with: Bourbia, S.: Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network for Blind Stereos...
     with: Chetouani, A.: Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network for Blind Stere...
     with: El Hassoun, M.: Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network for Blind Ster...
     with: El Hassouni, M.: novel statistical model for content-based stereo imag...
     with: El Hassouni, M.: Radar Target Recognition Using Salient Keypoint Descr...
     with: El Maliani, A.D.: novel statistical model for content-based stereo ima...
     with: Jridi, M.: Channel-spatial knowledge distillation for efficient semant...
     with: Khenchaf, A.: Radar Target Recognition Using Salient Keypoint Descript...
     with: Mulot, J.Y.: Video Seals Recognition using Transfer Learning of Convol...
     with: Napoleon, T.: Channel-spatial knowledge distillation for efficient sem...
     with: Napoleon, T.: Video Seals Recognition using Transfer Learning of Convo...
     with: Toumi, A.: Radar Target Recognition Using Salient Keypoint Descriptors...
13 for Karine, A.

Karins, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dydyk, R.: Pattern Recognition Prototyping Tool
     with: Mills, S.: Pattern Recognition Prototyping Tool

Karinthi, R.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Nau, D.: Algebraic Approach to Feature Interactions, An

Kariptas, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Errize, M.: Improving Post-Earthquake Insurance Claim Management: A No...
     with: Gungor, I.: Improving Post-Earthquake Insurance Claim Management: A No...
     with: Pittore, M.: Improving Post-Earthquake Insurance Claim Management: A N...
     with: Wieland, M.: Improving Post-Earthquake Insurance Claim Management: A N...

Kariri, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anul Haq, M.: Network optimization using defender system in cloud comp...
     with: Balamurugan, E.: Network optimization using defender system in cloud c...
     with: Kumar, A.: Network optimization using defender system in cloud computi...
     with: Mehbodniya, A.: Network optimization using defender system in cloud co...
     with: Yadav, K.: Network optimization using defender system in cloud computi...

Kariryaa, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Belongie, S.: MMEARTH: Exploring Multi-modal Pretext Tasks for Geospat...
     with: Igel, C.: MMEARTH: Exploring Multi-modal Pretext Tasks for Geospatial ...
     with: Lang, N.: MMEARTH: Exploring Multi-modal Pretext Tasks for Geospatial ...
     with: Nedungadi, V.: MMEARTH: Exploring Multi-modal Pretext Tasks for Geospa...
     with: Oehmcke, S.: MMEARTH: Exploring Multi-modal Pretext Tasks for Geospati...

Karisch, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Huerst, W.: Collaborative Feature Maps for Interactive Video Search
     with: Leibetseder, A.: Noshot Video Browser at VBS2021
     with: Muenzer, B.: Collaborative Feature Maps for Interactive Video Search
     with: Petscharnig, S.: Collaborative Feature Maps for Interactive Video Search
     with: Primus, M.J.: Collaborative Feature Maps for Interactive Video Search
     with: Schoeffmann, K.: Collaborative Feature Maps for Interactive Video Search
     with: Schoeffmann, K.: Noshot Video Browser at VBS2021
     with: Xu, Q.: Collaborative Feature Maps for Interactive Video Search
8 for Karisch, C.

Kariveda, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhattacharya, K.: Handwritten words recognition for legal amounts of b...
     with: Gupta, J.D.: Handwritten words recognition for legal amounts of bank c...
     with: Singh, S.: Handwritten words recognition for legal amounts of bank che...

Kariya, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kani, K.: Eye movement analysis system using fundus images
     with: Kawai, H.: Eye movement analysis system using fundus images
     with: Tamura, S.: Eye movement analysis system using fundus images

Kariyappa, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Prakash, A.: MAZE: Data-Free Model Stealing Attack Using Zeroth-Order ...
     with: Qureshi, M.K.: Defending Against Model Stealing Attacks With Adaptive ...
     with: Qureshi, M.K.: MAZE: Data-Free Model Stealing Attack Using Zeroth-Orde...

