Index for gand

Gandapur, M.Q.[Maryam Qasim] * 2022: E2E-VSDL: End-to-end video surveillance-based deep learning model to detect and prevent criminal activities

Gandarilla Aizpuro, F.J.[Fabiola J.] * 2016: Analyzing Landscape Trends on Agriculture, Introduced Exotic Grasslands and Riparian Ecosystems in Arid Regions of Mexico
Includes: Gandarilla Aizpuro, F.J.[Fabiola J.] Gandarilla-Aizpuro, F.J.[Fabiola J.]

Gandelin, M. * 1988: expert system for the automatic classification and description of zooplanktons from monocular images, An

Gandelin, M.H. * 2006: new image shape analysis approach and its application to flower shape analysis, A

Gandelsman, Y.[Yosef] * 2019: Double-DIP: Unsupervised Image Decomposition via Coupled Deep-Image-Priors
* 2020: Semantic Pyramid for Image Generation
* 2021: Explaining in Style: Training a GAN to explain a classifier in StyleSpace
* 2022: Deep Saliency Prior for Reducing Visual Distraction
* 2022: On the Effectiveness of VIT Features as Local Semantic Descriptors
* 2023: Rosetta Neurons: Mining the Common Units in a Model Zoo
Includes: Gandelsman, Y.[Yosef] Gandelsman, Y.[Yossi]

Gander, H. * 1994: Laser Tracking System to Measure Position and Orientation of Robot End Effectors Under Motion, A

Gandetto, M. * 2003: Localization and classification of partially overlapped objects using self-organizing trees

Gandham, L.M.[Laxmi Manisha] * 2020: Survey on Current Heritage Structural Health Monitoring Practices Around the Globe, A

Gandhamal, A.[Akash] * 2019: Knee Articular Cartilage Segmentation from MR Images: A Review

Gandhe, S.T. * 2009: Dual Watermarking in Video Using Discrete Wavelet Transform

Gandhi, A.[Ankit] * 2013: Decomposing Bag of Words Histograms
* 2013: Detection of Cut-and-Paste in Document Images
* 2016: GeThR-Net: A Generalized Temporally Hybrid Recurrent Neural Network for Multimodal Information Fusion
* 2016: Weakly Supervised Learning of Heterogeneous Concepts in Videos
Includes: Gandhi, A.[Ankit] Gandhi, A.

Gandhi, A.S. * 2015: simple and efficient approach for medical image security using chaos on EZW, A

Gandhi, B. * 2004: Fast video shot retrieval by trace geometry matching in principal component space
* 2004: Optimal video summarization with a bit budget constraint
* 2005: Fast video shot retrieval based on trace geometry matching
* 2005: Rate-distortion optimal video summary generation
* 2006: Perceptual Feature Selection for Semantic Image Classification

Gandhi, D.[Dhiraj] * 2016: Curious Robot: Learning Visual Representations via Physical Interactions, The

Gandhi, H.K.[Harsh K.] * 2020: Image glossiness from curvelet features using SVM-based classification
* 2021: Quantifying image naturalness using differential curvelet features

Gandhi, M.[Mona] * 2022: Measuring Compositional Consistency for Video Question Answering
* 2023: @ CREPE: Can Vision-Language Foundation Models Reason Compositionally?

Gandhi, S.[Samir] * 2016: Madagascar's Mangroves: Quantifying Nation-Wide and Ecosystem Specific Dynamics, and Detailed Contemporary Mapping of Distinct Ecosystems
* 2019: Identifying Mangrove Deforestation Hotspots in South Asia, Southeast Asia and Asia-Pacific
* 2020: Scalable Detection of Offensive and Non-compliant Content / Logo in Product Images
Includes: Gandhi, S.[Samir] Gandhi, S.

Gandhi, S.I.[S. Indira] * 2020: Video stitching based on multi-view spatiotemporal feature points and grid-based matching

Gandhi, S.R.[Samir R.] * 2020: Google Earth Engine Mangrove Mapping Methodology (GEEMMM), The

Gandhi, T. * 1994: Robust Feature Selection for Object Recognition using Uncertain 2D Image Data
* 1996: Detection of Obstacles on Runway Using Ego-Motion Compensation and Tracking of Significant Features
* 1996: Structure Recognition and Information Extraction from Tabular Documents
* 2000: Application of Planar Motion Segmentation for Scene Text Extraction
* 2000: Detection of Obstacles in the Flight Path of an Aircraft
* 2000: Detection of obstacles on runways using ego-motion compensation and tracking of significant features
* 2002: Real-Time Implementation of Obstacle Detection Algorithms on a Datacube MaxPCI Architecture
* 2004: Motion based vehicle surround analysis using an omni-directional camera
* 2005: Dynamic Panoramic Surround Map: Motivation and Omni Video Based Approach
* 2005: Parametric ego-motion estimation for vehicle surround analysis using an omnidirectional camera
* 2005: Vehicle Mounted Wide FOV Stereo for Traffic and Pedestrian Detection
* 2006: Panoramic Appearance Map (PAM) for Multi-camera Based Person Re-identification
* 2006: Performance Characterization of the Dynamic Programming Obstacle Detection Algorithm
* 2006: Reconfigurable omnidirectional camera array calibration with a linear moving object
* 2006: Vehicle Surround Capture: Survey of Techniques and a Novel Omni-Video-Based Approach for Dynamic Panoramic Surround Maps
* 2007: Looking-In and Looking-Out of a Vehicle: Computer-Vision-Based Enhanced Vehicle Safety
* 2007: Pedestrian Protection Systems: Issues, Survey, and Challenges
* 2007: Person tracking and reidentification: Introducing Panoramic Appearance Map (PAM) for feature representation
* 2007: Video and Seismic Sensor-Based Structural Health Monitoring: Framework, Algorithms, and Implementation
* 2023: Efficient Medical Supply Chain Forecasting Using Time Series Analysis
Includes: Gandhi, T. Gandhi, T.[Tarak] Gandhi, T.[Tushya]
20 for Gandhi, T.

Gandhi, T.K.[Tapan K.] * 2017: Unlocking the Mechanism of Devanagari Letter Identification Using Eye Tracking
* 2018: Advanced Visibility Restoration Technique for Underwater Images, An
* 2019: Performance Evalution of 3D Keypoint Detectors and Descriptors for Plants Health Classification
* 2020: Classification of patients with tumor using MR FLAIR images
* 2020: Deep convolutional neural networks with transfer learning for automated brain image classification
* 2020: Improved Air-Light Estimation Scheme for Single Haze Images Using Color Constancy Prior, An
* 2021: BAT Optimized CNN Model Identifies Water Stress in Chickpea Plant Shoot Images
* 2021: Classification of neovascularization on retinal images using extreme learning machine
* 2021: Collaborative Human Machine Attention Module for Character Recognition
* 2021: Model-based dehazing scheme for unmanned aerial vehicle system using radiance boundary constraint and graph model, A
* 2023: Explainable few-shot learning with visual explanations on a low resource pneumonia dataset
* 2023: WMCP-EM: An integrated dehazing framework for visibility restoration in single image
Includes: Gandhi, T.K.[Tapan K.] Gandhi, T.K. Gandhi, T.K.[Tapan Kumar] Gandhi, T.K.[Tapan K]
12 for Gandhi, T.K.

Gandhi, T.L. * 1994: Automatic Jigsaw Puzzle Solver, An

Gandhi, V.[Vineet] * 2013: Detecting and Naming Actors in Movies Using Generative Appearance Models
* 2014: EEG-Based Mobile Robot Control Through an Adaptive Brain-Robot Interface
* 2017: Automatic analysis of broadcast football videos using contextual priors
* 2018: Long-Term Visual Object Tracking Benchmark
* 2020: Exploring 3 R's of Long-term Tracking: Re-detection, Recovery and Reliability
* 2020: TextureToMTF: predicting spatial frequency response in the wild
* 2023: Bringing Generalization to Deep Multi-View Pedestrian Detection
* 2024: Real Time GAZED: Online Shot Selection and Editing of Virtual Cameras from Wide-Angle Monocular Video Recordings
Includes: Gandhi, V.[Vineet] Gandhi, V.
8 for Gandhi, V.