Kariyawasam, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahluwalia, B.S.: Deep Optical Coding Design in Computational Imaging: ...
     with: Arguello, H.: Deep Optical Coding Design in Computational Imaging: A d...
     with: Bacca, J.: Deep Optical Coding Design in Computational Imaging: A data...
     with: Edussooriya, C.U.S.: Deep Optical Coding Design in Computational Imagi...
     with: Garcia, H.: Deep Optical Coding Design in Computational Imaging: A dat...
     with: Haptuhanthri, U.: Deep Optical Coding Design in Computational Imaging:...
     with: Herath, K.: Deep Optical Coding Design in Computational Imaging: A dat...
     with: Hettiarachchi, R.: Deep Optical Coding Design in Computational Imaging...
     with: Marquez, M.: Deep Optical Coding Design in Computational Imaging: A da...
     with: So, P.: Deep Optical Coding Design in Computational Imaging: A data-dr...
     with: Vargas, E.: Deep Optical Coding Design in Computational Imaging: A dat...
     with: Wadduwage, D.N.: Deep Optical Coding Design in Computational Imaging: ...
12 for Kariyawasam, H.

Kariyawasam, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anhettigama, D.: CeyMo: See More on Roads - A Novel Benchmark Dataset ...
     with: Hemachandra, S.: CeyMo: See More on Roads - A Novel Benchmark Dataset ...
     with: Jayasekara, P.: CeyMo: See More on Roads - A Novel Benchmark Dataset f...
     with: Jayasinghe, O.: CeyMo: See More on Roads - A Novel Benchmark Dataset f...
     with: Rodrigo, R.: CeyMo: See More on Roads - A Novel Benchmark Dataset for ...

Kariyawasam, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Essa, A.: Geometry of Large Tundra Lakes Observed in Historical Maps a...
     with: Gong, M.: Geometry of Large Tundra Lakes Observed in Historical Maps a...
     with: Mander, L.: Geometry of Large Tundra Lakes Observed in Historical Maps...
     with: Sudakov, I.: Geometry of Large Tundra Lakes Observed in Historical Map...

Kariyeva, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amani, M.: Creating a Detailed Wetland Inventory with Sentinel-2 Time-...
     with: Boychuk, L.: Creating a Detailed Wetland Inventory with Sentinel-2 Tim...
     with: Brisco, B.: Comparing Deep Learning and Shallow Learning for Large-Sca...
     with: Brisco, B.: Creating a Detailed Wetland Inventory with Sentinel-2 Time...
     with: Czekajlo, A.: Creating a Detailed Wetland Inventory with Sentinel-2 Ti...
     with: de Lancey, E.R.: Creating a Detailed Wetland Inventory with Sentinel-2...
     with: DeLancey, E.R.: Comparing Deep Learning and Shallow Learning for Large...
     with: DeLancey, E.R.: Google Earth Engine, Open-Access Satellite Data, and M...
     with: Gregory, F.: Creating a Detailed Wetland Inventory with Sentinel-2 Tim...
     with: Hird, J.N.: Creating a Detailed Wetland Inventory with Sentinel-2 Time...
     with: Hird, J.N.: Google Earth Engine, Open-Access Satellite Data, and Machi...
     with: Hird, J.N.: Satellite Time Series and Google Earth Engine Democratize ...
     with: Hird, J.N.: Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring Recovery of...
     with: Mahdianpari, M.: Comparing Deep Learning and Shallow Learning for Larg...
     with: Mahoney, C.: Comparing Deep Learning and Shallow Learning for Large-Sc...
     with: McDermid, G.J.: Google Earth Engine, Open-Access Satellite Data, and M...
     with: McDermid, G.J.: Satellite Time Series and Google Earth Engine Democrat...
     with: McDermid, G.J.: Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring Recover...
     with: McIntosh, A.C.S.: Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring Recov...
     with: Montaghi, A.: Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring Recovery ...
     with: Moorman, B.J.: Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring Recovery...
     with: Nielsen, S.E.: Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Monitoring Recovery...
     with: Simms, J.F.: Comparing Deep Learning and Shallow Learning for Large-Sc...
23 for Kariyeva, J.

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