Gandikota, K.V. * 2019: Blind Single Image Reflection Suppression for Face Images using Deep Generative Priors
* 2021: Simple Domain Shifting Network for Generating Low Quality Images, A
* 2022: Generative Model for Generic Light Field Reconstruction, A
* 2022: On Adversarial Robustness of Deep Image Deblurring
* 2022: Simple Strategy to Provable Invariance via Orbit Mapping, A
* 2023: On the unreasonable vulnerability of transformers for image restoration - and an easy fix
Includes: Gandikota, K.V. Gandikota, K.V.[Kanchana Vaishnavi]

Gandikota, R.[Rohit] * 2023: Erasing Concepts from Diffusion Models
* 2024: Unified Concept Editing in Diffusion Models

Gandikota, S. * 2017: Information Flow Settings in Building Rehabilitation

Gandini, A. * 2018: Adaptation to Flooding Events Through Vulnerability Mapping in Historic Urban Areas

Gandini, B. * 2019: Le Corbusier's Apartment-studio: 3D Model Data of Preliminary Research for the Restoration

Gandini, E.[Erio] * 2022: Monitoring of Plastic Islands in River Environment Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data
* 2023: Investigating the Backscatter of Marine Plastic Litter Using a C- and X-Band Ground Radar, during a Measurement Campaign in Deltares

Gandini, M. * 1993: VLSI implementation study of a 10 Mbit/s video decoder, A

Gandjbakhche, A. * 2000: Optical Signatures of Small, Deeply Embedded, Tumor-like Inclusions in Tissue-like Turbid Media Based on a Random-walk Theory of Photon Migration
* 2002: Hyperspectral imaging of Kaposi's Sarcoma for disease assessment and treatment monitoring

Gandji, N.P. * 2020: Tunable Ultrahigh Dielectric Constant (tuHDC) Ceramic Technique to Largely Improve RF Coil Efficiency and MR Imaging Performance

Gandler, W.R. * 1997: Evaluation of 3D Reconstruction Algorithms for a Small Animal PET Camera

Gandlin, R.[Rima] * 2012: Multigrid Narrow Band Surface Reconstruction via Level Set Functions

Gandois, L.[Laure] * 2016: Using High Spatio-Temporal Optical Remote Sensing to Monitor Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Arctic River Yenisei

Gandolfi, D.[Davide] * 2020: Real-time Cross-dataset Quality Production Assessment in Industrial Laser Cutting Machines

Gandolfi, S. * 2008: Close Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning Using a Mobile Mapping System for the High Detailed Survey of a Height Density Urban Area
* 2020: Super-Resolution of Thermal Images Using an Automatic Total Variation Based Method
* 2023: InSAR Monitoring Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) and Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) Techniques for Ground Deformation Measurement in Metropolitan Area of Concepcion, Chile
Includes: Gandolfi, S. Gandolfi, S.[Stefano]

Gandolfo, F. * 1993: Role of Vision in Two-Arms Manipulation, The
* 1993: Vision During Action
Includes: Gandolfo, F. Gandolfo, F.[Francesca]

Gandolph, D.[Dirk] * 2010: Reliability-aware cross multilateral filtering for robust disparity map refinement

Gandomi, A.H.[Amir H.] * 2017: Salp Swarm Algorithm: A bio-inspired optimizer for engineering design problems
* 2021: Human Memory Update Strategy: A Multi-Layer Template Update Mechanism for Remote Visual Monitoring
* 2022: Using genetic programming on GPS trajectories for travel mode detection

Gandomi, M.[Mostafa] * 2020: Permeable Breakwaters Performance Modeling: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Techniques

Gandomkar, Z. * 2017: iCAP: An Individualized Model Combining Gaze Parameters and Image-Based Features to Predict Radiologists Decisions While Reading Mammograms

Gandon, F.[Fabien] * 2022: Revisiting Artistic Style Transfer for Data Augmentation in A Real-Case Scenario

Gandor, F. * 2015: Photogrammetric Mission Planner for RPAS

Gandy, K.C.[Kellen C.] * 2022: Emotion Recognition and EEG Analysis Using ADMM-Based Sparse Group Lasso

Index for "g"

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